A Lovely Day to Be Naked at Home

I guess this is my first nudity story that I have written since January, I didn't realize it had been that long. I have to admit in the last year or so I haven't really been a huge fetish mood so I haven't really been writing as much fetish material, but then all of the sudden this week I started getting the urge again and now I'm on a full-blown fetish binge and I watched a lot of videos about nudity which ultimately ended up inspiring this one.
I also started writing a new CFNM novella called CFNM Island, about an island that doesn't allow men to wear clothing and causes their clothing to dissolve leaving the women in charge. It probably won't be a long one and I was hoping to finish it today but then I decided to go with this story instead which is a strictly CFNM story involving embarrassed nude male and control of clothing. Enjoy!

A Lovely Day to Be Naked at Home
Lloyd and Ellie had just finished watching a video about a woman who was trying to try nudism for a day, supposedly in the name of science. She decided to do exercise in the nude, cooking in the nude, cleaning in the nude and a whole bunch of other domestic tasks in the nude.
    "You know that was a pretty entertaining video, that woman was pretty attractive," Lloyd said as Ellie raised her eyes. "But I mean no more attractive than you or anything. But I seriously doubt that she was doing that for science, come on she was just hoping to get a lot of people to subscribe to her channel because she has monetized it."
    "Well you know I think that she made some good points, there is a certain feeling of freedom and liberation from being naked," Ellie said.
    "Well if that's the case then why don't you get naked?"
    "You want me to get naked," Ellie said pointing to herself.
    "Sure you were just going on about how that woman in the video had this great point about how freeing and liberating it was to be naked, if you really believe that then why don't you slip out of your clothes and do some of these domestic tasks while naked? Actually that's a pretty hot idea, a woman doing all these little domestic tasks while naked, that would actually be pretty nice to watch."
    Ellie smiled. "Well you know you could get naked as well, I never see you getting down naked on all fours to do housework. In fact the only time we get naked together is when we are having sex, and then we do that in the dark and then immediately get dressed afterwards. Maybe we have let ourselves get into a rut, maybe doing this would be kind of kinky."
    "So are you saying that you're going to slip out of those clothes then and clean the house?"
    "Well like I said, why can't you clean the house, there are a lot of household chores that you been neglecting to do for a while." Ellie had to admit that she realized that she had talked herself into a corner here. She was going on about how liberating and freeing it would be to be naked but the truth was that she didn't really relish the idea of getting naked, but she kind of did like the idea of seeing Lloyd doing housework in the buff. In fact she never realized she had a fantasy like that before but now that she was thinking about it she had to admit that the thought was rather titillating. That was when she had a devastatingly evil idea.
    "Why are you smiling right now?"
    "Okay Lloyd, I see that neither of us really wants to get naked, but I think that each of us wants to see the other one naked, so how about this, I have a coin and we will flip the coin, and whoever wins the coin toss strips down and spends the rest of the day completely naked."
    "The rest of the day?"
    "The rest of the day, right until midnight."
    "Completely buck naked?"
    "Completely buck naked, not a single stitch of clothing, not even underwear, so how about it?"
    Lloyd had to admit he was a little bit on the uptight side but he really liked the idea of seeing Ellie cleaning the house and working up a naked sweat doing it. Besides he was feeling lucky today. "Okay Ellie, you call it."
    "You know a lot I think I will go with tails," Ellie said as she flipped the coin and it landed on the floor, and they both looked down at it as Ellie began smiling. "I knew I felt lucky today!"
    "Best two out of three," Lloyd said with a smile as Ellie shook her head.
    "Come on Lloyd, strip down, don't be a baby," Ellie said.
    "Okay, just give me a minute."
    "Oh go ahead take your time, I actually kind of like it if you do it slow," Ellie said as she winked and giggled. She stood there watching as Lloyd very slowly took off his shirt and then his pants and soon he was just in his boxer shorts. "Come on, the boxer shorts as well."
    "Do I really have to take the boxer shorts off as well?"
    Ellie nodded. "Boxer shorts are not naked, if you are wearing boxer shorts then you are not naked, you are concealing all of the interesting bits."
