How We Became Naked Greeters

 Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the United States, although I don't know that we have a lot to be thankful for since as a result of the election I think that we are going towards a new age of repression and censorship and who knows if we will even survive. I have to admit I was pretty horribly depressed about the outcome of the election and what it means for websites in literature such as this but I try not to get too political on this blog since this is mostly blog about stories about embarrassing nudity, although there is a fair amount of politics and the politics of nudity and body positivity and stuff like that which comes up and a lot of these stories.
I was going to try and write a naked Thanksgiving story today but I don't think I'm going to have time for it because I want to write another one under my other pseudonym and if I have time after that perhaps one under my own name, you know a non-erotica Thanksgiving story which I think is the more common type of Thanksgiving stories all things considered.
But anyway I haven't really been in a fetish mood at all for the past month but then just in the last few days it came back and it came back hard so last night I just started randomly selected this story. I was going to do this other one involving aliens that I thought was really off-the-wall but I ended up picking this one thinking that it would be shorter and it ended up taking me until past 1 AM to finish it so I had to read and edit it today so am only posting it now but I hope you will enjoy it as it sort of a more sweet comedy about two awkward platonic friends who start to bond over a new job that they have is naked store greeters which I thought was sort of an interesting and original concept that I think works pretty well here. So happy Thanksgiving and enjoy this story having nothing to do with Thanksgiving whatsoever…

How We Became Naked Greeters
Emily and Ryan had been friends since college, bonding over their shared awkwardness and shy nature. After graduation, they found themselves struggling to find employment, with their introverted personalities making job interviews a daunting task.
    "I guess this is what happens when you major in something that you like rather than something that you think is going to prove profitable," Ryan said as he and Emily were walking around the city one day looking for employment. They both excelled in college so they both felt a little bit disappointed that it didn't lead to a lot of real world success.
    "Hey look, here is this boutique that says they are hiring, we might as well check it out," Emily said.
    "So this is what four years of college got us," Ryan said as he laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Well hey a job is a job. Free Spirit, that sounds like the name of some kind of store for hippies almost."
    "You know my parents were actually really free-spirited hippie types when they were younger, and I always felt it was good to be a free spirit," Emily said looking up at the boutique. "I bet this place is probably great. It's just I hate the interview process because I never know what to say during these things."
    "Yeah I always get sort of nervous during an interview, I guess being introverts that just comes with the territory, it's probably why we both haven't found much employment so far, but I guess we might as well try this place out because we both desperately need a job and the worst they can do is tell us no."
    The two of them went inside the store and they could see that the customers looked rather friendly, and they could see that it had all sorts of stylish clothing. They asked one of the people in the store if they could inquire about the job, and they were both led to a back room where they were greeted by an attractive woman named Mrs. Anderson according to the name on her desk.
    "We kind of want to know about the job that you are offering, what kind of job is it, keeping in mind that I have to admit I'm not the most fashion conscious person on earth," Ryan said.
    Emily nodded. "I have to agree, I am not really very fashion conscious either, I mean you can see that I'm not wearing anything particularly stylish or impressive, so maybe getting a job at a clothing boutique like this is perhaps not the place that I should be inquiring for a job, but we both really need a job, so what would the job involve?"
    Mrs. Anderson smiled. "Well here at free spirit we have a philosophy that anything goes and that you shouldn't feel inhibited, we believe in being uninhibited in every sense of the word."
    "Yeah I saw some of those really skimpy bikinis that you had in the window, I think I might feel a little bit self-conscious wearing those though," Emily said as Ryan nodded and Mrs. Anderson smiled.
    "Well if you are self-conscious maybe this isn't the job for you, but I think that the pay is really good because we are looking for a particular type of person," Mrs. Anderson said looking them up and down. "And I think it would be great to give both of you the job, as I think you could work together, you have sort of a nice dynamic, one male and one female."
    "We're just friends," Ryan said almost reflexively as Emily nodded. They had always been platonic friends though occasionally there was a little bit of sexual tension between them that neither of them really wanted to acknowledge, because it would just make things awkward and weird.
    "So what exactly would be the job?" Emily said.
    "Well all we need is to have a man and a woman at the entrance to the store to be greeters, you know greet the customers as they come in," Mrs. Anderson said. "It's a very well-paying job I assure you."
    "You are offering us a well-paying job just to be store greeters, forgive me but that sounds a little bit suspicious to me, there has to be some kind of catch," Ryan said.
