The Ticklish Men of Baxter University

Hello and happy new year! In this latest story I explore my other fetish for tickle torture, and this is my first real foray into that and was inspired by an idea/concept (all men super ticklish but not women) that I thought of many years ago, but the story itself only took full form when I had a conversation with someone about this on fetlife, a woman who is into tickle torturing men. Again this was an idea that has been growing in my head for maybe more than a decade and I probably will write a full-length novel on this premise someday, or an anthology of stories set in this universe, but this was really the first story I wrote about tickle torture in general. I thought I had another one but I couldn't seem to find it. 

However this story also technically is an embarrassing nudity tale as well in spite of the focus being a bit on tickling. However I think I can justifiably call this a CFNM story seeing as the second half of the story (spoiler alert) involves a fully dressed woman tickling the crap out of a naked dude and utterly humiliating him! So even if tickling is not your thing if you enjoy CFNM stories you should still be able to enjoy it on that level. So enjoy!

The Ticklish Men of Baxter University
All of the students at Baxter University looked uncomfortable that day in the auditorium as there was a mandatory assembly that was supposed to be attended by all students without exception to address the current crisis situation on the campus that had arisen. The Dean of the College, Olivia Maxwell, came out onto the stage and looked over the students. She couldn't help but notice that it seemed like they had self segregated, with the majority of men on one side of the auditorium and the majority of women on another side. She couldn't help but notice that most of the women were smiling, while the men looked more decidedly uncomfortable and nervous.
    "Let's begin the assembly as I want to make this as brief as possible," Olivia said. "By now everybody has heard the news unless you have been living under a rock. The T virus, a.k.a. the tickle virus, has been released on a large scale by the radical feminist group take back the world, and it is now believed that the vast majority of men have been infected and carry the virus. Seeing as the virus only affects the Y chromosome women are immune. This may seem like a trivial virus seeing as it's only symptom is it causes men to become uncontrollably ticklish, but is a serious issue here in the University. We have had dozens of reports already of men being brutally gang tickled by packs of sadistic women who seem to delight in watching them squirm and scream, and more embarrassingly sometimes lose control of their bowels and bladder in a public situation. You have to realize however that this is a form of assault and will not be tolerated here at the University. The fact is that men now have much more sensitive skin than women and even a mild tickling can be excruciating for the average man."
    Several of the women in the audience began laughing and snickering as the men's side of the room seemed more distinctly quiet, almost pin drop level quiet.
    "It's not funny ladies," Olivia said as she looked over the audience with a stern grimace. "Brutal tickling has caused some men to go completely insane and some have lost bladder and bowel control simply from being tickled, I hope you can realize how extremely embarrassing that must be for the men are afflicted, it's positively humiliating. Tickling seems like a trivial thing but as anyone who has been brutally tickled before knows that if you are ticklish it can be one of the most excruciating things in the world. So I am asking the women of this university to show some compassion and consideration for your male classmates, they can't help their extreme ticklishness, but you can control yourselves. Ladies keep your hands to yourselves, as I think we all know what it's like to be touched inappropriately and just how bad it can make you feel. Just because tickling can produce laughter doesn't mean that all laughter is good. That is where we are having a zero tolerance policy for anyone who tickles people against their will. This is a serious matter and several men have come forward, often very red-faced and embarrassed, to report that they had been inappropriately tickled by a bunch of cocky girls on campus."
    Cordelia couldn't help but drown out Olivia as she was blah blah blinding. All she could do was look across at the nervous looking men on the other side of the room and thought to herself that it was about time. No guy would ever assault another woman on campus again because with just a little wiggling of her fingers that would be enough to reduce the average man to a bawling load of hysterics in five seconds flat.
    She looked at her nails to realize that she had grown them longer than she had ever grown them before. Now whenever she put her hands up at guys they looked intimidated. It was really nice that she finally had the power for once, because now no guy would grope her ever again.
    "Okay ladies, so I am asking you to show some tolerance for your male classmates because sexual harassment goes both ways, and that doesn't make it all right for women to be on the giving end," Olivia said ending the assembly.
    Clark was looking over at Cordelia and he couldn't help but notice that she was looking at her long fingernails and smiling.
    "Look at the fingernails on her," said his classmate Noah. "Now that's intimidating. My girlfriend stopped cutting her nails and now all of the sudden I am kind of afraid to get close to her."
    "You guys are just being babies, it's just some tickling, it's not like these women can kill you from tickling you," Clark said shaking his head.
    "That's not true, I heard some guys have literally been tickled to death, with tickle assault being one of the fastest growing crimes in the world."
    "We are guys, we shouldn't be afraid of women just because we're a little bit ticklish and they have longer fingernails than ever before, men still run the world, and just being a little bit ticklish isn't going to change things."