    Lloyd gritted his teeth as he very slowly slid out of his boxer shorts as Ellie began smiling and gathering up his clothing and putting it into the other room and locking the door. When she came back Lloyd was standing there covering himself up and blushing profusely.
    "Why did you lock the bedroom like that?" Lloyd said, as he could already feel goosebumps all over his body.
    "I locked the bedroom door because that is where all of our clothing is, I know that you don't have clothing anywhere else in the house, so now I have the only key, so I know there is no way you can back out now if you suddenly start getting cold feet," Ellie said as she put the room key into her purse and zipped it up.
    "Right now I think that more than just my feet are cold," Lloyd said as he started rubbing his body.
    "Nonsense, it's a beautiful summer day, you don't even need to wear clothes on a day like today," Ellie said as she put her hands on her hips and laughed. "Which is lucky for you because you aren't going to be wearing any clothes today anyway. So how does it feel to be naked, does it feel liberating and freeing?"
    "I feel weird and uncomfortable."
    Ellie smiled. "Well I'm sure that woman in the video that you really like ogling like a horny teen boy probably felt weird at first, but she did it, and she made an entire video out of it. This is going to be a really fun day." That was when all of the sudden Ellie heard her cell phone ringing so she took out her purse. "Oh hi Jennifer, you're going to be in town today and want to know if I can have lunch with you." Ellie looked over at Lloyd. "I guess I could have lunch, we could catch up, it sounds good, I will be there in a little while."
    "So you're going to see your friend Jennifer for lunch?" Lloyd said suddenly smiling. "I guess that means that I am off the hook for my naked duties."
    "Ha, you wish," Ellie said as she put her cell phone back into her purse. "I'm only going to be gone for lunch, I will be back soon enough, and I think it's going to take you all day to do the cleaning, so you just get started and I will be back soon enough and hopefully by then your naked body will be all sweaty as well!"
    "Can I at least have the key to the bedroom in case I need to get dressed in an emergency?"
    Ellie shook her head. "No no, that would be cheating, and besides there's not going to be any kind of emergency."
    "But what if there is like a fire or a flood or a tornado?"
    "Lloyd the chances of those things happening are pretty slim to nil. Look I'm only going to be gone for lunch, I really doubt that there is going to be some kind of emergency taking place in that short time, I mean what are the odds of that really? I am sure the odds of that are a lot lower than the odds of losing a coin toss at any rate. Look you lost this bet fair and square, so just suck it up and deal with it. You're going to be here all by yourself, so you shouldn't really be feeling self-conscious about being naked at home, you might even find you like it, it could be kind of kinky, like I said it should be liberating and freeing. Besides you will probably be working so hard you completely forget about the fact that you're completely utterly buck naked."
    "Okay fine, I will start doing the housework, and you have fun with your girlfriend Jennifer. I remember Jennifer from back in high school, she was pretty attractive."
    "Lloyd you shouldn't antagonize your wife by saying how you are attracted to her high school girlfriend while you are completely naked and she has the only key to your bedroom where all of your clothing is."
    "Okay dear, you just have fun at lunch," Lloyd said.
    "Believe me I will, you have a fun day cleaning, I hope you feel nice and liberated and free over it, tootles."
    As Ellie left the house Lloyd had to admit that he felt somewhat vulnerable over the fact that he was naked. Already he was starting to panic and thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong, but then he thought he probably was being rather silly. His wife was only going to be gone a short amount of time, what could really go wrong in that short amount of time?
    Lloyd started cleaning the house, and he had to admit there was something that was rather interesting about the fact that he was naked. It was true that the only time he was ever naked with when he was in the shower or when he was having sex with Ellie in the dark. Maybe they were a little bit prudish, but was it really so wrong to be shy and modest even in front of your own wife?
    As Lloyd started rearranging things in the house and tidying things up, he had to admit as he started getting into the work that he started to forget a little bit the fact that he was naked. It really was silly to be self-conscious over being naked when nobody was around to see him.
    After about an hour Lloyd heard a ring at the doorbell and he didn't think that Ellie would be back that quickly, because when she went to lunch with her friends like that she tended to get carried away. Very slowly he approached the door and that was when he could see what looked like a delivery woman standing there at the door.