    Mrs. Anderson laughed. "No there's no catch, although it might be a little bit of a gimmick some would say, and not everybody would want to be part of that, so we have had a lot of interviews for this job and a lot of people said no way."
    "Look for a job paying this much money for something as simple as being greeters I don't think we're going to have any problem with this job," Emily said. "We have four years of college so I think that it qualifies us at least to stand at the door and greet people."
    "I have to admit I am bad with interviews, so I don't know exactly what to say in a situation like this," Ryan said.
    Mrs. Anderson smiled and nodded. "Well there's no need to be nervous, I think that you two would make great greeters for the store, you both seem attractive, open-minded and friendly, so you know what, if you want the job you've got it."
    "Really," Emily said as she and Ryan looked at each other and smiled. "This is great, and you're really going to pay us this salary just to greet people at the door, there's no catch to this or anything?"
    "Nope no catch at all," Mrs. Anderson said still smiling.
    "I hope this isn't one of those jobs where we have to wear a silly uniform or something," Ryan said. "I don't want to look like an idiot."
    Mrs. Anderson smiled again. "Well then I think you'll be very happy with this job as it doesn't require any uniform whatsoever, it just requires you to show up as God made you."
    "As God made us?" Emily said as she looked at Ryan who looked equally perplexed. "What do you mean by that?"
    "You know, in your birthday suit," Mrs. Anderson said laughing as she didn't seem to think that they were getting it.
    "Wait you want us to stand at the door naked greeting people," Ryan said as he looked at Emily before looking back at Mrs. Anderson because he suddenly felt really awkward and uncomfortable.
    Mrs. Anderson shook her head. "You know this is where everybody always ends up turning the job down. It's a very easy job, and it would be easy money, but a lot of people just can't stand the idea of standing around naked and being seen by everybody. That is sort of like our philosophy here at the boutique, it is sort of an ironic gimmick I guess, it's a clothing store where you are greeted by naked people! We have had stores in other parts of the country, and you would be surprised at how many people would come into a store just because there's some attractive naked people standing there to greet them."
    "And this is totally like a legal and okay," Emily said raising an eyebrow.
    Mrs. Anderson nodded. "Absolutely, a lot of people don't realize this but many cities around the country have recently legalized public nudity, and we thought that this would be a great way to get attention. Basically it's a new law and this will bring people into understanding that it's okay to go completely naked. Maybe some people will even come into the store completely naked and think, you know or maybe I want to put some clothing on! And that would be a sale for us. But again it's not a job for everybody, I mean all you would have to do is stand there, it's not as weird as it seems, after a couple of days you would probably get used to it and probably find it to be rather fun."
    "Can we talk about this a minute," Emily said as Mrs. Anderson nodded and she took Ryan over outside of her office. "So do you think we should take the job?"
    "I don't know, would you be okay with that," Ryan said not wanting to admit at that moment he was picturing Emily naked, and Emily was trying to hide a smirk at the thought of him naked.
    "I mean I would be okay with it if you're okay with it, but if you're not I would totally understand," Emily said grinding her foot into the ground, as it was something she did when she was a little bit nervous, as it helped her deal with her social anxiety.
    "Well it would certainly be an interesting experience to have on our resumes I guess, although whether that would help us to get a better job I don't know," Ryan said laughing nervously as Emily did likewise.
    "So you are saying that you are okay with it then?"
    "I mean I am okay with it if you are okay with it, are you okay with that?"
    "Well I mean I like to be open minded and everything, but you know I didn't think anyone would ever want to see me naked is the thing."
    "Yeah me neither," Ryan said and now they were both having a hard time making eye contact, and although they both didn't want to say it they both pretty much knew that right now they were both picturing each other naked. They had always been platonic friends and had never thought of themselves in that sense of the word, but now all of the sudden it was like right up in their faces. Ryan was feeling nervous, and he was trying to suppress the fact that he was getting a little bit aroused at the thought of Emily naked. He was sure that there would be no way that she would agree to be naked, not somebody as shy and bashful as her.
    "Look for the money they are offering, you know what I say let's do it, let's get naked!" Emily said as she laughed.
    "So you really want to do it then," Ryan said now squirming around a little bit nervously.
    "I mean unless you're afraid to be naked like that," Emily said looking almost like she wanted Ryan to admit that he was afraid at the idea of being naked, but they were both pretty much calling each other's bluff.
    "Well I mean for the money I think that we probably should at least give it a try, just because it's a little bit weird we shouldn't turn down a good job like this, a very easy job, I mean essentially all we have to do is stand there."
