New Year's When We All Get Naked

I have to admit I am still in a very strong mood for these kind of stories and I guess the holiday spirit touched me as I wrote a reared story about what would happen if everybody who is waiting in Times Square to bring in the new year ended up being rendered naked so you have a million people in New York City suddenly stripped naked on New Year's. Again it's another one of those that require suspension of disbelief but I think that it works pretty well in all honesty, so enjoy! 

    And like usual I tried doing generous amounts of illustrations which took me a long time to do and a lot of them they still tried to put clothing on the characters no matter how many times you tell them to be naked, but you still get the basic feeling of the story so you can just picture them not having any underwear on either. I guess that AI is still a little bit prudish most of the time! But then again AI image creators are all programs with collective human knowledge of the Internet which includes our biases unfortunately.

New Year's When We All Get Naked
"You know when I agreed to go out to Times Square to ring in the new year and everything I didn't realize it was going to be so god damn cold, and that we would have to stay in this one spot all day, I haven't even left to go to the bathroom," Lydia said.
    "I told you you should have dressed more warmly," Ashley said as she adjusted her coat.
    "Well ladies if you are feeling cold you can snuggle up with me and feel nice and warm," Lyle said as Lydia and Ashley rolled their eyes. Lyle would never lose an opportunity to be around women, especially really attractive women like that, and New Year's Eve was a perfect opportunity for everybody to be together in tight quarters like that.
    "I just really wish that I could go to the damn bathroom," Lydia said as Lyle smiled and picked up a bottle. "Yeah I am not going to pee into that bottle to relieve myself."
    "I have done so two or three times already, you must have a very strong bladder," Lyle said shaking his head.
    "Well maybe I just don't want to expose myself, especially when it's freezing cold like this," Lydia said as she started rubbing herself for warmth as she continued crossing her legs. "Luckily it's almost time for the ball to drop and then maybe we can get inside and get out of the cold."
    "Okay everybody, it's almost time for the ball to drop, let's start counting down," an announcer said as everybody started eagerly looking up for the new year to begin.
    "Here's to a better year," Ashley said as she stood there shivering in the light rain and was starting to regret coming here, but at least now she was going to see the thing that she had been waiting for all day, bladder be damned.
    As everybody watched as the ball was reaching the bottom and everybody was starting to cheer about happy new year that was when all of the sudden there was a burst of light blinding everybody temporarily.
    "What the hell was that?" Ashley said rubbing her eyes and trying to get her vision back. "And did it just get colder all of the sudden?"
    "Holy shit Ashley, you are completely buck naked," Lydia said as she suddenly realized that she was naked as well and began trying to cover up.
    "Holy shit everybody here is naked," Lyle said as they looked around, and they could see lots of men and women who just a few moments ago had been tightly bundled up in their clothing for warmth, and were now really freezing their asses off because for some reason everyone had been rendered completely naked.
    "Oh dear Lord, what the hell is going on," Ashley said struggling to cover herself up but she could see that Lyle was looking at her and getting excited. "My eyes are up here!" she said pointing to her face before putting her hands down again to try and cover up her body the best she could, as now she was feeling goosebumps all over her body from the freezing cold on her naked skin.
    "I wasn't actually looking at your eyes, I don't know but there are a lot of naked people here right now," Lyle said. "This really is a very happy new year!"
    "I can't believe we're standing here naked in Times Square and everybody is looking at us," Ashley said trying her best to cover herself but she realized anyone could see her from behind.
    "Well Lydia you might as well go to the bathroom now, it's not like you are going to piss your pants or anything," Lyle said as he held up his bottle and was about to pee into it when he realized that the cold had caused parts of his anatomy to retreat into his body as he suddenly felt self-conscious.
    "Well well well, now we see what's driving a lot of your insecure masculinity," Ashley said as she gave Lyle the look down and smiled and smirked to herself and to Lydia.
    "It's cold, I'm experiencing shrinkage!" Lyle said as he tried to cover himself up as now he really was feeling genuinely self-conscious. He had just been staring down Ashley a moment ago but now he could see that she was checking him out just as well.