    "Dammit, I forgot that we were getting something delivered today, I can't even really remember what it was, dammit, this is exactly what I was worried about," Lloyd said. He thought that maybe if he just waited she would leave the package there and leave, but no such luck, he knew that he had to sign for it.
    Very reluctantly he creaked open the door and peeked his head out. "Hello, what is it?"
    "I need you to sign for a package," the woman said, and Lloyd had to admit she was rather attractive, and the fact that he was naked behind that door kind of made this feel like a dangerous situation, it was almost titillating, and he was feeling his pulse quickening.
    "Well hand it here I will sign and then I will give it back to you," Lloyd said as he grabbed the clipboard with the signing paper on it and pulled it inside and signed it and handed it back to the woman. "You can just leave it on the step, I will bring it in later." That was when he noticed the woman looked like she was crossing and uncrossing her legs. "Are you okay?"
    "I normally wouldn't ask this, but can I please use your bathroom, it is a super huge emergency," the woman said, and she really did look like she was pretty desperate.
    "Well you see normally I would, but I have kind of a situation here," Lloyd said not wanting to explain to this woman that he was completely buck naked and had no possibility of getting any clothing.
    "Please, it's an absolute emergency I really don't think I can wait until the next delivery," the woman said as she continued to dance in place and looked like she truly was frantic. "Why can't I just come into the house?"
    "Let's just say I am underdressed."
    "What do you mean you are underdressed? Please, this is an unbelievable emergency."
    "Okay you can use the bathroom, but promise me you will close your eyes when you come in."
    "Why do you want me to close my eyes when I come in? That sounds extremely suspicious. Please I just really want to use the bathroom really quickly, I promise I will just be a minute."
    Lloyd was going to argue with the woman further but that was when she pushed her way inside and started running towards the bathroom. "Sorry I normally wouldn't do this, I know it's really rude," she said as she turned around as Lloyd covered himself up and she smiled really wide. "Oh my you are naked!"
    "I thought you needed the bathroom!" Lloyd shouted as the woman smiled and laughed a little before she ran towards the bathroom and started relieving herself. This had to be one of the more embarrassing moments of Lloyd's life, and as she came out of the bathroom she covered up her eyes to be polite.
    "I'm so sorry, I feel so bad about this," the woman said, but Lloyd couldn't help but notice that she was trying not to burst out laughing.
    "No, it's okay, these things happen, let's just say I lost a bet with my wife and it's a weird thing."
    "Well thank you for letting me use your bathroom, sorry again," the woman said as she put the package inside of the house and closed the door.
    After she left Lloyd had to admit there was something that was exciting about that, in fact as he looked down between his legs he realized that he had gotten an erection, and he was just glad that the woman didn't see that. What was the protocol for a situation like this? What if you are stuck naked in your own home and a delivery woman desperately needs to use your bathroom? These are the sorts of questions that he never thought he would be asking himself, but he had to admit the fact that he got caught like that was a little bit titillating. He was kind of wondering what Ellie was doing at that exact moment.

    "It has been really great having lunch with you and catching up on old times Ellie but, and I hate to ask you this, but my hotel apparently didn't hold my reservations because of super incompetence, so now I have no place to stay, so would I be imposing if I asked if I could stay with you just for the evening and overnight," Jennifer said.
    Ellie couldn't help but smirk as all of the sudden she thought of Lloyd at home completely naked and found it hard not to laugh.
    "What's so funny?" Jennifer asked.
    "Nothing, it's kind of an inside joke. You see Jennifer the thing is –"
    "I normally wouldn't ask this because I don't like to impose like that, but I really have no other place to go, and you're the only one in the area that I know, so you would be doing me a huge personal favor."
    As Ellie thought of Lloyd back home completely naked and unsuspecting what was going on, evil thoughts began filling her mind. These were those kind of moments that test you morally, spiritually and show what kind of true character you had.
    "Ellie is something the matter?" Jennifer asked.
