Who Wants to See a Naked Man?

 I have written a bunch of naked stories lately but most of them have involved mutual male and female nudity or female nudity but here is one that goes firmly back to CFNM is this one's an entire story with nothing but total naked male embarrassment. It begs the question if you found yourself as part of this experiment as either the observer or the participant how would you would have reacted?

This one includes CFNM, embarrassed nude male and only one naked. 

Who Wants to See a Naked Man?
"I could really use some money, you know just some quick money, I've been unemployed for a while now and my unemployment benefits are going to run out, I wish there was just some way that I could get some quick cash, like any job," Phil said as he sent a voice message on his phone as Stacy was walking down the street.
    "Hey did you just say that you needed some quick money?" Stacy said with a smile.
    "Yeah, I would be willing to do any kind of job if the pay was right."
    "How would you like to make $500 and I only need you for like maybe an hour?"
    "$500 for an hour, that sounds pretty damn good, but there has to be some kind of catch, so what exactly do you want me to do?"
    "Look I just need you to be able to do this job for me no questions asked, part of it is that you are not going to know what exactly is coming," Stacy said.
    "This isn't anything illegal is it?"
    "No, I assure you there is nothing illegal about it at all, I just need you to sign this form saying that you legally agreed to the experiment that I want you to be partaking in," Stacy said as she handed him a contract.
    "You want me to stand around in a room naked for one hour for $500?" Phil said looking at her suspiciously as he started reading the contract.
    "Yes all you have to do is stay in this one room completely naked for $500."
    "Am I going to be alone in this room?"
    "Look I can't really explain this to you in detail, because it's part of a psychology experiment. All I can ask you is are you willing to sign this contract and stand in a room naked for $500?"
    "I don't know, this whole thing sounds extremely weird."
    "Well okay if you don't want the $500 I can find any old guy off the street, it doesn't have to be anyone particular, all I need is one man to stand naked in a room for an hour and I will give you $500, no questions asked."
    "I have to admit I suspicious as I am I really need this money, so I guess I will agree to this," Phil said as he suddenly got out his phone and started texting somebody.
    "What are you doing?"
    "I am just texting a friend that if I mysteriously disappear or something I just took your picture and sent it to them, so if I go missing people are going to be looking for you."
    "Geez, all I do is ask some guy to come in off the street and stand naked in a room for an hour and all of a sudden you get suspicious. But I understand, as a psychology student I totally understand. So do you agree then?"
    Phil looked at the paper and all that said is that he agreed to stand naked in a room for one hour for $500, so he shrugged his shoulders. "I just hope that I don't end up regretting this."
    As Stacy led Phil down the street he was starting to get nervous because this was the weirdest thing that had ever happened to him by far. It's not every day some woman comes up you on the street and offers you $500 to stand naked in a room, but then on the other hand it was quick money, so maybe it was better not to ask any kind of questions, people will agree to do a lot of weird stuff that the money is right, and maybe that was the entire purpose of the experiment, see how many people you could get to stand naked in a room for $500. Maybe he wasn't the first person that she had done this to.
    Eventually Stacy led him through the door in an alleyway and led him into a small room with what looked like glass mirrors all around.
    "Is this the room where you want me to stand around naked for an hour?" Phil said.
    "Yeah, just get in the room, strip out of your clothing and then slip your clothing out the door and you will get it back at the end of the hour. All you have to do is stand around in the room completely naked. Make yourself as comfortable as possible, all you have to do is basically stand there, or sit there, or do whatever you want to do. But you are just going to spend the entire hour naked and I will let you know when the time is up. Sounds simple enough right?"
    "I guess so," Phil said as Stacy exited the room and he slowly started undressing and eventually handed her his clothing through the door. Even though he was alone in the room something about this felt rather strange, and he had no idea what was going through Stacy's head at that moment. But she had agreed to give him $500, so for $500 he could stand around naked alone in a room since he was probably just going to waste that hour anyway and productively walking around hoping that maybe he would end up finding some kind of steady employment. But $500 for one hour's work, even if it was only a one time thing, seemed like a worthy investment of his time, however weird that job happened to be.
    Stacy meanwhile was out on the street realizing that she only had an hour to make her experiment come to fruition, so she started going up to women randomly on the street.
    "Hey would you like to see a naked guy?" Stacy said.
    "What do you mean?" a woman asked.
    "Hi my name is Stacy and I am offering you to get to see a naked man, no questions asked," Stacy said.
