Dancing Naked with the Stars

Happy Fourth of July to those of you living in the United States. Unfortunately I was sick today so wasn't the greatest day but before I got sick a few days ago I wrote this story that I am now getting around to posting so I hope you enjoy this. If you want a Fourth of July nudity story I wrote one on this day two years ago if you look through this blog for America's Birthday Suit Birthday Bash: A Blushing Red, White and Blue Fourth Of July. This isn't a holiday story though, this one just speculates on what a naked version of the show Dancing with the Stars would be like! Enjoy!

Dancing Naked with the Stars
"Emmett as your agent I definitely think that I have finally found you some work," Dave said.
    "You haven't found me work in a really long time, you know considering that I am a celebrity you would think it would be easier for me to find some kind of work," Emmett said.
    "Well you have to realize that you were always sort of a minor celebrity, and now it's been a while since you have been in any kind of movies of any kind, but I think that we might have found a way to help you make a comeback."
    "Well seeing as my career seems to be tanking I would take any kind of work that you can get me, anything that might get me in the public eye again."
    "Don't worry, I am sure that this will put you very much in the spotlight, all eyes are going to be on you. You're going to be the center of attention and everybody is going to be talking about you for a very long time I think."
    "Great, so what is this great new career opportunity that you are going on about?"
    "Well look, you were popular as an actor because you had some ability to dance, maybe you weren't a professional dancer, but I definitely think that you have dancing talent. So I managed to get you on some kind of celebrity dance competition, now it's a new show, and we don't know if it's going to get you back in the public eye as much as we are hoping, but I think that we have a great gimmick that is going to really draw in all of the audiences. What do people like more than celebrities?"
    "Well I hate to say it, but I think that people like celebrity scandals more than anything else, they like to see celebrities at their worst or who have fallen from grace to hit rock-bottom, which is exactly why I am somewhat suspicious of this new dancing competition. What exactly is the gimmick?"
    "You are actually not entirely wrong when you said that people like celebrity scandals, but there is something that people like more than celebrity scandals, and that's nudity!"
    "Nudity? I thought you said that this was a dancing competition."
    "Look everybody enjoys seeing celebrities dancing, that's been done before, and it was actually pretty popular, but in order to get popular with a similar premise we have to raise the bar a little bit. Now you've probably heard about how a lot of people have seen celebrity photos leaked of them naked on the Internet, and look at all of the positive buzz that it is generating. So the whole idea of this dancing competition is that we will have a bunch of minor celebrities dancing naked together. Everyone will want to see these naked celebrities dancing around, and believe me it will put you very much in the public eye once again."
    "Yeah it will put me in the public eye because everybody will have their eye on my naked body! I'm sorry but this doesn't sound like the way I want to get attention. Isn't that rather shallow and superficial, shouldn't I be judged by my acting and dancing talent rather than something sensationalistic such as being naked? Is our society really so shallow and superficial that all it takes is a bit of a promise of some naked flesh to get people interested in something?"
    "Right now I'm not sure if you meant that rhetorically, but come on I think that you know as well as I do that if a celebrity really wants to get attention and get back in the spotlight the best way to do that is to offer a little bit of nudity. You might be a minor celebrity now that people have forgotten but you still have a pretty nice body, and I think that there would probably be lots of old fans of yours who suddenly take an interest in you again because now they finally get to see you naked."
    "But I never did any nude scenes in any of my movies though, so why would people want to see me in a naked dancing competition?"
    "Well that is exactly why people would want to see you in a naked dancing competition. If they had seen you naked in all of your movies then it wouldn't really be anything special to see you naked and dancing. But you promise people, hey we've got celebrities and they are going to be dancing naked, celebrities that you may have never seen naked before, well that's going to draw in all of the crowds and the sponsors and get people talking about you on social media."
    "So basically you want me to humiliate myself by dancing around naked on television in front of millions of people?"
    "Hey nudity doesn't have to be humiliating, and sure I realize that if you have never been naked on television before it's a little bit intimidating, but it's not like we are going to send you out there alone. You're going to be dancing with another celebrity of similar status, and when people see you dancing naked suddenly they're going to want to see a whole lot more of you."
