Art of the Living Nudes: How I Became the Birth of Venus

I have to admit this is my first blog update in nearly 3 months as I just haven't been in the mindset to be working on particular fetish material like this. Also recently some asshole ended up hacking my Amazon account and it was a really stressful ordeal getting it back, so if somebody was the one who hacked my account, which is under the name that I use the pseudonym, you really make me wish that there was a hell out there for people like you.
And now that that's out of the way I'm glad to say that I'm getting back on track and I wrote this story that I added to my list this time last year and never got around to until just now. I still have another embarrassing nudity novella that I started writing and that would probably turn into a novel that I started a few months ago and made a lot of progress with and then I just sort of lost interest in the fetish for a while. I do sometimes go through stretches of time where I lose interest in this I have to wait for that interest to gradually come back.

Art of the Living Nudes: How I Became the Birth of Venus
"I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to pay off all of my student loan debt," Venus said as she paced around her college dormitory.
    "Well you could always do what a lot of women do and just become a stripper," said her roommate Melanie.
    "I want to be respected as an intellectual and an artist, I'm not going to go to some job where I just strip for everybody, I'm not that desperate." Although she said that she wasn't sure if she actually meant it, at this point she actually was getting pretty desperate for cash, and she wondered how much longer it would be before she would even consider being a stripper.
    "Well you have a nice body but if you don't want to be a stripper maybe you could be a work of art."
    "What do you mean a work of art?"
    "Well there's this new museum that's opening where they have this concept of interactive art. Basically you will have men and women who portray a work of art and people will come and see you."
    "So you mean all I have to do is stand around pretending I'm like some kind of piece of artwork?"
    "Yep it's just that simple, and I think that you would probably be perfect for this because you said you always wanted to be an artist, you just didn't want to be a starving artist, so this will play into your love of art and maybe I'll even get some kind of college credit for it. I mean you're an art major, so it kind of makes sense that you would maybe get a job working at an art museum."
    "Well I suppose that would be better than working as a stripper, okay I think I will check it out."

    The next day Venus went down to the art museum to inquire about the job.
    "Hi my name is Venus, I am here about the art job, I called a little bit earlier," Venus said as she was waved back into the art studio.
    "Magnificent, she's just what I pictured," a man said as he came towards her.
    "Me?" Venus said pointing to herself as the man nodded.
    "Yes you, do you see anybody else in the room? My name is Vincent and you are exactly what I was looking for."
    "What exactly were you looking for?"
    "You are like a work of art yourself, and I think that you would be perfect for the birth of Venus."
    "Well my name actually is Venus, if you can believe that."
    "Really, well then it must be destiny! I can tell you just from looking at you that you have definitely got the job."
    "Just like that?"
    "Yep, just like that," Vincent said as he shook her hand. "When's the earliest you can start?"
    "Wait a minute, what exactly do I have to do for this job?"
    "Essentially all you have to do is stand there posing as a famous work of art, so essentially you earn your paycheck just by standing there."
    "Well that sounds easy enough, how much does it pay?" Venus asked as he wrote a figure on a piece of paper and handed it to her as she smiled. "Wow getting paid that much for just standing around doing nothing, I almost feel like I am robbing you and stripping you of house and home."
    "Stripping," Vincent said with a little bit of laughter.
    "What's so funny?"
    "Well you do realize what the birth of Venus looks like don't you?"
    "Yes some woman standing in front of a clamshell –" Venus began saying as she suddenly started to realize the implications. "Wait, you want me to stand around naked in front of a clamshell?"
    "Yes, it's so simple isn't it?"
    "Whoa, you're saying that you want me to just stand around naked in the art museum all day posing in front of this clamshell?"
    "Yes, it's really that simple."
    "I'm sorry but I really have to pass on this, I took this job specifically because I thought it was a better option than being a stripper, and now it turns out that essentially that's all I would be."
    "This is not stripping, I don't know how you could even reduce what I am doing to stripping, this is a work of art, a work of living art."
    "Look I have studied enough art to know that there's a lot of nudity in art but I think there's a pretty fine line between nudity and pornography."
    Vincent nodded. "And this one is definitely art. There's nothing pornographic about the birth of Venus, all you have to do is stand there in front of the clamshell, and you don't even have to expose your most intimate areas because in your pose you will be covering yourself up strategically."
    "I know what the birth of Venus looks like, so wait, you're saying that you want me to stand there covering myself up with my hands and my hair?"
    "Yes, exactly. Your hair is exactly the right length, I don't think I'm going to find another woman with really long hair like you who can easily use it to conceal your breasts, and well you know."
    "I'm sorry, I appreciate art, and I realized that nudity is a part of art, but you actually want me to stand around in a museum completely buck naked all day? I'm sorry but I think I will have to pass on that one."
    "Please, I'll double the amount!"
    Venus started gritting her teeth, the original amount was far more than she could ever have hoped to make for a short amount of work like that, and now doubling that amount she couldn't easily walk away from that, as unappealing as the prospect of being standing around naked in a museum for people to gawk at was.
    "And this is just for one night you mean?"
    Vincent nodded. "Yep, all you need to do is stand around for one night for my big art gala for my display art of the living nudes."
    "You know I'm starting to think that a lot of artists just to view art as an excuse to get people naked. But fine, I'll do it because I desperately need the money, I'm sure that nobody I know is going to show up. I'll just do this for one night and hopefully no one will have the slightest idea that I was ever part of it."
    "Splendid, I will see you this weekend," Vincent said as he shook her hand, and he probably noticed her hand was rather sweaty and that her pulse was racing, because the thought of being naked in public was like all of her worst nightmares come true.

