An Awkward Meeting at the Nudist Resort

I guess I am still in a mood for nudity so going to keep these stories coming, don't worry I will never run out! This one was inspired by a bunch of videos that I have been watching on YouTube about people taking their first trip to a nudist resort and thinking it would be funny if to awkward platonic friends happened to run into each other naked a nudist resort. Enjoy!
This one contains mutual male and female nudity, naked in public, embarrassed nudist female and embarrassed nude male and I suppose a brief little bit of CFNM and CFNF.

An Awkward Meeting at the Nudist Resort
"Now for your final credit for your human sexuality class I want you to try something new that explores human sexuality in some way," Mr. Gottlieb said. "It can be anything that you want but I want you to write about the experience and tell us what you learned from it."
    "Like what kind of things," Amy said as she raised her hand.
    "Anything that will help you learn about human sexuality, you can talk to people of different sexual orientations, you could explore your own sexuality, and I heard that there is actually this nudist resort that is not far from here, maybe you could learn about how the nudists feel about being naked," Mr. Gottlieb said as several people in the class started laughing. "Just let your imagination soar."
    Amy had to admit that she felt a little bit weird about all of this. She needed to take this human sexuality class for her college credit but she was a little bit shy and awkward about these kind of topics. She was always a little bit squeamish about things regarding sexuality, and of all her classmates she was probably the least experienced with those kind of things.
    "Hey Tom you should go down to the nudist colony," said Greg as he began laughing. "You'll probably see a bunch of hot naked women."
    "Or more likely a bunch of guys hoping to see hot naked women," said Andrew as he began laughing.
    Tom had to admit that he was similar to Amy in that regard, they were both sort of known around campus as the two shy people who weren't really all that much up for experimentation. They both felt a little bit awkward about the fact that they were virgins, and a little bit shy and uptight compared to most of their college companions. But that was precisely why they got along so well together.
    "So Tom have you thought about what you are going to do for your human sexuality project," Amy said as they met up for lunch later in the day.
    "I've heard a couple of suggestions but I really don't know what I want to do yet, how about you?" Tom asked.
    Amy shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, I just feel weird about doing a project like this. Do you think it's weird that we are both a little bit, you know squeamish about the human body?"
    Tom began blushing as truth be told is he would love to see what Amy looked like under her clothing, and she felt similarly towards him, but neither of them would even think about suggesting it or making a move. They had always been platonic friends before but sometimes there was an undeniable feeling of sexual tension between them that always caused them to begin retreating in any kind of situation where those feelings became a bit overwhelming, they both sort of realized that those feelings came up from time to time, and then they tried to defuse the situation and potentially end up going away from each other just because they were a little bit frightened of these feelings.
    "I mean I guess it's a little bit strange, especially for a guy," Tom said as he sort of scratch the back of his head nervously.
    "I don't know, I think that women probably are expected to show a lot more skin these days, I think it's a little bit harder being a woman who hasn't really, you know done anything interesting."
    "Yeah I guess," Tom said once again scratching the back of his head nervously, as this line of conversation was making them both feel a little bit uncomfortable, to the degree that they almost both wanted to go running but they felt that they should continue being polite, so they quickly began eating their lunch and trying to finish up as quickly as possible.
    "Well anyway I guess I should probably be getting to class, but I hope that we can talk about this more later," Amy said as Tom nodded and waved.
    As Tom watched Amy running off he couldn't help but stare at her ass and wonder what it would look like without all of that clothing covering it. He felt like a pervert sometimes because Amy was just a platonic friend, and yet he couldn't deny that he was very attracted to her physically, and although Amy wouldn't admit it to him she likewise sometimes found herself getting the urge to peek at him. Like the other day when he was bending over to tie his shoe lace Amy couldn't help but get a nice look at his ass but luckily she managed to get out of there before he turned around and noticed.

