The Women That I Met at the Naked Pride Parade

I guess you are in luck because I am still on a major fetish binge, and I ended up writing another rather long story about my favorite topic of the nudity virus creating involuntary nudists. This one has a mixture of male and female nudity but ultimately I still think it's more of a CFNM story especially in the later half, seeing as the main male character ends up being naked while the female characters eventually get to where some clothing, so it may not be a pure CFNM story, but I still see it as a mostly CFNM story, so I hope you enjoy.
Tomorrow though I should try harder to finish up my CFNM novella, usually I end up writing short stories about a topic that is different from the topic I am writing my longer project on but seeing as I am in a total fetish mood and have all these great new ideas for stories it's kind of hard to stay focused on one single thing.

The Women That I Met at the Naked Pride Parade
"Come on Danny, you can't stay inside forever, I know it's really awkward over the fact that now you have to be a nudist for the rest of your life because you caught that clothing allergy, but you know you're going to have to come out of the house sooner or later, and I think that a naked pride parade is the perfect place to do it," Jordan said over the phone because Danny didn't want to appear in public.
    "Look I understand that the naked pride parade is supposed to raise lots of money to hopefully find a cure for this condition and make all of the involuntarily naked people feel better about their condition, but to me it's just kind of exploitative," Danny said. "You know that all of these companies and corporations are just sort of virtue signaling, trying to tell everybody hey look we care about the poor naked individuals out there, but what they are really doing is that they are taking advantage of all of these naked people to draw attention to all of their products and causes. Once it's all over people won't even remember the cause, they will just remember hey wasn't it fun to look at all of those naked people walking around like idiots."
    "Well Dan maybe that is true, but I bet that there will be lots of attractive naked women there, it's not like you're going to be there naked all by yourself, you'd probably see lots of attractive naked ladies marching in solidarity, maybe you'll even find one who has a similar affliction to you and it will be a match made in heaven. Well think about it, I know I can't force you to come out of your house and go parading around naked in the street, I realize that it's not something everybody can get up the guts to do. But then like I told you, its not like you can't spend the rest of your life locked up in your house, at some point you're going to have to come out and interact with humanity again, and you're just going to have to get used to people seeing you naked. Anyway I think that I will be going because I want you to know that I am an ally, an ally who really likes the possibility of seeing a lot of hot naked chicks parading through the street, and if you can't realize how awesome that is then I really am worried for you."
    As Dan hung up the phone and looked at himself naked in the mirror he had to admit that he never was really very self-conscious about his body before, but now that his whole body was exposed and he couldn't conceal all of the little imperfections that would normally be covered up by clothing, he was suddenly very very self-conscious. It was weird because he had never even given much thought to nudity or the naked human body before, it wasn't something he ever really gave much consideration to, because he never really felt it was very important, but now when you are suddenly forced to become a nudist because you had a rare but increasingly common medical condition it was kind of hard not to be thinking about it pretty much nonstop.
    Dan tried his best to cope with it as much as he could but marching naked in a parade was not exactly his idea of a fun time. He had actually went to a bunch of naturalist websites, and most of them would put forth the idea that being naked was extremely freeing and liberating, but he found it to be just the opposite, being exposed like that made him feel constricted. He was already a little bit agoraphobic and shy in social situations, now that he couldn't even have the benefit of concealing himself with clothing that only made everything worse. He tried reading as much of the literature as he could on the websites that he came across, but then mostly he just ended up looking at lots of pictures of attractive naked women and thinking that at the end of the day they probably ended up getting to put their clothing back on.
    That was something he felt that Jordan didn't really understand, to him this was just a great opportunity to see lots of naked women, but would he really be so eager to be gawking at all of the naked women if they could easily gawk at him being naked? It did seem like an absurd thing to be going to an event to see naked women when you were yourself naked.
    It was kind of a weird feeling admittedly, he sometimes felt like a pervert for looking at all of these naked pictures of women online on these nudist sites, but then he thought that these women were a lot more comfortable with their naked bodies than he was with his, and he thought it was a weird idea to think that if he were to go out in public he might one day find a picture of himself naked on one of these websites. It was kind of a creepy and unnerving thought to think that a bunch of women could be looking at naked pictures of him while fully dressed from the comfort of their own homes at their computers and phones.
