Naked and Marooned

I am glad to say that I finished writing the latest CFNM novella that I'm going to try my best to get around to publishing hopefully sometime this week. The novella that I completed was about an island that dissolves men's clothing and this is sort of like a bonus story as this was the original more mundane idea that I had that ultimately ended up morphing into that. This one is a pure CFNM story. Enjoy!

Naked and Marooned
Erik was looking at Ursula's really skimpy bikini and it was giving him all sorts of arousing thoughts. It was practically a thong and he had to admit that it was hard for him not to stare.
    "You're staring at my bikini aren't you?" Ursula said.
    "No, I was staring at the ass, I mean your ass, I mean I wasn't staring at anything," Erik said but it was pretty obvious what he was doing. Ursula looked amazing in her skimpy little bikini outfit, and he could only fantasize about the idea of a wave coming and washing all of that away leaving her completely naked for him to take in every little inch of her naked body.
    "You know you could wear something a little bit more revealing, I can't help but notice that you are wearing full-blown swimming trunks that cover up everything from your waist down to your knees. You know it's funny guys always want to see women wearing skimpy clothing and yet you couldn't get the average guy to wear anything as revealing as a bikini or a thong."
    "Hey it looks better on you than it does on me!"
    "I bet you are hoping that I will take off this bikini but keep dreaming mister, this is about as close to naked as I'm going to be getting on this trip," Ursula said as she started walking away and Erik couldn't help but notice her ass going up and down and feeling once again rather excited imagining that flimsy little bikini getting knocked off by an ocean wave.
    Later that evening as they were in their rooms Erik found himself having insomnia because visions of Ursula naked were keeping him awake, and he felt he needed to go get some air. As he went out on the deck of the ship however he could see that it was torrential pouring rain and loud howling winds as well as thunder crackling everywhere.
    "You know I think that you should probably go back to your cabins, it doesn't look like it's a good time for anybody to be here on deck," a man said just when a wave came crashing and knocking Erik overboard.
    Erik began swimming and that was when he noticed that that wave must have somehow knocked off his bathing suit and he didn't see any sign of it.
    He knew that he should be trying to find a way to get back on board the ship, and that his bathing suit was a more minor concern, but now he was completely naked in the water and he didn't really like the prospect of getting back on the ship completely buck naked where any woman could see him.
    Soon Ursula came out onto the deck of the ship wondering where he had gone and started shouting his name.
    "Ursula I'm down here," Erik said before he remembered that he was naked.
    "I'll go get help to get you back on board the ship," Ursula said but then another wave came and it seemed to capsize the ship and Erik just narrowly missed being crushed by the ship.
    "Ursula where are you," Erik said as he began looking around. Now this wasn't good, now the ship was sinking and he was without a life raft.
    Erik continued swimming around looking for other people who had been on board the ship, and that was when he saw what looked like Ursula and two other women wearing likewise skimpy bikinis looking as though they were rowing right towards him on some kind of a life raft.
    "Erik," Ursula yelled as she threw a life preserver to him that he put around his waist. "I'll bring you on board the life raft."
    "Actually you know I am good right here," Erik said as he knew that he was hesitating because he didn't want the women to know that he had lost his swimsuit completely.
    "Why won't he get on board," one of the other women with Ursula said.
    "Come on Erik, climb aboard the life raft, it's the safest place for you to be," Ursula said.
    Now Erik was feeling even more awkward, as he couldn't think of a really good excuse for why he wouldn't get on the life raft other than the absolute truth, because he was completely buck naked and he didn't want these three women to be seeing him like that.
    "No you know I think I am pretty good right here, I don't want to take up too much room up there with you ladies," Erik said and now he was sort of playing dumb but he realized that they could probably see through his façade.
    "Come on Erik, just get on board the life raft, you don't want to be eaten by sharks," Ursula said.
    "Did you say sharks?" Erik said as he always had a major fear of sharks ever since he saw the movie Jaws.
    "Yeah a bunch of sharks could be circling around, and they would probably see your lower body as a nice inviting snack," Ursula said as the other two women aboard the life raft nodded in agreement.
    "Okay I will get on board the life raft but I kind of have a little bit of an issue," Erik said as now he was worrying that a shark was going to come by and bite his genitals off. He realized that happening was probably unrealistic but he didn't want to take any kind of chance.
    "What's the issue?" one of the woman said to Ursula as she shrugged her shoulders.
    "What's wrong Erik?" Ursula asked.
    "Well when I got knocked off of the ship I think it also knocked off my swimming trunks and," Erik said and now he knew he was probably blushing as the three women began laughing.
