How Bigfoot Stole My Clothes And Made Me the Most Famous Naked Guy on the Planet

 I guess I am still on a nudity kick so I am writing lots of stories right now, incidentally the novel that I am writing under my own name contains a lot of embarrassing nudity but I wouldn't consider that novel to be erotica, so that is one I will probably publish under my own name. This honestly is one I could have published under my own name as well accepted very explicitly embarrassed nudity erotica. Basically this is a CFNM story involving Bigfoot and I think it's rather quite hilarious when you combine those two elements and I think it really works very well so I hope you enjoy it.

How Bigfoot Stole My Clothes And Made Me the Most Famous Naked Guy on the Planet
James knew that people thought he was crazy for believing in Bigfoot but he was determined that he was going to prove that Bigfoot was real, no matter what it cost. So that weekend he decided he would spend the weekend in the woods where there had been Bigfoot sightings recently. He decided he would camp out and hope for the best in terms of finding Bigfoot.
    But his first evening in the woods he didn't have any sightings of Bigfoot, nor did he hear Bigfoot off in the distance or see any signs of Bigfoot footprints, but he was not going to let the lack of evidence get in the way of him finding Bigfoot and becoming famous, then everybody would think that he was the greatest person who ever lived, if they ever disagreed with him on anything he would throw this back in their face, the fact that yeah maybe he had been wrong about things in the past, but he was totally right about Bigfoot.
    The next morning he was feeling a little bit dirty and sweaty from being in that tent all day. As he looked around he didn't see any signs of anybody else, so he figured that going skinny-dipping in the lake right nearby would probably be fine, as nobody was going to catch him in the act.
    As James took off his clothing and left them in his tent he quickly ran over to the lake not more than a few feet away and began washing off. The cool water was refreshing after a sweaty night in that tent, and after he had washed off a little bit he figured it was about time to get back and get dressed and begin looking for Bigfoot. However as he looked back at his campsite from the lake that was when he saw the last thing that he actually expected, even though it was the thing that he had come looking for.
    "Holy crap, it's Bigfoot!" James said and that was here and he realized that Bigfoot was destroying his campsite, and it looked like Bigfoot was tearing his tent apart and ripping apart his clothing. "That was my only pair of clothing!"
    As he saw Bigfoot ripping apart his camp and destroying all of his supplies, he could see that Bigfoot noticing that he was over in the lake, and as he saw Bigfoot looking in his direction he knew that that was probably his cue to get the hell out of there. He didn't know what he was going to do now that Bigfoot had ripped apart his clothing, and he knew that he had to get out of there and had to get to safety.
    After he swam to the other side of the lake and could see that Bigfoot wasn't following him, that was when he breathed a sigh of relief as he closed his eyes and leaned against a nearby tree. "Well that's a relief, for a moment there I was thinking that I was going to find myself in a really awkward position," he said as he relaxed.
    "Holy crap it's a naked guy!" a woman's voice said as he opened his eyes and immediately began covering his genitals with his hands, as standing there was a rather attractive woman with a big smile on her face.
    "Holy crap who are you, where did you come from?" James asked.
    "My name is Faye, and I guess the next question is what are you doing running buck naked through the forest," she said still with a really big smile on her face.
    James wanted to think of something to tell her that didn't sound as crazy as Bigfoot stole his clothing, but he also believed in being honest, and he couldn't really think of a convincing lie anyway that sounded less crazy than what he was actually doing.
    "Promise not to laugh," James said.
    "Well I do find it pretty funny that you're standing here naked in the woods, and I can pretty much see everything, I mean you're covering your junk with your hands but otherwise I get a pretty good sense of what you look like," Faye said putting her hands on her hips in that really confident way that was making James feel even more embarrassed about the situation.
    "Okay this is going to sound a little bit crazy, but I came out here to camp for the weekend because I was trying to capture evidence of Bigfoot, but the crazy thing is I went to go wash off in the lake because I was sweaty from being in my tent all night, and then while I was washing off in the lake I saw Bigfoot basically destroying my campsite and tearing my clothing apart."