    Eventually Dan's curiosity got the better of him so he decided to turn on the news and see the coverage of the naked pride parade. He could see what looked like a long line of naked people parading through the streets of the city, and he was surprised at how many people turned up. He figured that a large number of those people were simply allies of the naked who were getting naked in solidarity. He knew that the number of people in that crowd who were afflicted with the clothing allergy were probably only a small percentage marching for a cure.
    He was about to turn off the television when all of a sudden he noticed a familiar face that somebody was interviewing. It was his high school crush Adriana, and she was standing there completely naked and looking like she was having the time of her life. He remembered how many times in high school he was sitting there in class staring at her back and picturing her naked, and now there she was on live television in all of her naked glory seemingly completely unabashed at the fact that she was naked.
    "It's just that it feels so freeing and liberating to be naked, to just be able to march out here in the parade and feel the sun on the wind on your skin, it really is very revitalizing," Adriana said as she smiled and Dan couldn't believe how confident she was standing there naked. Where did she get the confidence to be able to go naked on live television like that and not let it bother her?
    Danny sat there for a moment completely in a state of paralysis, and then started feeling the blood rushing to a certain area of his anatomy. His high school crush, Adriana, sweet Adriana, was afflicted with the same awkward and embarrassing affliction as him.
    That was when his mind started racing with all sorts of wild thought of going down and seeing Adriana and just sort of trying to casually chat up the fact that they were both naked, almost like they were soulmates or something. What were the odds of this happening? To think that his high school crush was stuck as a lifelong nudist just like him, it might be the one shining ray of hope of this whole situation. If they were both naked they could be naked together, it would be perfect.
    Then he shook his head. "No, I mean how would I even approach her while completely naked, I mean that would be the most difficult thing in the world. I was too shy to talk to her in high school when we were both wearing clothing, now what am I supposed to do, just go up to her casually completely buck naked and act like it was just like a totally normal thing?"
    Danny paced back-and-forth in his apartment building trying to weigh his options carefully. Would it be worth the potential humiliation of going out there and joining the naked marchers just for the chance of getting to see Adriana completely naked in the flesh. He hadn't seen her since they had graduated from high school several years before, and now she was out there parading around naked through the streets of the city for anybody to see.
    In the end Danny's horniness started to overcome his inhibitions. The parade would be going past his block in a short amount of time, and he thought that that was probably the best opportunity to sort of casually slip into the crowd and hopefully find Adriana.
    Very slowly he reached for the doorknob of his door, and very slowly and carefully turned and walked into his hallway where fortunately he didn't see any of the neighbors. He started quickly sprinting down the hallway and finding his way into the elevator. When he opened up the elevator there was a fully dressed woman who was taken aback at a moment seeing him naked like that before she smiled.
    "Hi, lovely day we are having isn't it," she said, and Dan could see that she was smirking and trying to be polite, but was clearly finding this very entertaining.
    "Yeah it's a beautiful day to go outside," Dan said feeling really stupid the moment he said it. He didn't know what it was but somehow being naked in that elevator next to an attractive woman like that was getting him all hot and bothered, so he tried to do his best to concentrate so that he didn't get an erection. Why was he getting so titillated when she was the one keeping her clothing on?
    By the time they got down to the first floor he could see that she could barely contain herself, and while she was trying to be polite, as Dan watched her running out of the elevator, he could see that she was struggling with the giggles at having been in an elevator with a naked guy like that.
    He took a deep breath and then slowly walked across the lobby where he waved awkwardly to a couple of people that he recognized, even though they hadn't seen him since he had been afflicted with his current misfortune. He thought that maybe they wouldn't be seeing his face since they would be focusing on other areas of his body that were normally well concealed.
    Danny hesitated when he started walking towards the entrance to his apartment building, but then took another deep breath and walked out into the streets where there were large crowds of people all waving naked pride flags. He thought it was kind of a weird thing to think that he was one of these naked people. He had never been homophobic or anything, but he always felt weird when there was a gay pride parade through the neighborhood because he wasn't gay. But somehow this was different, because he was naked, whether he wanted to be or not, these were his people, and these people were marching for them.
