Does Anyone Else Notice We Are Naked but Us?

This story just came to me completely out of the blue totally spontaneous. I was trying to pick a story on my list that I wanted to work on and then I just thought of this one almost like divine inspiration. I just got this idea of a character who was talking to this other character who was naked but nobody else was acknowledging that she was naked, and that nobody seemed to realize she was naked except for him, and he thinks he's going crazy. Of course then the kicker when they get up on the dance floor I thought was a nice twist as well as the twist at the end, which I thought was really hilarious and I hope you enjoyed it as well.
    This story includes naked in public, embarrassed nude male, embarrassed nude female and just a whole mishmash of weird naked concepts. I think that because of the strange conceptual nature of the story it sort of debatable which types of nudity specifically apply in a situation like that though.

Does Anyone Else Notice We Are Naked but Us?
"I am sure that you will absolutely love Stephanie, she's a real great girl," Chris said. "She's also a really stylish dresser as well."
    "Well you know I look forward to meeting her even though I usually am kind of nervous about the idea of going on a blind date like that," Rinaldo said.
    "Well you know sometimes when you've never seen a person before that just makes a surprise better, believe me she's definitely hot though, I promise you that much," Chris said as the two of them got in the car and soon were down to their double date with Stephanie and Andrea.
    They met at the restaurant and Rinaldo practically stopped short in his tracks as all of the sudden they approached two women but it seemed like one of them was standing there completely buck naked, and not only that she was extremely hot!
    "Well there is Stephanie and Andrea," Chris said as they approached the two women.
    "Which one of you is Stephanie?" Rinaldo asked.
    "I'm Stephanie," the naked woman said as she shook Rinaldo's hand and he could feel all the blood rushing to a certain area of his anatomy as she also was likewise smiling as she was looking him over.
    "Doesn't Stephanie have the nicest dress on," Andrea said as Stephanie twirled around still looking completely and utterly naked as Rinaldo just stood there trying to control his arousal.
    "Well you must really like my dress since you are really staring at me," Stephanie said as she once again looked him up and down and smiled widely.
    "Yes you have a very nice dress on," Rinaldo said as he once again did a double take and rubbed his eyes as he could see that Stephanie was clearly standing there naked and yet nobody else seemed to be commenting on it.
    "So shall we go inside," Andrea said as she and Chris went into the restaurant and Rinaldo simply followed after Stephanie looking at her ass the entire time.
    The four of them sat down across from each other at a table as the waiter came and gave them menus.
    "Hey didn't I tell you that Stephanie has great fashion sense," Chris said as Rinaldo once again rubbed his eyes to see that Stephanie was still sitting there completely naked, not even bothered by the fact that her breasts were out for everybody to see.
    Rinaldo for his part was glad that they were seated because he had a huge erection over the fact that there was a naked woman sitting across from him.
    "Well you must really like what I am wearing as you have been staring at me the entire time, unless there's something wrong with my dress," Stephanie said as she stood up and started feeling around her naked body. "Nothing looks like it's out of place does it?"
    "Turn around a moment," Rinaldo said as Stephanie slowly turned around giving him a good view of every inch of her naked body. "No, everything looks pretty amazing to me, that outfit you are wearing looks very very attractive on you."
    "Really, I hope it's not too skimpy because it honestly feels like I'm wearing nothing at all," Stephanie said as she laughed causing her breasts to jiggle around a bit. "I really like what you are wearing as well Rinaldo, it's good to see that we both have really good fashion sense." He couldn't help but notice that Stephanie was smirking and it looked as though she were giggling, and he was wondering if there was something wrong with him as he began feeling all over his body. "Is something the matter Rinaldo, you look as though you're a little bit uncomfortable?"
    "No I just felt like maybe I had a button undone or something," Rinaldo said as Stephanie burst out laughing pounding her fists on the table. "Was it something I said?"
    "No, I really just think you look really great in that outfit, I mean do you wear that every day, how do you keep the wrinkles out of it?" Stephanie said once again smirking a lot.
    The two of them continued laughing, not exactly sure what they were laughing about, and Rinaldo was really curious about the fact that nobody seemed to be mentioning the fact that Stephanie was buck naked. He once again began rubbing his eyes as he had to be imagining this. There is no way a woman like her could walk around naked in public without anybody noticing, so why was he seeing her naked?
