How I Became the Naked Valedictorian

I guess I haven't updated my blog in nearly 3 months so I guess I haven't been in that mindset for erotica, I guess because I have been focusing a lot on the political situation and I just haven't really been in that horny frame of mind lately. So before I get to the story I just want to remember everyone to get out there and vote against fascism, because if something like Project 2025 goes through websites like this might not be allowed anymore. I usually don't get political in these stories or this blog, but I feel that it was something important to say because if you enjoy stories like this it's important to vote against censorship and repression.
That said this was a really exciting story because it involves a person having to give a valedictory speech completely naked! And the great thing is that now I have discovered AI image creators so I can create all sorts of sexy images to illustrate my stories and this one came out with some really great images.
So enjoy How I Became the Naked Valedictorian!

How I Became the Naked Valedictorian
"Don't worry I am sure that you probably will end up being valedictorian, you have the top grades of everybody in the class," said Samantha.
    "It's just I want this honor so bad because everybody's going to see me give that valedictory speech, and it's going to be the greatest moment of my life, it is something that I am very proud of, and I know I shouldn't be excessively prideful, but it's hard not to be when I have such a great honor like that, I mean assuming that I get it, and I realize I'm being presumptuous and talking as though I already did get it," Emily said crossing her fingers and hoping against hope that all of her hard work would pay off and that she would be able to stand up in front of all of her friends and classmates and family as the class's valedictorian.
    They all gathered into the assembly room as principal Dollinger made the announcement. "Emily Grace, you have been selected as this year's valedictorian, congratulations, please come up here."
    "See girl I told you that you'd do it," Samantha said as she patted Emily on the back.
    As soon as the principal announced her name as valedictorian, Emily felt an overwhelming rush of pride and excitement. She had worked tirelessly for four years, earning top grades and taking on leadership roles in various extracurricular activities. Being recognized as the top student in her class was the ultimate validation of her hard work. As proud as she was she was having a little bit of stage fright and getting up in front of an audience like that was always somewhat difficult for her, but she was really glad to be receiving this honor. The principal shook her hand and told her congratulations and then she started walking back to her seat. But as she walked off the stage, beaming with pride, she was approached by the school's student council president, who handed her a peculiar-looking packet.
    "Congratulations, Emily! As valedictorian, you'll be giving the commencement speech. Here's some information to help you prepare," he said with a smile.
    As Emily opened the packet, her eyes widened in horror. Buried beneath the speech guidelines and ceremony details was a small note that made her heart sink:
    "Important Tradition: As per school custom, the valedictorian is expected to deliver the commencement speech in the buff. This symbolizes vulnerability, sincerity, and a commitment to authenticity. Please come prepared accordingly."
    Emily's jaw dropped. Naked? Give a speech naked? In front of her entire class, family, and friends? She felt a wave of panic wash over her. Why hadn't anyone mentioned this before?
    "Yeah, pretty crazy isn't it, you have to give the speech completely naked, but don't worry I'm sure you'll look absolutely great up there," the student council president said as he started smirking and looking Emily up and down and it was suddenly making her feel extremely self-conscious that this guy was probably picturing her naked.
    "Hey see what did I tell you, that you were a shoe in," Samantha said hugging Emily as she came down from the stage. "Wow, you are so excited I can tell that you are in a state of shock, I mean I think you knew that you were going to win but you seem like you are genuinely shocked."
    "It's not the fact that I won, it's the fact that I have to give my speech naked," Emily said holding out the note that she got from the student council president.
    Samantha started reading it and she couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my God seriously, you up there naked, that would be like the funniest thing in the world, I couldn't picture that in a million years, but I guess I won't have to picture it, because in a little while you are going to be up there actually doing it."
    "I don't think that I can do it, they actually expect me to get up there naked in front of the entire school, in front of thousands of people covered head to toe those caps and gowns that cover everything while I will have it all out on display, there's no way I can do that!"
    Samantha continued reading. "Well here you didn't read the entire thing, you don't actually have to get completely naked."
    "Really, well that's a relief, I knew that this couldn't actually be true," Emily said as she began reading before she began frowning once again.
    "Yeah, it says here that you can wear your mortar board because they expect you to throw it up in the air once you are done with your speech just like everybody else, they wouldn't want to deprive you of that!"
    "No just deprive me of my dignity and my clothing in front of thousands of people!"
    She thought about all the times she'd imagined giving the speech, picturing herself confident and poised in her cap and gown. Not...not naked.