    He could see that a couple of people were looking at him when he walked out of his apartment building but one of the great things was that most people weren't paying him any particular attention. There were so many naked people out and about today that for once he actually wouldn't stand out, today was actually probably the best day for him to go out because it was one of those rare occasions when he could actually be naked and still blend in with the crowd.
    As he stood there on the side of the streets, seeing that everybody looked as though they were really all cheering the naked people on, he felt a little bit more relaxed. Suddenly he didn't feel so weird being naked outside anymore, even though he still felt weird standing there among people who were still mostly dressed.
    "Hey are you going to join the marchers in the parade," a woman said as he turned around and all of the sudden found himself instinctively covering up. "I guess you are rather shy, but it's nice to see that there are people out there who are willing to march naked in solidarity with all of those afflicted people. I would kind of like to get naked myself but I just couldn't do it, I mean I just wouldn't have the guts, so I admire you for being able to do that, but then you have a nicer looking birthday suit than I do!"
    "Thanks," Danny said, and now he was blushing profusely, and once again he was finding all of the blood was rushing to a certain area of his anatomy, and he felt that he had to get out of there before he ended up embarrassing himself. That woman thought that he was actually just a nudist who was taking advantage of the situation to have a little bit of fun.
    As he stood there for a moment contemplating that he realized something, he actually was a nudist, not one who is voluntarily one, but that actually made him more of a nudist than these people who were just having a little bit of fun and recreation with those who would have to live the lifestyle 24/7 for the rest of their lives. As he thought about that possibility, all of the sudden he felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Sure today everybody was waving flags and having fun looking at the naked people, but tomorrow he would once again stand out in a crowd.
    He put those thoughts aside though, because he was counting on one other thing, yes maybe the rest of his life is going to be kind of awkward and embarrassing, but if Adriana could share that with him, well then maybe that would somehow make it bearable.
    It was a big crowd that was marching past, and he had no idea how he would find Adriana in a crowd of so many naked people. He could see that a lot of people seemed to be wearing body paint, maybe they weren't quite as comfortable being fully naked as they let on. He had thought about putting some body paint on but he knew that that wouldn't work as a long-term solution, so he dismissed the idea. Besides on a day when not everybody was naked a person who was wearing clothing that was painted onto their skin would just stand out as naked as anybody else.
    We started pushing his way through crowds of clothed people, and there was something that felt weird about feeling people's clothing brushing up against his naked flesh. Luckily that wasn't enough to trigger his allergies, the clothing would have to be sitting on his skin for several minutes before he started having allergic reaction, so simply being around other people who were wearing clothing wasn't enough to trigger his allergy fortunately.
    For a moment he had to pause because he was starting to feel a little bit of his agoraphobia acting up. He didn't like crowds under the best of circumstances, but now trying to make his way through a crowd while completely naked and feeling them all being dressed around him just made his agoraphobia worse. He almost felt like running back to his apartment building, but he had already come this far, so he wasn't about to back down now, otherwise it would all be for nothing.
    Sure maybe he wasn't going to march in the crowd shouting about pride at being naked, but if he could just get his way into that crowd of naked people maybe he could blend in sufficiently. As the parade started marching down the street very carefully he walked into the crowd of naked people, and it was a weird feeling being surrounded by so many other naked people all at once like that, it was almost a little bit overwhelming in and of itself.
    It felt a little bit weird to see other men like himself naked, but he started seeing all of the attractive naked women around him that was when once again he was finding the feeling of blood flowing down to certain areas of his anatomy. Every time he felt like he was about to get an erection he started to look at one of the naked men as a way of trying to get it to go down.
    But it wasn't just any naked men or women that he was looking for, he was specifically looking for Adriana, but as he saw so many people marching around naked and waving little flags in every direction, he thought the chances of finding her in a crowd like this were pretty slim.
    As he continued pushing his way through the crowd he brushed up against several other naked men and women, and he had never brushed naked flesh with people like that in a public setting before, it was certainly a very weird and unusual feeling, and he couldn't actually believe what he was doing at the moment.
