Suddenly Transparent

This was just sort of a short one which once again involves something along the lines of revenge nudity, where you basically have this woman who was slighted by a bunch of fashion snobs only to give them clothing that slowly becomes transparent and invisible exposing them naked with a delayed effect. It is sort of like the perfect way of getting back at somebody, and is sort of inspired by the whole idea of the Emperor's new clothes, where the Emperor thought he was wearing clothing but wasn't, in this case they actually are wearing clothing but it's pretty much the same as if they aren't, so the revenge works pretty well, only for my main character to then be the victim of her own scheme when she accidentally wears clothing from her invisible clothing line. This story involves embarrassed nude male, embarrassed nude female and naked in public.

Suddenly Transparent
"I don't think that you're ever going to succeed in this business Rebecca, your clothing is just, well you have no fashion sense whatsoever, I really don't think that this is going to be the career path that you really want to be pursuing," Mrs. Cumberbatch said.
    "But I think my designs are really good, and I have tried really really hard, and I think that I have some kind of new thing up my sleeve that I think is going to be all the rage of the season," Rebecca said.
    Mrs. Cumberbatch shook her head. "I'm sorry Rebecca but you're just not good enough, in fact I think that giving you a chance in the first place was probably a major waste of my time as you are clearly not as talented as you lead me to believe. If you want my advice I think you should go into another line of work."
    "But I put so much time and effort into everything, now you are just going to disregard all of that and tell me to get lost?"
    "I'm sorry Rebecca but I pride myself on being the best, and I am only the best because I am willing to hire the best, and let's just say you don't have what it takes to make it in the fashion world, so please clear out your desk and be out of here by the end of the day."
    Rebecca was positively fuming, after all of the hard work she put in it was all for nothing. Mrs. Cumberbatch it always disliked her and she thought that this dismissal was purely personal. The only person worse than Mrs. Cumberbatch was her husband Mr. Cumberbatch but then she had the perfect plan in order to get them back.
    "They're going to model my designs whether they like it or not," Rebecca said as she went into the other room where their eveningwear was being prepared for the big gala that evening. Rebecca knew she had to work fast so she quickly modified her designs to look exactly like the outfits that she was replacing.
    When she had completed her design she switched it with Mr. and Mrs. Cumberbatch's eveningwear and she knew that this would be a night that they and everybody that they knew would probably never forget.

    That evening at the gala Rebecca arrived decked out in her own design which she still thought was a lot better than Mrs. Cumberbatch gave her credit for. In fact she got numerous compliments on how nice she looked in her outfit which convinced her even further that Mrs. Cumberbatch was just being a total bitch to her, but she knew that tonight she would finally get her revenge and that nobody would ever forget it. She knew that this event was being televised live and that all eyes would be on Mr. and Mrs. Cumberbatch.
    "Rebecca, what are you doing here, didn't my wife tell you that you weren't good enough," Mr. Cumberbatch said as he snorted.
    "Hey anyone can attend this gal and I paid the entrance fee, even if people aren't going to be exhibiting my clothing I have every right to be here," Rebecca said. "And it doesn't matter if you think that I am good enough or not."
    "As one of the owners of one of the biggest fashion companies in the world I think that it does matter what I think and what my wife happens to think, and we don't think very much of you Rebecca," Mr. Cumberbatch said as Mrs. Cumberbatch came over and laughed.
    "You know people without talent sometimes seem to be extremely persistent without getting any more talented," Mrs. Cumberbatch said as she and her husband had a good laugh at Rebecca.
    Rebecca simply smiled and decided to react to them with goodwill. "What I do think is that those outfits that you are wearing right now are a lot more splendid than anything I have designed, and I think that everyone's going to remember your outfits for a very long time."
    "Well it's good enough you have sense to realize superior talent that you do not possess," Mrs. Cumberbatch said as she and her husband snorted and went up onto the stage.
    Rebecca knew that she just had to bide her time as she sat there in the audience watching as Mr. and Mrs. Cumberbatch came on stage.
    "Here at our company we believe in being really transparent with the public," Mr. Cumberbatch said as Mrs. Cumberbatch nodded.
    "My husband and I are always on the lookout for new fashion talent and we are very pleased to be here on this stage displaying our fine eveningwear for everybody to see," Mrs. Cumberbatch said as she and her husband stood there with arrogant looks on their faces as Rebecca slowly watched as their clothing started to become lighter and lighter as people in the audience began slowly giggling.
    "What is so funny?" Mrs. Cumberbatch said as Mr. Cumberbatch looked at her with his eyes very wide as she looked at him and could see that he was growing visibly erect.
    "Hey their clothing is disappearing!" someone in the audience shouted as everybody began laughing and clapping.
    Mr. and Mrs. Cumberbatch began screaming as they appeared to be completely naked on stage as they tried hiding behind one another.
    "You should be the one standing in front of me," Mrs. Cumberbatch said as she crouched behind her husband trying to conceal her nudity.
    "Hey I don't want anyone to see me like this," Mr. Cumberbatch said as he pointed to his very obvious erection.
    "What the hell happened to our clothing? It feels like it's still on my body." Mrs. Cumberbatch began feeling her body and she could distinctly feel that her clothing with there and yet she couldn't see anything, and as a result of that everybody in the audience could see everything!
    Rebecca ran onto the stage and grabbed the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen I would like to do an introduction to my latest fashion statement, invisible clothing. Those of you who have heard of the Emperor's new clothes this is basically that, the clothing appears to be fully concealing of one's naked body but after a certain amount of time exposed to light the eveningwear starts to become transparent, so that although you are still dressed it seems as though you are wearing nothing at all! Please give a round of applause to Mr. and Mrs. Cumberbatch for agreeing to be so extremely transparent in front of all of you!"
    As Mr. and Mrs. Cumberbatch stood on the stage covering up and blushing Rebecca simply laughed as everybody applauded before Mr. and Mrs. Cumberbatch slinked off the stage running out completely humiliated.
    "Invisible clothing, that's absolutely brilliant," Mr. Johnson said as he came onto the stage. "Young lady this was a great publicity stunt and I think that you're really going to be going places."
    Rebecca was positively beaming as nothing could ruin this night as all of the sudden she heard her cell phone ring.
    "Yes, what was that, you said that my eveningwear was among those from my own stock, the one I specifically set aside that I didn't want to wear, and not the safe one that I had set aside for that purpose, and now you are just telling me this now," Rebecca said realizing that she had to get out of there but it was too late as she looked down and could see that although she could feel her clothing on her body for all intents and purposes she was standing up there naked on the stage as everybody began clapping and whistling and hollering.
    "And she doesn't even mind modeling her own clothing, everybody give this brave young lady a round of applause," Mr. Johnson said as Rebecca stood on stage trying to cover up as much as possible but realizing it was an effort in futility.
    So Rebecca just shrugged her shoulders as she started waving coyly to the audience and doing a curtsy with the dress that nobody could see and being glad that although she could be seen fully naked by everybody in the audience that she was still technically wearing clothing, so at least she wasn't getting goosebumps on top of everything else!


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