    "You should just do the nudist colony, it's probably the most interesting thing on there," Greg said that the dorm later that evening.
    "If you think the nudist colony idea is so much fun why don't you go to the nudist colony?" Tom said.
    "Well I would feel weird getting naked at a place like that."
    "You think that I wouldn't?! I mean I don't think that I could really go to this place to do this project without getting naked myself, as we are supposed to explore something new."
    "Do it dude, it will be fun."
    "But what if I run into somebody that I know there?"
    "Come on that nudist colony might not be that far away but is a fair way away from here, so do you really think you're actually going to run into somebody you know there? Dude you have to get over the squeamishness you have about your naked body, do you think that I am shy about my body?"
    "No I know from experience that you are definitely not shy about your body, in fact I wish you were little bit more shy about your body," Tom said as Greg laughed. But he had to admit the nudist colony did seem like it was maybe the best option, and there was the possibility that he would end up running into lots of naked women, although that would be awkward and intimidating in its own right. At the end of the day that he decided that he really had to pick a project soon, so he decided that he would go to the nudist colony that weekend.

    "Oh come on Amy, you know that it's not as big a deal as you are making it out to be," her roommate Susan said. "Besides at those nudist colonies you know that there are always a bunch of naked guys in disproportionate numbers to the number of naked women. You know those places, lots of guys go there hoping that they will see tons of naked women, and then they find that there are a bunch of guys. Now what does that mean for us as women, well I think that that means we get to see a lot of naked guys!"
    "Yeah but wouldn't that mean that I have to get naked as well?" Amy said as now she was blushing.
    "Well yeah I guess you would have to get naked as well, them's the rules at a nudist colony," Susan said as she laughed. "Come on Amy, you're the only girl I know in the entire dormitory who has never even been seen naked by a guy or vice versa. Isn't the whole idea of this project for you to explore a little bit? Don't you want to see lots of naked guys with all their stuff hanging out?"
    Amy couldn't help but crack a little bit of a smile. "Well I –" she began saying as Susan laughed.
    "I could see you smiling when I started talking about the guys and their dangling bits, go ahead go there and have a grand old time, I am sure that it will give you a lot to write about for your project."
    "Will you come with me?"
    "Well I would really love to but I actually have some plans this weekend, otherwise I wouldn't mind to go and check out all of the dangling bits with you. But don't worry, you'll probably feel a little bit more comfortable going alone, I mean you wouldn't want to go there with somebody that you know and see all the time would you?"
    "Well that's definitely true, at least if I go by myself the nudist colony is far enough away that it's unlikely that I'm going to encounter anybody that I know. But what if somebody else from my class has the same idea?"
    "Amy you are overthinking this, I guarantee you're not going to run into anybody that you know there, I mean what are the odds?"

    That weekend Tom arrived at the nudist resort and he had to admit as he pulled up to the place he started getting cold feet. He was thinking that he should really get out of there, it felt so unnatural for him to be there, but then again maybe the whole idea is to push himself out of his normal comfort zone. But he didn't think that pushing himself out of his comfort zone would be so, well, uncomfortable!
    As he arrived at the entrance he saw a sign that said nudity is mandatory.
    "Why is the nudity mandatory?" Tom asked the woman at the desk and realized that she was wearing clothing, much to his disappointment.
    The woman smiled. "Well you know a lot of people would come here just so that they could go around peeping out all of the naked people, and that's not what this place is about. Our philosophy is that there is nothing shameful about nudity and that the human body is to be celebrated."
    "But you aren't naked!"
    She laughed. "Well yes that is true, but this is technically not the nudist colony yet, this is just the area where you put your clothing inside of your own personal lockers. You just get undressed and then when you leave you can get your clothing back. But on the premises of the nudist resort I'm afraid it's no shoes, no shirt, no pants or else no access."
    Tom had to admit that now he was cringing as he didn't like the idea of getting undressed with that pretty dressed woman at the desk smiling at him. In fact he felt so nervous that he could feel that his knees were wobbly, and he wanted to run out of there right then and there. But then he stopped himself, as he had to realize that if he didn't take this step than he wouldn't have anything to do for his project, and he would also feel like an idiot after going all of that way.
    Very reluctantly he went into the locker room area and slowly slipped out of his clothing. He noticed that the locker room seemed to be coed, which he thought was rather weird, but then he figured if everybody was going to be publicly naked having a coed locker room really wasn't all that strange seeing as everybody was going to see you one way or another.
    In fact as he was getting undressed he couldn't help but see that another woman was getting undressed a few lockers down, and the way she so casually slipped out of her clothing and went running off made Tom think that maybe it would feel liberating to be naked. But as he got fully undressed he had to admit it felt extremely unnatural, and he didn't want to leave the locker room. But he locked up his locker and realized that he had to force himself to do this no matter what it would take.
    Once he was finished getting undressed he went back into the lobby at the entrance where he could see that woman at the desk to seemed like she likes peeking plenty herself, and was wondering if that was why she got that job in the first place. For a moment he felt really frustrated that she seemed to have found a way around the rules just because she worked there, she got to sit her desk all day seeing the naked people walking off without having to get naked herself.
    "Well I guess it's now or never," Tom said, and with that he started walking out into the nudist resort main area couldn't help but notice that the woman at the desk was following him with her eyes until he was out of view.

