My Short-Lived Career As a Naked Door to Door Saleswoman

This story was directly inspired by a post on the naked experiment forum where somebody asked the question would you be more likely to buy something from a salesperson if they were completely naked, and I thought that that was just such an interesting concept, and I immediately thought that that would make for a really good story. And then I got in a couple of recurring jokes about market research and Jehovah's Witnesses that I thought fit really well into the story, as well as the Tom, Dick and Harry joke, so I thought this one was one of the more humorous ones in this collection and I hope everybody enjoyed it. This one contains embarrassed nude female, CFNF, CMNF, naked in public, only one naked and brief CFNM.
And to answer the question that was posed that inspired this story I can say that I'm not sure if I would necessarily buy something from them, it depends on what they were selling and how much it costs, but if a beautiful naked woman came over selling something I would certainly let her in at any rate!

My Short-Lived Career As a Naked Door to Door Saleswoman
"Well Kimberly it seems like you have plenty of qualifications that would make you a good saleswoman, you're personable, attractive and have a really positive uplifting can do attitude," Mr. Perkins said.
    "Are you saying that I've got the job?" Kimberly asked.
    "Absolutely, I couldn't think of a more attractive and personable woman to go around selling things door to door completely buck naked."
    "Well that sounds great and, wait what was that last one, did you say that I'm supposed to go around selling things door to door completely buck naked?"
    "Oh yeah that part, you wouldn't have a problem with that would you?"
    "Wait a minute, you are honestly expecting me to go door to door completely buck naked selling things to people? Where did you get such a crazy idea like that from?"
    "Well Kimberly it actually comes from market research, research has shown that people would be more likely to buy something from an attractive woman, I if that attractive woman is naked they won't even care what the product is they'll probably just buy it because you are naked."
    "You needed market research to figure that out, I think anyone could have told you that for free!"
    "I know, it seemed like such an obvious thing that I've been wondering why nobody has tried it before, that's what I was saying, so you get it, you get that it's a brilliant idea."
    "Well I can think of one reason why nobody has done it before, and that is I think that is kind of a crazy idea."
    "Wait so you are saying that you have a problem with the idea of selling things door to door completely naked?"
    "Well first of all I think that it's illegal to go around walking around completely buck naked."
    "No, that's just it, in this particular community it's fully legal, and I don't think anyone has taken advantage of this new market just yet, so we could really corner the market."
    "Mr. Perkins do you think I am so crazy that I would go around naked trying to sell people things? I mean I've often felt that using sexy women as a way of trying to sell a product was a little bit sexist and demeaning, but now you are asking me to go around completely buck naked?"
    "I didn't think you were a prude."
    "Hey I'm no prude, but I think that there is a fine line between not being a prude but not also wanting to get completely buck naked for your job every day and going around exposing myself to strangers."
    "Well it's a shame, I think you would have been really good at it, but if you don't want the high-paying job I guess I will have to offer it to the next woman."
    "Wait a minute," Kimberly said as she grabbed Mr. Perkins hands before he buzzed in the next woman.
    "Are you saying that you are going to reconsider?"
    "The thing is I'm kind of bashful at the idea of going around naked in public, walking around naked in public, going door to door exposing myself to every Tom, Dick and Harry."
    "Well you have to be going around town naked, that's how you will stand out. If you went to the door dressed people might pretend that they aren't home because they don't want some stranger going around bothering them in their own home, but if that stranger is a naked woman they will probably be interested in at least letting you in and hearing you out, and they will probably end up buying something."
    "I can't believe that you're actually proposing this as an idea, I mean do people even go around selling stuff door to door anymore?"
    "A couple of people do yes, but none of them are doing it naked, and that's where I think we can corner the market! So what do you say Kimberly?"
    "I'm sorry Mr. Perkins but there's no way in hell that I am going to become a naked door to door saleswoman, not in 1 million billion years."
    "Are you sure," Mr. Perkins said as he wrote a figure down on a piece of paper and handed it to her.
    Kimberly looked at the paper and she looked back at him as he sat there smiling and giving a thumbs-up.
    Kimberly sighed. "When do I begin?"
    "Excellent!" Mr. Perkins said as he smiled and shook Kimberly's hand.
    "What the hell did I get myself into," she said as he leaned against the door of Mr. Perkins office and shook her head as another woman came up to her. "You know I probably just saved you from a really embarrassing and humiliating fate, so you're welcome."
