How Jogging with a Full Bladder Caused Lucy Lambert to Lose Her Leotard

This is kind of a story that combines two of my favorite fetishes as I am a big fan of pee desperation, and I thought that that would be a good way of facilitating a naked story, because if you are jogging in a leotard there's no way a way to pee easily in it without getting completely undressed, and I thought that that would open the woman to end up  losing her clothing like that and finding herself stuck naked in the forest and thought it would be interesting to see how she navigates that particularly awkward situation.
    But then I end up making the guy be sort of a nice guy about it and what starts out as an embarrassed nude female story and naked in public story ends up becoming more of a CFNM story towards the end but I like how it ends up having sort of a nice editing, and I am pretty pleased with it, and I hope that you will be as well. I also like the alliteration of the title.

How Jogging with a Full Bladder Caused Lucy Lambert to Lose Her Leotard
"Aren't you glad that we came out for a jog in the middle of the forest like this," Adam said.
    "Yeah but it's really hot out," Lucy said as she took a drink from her bottle.
    "Well yeah but when you are jogging like this it's very important to stay well hydrated," Adam said as he squirted his water bottle down his throat.
    "Well I'm definitely well-hydrated all right," Lucy said as she crossed her legs and sort of bobbed up and down. "In fact I think that I'm a little bit too well-hydrated if you catch my drift."
    "Yeah I could definitely use a piss right now, excuse me a moment," Adam said as he went over to a nearby tree and began peeing as Lucy stood there with her legs crossed bobbing up and down before Adam came back with a look of relief on his face. "Wow that's much better, you know it really feels amazing to take a good pee after you've been holding it and holding it and holding it –"
    "Shut up!" Lucy said as she danced from foot to foot.
    "What's the matter, need to take a whiz, well nothing stopping you," Adam said as he smiled, laughed and took another drink of his water bottle.
    "It's not quite as easy for me to just whip it out and pee on a tree like you, I don't have the necessary equipment anatomically speaking."
    "Yeah but the equipment that you do have anatomically speaking is pretty nice," Adam said causing her to blush.
    "But not when it comes to taking a leak," Lucy said. "And I really really need to go right now, God why did I drink so much water? How much longer do you think that we are going to be out here?"
    Adam shrugged his shoulders. "I mean it's a nice day and we're pretty deep into the woods, so I mean we could be here for hours."
    "Hours," Lucy said as she continued hopping from foot to foot. She knew that there was no way she was going to last hours because her bladder was already extremely full to the point where it was really uncomfortable.
    Adam laughed. "Well no big deal, why don't you just walk it off?"
    Lucy frowned but as she looked around at the majesty of nature around her she didn't really see any place where she could relieve herself discreetly, so it didn't look as though she had much of a choice. She shrugged her shoulders and they continued jogging but within a few minutes she was stopping every few moments to pause and cross her legs.
    "Still have to go?" Adam asked.
    "Yes very very badly," Lucy said.
    "So there are some bushes and some trees over there, why don't you just pop a squat or whatever?"
    "In case you haven't realized I am wearing a leotard, a one-piece outfit."
    "I have noticed, and I don't mind because it's very formfitting and highlights many areas of your anatomy that I find rather attractive."
    "Yeah but the only way I could take a piss would be to take it off completely."
    "Well hey I don't mind!"
    "I'm not going to get buck naked just so I can take a piss!"
    "Well it's up to you, we might be a few more hours out here in nature, do I hear a stream trickling and rushing off in the distance, perhaps the gentle patter of a waterfall?"
    "God dammit you're a jerk," Lucy said as she continued dancing up and down. "But I can't take this anymore, I'm going to piss myself if I don't go to the bathroom right now."
    "So go over there in the bushes and I think you'll be well covered. I think you can just slip out of your leotard for a minute and I promise I will give you privacy."
    "Okay but you promise no peeking, I can't go when somebody's watching me," Lucy said as she started making her way towards a bunch of trees that she felt would be adequate cover. She looked all around and she could see that it looked as though nobody was coming, and she thought that Adam was far enough away that she can hopefully relieve herself without Adam catching a glance of her midstream.