    A short while later Amy also arrived at the nudist resort where when she saw the rules about mandatory nudity she began to cringe a little bit.
    "I thought that these places were clothing optional," Amy said to the woman at the desk who simply smiled.
    "Well we certainly wouldn't want people coming just to peek at all of the other people while staying dressed themselves, that wouldn't be very fair, and it wouldn't be in line with the philosophy of this place being a naked resort, but you can get changed in the locker room and then when you leave you can get dressed again."
    As Amy approached the locker room she began getting cold feet but then she could see a bunch of rather attractive guys, more attractive than she was expecting, walking around with everything hanging out and waving at her, and she simply waved back even though she knew she was blushing and probably looking down at her feet because she didn't want to seem like she was staring.
    Very slowly and carefully she slid out of her clothing and neatly put it inside of her locker. As she locked the locker though something about it felt really final, like there was no going back. Although as she felt her breasts swinging freely she had to admit it was nice and comfortable not having to wear a bra. Nonetheless however, she found herself crossing her arms over her breasts trying to conceal them as much as possible.
    As she saw the guys walking around the locker room area she had to admit she had never felt more self-conscious. She couldn't believe that she was standing there in a public place completely naked around a bunch of naked guys. As she felt the goosebumps all over her body she had to admit that there was something a little bit titillating about the situation, something vaguely naughty about it.
    She took a couple of deep breaths as she walked out of the locker room, and as she looked upon the resort, which looked like it had lots of guys walking around naked, she couldn't help but smirk and snicker little bit. Susan was definitely right the number of men certainly outnumbered the number of women, which made her feel both a little bit more comfortable about the fact that she was going to be getting to see a lot of dangling bits, but also a little bit intimidating, because as a woman she probably stood out more, especially seeing as she was a lot younger than the guys that she was looking at. It was funny because her generation was seen as the more exhibitionist one and yet it seemed like the older generation was more comfortable walking around buck naked.

    Tom meanwhile was walking around the resort, and he noticed he was doing a strange thing where every couple of minutes he started feeling his body like he was going to adjust his clothing, as he often did when he was nervous, only to realize that he didn't really have that option.
    "Hey are you new here," a woman said as she came over standing there casually naked and smiling as Tom immediately began covering up his genitals, because the second he saw her he had a huge bulging erection.
    "No I've been here lots of times," Tom said as he could feel that his heart was beating practically in his throat and he could feel all the blood rushing rapidly towards his genitals.
    "Hey it's okay if you are new here, my name is Melanie, and I guess I'm a little bit of an experienced naturalist, you don't have to feel embarrassed, it's only natural when you are surrounded by lots of naked women," the woman said as she shook Tom's hand, although he kept his other hand covering up his genitals as she could see that he was incredibly embarrassed about this. "Hey I guess it's not as bad is getting a stiffy when you have to go up to the blackboard, here it's kind of expected."
    "You know I noticed that it's mostly men around here, you're actually the first naked woman that I have seen, I don't mean just here, just like ever."
    "Wow really, well I'm honored to be your first, I hope you are not disappointed! Actually your physical reaction shows that you are clearly very happy with what you are seeing. Again it's no big deal, after a while you'll stop having that reaction because nudity will just seem natural and won't necessarily feel sexual."
    "I have to admit right now I am feeling very very sexual like I never have before."
    "Well that is a good thing, it's always good to have new experiences isn't it?"
    "Actually I am here doing a project for my college course on human sexuality, we were supposed to experience something new in regards to sexuality, and our professor suggested this place, and I don't know why I decided to come here, but I guess here I am."
    Melanie nodded. "Well let me show you around, it's a really wonderful place, and you can get a better tan here than you can anywhere else, that much I guarantee!"
    So reluctantly Tom started going off with Melanie, and he had to admit she had a really amazing body, but what was astonishing to him is how uninhibited that she was showing it off like that. He could only imagine Amy in a place like this, he coukd never picture her running around buck naked like some kind of raging exhibitionist, yet that didn't mean that he wouldn't allow that image to suddenly captivate his mind and fantasies, and that thought wasn't helping his erection to go down any.