    The woman simply shrugged her shoulders as she had no idea what Kimberly was talking about, but as she rode home that day and looked up and down the street at all of the people, all of the dressed people, she realized that this was going to be something that was going to be difficult for her to get used to and to overcome, as she had a natural inhibition about the idea of going completely buck naked in public selling junk to people.

    For her first day of work Kimberly had never been more nervous, she found herself looking through her closet frantically deciding what she was going to wear until she remembered she didn't have to worry about that at all. Somehow she still wanted to bring clothing with her inside of her car just because it gave her a feeling of security to know that clothing was nearby, even if she wasn't going to be wearing it.
    As she drove her car to work naked that day she could see that plenty of people were stopping and staring at her, and a lot of men were honking their horns, so she simply smiled and waved coyly, even though she knew she must be blushing profusely as she tried slumping down in her seat.
    When she got to the first neighborhood walking out of the car and feeling the summer sun and the cool breeze on her naked flesh started giving her goosebumps, and she instinctively found herself covering up, as she could see everybody in the neighborhood was looking out their windows, many with big smiles on their faces.
    As she was standing there a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses went by and a couple of them were making signs of the cross and shaking their head in disapproval. But the female Jehovah's Witness was sort of dragging the male Jehovah's Witness along with her as he was looking back at her and smiling.
    "Well I think I've already won one convert," Kimberly said somehow feeling dirty that a bunch of religious people in suits had seen her walking around naked around the neighborhood. Somehow she felt that the people would probably be more welcoming of her into their homes than they would be of someone trying to change their religion. Maybe if the Jehovah's Witnesses had gone around completely naked they would win more converts.
    Kimberly decided to take a deep breath, and she went to the first home and rang the doorbell as she stood there holding her case full of products in front of her as a way of feebly trying to cover up her nudity.
    "Hello I am wondering if you would like to buy something as I am a door to door saleswoman," Kimberly said as a woman stood there shaking her head.
    "Sorry I don't think I'm interested in whatever you are selling, and is there a particular reason why you are not wearing any clothes?"
    "Honey who is it," a man said as he came over to the door with a huge smile on his face and a bulge in his pants as Kimberly simply looked down at her feet and began blushing again.
    "It is somebody that if we don't let her go on her way I think we're going to need a marriage counselor," the woman said as she closed the door on Kimberly's face.
    "Okay so that didn't go as I hoped, but maybe the next house would be better," Kimberly said as she looked at the people in the windows and she could see lots of disapproving women but lots of men with big smiles as their wives and other female relatives were covering up their eyes.
    Kimberly started walking up to the next house but she remembered that an elderly gentleman lived there and she remembered that people like him didn't have the same understanding of boundaries, also she didn't want to be responsible for exciting him and giving him a heart attack, because if there is anything more awkward than being completely buck naked and walking around town it's being completely buck naked and giving somebody a heart attack and having to explain that.
    Kimberly continued walking up and down the streets, and she could see that everyone was turning and looking at her. It was definitely true, and she didn't need market research to tell her that, that when you are a naked woman out on the streets like that it certainly does get you lots of attention, although she suspected that 90% of the people looking at her were probably not all that concerned with what products she was selling.
    The next door she knocked on she was greeted by an elderly woman who smiled at her. "I wish I had a birthday suit like yours but mine has substantially more wrinkles in it, but please come in," the woman said. "My name is Dorothy."
    Kimberly was actually surprised that this elderly woman wasn't more shocked by the fact that she was completely buck naked but she was inviting her in and she wasn't about to say no.
    "Could I get you something to drink," Dorothy said.
    "Thank you but no, I was just wondering if you would like to buy something," Kimberly said still feeling embarrassed and self-conscious and as she sat down she crossed her legs and crossed her arms across her breasts to try and make her nudity less visible.
    "Are you cold dear?" Dorothy said as she wrapped a scarf around herself. "You look like you have goosebumps all over your body!"
    "It's a little bit chilly but as you can see I'm a bit underdressed, it's part of my job."
    Dorothy smiled. "You know I didn't think that there were any door-to-door salesmen or saleswomen left in the world, and I certainly never would have dreamed that in my 80 years I would live to see a woman selling stuff door to door naked. I'm no prude though mind you, in the 1960s I was a real swinger." Dorothy began snapping her fingers like she wanted to dance.