    As he had to admit that there was something vaguely kinky and a little bit naughty about the idea of getting naked in the forest, even if it was just so she could take a quick pee. Very slowly she began taking off her leotard which was rather formfitting and tight against her body, and it did feel a little bit liberating to be out there standing completely naked in the majesty of nature. However there was another aspect of nature that was calling at that moment and she couldn't wait any longer.
    Lucy very carefully took her leotard and she placed it on a tree branch where she could easily get to it, and then walked a few paces away and spread her legs. She didn't know how to pop a squat in the forest without peeing all over herself but she figured standing there with her legs apart and her hands on her hips she could balance herself and hopefully not get pee all over herself.
    She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and as she started peeing she felt immediate relief and could hear her pee hissing loudly into the dirt of the ground below. She had to admit once again to herself that there was something vaguely kinky almost about peeing standing there naked in the forest, and something about it felt really free, until all of the sudden she heard some laughter and that was when she opened her eyes.
    "Adam I swear if you have been watching me all of this time I am going to kill you," Lucy said as she saw three teenage boys standing there holding up her leotard as she began screaming. The boys quickly began running off taking their leotard with them  and she was about to give chase, except she was still in midstream and was completely mortified to think that those three boys were watching her the entire time she was standing there naked with her hands on her hips peeing.
    When she finally finished peeing she was about to start running after the three boys until she remembered that she was completely buck naked, and as she was starting to give chase she tripped and fell on the floor and by the time she got up and dusted herself off the three boys were well into the distance.
    She froze for a moment, not exactly sure what to do, as she had never been in a situation like this and didn't even begin to know where the protocol would be for such a situation. Should she chase after them seeing as they had her leotard after all, but they already had a pretty good head start, and if she chased after them other people might end up seeing her naked. Those three boys probably wanted her to chase after them so that they could see her running with her breasts bobbing up and down and she wasn't about to give them that satisfaction, and yet what she supposed to do now that she didn't have her clothing?
    "Okay Lucy don't panic, this might be the most humiliating moment of your life but there has to be some way out of this," Lucy said as she stood there naked putting her hand between her legs and putting her other arm across her breasts, trying to cover herself up as best as possible. Suddenly she felt extremely vulnerable, and that breeze that was blowing on her was now giving her goosebumps of embarrassment.
    "Hey Lucy is everything okay over there, you're taking quite a while, you didn't end up having to do more than just take a quick piss did you," Adam said as he was laughing as Lucy immediately hid behind a tree.
    "Adam I have sort of a situation here," Lucy said peering around from behind the tree.
    "A situation?" Adam said scratching his head.
    "I'm kind of naked," Lucy said.
    "You're completely buck naked!" Adam shouted.
    "Don't tell the entire universe!" Lucy said.
    "Do you need a minute to put your leotard back on?"
    "Yeah that's kind of the situation, I sort of lost my leotard."
    "You lost your leotard, how did you lose your leotard, where did it go? Did a little birdie come and fly away with it?"
    "Something like that, a bunch of perverted teenage boys came by while I was taking a piss and they ran off with my leotard okay! Anyway they are already long gone by now and, well dammit what am I supposed to do now?"
    "Yeah that's quite the conundrum, it is pretty funny though don't you think?"
    "I don't find this funny at all!"
    "I don't know, it's kind of kinky don't you think?"
    "No I don't think, dammit Adam what if somebody sees me?"
    "Well I think that they would like what they see for sure!"
    "Dammit this isn't a joke, I am stuck naked in the forest! I don't want anybody to see me."
    "Lucy I've seen you naked before there's nothing to be embarrassed about, you should be very proud of your assets."
    "This is different though, this is in public and in the forest and, look it's just not the same."
    "Well look you don't have to be embarrassed around me, so can you at least come out from behind that tree?"
    The reluctantly Lucy came out from behind the tree but she was still covering herself up and she couldn't help but notice that through his own leotard Adam was getting excited.
    "You know these leotards don't really leave a lot of breathing room," Adam said realizing that he now had a very obvious erection.
    "Well at least yours has a zipper on it!" Lucy said now blushing and fuming over the fact that she didn't know what to do. "Wait that's it, give me your leotard!"