    For a moment, Emily considered declining the honor. How could she possibly do this? But then she thought about all the sacrifices she'd made, the late nights and early mornings, the countless hours spent studying and pushing herself to excel.
    This was too big of an honor to turn down just because of a...unconventional tradition. She took a deep breath and steeled herself.
    "I'll do it," she said aloud, though no one was asking.
    "That's the old college spirit, you always are saying how traditions are important, it would be rather hypocritical of you to suddenly change your mind just because one of those tradition seems a little bit weird to you," Samantha said.
    "Look I can't turn down this honor, but I don't know how I could possibly go up there naked, I mean I was nervous at the idea of giving a speech when I was going to be fully dressed, now you want me to go up there and give my speech completely naked? How can they do this to somebody, to one of their best students?!"
    "Hey Emily congratulations on being the valedictorian, I look forward to seeing you," Frank said as he began snickering as Emily felt like she was practically ready to die of embarrassment, as no doubt Frank must have known about this tradition. She couldn't believe she had never heard of this tradition before, what kind of crazy University wants their students to get naked like that?
    "Okay maybe I can't do this after all, I don't care how great an honor it is, I can't get up there naked in front of all those people, in front of every guy in the entire University," Emily said shaking her head.
    "Well hey it's not like you are going to see any of them again after this, or at least not most of them, although I guess they will get to see you one last time in a way they have never seen you before," Samantha said as she couldn't help but burst out laughing.
    "Hey it's not funny, you wouldn't be laughing if it was your naked ass who had to go up in front of thousands of people!"
    Samantha stopped laughing and nodded. "Well you are definitely right about that, but fortunately it is not my naked ass that has to go up there in front of thousands of people, it's yours!" And with that Samantha couldn't help but burst out laughing once again.
    As Emily looked around at all of the students in the auditorium piling out after the announcement she couldn't help but notice that a lot of people were pointing at her and laughing, and a couple of the guys had perverted glances on their faces that made her just want to run out of there and hide herself from view. She may not have been naked yet at that moment but she felt just as exposed and vulnerable just the same.
    If she was going to do that she would have to prepare herself, she was going to have to prepare herself a lot.
    "You know I think you're making much too big a deal of this," Samantha said in their dorm later that evening. "I mean I have seen you naked plenty of times in the shower."
    "Yes, in the shower, not on stage in front of thousands of people, half of whom are going to be horny college guys," Emily said. "I don't know how on earth I am never going to be able to overcome my stage fright. I was already having stage fright at the idea of giving a speech in front of thousands of people when I thought, naturally assuming, that I was going to get to keep my damn clothing on! This is such a great honor I don't want to turn it down but I just don't think I can go up there and face the entire student body seeing my entire student body!"
    "Just picture them all in their underwear."
    "If I picture them in their underwear they would still be a lot more heavily dressed than I am!"
    "Oh yeah, I never actually thought about that, picturing people in their underwear doesn't really work if you have to do something naked does it? Again I think that you are making too much of a big deal of this."
    "Again easy for you to say, you get to keep your clothing on through the entire ceremony."
    "Look I am telling you it's not as big a deal as you are probably thinking, you're just nervous about it because it's a weird thing, but if you let yourself think about it for a while you'll get used to it. I'm sure you'll do fine, again it's no big deal."
    "Okay, if it's no big deal why don't you just get naked?"
    "You want me to get naked, Emily I never thought that you thought of me in that way?" Samantha said before she burst out laughing.
    "Look if it's no big deal why don't you just completely strip naked right now and stay like that for the rest of the evening?"
    Now Samantha was feeling that she was really put on the spot, if she really believed her words that being naked was no big deal it seems that Emily had called her bluff, and she didn't actually relish the idea of getting completely naked, and she was no exhibitionist, but she wanted to prove to Emily that it wasn't as big a deal as she thought it was.
    "Okay fine, I'll do it," Samantha said, feeling that maybe if she said that forcefully enough the fact that she was willing to do it would be enough for Emily to say, you know you don't have to do it, and she would get to keep her clothing on.
    "Well, I'm waiting," Emily said tapping her foot impatiently and folding her arms under her chest.
    "Well okay, if you are really that eager to see me because I am so beautiful," Samantha said as she slowly slipped out of her clothing until she was standing there and top of a pile of her clothing, and she had to admit this was a really weird feeling. She had been naked in the showers before with other women but she had never just been standing around in her dormitory like that, and she had to admit it was kind of weird to be naked outside of a sexual situation or a locker room shower situation, and she suddenly felt herself extremely self-conscious.
