The Naked Book Sale

 I guess I am still in a mood for all of these naked stories lately so here is yet another one offering free stuff in exchange for getting naked! As a person who is naturally a nerd this one takes place in a bookstore with a bunch of sci-fi nerds.

This one includes mutual male and female nudity, naked in public and only ones naked I suppose, even though I think a majority of people in the story were technically naked!

The Naked Book Sale
"I don't really have that much money to spend on books," William said as he looked over all of the books that he wanted to purchase. "I really do have to cut back I think."
    "Hey here's something that you might enjoy," Fred said as he pointed to a sign in a window of the bookstore.
    "Naked book day," William said as he began reading. "Come in naked and you can walk out with one free book of your choosing, one day only promotion. Well that's the craziest thing I have ever heard, they will give you free books if you come into the store naked. This has to be some kind of a joke."
    "Hey my friend here is wondering if he will get a free book if he comes here buck naked," Fred said as he went up to the lady at the front of the bookstore by the cash register.
    "Dude," William said blushing as the attractive owner of the bookstore sort of smiled at him.
    "Yes that's true, if you come in naked you will be able to walk out of here with one book of your choosing, just one per customer though," she said. "We like to promote the idea of if people can shed their inhibitions they can embrace their love for literature. You know there were many authors who actually wrote their great works naked, and we thought that this would be a great way of promoting the idea of a naturalist lifestyle."
    "Do we have to be completely naked?" William asked finding a little bit hard for him to make eye contact with the cashier, as the thought of her picturing him naked was a little bit too much for him to take.
    "Well you can wear shoes and glasses, but yes you have to be completely naked for the most part," she said. "It wouldn't be in the spirit of free naked book day if you came fully dressed now would it?"
    "Don't worry, he'll be there," Fred said smiling.
    "You know I'll think about it, I think I might have a doctor's appointment that day," William said as he started running out of the bookstore along with Fred.
    "Dude what's wrong?" Fred asked.
    "Dude you are basically talking about me being naked in front of that attractive bookstore cashier, did you see the way she was looking at me?"
    "Yeah she was totally checking you out, and I am sure that if you show up naked that she will probably be very happy to see you."
    "I'm not going to go to a book store completely naked, are you insane?!"
    "I don't see what the big deal is, it's just a little bit of nudity, you might see some attractive naked women as well."
    "Yeah but then I would have to be naked as well!"
    "I really think that you need to get out more, you spend all your days just reading and browsing the Internet, you have almost no real life contact with people, let alone naked people. Have you even seen a woman naked before? And by that I don't mean on the Internet."
    "Well look, I just have some social anxiety is all, and social anxiety is not going to be helped by being completely naked!"
    "Whatever dude, I'm just saying that I think it would be a good opportunity for you to get out and go mingle with some fellow naked book lovers."
    "You know I think that most people who like readings like solitary activities, quiet and privacy, I don't really think that a large number of people are going to show up naked to the bookstore like that, do you?"
    "Yeah but doesn't reading books make you want to be more open minded and experience more from life? I mean if books are supposed to make you challenge your preconceptions shouldn't they be challenging your inhibitions as well? Honestly that's pretty much the whole idea that she was getting at through that promotion I think, don't you?"
    "It's just I am not used to being out in public, and certainly not used to being naked in public."
    "Well it's probably meant to promote the relaxing of public nudity laws. But I can't force you to do it, I am just saying that you should really consider it, if you really want to get that book for free you have to ask yourself is it worth stripping down to nothing?"
    Fred gave William a lot to think about but he couldn't picture any universe in which he would walk into that book store completely naked. What if he ran into somebody that he knew?
    A short while later as William was departing the bookstore that's when Angela and her friend Maxine arrived at the bookstore.
    "Hey Angela, here is something that seems like it would be right up your alley," Maxine said as she pointed to the sign about naked book day. "You can get a free book and all you have to do is show up completely buck naked."
    "No way, it doesn't say that, does it?" Angela said as she started reading. "Holy crap you are right, it does say that you can get a free book if you show up naked. That has to be the craziest thing that I have ever heard."
    "Are you going to let it all hang loose?"