    "No kidding," Kimberly said still squirming around uncomfortably as she had never had a conversation with a woman old enough to be her grandmother while buck naked before.
    "Something tells me that you're probably not a nudist, you seem rather bashful for a naked woman," Dorothy said as she laughed.
    "It's part of my job, market research said that people might be more amenable to buying things from a naked woman."
    "Market research, well anyone could have told you that, what a waste of money," Dorothy said as she happily began laughing and relating about how she had gone to Woodstock and how she liked going to naked beaches all the time when she was younger, and mentioning she would again if she could get all the wrinkles out of her birthday suit.
    Strangely enough this elderly woman didn't seem to be the least bit bothered by Kimberly's nudity, and that helped her to relax a little bit, and she eventually ended up selling the woman a whole bunch of things, so maybe it wasn't just men who would purchase things from a beautiful young naked woman.
    "Thank you young lady, and if you ever want to come back, dressed or undressed, you're more than welcome," Dorothy said smiling and waving to her before Kimberly left and Dorothy watched her walking away from the door staring directly at her ass and shook her head. "If Harry had still been alive that excitement of seeing that naked young lady would have certainly given him a heart attack and killed him!"
    Kimberly was actually pretty happy that she had already managed to sell a whole bunch of things to Dorothy, maybe this job wouldn't be as bad and as mortifying as she thought it was. She knocked on a few more doors but it didn't seem like anyone was home, or if they were home they weren't going to answer the door with a naked woman standing there.
    Finally when she got to the end of the block she found a really nice looking house and thought that it was the kind of place where she would perhaps make a lot of good sales. Reluctantly she pressed the doorbell and waited anxiously for somebody to respond. Just when she was about to leave that was when the door opened and standing there was a woman with a look of shock on her face.
    "Well this is certainly something you don't see all day," the woman said as she looked Kimberly up and down before smiling. "Oh my God Kimberly, is that you? Remember me from the sorority in our college days, it's me, Meredith!"
    "Oh Meredith, hi, I almost didn't recognize you," Kimberly said as she shook Meredith's hand. Back in college they had both been in the same sorority together and Meredith was sort of a status seeking snob and was very cruel when she was trying to initiate new people into the sorority. She was a legacy, so she was pretty high in the sorority's hierarchy.
    "I almost didn't recognize you, the last time we met I think I remember you wearing clothing," Meredith said as she laughed like a hyena clearly enjoying every minute of this.
    As Kimberly was standing there that was when all of the sudden she saw another familiar face, she couldn't believe it, it was her college crush Dick.
    "Meredith I don't know what this is but I totally have never seen this woman before in my life," Dick said as Kimberly could see that he was covering up his crotch because he was already getting an erection.
    "It's okay Dick, don't you recognize her, it's Kimberly from college, remember from my old sorority days," Meredith said. "Well please Kimberly come in."
    Kimberly reluctantly walked into the house as Dick tried to contain his excitement but it was clear that he was practically drooling.
    "So Kimberly what have you been up to since our college days," Meredith said as Kimberly slowly sat down on a chair and tried her best to cover up. "It seems you have gotten less bashful about showing your body. I remember that when you were trying to join the sorority and we made everybody streak the campus you were practically ready to die of embarrassment, although you are blushing quite a great deal right now."
    "It's part of my job description," Kimberly said as she gritted her teeth, as this was just excruciating.
    "Wow that's a quite a far cry from you in college who was going on about how strip clubs sexually objectified women, you have totally gone over to the dark side," Meredith said as she smiled. "And personally I think it's a great look on you, don't you Dick?"
    "Yeah," Dick said as he wiped some drool from his face.
    "Well it seems that we might have taken different paths in life after all," Meredith said. "I got married to Dick here who is fabulously wealthy and we live a life of luxury. It seems that your life path took sort of a different course where you are going around completely buck naked selling things door to door, but hey different strokes for different folks right?" And as Meredith said that it looked as though Dick was eager to stroke something as well.
    "It's a well-paying job," Kimberly said, not wanting to add that this was her first day and that she was already ready to die of embarrassment. She could see that smirk across Meredith's face as this was probably the greatest day of her life. She and Kimberly always clashed on their values when they were in the sorority, and they clashed on a personality level, now Kimberly was the one there sitting naked in her house, not just a house but practically a mansion, and when you are a working woman sitting naked in somebody's mansion you certainly feel pretty low on the social hierarchy totem pole.