    Ellie smiled. "No, nothing at all. It's just I had a couple of errands I had to run first, such as picking up the dry cleaning and picking up dinner. You know what Jennifer I think that why don't I give you my house key and you can go get comfortable at home and I will be back probably in like an hour or two tops."
    "Thank you Ellie, you are the best friend ever, I know I can always count on you to be a friend, and I usually count on you for some interesting surprises too, like remember that surprise bachelorette party that you threw for me with that male stripper?"
    Ellie was now finding it very hard to keep a straight face, and she was about to say something, when all of a sudden Jennifer got up. "Well anyway Ellie I should probably get back to your place, but I'll be waiting for you, and if you want I can help tidy up your house a little bit because I know you sometimes tend to leave it a mess."
    "No, you know that's okay, I don't want to put you to work cleaning, I think that Lloyd is doing plenty of cleaning today, let's just say he lost a coin toss."
    "Thanks again Ellie, you're the best," Jennifer said as she hugged Ellie and ran off with her house keys as Ellie stood there watching her skipping off.
    As Jennifer began running off that was when Ellie looked into her purse and realized that she still had the key to their bedroom where all of the clothing was, but Jennifer was already in her car and already on her way.
    "Okay I fully admit it, I'm a little bit of a bitch right now," Ellie said but she had to admit once again to herself that this was probably going to be a day that Lloyd would never soon forget, nor Jennifer for that matter. And if she could make it a memorable day for her husband and her closest friend that her husband had a crush on, well could you really blame her for being a little bit evil occasionally?

    As Lloyd continued cleaning the house, he looked out the window and he could see that the skies were getting rather dark. "It looks like we are going to have a thunderstorm or something soon," Lloyd said as he was about to reach to turn on the television to see the weather report, and it was just at that moment that the door opened and Lloyd looked up. "Oh Ellie you're home rather early," Lloyd said as all of the sudden he stopped in his tracks as he saw Jennifer standing there as she dropped the house keys onto the floor.
    "Lloyd, is that you?" Jennifer said as her mouth began dropping and she put her hands over her face looking like she could barely contain herself.
    "Oh geez Jennifer," Lloyd said as he immediately dropped everything he was doing and covered himself up with his hands and began blushing profusely.
    "Lloyd this is a side of you I have never seen before," Jennifer said as she covered her mouth because now she couldn't stop laughing as she began slapping her knees. As Lloyd stood there covering himself and feeling all of the blood rushing to a certain area of his anatomy, eventually he started laughing as well, he wasn't sure if it was nervous laughter over the fact that this was perhaps the most embarrassing moment of his life, but he couldn't help but laugh at the situation.
    "Jennifer I –" Lloyd said, not exactly sure what to say in a situation like this where your wife's best friend that you had a crush on was standing there fully dressed in front of you while you were naked.
    Jennifer simply shook her head and rolled her eyes. "That Ellie, she really does know how to play a good practical joke doesn't she? She said you lost a coin toss."
    "We were watching this video on the Internet of this woman who decided to spend the day naked in her house, and that got us in one of our conversations about how she thought we were little bit too prudish and inhibited, and then I started shooting my mouth off, and we agreed that we would do a coin toss and whoever lost the coin toss would spend the day naked cleaning the house."
    "Was it tails?" Jennifer said once again covering her mouth and snickering.
    "Yes, how did you know?"
    Jennifer burst out laughing smacking her knees once again and stopping her foot and grabbing her sides. "You didn't even realize that Ellie has a coin that is double-sided and it always comes up tails did you?"
    The two of them stood there laughing awkwardly for a few moments but then Lloyd started to feel awkward and uncomfortable.
    "So did she give you the keys to the bedroom so that I could go get dressed now?" Lloyd said smiling awkwardly until he realized the Jennifer had no idea what he was talking about. "She didn't give you the keys did she?"
    "What keys?" Jennifer said shrugging her shoulders before she once again began bursting out in furious laughter and was grabbing her sides because she felt like she was going to wet her pants if she didn't get herself under control. "Oh my God, she totally totally got us both good."
    "And to think I called Ellie a prude," Lloyd said as she stood there continuing to cover himself up, and it was increasingly awkward because Jennifer could clearly see that he had an erection.