    "I can't, then I'd be naked!"
    "Don't you have any sense of chivalry?"
    "I have a sense of chivalry, I just have a sense of shame as well, as I don't want to be going running around in the forest buck naked like that."
    "What and I do?"
    "Well yeah but you kind of lost your leotard, so maybe it was sort of fated for this to happen. Besides if we end up seeing somebody I think most people would be less objectionable to seeing a woman running around naked than they would be towards a man."
    "Well that's a big double standard."
    "Look it's an out-of-the-way area, let's just try to get home as quickly as possible, and I am sure that nobody we know will see you, and if anybody starts coming you can go hide until they leave."
    "Okay fine, but we had better hurry up, because I don't want anybody to see me like this."
    Adam couldn't help but smile as this had to be one of the most exciting things if it ever happened, here he was in the forest with his girlfriend completely buck naked.
    "You walk in front of me," Lucy said realizing that Adam was looking forward to seeing her naked the entire walk home. "You can be my human shield."
    Even though he had to walk in front of Lucy, Adam had to admit he secretly fantasized about the fact that if somebody ran into him he would have a naked woman, a hot naked women, trailing behind him, even though he knew that it would be mortifying to her.
    "Adam I think I heard something," Lucy said as she heard what sounded like men talking.
    "You go hide and I'll let you know when the coast is clear," Adam said as Lucy went to hide behind a bunch of trees.
    "Hey, nice day for a jog isn't it," a man said as he came by.
    "Yeah my girlfriend and I were having a nice day jogging in the woods," Adam said realizing that it was probably the stupid thing to say.
    "Oh really, where is she then?" the second man said.
    As Lucy was standing there behind the tree with her back up against the tree she felt her heart was racing, as she knew that those two men were off not more than a few feet away, and she was hoping that she was hiding sufficiently. For a moment she felt like she was going to sneeze but she put her finger under her nose and fortunately managed to save herself from the embarrassment of being discovered.
    Adam for his part was getting excited at the thought of Lucy behind that tree taking cover because she was afraid of being seen naked.
    "Oh I am sure that she'll be back in a moment," Adam said. "Anyway have a nice day."
    The two men continued jogging as Adam went back over to the tree where he knew Lucy was hiding.
    "That was a close one," Lucy said. "But you know something about that it was almost kind of a rush that I almost got caught."
    "You kinky little bitch!" Adam said patting her on the back.
    "I didn't say that means I like it, I'm just saying there's something about it that is sort of exciting, the possibility of getting caught like that has my heart racing."
    "Yeah there is something rather exciting about the whole situation. And I know I'm going to sound like a jerk for saying this but it would have been kind of cool if those two guys had seen me walking in the woods with a naked woman like that."
    "Oh no it wouldn't!" Lucy said.
    "Come on now, you just admitted there's something rather kinky about being outside naked like that, feeling the breeze on your naked flesh," Adam said as he stretched his arms out and felt the breeze.
    "Well if you think it's so great then why don't you get naked?!"
    "Well like I said, I think that people would be less objectionable than a poor helpless damsel in distress getting stuck naked than they would a man."
    "Don't use your double standards to justify this. Come on let's just keep going. Actually wait no, we better hide."
    Lucy ducked behind a tree as she saw a group of men walking over in the distance. As they came over Adam greeted them as Lucy stood behind the tree desperately hoping that nobody would see her. Once Adam had talked to the men for a while they went on their way and she was able to breathe a sigh of relief.
    "That was a close one again," Lucy said as she rubbed her body which was now getting goosebumps. "Adam please give me your leotard."
    "But then I would be naked."
    "Please Adam, I am finding this humiliating. Besides it's mostly men walking along this trail, and I think that men wouldn't have any interest in seeing some naked dude. Besides you can more easily cover up, well you know, the interesting bits!"
    "But Lucy I –" Adam said as he looked into Lucy's eyes and could see that she was positively mortified by the whole situation. "It's just I –"
    Lucy looked as though she were about to start crying, and that was when Adam realized that maybe he was being a little bit of a jerk about this.
    "The things I do for love," Adam said whimpering as he very slowly started sliding out of his leotard but with a very obvious erection.
