CFNM Flight

I haven't updated as I haven't really written any new naked stories lately. Last month I started writing another CFNM novel that I got a lot of work done on but then I had lots of tragedies in my family and then was sick for most of the rest of the month, so that sort of killed my desire, and I will eventually get back to it, but today was the first day I felt inclined to write any kind of story like this in over a month.
I think the main inspiration for this story was I was just thinking about how lots of men on a flight would probably enjoy seeing all of the stewardesses and scantily clad clothing, and how it would be even more entertaining to have a flight full of naked stewardesses, so I thought what if it was the reverse situation where all of the men had to go on the flight completely naked and deal with the stewardesses and other women seeing them naked.
    Actually I remember specifically it was a music video that I saw on YouTube called Boom – How Do You Do, where basically had all of the stewardesses dancing around and singing on a flight, and I thought that they were really attractive and thought of how sexy and intimidating it would be to be naked around them while they were dressed like that.
    This one probably requires a lot more suspension of disbelief than most, as there probably could have been better ways to get the men naked on the flight, such as terrorists hijacking the flight or just having a weird policy in general, but it's actually not that far-fetched, because I remember I saw a movie called Compliance that was based on a true story that shows how easy it is to trick people into getting naked like that when they don't know what their legal rights are. And I think is also a Netflix series based on that incident as well, so it's not as ludicrous as it sounds perhaps, even if it does require a big suspension of disbelief.
    This one's pretty much exclusively a CFNM story with naked in public and a little bit of female nudity and sex but is pretty much primarily a CFNM story. 

CFNM Flight
Edward looked at his watch and shook his head. "I swear it seems like these airports are taking longer and longer to process everyone all the time, what the hell is the freaking holdup?"
    Kathy shook her head. "Who knows, it seems like there's always something going on at the airport but don't worry I am sure that they will get us all on board rather quickly once whatever the delay is gets taken care of."
    "It's kind of ridiculous all the security they have now at the airport, there probably is some kind of terrorist threat or something."
    "Attention everyone we have gotten reports that there are a group of strange men who might be plotting a terrorist attack and have found the way to conceal a new weapon that is impossible to detect hidden anywhere on the body if people are wearing clothing," a woman said as she came out shaking her head and was wearing a name tag that said Felicity on it.
    "Oh great I guess this means the flight is canceled," Edward said throwing up his hands in frustration.
    Felicity shook her head. "Not to worry the flight has not been canceled but we have to take some additional security precautions so we can allow any men to get on this flight wearing clothing."
    "What the hell did you just say?" Edward said raising his eyebrow.
    Felicity smiled. "I said that as an additional security measure anyone who wants to get on this flight, any man anyway, cannot be allowed to wear clothing for the duration of the flight, as it would be a security risk."
    "That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard," Edward said. "But I guess we are going to have to cancel our vacation now."
    Edward looked up and down the lines of men looking at each other awkwardly and he couldn't help but notice that most of the women in line were giggling.
    "Come on Edward, we can't miss our vacation, it's our dream vacation," Kathy said.
    "Didn't you hear me, they just said that we have to get on the airplane naked!" Edward said.
    Kathy shook her head. "No, they said only the men would have to get on the flight naked." She couldn't help but smirk and smile a little bit.
    "What do you think it's so funny about that?" Edward said. "It seems rather discriminatory, why don't the women have to get naked on the flight?"
    "Sir you and your wife are going to be boarding the plane I will have to ask you to get undressed and to get in line," Felicity said.
    "You honestly expect me to get completely naked to go on a flight, I've never heard of something so outrageous," Edward said.
    "We are only doing it for the safety of everybody concerned," Felicity said.
    "Then why don't any of the women have to get naked on the flight?" Edward said.
    Felicity shook her head. "I assure you Sir we have lots of legitimate reasons but if you really want to get on this flight you had better start getting undressed and getting in line pretty quickly."
    Edward was about to leave but he saw that Kathy was grabbing him by the arm and looking at him with a pleading look in her eyes.
    "You honestly want me to get on the flight completely buck naked?" Edward said shaking his head.
    "The only way we are going to be able to get on our chartered group is to get on the plane right away," Kathy said. "This is the dream vacation that we have been looking forward to for our entire lives, can't you just endure a brief flight wearing well no briefs?"
    Edward continued shaking his head at how ridiculous this all was as he saw large numbers of men leaving the line, and just as he was about to get out of line he saw what looked like Kathy was about to cry.
    "Sir if you are going to get on this flight I have to ask you once again to please get undressed immediately," Felicity said. "Don't worry your clothing will be returned to you at the end of the flight."
    "I'm supposed to get undressed here in front of everybody," Edward said now shouting, as he could see several women in the line looking over in his direction with smiles on their faces.