    "So how does it feel now?"
    "It's a little bit chilly in here," Samantha said, and she actually was getting goosebumps because it was kind of cold with the air conditioning on as she began rubbing her naked body.
    "Feeling a bit uncomfortable are we?" Emily said looking a little bit smugly satisfied, as she could see that Samantha was feeling very uncomfortable at the moment, although it was equally awkward for the both of them as it was kind of weird seeing her roommate prancing around buck naked.
    "You think maybe I could get dressed now? I mean I think I proved my point."
    "Well if you were really proving your point then you wouldn't mind being naked for the rest of the evening, unless you feel it's too uncomfortable and embarrassing."
    Once again Emily was calling her bluff, so Samantha simply shrugged her shoulders and the two of them sat down watching television while Samantha was rubbing her naked body the entire time, obviously finding it especially cold in that room without her clothing on.
    Emily had to admit there was something a little bit satisfying about making Samantha prove her point, every time she saw Samantha sitting there looking uncomfortable she felt a small degree of satisfaction, like she had achieved some kind of victory.
    Later that evening she heard a knock at the door and she answered it and standing there was James, her boyfriend, and as soon as she opened the door she could hear Samantha screaming and struggling to cover herself up with a blanket.
    "Wow, I think I walked in on something rather interesting," James said as Samantha was standing there wrapping a blanket around her and blushing profusely. "Hey I heard about you getting valedictorian, congratulations," James said as he hugged and kissed Emily.
    "You know when you said that I had to be naked for the evening you didn't say you were going to invite guests over," Samantha said still struggling to cover herself with the blanket.
    "Well so it's true, girls really do get naked in the dormitory when guys aren't around," James said.
    Samantha smiled. "I guess you haven't heard about tradition where the valedictorian has to give her speech completely naked!"
    "Wait, what?" James said as he scratched his head and was still smiling.
    "You explain it to him, I'm going to get dressed," Samantha said as she reached down and got her clothing and changed back into it while trying to cover herself up with some of her bedsheets.
    So while Samantha was getting dressed Emily explained all of the lurid details about how she had to give her speech in the buff, and how she wasn't feeling exactly thrilled about that.
    "Actually that's kind of hot," James said.
    "What?" Emily said.
    "I mean that's a really cool tradition, normally a valedictory speech can be kind of dull but this is certainly going to make sure that all eyes are glued to you," James said." I mean don't get me wrong I'm sure you would have given a great speech one way or another, but if you are giving that speech naked I think that everybody is going to be carefully watching your every move and will probably find the entire experience to be completely unforgettable."
    "That's exactly why I don't want to do it!" Emily said. "You really want every single guy on the campus to see me completely naked, to see your girlfriend completely naked?"
    "Well," James said trying to hide a perverted smile as Samantha began laughing and clapping her hands.
    "You probably wouldn't be laughing if it was you who had to give that speech," Emily said.
    "Well I am sure that plenty of guys have been valedictorian and had to give the speech as well, I mean it would be pretty sexist if they only had the women do it," James said as Samantha was looking at her phone.
    "It looks like the tradition goes back at least a generation but they didn't have it until they started admitting women to this university," Samantha said. "How astonishing!"
    "I just don't know how I am ever going to do this," Emily said as she fell backward onto her bed and covered her face with a pillow as she began to scream.
    "Well hey, we will help you Em," James said. "I've seen you naked lots of times, and you have a really nice body, if you're not afraid being naked in front of me then you shouldn't be afraid of being naked in general."
    "And I've seen you naked plenty of times as well, although in that case we were both mutually naked," Samantha said.
    "It's different being seen naked by your same-sex roommate in the college shower or by your boyfriend when you are making love, it's a different thing to be walking around naked in front of thousands of students, as well as family and friends and teachers, and good God who started this tradition," Emily said once again putting her face into her pillow and screaming.
    "Apparently a bunch of fraternities and sororities thought that it would be a hoot," Samantha said. "But I think we just need to get you used to being naked around other people."
    "What do you mean?" Emily asked.
    "I think she means that she wants you to get completely naked," James said. "Or was I reading the room wrong?"
    "No I think you were reading the room right," Samantha said as he high-fived James as the two of them smiled and looked at Emily.
    "Come on Emily, look it's no big deal," James said.