    "I don't know, getting naked in public, that's a bit much don't you think?"
    "Come on Angela, aren't you always saying that you should be open minded and not hold back from experiencing all that life has to offer. How much can you know about yourself if you've never gone into a bookstore naked?"
    "What if I just came in my underpants?"
    "It says that shoes and glasses are fine but everything else has to go," Maxine said smiling. "Sounds kind of kinky!"
    "You know I'm open minded but I think that this is a little bit much for me, I mean naked in public, everyone will be staring at me."
    "Well aren't you narcissistic all the sudden, thinking that if you strip naked that all eyes will be on you. There will probably be an entire bookstore full of lots of naked men and women, who knows maybe will actually meet a boyfriend. Have you even seen a guy naked? And I am not talking about on the Internet, because I know you spend all day on the Internet, and don't even lie and tell me that you don't double-click your mouse every once in a while, if you know what I mean."
    "Look, looking at naked people from the comfort of your own home and from the privacy of your computer while fully dressed is one thing, but getting naked in public with a bunch of other naked people, I mean I think that that's just too much."
    "Well aren't you saying that you've been spending too much money on books lately, well now you can get a free book. Personally I think it's kind of a cool promotion, you get all of these socially awkward nerdy bookworms types to suddenly start stripping naked, it would be really interesting to see."
    "But that's exactly why I don't want to show up to the bookstore completely naked!"
    Maxine shook her head and put her hands behind her head and thrust her rather ample bosom forward. "You know I always say when you've got it flaunt it, but that's just me."
    Maxine and Angela continued looking around the bookstore for a little while but Angela didn't really want to spend any money, as she was trying to save her money. But the prospect of a free book was rather enticing, however the idea of walking into a bookstore completely buck naked was a bit frightening.
    Although they didn't know it, both William and Angela were on the same webpage looking at the page for the bookstore promoting naked book day. They kept staring at it and thinking about what it would mean to go to a bookstore naked like that. Maybe their friends were right, maybe they were both too uptight, and the thought of seeing all those other naked people was rather exciting, but then on the other hand…
    "No way!" they both said closing their laptops in their respective homes and going to sleep.
    That night the anxiety of thinking about the naked trip to the bookstore caused them both to have dreams where they were naked in the bookstore, and they both woke up with their heart racing and thinking that it would be a little bit titillating to do something like that, but it would be really out of character of the both of them to do that.
    "Maybe if I just ran into the bookstore really quick," William said as he walked down the street from where the book sale was, and he could see it looked like the store was rather crowded, and that started to make him feel intimidated.
    "Maybe if I just strip naked and grabbed a book and got out of there, I can get out of there before anybody sees me and then get dressed again," Angela said on the other side of the street. "You know what I'm going to do it, I will just strip down naked, leave my clothing here on the side of the street, and I will run right back out."
    Angela took a couple of deep breaths as she slowly started sliding out of her clothing before doing it really rapidly and leaving her clothing on the side of the road. She figured nobody would perturb her clothing if she just ran right in and right out, with all the other naked people and there probably nobody would even take any notice of her. After doing a few more breathing exercises she quickly ran through the door of the bookstore and tried not to stare. She could see that there were several men in the bookstore letting it all hang out, as well as several women doing likewise. In fact it was rather crowded, and she felt a little bit intimidated being there with so many other naked people.
    William for his part was waiting outside of the store, and as soon as he saw that nobody was coming he quickly stripped out of his clothing and threw them on the side of the street, and he couldn't help but notice that some woman had left her clothing sitting on the side of the street. He was wondering who it belonged to but he was hoping that he would never have to find out, so he simply threw his clothing down next to the woman's clothing and ran in through the door.
    "So glad to see that you could make it," the cashier said smiling at him as he immediately covered up and started awkwardly nodding and waving to her and looking around the bookstore. He couldn't help but notice that there were several rather attractive naked women walking around and looking not that uncomfortable being naked. He was trying best not to stare, because he was feeling all of the blood rushing to a certain area of his anatomy. The truth was this was the first time he had ever been around naked people outside of a gym locker room, and even in the gym he would usually keep his boxer shorts on.