    "Yes it's actually very profitable for women to take off their clothing, I actually worked in market research for a while and found out that a woman wearing less clothing is considered more appealing as a saleswoman, although I never thought that they actually had door to door naked saleswomen, that's new to me," Meredith said as she was just absolutely eating this up.
    "You needed market research to tell you that," Dick said as he laughed, but he could see that Meredith was suddenly starting to get jealous, because she could see that Dick was staring directly at Kimberly and Meredith didn't like that. Given that Kimberly always had a crush on Dick the fact that she was now driving him wild was rather exciting in a sense, even if it was and believably embarrassing for the same reason.
    "It's kind of a new job, it's taking advantage of them repealing the laws against public nudity," Kimberly said.
    "Well so what are you selling completely in the buff like that," Meredith said. "I'm guessing you're probably not selling some clothing as it doesn't look like you have any on you!" Meredith burst out laughing as she always thought that everything she said was witty and hysterical and would always laugh at her own jokes and comments.
    "Very funny as always Meredith," Kimberly said, and she felt like running out of there right then and there, but as she looked at Dick staring at her and holding a pillow on his lap so that it wouldn't be blatantly obvious that he had a huge bulging erection, and wiping the drool from his face, she suddenly had an idea. "Well you know let me open my case and I will show you what I have for sale."
    Kimberly deliberately got up and bent over exposing her ass and everything else to Dick who practically was barely able to contain himself as Meredith was elbowing him in the side and looking rather annoyed.
    Reluctantly Kimberly took a deep breath and started describing the wide range of products that she had to offer, and she could see the entire time that Dick was hanging on her every word, where as Meredith was sort of shooting him angry glances.
    Somehow the fact that Dick was completely head over heels lusting after her and barely able to control himself was somehow making Kimberly feel a little bit, dare she even say, empowered by her nudity, as every time she moved around she could see that she basically could control Dick like she had him hypnotized or something.
    "Hey I'll buy all of it, whatever you are selling we'll take it," Dick said as Meredith sort of looked at him.
    As Kimberly rang up all of their purchases and put in their order she could see that Meredith was positively fuming, and Kimberly suddenly felt really powerful over the fact that she had basically mesmerized the husband of the snobby rich girl from college who had humiliated her back in their sorority days. Strangely enough she felt really confident being naked by the time she left.
    "Come back again soon," Dick said as he waved to Kimberly as she went back to her car, but the second they closed the door she could hear Meredith screaming loudly at Dick, and it sounded like she had thrown a monkey wrench into their happy marriage.
    "You know I never thought I would say this but nudity can actually be empowering, I feel great right now," Kimberly said as she closed her eyes and smiled before opening them and saw a bunch of horny teenage boys snapping pictures of her from across the street as she began cringing and ducked back into her car.

    Although Kimberly enjoyed the large paycheck she got from her temporary stint as a naked saleswomen, she still felt that she wanted to have something more in life, such as a job where she got to keep her clothing on for example, as she did still feel a little bit humiliated in front of Meredith over the fact that Meredith was rich and she was going around buck naked, although she heard later on that Meredith and Dick broke up due to Dick's infidelity, and she couldn't help but think that maybe she was responsible for that, which made her smile.
    One day she was sitting in her home relaxing, once again in the comfort of her clothing, when she heard the doorbell ringing, and when she opened the door there was a man standing there completely buck naked. He looked strangely familiar from someplace.
    "Hi my name is Tom and I wondered if you had a few minutes to spare to hear about Jesus Christ," the man said looking rather bashful. That was when she realized that he was the Jehovah's Witness that she had seen on the street on her first day of work and he was actually rather attractive, so she figured what the hell, she could listen to some religion if it meant getting to see this attractive naked guy, and that was when she realized that whether you were selling belief in an afterlife or some type of crappy tacky product that you probably didn't need, it was definitely true that nudity went a long way towards selling whatever it was you were trying to unload.
    "So can I ask you a question, is there any particular reason why you are naked?" Kimberly said as she smiled and Tom simply blushed and rubbed his naked body which was covered in goosebumps.
    "Well you see our church did some market research and figured if God had meant us to wear clothing –"
    Kimberly smiled and laughed. "Say no more, come in, praise the Lord!"


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