    "Well then why don't you get naked," Emily said as both Emily and Samantha looked at James who started looking extremely awkward and uncomfortable and scratching behind his head.
    "I think that you are outnumbered 2 to 1, it's only fair," Samantha said.
    Emily could see that James was looking extremely uncomfortable, to ask him to get naked in front of two women who get to stay dressed would be rather awkward, and she could see at that moment that he realized how uncomfortable it would be.
    "Well look I think that," James said trying to think of some way to get out of taking his clothing off as the two women stood there before they both burst out laughing.
    "Look this is my problem and I don't want to make you guys feel uncomfortable," Emily said.
    "Well we want to make you feel comfortable, feel comfortable in your own skin, your own naked skin that is," James said as both he and Samantha stood on one side of Emily putting their arms around her and smiling into the mirror.
    It took them a while to convince her to do so but eventually Emily very slowly slipped out of her clothing until she was standing in front of the mirror naked aside from what parts of her body were covered by her really long brown hair.
    James had to admit he was feeling a little bit awkward because he could feel all of the blood rushing to a certain area of his anatomy seeing Emily standing there in her naked glory like that.
    "Well see, there you go, look how long your hair is, with little while to go before graduation it will probably cover up your boobs anyway," Samantha said she couldn't help but put her fingers in her mouth to stop herself from bursting out laughing once again.
    Emily had to admit once again that this was a very weird feeling. She had been seen naked by both Samantha and James before, but in all of those situations the nudity had been mutual, the fact that she was now with both of them and she was the only one naked made it feel a lot more intense, and the thing that she didn't want to admit is that she felt a tingly sensation all throughout her body, as humiliating and awkward as this was there was something about it that was exhilarating, in fact she felt like she was practically ready to orgasm just from the sensation of being naked and seeing her reflection in the mirror like that.
    "I think now is the time that you should start practicing your speech, just pretend that we aren't even here watching your every move," Samantha said as she and James sat down behind Emily who stood there in front of the mirror looking at her naked body, her long brown hair at least covering parts of her breasts, and trying to make the words come out but she found herself completely tongue-tied.
    "It's okay, this was just the first time, baby steps," James said. "I'm sure if you try this a little while longer it will seem less weird over time and soon you will be able to pretend that we aren't even here."
    "Yeah just take a deep breath and pretend we aren't here," Samantha said as Emily stood there in front of the mirror paralyzed with fear and realized this was going to be a long couple of weeks until graduation.
    Over the next few weeks, Emily struggled to reconcile her pride with her discomfort. She practiced her speech in front of her mirror, trying to imagine herself delivering it without clothes, spending her days around her dormitory naked with Samantha and James getting to keep their clothing on. She confided in close friends, who offered mixed reactions – some laughed, while others expressed concern.
    The strange thing that Emily didn't really want to admit to her friends is that as time went on she was getting a little bit more confident but she still felt extremely embarrassed every time she had to get naked in front of them. It was one thing to be naked in front of your female roommate and boyfriend, it was another thing to be completely naked in front of a bunch of strangers like that.
    The thing that she didn't want to admit to her friends however was the fact that while she found this extremely embarrassing to be naked around them, is that something about being naked while they got to keep their clothing on made the situation extremely titillating.
    James certainly seemed to notice, and he seemed to be enjoying it, what guy wouldn't enjoy having his girlfriend be naked all the time? But by the time they would end up getting in the bedroom after she had been naked all day they had some of the most explosive lovemaking that they had ever had, James practically just had to touch her and she would be feeling tingling in all the right places, and as soon as they began having sex she started orgasming like she was going out of her mind.
    The night before commencement James and Emily were in bed naked together after making love several times in a row, and she felt so warm and comfortable in the bed there with James but she still felt nervous at the idea of giving her speech completely naked, and the thing that made her most nervous was the fact that she was worried that she was actually going to enjoy the experience of a very public humiliation.
    Finally commencement day arrived, and Emily stood backstage, her heart racing. As she waited for her cue, she thought about all the reasons she'd earned this moment. She took a final deep breath, stepped out onto the stage wearing her cap and gown, but as per tradition she started slipping out of her gown as she approached the podium as everybody in the audience began whistling and cheering.
    She admitted that she practically raced towards the podium because the podium was the only thing that was going to conceal her body even a little bit. And she had been growing her hair especially long, and luckily now it seemed as though her hair covered most of her breasts because it hung so down so long. In fact she was glad that she had decided to let her hair grow out, because if she hadn't already been letting her hair grow it never would have gotten long enough to give her some concealment of her body.