    "My name is Rebecca, so you basically just pulling me off of the street and saying do I want to see a naked man?"
    "That is exactly what I am offering you."
    "Is it an attractive man?"
    "Well that's a matter of personal preference and is pretty subjective, I am just asking if you want to see a naked man, just any old naked man, that's all I can tell you about it?"
    Rebecca smiled and nodded. "Hey why not, it sounds like it will be fun. Do you need any more women to come look at this naked man, because I have a whole lot of friends."
    "If they are nearby the more the merrier," Stacy said as Rebecca took out her phone as she smiled and began sending messages out to all of her friends.
    "Okay I sent it out to all of my friends in the area, where are we going to go to see this naked man," Rebecca said as Stacy led her to a room where she could see that there was a mirror and standing there was Phil standing there looking around rather nervously. "What the hell is this?"
    "That man can't see or hear you and he has no idea that you are here, but you get to look at him as much as you like for the next hour. I really do hope that you will stay for the next hour as I think it will get rather interesting."
    "Okay, well this is certainly very strange, but he's fairly attractive, but so I could stare at him for an hour I suppose," Rebecca said as she laughed and sent the address to her many friends that she had invited.
    "Okay you just stay here and sit tight, I am going to go out on the streets and see if there any more women out there who want to take up my provocative offer," Stacy said as she immediately went around on the street going up to women asking them if they wanted to see a naked man. A couple of them looked rather suspicious but she assured them that it was all legit and told them to invite as many friends as they wanted.
    As Stacy stood outside of the entrance to the place where she had Phil she found that there were all manner of women from all different ages, races and backgrounds who seemed to be intrigued at the idea of an offer of seeing a naked man for free like that.
    As Stacy filled up her auditorium room filled with a large number of women she was surprised that she managed to find that many women who just want to see a naked man off the street like that without any questions asked. But this was all part of the experiment, she wanted to see if a man would agree to get naked for $500, but she also wanted to see how many women would be interested in seeing some random naked man no question asked.
    As Phil continued standing there naked and feeling a little bit chilly, he continued to look around the room and he was wondering what exactly this was about. There were no clocks in the room but it felt like he had been there for longer than he thought he did. Unfortunately the room didn't have any points of reference, it was just him alone in that room sort of pacing about nervously and awkwardly. He didn't know why he felt so self-conscious, as the only thing that he could see was himself in the mirror, but it was a weird sensation to be naked in a room alone like that, just that sense and feeling of being naked heightened his vulnerability in a way that he had never felt before.
    Seeing as Stacy took his watch and any of his other personal effects there was no way for him to get any sense of how much time had passed. It felt like it had only been about 20 minutes but it felt more like it had already been an hour. He could only put his trust in Stacy that she wouldn't keep him longer than an hour, and he figured that maybe he would realize it was an hour up before she did, maybe that was part of her experiment.
    As Phil continued standing there all of the women were watching him from the other side of the glass and he had no idea.
    "He has no idea that we are watching him?" Estelle asked.
    Stacy shook her head. "Nope, he doesn't have the slightest clue that anybody is watching him. I guess you are basically getting to see a naked guy in his natural environment like that."
    As Phil began scratching his balls all of the women in the room started clapping and laughing and pointing at him and he hadn't the slightest clue. Strangely enough though Phil started looking around and suddenly he got self-conscious again.
    "Hey Stacy what time is it, can you hear me in here?" Phil said as he went over to the door to find that it was locked. Now he was starting to get a little bit nervous. Was it really foolish of him to trust a woman who offered him $500 to get naked? Well yes, that is sort of a weird thing to ask, but it didn't seem like she was harming him in any way, and yet he was getting increasingly paranoid by the moment.
    Phil continued pacing around as the women continued watching him.
    "He really does have a nice ass," Katie said as several of the women sitting next to her nodded.
    "He's pretty well hung as well," Jessica said as she elbowed Katie. "I'm really glad that Rebecca sent us that text message inviting us to this, as this is probably the funniest thing that we have ever done. It's not every day that some woman comes to up off of the street and asks, hey do you want to see some random naked guy like that."
    When Phil started bending over and touching his toes that was when several of the women started clapping once again it a couple began whistling and cheering.
    "Shake that ass!" Katie said as she whistled with her fingers.