    Of course he didn't mind this, he didn't mind it at all, in fact this was absolutely fantastic, as how often you get to go out in public with a woman who is completely buck naked like that?
    Eventually they all started making small talk until their food arrived but Rinaldo couldn't stop staring at Stephanie. As she started eating her spaghetti Rinaldo tried his best not to stare at her breasts but as she dropped a little bit of spaghetti on them she caught him staring.
    "What's the matter Rinaldo, did I get something on my dress?" Stephanie said looking down at her naked body.
    "You got a little something right there," he said pointing to her chest as she started touching her naked breasts until she got the bit of spaghetti off of it. "Don't worry it looks like you got it."
    "Good I wouldn't want anything to ruin my dress, I went to a lot of trouble to pick out this dress and I am glad that you seem to be liking it, as you seem to not be able to take your eyes off of me," Stephanie said once again laughing and causing her breasts to jiggle in a way that was making Rinaldo unbelievably excited. "Actually I like what you're wearing a lot as well, do you think maybe you could stand up for a moment."
    Rinaldo stood up as Stephanie sat there smiling widely, and it looked like she was trying with all of her might to restrain herself from bursting out in laughter.
    "What, is something the matter?" Rinaldo said as he turned around as Stephanie continued smiling and shaking her head.
    "No, I just like being able to see your whole outfit like that," Stephanie said.
    Rinaldo began to feel uncomfortable as though he had done something wrong or that there was a joke going on that nobody was letting him in on. This had to be some kind of candid camera thing. How is it that he was seeing Stephanie completely naked like that and nobody else was saying anything about that fact?
    Once they had finished eating they went back to more small talk, and once again Rinaldo was trying to control himself, but it was hard for him to pay attention to what Stephanie was saying because all he could focus on was the fact that she was sitting across from him completely buck naked! For her part though she seemed like she was looking directly at him and smiling the whole time, so he figured he must be a good listener.
    "Hey everybody why don't we get up and dance," Andrea said as she and Chris began dancing.
    "Come on Rinaldo, don't be shy," Stephanie said as she stood up once again giving him a good look at everything that made him start shooting up and becoming as hard as a rock.
    "Just give me a minute, I think I want to sit down for a moment to help my food digest," Rinaldo said realizing that sounded like the stupidest thing ever but he had to get himself under control if he was going to get up and dance with this crazy naked woman.
    As Stephanie stood around slow dancing by herself on the dance floor Rinaldo was once again looking at her body in motion, every naked inch of it, and he knew that this was going to be a challenge to be able to get up without making it obvious that he was aroused. But he figured that if nobody was going to say anything about this he was just going to enjoy the view.
    "You know what, why even question it?" Rinaldo said as he got up and began walking toward Stephanie whose face lit up with a huge smile as he started walking over towards her and once again it looked like she was struggling to contain herself.
    "This is nice isn't it?" Stephanie said as they slow danced together, and he couldn't believe that he was out there on the dance floor with a woman who was completely naked, and yet nobody else seemed to realize that fact except for him.
    "You know Stephanie I can say that this has honestly been one of the most memorable nights I have had in a while."
    "Me too, you know it's really great to be dancing up here with a guy who is so, what's the word, uninhibited," Stephanie said.
    "You know I actually always thought I was a little bit uptight some people think," Rinaldo said as he put his hands on Stephanie's hips and slowly rocked back and forth.
    Stephanie couldn't help but smirk. "You know I think you're the last person I would describe as uptight," Stephanie said as Rinaldo twirled her around.
    "Well you certainly seem like you're pretty uninhibited, getting up here and dancing with everything all out on display," Rinaldo said laughing nervously as she was probably wondering what he was thinking.
    Stephanie smiled and gave him a funny look. "You're saying that I am the one who is uninhibited, I'm not the one who's completely buck naked right now!" Stephanie said before covering up her mouth.
    "Wait, what did you say?" Rinaldo said as he suddenly felt goosebumps going all over his body, and he had no doubt that he was probably blushing, even though he didn't know why he would be.
    "I just mean I didn't want to say anything about it because I didn't want it to be weird but I thought that when you showed up naked and nobody was saying anything about it I must have been on like a candid camera kind of thing," Stephanie said. "But hey if you're fine with that I'm very happy with it! Why are you staring at me like that?"