    "Well buddy I see that you are not prude, you're completely naked, and I see that you seem to be pretty happy to see me," Jennifer said as she put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot and continued smiling. "Oh my God this has to be like so embarrassing for you, Ellie probably sent me here knowing that you were naked and the you always had that secret crush on me, and now I'm getting to see you completely naked, and well you're not going to see me completely naked, I'll tell you that much!"
    The two of them continued laughing awkwardly, this definitely was the most embarrassing moment of Lloyd's life, and he was kind of waiting for Ellie to burst in through the door have a good laugh at their expense and then hopefully get him some clothing.
    "Speaking of Ellie where is she right now?" Lloyd said.
    "Well she said that she had to go pick up the dry cleaning and pick up dinner and everything, and she said that she would probably be back in an hour or two tops," Jennifer said as the two of them sat down on the couch together and Lloyd grabbed one of the throw pillows and used it to cover himself up as Jennifer simply leaned her elbow on the couch and sat there smiling at Lloyd. "So I guess we might as well get comfortable, but don't you have some housecleaning to finish up?"
    "You know I think after this little stunt I think Ellie would understand if I waited until later to finish that up," Lloyd said as the two of them sat there together feeling really awkward. "You know what I was about to check the weather report, it sort of looks like storms."
    "Yeah the sky is pretty scary looking honestly," Jennifer said as they turned on the television.
    "The National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for the following counties," the newscaster said as a bunch of towns came across on the screen. "If you have a storm cellar you should seek shelter there immediately, otherwise go to the basement or a bedroom and go underneath the bed."
    "You have to be fucking kidding me," Lloyd said as he shook his head.
    "Do you have a storm cellar?" Jennifer said.
    "We have one in the backyard outside," Lloyd said looking out the backyard window at the storm cellar. "Oh Ellie you are really going to hear it from me when you get home." But at that moment he actually started getting concerned, because if Ellie was still out in town she could be in danger, and suddenly that was more important than the fact that he was completely naked and that his clothing was locked in the room.
    "I think we had better get into the storm cellar, don't you think," Jennifer said as she started opening the back door and saw that Lloyd was hesitating. "What's the matter?"
    "Seriously," Lloyd said as he held the throw pillow in front of his genitalia.
    "Oh right, well I guess there's nothing we can do about that," Jennifer said as they could hear the wind howling loudly outside. "Look I think we had better run for the storm cellar right now."
    "Run is right," Lloyd said as he started making his way towards the storm cellar and opening it up, and was even chivalrous enough to let Jennifer go in first before he climbed inside and closed the door. It was a very small storm shelter, and they were pretty much touching, and he could feel her clothing brushing up against his naked body, and as crazy as it sounds, in spite of the fact that they were in danger, or perhaps partially because of it, he found himself once again getting excited.
    "Well I have to say I never thought when I started my day that I would be ending my day in a storm cellar with my best friend's naked husband," Jennifer said as she laughed., "And the fact that I know you had that huge crush on me when we were younger must make this even more embarrassing!"
    "You know I can honestly say that I didn't think my day would end up like this either," Lloyd said as the two of them huddled closely together as they could hear the sound of increasing winds above them and began screaming as what sounded like the roar of a locomotive passed right over them.
    Jennifer was screaming and grabbing Lloyd tightly, and he for his part pulled her tightly as well and didn't even seem to be thinking about the fact that he was still completely naked. After a few moments the sound passed and they were able to calm down a little bit. When that sound had gone away Lloyd couldn't help but notice that Jennifer was lying on top of him, her clothing pressed against his naked flesh and she smiled. "So was it good for you?"
    Lloyd couldn't help but burst out laughing at that statement as Jennifer climbed off of him and dusted herself off.
    "I just hope that Ellie is okay, you know if she's okay I'm not even going to be angry about the fact that she put me in the most embarrassing situation of my life," Lloyd said.
    "Same here, although all things considered it was a pretty fun and interesting day, I could get my camera phone out so that I can take a picture to remember this by," Jennifer said and as absurd as it sounded, given that they almost got killed by a tornado and that Lloyd would probably be homeless now for a while, they both had to admit this would probably be the most memorable day of their life.
