What Lovely Costumes You Are Not Wearing

I felt like doing a naked story for Halloween and then this one just sort of came to me spontaneously off the top of my head more or less. It's another one of those stories where certain characters get their just desserts and find themselves being the only ones naked in an embarrassing situation. This one involves only one naked, embarrassed nude female, embarrassed nude male, CFNM, CFNF and naked in public. I suppose it's a little bit similar to the other story that I wrote for Halloween the year before that is also in this collection called His Naked Horror at the Halloween Party.

What Lovely Costumes You Are Not Wearing
"Honestly I think that you have to be the worst dressed person around, you have like no fashion sense whatsoever," Alana said. "You are wondering why you don't get invited to any college parties, well that's the reason, you look absolutely terrible all the time, you would easily make every worst dressed list imaginable."
    "Yeah you are totally a fashion disaster just waiting to happen, you should probably wear like a paper bag over your head or something," Austin said as he and Alana began laughing.
    "So I'm not the best dressed around, does that really make me a loser?" Clarissa said. Clarissa hated how she was always being teased all the time by Alana and Austin just because they were one of the more popular couples around campus who got invited to all of the cool parties when she never did.
    As Sabrina looked across the campus and saw that Alana and Austin were basically giving Clarissa hell just because she wasn't very fashionable, she decided that she should do something to make Clarissa feel better. She immediately began writing up a bunch of invitations and walking over to the three of them.
    "Hey you guys there is going to be a big party on campus and all of the coolest people are going to be there," Sabrina said as she handed invitations to Alana and Austin before handing one to Clarissa as well.
    "Why are you giving her an invitation, I thought you said you are giving invitations to all of the cool and popular people," Alana said.
    Sabrina smiled. "I don't believe in leaving people out, but I think that you two are probably going to be the stars of the show, in fact I would go so far as to say it wouldn't really be a party if the two of you didn't show up," Sabrina said as she put her arms around Alana and Austin. "Make sure that you are there but don't open your invitations until later when you are alone, there is something very special that I put on there."
    Alana and Austin took the invitations as Clarissa took her invitation.
    "Thanks for inviting me Sabrina but I think that I would probably be embarrassed showing up at a party," she said looking at the invitation. "Especially a costume party, you know that I am not known as a very fashionable person."
    Sabrina smiled. "Well it is a costume party, so you can disguise yourself anyway you want, but I really think that you want to show up at this party because I think that you're really going to want to see Alana and Austin's costumes. Trust me, this is a night that you will not forget and you will probably, no I can say definitely, will not be the one whose fashion choice everybody is going to be focusing on." Sabrina began whispering in Clarissa's ear as she began smiling and laughing.
    "Okay I will definitely be there with bells on."

    "They want us to go to the party completely naked," Alana said looking at their invitation later that evening.
    "You know I've never been to a naked party before, it might be kind of interesting, although I have to admit I'm a little bit weirded out at the idea of being naked in public around other people like that," Austin said.
    "Yeah but everybody expects us to go because we are the coolest couple in school, and if we don't show up everyone's going to think that we were cowards or that we were afraid or that we didn't think that we were as hot as we thought we were," Alana said putting down the invitations. "Besides it's not like we're going to be the only ones naked there, you saw the invitation, the dress code is that everybody comes to the party naked. The whole idea of this Halloween party is basically to celebrate the fact that they have allowed nudity on campus now. It actually specifically says that you should leave your clothing at home altogether. It's supposed to celebrate the fact that in the Wiccan religion a lot of witches perform their rituals completely sky clad, so it is sort of like a celebration of body positivity."
    "Geez, we really going to do this, are we really going to show up naked at the party?"
    "But like I said, if we don't everybody's going to make all these assumptions about us, besides like the invitation says everybody's going to be naked, so it's not like were going to stand out other than for the fact that we are probably going to be the hottest ones there."
    "I suppose you're right, we might as well show off what we've got, nothing to be embarrassed about there," Austin said as he and Alana laughed. This would probably end up being a fun party that they would not soon forget.

