The Nude Scene

Happy Bastille Day! In honor of Bastille Day here is a story having absolutely nothing to do with Bastille Day whatsoever! This is a story about an actress who is pressured into doing a nude scene and thinks that that's the end of it until she realizes that part of the clause in her contract is that she actually has to go around naked in public as a way of promoting the new movie. I guess it's a little bit similar to the last one in that it involves naked people who are also celebrities. Enjoy!
This one includes only one naked, naked in public, embarrassed nude female and CFNF.

The Nude Scene
Angelina had to admit that she was very nervous, she had never done a naked scene in a movie before but the contract that she had signed, which was going to give her more pay than she had ever gotten for a movie before, had a clause in the contract saying she had to agree to do a nude scene without any kind of body double standing in for her.
    "Look Angelina I realize that getting naked on camera like that is a very frightening and intimidating thing but we have the best people around, and I can ensure you that we are going to do it in a really tasteful way, so just try not to be nervous," Todd said.
    "Look I realize that you are a great movie director and that is the only reason why I agreed to do this scene, but the idea that millions of people are going to see me naked is just very intimidating," Angelina said shaking her head. She was a naturally bashful person despite having a really attractive body that so many people wanted to see.
    "Well it's not as though they are all in the room with you, just picture that you are alone in this particular scene and ignore the fact that there are lots of cameraman and whatnot focusing on you, trust me you'll be okay and it's not as big of a deal as you thought it was."
    "Okay Todd, once again I trust you as a director and producer of this movie, and I know that you wouldn't put a gratuitous nude scene in the movie just for the sake of it because I have seen your other work and I realize that when you put nudity in a movie you do it in a really tasteful and respectful manner."
    As everybody started setting up the scene and the camera, Angelina had to admit that she was getting cold feet and she didn't really want to slide out of her robe. Just the fact that all she was wearing was a bathrobe was enough to make her feel a little bit self-conscious in a room with so many men and women, all of whom, or most of whom had some kind of cameras that they were pointing at her.
    "Okay it's time for action," Todd said as Angelina slowly walked into the room sliding out of her bathrobe as she felt it fall to the floor around her. She suddenly felt cold, it felt weird to be naked in the presence of other people, especially on a stage like this where she knew she was being filmed.
    She tried her best to concentrate on the situation and not let it bother her that she was naked. She walked around the room naked and went to the window as all of the cameras zoomed into her ass for a close-up shot. She felt that she was probably blushing but she was trying to keep herself under control. As she turned around and faced the camera covering up her breasts with her hands as she did so, and smiled at the camera, that was when the director yelled cut and it was over with.
    "That was marvelous Angelina, we filmed that perfectly the first time, and I don't think we have to do it again," Todd said as she breathed a sigh of relief.
    "Oh thank God, you know it felt a little bit liberating but I can't wait to get back into my bathrobe or just to get dressed in general," Angelina said as she started picking up her bathrobe and putting it back on.
    "See I told you it wasn't that bad, and I am sure that when you do the promotional tour it won't be that bad either."
    "The what?"
    "You know the promotional tour, where you're going to go around naked advertising the movie. We figured there is no better advertising for the movie than your live flesh and blood naked body."
    "You know that's a really funny one Todd, you got me nervous there for a second," Angelina said as she laughed nervously, but as she looked into Todd's eyes and looked at the smirks of the people around in the film studio she realized that he most decidedly was not joking. "Oh my God, you're actually serious aren't you?"
    "Well I assumed that you read the fine print when you signed your contract, we're going to do a promotional tour where you will go around at various movie houses and you will be there completely naked, that is sure to get in lots of crowds!"
    "You want me to be parading around naked in movie theaters to promote this movie?!"
    "Not that many, just like 10 or 20, we will see how popular the tour goes and we will see from there."
    "I mean is that even legal?"
    "Oh don't worry, it's all perfectly legal as long as you are inside the movie building there is no problem with people seeing you naked."
    "Well I think that I am going to have a problem with it!" she said as she held her bathrobe closely up against her body suddenly feeling even more self-conscious than she ever was before.
    "I'm sorry but when you signed the contract I assume that you realized everything that this was going to imply. Again it's not like it's going to be this big thing, it's just going to be you going around to a couple of movie theaters naked promoting the film. And they will probably end up pixilated in all the footage of it when it airs on television."
    "No way, no way am I going naked to a bunch of movie theaters like that, what kind of woman do you think that I am?"
    "A gorgeous actress who signed a contract saying that she would do a nude scene and that she would go around naked to movie theaters promoting it," Todd said as he showed her the contract that she had signed. Of course she hadn't read the contract in full because it was a digital contract, and when you say click to agree usually you don't realize what you are agreeing to.
    "Wait you mean if I don't go through with this I am not going to get paid and I am not even going to get paid for my nude scene in the movie?"
    "Look Angelina, I realize that it was difficult getting naked but you were able to do it, so now you just have to do it in a movie theater that is filled with a bunch of people, or rather a dozen or two movie theaters filled with bunches of people. Just picture you were right here in the studio all by yourself."
    "But I wasn't here all by myself, there were lots of cameramen and women surrounding me, and now you want me to go out in public completely naked."
    "What we don't need you to be spreading around on the streets naked, we just need you to be going to the movie theater naked, once again it's no real big deal."
    "You know I think we have a different idea of what a big deal is, I mean maybe if you were the one who is naked you would see it as a bigger deal."
    "I don't think that anyone wants to see me naked, yes I'm a great director and producer, but I don't really have the kind of body that you do that everybody wants to see. Just try not to be so self-conscious about it and I am sure that you will easily be able to brush it off. You'll see, it's not going to feel as weird as you think it is, trust me."