    Meanwhile Amy was experiencing exactly that, albeit certainly not feeling like she was an exhibitionist because exhibitionists usually weren't as uncomfortable as she was being naked, and she couldn't believe that she was actually standing in a public place completely uncovered by clothing. She found herself keeping her one arm across her breasts, and she found that the other hand was going between her legs to cover up her genitals, but she also couldn't help but finger herself a little bit, and she felt like some kind of horny pervert for doing so, and was trying to do it in a way that was subtle enough that nobody would think that she was getting hot and bothered like never before in her life.
    As she looked around she couldn't believe how many penises and asses that she was seeing. It was true that not every man that was walking around was an Adonis, in fact most were pretty far from it, but all she had to do was look at a couple of guys before she ended up seeing something that she liked, something that she liked a lot.
    "Oh my God Amy learn to control yourself, you're not some kind of horny schoolgirl are you," Amy said as a man came walking over to her with a really ripped body and she was struggling not to drool.
    "Hi are you new here, my name's Jason," the man said extending his hand as Amy pulled her hand from between her crotch to shake his hand but then immediately began crossing her legs. "Are you okay, you look like you're a little bit uncomfortable? Let me guess, this is your first time here."
    "What gave me away," Amy said and now her legs were definitely shaking and trembling, and she was having a hard time standing up, but she could also feel a tingly feeling between her legs like she had never experienced before short of masturbating.
    "The fact that you are blushing profusely such that you are bright red and you are trying to cover yourself up. and the fact that you are staring like one of those people who puts a coin into one of those binoculars things on the top of the Empire State building."
    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare, I realize that that's probably very rude. It's just I've never been to a place like this before, or seen so many penises in one place."
    Jason laughed and didn't seem the least bit inhibited. "Yes it is something that you have to get used to I suppose, just curious what was the largest number of penises that you have seen in any one place prior to this?"
    "Well I can't exactly say, I mean I have seen so many it's just, I mean I don't mean to say that I have seen so many like I am promiscuous or something, I just mean."
    Jason laughed again. "Let me guess this is your first time seeing a man naked? Hey there's nothing wrong with that, I don't mind being seen naked by a pretty attractive young woman like yourself, and I bet you probably look great with your clothing on as well."
    Now Amy was blushing uncontrollably, as this had to be the most excruciatingly embarrassing moment of her life, and yet she felt like every inch of her skin was tingling with excitement.
    "Thank you," Amy said trying her best not to stare directly at Jason's genitals but he didn't seem to mind the fact that she was clearly doing exactly that.
    "Come on, why don't I show you around," Jason said as he took Amy's hand and could feel that it was sweaty, probably from nervousness.

