Our Awkward No Clothing Camping Trip

 I was looking at my list of stories for another camping story involving nudity but then I decided to just randomly look up nudity on my latest list of story ideas and this was the first one on my second story ideas document that came up which was also a camping story, and I took that is sort of a sign from the universe and decided to go with it.
    This is another one of those stories where basically we have a couple who ends up getting naked on sort of a dare and then once they get out there everything starts to go sort of wrong and makes everything more awkward in all of the exact ways that they were worrying about. And it's once again true that most of those clothing optional place is you're not likely to encounter naked people so being the only ones naked makes it especially awkward and embarrassing.
    This story includes only ones naked, naked in public, CFNF, CMNF, embarrassed nude female, embarrassed nude male and ultimately becomes mostly a CFNM story in the second half.

Our Awkward No Clothing Camping Trip
Amanda and Larry arrived at the campgrounds and parked in the parking lot and got out to stretch their arms and legs, because after a long ride like that they were both getting a little bit stir crazy inside the car like that.
    "Hey look at this, the campgrounds are clothing optional," Larry said as he pointed to a sign.
    Amanda smirked. "How about that?!"
    "Remember when we were younger and we went to the nude beach that time?"
    "Yes I do, and it was rather awkward and embarrassing, but at least everybody was naked as well."
    "That was a real lot of fun and everything," Larry said as he sort of looked at the sign with the words in bold saying that the grounds were clothing optional.
    "You're not suggesting that we get naked here are you?"
    "Well I mean it is clothing optional, and I am sure that probably everybody else will be naked as well."
    "You know as well as I do that at most places where clothing is optional people take the option to keep their clothing on. At least when we were on the nude beach that time we were basically naked together with everybody else, so it wasn't as weird."
    "Yeah I suppose you are right, when you are the only ones naked there's something weird about it, I guess it was a crazy idea."
    "Well I mean you could get naked."
    "You'd probably really like that wouldn't you? Why don't you get naked?"
    The two of them stood there staring at each other laughing awkwardly and nervously.
    "I mean it's crazy, the idea of us getting naked for our camping trip," Amanda said.
    "Yeah, it's pretty crazy, I mean maybe when we were younger and a little bit more wild and crazy but we are older now."
    "Yeah but we aren't that much older, I mean we are still relatively young and in good shape."
    "Are you saying that we should get naked?"
    "I'm not saying that we should get naked, I'm just saying that when we were younger it would have made sense because that's the kind of crazy thing younger people do."
    "So I guess now that we are older doing something crazy like getting naked for the duration of our camping trip is a crazy idea."
    "Dare you."
    "What?" Larry said and he always found it hard to turn down a dare and she knew it.
    "I dare you to take your clothes off and leave them off for the entire camping trip."
    "Well I dare you right back!"
    "So you are saying we should both get naked? Well if you get naked first maybe I will consider it."
    "Let's rock paper scissors for it," Larry said as the two of them did rock paper scissors where he took paper and she took scissors. "How about best two out of three?"
    "I knew you wouldn't do it."
    "Hey I'll do it, just give me a moment," Larry said as he looked around to see that they seemed to be all alone, so he began slowly sliding out of his clothing as Amanda smiled and licked her lips and began laughing. "Hey what's so funny?"
    "You know I've never seen you get naked in public like that since that time we went to the nude beach, it's just real funny is all."
    "Well if you think it's so funny why don't you get naked as well, isn't that what we agreed on?"
    Amanda looked around and she didn't see anyone coming, so very slowly and very gradually she slipped out of her clothing until she was standing there naked with Larry, and they were both sort of laughing.
    "This feels really weird," Amanda said. "But it really shouldn't, it should feel really natural."
    "So should we get dressed again?" Larry said as he began reaching for his clothing before Amanda grabbed him by the arm and smiled. "What's that fiendishly evil smile, I know that look in your eye."
    "I dare the both of us to be naked for our entire camping trip," Amanda said standing there with her hands on her hips in that really confident way that looked especially sexy because of the fact that she was naked. She knew that Larry didn't want to look like he was a coward, especially in front of her.
    "The entire camping trip?"
    Amanda nodded. "Yes, totally completely buck naked for the entire camping trip."
    "Wow," Larry said as he picked up his clothing and looked at it as Amanda did likewise with hers.
    "And just so we won't be tempted," Amanda said as she grabbed Larry's clothing along with her clothing, threw it in the trunk of their car and locked the trunk of the car.
    "Are you sure we should leave our clothing all the way back here in the car completely inaccessible like that? What if there's an emergency or something?"
    "So you're trying to chicken out of it then?"
    "No not exactly," Larry said rubbing his naked body and looking kind of awkward. "I mean you have to do it too."