    "Please Edward, this is our only chance at this vacation," Kathy said holding his arm as her eyes began to water.
    "The things I do for you," Edward said as he started taking off his clothing slowly as he could see the women looking over in his direction, and he could see that there were a couple of other men who were getting undressed, but not a whole lot, the majority of them stormed right out of line the second at even the suggestion that they would have to get naked.
    Finally Edward had taken off his clothing and it was put into a bag to be put on board with the luggage. He stood there covering himself up and looking around and feeling like an idiot but he couldn't help but notice that Kathy was smiling very widely.
    "I hope you're finding this funny because I don't think it's amusing at all," Edward said covering his genitals with his hands as a couple of women walked by whistling at him and blowing him kisses and causing him to blush.
    "Well I have to admit it is pretty funny, and I think I'm quite sure that those other women are finding it amusing as well," Kathy said as Edward looked up in the front of the line and he could see what looked like a couple of naked men in the line but a bunch of dressed women all laughing and slapping their knees and having a grand old time.
    Edward tried to swallow his pride and tried not to think about the fact that he was naked but it was rather difficult as they boarded everyone on the plane. He was quite glad when he finally got to sit down on the plane until he saw another rather attractive woman sit down next to him and taking a good look at him and was struggling not to laugh.
    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh but this whole situation is just hilarious," the woman said as she shook Edward and Kathy's hands. "My name is Phoebe and when I booked this flight I had no idea it was going to be this entertaining!"
    Edward put his hands in his lap and tried the best he could to cover himself up but as he looked at Phoebe and Kathy exchanging smiles over him he felt completely and utterly humiliated. In fact he could hear basically everywhere on the flight the sound of women laughing as they were just eating this right up.
    "We are going on a vacation for our anniversary but I feel like this flight is almost like a gift already," Kathy said.
    Phoebe shook her head. "Well you're lucky that your husband is understanding about these matters as my husband would never get on a plane naked, he doesn't even like undressing in a locker room shower."
    "Edward is exactly the same," Kathy said as she and Phoebe laughed as Edward just sat there in his seat trying to ignore the fact that he was completely naked between two dressed women.
    "I know I can see that he's really blushing, this whole thing must be making him really uncomfortable," Phoebe said.
    "Don't mind her Edward, I know that you're shy about this, so it takes a lot of guts for you to come on the airplane like this, especially seeing as I know that you were a little anxious about flying even with your clothing on," Kathy said as she patted him on the back.
    "This is a little bit more anxiety producing, yes," Edward said. "I can guarantee that if it were the other way around you probably wouldn't have agreed to come on the flight."
    Kathy blushed and put her fingers up to her mouth. "I don't know maybe it could be kind of kinky," she said as she elbowed Edward in the side as he shifted and squirmed around in his seat.
    Edward was feeling mortified because as much as he didn't want to admit it there was something about the situation that was starting to make him excited, and he was trying to do anything possible to not find himself growing hard, but something about being stuck between these two dressed women for the next couple of hours was making him shoot up like a Christmas tree.
    "Well I think that your husband definitely seems to be finding something exciting about being stuck between such well-dressed women like ourselves," Phoebe said as she began laughing as Edward struggled to hide his growing erection but it was already too late he had been discovered.
    "I knew that you were secretly an exhibitionist," Kathy said as she began laughing hysterically.
    "How much longer is this flight going to be?" Edward said as he was forced to take off his watch earlier.
    "It should only be another three or 3 1/2 hours tops," Phoebe said looking at her watch before looking down at Edward's crotch and trying her best to stifle her laughter.
    "Somehow I feel like this flight is going to feel a lot longer than that," Edward said as Kathy and Phoebe high-fived each other.
    Once the flight had taken off Edward was able to control himself a little bit by trying not to think about the situation, but it was kind of hard, no pun intended, as he could feel the fabric of Kathy and Phoebe's skirts rubbing up on either side of him. He could see that most of the other men on the flight that he could see looked likewise uncomfortable, whereas their wives and other female companion seemed to be having a grand old time.
    "Is there anything I can get for you," a stewardess said as she came by with a big smile on her face looking directly at Edward.
    "Some clothing would be nice," Edward said as Kathy and Phoebe began bursting out laughing again.
    Kathy and Phoebe decided to order some margaritas and when the stewardess brought the margaritas again with a big smile on their faces Kathy and Phoebe clinked their glasses together.
    "To the new flight and regulations, may they become the new standard," Phoebe said as both of them drank their margaritas. Edward felt like he could use a drink but he didn't want to get drunk while he was already naked, and figured he had better just try his best not to get too excited by the situation, but as much as it was embarrassing and mortifying beyond belief there was something really exciting about all of the women on the flight having such a grand old time with it, and as he sat there naked between these two dressed women laughing and talking so casually, he couldn't deny that there was something titillating about seeing the women so lighthearted and quite frankly just completely excited.