    "So you see there is no big deal about nudity, and yes it feels weird being a woman at a place like this when men outnumber us, but that just makes me feel a little bit more special, I kind of like the attention," Melanie said and she couldn't help but notice that Tom still had a very obvious erection.
    "Yeah attention can be nice but it's a little bit embarrassing when, well you know," Tom said once again trying to get his erection under control but every time he looked at Melanie it soon started shooting up once again.
    "Once again it is perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, like I said most people wouldn't think anything of it, it's a perfectly natural reaction, and I think that most women would certainly not be offended, I know that I certainly am not."
    "Well that is definitely a good thing but it still feels a little bit weird," Tom said. "But I guess it's not as embarrassing as I thought, I mean I suppose that everybody that I have met here today it is not like I am going to run into them back at the dormitory or anything."
    Melanie nodded. "That's it exactly, people can come here and have a fun time where they just let their inhibitions melt away and enjoy the sun and the sand, and then they can go back to their normal lives where everybody is dressed in their same boring old clothing without any special excitement."
    Tom had to admit that he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, it was true that this was embarrassing and weird and awkward, but it was not like he was ever going to have to confront any of these people in his regular life. As Tom breathed another sigh of relief he leaned back and that was when he realized that he had bumped into somebody.
    "Oh my God I'm sorry," Tom said turning around to realize that he had just bumped butts with a naked woman. The two of them made eye contact at the exact same moment. It took them a moment to recognize each other, seeing as they didn't have clothing, but as he was staring at this woman standing there he realized right away it was Amy, and the next thing they knew they both began screaming and struggling to cover up as they turned around facing each other back to back.
    "Oh my God Tom, what are you doing here," Amy said as they continued with their backs towards one another.
    "I am doing my project," Tom said rather casually before he realized the absurdity of the situation.
    "So you decided to go to the nudist colony as well," Amy said, and Jason and Melanie thought it was rather funny because they were both blushing and shaking at the knees and it looked like they were both about to pass out.
    "Yeah because I didn't think that I would run into anybody that I know," Tom said as Melanie and Jason burst out laughing. "Hey what's so funny!"
    "Sorry it's just that you two are supposedly good friends it seems like, and yet you're terrified at seeing each other naked," Melanie said. "I was kind of hoping that the tour that I gave you around today would show you that nudity is no big deal."
    "Newbie nudes," Jason said as he laughed.
    "No big deal for you maybe," Amy said as the two of them were still shaking at the knees before they once again bumped butts before standing up straight.
    "She's right, you guys shouldn't feel embarrassed about being naked together, in fact the fact that you're friends should make you feel more comfortable being naked together," Jason said.
    "Yeah you guys are friends, you shouldn't be terrified of seeing each other naked, you know what I want you to do, I want you on the count of five to slowly turn around and face each other," Melanie said. "Five, four, three, two, one!"
    Very slowly Tom and Amy faced each other, both trying to cover themselves up as much as possible, and both clearly blushing profusely and shaking at the knees before they started looking down at their feet, clearly finding this whole experience extremely awkward beyond words.
    "Come on you guys, look each other in the eyes," Melanie said as very slowly Tom and Amy turned around and made eye contact trying their hardest not to stare down at all of the interesting bits.
    "So," Tom said, clearly tongue-tied, as he could see that they were both still blushing profusely and looked like they were about to faint.
    "Well go on take a good look at each other, you've never seen each other like this before and there's a first time for everything, there's nothing to be ashamed about," Melanie said. "Why don't you give each other a hug?!"
    Very reluctantly Tom and Amy slowly began embracing each other and feeling each other's naked flesh brushing up against each other for the first time caused them both to pretty much orgasm right then and there as Jason and Melanie laughed.
    "There now, was that so bad," Jason said as Melanie continued laughing.
    "Actually I suppose it felt kind of good," Tom said and everybody could see that he was clearly leaking.
    "Kind of really good," Amy said as she was still blushing.
    "See now, doesn't it feel good for naked friends to embrace like that," Melanie said as she pushed them closer together. "Come on we might as well complete this tour together, you'll see, it's not as weird being naked with a classmate and friend as you think it would be."
    So reluctantly Tom and Amy looked at each other before looking at Jason and Melanie and started following behind them giving them a nice view of their asses. Tom and Amy tried not to look directly at one another but both of them could see it was obvious that they were checking one another out at every given opportunity.
    Tom couldn't believe that he was finally seeing Amy naked after having imagined it all of that time, and she was even more attractive than he thought. He always thought that she was attractive but wow, she really had an amazing body under all of those clothes.
    Amy for her part couldn't stop staring at Tom's genitals. She was more of an ass woman because every time Tom stopped she would get a good look at his ass, but she didn't really know how much he was packing, but now she could not unsee that information, it was pretty much burned into her retinas and she had no intention of ever letting it fade.
    Eventually the four of them went for a swim in a pool that had a volleyball net in it, and they played men versus women which ended up being a tie. At the end when they all got out of the pool they decided they would go dry off by sitting in the sun on the nude beach.
    As Amy and Tom sat next to each other naked and sunbathing, they found that their hands were slowly touching each other, and it was a good feeling, and strangely maybe even more titillating than when they had that naked hug shortly before. Jason and Melanie for their part liked to see the fact that they seemed to be becoming a little bit more relaxed with their nudity.
    As it began getting late they realized that they would have to go home soon, so they went down to the locker room where everybody began getting dressed, and by an amazing coincidence their lockers seemed to be right next to one another.
    "Well how about that, it was almost like fate," Melanie said as she patted the two of them on the back. "I hope that we will see you two around here once again sometime."
    "Maybe you will," Amy said smiling before covering up her mouth and blushing again as Melanie and Jason simply laughed and began walking away.
    "So this was quite an experience wasn't it, you never know who you'll run into at the local nudist resort," Tom said.
    "Yeah but of all the people I could have run into I suppose running into you is definitely, well it was nice," Amy said. "I guess we should get dressed now huh?"
    "Yeah I guess we better," Tom said as the two of them got dressed standing next to each other before smiling at one another.
    "So I guess I will see you around campus," Amy said as she was twiddling her fingers a little bit nervously.
    "Yeah I guess so, so I'll see you around then, although maybe not as much of you as I am seeing you now," Tom said as they both laughed nervously before hugging one another.
    Maybe at that moment they didn't know exactly that something had changed between them, they weren't sure exactly what, but they could certainly feel it in the air, and were both wondering where it would take them.