    Faye burst out laughing holding her sides and slapping her knees as she thought that this was the most hilarious thing that she had ever heard in her life.
    "Hey you promised you wouldn't laugh!" James said.
    "Look I see a guy running around buck naked in the forest telling me Bigfoot stole his clothing and that's why he's running around naked, come on I'm only human, how can I not find that funny," Faye said as she continued laughing.
    "So you don't believe me then?"
    Faye smiled. "No of course I believe you, I know that one time I got caught running around topless because the chupacabra came and stole my bikini top."
    "But it's true, I know it sounds crazy, but I could see Bigfoot, he was tearing apart my clothing."
    "How do you know Bigfoot was a he, maybe Bigfoot was a she, maybe she wanted to see you completely buck naked."
    "But why would a lady Bigfoot want to see me completely buck naked?"
    Faye smiled wickedly. "Well you're pretty nice to look at naked, I mean I'm enjoying this, this is the most fun I have had in a long time, it's not every day I'm walking in the woods and I see a guy completely buck naked."
    "You know you don't have to look, you can be polite you know."
    "Well I always feel it's rude if you aren't looking at somebody when you are talking to them, besides I think I have been polite, I think you have a very nice naked body and I like seeing you in the woods naked like that, it kind of feels nice, I kind of like checking out your naked body like that, and I have absolutely no shame about enjoying that either, just so you know."
    "Well I think that I feel a little bit of shame and embarrassment to say the least," James said still trying to cover himself as best as he could but something about this experience was strangely titillating and it was getting him a little bit excited.
    Faye smiled again and laughed. "You know what James I think I might believe you, I don't mean I believe you about Bigfoot necessarily, but the way you are blushing like crazy I don't think that you're an exhibitionist, I see that you're positively uncomfortable with the fact that I'm getting to see every inch of your naked body."
    "Well you do keep bringing attention to it by mentioning that I am naked."
    "Well I am just stating the pure facts of the matter, the fact is you are completely naked, not a single stitch of clothing, and I don't see any clothing around for you to change into, so as far as I know, even if it wasn't Bigfoot that took your clothing, nonetheless you have found yourself pretty much in the woods with no clothing, totally and completely naked, and I have to say it's very amusing situation to find myself in, I have never been in the woods with a completely naked guy like that and it's a pretty nice feeling if I do say so myself, I think I have a very amusing and very exciting day ahead of me."
    "Do you think maybe you can help me?"
    "Help you with what?" Faye said smiling.
    "I don't know, maybe getting me some clothing."
    "I don't know, I kind of like you looking like this, it's a good look on you, as you have a very nice birthday suit, and it gives sort of a nice aesthetic, a naked guy out here in the wilderness, all natural in nature, I kinda like it. But okay I guess I will help you to get to safety, but we're pretty deep in the woods, and it will be a pretty long walk, but that's okay, we can take our time, I think I am going to enjoy the view."
    "Yes it is some nice scenery out here isn't it."
    "No I was talking about the fact that I think you have a really cute butt, and I'm gonna get to see the full moon," Faye said as she gave him a smack on the ass causing him to jump up. "So I think I'm going to insist that you walk in front of me."
    "You don't think maybe you can give me a little bit of privacy?" James said still blushing profusely but finding that this was exciting him.
    "Well from the way you are reacting I think you are very happy to see me, so I should be able to be happy to see you, so as long as we are in the woods together I don't feel the least bit of shame taking a peek at you, if you didn't want to be naked in the woods then you should have been more careful, that will be a lesson to you."
    "Okay, let's just get back to civilization, every moment this continues is just even more embarrassing for me," James said as the two of them started walking through the forest, and James couldn't help but notice that Faye was really eating this up, in fact it looked like she was having the most fun of her life, as she couldn't stop smiling and smirking. She really was completely unashamed about the fact that she was checking out every inch of James's naked body, and she seemed to be liking the fact that he felt obviously very very uncomfortable with the situation.