    "It's okay Erik, we don't have any problem with that," Ursula said and it was hard for her not to smirk a little bit when she said that.
    "Just get your naked ass on the life raft!" one of the other women said as they started pulling the life preserver with Erik in it towards the life raft.
    "Come on Erik, it's nothing that we haven't seen before," Ursula said as she offered him her hand.
    This had to be the absolute most embarrassing moment of Erik's life, as he had never seen any of these women naked, and now they were going to get to see his full package, which he hoped wasn't shrinking too much because of the cold water.
    Erik was cringing but as Ursula started humming the theme to Jaws he soon started climbing aboard the life raft as all of the women helped him on board as he quickly crossed his legs and covered up his genitals as the three women couldn't help but begin laughing.
    "Well isn't that cute, you're bashful," Ursula said as she laughed. "Well anyway Erik these women are Amanda and Jessica."
    "I'd shake your hands but," Erik said as he continued using his hands to cover up his genitals as the three women sat down and began laughing once again. He couldn't believe he was sitting there completely buck naked in a life raft with three hot women in some of the skimpiest bikinis he had ever seen but that still covered up all of the important bits and pieces.
    "Well Erik I hate to break it to you but I think that we are lost at sea, and you without any pants, so I think that we are going to be stuck like this for a while, so I would get nice and comfortable," Ursula said looking really relaxed as Erik could feel the goosebumps all over his body because he knew that he must be blushing profusely by this point.
    "Are you going to sit there covering yourself up the entire time," Amanda said. "Look there's nothing to be embarrassed about, we've seen plenty of naked guys and their genitals before."
    Erik continued sitting there crossing his legs and trying his best to hide his genitals but he could see that the three women were smiling and were having a great time with this. Erik didn't say all that much as they continued floating there in the middle of the storm, at least the dangers from the storm around them were distracting them somewhat from the fact that he didn't have any clothing. And he figured it was a lesser evil to be in an embarrassing situation than to have sharks eat his genitals.
    In spite of the fact that this was utterly humiliating, Erik was finding himself becoming a little bit titillated at the fact that the women were smiling at him because of the fact that he was naked. In fact as he sat there staring at them and their skimpy little bikinis while he was completely buck naked like that he was feeling all of the blood rushing to his genitals rather rapidly.
    "Oh my God, I think Erik has a boner," Jessica said as she covered up her mouth and began laughing.
    "No, I think that you think wrong," Erik said struggling to cover up but it was very obvious that Jessica was saying the God honest truth.
    "Believe me I know a boner when I see one, and I am certainly seeing a major one right now," Jessica said as she was now in hysterics and slapping her knees with enjoyment.
    "And I can confirm the sighting of a boner," Amanda said as she burst out laughing and holding her sides because she could barely contain herself either.
    "We've got three-way confirmation here that Erik has a throbbing stiffy from being completely naked in this life raft with us," Ursula said as the three women burst out laughing.
    It was one thing to be embarrassed at being naked in a life raft with these three attractive women who were dressed, even if it was in a very skimpy manner, and the fact that now he had a boner on top of that.
    "I think that somebody is getting hot and bothered by this situation," Ursula said as they continued making their way towards land.
    "I think that I see an island off in the distance, we should get off there and make ourselves comfortable," Amanda said as they all began paddling towards the island, well not Erik, he was too busy crossing his legs and trying to hide the fact that he had an erection while the women just kept laughing and they were enjoying every moment of this.
    When they finally reached the island they realized it was a small deserted island and there wasn't really anything that would conceal anything. Erik was hoping that there would be all sorts of foliage by which he could hide his nudity but no such luck. It was just an island that was sand in every direction and there really wasn't even all that much room to move around.
    "Well I guess this will be our home until somebody comes to rescue us," Jessica said as the three women got out of the life raft but Erik sat there not wanting to get up for obvious reasons.
    "Come on Erik, we're going to see it one way or another, so you might as well get comfortable on the island, we all know that you have a boner, so why don't you just get your naked ass onto the island," Ursula said as she and three other woman stood there with their hands on their hips on the island proclaiming it theirs.
    Very reluctantly Erik stood up, trying to get his boner to go down, but with no such luck. He didn't know what it was about the situation, maybe it was just that he was stuck naked with three attractive women on a desert island, how could anyone not be aroused by that?
    The women continued clapping and laughing as Erik stood up trying his best to conceal his very obvious signs of arousal but failing miserably. Soon the four of them ended up sitting next to each other not saying very much.
    "I guess there's not much to do on a desert island," Erik said still struggling his best to cover up but still finding himself as hard as a rock.