    "Hey you look like you're a little bit lost and confused," a naked woman said coming up to him and she actually was rather attractive, so he tried his hardest to make direct eye contact with her and not to look down below. "You don't have to keep your eyes up here, I think that when we're dressed like this it is sort of implied that it's okay to take a peek," she said as she winked. "My name is Rochelle by the way."
    "Danny," Danny said as he shook Rochelle's hand, and suddenly felt himself feeling a little bit flush and getting a little bit excited again. It was kind of silly that simply shaking hands with a woman when she was completely naked was what was getting him hot and bothered.
    "You look like you are looking for someone Danny, looking for a naked friend of yours?" Rochelle said.
    "Actually I kind of am, I sort of saw this woman naked on TV when they were interviewing people from the parade, and this is the craziest thing but she was like this girl I had the biggest crush on in high school, but I was always too shy to like ask her out."
    Rochelle smiled. "Well judging by how you are dressed right now I am guessing that you are no longer that shy!"
    "Yeah but with a crowd this size I doubt I'm ever going to find her."
    "What's her name?"
    "No kidding, hey Adriana, this guy said that he knew you in high school and he had a huge crush on you," Rochelle shouted at a woman a few paces away.
    At that point Danny just about wanted to die, but then again there was so many different Adrianas out there what were the odds that this was his high school crush? But as she started walking towards him that was when he once again found himself paralyzed with embarrassment.
    "Oh really," Adriana said as she walked over and looked at Danny. "Well I can see he is certainly very happy to see me!"
    As Danny looked down and saw that he had a huge throbbing erection pointing directly at her he quickly covered up and started blushing and shaking at the knees.
    "Hey don't worry about it, that's kind of what happens at these things, you see an attractive naked girl and naturally you are going to be a little bit excited, I take it as a compliment, there's nothing to be embarrassed about," Adriana said. "Danny, hey I remember you, you sat across from me in our class and you were always staring over in my direction. You know I actually always thought you were rather cute, and you look pretty good in what you are wearing right now, so you look even better without any clothing on!"
    Danny was so embarrassed right now that he could barely form words, did Adriana really just say that he looked even better naked?
    Adriana shook her head and laughed. "Let me go out on a limb here, this is probably your first naked parade isn't it?"
    "Yeah," was all Danny could manage.
    "Well hey I think that we are all a little bit embarrassed our first time being naked in public like this, but you'll get used to it, in fact you'll find that it is really very freeing and liberating to not have to wear clothing all the time. Why don't you march with us?"
    Danny simply nodded, and the next thing he knew he was marching arm in arm with Adriana and Rochelle, two very attractive naked women, and he thought that he had to be dreaming. He was hoping that he wasn't sweating too much, and he was hoping that nobody was staring at the fact that he couldn't get his erection to go down no matter what he did.
    The strangest thing actually began to happen though, as Danny marked with these two women who didn't seem to be the least bit bashful about the fact that they were marching naked in public like that, for the first time since he had been diagnosed with his new affliction he actually felt good about himself. These women were extremely nonjudgmental, as were all of these people in the crowd, and all of the people waving flags in support of them. If it didn't bother them then it shouldn't bother him.
    As the parade started coming to an end and things started dying down suddenly people started dispersing. They hadn't really had much time to talk in the parade with all of the noise and commotion, but now Danny was just standing there naked with these two naked women that he had been marching with all day long.
    "That was a lot of fun wasn't it?" Adriana said standing there with her hands on her hips, not even minding that a bunch of people were taking selfies of her.
    "You know this actually was a lot more fun then I thought it would be, I was really on the fence about coming to this, but now that I actually came I am glad that I came," Danny said as he smiled.
    "Oh you came all right," Rochelle said as Danny looked down and realized that he was leaking cum all over the place, he had totally blown his load, and now he suddenly felt embarrassed once again.
    Adriana just laughed. "Again it's nothing to be embarrassed about, it happens to all of us. Anyway Danny if you not doing anything Rochelle and I and some of our girlfriends are going to be going out after the parade and we would love for you to join us."
    "S-sure," Danny said, and now he was practically euphoric. This day couldn't have possibly gone better, granted he had some really awkward and embarrassing situations, but now the girl of his dreams was asking him out and the future was suddenly looking bright. If Adriana could bear being a public nudist for the rest of her life then maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he were able to do that with her.