    "Yeah all we have to do is stand there, stand there naked, it's a very easy job, I couldn't picture anything easier."
    "Me neither, I mean what could be easier than just standing around wearing no clothing, it's a job that requires no effort and they are going to be paying us handsomely for it, we would be idiots not to take it."
    "I know right!"
    From the tone of their voices they both knew that they were as awkward and nervous as hell at the idea of taking the job, and that they were both trying to convince the other one to be the one voicing the opposition, but neither of them were standing down and the next thing they knew they were walking towards the office.
    "Mrs. Anderson will take the job," Emily said as they walked into the office and Ryan was about to say something but she had already decided it and he wasn't about to say no now.
    "Great, you'll start tomorrow, and I will be glad to be seeing you," Mrs. Anderson said." You don't have to come to work naked but once you are working, well off with those clothes!"
    As the two of them walked out into the streets and looked at all of the people going past the boutique, and thinking how many people would go past the boutique on a daily basis, the two of them both felt butterflies in the pit of their stomach.
    "So we really are doing this then?" Ryan said as Emily nodded.
    "So do you want to, you know, go do something?"
    "You know we have a new job tomorrow we should probably you know turn in early so that we can be fresh and bright early in the morning."
    "Exactly, so I guess I will see you tomorrow, you know at work," Emily said hesitating to say the word naked, but that's what they were both thinking.

    The two of them arrived bright and early the next morning, and maybe it was out of nervousness but they both dressed rather professionally, covering every inch of their bodies. As they arrived in the store, Mrs. Anderson was there to greet them.
    "Well I see you didn't come dressed for work but if you want to get undressed now the story is going to be opening momentarily, and we need our store greeters in costume so to speak," Mrs. Anderson said and she seemed to really be enjoying this.
    "I guess it's time for us to get undressed then," Emily said and Ryan couldn't believe he was hearing those words from her lips as the two of them went to the back room and they turned their backs to one another as they slid out of their clothing.
    It was a weird feeling, both of them being naked in the same room, and they ended up slowly turning around and looking at each other, before looking down at the floor, as they felt it was rather rude to stare, even though given they were going to be naked together all day it shouldn't been seen as wrong to take a peek.
    "Okay this is a little bit weird," Ryan said and he was trying not to get aroused at the fact that there was a naked woman standing there only a few inches away, a naked woman that even under normal circumstances with clothes on he thought was very attractive.
    "Look it's just nervous first day jitters, I am sure that once we get the hang of it it'll be no big deal, so let's go out there and show ourselves to the world," Emily said still sort of looking down at her toes and blushing profusely.
    "Ladies first," Ryan said as the two of them laughed nervously as they walked out into the store. Ryan could see that Mrs. Anderson was looking directly at them, and he suddenly felt like he wanted to run back in there and wrap himself back up in his clothing immediately, but he didn't want to seem like a coward in front of Emily or make her feel weird going out there alone and naked, so very reluctantly he and Emily walked to the door of the boutique.
    Both of them were looking down at their feet as they didn't want to make eye contact with everybody, and they tried not to look at each other, as it felt like it was protocol not to stare, even though they were there for everybody to stare at them. As the two of them looked out the window of the boutique they saw lots of people gathering around, interested to see these two naked people standing there in the entrance to a clothing store.
    Soon a lot of people became intrigued and they could see a couple of people who were little bit shy about coming into the store, but they could see a bunch of people holding up their cell phones and taking pictures, and videos and they both just wanted to die at that moment, but they tried to focus on being polite and greeting everybody when they came in.
    For the most part the customers were nice, but as you could see the big smiles on their faces and the not-so-subtle smirking at them, it really was rather humiliating. It was certainly a humbling experience, and they knew that this day was going to feel a lot longer than eight hours, more like eight days or eight years.
    The first day on the job was nerve-wracking. They stood side by side, wearing only a smile, as customers walked in and out of the store. Initially, they avoided eye contact, focusing on the floor or the surrounding decor. They didn't really make all that much conversation as they thought that they should be professional on the job. Every so often they would glance over in the direction of each other but for the most part they tried to stand apart and to have little physical contact.
    They were both shaking nervously and blushing, and Mrs. Anderson could see that they were little bit uncomfortable was an understatement, and every so often a customer would come in and ask them why they were naked, and they would simply say that it was supposed to be sort of an irony, that they were naked greeters in a store for clothing. As they looked around and could see people shopping for clothing in the store they could see every so often people were glancing over in their direction and perhaps making comments that they couldn't hear.