    "I don't think that they can see a whole lot more of us once they have already seen us naked, I think the only thing after that would be if we went with like x-ray vision, and honestly the way things are going I wouldn't be surprised if we had a new novelty show where people go around dancing in an x-ray machine."
    Dave shook his head. "No, I don't think that that would work. Although a lot of people would like the ability to have x-ray vision so that they could see people naked they don't want to see their skin and bones, they want to see their naked flesh, it's a totally different concept. "
    "I really don't like the idea of dancing around naked on stage on live television, that is just, I don't know it just seems crass and exploitative and, it's just not the way I want to get back in the public spotlight."
    "Well Emmett I'm going to level with you, the fact is this is the only job I could find for you. You haven't been a major celebrity in several years now, you are minor leagues, and people are largely forgetting about you, so if you don't take this job I think that you're going to be a washed up has been and that in a few years you'll hardly be remembered by anyone at all. This might be the last chance to revitalize your career and get new work. So it's up to you, now you could be kind of a prude and decide that maybe you're never going to work in this town again, or you could show a little bit of flesh and you could become a big star again and probably get all sorts of movie deals and movie offers. So what's it going to be Emmett?"
    Emmett shook his head. "I'm sorry but there's no way I'm going to appear naked on television, and nothing can change my mind about that."
    Dave wrote a figure on a piece of paper. "This is what they were going to offer you."
    Emmett looked at the piece of paper and his eyes grew wide. "This is what they're going to pay me for the series?"
    "No that's what they're going to pay you per episode."
    "Well, shit."
    "So do we have a deal or are you going to walk away from the most profitable venture of your career?"
    "God dammit I hate myself," Emmett said as he shook Dave's hand and decided to sign the contract, even though it went against everything that he thought that he stood for. He felt like sort of a prostitute seeing as he realized that evening that everybody has their price.

    Emmett tried to put all of the thoughts about the dancing competition out of his mind but then a few days later he was to appear at the studio where he would meet his dancing partner so that they could begin to train for the competition. He didn't know who his dancing partner was going to be, and that alone made him rather nervous. Outside of an intimate situation with numerous levers he has had over the years, he has never appeared naked before another human being outside of a purely sexual context, so he wasn't exactly sure how to respond to something like this.
    "Emmett meet Penelope, I think that you have probably heard of her as she has starred in many movies," Dave said as a rather well-built attractive Hispanic woman walked into the room.
    "Yes you know I think I actually saw you in something, I can't remember what specifically, but I never forget a face," Emmett said as he shook Penelope's hand.
    "Well Emmett I am sure that it will be a pleasure to work with you as I think that we are both experienced dancers," Penelope said.
    "Actually I think I remember which movie I saw you, and it was sort of that movie about, wait you were that naked dancer in that movie, Naked Tango."
    "Yes that is one of my more popular movies but I think that not many people remember it now, but every time somebody recognizes me they asked me about that movie. It is sort of a weird thing being recognized primarily for a movie where you were dancing around naked."
    "So I guess you have experienced dancing naked then, I can't say that I have."
    Penelope smiled. "Don't worry it's no big deal, at first there is a little bit of apprehension at the idea of getting naked and dancing around for a movie, but once you get your clothing off you find that it just feels really natural."
    "I don't know how natural it will feel to be dancing naked in front of millions of people. When I had stage fright when I was first auditioning to be an actor I was always told just picture the audience in their underwear but that doesn't really help very much if you are completely buck naked!"
    "Well I will let you two get acquainted and start practicing your dance routine but I will give you privacy for now," Dave said as he left the room.
    Penelope smiled. "It is sort of a weird feeling to know that millions of people are going to see your naked body, including on live television. I have never danced naked on live television before but my movies have been seen by millions of people, so you just have to like not let the self-consciousness bother you. It's not the same as having the people in the room with you."
    "Yeah except we are going to be filming this in front of a live studio audience, so there are going to be lots of people in the room with us, probably whistling and hollering and making all sorts of comments."