    "Hey naked girls, done with your parade," said another rather attractive woman, albeit one who was completely dressed, coming by carrying a backpack.
    "Hey Lydia thanks for holding onto our clothes for us," Adriana said as she and Rochelle grabbed the backpack from Lydia. As they opened the backpack Rochelle reached into the backpack and started taking out some clothes and slowly slipping into them.
    "Just-in-time, it's starting to get cold and I don't want my nipples to be standing up," Rochelle said as she burst out laughing.
    Adriana reached into the backpack and took out a rather attractive looking outfit, one that actually covered up her whole body. It didn't take more than a minute for Rochelle and Adriana to get completely dressed, and then suddenly Danny was standing there completely naked in front of these three dressed women. As he looked around at the remnants of the parade he saw large numbers of people doing likewise, in fact a majority of them seemed to be doing so and getting dressed.
    Danny simply stood there looking nervously around, not exactly sure what to say in a situation like this, he was suddenly at a loss for words. The entire time they were marching he just assumed that Adriana was, well like him, and now the revelation that she wasn't was like a sock to the gut. Why did he automatically assume that she was one of the people who was afflicted when he knew that the majority of the people marching in the parade were just nudists who were celebrating their naked lifestyle along with those who were now sort of involuntarily recruited into the lifestyle? Yes they were trying to make them comfortable but right now Danny felt more uncomfortable than ever as this revelation dawned on him, and he thought that it was about to dawn on them soon as being pretty obvious and self-evident.
    "I think that Danny's looking for the person who has his clothes," Lydia said as Danny felt his heart beating rather rapidly, as he wasn't exactly sure what to say in a situation like this, he was just kind of hoping that situation would go away and take away this awkward and embarrassing moment, this humiliating moment when everybody realized that he wasn't going to be putting his clothing on ever again.
    "Well hey I'm sure they'll be here in a minute, we can wait, there's no rush," Adriana said as Danny continued standing there, and now he knew that once again he was blushing profusely. "Is something the matter Danny? You look like something's bothering you."
    "Don't worry I'm sure whatever friend was carrying your clothes for you will be here shortly, it's no big deal," Lydia said.
    "Well actually," Danny said, but he wasn't exactly sure how to finish that sentence as he continued looking around and had to admit he was actually feeling a little bit chilly now that the sun was going down.
    "If you want you can use my phone to call your friend who has your clothing," Adriana said as she reached into her purse to produce her cell phone to hand it to Danny and Danny could see that she didn't get it as he stood there shaking his head.
    "I don't think Danny has a friend who is coming to bring him clothes, in fact I don't think that Danny has any clothes right now," Rochelle said as Danny stood there awkwardly, as it was dawning on all of them what the truth of the matter is.
    "Oh wow, you're an actual naked, like as in a real life can't wear clothes naked," Lydia said as Danny sort of awkwardly nodded. "Wow that is so cool, high-five!"
    Danny thought this was rather weird but he put up his hand and Lydia slapped him five as did all of the other women.
    "Oh wow Danny, I had no idea, I mean the entire time we were marching I just thought you were marching in solidarity," Adriana said. "I had no idea that you are actually one of the true blue nakeds."
    "You know it's funny because the entire time we were marching I kind of assumed that you were a true blue naked too," Danny said as Adriana stood there smiling and pointing to herself.
    "You thought that I was one of the true blue naked, why did you think that?" Adriana said, and now Danny was feeling more awkward embarrassed and stupid by the moment.
    "Actually I saw you on television giving an interview and you were just saying that being naked is so freeing and so liberating," Danny said. "I guess I just naturally assumed, and well, I guess I assumed wrongly."
    "I guess that we both made some erroneous assumptions," Adriana said as Danny simply stood there now getting goosebumps over his body as he stood there in the cold. "I just kind of came out to support people and be in solidarity, and thought that it would be, you know a little bit fun, just to be wild for a little while. I guess in all of the excitement I forgot that there are some people who, well are like you. But hey that's totally cool, in fact I really admire that, I think it would take a lot of guts to be naked all the time."
    "Yeah I could never get naked in public, that's why I was holding the clothing of these two exhibitionists," Lydia said as the three of them laughed and Danny started laughing along with them.