    Edward started imagining things with the other way around with Kathy and Phoebe naked on a flight, and he knew that Kathy would never stand for that as she would have died of embarrassment. She was always the more adventurous one, and although she had done some streaking in college he didn't think that she would be able to bear going on a full flight like that completely naked.
    Once again thinking about the idea of Kathy being naked on the plane with him like that was starting to get him excited and he suddenly had an idea.
    "Hey Kathy, I think I need to use the bathroom, maybe you should accompany me," Edward said as he elbowed her in the side, and she could tell that he was up to something, so she simply smiled and went along with it.
    "What is it Edward, why did you think I should have to come to the bathroom with you, aren't you a big boy who can go to the bathroom by himself?" Kathy said smirking.
    "As much as I hate to admit it this whole situation has me rather hot and bothered," Edward said.
    "You're telling me, I'm having a hard time controlling myself, I've never been around so many naked men at once outside of a strip club, and I have to use every impulse control in my body to avoid jerking you off right there on the seat," Kathy said before blushing as Edward could see that she was clearly getting intoxicated by the situation. Their sex life and always been a little bit vanilla but sometimes when Kathy got an idea in her head and was really excited she could barely contain herself, and he could see from the way she was behaving now that she was going out of her mind with horniness just as he was.
    "Did you ever want to join the mile high club?" Edward whispered in her ear as she started beaming. "Let's just be really casual about this and try not to draw attention to ourselves."
    Edward and Kathy waited in line for the bathroom but they couldn't help but notice that standing behind them were two women who basically couldn't control their laughter.
    "Is something the matter ladies?" Kathy said finally turning around and confronting them as Edward turned around as well, but had an obvious erection, causing the two women to burst out into hysterical laughter.
    The two women struggled to control their hysterics and try to compose themselves before shaking their head.
    "I have to admit we got in line just because we wanted to get a nice her closer view of that ass," the first woman said. "Honestly if we really did have to go to the bathroom I think I would have pissed my pants right now!"
    Edward simply covered himself up and smiled and nodded politely as the women continued laughing as he and Kathy faced forward and tried to ignore the fact that those women were probably memorizing every contour of his ass right now.
    Finally it was their turn and the two of them went into the bathroom together.
    "Do you think that people are going to be suspicious that we went into the bathroom together, it's not like I have to help you with your zipper or anything," Kathy said as Edward sat down on the toilet and she began taking her clothing off and getting on top of him. "I can't believe we are actually doing this."
    "Honestly if we didn't I think I would eventually blow my load back in our seats," Edward said as he and Kathy furiously began making love, and it only took him a few seconds before he totally blew his load and they both fell back into a state of relaxation.
    "Well normally I would say this is where we get dressed but I guess only one of us gets to do that," Kathy said as she slowly got dressed again, which was difficult to do in that cramped little airline bathroom. Once they had gotten cleaned up and opened the door they were greeted with the two women from before slapping their knees and laughing hysterically as the two of them went back to their seats where Phoebe was waiting with a big smile on her face.
    "Take care of everything okay," Phoebe said with a knowing smile on her face.
    "Let's just say I think maybe I'm a little bit more relaxed about this now," Edward said as they sat down for the rest of the flight and amazingly he somehow managed to fall asleep.
    As they were getting ready to land the pilot made an announcement. "Hey everybody I think I have to apologize to all of the men of this flight, but we sort of bamboozled you, the fact is there was no terrorist threat that required all of the men to get naked, we can't actually believe that so many of you actually fell for that, but we hope that you had a good time on this flight and we will not charge you as long as you sign a waiver saying that you won't press charges against us for tricking you like that."
    "I knew it, I knew that idea sounded ridiculous, now I really feel idiotic!" Edward said.
    "Well hey I mean it was wrong but didn't we have fun on this flight?" Kathy said.
    "I sure as hell did, I would certainly fly with this airline again," Phoebe said. "Hell if this was going to be their policy for every flight I wouldn't mind becoming a stewardess!"
    As everybody got off of the airplane and into the lobby Edward still felt rather ridiculous standing there completely naked but he was glad that soon this would be over and his ordeal of public humiliation would finally be behind him.
    "Edward I'm afraid that I've got some bad news, well bad news for you, but it seemed like the luggage where they had all of the men's clothing got misplaced," Kathy said as he started walking away. "Where are you going?"
    Edward turned to her and smiled. "I'm going to the bathroom, think maybe you need to join me?"
    Kathy smiled as he didn't need to ask twice.


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