    "Well I'm not just going to pee in the middle of the street just because I am naked, I think that we should get inside, before more people see us," Lydia said. "I still have my dignity dammit!" Lydia could hear a couple of men whistling at her so she started flipping them off. "Same to you jerk ass!"
    The three of them could see that everybody in Times Square seemed to be completely and utterly buck naked for as far as the eye could see, and they could see that the celebrity musicians and other groups of people were already cowering for cover, they had the added humiliation of being live and on television at that moment but they realize that there were TV cameras everywhere, so they wanted to get off the streets where everybody could see them.
    As the three of them pushed their way through a crowd of naked bodies their naked flesh rubbing up against everybody else's was starting to make them feel really awkward and uncomfortable but also a little bit titillated.
    Three of them made their way into a convenience store which was likewise filled with naked people all trying to hide behind various conveniences.
    "None of you steal anything, I'm watching you," the shopkeeper said as he stood behind the counter to hide his nudity.
    "Where are we going to steal stuff, it's not like we have any pockets!" Ashley shouted.
    "Well I mean you have various orifices but you try to hide anything there I think people would definitely see," Lyle said holding up a bag of chips in front of his genitals.
    "Well I badly need a bathroom," Lydia said as she could see that there was a line of people for the bathroom, and it was weird standing in line for the bathroom with a large number of men and women who are completely buck naked. This had to be the most humiliating moment of her life, she just wanted to go find someplace to hide but it looked like most of the people in the convenience store were already struggling to cover themselves with whatever they could find.
    "If you want to cover your nudity with those you're going to have to buy them," the shopkeeper said.
    "Unfortunately I don't have my wallet," Ashley said standing behind a stack of pornographic magazines and not realizing the irony of that.
    "Hey you look like the woman on the cover of this magazine," a man said coming by as Ashley began blushing. "It looks like the carpet matches the drapes!"
    "Lord kill me now," Ashley said as she stood behind the magazine rack not wanting to pick up any of the pornographic magazines to try and hide herself.
    As the three of them looked around the store they could see that every man and woman in the store seemed to be completely naked, but most of them looked equally uncomfortable, well except for one guy.
    "This is the best freaking New Year's ever, what a great way to celebrate the new year, everybody getting naked," George said as he let it all hang out.
    "Oh my God this is mortifying," said another woman named Emily who looked like she was more embarrassed than anybody else. "And it's freaking freezing out!"
    As Ashley and Lyle looked around they had to admit they could see that everybody looked rather cold, and they had to admit to themselves as well that they were rather chilly at the moment. They wished that they could find some clothing so that they could cover themselves up.
    "So what the hell are we supposed to do, just wait here and stand around naked," Ashley said still giving her sermon from behind the magazine rack and feeling less than courageous at the moment.
    Lydia looked behind her in the bathroom line and she could see a man standing there with an erection she looked at him with disapproval. "You know that's rather rude!"
    "I can't help it, I'm staring at the backside of a beautiful naked woman, it's just what happens," the man said. "You don't think that I find this embarrassing?"
    Lydia couldn't remember the last time she felt so uncomfortable, but the thing that she was wondering is what everyone else was wondering. "What the hell rendered all of us naked?"
    "I bet it was the Russians," said one man.
    "It might have been the Chinese, they are trying to take away our dignity and blind us with nudity," a woman said as she stood there struggling to cover up her rather ample breasts.
    "Well whoever did it they are giving us a really memorable New Year's," George said as he was still strutting around as he was clearly the exhibitionist of the group, and you could see that the majority of people in the store looked less than comfortable with the fact that they were naked.
    The store was rather crowded and that was when a man came in with a bullhorn. "Attention patrons of the store, it is not safe to have this many people concentrated in one area, we are going to have to ask some of you to go outside."
    "It's freaking freezing in here, who are you a police officer?" Ashley said and she had to admit that the guy looked rather attractive now that she got a good look at his naked body.