    "Well you just have to drown them out and not let it bother you, the key to doing anything naked is to just pretend you are doing it with your clothing on, I mean if that helps you. Actually ever since I did those naked scenes in the movie I sort of embraced the lifestyle. I wouldn't say that I am a nudist but I feel very fully comfortable with my naked body."
    "I can't really say that I feel the same."
    Penelope looked him up and down and put her hands on her hips. "Well you look pretty good with your clothing on, so I can't imagine that you would look any worse with your clothing off!"
    Emmett began blushing. "Thanks, it is sort of one of the weirder complements I have gotten."
    "Look I will show you how easy it is, and you don't have to worry, there is nobody else watching us right now, so it's just you and I," Penelope said as she started stripping out of her clothing. Emmett was actually surprised at how bold she was being, as she didn't seem like she was bothered by her clothing slipping off like that. In a moment she was standing there completely naked with her hands still confidently on her hips and smiling. "Well I can see that you seem to like what you see and that you seem to be happy to see me like this!"
    "Oh geez," Emmett said as he tried to hide the fact that he had an erection.
    "No, that's a positive response, that's the kind of response that you are hoping to get. I take it as a compliment. I know it feels kind of awkward but you'll see that it's nothing that's a big deal. So why don't you get undressed?"
    "Okay just give me a minute," Emmett said as he very slowly started taking off his shirt as Penelope smiled at him.
    "Okay you got the shirt off, now let's keep going," Penelope said, sort of waving her hands towards the direction of his pants, in which he still had a rather obvious bulging erection. "Take your time, I like watching a slow striptease like that!"
    Emmett knew that by now he was blushing profusely but Penelope actually was being really good about this and really encouraging. If he had to get naked in front of another person like that she was at least very nonjudgmental, and the fact that she was naked as well and pretty attractive to boot was actually not bad either!
    "Not bad," Penelope said as he patted him on the shoulder. "So why don't we see your moves?"
    "My moves," Emmett said, not exactly sure what she meant by that. Did she want to see his sexual moves?
    "Yes, your dancing moves, what did you think I meant," she said as she laughed and covered up her mouth. "Oh Emmett you are too much, I can see it is going to be a lot of fun learning to dance with you."
    "Just give me a minute to calm down," Emmett said as he tried to get his erection down but it was kind of hard when he was staring at a very attractive naked woman who seemed to be very confident about her naked body, which made sense seeing as it was a pretty nice one. "It's just I've never been naked with a woman before like this other than when we were about to have sex."
    Penelope nodded. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's just a natural reaction. I know that for most people nudity carries an unmistakable sexual connotation but if you try to just let yourself feel natural about it soon you won't even be thinking about in a sexual context. Here, focus on dancing, look at my eyes if it helps you."
    Emmett swallowed deeply as he took Penelope by the hands. He could feel that his heart was beating rapidly and that his pulse was definitely quickening, and he felt like his hands were sweating, and he was hoping that he wasn't making her feel uncomfortable, but he didn't think that was the case, as he knew that he was a lot less comfortable than she was.
    Very slowly Penelope and Emmett started dancing and twirling and spinning each other. Holding Penelope up against his naked body was a very enticing and titillating feeling but he was trying to concentrate on the dancing aspect and nothing else, but when you felt a naked woman touching up against your own naked body like that it was kind of hard not to get aroused by that.
    "You're actually pretty light on your feet," Penelope said as they continued dancing and spinning each other around.
    "Thanks," Emmett said finding himself a little bit tongue-tied as she began laughing. "What is so funny?"
    Penelope shook her head. "No it's just it's really cute over the fact that this is making you uncomfortable. But you're actually a pretty good dancer, I guess without all of that clothing weighing you down you can be a little bit more graceful."
    Penelope was laughing and smiling a lot, and as the two of them continued dancing Emmett was relaxing a little bit. She really was very light on her feet herself, and she was a very graceful dancing partner. He also couldn't deny the fact that seeing her gyrating around with no clothing on and making all sorts of acrobatic moves was certainly giving him impure thoughts that were once again causing him to become aroused, especially when she started grinding up against his body.