    "Hey look at some nuts," Faye said as James started looking around on the floor before Faye burst out laughing. "I was talking about yours. You know I always thought that I was an ass girl but I think you have a really nice, well you know."
    "Thanks," James said and the fact that he was just ready to die of embarrassment seemed to be making Faye enjoy it even more. "But you know we've been walking around for a while, and I sometimes feel like we are going around in circles."
    "Really, you think so," Faye said and she realized that from her tone of voice and the fact that she couldn't keep a straight face James kind of caught on to the fact that she was leading him around the forest, pretty much in a circle, because she was enjoying every minute of this.
    "You know if you don't want to help me that's fine, I can probably find my way back on my own," James said.
    Faye smiled. "Well I think from the way that you have been letting me lead you around the woods like this you have no idea how to get out of the forest, so don't worry, we will get out of the forest before it gets cold and dark out, but I'm going to enjoy myself, so I suggest that you get a little bit less uptight and enjoy yourself as well jungle man!"
    James had to hand it to her, she really knew how to take advantage of a situation like that, and he would almost admire her for that if it wasn't so god damned embarrassing. After they were walking around they suddenly heard a loud noise off in the distance.
    "Okay that did not sound human," James said.
    "You know I think I agree, not saying that I believe in Bigfoot or anything but," Faye said as they heard the noise off in the distance. "But I'm becoming a little bit more open minded, maybe it's just something about spending the day with a guy completely buck naked in the woods, but I think this is all expanding my horizons, letting me see new vistas, also letting me see your ass a real lot, it really is a nice ass, you really shouldn't hide it so much. I mean even when I see all those little goosebumps all over it and how bright and red it is because you can't stop blushing, that just makes it even more attractive."
    "I want you know even with the possibility that a monster is coming our way you still seem to be able to continue checking me out," James said, realizing that Faye was pretty relentless, she really did not give him a moment's rest from that.
    "Hey I am a sexually liberated woman, don't pretend that if you saw some naked woman in the forest that you wouldn't have been doing the same thing, the way I see it I am taking back my sexuality and I am totally owning it, and I am not going apologize for the fact that I am fully enjoying every moment of the fact that you are cringing with embarrassment the entire time that we are in the forest together."
    As the loud roaring noise continued often the distance that was when Faye looked genuinely nervous for the first time.
    "Okay if you can stop perving out on my naked body for a moment can we address the fact that I clearly hear that Bigfoot is off in the distance," James said.
    "You are right, something definitely is going on I think I had better call for help, my friends are nearby," Faye said. "So don't worry I am sure they will come help us."
    "How many friends?"
    "Like four or five of them," Faye said looking at her phone. "Don't worry, they should be here pretty soon as soon as I texted them saying that I have a naked dude here in the forest that I think is rather attractive they were already on their way, so don't worry I am sure we will run into them soon enough."
    "I don't know how comfortable I am with an entire group of women coming to see me completely naked."
    "Well that's too bad, because whether it makes you comfortable or not they are going to be here any minute, and I am sure they are really going to be absolutely loving this the way I am," Faye said as she continued laughing.
    The two of them continued walking until they came across a clearing where they saw five other women approaching them all who had big smiles on their faces and were laughing.
    "Oh my God is this the naked guy that you found in the woods," Veronica said as she burst out laughing.
    "No, it's an entirely different guy I found naked in the woods claiming that Bigfoot stole his clothing," Faye said with a smirk.
    "Bigfoot," Tonya said as she looked up and down at James. "Well hey I see certain parts of him certainly seem to be big!"
    As all of the women stood around looking at James and bursting out laughing and having a grand old time, that was when all of the sudden James pointed off in the distance, and that's when they saw it, it was Bigfoot standing there staring directly at them.
    "You believe me now," James said.
    "Holy shit it really is Bigfoot," said Erica.