    "Does it feel kind of weird," Emily said eventually when they had a brief moment when nobody was coming in.
    "What being completely buck naked in a store, no it feels totally normal, it's something I do every day," Ryan said trying not to be too sarcastic but Emily couldn't help but laugh.
    "You know it's not so much the fact that we are naked, but it's the fact that we are in a store where everybody is wearing clothing except for us, trying on clothing in the dressing room where they are nice and private," Emily said put. "Did you see how many people came into the store today?"
    "Yeah I noticed," Ryan said. "Had to be at least a couple of dozen people, probably more people than have ever seen us like this before."
    "Yeah it was about 67 people, not that I am counting or anything," Emily said laughing nervously and it made Ryan feel a little bit more comfortable about the fact that she was counting the number of people in the store as well, the number of people who had seen them naked in just a few hours at the store.
    "At least it's not anybody that we know," Ryan said but he could see that there were a large number of people passing by the window. A lot of them seemed to be equally embarrassed to come in and greet the naked people as they were to greet the clothed people, but they had no doubt that probably hundreds of people had just gotten a glance at them walking past the store, maybe even thousands.
    Finally the day was over and they were both eager to get into the back room and change into their clothing again. It was such a weird feeling to be naked in front of so many people shopping for clothing like that, it almost felt like this whole situation was designed to publicly humiliate them as part of the gimmick.
    "I guess that wasn't so bad," Emily said once they were finally dressed again still finding out hard for them to make eye contact.
    "Yeah, it's probably the easiest job I have ever had, just standing around," Ryan said once again not wanting to add naked at the end of that. "So I guess I will see you at work tomorrow, I mean I will, well you know what I mean."
    "Yeah I do," Emily said not wanting to add that she meant I would see you tomorrow at work completely naked.
    The two of them quickly got out of the store and they were eager to get home because the sexual tension was so overwhelming that they felt like they were ready to explode, which they pretty much did when they got back to their respective apartments.
    The next day at work was similarly awkward, in fact there whole first week was just basically them trying their hardest to make eye contact with the customers without feeling mortified, but they could see that the customers knew that they were uncomfortable. Free spirits they might have been, uninhibited they were not!
    However, as the days passed, the strange thing happened that neither of them could predict, they grew more comfortable with their nudity. They began to chat and laugh, their awkwardness slowly fading away. Emily noticed Ryan's kind eyes and genuine smile, while Ryan admired Emily's quirky sense of humor and beautiful freckles. He never realized how many freckles she had until he was looking at her completely naked.
    As they stood naked together, they started to feel an undeniable attraction. They would catch each other stealing glances, their faces flushing with embarrassment. The tension between them became palpable.
    They didn't know how they were going to deal with this, as they found it rather difficult to see each other outside of work now. They used to be so casual and free and easy with one another, but now just being in that situation with each other day to day like that was excruciating. Ryan had to use all of his concentration and focus not to get visibly aroused at the fact that he was standing next to a naked woman all day.
    One day as they were walking to work together they came across a bunch of people on the street.
    "Hey haven't we seen you somewhere," the guy said. "You look strangely familiar but I think you were dressed differently."
    "I know who they are," said the woman with him. "It's the naked dude and the naked chick from that clothing store!"
    "You know think maybe you are thinking of somebody else," Emily said.
    "You got nice breasts," the man said as Emily began blushing.
    "And you have a nice ass," the woman said to Ryan as he likewise began blushing profusely as the man and woman walked off laughing, speaking to themselves about how they had just met celebrities.
    When the couple had left as the two of them stood there on the street Emily and Ryan finally made eye contact for the first time since they had gotten this job, and they both burst out laughing. Somehow that broke the long tension that had been simmering for the last couple of days.
    "Come on let's get that nice naked ass to work," Emily said being polite enough to restrain herself and not to inappropriately smack him on the ass, although she had to admit she had that fiendishly evil thought go through her head.
    Ryan simply smiled and they walked into their job, and strangely enough as they walked into the changing room together they found themselves chatting about the people they had ran into as they stripped out of their clothing, and it didn't have that same feeling of humiliation and embarrassment that it did all those other days. For the first time they were looking each other right in the eyes and trying to keep their eyes at face level for obvious reasons, but suddenly they felt casual, like friends again but clearly they were feeling something more than platonic towards one another.