    "Oh God," Emmett said as he realized he had blown his load but Penelope just smiled and laughed. Emmett began covering up his junk with his hands, and he had never felt more embarrassed. He was starting to feel a little bit less embarrassed but now that feeling had totally reversed into total humiliation.
    "It's nothing to be ashamed of, again I take it as a compliment, it just shows how irresistible I am," Penelope said putting her hands on her hips and laughing as Emmett couldn't help but stare at her bare pubic region.
    "Sorry, it's just like I said it's hard for me to divorce nudity from sexuality, and you have some very free and liberated sexuality."
    "I don't feel that there's any other kind of sexuality out there, if you don't feel comfortable in your own skin how can you expect to be comfortable sharing yourself with another?"
    "I mean I've had sex with several women before completely naked and everything but this is like a whole different thing altogether. I don't want to be dancing out there in front of millions of people and a live studio audience and then go blowing my load. I mean I thought this whole thing was supposed to be sensual and erotic but not pornographic."
    "I think that you're probably overthinking this Emmett, yes it's a little bit weird the first time, but I am sure that as we continue to practice it will be less awkward with time, and who knows, you might even start to like it!" Penelope said as she winked at him and gave him a little pat on the ass as she laughed and smiled.
    Although he still felt really awkward and embarrassed by this whole situation, as he stood there watching Penelope look so free and loose and easy and comfortable in her own skin, he had to admit he really did quite like seeing that, and he was hoping that someday he would have the same comfort in his own skin that Penelope seemed to have in her skin, enough that they could both dance naked in front of an audience without it being as awkward as it was right now.

    "Come on Emmett, if we are going to really compete with all of those other naked celebrities we really have to practice," Penelope said a short while later. They had been practicing together for a while now, and although Emmett was getting a little bit more comfortable with dancing in the buff, he had to admit he was still sometimes very self-conscious and found it difficult to concentrate on dancing rather than concentrating on Penelope's naked body.
    Emmett went over and they started dancing once again, and it was true that they had a good rhythm between them. In the last couple of weeks they had been practicing around-the-clock, and Emmett was getting more comfortable being naked with her, and strangely enough there wasn't as much sexual tension as he originally thought there would be, but it was certainly true that seeing Penelope dancing around naked was always something that would get him a little bit hot and bothered. He had to actively concentrate to try and not get an erection when they were dancing around as he certainly didn't want that to happen when they were on national television.
    "Well Emmett I think that we have made a lot of progress here, I really think that we can win this thing," Penelope said.
    "I'm just worried that when we get up there in front of the audience that I am going to start feeling self-conscious and end up, well you know," Emmett said as he once again looked down at his crotch area and saw that he had a very obvious erection.
    "So you'll get a boner on television, it's not the end of the world!"
    "Easy for you to say," Emmett said as he tried to get his erection to go down. "It's easier for a woman because she doesn't show visible signs of arousal as obviously as a man does. It's kind of hard not to get excited when you are dancing around naked with a naked woman."
    "Well I do have that effect on people," Penelope said as she spun around and grabbed her breasts and smiled. "Look Emmett I realize this is sort of a difficult thing to do, but I think that we have been able to dance pretty swell together. If you just relax I think that you can forget about the fact that we are naked and just focus on the dancing, I've seen you do it numerous times, so I know you are capable of it. You just have to stay really focused."
    "Maybe we just need to practice more."
    "Look Emmett we have practiced a whole lot, and yes we will keep practicing around-the-clock as long as this competition is going on, but I think that you are at the point where you already know how to dance, I just think that you need to learn how to dance naked in front of other people who are going to get to keep their clothing on."
    "Honestly that's partially what is intimidating. I mean it's one thing when we are dancing naked together like that, we are both equally naked, so we are on the same playing field, but we don't have an audience. When we are dancing on television we are going to have an audience of millions at home but we are also going to have thousands of people in the studio audience who are sitting there comfortably dressed and looking at us not far away."
    "Well if that's your problem then I think I know what we have to do," Penelope said as she went over to the chair where she had draped her clothing and slipped back into her dress. "Tada!"
    "What are you doing?"
    "Well you said you had a hard time dancing around naked when other people were dressed, so now we have to get used to feeling naked while other people are dressed. So we're going to do our same dance routine except this time only you will be naked."