    "Stephanie I'm not the one who's dancing up here completely buck naked, you are!" Rinaldo said as he laughed nervously.
    "That's very funny Rinaldo, trying to sort of deflect attention from the fact that you standing there completely naked and trying to throw it back at me like that."
    "Wait, are you saying that I appear completely buck naked to you?"
    "Well I could see that birthmark you have on your left butt cheek, looks kind of like a leaf," Stephanie said as Rinaldo stopped in his tracks and felt his heart basically ready to leap out of its chest.
    "Well I can see that you shaved your pubic triangle and that you have a little bit of a birthmark on your inner thigh yourself," Rinaldo said as all of the sudden Stephanie gave him a look as she began covering herself up as he did likewise. "Okay this has to be very very weird. You're saying that you can see me completely buck naked right now?"
    Stephanie nodded her head. "And you're saying that you can see me completely buck naked right now?"
    Rinaldo nodded.
    "But I am fully dressed!" Stephanie shouted as she began blushing profusely.
    "So am I!" Rinaldo said as they looked around and suddenly felt very vulnerable and self-conscious. "So it seems like both of us can see each other completely naked in spite of the fact that we both apparently are fully dressed."
    "Yeah I guess so, maybe we have some kind of special power or something, like x-ray vision," Stephanie said.
    "But you don't see anybody else naked except for us right now right?"
    "Except for you," Stephanie said as they both looked around.
    "I feel extremely self-conscious right now," Rinaldo said struggling to cover up and feeling like an idiot for doing so.
    "But I'd be lying if I said that this wasn't very embarrassing for me right now," Stephanie said as she was likewise covering up.
    "So why is it that we can seem to see each other naked but only each other?"
    "Honestly I don't have the slightest idea, except I really like what I see," Stephanie said looking away and blushing.
    "Well I have to admit I really like what I see as well," Rinaldo said looking down at his feet.
    "I know, you have a huge stiffy that's very obvious," Stephanie said as Rinaldo covered himself up.
    "So what do we do now?"
    Stephanie smiled and kissed him. "I don't know why we can both see each other right now but something about it is a little bit kinky, maybe we are like soulmates or something."
    "So do you want to keep dancing then?"
    Stephanie shrugged her shoulders and the two of them continued dancing, both laughing to themselves over the fact that they both saw each other as completely buck naked but that nobody else seemed to. As they continued dancing throughout the evening they eventually forgot about the fact that they could see each other naked and found out they had a real lot in common, maybe they were soulmates.
    "Well Stephanie this was a really weird evening but I have to say I quite enjoyed myself," Rinaldo said.
    "Yeah it's like we have some kind of secret between us that nobody else knows about, it's actually kind of kinky."
    "Yeah but why are we seeing each other naked like that?"
    "Does it matter," Stephanie said with a fiendish smile.
    "You know I think that it doesn't, I guess we have nothing to hide from one another," Rinaldo said as the two of them began kissing and slow dancing again.
    "Well well well I told you you two would hit it off," Chris said as he and Andrea came over and saw the two of them blushing and the two of them seem to have big smiles on their faces as they looked at each other and then looked at the two of them.     
    "Yes we had a very good time but I think that maybe we want to get home and spend some time together, alone you know," Rinaldo said as he and Stephanie looked at each other and sort of snickered and smirked at each other because they had a special secret that nobody else knew.
    "Well hey, we can drop you guys off wherever you want on the way home," Andrea said as the two of them got in the car smiling and laughing at each other the whole time.
    "What's so funny you guys?" Chris asked as he looked at them in the rearview mirror and smiled.
    "It's an inside joke," Stephanie said as they both continued laughing before they got out of the car and thanked their friends for the ride as they went running back to Stephanie's room so that they could examine each other more closely naked with their clothing off, not that it would change what they were seeing already!
    "I wonder what got into the two of them?" Chris asked.
    Andrea shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know but do you think it was weird the fact that we didn't comment that they were both naked the entire night after they got up on the dance floor?"
    Chris shrugged his shoulders. "You know I thought it was just a candid camera thing!"
    The two of them had a good laugh as they drove off still wondering what exactly had gotten into Stephanie and Rinaldo.


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