    "Hello gentlemen how are you," Cordelia said looking at her long painted fingernails and smiling.
    "Oh hey Cordelia, how is it going today," Clark said suddenly feeling more awkward and uncomfortable than he did a moment ago and he felt she could sense his unease and discomfort.
    "What's the matter, you look like you are uncomfortable all the sudden," Cordelia said as she sort of subtly wiggled her fingers in his general direction and she could see how intimidated it was making the men. She could see several men making a grimace and squirming and sort of slowly and discreetly walking away from her.
    "Don't mind them, they are a little bit standoffish," Clark said, although he couldn't take his eyes off of the fact that Cordelia was still wiggling her fingers and looking at her long fingernails.
    Cordelia for her part was trying to control herself, but she couldn't help get turned on by the fact that she could see that she was clearly making all of the men uncomfortable and making them squirm. She remembered the days when things were the opposite, where she was always on the lookout for them, but after a guy had tried to assault her and she managed to tickle him into submission she knew that those days were long behind her and hopefully all women. The guy was so ashamed that he knew he would never be able to live it down if he reported her, and since he was the one starting the assault she surely would have gotten off on self-defense.
    "So Clark I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend," Cordelia said once again while looking at her long fingernails before looking at Clark and smiling.
    "You know I was probably just going to try to relax and everything," Clark said sort of nonchalantly trying not to make eye contact with her, because he knew that if he did she would sense how increasingly uncomfortable she was making him by the moment.
    "I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to do something this weekend, you know like a date?" Cordelia said, still all the while wiggling her fingers and looking at them.
    Clark had to admit that he had always been attracted to her and on a couple of occasions in the past he maybe have copped a feel inappropriately. But he didn't want to turn down the prospect of going out with a woman as attractive as she is. He knew that he would make all the other guys jealous if he was dating Cordelia. But at the same time as he looked at her wiggling her fingers in that intimidating manner she had rapidly become the master of, he was beginning to get cold feet.
    "What's the matter, I thought you always wanted to go out with me," Cordelia said with a smile, still wiggling her fingers.
    "I bet he's a scared that you're going to tickle him," Natalie said as she came by looking at her own painted nails and laughing.
    Cordelia laughed. "Is that true Clark, is the big strong man all a little afraid that I am going to maybe tickle him a little too hard."
    "Of course not," Clark said as he looked at the other men realizing that he was making himself into the alpha male at the moment by standing up for himself and not being intimidated by the ladies simply because they had excessively long fingernails.
    "So would you like to maybe go see a movie or something this weekend?"
    "Sure Cordelia, I would love to," Clark said with a smile as she smiled back. "How about I pick you up at seven?"
    "Sounds lovely," Cordelia said as she smiled and winked as the assembly let out.
    "You're really going to go on a date with that," Noah said pointing at Cordelia as she walked away. "You are braver than I am!"
    Clark laughed. "Unlike you I am not afraid of women just because they can tickle the crap out of us all the sudden. I'm not going to stop dating just because all of the sudden women have the edge just because we are a little bit ticklish."
    "It's not a little bit ticklish, good God, just running those fingers down my backside my girlfriend practically had me in tears," Noah said as he shuddered. "Although I will admit Cordelia has an amazing ass when seen from the backside like this! But don't tell my girlfriend I said that or she'll really kill me!
    "Say whatever you want about me, but don't come crying to me when you go mad from her tickling you. You know that that's what this entire thing is, she just wants to get revenge on you and tickle you as revenge for that time you harassed her."
    "I didn't harass her, I was just playfully flirting."
    "I don't think she saw it that way, she looked like she was pretty pissed off at you. And you know that a lot of girls are getting off on that all of the sudden."
    "Getting off on what?"
    "Getting off on the fact that all guys are now so ticklish than women can basically make us their bitches!"
    Clark laughed. "I am sure that Cordelia isn't some type of sadistic tickle freak who gets off on tickling men out of their minds just to get her jollies."
    "I don't know, she has pretty intimidating fingernails!"
    "Don't worry she's not going to try anything with me, if anything I am going to take charge of the situation and soon she will be putty in my hand. Just you watch, I will show her who wears the pants in this relationship!"

    That weekend Clark was rather nervous about his date with Cordelia. He didn't want to let what Noah was saying get to him, but he must have got to him a bit because the night before his date with Cordelia had a dream that he was being chased by a bunch of large pink fingernails with his name on it, literally.
    "Don't be anxious, you will show her who is the man in this relationship," Clark said as he knocked on her door.
    "Well aren't you punctual," Cordelia said as she opened the door and Clark couldn't help but notice that she was wearing an outfit with what looked like feathers all over it.
    "Hi Cordelia, that's a great and interesting looking outfit you've got there," Clark said wondering exactly what had given her the idea to wear such a unique form of clothing.