    "Do you really think that that will make a difference?"
    "Well I guess there's only one way to find out," Penelope said as she offered Emmett her hand which he took and then they began dancing.
    Emmett had to admit to himself that felt rather weird now that Penelope was comfortably dressed. He was starting to feel even more self-conscious over the fact that now he was the only one naked. When they were both naked it was easy enough to forget that but now that there was the contrast of Penelope wearing her dress he suddenly felt really vulnerable again and started messing up.
    "I'm sorry, it's just I feel really vulnerable and exposed right now," Emmett said as they took a break and sat down next to each other.
    "You know Emmett I think that you have to maybe cultivate that feeling."
    "What do you mean?"
    "Well look, you had no problem dancing when we were both naked because I guess we were sort of on equal ground, but now that I am suddenly dressed again you suddenly feel like you are somehow more naked I guess. When you are the only one naked in front of a large group of dressed people it certainly is intimidating, and when I did my naked scenes in my movies there was often a bunch of people all gathered around and doing the choreography and telling me what to do when putting cameras in my face. When you're the only one sitting there naked and you have a bunch of mostly dressed men around you it can be rather intimidating, so believe me I know how it feels. But you just have to get used to what it feels like to be naked when there are other people dressed around you. So here's what were going to do, from now on when we are rehearsing I will keep my clothing on and you will be completely utterly buck naked."
    "But I like it when you are naked."
    "I like it when I am naked too, but that's not going to be solving the problem that you have about being naked in front of somebody who is wearing clothes. The only way you're going to get over your inhibition of dancing naked in front of people who are dressed is if I keep my clothing on for the rest of our rehearsals. So until we are actually on television I guess you're not going to get to see any of my rather bodacious and voluptuous naked figure again. Maybe that can be your incentive, if you just endure a couple of sessions of naked dancing without me having my flesh jiggling around all the time then you can really look forward to the fact when we are both mutually naked again."
    Emmett had to admit once again that it felt really weird being naked while Penelope was fully dressed, somehow it totally changed the dynamic, and yet he knew she was right, she knew what she was talking about, and she was a great dance partner who is willing to do whatever it takes to make him feel comfortable, incidentally by making him deal with his discomfort at being naked. For a moment he wanted to think of some kind of really lame excuse as to why they should both be naked, such as how it would mess up the choreography since they were both going to be mutually naked during the competition, what he knew that that was a lame excuse and it was just his attempt to maintain his inhibitions, he knew that Penelope really knew what she was talking about in this case, as always.
    "Okay Penelope, let's do this thing," Emmett said as they once again began dancing and having her gyrating and rubbing her clothing up against his naked body, which was certainly not helping the situation any, but he figured he had to learn how to concentrate on the fact that he was the only one naked in the situation if he ever wanted to get control over himself.
    "Well I can see that you certainly had a good time even with me having my clothing on," Penelope said as she once again pointed to the fact that he had an erection that he was trying to cover up. "It looks like somebody is titillated being naked perhaps more than they are seeing others naked."
    "That's not true!" Emmett protested but as usual Penelope seemed to be right about that. He didn't know what it was, but something about being naked and dancing around with a woman who was getting to keep her clothing on and still looked amazing in spite of that really did create sort of a little bit of a vulnerable titillation so to speak.
    Penelope smiled. "Uh-huh, right. Well anyway I think we have practiced enough for one day but I'm going to have to be very firm with you, you don't get to dance with your clothing on until we have this down pat."
    Emmett knew that it was going to be rather awkward and embarrassing dancing around with Penelope now that she got to keep her clothing on, but he knew that it had to be done if he was ever going to get used to the feeling of being naked in front of a dressed audience. He was just hoping that in the few weeks before the competition began that he would be able to get himself under control and get himself really focused.

    The night of the first dance competition Emmett had to admit that he was feeling nervous. He had bolstered his confidence by dancing with Penelope where she remained fully dressed, so it was going to be interesting to see how he would respond when they were both mutually naked once again.