    A few days later Angelina arrived at the first movie theater where she was to strip down to nothing to promote her movie. She kept telling herself that maybe it wouldn't be as excruciating as she was thinking, she was able to do the nude scene perfectly, and now she would just have to stand around naked promoting the movie.
    As she arrived at the movie theater she could feel her heart racing as she was beginning to get apprehensive. She knew that she had signed a contract, and she knew that if she tried to get out of it it would probably spell the end of her career, but really was it worth it to humiliate herself in public and to get the reputation as that naked actress in order to continue her career? She hated the idea that her naked body was being used as a gimmick to promote a movie but sometimes you had to do a lot of terrible things in Hollywood to get ahead.
    As she stood in the lobby of the movie theater they told her that she could go into the ladies room to change into her outfit, or rather change out of her outfit. As she looked at herself in the mirror of the ladies room she could see another woman in there smiling at her.
    "Hey aren't you that actress in the movie that they are promoting here?" the woman said. "My name is Ellie by the way."
    "Yes I am the actress that you are thinking of," Angelina said as she shook Ellie's hand. "And I'm just so nervous though because they want me to promote the movie by prancing around completely naked in the movie theater like that. I guess it's a lesson to make sure you are careful about what you signed and agreed to do. Now my whole career is dependent upon this naked promotional tour. I mean who on earth thought of something like that?"
    "An average heterosexual male?" Ellie said as the two of them laughed. "Look I realize the idea of being naked in public is really intimidating but it's nowhere near as terrible as you think. Look if you want I will go completely naked with you."
    "Come on, seriously?"
    "Seriously, I have no problem showing off my naked body, I think I have a pretty nice one, here let me show you," Ellie said as Angelina stood there as she started stripping down to nothing. Angelina had to admit that she actually did have a rather nice body and she was blushing looking at her. "Wow, you're even bashful seeing another woman naked like that, I guess you really are shy. Hey don't feel bad about looking, I mean I'm not a lesbian or anything but I don't have a problem with other women looking at my naked body. I was a stripper for several years and it actually feels kind of nice to get back in the swing of things. So come on why don't you strip out of those clothes, aren't they getting itchy all over your body like that?"
    Angelina reluctantly stripped out of her clothing and as she was standing there naked and feeling rather cold with Ellie standing there smiling and looking a lot more confident she had to admit that the absurdity of the situation started making her laugh.
    "That a girl, now get that naked ass shaking out there and making money for the movie people," Ellie said as she gave Angelina a gentle smack on the ass as she continued laughing.
    As the two of them walked out of the ladies room completely naked all of the sudden a bunch of men with cameras started taking pictures, and they could see a crowd of other people in the movie theater all holding up camera phones snapping away 100 miles a second.
    "Well it looks like we have two blushing beauties for the sake of one, well maybe only one of you blushing," Todd said as Angelina stood there covering her genital region with one hand and trying to cover her breasts with her other arm across them.
    "Angelina how does it feel to have done your first nude scene in a movie like that?" one of the reporters said.
    "I bet she feels it is liberating, don't you," Ellie said patting her on the back.
    "Who are you?" the reporter asked as he put a microphone up to her mouth.
    "You can just call me Ellie and it seems like she was getting a little bit nervous about being naked, so I decided to strip down to show her that it's no big deal," Ellie said standing there with her hands confidently on her hips as large numbers of people began clapping and whistling and hollering. Ellie may not have had the body of a celebrity actress but she was still in pretty good shape, even if it had been a couple of years since she had worked as a stripper.