    "Well anyway do you want to come and get something to eat with us, it can be our treat since I don't think you have any pockets to keep your wallet in," Adriana said as the three women laughed.
    Danny had to admit that this was an extremely embarrassing moment. The entire time he was marching with all of them he was assuming that they were all stuck naked like him, and now it seemed like he was completely alone standing there naked in front of three women who still had the privilege of getting to wear clothing, and at that moment he was so jealous of them he practically wanted to tear their clothing off of their bodies just to level the playing field, he felt as though they had deceived him even though that was clearly not their intention, but he knew that he could never be a jerk like that. They were just having a little bit of fun, and now they were going back to their normal lives of getting to wear clothing and not standing out and being embarrassed.
    "Well look I think if we don't get in off the streets we're all going to be true blue naked soon," Rochelle said as she rubbed her body because she seemed to be getting cold.
    At that moment Danny practically wanted to run away from them but he didn't want to seem rude or seem like a coward, so he simply nodded his head, and the next thing he knew he was walking down the street with his three dressed female companions who seemed a lot more casual and relaxed than he was at the moment.
    As they walked up and down the streets then he could see all of the naked pride flags on the floor with lots of confetti, but as he looked around he didn't really see many signs of other naked people. The majority of people who were marching that day had had their fun and out they were getting to go back to the world of the fully dressed once more. A couple of people whistled at him on the street and were making catcalls to him, perhaps mocking the fact that he was unable to put his clothing back on or was actively choosing not to.
    Soon they got to the restaurant and they got into a booth as Adriana sat down right next to Danny, boxing him in as Rochelle and Lydia sat across from them. He had never been in a restaurant naked with three dressed women before, and it was certainly a very weird feeling. He could see that there were certain people coming into the restaurant who looked over in their direction and probably assumed that they were fresh from the naked parade, which was an accurate assumption, but everybody else had their clothing on. They got to play around at being naked for a couple of hours, but now everybody was getting to put their clothing back on except for him, alone among the naked in that particular place where he happened to be at the moment.
    Several times Dan felt like he should get up but because Adriana had him boxed in that wouldn't be easy. Plus as embarrassing as it was, on top of everything else he found he had a raging hard on beneath the table and was hoping that nobody would notice. Why was it so titillating the fact that he was naked and they got to keep their clothing on? Sure it was titillating when women were naked as well, but now that they were all nice and comfortably covered up he definitely felt like the odd man out, the only guy and the only one not wearing clothing. And he could see that all of the women were enjoying it quite a great deal as they kept smiling the whole time and occasionally making lighthearted jokes.
    Their food soon came and luckily that ended most of the awkward conversation. They were mostly making small talk, but then he wasn't exactly sure what to be saying in a situation like this. He was still trying to process the fact that he thought that Adriana was his soulmate, a person who was in a mutually naked bind as he was, but now he knew that was not the case, and that just made everything so much more difficult and so much more embarrassing.
    "Are you okay Danny, you don't seem to be saying much," Adriana finally said towards the end of the evening.
    "I guess it was just kind of an exhausting day, a really exciting day with all the marching and everything," Danny said.
    "I'll say, this was probably one of the funnest days I have ever had, think of all the cool naked people we got to see," Rochelle said. "Maybe next time if Lydia isn't such a prude she will join in at next year's parade."
    "Maybe next year," Lydia said as she laughed, and as she laughed so casually about that Danny once again felt frustration in the pit of his stomach. Sure next year we will get naked for a couple of hours and then spend the rest of the year comfortably dressed and free from embarrassment.
    "Well I guess is everybody ready to go," Rochelle said as the women stood up but Danny hesitated for a moment to wait for his erection to go down. "Well we must be pretty attractive if were still turning you on even after we got to put our clothing on," Rochelle said as she could see the Danny clearly had an erection as the other women simply smirked because they didn't want to say anything.
    "Just give me a minute," Dan said as he very slowly got up from the table and somehow managed to get his erection to go down. If he was going to get turned on by fully dressed women then he would never go outside again.
    "Hey Dan I don't know if you have any place to put this as I know you don't have any pockets but if you want to get together and do something sometime," Adriana said as she wrote down her number and address and handed it to him. "I had a real lot of fun with you today, I think we all did, right ladies?"