    For the rest of the week Venus was definitely stressing out about appearing naked in public like that but she figured it was good money, and it was for art, and it was only one night, so for one night she could put up with a little bit of embarrassment.
    When she arrived that evening she was taken over to where she was going to stand and instructed to strip down.
    "Just give me a minute," Venus said, as something about stripping down in a public place like that was going against every natural instinct that she had. She always considered herself body positive but was always a little bit shy, and the idea of appearing naked in public like that was positively terrifying to her.
    "Take your time," Vincent said, although he was tapping his foot impatiently as Venus very slowly slipped out of her clothing until she was standing there completely naked, and she had to admit it felt a little drafty.
    "It's a little bit cold in here," she said as she rubbed her naked body, and she could already feel goosebumps all over her skin.
    "Don't worry the heat will be on, now get on the clamshell and you know the pose, just take some of your hair and put it in front of, well you said you seen the portrait, so I think that you know what to do," Vincent said as he pointed to a portrait of the original birth of Venus that was next to her so that people could compare and contrast.
    Very reluctantly Venus walked up onto the clamshell and then started moving her hair in a way that would conceal most of the interesting bits, and she could only hope against all hope that nobody she knew would end up attending this gallery.
    She had to admit as embarrassing as this was there was something vaguely titillating about the fact that she was standing naked in a public place like that. She never in 1 million years would have thought that she had the nerve to do something like that but it's amazing what people do when people put a big check in front of them. But she liked to think that she was also doing this for art, the art of the living nudes exhibit was a creative idea, and if she wasn't one of the people on display she probably wouldn't mind checking out a show like that, although she would probably be too bashful to go to an event like that with a potential love interest.
    As she stood there naked feeling butterflies in her stomach as she waited for people to come through, that was when all of the sudden Vincent came back with another guy, a rather muscular looking guy.
    "Now don't be shy, you are doing this for art, now you know the pose of Michelangelo's David," Vincent said as the guy looked over at Venus causing her to blush and it seemed as though he was blushing as well.
    Was this guy actually going to get naked in front of her like that right across from her, were they going to be right across from each other the entire night? Now she was starting to feel a little bit lightheaded perhaps. She wanted to be really professional about this but as the guy across from her started to undress she had to admit that she was definitely looking downward at all of the interesting bits. He really was extremely attractive, and that just made it more embarrassing the fact that she was standing there naked in front of him, although at least now they were both naked together, and he looked almost as embarrassed as she did, if not more.
    "Fabulous, David and Venus, you will both be the centerpieces of my exhibit," Vincent said as he rubbed his hands together and looked really excited.
    Venus and David made peripheral eye contact here and there, but it looked like they were both trying to look like they weren't staring at each other, even though they both knew that it was obvious they were. And as Venus continued to stare at David she couldn't help but notice a certain area of his anatomy was starting to move of its own accord, and she struggled not to break a smile or to burst out into laughter, but she couldn't take her eyes off of him, and he certainly seemed to be enjoying the view from his end, which was just making her feel even more embarrassed by the whole situation.
    As people started coming into the exhibit they tried their best to stay as still as possible as that was their instructions, they weren't supposed to break their pose under any circumstances. But as Venus covered up her nether regions using her long red hair, she almost felt an urge to begin rubbing herself down there, and looking across at David she could see that he was standing fully at attention, and the fact that they both knew what was going on was just mortifying for both of them.
    Venus tried her best to concentrate on keeping her pose but she had to admit she was practically squirming as the sexual tension between her and David was unmistakable. She could see that he was trying his best not to look at her but they kept frequently making eye contact and trying not to smirk at each other. David looked like he was struggling with every fiber of his being not to blow his load right then and there.
    For his part David was feeling absolutely humiliated by this, the fact that Venus was across from him and that she was the cause of all of his excitement was making this whole situation even worse, even though he was enjoying looking at her, he felt that she was in control of the situation, as she was able to make certain things happen with his body that he couldn't do back to her.
    "And here are the crown jewels of my collection, Michelangelo's David and the birth of Venus," Vincent said as a large crowd started gathering around them.
    "More like family jewels," some guy shouted.
    "Hey that guy's got a stiffy!" a woman shouted as several people began laughing.
    At that moment Venus was feeling great amount of sympathy for David as he had the more embarrassing situation. But what did they expect to happen when they have him stand there completely naked across from an attractive naked woman?
    She kind of felt that the art crowd should be a little bit more mature, and for the most part they were, but that was when all the sudden she made eye contact with the last person that she expected to see there.
    "Oh my God Venus, is that you?" Melanie said as she and a bunch of other girls from their art class started covering up their mouths trying to fight back every urge towards laughter that they could but they couldn't help themselves.
    "Yes she is Venus, the birth of Venus specifically, but please do not talk to the performers, they are supposed to stay in character," Vincent said.
    As Venus stood there feeling 1 million cameras on her body she suddenly felt even more mortified than she already did, but once again her attention turned to David, and she could see that all of the art patrons, a majority of whom were women, were checking him out more than they were her, and she could see a big smile on Melanie's face along with the other girls from her art class.
    From her vantage point she could see that David was absolutely dying of embarrassment, he was as new to this as she was, and he was blushing rather profusely, as she had no doubt she was doing likewise.
    After what seemed like the longest night of both of their lives finally Vincent came through at the end of the day and applauded.
    "You both did excellent, I think that people took more pictures and videos of you than any other exhibit," Vincent said. "Give yourselves a hand!"
    The two of them clapped rather feebly, both looking down at their feet and not wanting to make eye contact, even though they knew that they had been staring at each other for the last several hours completely naked.
    "You can get dressed now," Vincent said, and they both eagerly scrambled to start putting on their clothing as fast as they had ever done so in their entire life.
    Once the two of them were dressed and Vincent had left David and Venus stood there staring at each other.
    "I am Venus, yes that's really my name," Venus said as she stuck out her hand as he shook it.
    "And my name really is David," he said as they shook hands. "I hope you didn't feel awkward or embarrassed about –"
    "I think I can speak for both of us when I say this was probably the most embarrassing night of my life," Venus said as the two of them laughed, both not exactly wanting to talk about the fact that David was basically getting a stiffy for her for several hours on end.
    "So would you like to get like a coffee or something," David said as they made eye contact for the first time since getting dressed.