    As the two of them stood there briefly both naked they couldn't help but look at each other and blush that something about this whole experience was rather kinky.
    "You know something about us both standing here completely naked, there is something admittedly a little bit excited about it don't you think," Adam said as he felt Lucy grabbed the leotard out of his arm and quickly began getting into it until she was completely dressed standing there in front of him.
    "That's much better, a little bit loose, but it fits fairly well," Lucy said with her hands confidently on her hips looking over her now completely covered body. "You know it's actually kind of exciting that right now my boyfriend is completely buck naked in the forest –"
    "Lucy, please shut up," Adam said as he put his hands over his genitals and began blushing profusely.
    "What's the matter Adam, doesn't it feel exciting to be completely naked out here in nature with the wind blowing on your naked flesh, completely and utterly naked?"
    "Okay I get it, you made your point, now let's hurry and get home before anybody sees me!"
    "Don't worry, nobody's going to see you, you said so yourself, that if we do it will probably just be a bunch of men on the trail and they probably don't want to see you naked."
    "Yeah you're probably right –" Adam began saying as all of the sudden they turned around and standing there were three women likewise wearing leotards as Adam quickly covered himself up and went hiding behind a tree.
    "Well well well, this has been an interesting jog," the first woman said as she smiled at the other two women with her.
    "I'm Lucy and the guy cowering behind the tree is my boyfriend Adam," Lucy said.
    "My name is Miranda and these are Lakisha and Erin," the first woman said. "And wow what a lucky find, as we have seen so many guys out there today and this is the first guy we have seen naked!"
    "I kind of had an incident with my leotard where somebody sort of ran off and stole it while I was trying to take a piss," Lucy said as the three women laughed. "Adam was nice enough to lend me his leotard."
    "Well I guess chivalry isn't dead," Erin said as all of the women had a good laugh.
    "You know I think we've gotten kind of lost in the woods and we are trying to find a way home quickly for, well obvious reasons," Lucy said but she couldn't help but smirk and smile a little bit at the thought of Adam standing there behind that tree completely naked cowering in fear from four women in leotards.
    "Well hey, we know a quick way out of this place, you just have to follow us," Lakisha said.
    "Isn't that nice Adam, these women are going to help us find our way out of the forest," Lucy said.
    "That's nice, you know I think I will walk behind all of you," Adam said as all of the women began laughing as he reluctantly came out from behind the tree and was following quickly behind them urging them to hurry up.
    "What's the rush Adam, it is such a lovely day to be jogging in the forest isn't it," Lucy said as she and the other women had a good laugh.
    "This is what chivalry gets you," Adam said continuing to walk with his hands over his junk blushing profusely behind the four women who were having a grand old time with it.
    Eventually they started coming near the edge of the park.
    "Wait here, I'll go home and get you some clothes," Lucy said.
    "You are going to leave me here naked in the forest?" Adam said.
    "Don't worry, I'm sure nobody will see you," Lucy said as three women went by holding up their cell phones and snapping pictures at Adam and laughing hysterically.
    "Look we probably shouldn't leave him here like that, why don't you go home and get him some clothes and in the meantime we will stay here with him," Erin said as she nodded at her two companions who had big smiles on their face.
    "You know I don't think that that's really necessary," Adam said standing there covering himself up.
    "Well hey someone has to protect you from all of those perverted women out there," Miranda said patting him on the back as she had a good laugh, and that was when Adam realized that it was going to be a very long wait.
    Lucy to her credit didn't take too long but she had to admit she also wasn't rushing either. By the time she got back all of the three women that had been waiting there with Adam were having a good laugh, when she finally brought him his clothes.
    It didn't take them long to get home as the two of them walked in the door and began laughing to themselves.
    "Well you are right Adam this was certainly a memorable day and a lovely day for a jog," Lucy said. "So what do you want to do now?"
    Adam smiled as he began getting undressed as Lucy was about to do likewise before Adam grabbed her by the hand.
    "What is it Adam?" Lucy said as Adam smiled and blushed.
    "Leave the leotard on," Adam said and Lucy smiled wide as she was more than happy to comply.


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