    Though Phil couldn't see any of the women on the other side of the two-sided glass he found himself going up to the glass and looking around as though he thought someone was there. As he came up close enough to the glass that everyone could get a real clear view of his genitals all of the women in the audience began going wild and stomping their feet with excitement.
    Once again Phil shrugged his shoulders, as he didn't see any sign of anybody in the room, and he once again began scratching his ass and his balls as the woman continued laughing on the other side of the glass. Phil was feeling rather cold standing around naked in that room, and for some reason he almost felt like playing with himself but he still felt like he was a bit too self-conscious to do that, besides what if Stacy walked in at that very moment?
    Then again maybe he would get lucky and Stacy wouldn't even come into the room and see him naked, maybe she just wanted him in the room and that she wasn't even supposed to see him naked. He was starting to wonder what the entire purpose was of this, so he started pacing around nervously as now his mind was filling with all sorts of weird ideas that he remembered reading from psychology experiments.
    As he continued looking at his reflection in the mirrors in the room all around him, he was starting to think maybe this was an effort to try and drive him insane.
    "You know this is very entertaining but I am kind of wondering what the whole idea of this is," Katie said. "Then on the other hand who cares, this is a lot of fun, this is even more fun than a bachelorette party, and it actually is my birthday today!"
    "Oh happy birthday," said Nicole as she high-fived Katie as they continued looking at the show in front of them. "You know think the fact that this is actually a pretty ordinary guy is what makes it kind of interesting. I mean you can tell this guy doesn't look like he's a stripper or anything, and I wonder if he has any idea that we are all watching him right now?"
    "Don't worry he doesn't have the slightest clue what is going on," Stacy said as she came back into the room, which was now filled to capacity with probably dozens of women, all who are watching the show of Phil as he continued pacing around and trying to rub his naked body to try and get some kind of warmth.
    "I do feel a little bad that he is so cold but it's kind of cute watching him try to warm up," Jessica said. "So he has no idea that there are dozens of women watching him right now?"
    "Like I just said, not a clue," Stacy said as the woman continued watching and a couple of them took out little bits of food and drink and where eating and drinking as they continued watching. "He only has five minutes left but he has no idea how much time has passed because there were no clocks in the room with him."
    It was at that moment all of the sudden Phil began sneezing as all of the women began clapping and cheering.
    "You know I don't think that I have ever seen a naked guy just sneeze like that, you can see all of his muscles going into motion, it was rather interesting to watch," Ava said.
    Now Phil was starting to get really cold, so he was hoping that whatever this was it was going to be over soon enough. He still had no idea that dozens of women were watching his every move for the last hour.
    "Okay ladies, it's time to bring this part of the show over, but I'm here's hoping that Phil will agree to the second part," Stacy said as she spoke into a microphone. "Phil this is Stacy, the hour-long experiment is over but I ask you would you like to make another $500?"
    "What would I have to do for the additional $500?" Phil said.
    "I'm afraid I can't tell you that part Phil, I just have to have you agree based on what you have experienced in the first part whether you will experience the second part for an additional $500, if you agree let me know and I will put the consent form in," Stacy said over the intercom.
    Phil shrugged his shoulders. "Well I guess if all I had to do was stand around for an hour naked in this room all by myself for $500 I am sure that whatever I could do next is probably worth an additional $500."
    "Excellent," Stacy said before taking her finger off the microphone. "Now ladies when I go to get Phil to sign the consent form I don't want any of you to make any noise as that would ruin the experiment."
    Stacy put this consent form through the door and Phil signed it before handing it back to her as she closed the door. That was when Stacy went back on the intercom system. "Okay Phil now that you have signed the consent form we will proceed to phase 2 of the experiment. During the first hour of the experiment Phil was completely unaware that he was being observed, but now we will see if your behavior changes now that you know that you have an audience."
    "Wait, what?" Phil said as all of the sudden the mirrors were now filled with the faces of dozens of smiling women all cheering, laughing and smirking as Phil immediately began covering his genitals up with his hands, but as he turned around he could see that the women behind him were all looking at his ass.
    "Well I can see that still looks a little bit shocked to realize that he had an audience this entire time," Stacy said.
    This was absolutely mortifying, as Phil looked around at all of the smiling laughing women he had never felt more embarrassed in his entire life, as it seemed like Stacy had really duped him. He should have known that there was something weird about being paid $500 to stand around alone in a room full of mirrors. He thought it was some kind of experiment about the effects of isolation but now he realized it was something else entirely.