    "Having fun with all of the nakeds," Rochelle said as she whistled and began clapping her hands together.
    "I'll keep in touch," Dan said, but as he walked out of that restaurant he almost felt like he should throw Adriana's number away, so that he wouldn't even be tempted by it. As he could hear a couple of people whistling and hollering at him as he walked out of the restaurant into the cold night air, with a couple of people making comments like nice ass and the parade's over naked boy, all he could think to himself was that for him the parade was never over, from now on his life was one big naked parade. People would always be telling him how brave and strong he was, meanwhile every time he would be going out he would be humiliating himself exposing himself for all the world to hear.
    In fact he found himself so vulnerable and naked out there on the streets at night that he started running all the way home, and by the time he got back to his apartment he was practically ready to slam the door shut. The strangest thing is as soon as he got home he immediately went to his bedroom and masturbated and blew what was left of his load right away.

    Over the next couple of days Danny felt too embarrassed to leave his house. The parade was one thing, as at least he was able to blend in, but on a regular day to day basis he would pretty much be the only one naked wherever he goes. What kind of life could he ever expect to have? What kind of relationship could he have with his soulmate if she got to wear clothing all the time and he did not? How could he ever be able to live that down? How could the frustration not drive him completely insane?
    Then towards the end of the week, realizing that eventually he would have to go out for groceries he decided that he would add Adriana as a contact on social media. He looked at all of the pictures she posted of her and all of her friends having all sorts of fun out in public, wearing all sorts of attractive little outfits that were just painful for Danny to look at.
    But as he looked at Adriana smiling in all of her outfits, really loving her clothing, he started to remember what he found attractive about her in the first place. He remembered all of those days back in high school when he would try to picture her naked, but now he had seen her naked, even if it was only briefly. But that wasn't what attracted him to her. As he thought about the time they spent together at the parade and at the restaurant all of a sudden he realized he was being silly. Was he really such an insecure egotistical jerk that he couldn't date a woman who was able to keep her clothing on when he didn't get to? So what, a woman would get to see him naked when he wouldn't get to see her naked, they had both seen each other naked once anyway, so what did it really matter if one of them was naked a lot more often than the other, such as always?
    He finally decided to swallow his pride, he wasn't going to ruin some kind of potentially great relationship just because he felt like he was a little bit embarrassed. So that day he decided to get up and go down to Adriana's apartment, took a deep breath and knocked on her door.
    She opened the door with a big smile on her face, and he couldn't help but notice that she gave him a pretty good looking over with her eyes, even though she tried to be discreet about it.
    "Danny it's very nice to see you, I mean, well you know what I mean," Adriana said, and now all of a sudden she was blushing, and that was when Danny realized something very important, she was just as awkward around him being naked as he was at being naked. "So what are you doing here?"
    "Adriana I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, the truth is I felt a little bit weird about the other night, but I realized that that time I had with you at the naked pride parade was perhaps some of the most fun that I have ever had, and I felt stupid for the way I behaved. I would really like to at the very least be friends with you."
    "Just friends?"
    "Well maybe we could be something more than that, but I think that friends is a pretty good start don't you?"
    Adriana smiled and nodded. "Although I guess it would have to be friends with benefits."
    "Friends with benefits?"
    "Yeah, because I get to see you naked whether or not we end up dating, and I think that's a pretty great benefit," Adriana said blushing slightly and covering her mouth struggling not to laugh.
    Danny sort of blushed and looked down at his feet before looking Adriana right in the eye and smiling. "You know what, friends with benefits suits me just fine. So I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do something today? Maybe we could go somewhere."
    "Where would you like to go?"
    "Anywhere, just so long as there isn't a dress code," he said as the two of them laughed and smiled and realized that this was the beginning of something beautiful.

This is yet another one of my stories involving my favorite trope in all of these stories, of the idea of a nudity virus, because once again nothing is more embarrassing when it comes to nudity than being forced to be a nudist through no choice of your own. This one I thought was a little bit heartfelt, and it comes from my own kind of attitude because once again I am a very shy and awkward individual who is a little bit agoraphobic and very very shy in social or romantic kind of situations, so I could understand the dilemma very well.