    "My name is officer Hartman and I am a police officer, although my uniform seems to have disappeared for the moment," he said now looking and feeling kind of silly standing there with his bullhorn while everybody could stare at his naked body. "Don't worry none of you are going to get any kind of citation for public nudity, this is an unprecedented event, and I assure you that you should not panic!"
    Everybody started looking out the window where there were a bunch of naked bodies pressed up against the window, and they could see a whole lot of naked asses, many of which were less than attractive but a couple of which they all thought were rather nice.
    As Lydia finally came out of the bathroom wrapped in toilet paper people couldn't help but laugh at her.
    "You know that's not how you're supposed to use toilet paper, save some for the rest of us," the next man in line said as Lydia came out looking like a mummy but still very clearly naked.
    "Maybe we can find some stores with some clothing, we're going to freeze to death," Ashley said as they realized that they would have to leave that store at some point, but now the street was so choked with naked bodies they weren't even sure how they were supposed to get out of there.
    In fact she could see that several people in the store while completely naked were covered in little bits of confetti, which was a rather funny site now that she thought about it.
    "Well you know I think that we should just embrace it and enjoy it, we don't know how long this radius of nudity has expanded, but the only way we are going to find out is by getting out there on the streets," George said still not the least bit bothered by everybody staring at him naked, as he could see that a couple of women were looking over in his direction and smiling.
    "You know ladies I think that he actually has a point, and don't pretend you aren't staring at his junk," Lyle said with some degree of envy as he was still experiencing significant shrinkage.
    "Look everybody, this is really awkward for all of us but try to maintain some decorum and not be staring at each other's, you know naughty bits," officer Hartman said holding his bullhorn in front of his own genitals as he could see that lots of women were whistling in his direction and causing him to blush.
    Very reluctantly Lyle, Ashley and Lydia started moving towards the door, pushing their way against a bunch of naked bodies that they couldn't help but brush up against. It was a weird feeling to be pushing your way through a crowd of naked people, it was a very claustrophobic feeling.
    Lydia couldn't help but notice that people were laughing at her, as the toilet paper was not sticking to her body, so she eventually gave up and just started walking out into the streets with the rest of them. As far as they could see there were a bunch of naked people in every single direction.
    They could see a couple of men and women holding up bullhorns and shouting to everybody that they didn't know what happened, but it seemed like everybody in the general area of Times Square had had their clothing dissolved by an unknown force.
    "Let's just get out of here before we get seen by anybody," Ashley said.
    "I think that probably hundreds if not thousands of people have seen us, but seeing as everybody is naked luckily we don't stand out as much," Lyle said holding his hands in front of his genitals and trying to get them warm. "Jesus Christ I'm freezing my balls off out here!"
    "It looks like it's retreating like a frightened turtle," Ashley said and even Lydia couldn't help but burst out laughing at that comment, as Lyle began blushing and they both felt it was a personal victory that now he looked more uncomfortable than they did.
    As the people with the bullhorns advised everybody that they should go home, they said that the mayor of the city had heard of the situation and that nobody would be faulted for being naked for the rest of the evening.
    "You know it's kind of uncomfortable brushing up against lots of naked men," Lyle said.
    "It's a lot more uncomfortable when you are a woman," Ashley said. "But maybe we should just accept the situation, for whatever reason we all got naked on New Year's day, and now the best thing we can do is get home. Let's just hope that nobody is going to recognize us."
    As Ashley was saying that they could see newspaper reporters and helicopters were flying overhead obviously videotaping all of this and recording it live. As the three of them looked at the TVs in the windows of some stores down the block they could see that it was already the top news story in the country and around the world that everybody in Times Square had been rendered naked by the thousands.
    "You know there are probably about a million naked people in this small area, I wonder how the rest of the city is going to react when they see a huge crowd of naked people storming down the streets," Lyle said and as they looked out the windows of people in various buildings they could see that everybody had their camera phones out.
    "People are calling this the most live streamed thing in the history of the world, with everybody now watching the general area of Times Square as a million cold naked bodies are stumbling through the city," the news report on the television said.