    That day at work they found themselves facing each other for the first time and chatting casually as they greeted people. Suddenly they felt rather loose and comfortable with one another, it was like all of that tension was finally gone, or mostly anyway. They even managed to joke about the fact that it was crazy that they were standing there naked greeting people all day.
    "Yeah it was totally her idea to take the job," Ryan said one day to a woman who asked them a question about how they got a job like that. "She's a total exhibitionist you know!"
    "Shut up, you didn't say no when we took the job," Emily said as she put her hands on her hips and smiled but could feel the goosebumps over her body.
    "Well I think you're really brave to do this because I would never be able to," the woman said. "I come into a place like this because I like keeping my clothing on! But it's nice seeing you guys around here, and I think that I'm going to come in here more often," the woman said as she started walking away from them but she looked back at them and smiled and laughed.
    The two of them both felt great, like there was suddenly no longer tension between them, and yet that wasn't entirely true.
    One day, while taking a break in the back room, Ryan accidentally bumped into Emily, his bare chest touching her shoulder. The spark was undeniable. They exchanged a nervous laugh, but the air was charged with a newfound awareness.
    "You know I think that your freckles are really cute," Ryan said. "In fact I now know that you have freckles in places I didn't know you had freckles before!"
    "Thanks, I could see that birthmark on your butt," Emily said as she roared with laughter.
    As the weeks went by, their friendship blossomed into something more. They would often linger after their shift, talking and laughing together, their nudity now a comfortable familiarity.
    "And did you see the way that that woman was checking you out," Emily said.
    "I thought couple of guys practically drooling when they saw you," Ryan said as they were joking casually, not even bother getting dressed right away the way that they used to, it was like they had finally gotten used to the idea of being naked together, and not just naked together but naked in public together. They couldn't deny that the chemistry between them was electrifying but they were still trying to keep it casual and platonic, but it was getting more and more difficult with each day.
    The store owner, noticing their chemistry, began to play matchmaker. She would often leave them alone during breaks, allowing them to explore their feelings. She rather enjoyed the chemistry between them, and the customers seemed to think likewise, as she had gotten glowing reviews about how they had been bringing so many people into the store.
    Finally, Ryan gathered the courage to ask Emily out on a date. Standing naked in the store's entrance, he took her hand and said, "Would you like to grab coffee with me? Fully clothed, of course."
    Emily's heart skipped a beat. "I'd love to," she replied, her face radiant with a smile which soon started turning a little bit fiendish.
    "Why are you smiling like that, I know that smile you never smile like that unless you have something incredibly devious in mind."
    "Oh you know that public nudity is fully legal even outside of the store," Emily said hardly able to believe that she was even suggesting such a thing but she knew that after the bold pronouncement of going on a date that Ryan wouldn't be able to say no.
    "So are we calling each other's bluffs," Ryan said as the two of them stood there completely naked and looking outside of the store entrance. "Ladies first?"
    "Not this time," Emily said pushing Ryan out of the store as the two of them walked out naked onto the streets.
    As they left the store, hand in hand, they knew that their unconventional job had led them to something special. They had discovered a connection, one that went beyond their shared awkwardness and nudity.
    Emily and Ryan's love story became a legend among the store's regular customers. The naked greeters had found love in the unlikeliest of places, proving that sometimes, taking a chance and embracing vulnerability can lead to the most beautiful connections.
    "Not bad for four years of college, huh?" Emily said at the end of work one day.
    Ryan smiled back at her. "Not bad at all!"

I kind of like this story, because once again it has a similar element to a lot of my other naked stories, where you have two members of the opposite sex like that who are sort of casual platonic friends but who are then put into this really intimate and embarrassing situation that shoots the sexual tension off the charts, and they become closer together as a result of that, so I thought it was another one of those stories that has sort of sweet social awkwardness leading to a greater bond over the embarrassing naked situation that they are in.
    I also thought it was kind of a funny idea, where you think of store greeters not really having much of a job, so you have these two characters who are offered this really easy sounding job for high pay, so of course the catch ends up being that they have to do it naked, and I thought that there was something hilarious about the idea of being naked greeters in a store where people are going to try on clothes and wear clothing, I feel like you would just be especially frustrating, where being surrounded by clothing but not able to put any of that clothing on is sort of like rubbing it in your face or your situation happens to be. And once again it's another one of those stories where they have to do this out of economic necessity but in the end it leads to something nice between them, so I thought it was sort of a happy upbeat story.
    This story involves mutual male and female nudity and only ones naked and naked in public.


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