    In this one I made the virus more egalitarian where it affects men and women equally but still only a small minority. The thing that makes I think the whole thing really devastating, and that I think makes the story really good is that he pretty much assumes that Adriana has the same condition that he does, and that it is somehow going to bring them closer together, only to realize really awkwardly at the end of the day that she still has the privilege to wear clothing. That I think would perhaps be the most devastating thing if I was afflicted with the nudity virus, to think that I had found others who shared my affliction only to realize that they were just dabbling in nudity whereas I have to live the life of a nudist 24/7 for the rest of my life.
    And I can kind of relate to the main character in another way too, because the woman in the story is based off of this woman I know from high school and now only know distantly on social media (with names changed of course) and incidentally on the day that I wrote this story was actually her birthday, and she posted all of these pictures of her on social media going out with all of her female friends and wearing all of these nice outfits, and I could only think good Lord imagine her in a situation like this being naked. But then more devastating imagine me being naked and it turns out that she gets to keep that clothing on. She was always very nice and everything in high school, and I sort of had like a little bit of a crush on her, but I never acted on it, so we were just sort of casual classmates, but I think that she probably would be the kind of person who would maybe do something like march in solidarity with the naked people but then to find out she gets to keep her clothing on would just be so profoundly frustrating.
    Once again it's an issue that I can sort of relate to, I am definitely not a macho guy at all, but I am shy and being in sort of a relationship with a woman who gets to keep her clothing on all the time while I had to be naked would just be a very frustrating and exciting situation to take. I think that one of the conflicts that I share with my character as well is the fact that in a situation like that where I was an involuntary nudist having any kind of relationship would be especially embarrassing, because it would be frustrating, but that frustration of her always being able to stay dressed while I have to be naked all the time would prove titillating because it would be an intensely submissive position to be in that would push all of my buttons of arousal. So that is sort of like a central conflict that I can understand very well. At the end of the day I would probably suck it up and swallow my pride but it would still create such overwhelming sexual tension that it would be maddening.
    I also thought of this story and wrote this story in June 2024 during pride month, and I was thinking that if somebody was forced to become an involuntary nudist that they would probably end up falling under the umbrella of LGBT or perhaps LGBT+N, and it made me think about something that I remember watching where they pointed out how a lot of corporations do virtue signaling, where they tried to make a profit off of something like pride month by supporting a marginalized group but also just mostly doing it to make money.
    I certainly know that if I were an involuntary nudist I would appreciate any bit of solidarity or support from other people, but there would also be a frustration of people having fun with it, of people celebrating getting to be naked for a day but then getting to go back to the life of being comfortably clothed, whereas you are stuck still being naked. So you can appreciate people support but at the same time you still envy them over the fact that they get to dabble in something that you now have to live as a lifestyle. So sometimes those who are being supportive and helpful can make you feel just as uncomfortable and embarrassed as those who might be more negatively inclined. Sometimes it's the nicest people who are trying to be the most helpful that make you feel the most awkward and embarrassed of all.
    This is actually why I feel that in a situation where there were people who were allergic to clothing and were involuntary nudists that voluntary nudists would be both your best friends and allies, but also the people that you envy the most because they get to celebrate and enjoy their lifestyle, whereas you are sort of forced to adopt it, and at the end of the day they get to pick and choose when and where they are going to wear clothing, where you don't have any choice to ever have the option to wear clothing. So the extreme irony of the situation is that you end up feeling that voluntary nudists will always be the people who have something over you and you would never be able to escape that feeling that they are getting the option to go naked, while you are obligated to always be naked since you have no choice.
    If you don't believe me just put yourself in the position of my main character, picture marching in solidarity with all of your friends naked for a couple of hours, all having a grand old time, and then at the end of the day they all get to put their clothing on for the rest of the year, but you're going to remain naked always, and while people will still be having fun with your nudity it will always be at least to a little degree at your expense, so you had better grow a thicker skin since your skin is going to be on display to whoever wants to see it, because unlike your friends you are naked forever. so there's no end to it and at the end of the day you don't get to do something that 99% of the rest of the population is able to do, put your clothing back on!


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