    "Well I'm game if you are," she said tapping her foot impatiently and looking confident but also looking a little bit awkward herself, which made Larry feel a little bit more confident.
    "Okay fine, we will leave our clothing in the trunk of the car, just like if we were streaking or something," Larry said as the two of them shook hands and gathered up their camping gear and began walking away from the parking lot and onto the campgrounds, but the both of them hesitated for a moment and looked back at the car before continuing on their way.
    "You know it's really nice out here, completely all-natural out here in the splendor of nature," Amanda said. "Doesn't it feel great to have the sun and the breeze on our naked flesh like that?"
    "Do you think our clothing is safe in the trunk of our car," Larry said.
    Amanda smiled and laughed.
    "What's so funny?" Larry said.
    "You, you're still thinking about our clothing in the trunk of the car, you feel uncomfortable being naked outside don't you?"
    "No, I am just making sure that our things are safe, it's a reasonable concern, aren't you concerned about our things being safe?"
    "Larry you are thinking about this too much, we are out here in the middle of nowhere and nobody's going to see us," Amanda said.
    "Hey," a guy said as he walked over as Amanda quickly started covering herself up with her hands and blushing profusely. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, my name is Erik."
    "I'm Larry and this is my wife Amanda," Larry said looking almost as awkward as Amanda did.
    "You know I have been to these campgrounds for a while, and although it says clothing optional you're the first people that I have seen naked," Erik said as he laughed.
    "Really?" Amanda said looking as though all of the air had just been let out of the her enthusiasm balloon.
    "Well hey it's a good look on you, if I wasn't so self-conscious about my own naked body I wouldn't mind camping naked myself," Erik said shaking his head. "But hey you don't need to feel too self-conscious, I mean you'll probably be out here all alone in nature just the way God made you. Well anyway I have to be on my way, but it was nice meeting you."
    The two of them waved as Erik began jogging off into the forest in the opposite direction.
    "Maybe we should go back to the car and get our clothing, you know just in case of an emergency," Amanda said as Larry grabbed her arm and laughed. "What's so funny?"
    "A few minutes ago you were giving me hell at the idea of me wanting to run back to the car and to the safety of our clothing, and now you see one dressed guy and all of the sudden your blushing bright red, I've never seen you looking so embarrassed!"
    "Okay so I was just caught by surprise a little."
    "It's not too late to go back, no one else needs to see us in the buff."
    The two of them looked back in the direction that they had come from and Amanda shook her head.
    "You know it's getting kind of late already, it would be a major detour to go all the way back to the car just to get our clothing," Amanda said. "Besides I am sure that we probably won't encounter anybody else, I mean it's a big campground after all, that's probably why it's clothing optional, figuring that everyone will be separated by so much that we will basically be naked in private, just the two of us together, and we have seen each other naked plenty of times, so seeing each other naked outside like this is no big deal."
    "Yeah I guess you are right, so should we continue?"
    Amanda nodded and the two of them reluctantly continued on their way, but they could both see that every so often they would both end up looking back in the distance and thinking how far they were getting away from their car where their clothing was safely deposited.
    "Well no going back now," Larry said as they reached their campsite and put their things down on the floor. "I guess I should start pitching the tent."
    Amanda looked him up and down and smiled. "I can see that you're already pitching a tent of another kind," she said with a big snorting laugh that made Larry feel self-conscious. "Oh don't be embarrassed, I mean I can't blame you when you have a beautiful naked woman right in front of you, it's rather flattering!"
    Larry always felt that men were at a disadvantage when naked because their arousal was much more obvious, where a woman could conceal her arousal without it being obvious. It felt weird as he was setting up their campsite the whole time with a raging hard on but Amanda seemed to be enjoying every moment of it.
    After they had finished setting up their campsite they decided that they would roast marshmallows around the fire as they sat there and smiled.
    "You know this is actually kind of kinky, I've never been this far out in nature completely naked with no clothing before," Amanda said.
    "Yeah I am still thinking that maybe we should have brought our clothing with us, you know just as a precaution," Larry said.
    Amanda shook her head. "No no, the only way this is daring is if we don't have that safety net, knowing that our nearest clothing is several miles away with an entire forest between us."
    Larry didn't know why but the way she was casually mentioning that was causing him to get another raging hard on, in fact he had had one practically the entire time they had been out.
    "Well your anatomy betrays the fact that you are really finding this extremely hot," Amanda said. "Maybe we should take care of that for you."
    The next thing they knew they were making love right there on their sleeping bags right on the floor out in the middle of nowhere, that was even more daring than getting completely naked together, but something about it was extremely satisfying.
    "Now are you glad that we didn't bring our clothing with us?" Amanda said as she sat in the sleeping bag next to him and smiled.
    Larry smiled back. "Oh yeah!"