    A short while later.
    "Wow that was amazing," Venus said as she and David sat in bed together after going at it like animals.
    "Damn," David said as they both looked at each other, finally having the sexual tension that they had been experiencing all night relieved. There's something about staring at someone's naked form for hours on end like that as they are staring on yours that really makes any sex that takes place afterwards insanely intense.
    That was when their phones both started ringing and Venus was the first to pick up. "It seems like the art of the living nudes was a real hit and they want to take the show on the road, and they are offering us some pretty good pay to go on tour with them."
    The two of them stared at each other, and they just both began laughing, as they knew it was probably going to be a really long summer, and they look forward to spending all that time together, both in the Museum and outside of it.

I have to admit I'm not really hugely knowledgeable about art but I was thinking of how many classical works of art like the birth of Venus and Michelangelo's David involve nudity, and I got this whole idea for an art exhibit where people would portray these famous works of art by getting naked and posing as those art pieces. So naturally we have a character who is once again shy but desperately needs the money, so she ends up getting herself into this extremely embarrassing situation only to realize the guy in the situation with her is probably even more embarrassed, and at the end the sexual tension causes them to be brought together like that. Honestly I think would be hard to be standing buck naked across from another buck naked person all night and not have some kind of sexual tension going on, and while having to wait all night to relieve it when it finally is relieved, wow!
This one contains embarrassed nude male and embarrassed nude female and I guess only ones naked as well and naked in public.


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