    "Yeah we don't need to take a selfie to remember this by," Lloyd said although he kind of felt a little bit titillated at the idea that Jennifer would want to naked selfie with him.
    A short while later they started hearing the sounds of sirens and people coming to make sure everyone was okay. By now it was nighttime and rescue workers opened up the storm shelter after knocking as Jennifer and Lloyd came out, with Lloyd still pushing the pillow in front of him even though everybody could see his ass.
    "Well it looks like somebody had to get into their storm shelter in a hurry," one of the EMT workers said as she couldn't help but smile as she got a good look at Lloyd's ass, but she tried to remain as professional as possible about it.
    "Oh Lloyd I'm so glad that you and Jennifer are okay," Ellie said as she went running to hug Lloyd before laughing when she realized that he was naked.    
    "Next time that we do a coin toss I am picking tails," Lloyd said.
    "Oh you told him," Ellie said as she playfully pushed Jennifer as the EMT workers gave Lloyd a towel to cover himself with.
    "We lost our house, and I don't even have a single pair of clothing," Lloyd said.
    "Look you guys you were so good to me today, and you made this one of the most interesting days of my life, I would have to return the hospitality, and I can tell you you can stay with me while you wait for your house to be rebuilt, and don't worry, I don't have any dress code at my house, so if you want to dress that way Lloyd I am totally cool with it," Jennifer said as she and Ellie simply stood there laughing as Lloyd stood there covering himself with a towel as the women continued having a good laugh at his expense before Jennifer took out her phone and snapped a selfie of the three of them together like that.
    All things considered though, it probably was the most exciting and interesting day of their lives, but the one thing he couldn't stop thinking about is what the hell would Jennifer look like if she were naked?!

This was one that was inspired by this video that I watched on YouTube called I Tried Being a Nudist for a Day, where this woman on her YouTube channel decided to spend a day completely naked at home doing her normal tasks and routines, and I thought it was a pretty hot video, and then it sort of gave me the idea for this story of the idea of a husband and wife watching this video and thinking that maybe they were little bit too uptight and prudish and should be more like the woman in the video who said that she found nudity to be freeing and liberating. What started off as an innocent day spent naked at home ultimately ended up escalating into increasingly embarrassing situations just because of circumstances that nobody anticipated. I also like the fact that it showed all of the things that could go wrong and how vulnerable it leaves you if you allow somebody else to have control over access to your clothing, particularly when they are not there at the time!
    This is a straight up CFNM story, and once again I like the fact that the wife was really clever in that she was able to trick the husband. And I have to admit I also like the fact that I made her a little bit evil that she couldn't resist playing that embarrassing joke on her husband and resulting in him being seen naked by his wife's friend that he had a crush on, who he never ends up getting to see naked in the end, making it total pure CFNM, and I always like stories where women are clever and managed to trick men into embarrassing situations like that, and have to admit I wouldn't mind being tricked into a situation like that and would really admire the woman's creativity even if it was devastatingly embarrassing.
    I also like the fact that I actually got the tornado in there. This isn't the first nudity story that I wrote involving a tornado, as I wrote another one called Stripped by a Twister in which a woman survives a tornado but gets stripped naked. Originally I just put that joke there in the beginning about what could possibly go wrong in a small amount of time like that, but then I thought it would be funny to have them actually encounter a tornado and have to make the situation even more awkward and embarrassing. Maybe that one requires some suspension of disbelief, but I do like the humor in a lot of these stories as well, I don't see stories about nudity as simply erotica but I also see them as full of great potential for comedy, and personally I find awkward embarrassing and comedic situations as erotic in and of themselves from my perspective anyway.
    That part might also actually have been a little bit inspired by the YouTube video that I watched that inspired this story in the first place, in which the woman who tried being naked for a day eventually went to sleep naked but she said that she wouldn't do that regularly because she thought she had an irrational fear that she would have to run out of the house if it caught fire and then be completely naked on top of that, which incidentally was a story that I also wrote earlier before having seen that video, so disasters actually do provide for a pretty good opportunity of getting people in embarrassing naked situations.


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