    "I don't know, the fact that your're naked is keeping us pretty entertained isn't it ladies," Jessica said as all of the women laughed and high-fived each other.
    "Yeah I have to admit it would be pretty boring to be stuck on a desert island but now that we have this naked guy here it certainly makes things a lot more interesting," Amanda said.
    "You know you could all get naked as well," Erik said as the three women burst out laughing. "What's so funny?"
    "The fact that you are naked and we are not!" Ursula said as all of the women once again began high-fiving each other.
    "It's hard not to feel a whole lot of sexual tension in a situation like this," Amanda said, looking directly at Erik's groin area. "And wow you are definitely like a towering Inferno, you just can't get that thing to go down can you?"
    Erik had to admit that this was totally mortifying. The fact is even though this was embarrassing and humiliating him beyond his wildest dreams he was finding every second of it to be extremely titillating. As he could feel the women sitting next to him on either side of him brushing up against his naked body he was pretty much ready to explode.
    "Well I suppose we should be nice," Ursula said as she reached her hand between Erik's legs and suddenly grabbed his penis and testicles and the second she did that he exploded and blew his load and it went flying across the island. "Wow look at the range on that thing!"
    Amanda and Jessica stood up and were laughing like hyenas.
    "Careful you could put an eye out with that thing," Amanda said as she and Jessica began holding their sides with laughter.
    "Well the sexual tension was so extreme all I had to do is give you a light tap and you just exploded all over the place," Ursula said.
    Erik had to admit he felt a little bit more relaxed now that he was able to blow off some steam, among other things, and all of the sudden he felt very relaxed and wanted to go to sleep. Eventually everybody calmed down a bit and were able to go to sleep, but when he found himself waking up the next morning his towering Inferno was once again pointing directly towards the sky, and when he woke up all of the women were clapping and laughing and pointing at it.
    "I think I need to go to the bathroom to relieve myself," Erik said as he went into the water but all of the women were whistling and hollering and one of them smacked him on the ass as he went off to "relieve" himself in the water in more ways than one.
    For the rest of the day as they sat there in the sun it was getting rather warm, so every so often they would go into the water to try and cool off, but other than that all they had to do to entertain themselves was laughing at the fact that Erik was naked, which only made Erik more excited and made the whole situation even more embarrassing than it already was initially because he soon felt his erection returning, it's just like he couldn't get rid of it, it simply would not go away for more than a short amount of time, that was the thing that was really embarrassing though, it was the fact that no matter what he did Erik found that as soon as he calmed down he immediately began building back up to full erection mode and the women ended up taking turns jerking him off, which he had to admit was rather exciting but also really embarrassing.
    Finally as they were starting to give into despair and realizing that they didn't have anything to eat or drink, that was when they saw what looked like a rescue craft out in the distance. All of the women began waving, whereas Erik just sat there trying to cover himself up.
    When the rescue craft finally arrived it seemed it was the Coast Guard, and as the four of them approached the boat that had come to rescue them Erik was simply standing there trying his best to cover up as the three women stood there with their hands on their hips laughing heartily.
    "I hope that it wasn't too frightening out there while you were waiting to be rescued," one of the women from the Coast Guard said as she looked at Erik and began smirking.
    "Let's just say that we had some good entertainment," Ursula said as she smacked Erik on the ass as all of the women began laughing like crazy once again.
    And as Erik got on the boat with the three women still completely naked, and now members of the Coast Guard snickering and smirking as well, he had to admit that this had to be the most humiliating experience of his life, but one that he knew he would never forget, and that he would probably be masturbating to in every fantasy that he had for the rest of his life.
    "We should do this again sometime," Ursula said as she and the other women high-fived each other and Erik thought with some irony that he was still fantasizing about them coming out of those skimpy bikinis, but that that would have to remain in his fantasies, he would just have to console himself with the memories of being naked with three startlingly hot women who got to see every inch of him and would probably remember that for as long as they live, and something about that just made him more excited as the woman continued clapping and laughing the whole way home.

This was the original story idea I had for CFNM Island, my novella. Basically the idea was a guy got stuck on an island completely naked with some really attractive women who got to keep their clothing on, but then when I wrote the novella it became this big elaborate thing about an island that causes men's clothing to dissolve and turned into an entirely different idea.
But then after writing that novella I thought that the original idea was good as well, and I thought it would make for an interesting bonus story. Basically this is another one of those stories where you have somebody lose their bathing suit but this time it's while they are marooned in the middle of nowhere and the women basically entertain themselves by the fact that they can see he is aroused by being embarrassed on the island. This one is pretty much a pure CFNM story about an embarrassed naked man and three attractive women who get to keep their clothing on the entire story.


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