    The two of them slept like babies that night but the next morning Larry woke up finding that he had a very full bladder that he needed to relieve. Larry started tiptoeing away from the campsite and just when he was about to relieve himself that was when he suddenly heard giggling and he froze in his tracks.
    Very slowly Larry turned around and standing there were three women, fully dressed, with big smiles on their faces, as he immediately began covering himself up and was practically falling over right on his naked ass right before he did just that.
    "Sorry we didn't mean to startle you," the first woman said as she offered him her hand and he slowly got up but once again was feeling profoundly self-conscious because he had a raging hard on from needing to piss.
    "I'm Larry," he said now blushing profusely.
    "I'm Gina and these are my friends Juliana and Gracie," the woman said as the two woman next to her sort of smirked to each other.
    "So what are you doing out here completely buck naked?" Juliana said. "Not that we mind or anything!"
    "It is a clothing optional campsite," Gracie said. "But I never actually thought that anyone would take advantage. I bet you probably came out to this campsite hoping that you would see a bunch of naked women prancing around in the forest."
    "Actually it was a dare with my wife, she dared us to leave our clothing in the car," Larry said.
    Gina smiled. "So you have like no clothing with you whatsoever."
    Larry shook his head, and now as he stood there with a raging piss hard on in front of three fully dressed women like that he couldn't remember the last time he had ever felt self-conscious like this before, in fact he had never felt this self-conscious.
    "Bad ass," Juliana said as she high-fived the other two women. "I hope we weren't interrupting you or anything."
    "Well I kind of needed to relieve myself," Larry said suddenly feeling really awkward and uncomfortable about admitting that fact, almost more awkward and uncomfortable than the fact that he was completely buck naked!
    "Well go ahead, we don't mind," Gracie said as the three of them laughed.
    "I kind of can't go when somebody's watching," Larry said and right now his bladder was ready to explode.
    "We didn't know you are so bashful about that, I mean considering that you're, well," Juliana said as she once again smirked at the other two women. "But hey we didn't mean to interrupt you in the middle of important business."
    Larry quickly ran off into the bushes to begin relieving himself but he could see that it seemed as though the three women were still watching him from a distance and smiling and laughing. He didn't know how he was going to explain this to Amanda, but as he was looking at the three women that's when he saw Amanda coming over, and she seemed to be talking with the women who were just as shocked to see a naked woman as they were to see Larry.
    Once Larry had finished relieving himself he could see that Amanda was waving over to him and he once again began making his way back to the four women.
    "It looks like we ran into your wife," Juliana said. "So do both of you like running around naked in the woods all the time?"
    "Actually this was kind of our first time," Larry said. "We kind of didn't think we were going to run into anyone out here."
    "Well I guess you got lucky because you ran into us," Gina said still smirking and smiling the whole time along with the other women.
    "I hope it doesn't feel awkward and weird having a naked woman around," Amanda said, admittedly feeling a little bit self-conscious around these three women, but as she saw how nervous it was making Larry it suddenly made her relax a little bit about her own nudity, as he was the only guy among all of them and she felt that there was safety in numbers.
    "Hey if it feels good do it," Gracie said as her friends nodded in agreement. "If you'd like to come back to our campsite with us we aren't that far away."
    Larry was about to say something before Amanda spoke up. "You know that actually sounds delightful, it will be nice to have other women around." Larry couldn't help but notice she emphasized the word women as she smiled.
    "I mean we don't want to make things awkward and weird, they might not feel comfortable having a naked guy around," Larry said trying to find any way out of this situation.
    "No we are totally cool with it, in fact we think it's pretty awesome," Gina said as Gracie and Juliana nodded in agreement.
    "Well good, there's no problem then," Amanda said as Larry reluctantly followed her back to the women's campsite where they saw three more women standing around a campfire whose jaws practically dropped when they saw Larry.
    "Hey Mary Beth, Cecelia, Jennifer these are Amanda and Larry," Gina said as Larry sort of smiled coyly but was practically ready to die of embarrassment. Sure Amanda was naked as well but he knew that those six women weren't focusing on Amanda at all, all of their eyes were clearly drawn to him, and he was mortified when he realized that all of that attention was making him hard once again as the women began clapping and cheering, and whistling and hollering like they were in some kind of a strip club.
    "Well hey sit down around the fire and join us," Jennifer said with a fiendishly evil look in her eye.
    Larry reluctantly sat down on the log near them, and once again he could feel all the eyes were on him. Amanda didn't look the least bit bothered because none of the women were looking at her, and although he wasn't the only one naked Larry certainly felt like it at the moment.
    "Wow you know I never thought that anyone would actually take advantage of the clothing optional part of this camping ground," Mary Beth said.