    She smiled. "I know it looks great on me doesn't it? So shall we get going?"
    Clark nodded and as they drove to the movie theater he kept looking at Cordelia, always watching carefully where her hands were. He was always relieved when he saw her hands sitting folded in her lap like that, but he couldn't help but notice how intimidating her outfit looked, seriously, who wore an outfit with feathers all over it in this day and age? Actually a lot of women were, it suddenly became the new fashion statement, and that was making him nervous that maybe she really was one of those sadistic tickle freaks. People were calling the feather outfit tickle chic, and the thought of that was already making him nervous in the pit of his stomach.
    The two of them bought their tickets and sat down in the movie theater and Clark couldn't help but notice that lots of other men there with women looked like they were being especially well behaved and quiet, whereas the women were more chatty and looking in charge of the situation.
    It couldn't just be because of the ticklishness could it, he thought to himself? In fact the entire time the movie was playing couldn't help but look at other women and occasionally hear a man screech as they moved away from their girlfriends, jumping as though in fear.
    Clark had to admit that in the case like this he would normally try to cop a feel or at least subtly put his hand on her knee or something like that, but seeing those fingernails helped to keep him in check. He wasn't about to try anything.
    Clark turned his head and began staring at the woman a few rows in front of him and that was when he felt something go down his arm causing him to shriek and causing several people to turn around and shush him.
    "What was that for?" Clark asked still feeling the tingling sensation on his flesh even though she had taken her fingers away.
    "Just wanted to make sure that you were paying attention," Cordelia said as Clark nodded and looked straightforward trying to keep his eyes on the screen. But as the female action star of the movie triumphantly defeated the bad guys and stood over them saying I'm the one in charge now, he couldn't help but think that that was true of all women everywhere, that things had definitely changed in the world and weren't going back to normal anytime soon.
    "That was a pretty great movie wasn't it," Cordelia said as they walked out. "I really like the fact that it had a strong female lead, one of those real take charge women that you don't see enough of these days."
    "I have seen a lot more of it than you would expect," Clark said realizing that maybe that wasn't the best thing to have said.
    "Is something wrong with women taking charge?"
    "No of course not, it's just that you know women are taking charge because of –"
    Cordelia smiled. "Oh I see what it is, do you think that because all men are now ticklish and that women can reduce you to tears with just a few motions of our fingers that now the world is an intimidating place and you're all afraid. Imagine that?"
    "Hey it's not like all guys were going around assaulting women nonstop all the time, I mean it happens, but this is different, this gives women sort of an unfair advantage."
    "Well considering all the unfair advantages that guys have let's just say that this makes us even. You control the world but now we can control you with a few wigglings of our fingers. Really shows just how fragile men's control of the world was in the first place. I swear you guys are such big babies."
    "Am not!" Clark said as Cordelia ran a finger down his neck causing him to screech. "Hey cut it out!"     Cordelia smiled. "Aw, what's the matter, afraid of a little bit of tickling, Coochie Coochie coo!" Cordelia began laughing. "Oh I love this new world. Anyway would you like to come back to my place for a little bit of coffee maybe?"
    Cordelia started running her long fingernails through her hair and looking at Clark with a lustful look in her eye that he found positively intimidating but as hot as hell too. Was she really propositioning him for sex all of the sudden? He certainly wasn't going to turn down the possibility for that opportunity!
    "Sure I would love to go back to your place," Clark said as they started driving towards her house and Clark could feel his heart practically beating out of his chest, as he simply couldn't take his eyes off of Cordelia's fingers. Although they were placed carefully in her lap he couldn't help but wonder what she was planning on doing with those fingers once they got back to her place. For a moment he almost considered saying that he had a headache and that maybe she could give him a rain check, but he knew if he did that it would be the same as walking home with his balls between his legs in failure, with her in resounding triumph.
    "Well here we are," Cordelia said as they entered her apartment building. "Why don't you get undressed Clark, make yourself nice and comfortable."
    "You want me to get undressed?" Clark asked as he could feel beads of sweat appearing on his body.
    "Of course, unless there is some reason why you don't want to get undressed," Cordelia said once again looking at her fingernails.
    Clark shook his head and very slowly started getting undressed. Once he had gotten completely naked he suddenly felt himself more intimidated once again, all that naked exposed flesh open to the possibility of assault by Cordelia's extraordinarily long fingernails.
    "Are you going to get undressed as well?" Clark finally asked.
    Cordelia smiled. "Not just yet, in fact first I thought maybe we would play a game."
    Clark swallowed deeply. "What kind of a game?"
    "A game I like to call endurance. I'm the kind of girl who only likes to make love to a really strong man who is in total control of himself. I also like a lot of foreplay, I mean like a real lot!"
    "A lot of foreplay?" Clark said as he could practically feel his heart ripping out of his chest.