    Although she could feel a little bit of a draft that was making her naked ass cold, and she started feeling a tingly sensation all through her body, as she knew that she was out there completely vulnerable and exposed to the entire student body. Maybe that was the part of the tradition, the idea was it was supposed to make you humble, and right now she felt humbler than she ever had before. Although she was the center of attention she felt almost like a fly on a wall or a deer in the headlights, the headlights in this situation being the lighting above her, and it took her a moment to focus and begin her speech.
    Truthfully she felt almost like she was in some kind of a trance, she had memorized her speech and she was saying the words but she felt like she was saying it like on autopilot. She couldn't help but feel every inch of her naked flesh being exposed to the student body, and she looked out into the audience and she could see that all eyes were definitely on her.
    However, her surprise, the initial shock and snickers from the audience gave way to applause and cheers. Emily's words rang out, powerful and sincere, and for a moment, she forgot about the tradition and focused on the message. As she got deeper and deeper into her speech she felt a little bit more comfortable and at the same time really titillated by the fact that so much attention was being paid both to her words and her naked body. For a while she got so intensely absorbed in the words that she was speaking and saying them with such passion she could momentarily forget that she was up on stage completely buck naked, ironically the only part of her body that was concealed was the top of her head by her mortar board. After a long time speaking she finally took a deep breath and finished.
    When she finished, the crowd erupted in a standing ovation. Emily smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over her. She had faced her fears and honored the tradition, even if it wasn't exactly what she'd expected.
    As she walked off the stage, diploma in hand, Emily realized that sometimes the greatest honors require the greatest courage. In fact she was so caught up in the moment, and she knew that this moment, though unconventional, would stay with her forever, that as she walked off the stage she didn't even pick up her gown and put it back on, and she went back into the audience still completely stark naked as everybody continued whistling and hollering and applauding and giving her another standing ovation as she took a bow and began waving and blowing kisses to everybody as she sashayed her naked ass off of the stage and went back to her seat.
    As the commencement concluded everybody threw up their mortar boards and she felt rather exhilarated because for the first moment that day she actually was completely and utterly naked, not even her head concealed, and the fact that she didn't have the slightest clue where gown had gone didn't bother her in the least.
    As she came running towards Samantha and James and began embracing them, still completely naked, she was no longer feeling quite as humble as she was before, certainly she definitely felt more vulnerable than she ever had before, but at that moment the feeling of being naked and having no idea when she was going to be able to cover herself up once again was the most exhilarating moment of her life, and she knew it was a moment that she would never forget, and she knew it was a moment that her friends, family and the entire student body would probably never forget either, and neither would the Internet since the commencement speech was live streaming the entire time…

This was a story that I found on my list from a few years ago, and recently I got into the fact that they now have AI that can illustrate things for you. So I found this story on my list and then I decided to try and illustrate it with AI and it gave me this really great picture of a woman standing up in front of a group of college graduates with her hair coming down over her breasts and wearing nothing but a mortar board, and I thought that that would be a great idea to put in that story and then I made some other great pictures after I was done with the story, and that made it a lot more fun to actually write the story because now I can illustrate them with sexy pictures! Surprisingly this is my first story in about three months that I have written since discovering the AI despite the fact that now it can give me great pictures to illustrate my stories and further inspire me.
Overall I thought that this was a great idea for a story, which once does again require a lot of suspension of disbelief as you figure that colleges and fraternities and stuff like that often have some weird tradition, so it's not totally unbelievable the college would have some kind of crazy tradition like this. But it also reminded me of a scene from the movie Porky's in which a character ends up walking onto stage at their graduation and their gown completely comes off, so in the back of my head maybe that was a little bit where it was inspired from, as I thought that that would be a great idea for an entire story, someone having to be completely naked and giving a speech is sort of the worst possible thing in the world. I had another story similar to this in with somebody had to give a speech naked but I thought having a graduation speech where you have to get naked with an entire college full of horny young people would make it especially exciting through the large-scale public embarrassment and humiliation I would is supposed to be a very solemn event in general, it takes some of the seriousness away from the intensity of the event and I am sure that if people actually attended something like this they probably would remember something other than just her words!
This story involves only one naked, naked in public, embarrassed nude female, clothed female nude female, clothed male naked female. So that's a good variety of nudity all around!


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