    Angelina knew that she was blushing like crazy and that anyone could tell that she was obviously uncomfortable about being naked, but as she looked at Ellie confidently prancing around, all of the sudden she felt like she was being upstaged. Truth be told is under the circumstances she wanted anything that would deflect attention from her like that, but at the same time it was kind of a weird feeling to be envious.
    As she was surrounded with a bunch of flashing cameras and microphones being thrust in her mouth, she tried to drown out all of the external distractions and try to picture that she was standing there fully dressed. Once she had done that she mustered up the courage to answer all the questions of the news reporters and the paparazzi.
    She momentarily felt a little bit self-conscious again when they asked her to do a bunch of seductive looking poses, but as Ellie clapped and smiled and posed along with her, suddenly she didn't feel so bad any longer, and she was actually enjoying herself a little bit.
    "See being naked in public is no big deal, you just have to get used to the fact that hundreds or thousands of people are going to see your naked body, and it's not like millions of people aren't going to see your naked body when they go see the movie, although I guess it's not quite the same as getting to see you in person," Ellie said as the crowds began dispersing.
    "You know Ellie I am never going to be an exhibitionist or a stripper the way you are, but I would just like to say thank you, I think that you getting naked like that gave me the courage to be able to do the same, and I just want to say thank you," Angelina said. "So how many people do you think took naked pictures of us today?"
    "I honestly don't think I can count that high," Ellie said. "Honestly it's probably the most exposure I have gotten in a while, literally exposure. Maybe I could end up being a movie star as well, I may not have any skill as an actress the way you do, but I think I can still move with a fair degree of grace and poise, don't you think?"
    "Ellie you definitely taught me what confident naked is, and I will never forget that, just the same though I can't really wait to get dressed," Angelina said as she and Ellie went into the ladies room where they saw a bunch of other women sort of smirking and staring at them as they went into the stalls to get dressed. A moment later Ellie came out of the stall fully dressed but Angelina noticed something.
    "Hey what happened to my clothing?" Angelina said as she shouted from inside of the stall as Ellie walked out of the ladies room with Angelina's evening gown draped over her shoulders.
    "Hey you can't blame a girl for wanting to take a souvenir from a movie star, besides I think this will probably end up teaching Angelina to value her body even more, so I'm always happy to help," Ellie said but she could hear Angelina still screaming from the bathroom but she just kept smiling and walking and laughing to herself.

I think that what inspired this was the idea that lots of actresses are pressured into doing a naked scene like that, and that it's probably a rather stressful thing to have to do, so naturally I thought what would be even more stressful and that would be having to go around naked at movie theaters promoting the movie as sort of a weird gimmick. I basically pictured a actress like Angelina Jolie (thus the character's name) or something like that being pressured into going around naked and promoting their movies because everybody wants to see that naked.
    Originally I was going to have her be embarrassed in the movie theater and then the director would strip naked along with her, but then I thought it would be funny if instead she met this other woman who is sort of an exhibitionist or stripper who makes her feel a little bit more comfortable about doing the nude scene, and then getting naked in public like that, and then I ended on sort of a humorous note where she sort of makes off with the main actress's clothing leaving her stuck naked but probably helping her to have to confront being naked in public even more.
    This one includes only one naked, naked in public, embarrassed nude female and CFNF.


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