    Cordelia nodded. "Yes tons and tons of foreplay, lots of touching of naked bodies, lots of caressing."
    "Caressing," Clark said as he swallowed deeply.
    "Yes just a lovely feeling of fingernails on flesh," she said as she approached him and ran her fingernail down his sides causing him to screech like a maniac and practically fall over. She then started tickling his sides again until he fell over onto her bed and suddenly she was on top of him, still dressed with her feather outfit rubbing against his naked body, and making him squirm like crazy. "Don't try to resist Clark, you know you can't escape!"
    "Cordelia maybe this was a mistake," Clark said as she started tickling him again causing him to start practically throwing her off of him as he burst out laughing.
    "I don't think so," Cordelia said pinning him to the bed as she began tickling his sides and chest as he howled with laughter, and within just a few seconds it seemed blew his load all over her. "Wow, I guess you guys are really sensitive! That will just make it more fun for me!"
    "Cordelia wait!" Clark shouted, but before he could resist any further Cordelia had turned him over on his stomach and was now sitting on his back where she managed to start grabbing his feet and tickling them mercilessly as he dug his fingernails into her bed and started screaming at the top of his lungs.
    "Oh my God this sounds positively torturous for you!" she said as she laughed and continued tickling his feet.
    "Cordelia please, I am going to wet myself," Clark said as he buried his face in her pillow and grabbed it with all of his might, practically ready to tear it apart to try and control himself from not going crazy at the feeling of her fingers on the soles of his feet.
    Cordelia laughed again. "That's okay, accidents happen!"
    "Oh my God I don't think I could possibly find this any worse!" Clark said as he bit down tightly on the pillow and dug his hands and fingernails into her mattress as he screamed at the top of his lungs.
    "I don't know, that depends, is your ass ticklish," Cordelia said as she started running her fingers up and down his butt cheeks causing him to let out an ear piercing shriek as she could feel the bed growing wet underneath her. "Well I guess that answers that! Time to tickle that tushie!"
    What followed was an unimaginably brutal assault on Clark's buttocks by Cordelia's fingers. He tried to break free but she had him totally overpowered, so all he could do was sit there and take it. His eyes started filling with tears as he began sobbing hysterically, hardly able to breathe, as he continued to be assaulted all over his body by Cordelia's fingernails of doom.
    "Cordelia please, I can't breathe," Clark shouted struggling to catch his breath as he screeched like a banshee.
    "Not my problem!" she said as she once again renewed assaulting him with her fingernails.
    Clark never felt such an intense sensation over his skin in his life, in fact he didn't even know it was physically possible to feel stimulation in every inch of his body, in places that he hadn't known even existed or had any feeling until Cordelia managed to find them with her fingernails, which explored every inch of his naked and exposed body in the most intimate of details.
    Clark laid there on the bed as he continued to be tickled by Cordelia and time lost all meaning. Was it a couple of minutes was it hours or days, he couldn't even think clearly, he couldn't fight back at all, he was completely helpless so he just sat there and took everything that Cordelia threw at him.
    Finally it seemed to be over. Clark still had no sense of time, his sense of time started slowly returning, but he felt his whole body wet with sweat, urine and other bodily fluids as he felt completely drained and barely able to move. He had never remembered the last time he felt so exhausted. In fact even thought that he must have passed out during it at some point, everything was sort of a blur to him.
    "I've got to hand it to you Clark, you had greater endurance than I ever really thought possible," Cordelia said. "I hope this taught you a lesson and I hope that you enjoyed it."
    "So can we have sex now," Clark finally said breathing heavily and trying to regain his breathing rhythm.
    Cordelia laughed "I think that we did was way more intense than the most intense sex ever, I must have orgasmed like 1 million times while I was digging my fingernails into your buttocks and could feel your body vibrating between my legs. I have never felt such a rush in my life. So how did it feel for you?"
    "I can't complain," Clark said before closing his eyes and falling asleep. He slept like a baby. When he woke up he could see that Cordelia looked equally exhausted, and at no point did she ever take her clothing off during that entire time. Clark could still feel the sensation of feathers rustling up against his naked body just from looking at her, and he figured he had better make his escape while he could before she decided that she wanted to go for another round.

    "So how was your date this weekend?" Noah asked.
    As Clark looked over in the distance to see Cordelia waving at him and wiggling her fingers he simply shrugged his shoulders. "You know Noah, I have to say honestly I feel that the world has changed in a major way, I can't say how exactly, but whatever it is we had better get used to it."
    And as Clark continued looking at Cordelia wiggling her fingers and smiling evilly as the other women in her usual entourage gathered around her also grabbed their bellies and began laughing as they started wiggling their fingers, he knew that he would be looking forward to getting used to it for a very long time to come.



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