    "Don't be so embarrassed Phil, they have been watching you for the last hour, so they've seen everything," Stacy said. "It's interesting to see your response to this because during that entire time when you were naked and thought that you were alone you didn't seem the least bit bothered by the fact that you were naked. But now all of the sudden that you know that you had been observed all that time you are suddenly self-conscious."
    "You know I think I honestly knew that something was weird about this, I did feel self-conscious even when I was alone," Phil said once again still covering himself and crouching down as now he was blushing profusely. "How many women have seen me naked right now?"
    "85 women Phil, 85 women that I just took off the street asking if they wanted to see a naked guy, and I can honestly say that there were very few people who turned me down, it was a very interesting experiment," Stacy said over the intercom. "Now that you know that they are watching you it will be interesting to see if your behavior changes. Why do you seem so self-conscious all the sudden? Is it because of the fact that now you can see the looks on the faces of all the women who you didn't know were there just a moment ago?"
    "Yeah something like that," Phil said. "This is the most embarrassing moment of my life!"
    "Come on Phil, look at the looks on all of those ladies faces, don't they look like they are happy?" Stacy said. "Come on ladies, let Phil know what you think."
    As all of the women began clapping and cheering and smiling and whistling and hollering and waving to Phil he started coyly waving back, and it was true that all of the women, all of the different ages and backgrounds, all seemed to be equally enjoying his naked body on display like that.
    "Come on Phil, wave to your admiring public, blow them kisses," Stacy said and strangely enough Phil found himself doing exactly that, even though he was still trembling with embarrassment and feeling goosebumps all over his body. He had never had that many eyes upon his body before, certainly not while he was completely stark naked like that.
    So for the next hour Phil just sort of smiled and waved politely at all of the cheering women, some of whom were jumping around and giving thumbs up and sticking out their tongues and laughing and slapping their knees. Strangely enough Phil actually got used to it. He felt like an animal in the zoo, and yet all of these women, a good many of them were attractive, and they all seemed to be cheering for him, which didn't make him feel any less self-conscious, but it was actually kind of a good feeling.
    "Phil the hour is now over," Stacy said over the intercom. "There is one final part of this, and this part I will not use any deception. Would you like an additional $500? All you have to do is be willing to interact with your fellow participants in the study."
    As Phil looked around at all of the smiling faces of the women on the other side of the glass he sort of smiled awkwardly and gave a thumbs up, as all of the sudden the door opened and all of the women poured into the room.
    "But now you can see that our subject not only knows that he was being observed, now he is directly interacting with the observers, and it looks like he's getting a little bit excited by that," Stacy said as Phil began covering his genitals which were now clearly aroused.
    "Can I get some selfies over here," Katie said. "I'll give you $100 if I can take a selfie of me smacking you on the ass!"
    Phil reluctantly nodded as Katie gave him a firm slap on the ass and gave a thumbs up and was laughing. "Now this is a very happy birthday," Katie said as she high-fived a bunch of the other women.
    In fact all of the women came up to him and shook his hand and it was a really awkward moment for him as he had never been the center of attention for so many women before, but something about it actually did make him feel kind of good. He always considered himself a very ordinary guy, but now he had at least 85 women who were enjoying him enough to spend two hours watching him, and they weren't even given anything in return for that except for the pure joy of getting to see him like that.
    As Phil shook hands with all of the women and took selfies with all of them he had to admit it was a very weird sensation to be naked around so many fully dressed women, but something about it made him feel pretty good about himself, and they all seemed to have been enjoying the show.
    "Now I want you all to fill out your questionnaires, and I thank you all for participating in this experiment," Stacy said as everybody began filling out their questionnaires about what they got out of the experience and whether they enjoyed it or not.
    Although it was perhaps the most embarrassing moment of his life by far, strangely enough Phil had to admit he actually did enjoy it, and a lot of those women actually asked for his number afterwards. Stacy paid him his $1500 and said that he was welcome back for future experiments any time.
    "Well I don't know if this is what I consider my future line of employment as a regular job, but for what it was worth, thank you," Phil said as Stacy shook his hand and finally gave him his clothing back. "Can I ask you one thing though? This was an experiment right, what exactly were you trying to prove?"