    "Yeah I think that we've been coming out here for years and I don't think we've ever seen a single naked person until today," Cecelia said laughing. "I guess we just got lucky."
    Larry remained sitting down around all of these women and the attention they were all giving him was making him feel like he was ready to blow his load. He thought that maybe Amanda would be jealous but the fact that she was sitting there naked and looking totally comfortable with it was just making him even more uncomfortable with the situation. He was outnumbered seven women to one, with six of those women fully dressed.
    Amanda began talking casually but even as all of the women were listening to her Larry could see that their eyes were all looking at him. He kept trying to think of excuses to get away from there because this was becoming increasingly uncomfortable, not just because all of these women were getting to see him naked, but because they could see that it was also getting him excited in spite of himself, really really excited.
    For the next couple of hours they spent their time having fun with their new fellow campers but Larry could see that this was certainly more of a girls night out than anything else. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't disappointed that he didn't encounter any naked female campers along this trip, and he was kind of wondering if they would get naked at some point.
    "It must be so freeing to be out here in nature all naked like that," Gina said.
    "Well you could always get naked as well," Larry said as all of the women began laughing and he could see that that was clearly not going to happen.
    Eventually Larry managed to settle down a little bit but he could see that Amanda was enjoying every moment of watching him squirm and cringe. She didn't even seem to be bothered the least bit by the fact that she was completely naked just because she could see how much it was driving him crazy.
    At the end of the day when they went back to their campsites Amanda looked pretty content with herself.
    "Well I think we had a lot of fun today didn't we," Amanda said laughing as they got back to the campsite.
    "You aren't the least bit embarrassed by the fact that they all saw us naked?" Larry said.
    "Hey we're all ladies here," Amanda said before she looked at Larry. "Oh I see what you mean, yes I guess it must have been a little bit awkward being the only naked guy there."
    "Really, you think?!" Larry said and once again in spite of himself he found himself getting extremely excited by the fact that Amanda was really lording the whole situation over on him.
    "Well I can see it got you all hot and bothered, want to have another session of lovemaking under the stars," Amanda said.
    Larry had to admit it was kind of hard to resist, but then in the end they decided they had better do it inside of their tent in case one of their six fellow friends from a short while away decided to drop in on them unexpectedly, as that would be more awkward for both of them than anything else so far.
    As much fun as Larry was having he had to admit that he never expected he would be seen naked by all of those fully dressed women, and he didn't think he could take too many days of this, and thought that maybe in the morning they should pack it up, as he was eager to get back to his clothing in the trunk of their car.
    The next morning they woke up to shouting and came out of their tent to find that all six of the women from the other day were standing there.
    "There's a forest fire, we have to get out of here, they're are evacuating the campsite," Gina said.
    "A forest fire?" Amanda said now suddenly looking nervous for the first time. "You know I'm starting to regret the fact that we left our clothing back in the car."
    "Hey no problem, I brought an extra outfit just in case something happened, as you can never be too careful when you are out in the elements like this," Gina said. "And I think I'm about your size as well."
    "Well that's a relief," Amanda said as she looked at Larry who was standing there blushing once again.
    "Sorry I don't have any guy's clothes," Gina said.
    "I'd loan you my spare outfit but I don't think it would fit you," Cecelia said.
    "You know dressing like a woman I think might be a little bit less embarrassing than fleeing a forest fire completely buck naked," Larry said.
    "Buck up Larry, we have to get out of here, an emergency is an emergency," Amanda said as they went back to the women's camp where Amanda quickly got dressed in Gina's spare outfit.
    Now as Larry was standing there as the only one completely naked it just made him feel even more naked than he already did. Soon he started following his female companions, and Amanda looked rather confident now that she was dressed in Gina's outfit, which actually looked pretty nice on her, although Larry would much rather her be naked as well.
    They continued walking in the forest, and as they did so they started encountering other groups of people, all of whom were fully dressed, and everyone was looking at Larry, especially all the women who were laughing and giggling and clapping and pointing at him, probably seeing him naked was taking their mind off of the fact that they were fleeing from a fire.
    "I honestly can't imagine how this could possibly get any more embarrassing," Larry said as they walked out of the forest to see a TV news crew approaching.
    "And some of these campers had to flee in such a hurry that they weren't even able to get dressed," the reporter said as she approached Larry. "Do you have any comments?"
    Larry simply smiled and blushed and shook his head.

    "It's a shame they had to blur out all of the good stuff on the news," Amanda said as they watched the news later that evening where the reporter had gone up to a fully naked Larry. "Overall though I can say this was a pretty memorable vacation, we should do it again next year!"
    Larry once again was blushing. "Okay but next time we don't leave our clothing in the trunk."
    Amanda shook her head. "Baby! Where's the fun in that?!"


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