    Later that week as they were getting ready to go to the Halloween party Austin and Alana were feeling a little bit awkward.
    "You're not getting cold feet are you," Alana said as she could see that Austin was looking uncomfortable standing there naked.
    "But my feet aren't the only part of my body that's cold, who wants to walk outside naked in October?!" Austin said as he began shivering. "Besides you're blushing and looking as uncomfortable as I am."
    "Well we have to go to this party, if we don't show up completely buck naked everybody's going to think that were prudes or that we are embarrassed about our bodies, and we certainly don't want them to be thinking that, we've got it so we should go and flaunt it."
    "Fine let's just get this over with but I feel kind of uncomfortable about the idea of going to a party completely naked."
    "Look I am sure that nobody is going to be weird about it, everybody is going to be naked, and we will just be another naked couple in the crowd, I'm sure that we will blend in fine if that's what you want to do."
    "Yeah I don't want to draw attention to the fact that my genitals are shriveling up from the cold!"
    Alana smiled. "So shrinkage is a real thing and I guess you are actually afraid of it, well if you don't show up everyone's going to make more assumptions, so you might as well go there and hopefully when you warm-up things will drop down." Alana began smirking and laughing.
    "Hey don't laugh, I can see all the goosebumps on your boobs right now," Austin said as Alana covered her boobs up with her hands.
    "Come on, let's get going," Alana said as she and Austin set foot outside finding it was a rather chilly evening and they were hoping that they would get to the party quickly. As they walked down campus they could see lots of people pointing and laughing at them.
    "I'm already regretting this is and I am freezing my balls off, literally," Austin said covering his balls up with his hands trying to get them warm.
    "Well hurry up and keep running, that will help to keep us warm," Alana said as they both began jogging but were both clearly shivering. It didn't take them long to arrive at the dormitory where the party was being held as they knocked on the door.
    Sabrina opened the door and was smiling at them wearing a costume that made her look like the wicked witch of the West. "Alana, Austin, so glad you could make it and that you remembered the special dress code that I specified for you," she said.
    Alana and Austin looked at each other, and they could see that Sabrina was fully dressed in a costume while they were standing there completely buck naked.
    "How come you're not naked?" Alana said standing there shivering with her hands on her hips.
    "Well it's a costume party," Sabrina said smiling. "I just thought that you and Austin should wear a special costume, so I put it on your invitation."
    The two of them were about to bolt when all of the sudden Sabrina pulled them inside and pushed them into the room and closed the door behind them as everybody turned around and immediately started putting all eyes on them. They could see an entire room full of ghouls, goblins, zombies, mummies, vampires, werewolves, witches and other various creatures staring directly at them, all clapping and laughing and hooting and hollering.
    Alana and Austin looked at each other and they both wanted to bolt out of there but they realized that if they did that everyone would realize that they were uncomfortable being naked and that they had somehow been tricked, so they figured that there was only one way to save face.
    "Everybody I'm glad to see that Alana and Austin could make it and look at the lovely costumes they're not wearing," Sabrina said as she cackled just like the witch she was dressed to be. "It looks like somebody cast a spell of nakedness on them!"
    Everybody in the room started laughing and pointing and really having a grand old time with it.
    "Well I can certainly see that you are not sky clad yourself," Alana said practically wanting to bite her tongue off because she was furious about this.
    "Well I guess I'm not the worst dressed person around here, because at least I am wearing something," Clarissa said coming over to them as they both began blushing as everyone began laughing. Both of them wanted to get out of there right then and there but they knew if they went running away from Clarissa that they would never hear the end of it.
    "Hey some of us just have a better natural costume than other people, you shouldn't be jealous," Alana said but was clearly blushing and wanting to get out of there very badly, but she knew that now Clarissa was basically having a grand old time with them as she was standing there literally with bells on. Alana wanted to make a joke about how stupid her costume looked, except when you are standing there naked it's kind of hard to make humorous commentary on what other people are wearing without it backfiring on you.
    "Oh believe me I'm not, I wouldn't even dream of trying to pull off a costume like that," Clarissa said once again laughing and Alana was practically fuming but she knew that if she got angry that everybody would probably start laughing at her again. Clarissa then looked up and down at Austin and laughed. "Or that one either! I guess shrinkage really is a thing isn't it?"
    Austin was furious but the thing that was even more embarrassing though is that something about the situation was strangely enough arousing him, and he felt all the blood rushing to his frozen genitalia as Clarissa began pointing at his genitals and laughing, and he quickly began covering up as everybody in the place started laughing hysterically.
    "Well anyway I hope that you will stay the full evening as I think that everyone really wants to see you, all of you," Sabrina said and she couldn't help but laugh even though she tried to cover her mouth. She could see that Alana and Austin were absolutely furious but she knew that they couldn't call her on this dastardly deception otherwise they would look like even bigger idiots, so now they were basically captive naked prisoners.
    As the night went on everybody came over to see Alana and Austin and lots of people were snapping pictures, much to their displeasure. It was obvious to everybody that they were uncomfortable being naked and that they were horribly embarrassed, and yet neither of them wanted to admit it to everybody.
    When they were asked to do bobbing for apples and they were bending over everybody in the place couldn't help but scream hysterically, and that was the moment they knew that neither of them would ever be able to show their faces around campus again, there was no way that they would ever be able to live this down, they were going to be the laughing stocks of the entire campus, and there were probably already videos of them and photos of them all over the Internet.
    "Well everybody we had a lot of fun tonight, and I specified this was a costume party but I think that there is a clear costume that has won here tonight by going with the minimalist approach, so let's give it to Austin and Alana who came as the Emperor and the empress sans clothing," Sabrina said as she began clapping and everybody joined them, especially Clarissa who was practically ready to wet her pants from laughter.
    As Alana and Austin stood there waving coyly and trying to cover up as much of their bodies as possible, they were glad when the evening finally was over and they could bolt out of there. They didn't want to go running like they were frightened or humiliated but that was exactly what the case was.
    "Thank you Sabrina, this was definitely a party that I'll never forget, and I don't think that anyone here will ever forget," Clarissa said as she hugged Sabrina at the end of the evening.

    A few days later when Clarissa and Sabrina were standing around on campus they could see Austin and Alana walking around with their heads down and looking rather awkward about the whole situation.
    "You know I think that we taught somebody some naked truths," Sabrina said as Alana and Austin came over and they waved.
    "Nice outfit," Alana said to Clarissa and she wasn't sure if she was being sincere or not.
    "Thank you, it's as light as a feather, although I don't think it's as light as your costumes were the other night," Clarissa said as Alana and Austin looked at each other and blushed and went on their way as Sabrina and Clarissa just kept laughing and laughing, and they knew that they would be laughing for a very long time into the future.
    "You know the one bad thing about all of this, I don't know how I'm going to top this year's party next year," Sabrina said.
    "Well you could send everybody invitations telling them to go naked except for Alana and Austin so that they would stand out by virtue of the fact that they are dressed," Clarissa said as she and Sabrina looked at each other and laughed.
    "Nah," they both said as they high-fived each other and continued laughing.


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