    The two of them watched as a bunch of more popular celebrities opened as people began clapping and cheering and whistling and hollering.
    "I feel like we are the biggest unknown quantity here, I don't think that anyone's even going to recognize us from what we have done," Emmett said.
    "Well I think that that's a good thing, it can be to our advantage," Penelope said. "If they have never seen us before then they don't have any particular expectations, and we can really wow them with our dancing as well as our rockin bodies. So are you ready to go out there and get completely naked and dance up a storm?"
    "As ready as I'll ever be," Emmett said as he and Penelope prepared to go out onto the stage in front of the audience for the first time. At least one of the good things about being in a naked dancing competition is you didn't really have to stress over what your outfit was going to be, which when you were an actor was often a major problem as a lot of time and effort went into wardrobe matters.
    "Well just don't get cold feet," Penelope said as she smiled and winked at him.
    "It's not my feet that I'm feeling are the coldest part of my body, it's my whole body!"
    The two of them indeed felt a bit of a chill when they walked out into the auditorium where they were bombarded with all of the spotlights that were practically blinding them so that they could hardly see the audience, although they could hear the audience whistling and hollering and cheering.
    As the two of them stood there watching all of the dressed people looking directly at them, Emmett was suddenly starting to feel a little bit nervous, but then he felt Penelope squeeze his hand and soon the two of them were dancing and twirling each other around the auditorium doing all sorts of fancy dips and twirls and other fancy acrobatics.
    Emmett tried his best to focus on looking directly into Penelope's eyes as they continued to dance around the stage, and as they were doing so they could hear people clapping and shouting and cheering, and when Emmett finally did the final dip before pulling her back up next to him as the two of them twirled about the audience went wild.
    "Well I think that the audience seems to have a clear favorite tonight, let's give another round of applause to Emmett and Penelope," said Eugene, the host of the show as they both stood there naked waving to the audience as they threw all sorts of flowers and stuff onto the stage.

    "Wow it looks like we are the favorite so far," Penelope said one day when they were practicing together. It was funny how they spent a lot of time just sitting around casually naked together now that they were really popular. "Those videos of us went viral on the Internet, millions of people are cheering our dancing."
    "Are you sure it's actually our dancing that's really getting them excited, you know and not the fact that we are completely buck naked," Emmett said.
    "I think it's a combination of our sexy sexy bodies twirling around and doing the dances of our lives, that's a winning combination, and I think that the fact that everybody has voted us to the top so far is a pretty good indication that people are liking us all around. I can't believe that this is so exciting, we are now bigger celebrities than we ever were before, think of all this is going to do for our careers."
    "Yeah but don't you ever worry that maybe we are going to get typecast?"
    "What do you mean by that?"
    "Look I am glad that we are popular and that we are getting lots of attention, and that we are probably going to get a lot of starring roles in movies now, but are you ever worried that people are going to say that all of our success comes from dancing around naked? We really want that to be sort of what we are going to be known as, that we are going to be cast in movies simply because people think that we're going to get naked at the drop of a hat?"
    "I can understand your concerns but I think that you have to give people credit, I think that they realize that we are talented dancers and that we are talented artists as well, it's not just that we are some kind of naked gimmick, people really appreciate us as actors and actresses, and I am sure that they will understand on that level that just because we are dancing naked in a competition doesn't mean that we aren't serious artists. Look maybe we need to take a break, let's get dressed and go get something to eat. I am sure that you will see that people are not going to just treat us as a bunch of sex objects and nothing more just because we seem to be showing a lot of skin on television."
    The two of them got dressed, and they walked outside of the studio where they tended to practice that was when they saw a bunch of people with all of their phones out snapping pictures.
    "We have to get away from the paparazzi," Emmett said as the two of them pushed their way through the crowd and started running away until it seemed like they had lost them. "That was rather intense."
    "Hey you know there's always going to be paparazzi but I think that there are plenty of people out there who appreciate us for our acting talents," Penelope said as a guy drove by at a car whistling at her and shouting show us your tits. She just shook her head and blew it off. "Well hey you know the way guys can be about this."
    "Hey naked boy shake that ass!" a woman said as she whistled at Emmett as she walked by and snapped a selfie.