    He was never asthmatic but right now he felt like he needed an inhaler. He didn't want to spend any more time in that bookstore than he needed to he probably should have looked around the bookstore more closely yesterday and decided exactly what he wanted to get before getting out of there. But that was when he saw it, it was the very book that his science fiction collection needed to be fully complete, Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein.
    As William reached out to grasp the book that was when he bumped hands with another person, and he turned around and there was Angela.
    "William is that you," Angela said as she immediately grabbed the book and put it in front of her genital region and began blushing profusely.
    "Angela," William said as he grabbed the book and placed it in front of his genitals and likewise began blushing profusely. "What are you doing here?"
    "William this is a side of you I have never seen before," Angela said now feeling goosebumps appearing all over her body now that she had ran into somebody that she recognized.
    "I could say the same thing about you," William said and he was trying with all of his might to focus his attention because he could feel all the blood once again rushing to his lower anatomy. Angela was a woman that he had seen numerous times, and always wanted to ask out, but was always too shy.
    "Well you know I just thought I was going out today, so why don't I just get completely naked and come into the bookstore," Angela said smiling awkwardly as William did likewise. "So what book do you have there?"
    "You know I was just reading up on," William said looking down at the book that he was using to conceal his genitals.
    "The first book you could grab so that you can hide the fact that you are obviously very excited to see me," Angela said, once again trying hard to make eye contact with him, as he was trying hard to do likewise, but this was an extremely awkward situation. "Which just happens to be a book about naked females in art."
    "Well I –" William began saying once again realizing that he was struggling with all of his might not to make it obvious that this whole situation was turning him on.
    "No there's nothing wrong with it, I like looking at naked pictures of people too, you know in art and everything," Angela said pressing her book very tightly up against her genital region trying to conceal it as much as possible, while suddenly realizing that William still had a perfect view to her breasts. "I mean if we were opposed to nudity I guess we probably wouldn't be in the bookstore today, you know completely naked."
    "Yeah," William said as the two of them smiled awkwardly at each other. "So which book were you looking at?"
    "Stranger in a Strange Land," she said still holding the book strategically in front of her and not wanting to relinquish it.
    "I grok well," he said as they both smiled and laughed.
    "Yeah I heard that Heinlein was actually a nudist," Angela said. "I mean I'm not a nudist or anything, not that there's anything wrong with nudism, I just happen to be naked today because –"
    "I know because it's free book day, otherwise I would totally be wearing clothing right now," William said as the two of them laughed nervously.
    "Well I think that there is more than one copy," Angela said slinking over and still holding her book in front of her genitalia while grabbing another copy for William and handing it to him, which he quickly used to cover his own genitals after putting down the book about naked women.
    "Thank you, that was very nice of you," William said as the two of them stood there holding the books in front of them smiling awkwardly.
    "Well I guess I had probably better be going, I just wanted to come in and get my free book and, well you know get dressed," Angela said as the two of them were still trying not to make direct eye contact because it was too awkward and embarrassing for the both of them.
    "You know it's really great to find a woman who is into good science fiction," William said still pressing the book in front of his genitals but now realizing it was rather hopeless to disguise the fact that this whole situation was titillating him like crazy.
    "Well maybe we could discuss the book some time together, you know fully dressed and everything," Angela said still holding the book in front of her.
    "Yeah of course, fully dressed, right," William said as the two of them started walking together towards the checkout line to see that there were a bunch of people in front of them.
    Angela was trying her best not to stare at William's ass, but he had a pretty nice ass, and she was always definitely an ass woman for sure, but then he turned around.
    "So how long have you been into science fiction," William said.
    "Oh well, you know I've always been kind of into science fiction, it always can imagine a better more progressive world and challenges peoples preconceived notions of the way society should be," Angela said. "Did you ever noticed how it's funny in the future that people are almost always wearing clothes, it's like most people imagine the future, but nobody ever imagines a future where everybody is naked, even if that is fully legal in the future."
    "Yeah I guess people are just taking an assumption that the world is always going to be pretty similar to now just with more advanced technology, you never see people around in the future going around buck naked, they are always wearing silver bodysuits or something like that."