    "Maybe we could get to some kind of a clothing store," Ashley said as they looked at a clothing store in the general area and they could see that all of the clothing seemed to have been vaporized there as well. "Well I guess that's out. Let's just get on the subway and try to get home as soon as possible."
    As everybody stampeded naked through the streets of the city, there was never a more claustrophobic feeling in all the world. None of them had seen that many naked bodies in their lives, and none of them thought that they ever would ever again after this.
    "You know after this I think that I don't even need to have any Internet porn," Lyle said.
    "Yeah, I think that for a lot of people we are going to be their wank material for tonight and probably for a long time into the future," Lydia said as they started to make their way away from Times Square and into the broader areas of the city where they started seeing lots of people who were fortunate enough to be well dressed and bundled up all holding up camera phones and recording and enjoying every minute of this as many people whistled and hollered and cheered as all of the naked people went by.
    "Oh dear Lord this is mortifying," Ashley said as she reluctantly waved to the people and had to admit that if she weren't the naked person in this situation she probably would find it pretty hilarious and entertaining, but she was wondering how many naked pictures and videos would be out there of her haunting the Internet for the rest of her life.
    As they pushed past all of the people whistling and hollering in the streets and laughing their asses off, they were trying desperately to make their way to the subway system, which was now crowded with a huge bunch of naked people, as some of the dressed people on the subway had their eyes growing wide as they saw this giant stampeding horde of naked bodies coming towards them.
    All of them stood there holding their hands in front of their genitals and trying their best to cover themselves, but they realized that it was kind of an effort in futility. It was funny how their natural instincts were to try and cover up, even though they knew it wasn't really doing any good, maybe it was just a natural human urge to feel uncomfortable being naked like that, especially when everyone else got to stay dressed.
    The three of them stood there with a large group of naked people trying to pretend it didn't bother them the fact that all the dressed people on the subways were getting a good view of them and that they were pretty much all holding up their camera phones, as they had no doubt that this whole incident would probably be the most recorded thing in the history of the world.
    "You know I didn't believe it when I heard it, but I guess it's true there are a million naked people probably around the city right now," said an elderly man with an evil grin on his face. "Honestly I'm afraid that this is going to give me a heart attack from all of the excitement, I lived on this earth for eight decades and I haven't seen anything this exciting and entertaining until today!"
    The three of them continued to stand there on the subway platform rubbing their naked bodies for warmth as the people who were lucky enough to be dressed were all laughing and shaking their heads and having a grand old time with it. As soon as the subway car opened they all got on board among lots of cheering and howls of laughter from a clapping audience of dressed people who happened to be on the subway. The subway was actually pretty full at the moment, so most of the naked people had to stand.
    As the three of them were standing there they saw a woman looking over in their direction with a huge smile on her face waving to them.
    "Oh my God it's Alexandra, my ex-girlfriend," Lyle said as he struggled to cover himself as best as possible as Alexandra approached dressed head to toe and wrapped in a coat.
    "Well it's a small world isn't it, you know when I heard the reports of what happened in Times Square I didn't think I actually believed it, but I'm just so glad that I happened to be in the city today, but I didn't happen to be in Times Square because I was here on an unrelated matter," Alexandra said as she looked Lyle up and down. "Well you look pretty much the same, I mean aside from the naked part."
    "Now Alexandra this is a weird situation, let's just try to be dignified and classy about this," Lyle said.
    Alexandra nodded. "You know that I would never take advantage of a person in a situation like this," she said as she looked Ashley and Lydia who looked like they were smiling now that it seemed like it was Lyle who had run into somebody that he knew. "I don't know if he told you but we broke up because I had a wardrobe malfunction and he was whistling and cheering at me, karma is a bitch isn't it? But you know what I am going to be mature about this, I mean I am going to enjoy every moment of it, but I am not going to be a total bitch about this. So are you cold in your birthday suit?"
    "Yes I am cold in my birthday suit, it's retreated into me like a frightened turtle," Lyle said cringing as Alexandra burst out laughing.