    Later that evening.
    "Holy shit that was amazing," Amy said sitting in bed naked with Tom after they had went at each other like wild monkeys multiple times.
    "You know I never thought that this is how my first time would have been."
    "Maybe the first time was actually when we hugged, because that was the first time you blew your load, but it seems like you certainly didn't have any difficulty recharging by the time we got back to the dorms."
    "You know I think I always denied that there was sexual tension between us but when you run into a friend like that completely buck naked and see how amazing they look, wow did it really let a load off!"
    "Yeah right inside of me," Amy said as they both laughed and held each other in bed and they knew that at the first opportunity they would probably be going back to the nudist resort together.

    The next Monday in class.
    "So class who wants to present their essay first," Mr. Gottlieb said as Amy and Tom looked at each other and smiled.

I really liked this one because it is another one of those stories about to awkward platonic friends who sort of end up having an embarrassing naked experience together that brings them closer together, I like the sweet awkwardness of sexual tension that comes from situations like that.
    The main inspiration for this was that I was watching all of these videos about people visiting nudist resorts for the first time on YouTube, and people were discussing whether it's okay to look at other people naked or to be attracted to them, and I figured it would be a really weird and awkward thing to go to a nudist colony but you also figure that you are not going to run into anybody that you know, but of course the characters do as that's the whole idea of the story. You could probably see that coming I suppose from the title, but I think that when it happens it is still sort of shocking as to how and just the excitement of the two of them running into each other, wondering exactly how and when they are ultimately going to run into each other.
    It was also sort of inspired by the fact that back in college I had a human sexuality class and we had to pick something new to try, and I didn't really do anything interesting at all like that, but I was sort of thinking about that and thinking about the possibility of how I would react in a situation like this, and I probably would react pretty similar to the characters in the story. But I think it's another one of those situations where you can have two people who are platonic friends but nudity somehow brings things out between them.
    Once again a lot of nudists say that nudity isn't always sexual but I imagine that the first time being naked around members of the opposite sex like that who are likewise naked, if you have never had that experience before, would be a highly sexually charged event, and that the sexual tension would be pretty astonishing, and like with a lot of my stories the tension and the embarrassment are what ends up bringing the characters closer together as they find it titillating.


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