    "You were saying?" Emmett said as he raised an eyebrow.
    Penelope shrugged her shoulders. "Well they say there's no such thing as bad publicity, I would just blow them off and not let it bother you, you have to have a thick skin to be in this industry, especially if you're going to be showing off a lot of that skin to the public at large. Oh I forgot to mention the TV producer got us an interview on television tomorrow."
    "Jesus Christ another interview, how many interviews are they going to ask us to do?"
    "Well this interview is going to be a little bit different."
    "A little bit different in what particular way?"

    Later that week at the interview.
    "Now let's welcome America's favorite naked celebrities, Emmett and Penelope," Ellen said as the two of them came onto the stage completely naked as everybody in the audience began whistling and hollering and going wild.
    "You know there's more to us than just this naked gimmick, we want to be taken seriously as artists and actors," Emmett said as Penelope nodded.
    "So we heard that you have had numerous movie offers where they want you to do naked things," Ellen said as Emmett simply nodded as Penelope nodded with him. The next 10 or 20 questions were all about what kind of naked scenes they were going to be doing in the near future. In fact as the interview continued it was obvious that all people were interested in is what naked work they were going to be doing in the future. When I finally got off the stage they both felt relieved to be able to get dressed once again.
    "That was rather brutal," Emmett said.
    "I'll admit that was a pretty awkward interview, and I was probably blushing myself," Penelope said. "But hey you can't let these things bother you, you just have to blow them off. Sure maybe we are getting a lot more work now simply because we are naked but I am sure that if we continue to get work in movies that people will realize that we have other talents other than just doing naked stuff."
    "It's just I feel like we have sold out."
    "You know I think it's a feeling that every actor and artist feels at some point. You know how I got the role in my first and best-known movie, Naked Tango. Basically the director said that he needed a hot naked woman and that I was good enough, and that if I was willing to do a naked scene I would get the movie. That's how it is for women in these kind of situations, I'm not saying it's not the same for men exactly, but it is somehow different. When you are an actress and stuff like this you are almost expected to be doing naked scenes or to show a little bit of skin if you want to work in this industry at all. It's just something that comes with the territory, and I think that we just have to sort of accept that. After all, what other option do we have really?"
    Once again Emmett had to admit that Penelope knew exactly what she was talking about, it was true that sex sells and that sometimes artists had to be willing to do some degrading and embarrassing things if they wanted to succeed in the industry, but it still seems wrong somehow. Now that they had become celebrities for dancing around naked they somehow felt like they were little bit diminished by that. But once again, what exactly could they do?

    The night of the final competition.
    "And next we have our leading competitors Emmett and Penelope, let's give them a round of applause," Eugene said as the spotlight shone on the stage but neither of them appeared. "Emmett and Penelope ladies and gentlemen!" He continued staring at the spotlight wondering what the hell was going on. "Excuse me I think we might be experiencing technical difficulties."
    Meanwhile at a tropical nudist beach elsewhere in the country.
    "So are you really okay with the idea of us blowing off the final competition and fleeing to a nudist colony where we can just be ourselves and blend in with the crowd," Emmett said as he sat there naked holding up a martini as Penelope sat there naked on the chair next to him.
    "You know I couldn't be more content right now," Penelope said as the two of them clinked their martini glasses together sat back and enjoyed the sun on their naked flesh rather than the spotlight.

I think the inspiration for this was pretty simple and straightforward. When my mom was alive I remember she always used to watch this show Dancing with the Stars, and then years later I remembered that and I thought why don't they make a naked version of that, naked celebrities dancing together, I could see that being a popular thing! And once again we have two characters who have different attitudes towards nudity, where she ends up being really comfortable with her nudity, and she has to help him get used to his nudity. Then they end up becoming big hits only to realize that people are only really interested in them because they are more or less naked celebrities now, and they realize that this is not the life they want, so it ends on sort of a happy note I guess where they both are comfortable with their bodies but they don't feel the need to be naked in the spotlight to be taken seriously as actors and actresses. This one contains mutual male and female nudity, nude in public and a little bit of CFNM I suppose.


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