    "I'm sorry this is just this is like the greatest day of my life," Alexandra said as she put her arm around Lyle and one of her friends came over and snapped a picture as Alexandra put one arm around Lyle and put the other one up in a thumbs up with a huge smile on her face. "Now if you ever bring up the fact that you saw me suffer a wardrobe malfunction I think that this picture will be very interesting to have. But like I said I'm going to be mature about this, you probably need a place to stay for the night and I would be willing to give you a ride home."
    "Thank you Alexandra, you always were a very thoughtful and considerate individual," Lyle said as Ashley and Lydia couldn't help but smile to see Lyle so deeply humiliated like that in front of his ex-girlfriend.
    "Well it's almost our stop, luckily I live here right in the city, you live out on the island though don't you Lyle," Ashley said. "That could be quite some ride?"
    "Attention passengers, because of the high volume of people using the trains and subway we will be experiencing significant delays," the announcement said.
    "Oh darn, luckily I'm a really patient woman and I have nowhere that I have to be right now," Alexandra said still holding her arm around Lyle as Ashley and Lydia got off the subway and waved smiling to Lyle who simply stood there still trying to cover himself with his hands as they were only a few blocks away from their home and a change of clothing.
    Alexandra for her part was actually pretty mature about the situation, and as people got off the subway they were able to sit down but it felt weird to be sitting there next to his fully dressed ex-girlfriend and her fully dressed friends who were eating it up almost as much as she was.
    As they got off of the subway and started making their way to Penn station, he could see that Alexandra and her friends were enjoying the fact that they were leading a naked guy around, and that there was going to be plenty of video evidence of this, as it seemed like everybody in the station was cheering at all of the naked people and snapping pictures and videos like nobody's business.
    As they got on the train Lyle was starting to feel renewed self-consciousness over the fact that while there were plenty of naked people on the train suddenly the dressed people were now in the majority. But once again Alexandra was extremely mature about it, and although she could never take that smirk off of her face for a moment, she just sort of made small talk with Lyle as he sort of responded on autopilot, barely able to believe that he was in this extremely humiliating situation, and yet something about it was strangely titillating in its own way, and suddenly he could feel that the turtle was emerging from inside of his hiding place, which was only making him more embarrassed when everybody noticed.
    "Well it's good to see that you're having a good time as well," Alexandra said as they sat down on the train and they could see people walking by and staring at them, but once again Alexandra while she was clearly enjoying every minute of it, did not take undue advantage of the situation.
    As they got off of the train and were now back on Long Island while could see that there was a large number of people waiting outside of the train station, probably hearing the news reports about how there were going to be large numbers of naked people fleeing from Manhattan into the suburbs on the island. As Alexandra led him to her car and offered him a seat she once again smiled.
    "You know Lyle something about this experience I think has been extremely humbling for you, would you agree," Alexandra said as he simply nodded. "You know after spending this evening with you I realize you're actually a pretty fun guy to be around, I mean how many other boyfriends that I ever have did I get to walk around naked through the city with an ride the train with, we should make this like an annual tradition. So what do you say maybe we can give it another go?"
    As Lyle sat there shivering but also feeling all of the blood rushing down below, he knew that there was no way he was over going to get the upper hand over Alexandra in this relationship, that was for sure, and yet something about that gave him a warm tingly feeling all throughout his chilled body.
    "You know I think I would like that," Lyle said as Alexandra smiled, nodded and continued to drive home where he knew as soon as they got through the door that they would be having a really fun remainder of the night together, and she had already agreed to go to Times Square with him next year, so he could only hope that there would be a repeat of this incident this time next year.

    Times Square, next year.
    "A large number of people have gathered in Times Square but a much lower percentage than last year in case the mysterious phenomenon occurs, where the entire million people had been rendered completely buck naked in the greatest act of public humiliation and embarrassing nudity in the history of the world, and will it repeat this year, it only remains to be seen, but the mayor has declared if there was a repeat of last year nobody would be penalized for being naked," the announcer on the news said as everybody eagerly awaited the dropping of the ball.