    Stacy smiled. "Well I wanted to prove a couple of things. First I wanted to see how a naked man would behave first when he was in a room alone naked by himself, and strangely enough it did seem like you were little bit self-conscious, so it's like you had the feeling you were being watched. Then it was interesting to find out what you would do when you really did find out you were being watched, and then you continued to agree to the next part of the experiment in spite of the fact that you were clearly incredibly embarrassed by the whole thing. So I guess it pretty much just goes to show that when you find yourself paralyzed like a deer in the headlights like that, and you realize there is no escaping from the situation that you naturally accept it and go along with it. The other thing that I wanted to prove was that women could be just as perverted as guys, so if we put some guy on display, just an ordinary every guy on display naked like that, plenty of women will take up the opportunity to take a look, and I think that they all had a really great time. But the last thing was I just thought this was a really fun idea for an experiment, honestly this is the most fun I have had in a long time, quite frankly it was hilarious."
    "Well you sneaky little perv you, kudos, well played," Phil said as Stacy shook his hand one more time before patting him on the ass and handing him back his clothing.

    Although Phil didn't run into most of the women that were observing him after that, every so often he would see a woman look at him and smile, and he tried to remember if that was a woman that was part of the experiment. With 85 women in the crowd he didn't get a good look at all of them, and every time he was out in public now he found himself feeling strangely awkward whenever he saw a woman looking in his general direction and smiling.
    But he was able to move on with his life and that money went a long way towards helping him, and one day he was walking on the street when he saw a familiar face.
    "Stacy, how are you, long time no see," Phil said.
    "I remember the last time I saw you you were little bit underdressed," Stacy said smiling as Phil began blushing. "So what have you been up to lately?"
    Phil smiled and looked her directly in the eye. "Stacy how would you like to make $500?"
    She simply smiled awkwardly as they both began bursting out laughing.

I guess this is a little bit similar to another one that I did called Naked Bodies All around about an experiment in psychology using nudity. And a lot of my stories I am interested in the idea of the psychology behind nudity and so I do have a few stories that really play heavily upon that, and actually surprised nobody has tried an experiment like this before as it would be kind of interesting to see how it would play out. I guess the main idea of the experiment was that the guy was sort of paranoid even though he didn't realize he was being observed and then once he was being observed he just finds himself caught in the situation and sort of passively goes along with it. But it also revealed that Stacy the experimenter just thought it would be interesting to put a guy in a situation like that and see how many women would take advantage of her offer to see an ordinary naked guy off the street like that.
The direct inspiration though was something that was mentioned on the CFNM Village forum where somebody mentioned that there was this video that somebody made of having a guy or two naked and being humiliated where they had like 10 or 20 women who came in off the street just to see these guys being humiliated, and I thought that that would make for great idea for a story with a weird psychological experiment twist to it. It does kind of make you wonder how many people would agree to an experiment like that.
Honestly for $500 to stand naked in a room for an hour I would probably accept that even though it would seem like a weird thing and like my character I would probably expect ulterior motives. But much like my character if I found myself in that experiment in the second part of the experiment and realized what was going on I probably would be paralyzed with embarrassment and just sort of go along with it. I think when you're already in a situation like that and you can't escape from it you just sort of end up accepting it.
However at the end of the day I think it's another one of those CFNM stories with a concept that I love about a woman being bold about pursuing her own sexual desires even under the banner of doing it for psychological purposes so to speak, or for part of a study. But again you have to figure anyone who would think to do something like this would think you know it's going to be fun to get somebody naked like that, it's the kind of situation or study that is probably a lot of fun to participate in, and just another one of those situations where a clever woman gets a guy who is desperately in need of money to agree to something really embarrassing and awkward but in the end they all end up enjoying it so it's all in good fun. But those are my favorite kind of CFNM stories really, the ones where the women just have a lot of fun at the guys expense like that, and ones that show that women are willing to be just as perverted as guys can be sometimes but once again in a more fun kind of way.
And much like the other ones I enjoyed using AI to illustrate this one although I find that AI doesn't really do male nudity very well as it almost always ends up covering up the genitals or trying to make the man partially dressed, so I guess that double standards involving nudity extends to AI! But yeah and some of the pictures it sort of make some of the women either really scantily clad or a couple of them were topless where the idea was basically supposed to be just sort of one naked guy surrounded by lots of dressed women so the CFNM stories it doesn't really illustrate as well as the stories involving naked women. I think that the last two pictures where all of the women are sort of surrounding him and smiling and where you can only see the upper part of his body actually capture the story the best of all I think because all you can see is the smiling faces of women and the embarrassing face of the guy which I think is pretty classic honestly.


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