    "Yeah it is pretty much like everybody in the future wants to still be fully dressed, like no matter how far we progress into the future people are always going to prefer to wear clothing given the choice."
    By now the two of them were trying to mention clothing as much as possible in every single sentence, because right now that was all they could think about, that and the fact that they were completely buck naked, and that they were both going out of their mind right now with the excitement of it, but trying to maintain their composure and acting like they weren't a bunch of pervs.
    As William went up to ring up his book Angela took every opportunity to stare directly at his ass, but she couldn't help but notice that the cashier was smiling as she rang up William's purchase, while looking directly at the fact that Angela was clearly staring at his ass.
    "Well it looks like the two of you both have a similar taste in books, and a similar sense of fashion," the cashier said clearly enjoying the fact that they were both feeling as awkward as hell at the fact that they were naked. "Enjoy your free book you two, and I hope I will see both of you around, and remember you don't always have to wear clothing even when it's not free naked book day, no shoes, no shirt, yes service!"
    As William took his bag, holding it in front of him giving him some concealment, he saw that Angela was doing likewise as they walked out into the street, but that was when William noticed something. He looked over to where his clothing was and he didn't see any sign of it.
    "Is something the matter William?" Angela said walking out likewise holding her bag in front of her.
    "Well I left my clothing right there and now I don't see it," William said pointing to the ground.
    "Oh, well isn't that interesting," Angela said. "Because that's actually where I left my clothing as well, and I don't see my clothing either!"
    "Oh," William said realizing that this was now a very awkward situation. He knew he shouldn't have left his clothing out there, and Angela was thinking likewise about her own clothing.
    "Well you know my house is just a few blocks from here I bet we could get to my house where I will have some clothes, I mean I don't think I have any clothes that would be appropriate for a guy but," Angela said as William nodded.
    "You know I think I will take you up on that offer," William said as he and Angela started walking down the street together as Maxine and Fred stood there holding William and Angela's clothes, watching them as they were walking off into the distance, their asses clearly visible from everybody in the area.
    "Those two are definitely too uptight, I think this will be good for them," Maxine said smiling.
    "Yeah they left their clothing outside, that was kind of foolish of them," Fred said.
    "You know I like a guy with books," Maxine said as she looked Fred up and down." So you want to maybe get undressed and go into the bookstore?"
    As Fred looked at Maxine and her brother ample bosom he simply smiled. "You know I think somehow you can make reading fun! What do you think is going to happen with William and Angela?"
    A short while later.
    "You know we don't have to get dressed right away, why don't you read from that book for me," Angela said as she plopped down naked on her couch and smiled at William.
    "I suppose I could read a few lines," William said as Angela just sat there on the couch and smiled.
    "You know there is something real hot about a naked guy reading a book to a naked gal," Angela said as she sat back and relaxed on her couch and continued smiling. "You know I never thought that I would find a guy with a similar passion for sci-fi literature, and also rather open about nudity."
    "Yeah, who needs clothes when you have books, and good company?"
    Angela simply smiled. "Keep reading jungle boy, if you think that you are a stranger in a strange land now you have no idea what is coming!"

I guess this one was a little bit similar to the one about free clothing for the naked, basically giving the premise that if people show up to a store naked they can take one item of their choice. But this one was actually inspired by this annual book sale that they have at my library every year that I think is really great, as you can get like books and DVDs and all this stuff for like a dollar, and while I was there I guess my fiendish mind started to imagine what if they had a free book for naked people day, probably still thinking about my last story, but this one is sort of more suited to me because as a socially awkward sci-fi nerd who spends all of my time on the Internet and rarely gets out except to go to the bookstore, the character once again is basically based off of me, both of them really are, so I thought it would be interesting to have the two characters who are socially awkward meet naked in a store like that and discover that they have a similar taste in books. 

    And I decided to choose Stranger in a Strange Land specifically because that was a book that was advocating for Heinlein's world view of free love and naturalism and everything like that and nudism in general, and I just thought it was a nice fit with the entire story. And then I thought it ended on sort of a nice note where once again their meddling friends sort of get them in that situation, and it ends with them sort of reading a book naked together, which I think would be a very interesting situation to be in and a nice way to end it.


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