    Lyle smiled as he stood there holding hands with Alexandra and thinking that any moment now she was going to be completely stripped naked, or so he could hope. As the ball finally reached zero and everybody started shouting happy new year there was that same flash of light that had happened last year, and as Lyle stood there turning around to face Alexandra he noticed something unexpected.
    Everybody started looking around and Alexandra smiled. "Wow it looks like this time only the men were stripped naked, how about that?!"
    Lyle simply smiled awkwardly as he knew it was going to be a long awkward trip home, and he knew that after this that Alexandra would be forever the one wearing the pants in this relationship.

I wrote this story on New Year's day 2025 and I always think it's crazy how people will wait around for hours and not even use the bathroom just so that they can wait around in Times Square. And it turns out that there are an average of about 1 million people who pack into Times Square to witness the dropping of the ball on New Year's. So that I just had the random and crazy thought what if everybody in Times Square was mysteriously rendered completely buck naked on New Year's like that and you had a million naked people trapped in New York City like that.
    From there the story just sort of progressed and I tried to think of exactly what the majority of people would do in a situation like that, having no explanation for why they are naked just trying to seek refuge from the outside and find anything that they can use to cover themselves up with. But eventually they just have to suck it up and pretty much find their way home, which is especially embarrassing seeing as it's the middle of winter and they are shivering and naked and all of the people that they encounter are dressed in their winter clothing just really rubbing it in the fact that they are naked more or less.
    And then maybe it's my inner feminist speaking once again, but I always find it a lot more fun to see the guys have the tables turned on them and put them in the more excruciatingly embarrassing situation, so I Ashley and Lydia Fortune aloft to live in the city and not have that far to go whereas now poor Lyle will have to ride the train home among a bunch of dressed people along with Alexandra which ends up reigniting their passion for one another.
    The ending I was sort of on the fence about how to ended as originally I was thinking maybe just ended with him getting back with Alexandra, but then I thought it would be funny if they go back next year wondering if it's going to happen again, only for it to happen again and for poor Lyle to find that Alexandra doesn't end up getting stripped naked but only he does, so although it was more of a mutual nudity story up until then it becomes more of a firmly CFNM story towards the end.
    Originally I was thinking maybe I would give some kind of explanation to why everybody was rendered naked, such as maybe some kind of radical feminist group creating a bomb that dissolves clothing, sort of like in another story I wrote about a nude bomb, and I was going to have it such that they made an announcement that they perfected the bomb from last year so that it only affects men, but then I just thought it's kind of funny if these things just remain unexplained because it just then seems like they are the cruel victims of fate and when weird stuff like this happens it's often the case that it just goes unexplained.
    Of course you do have to question the mentality of people who experience that on one New Year's and then they say next year let's go again! So I guess everybody who goes to that again is either secretly an exhibitionist or that they are brave and just hope that it won't happen again, so maybe that part requires some suspension of disbelief but again it's one of those stories with a weird speculative elements that facilitates the nudity and beyond that it doesn't really matter, what matters is what they do when they are naked.
    On a personal level though I was kind of thinking more from Lyle's perspective what it would be like to go through that situation. I haven't been in the city in nearly 20 years and I have never been in Times Square on New Year's day because that would just be kind of crazy, I think it's kind of crazy to be waiting out there all day just to see the ball drop like that, what I was thinking what exactly would happen if I did experience something like he did in the story and I was just thinking you would find yourself naked in Times Square and then you would have to walk through the city encountering all of these dressed people and then eventually have to take the subway and then eventually go all the way back home to Long Island so you would probably end up encountering like endless amounts of people while you were naked just making it like an extended walk of shame and I thought that would just be like a totally priceless situation to see anybody in.
    So yes this story involves large-scale mutual male and female nudity, naked in public, only ones naked, CFNF, CMNF, CFNM basically every variation of male and female nonmutual nudity on a very large-scale so it works really good. And once again you have to consider if this really did happen it probably would be the biggest media event of the century because you have a million naked people, that there would be so many videos of that that all of the people caught in the maelstrom would probably never live it down as those pictures would be out there of them for basically forever more or less.


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