    "Well thank you Bigfoot for giving me a very entertaining day," Faye said as they all stood there watching as Bigfoot came over to them before walking off in the distance.
    "I can't believe it, we saw both Bigfoot and a naked guy in the same day, this is going to be a really memorable story to tell people," said Hannah.
    "Yes it is not every day that you run into a naked guy and Bigfoot all at once, this is going to be a really great story," Linda said.
    "If only I had not abandoned my camp, I could have potentially gotten this all on video, and instead here I am standing naked in the middle of nowhere completely embarrassed and humiliated and I didn't even get any footage that would prove that Bigfoot is real," James said. "This has to be by far the most humiliating day of my life."
    Faye patted him on the back and put her arm around his shoulder. "Well that's where you are wrong James my friend, I think that this is going to be the greatest day of all of our lives because I have been live streaming everything since I first found you."
    "Wait, you what?" James said as all of phase friends began laughing as he could see that they were all wearing tiny cameras and that was when he realized that those were some of those video cameras that records everything you experience because it has cameras inside.
    "Yeah I have gotten lots of hours of footage, only a few minutes of Bigfoot, but a lot of people were watching as soon as I found you naked in the woods," Faye said. "I have like 100,000 followers and I think that I'm probably going to double my followers based on this alone, an entire day leading a naked guy around in the woods and then at the end I get photographic evidence of Bigfoot, we are going to be famous! High five!"
    Everyone began high-fiving say except for James who kept his hands in front of his genitals and was blushing profusely.
    A short while later people came and rescued them and James was able to finally get dressed, and he thought at the end of the day that it was a pretty memorable day, although he did finally get footage he wanted of Bigfoot, or rather Faye did, he kind of wished that didn't come with the fact that he was being videotaped and live streamed while naked for several hours.
    "And it seems that we finally have the best photographic evidence in support of the existence of Bigfoot, but the question we are all asking is did this lady Bigfoot intentionally destroy this man's clothing to facilitate all of this, some mysteries we may never answer," Faye said on her latest video on her website which now had over 2.5 million subscribers.
    James shook his head. "Well I have to admit, she really does know how to capture my ass, and it's ironic that I think that my naked ass is perhaps more famous than Bigfoot. I just know that if I ever go hunting for the chupacabra I'm bringing Faye with me because I really want that bastad to steal her top, it'll be payback time!"

Originally this story was going to be about a bear taking somebody's clothing but I thought it would be funnier to make it Bigfoot. Probably because earlier in the day there was a story on the news about these two guys who were looking in the forest for Bigfoot and they eventually froze to death from exposure or something like that, and I thought it would be kind of funny if you had somebody who is a Bigfoot Hunter going out into the woods hoping to get evidence of Bigfoot only for Bigfoot to end up stealing and destroying his clothing and leaving him naked in the forest. Then he ends up finding himself at the mercy of a woman who is absolutely having a grand old time with the fact that he is having this embarrassing naked experience, and then it ends on the perfect note where all of her friends, and end up seeing James as well and where they finally get footage of Bigfoot but it includes footage of him being completely naked, so ironically in the end he ends up being famous for his Bigfoot encounter but Faye is the one who is having the grand old time in getting millions of followers because she posted that naked video of him along with Bigfoot, which I thought was a great way of ending it. Sorry as a person who mostly write speculative fiction it was probably inevitable I was going to eventually do some kind of story like this involving Bigfoot.
    But yeah essentially this is an only one naked CFNM story totally involving Bigfoot and I think that it works really well as you combine a crazy and humorous element of Bigfoot along with some embarrassing nudity and I think it's a perfect recipe for a very interesting story.
I used a lot of different AI image creators to trying get the images that I wanted but it still seems like it's very averse to doing male nudity but I found one that will do male nudity but it also seems like it gets confused easily so in a lot of these pictures the women are either only in their underpants or in a couple of them they are naked. So a lot of these images don't accurately reflect the story itself but I still thought that they were pretty entertaining images so enjoy!


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