My Naked Wing Man

I guess you can see that now that I have completed my longer novels about embarrassing nudity I'm getting back into the swing of writing short stories about it because I'm still in the mood for it currently, so lucky you!
This was a story that again uses the element of the nudity virus as a way of forcing a shy and awkward person into a situation of public nudity. I always thought it would be funny to have the idea of someone being someone's naked wing man, where you basically have a naked guy around who draws all of the attention for women over to you, but then he ends up getting jealous over the fact that he is taking attention away from him and more or less upstaging him and contrary to his plans, and ultimately ends up making the whole situation extremely embarrassing for him out of frustration. Then it ends like so many of my stories does with a little bit of poetic justice.
    I think this was partially inspired by the fact that I chatted with my friend Alan about my scenario on the Internet and mentioned how I don't get out much, and this is sort of like what I would do in that situation, and thus why my character was named after me. It also shows how you can be an ally and supporter of your friends but also sort of take advantage and have fun with their naked embarrassment situation, because in the end aren't we all just ultimately human? This is mostly a CFNM story with a little bit of embarrassed nude female in there for good measure. I hope you enjoyed it!

My Naked Wing Man
"Come on Arthur, you can't spend the rest of your life just hiding in your house all the time," Alan said. "You're going to have to go out there and face the world sooner or later."
    "Hey I have a medical condition," Arthur said as he fidgeted around nervously. "There's no way I can go out like this."
    "You're not like the boy in the bubble, your doctor said that there is nothing wrong with going outside, in fact if you hadn't been so profusely blushing and unable to make eye contact with her you would have heard her say that you should go out and get some sunlight on your skin."
    "Easy for you to say, you get to go outside wearing clothing!" Arthur said as he sat there covering himself up and once again feeling really awkward.
    "Hey there are a lot worse things to have, at least you don't have cancer, this is almost like a skin condition, you just have a condition where if any kind of fabric gets into contact with your skin for a prolonged amount of time you will break out in a horrible rash and begin hyperventilating, but you can prevent all of that simply by not wearing clothing."
    "You can't be serious, believe me if you were the one who had to strut your naked ass out there you probably wouldn't be so eager to do it or so casual about it."
    "Look, I'm not saying it's not awkward and weird to have you be naked, I'd rather not see your naked ass all the time, but you can't just be some kind of hermit that never leaves the house ever again, you've got to get out there, gotta get out there and mingle and socialize. We should go down to the singles bar."
    "You actually expect me to go to a place where there is going to be women around, women who can see me, see every inch of my body?"
    "I don't see what the big deal is, you are always saying that everyone should be more body positive."
    "Yes, I'm always saying that people should be more body positive, and by that I mean hot women who are more willing to show off more skin if they were more body positive."
    Alan smiled. "Well I hope the irony is not lost on you buddy!"
    "Oh my God, I just can't believe this has happened to me of all people, I mean I was always shy around people in general even when I got to keep my clothing. You really expect me to go out there and start trying to date again? I mean what kind of woman would want to date someone like me?"
    Alan smiled again. "You know that's a pretty good point you bring up, you know what let's turn the question around, do you think that you would date a woman who was forced to go naked all the time?"
    "Well yeah, obviously."
    "And why is that?"
    "Because going around town with a hot naked women is freaking amazing!"
    "Exactly, you don't think that a heterosexual woman would feel the same way about getting to parade around with a naked guy?"
    "Well yeah, but I mean –" Arthur said sort of rubbing his naked body and looking awkwardly at his feet.
    "You know I knew you were never one of those macho guys but are you actually trying to suggest that you would feel an emasculated by having to appear naked while a woman gets to stay dressed around you?"
    "No, it's nothing like that at all, it's just, well, well it's really freaking embarrassing okay!"
    Alan rubbed his chin. "Okay I get you on that, sure it's going to be awkward, but you have to take your first steps out in public sooner or later."
    "Yeah but everyone's going to look at me, I'm going to stand out like a sore thumb, everybody notices the naked guy, I can't not draw attention to myself."
    "Hey there's an idea," Alan said as he snapped his fingers like he often did when he had an idea that he thought was brilliant.
    "What's an idea?"
    "Well you said that everyone's going to be paying attention to the naked guy, but you probably aren't used to having all of that attention foisted upon you, so why don't you be my wing man?"
    "You want me to be your wing man, like literally your naked wing man?"
    "Yeah, think about it, we go into the bar together and people say hey look at the naked guy, and they come over to see you, and then when you feel awkward over the fact that all of the women are coming over to perv at you that's when I will put on my charms and try to get the attention focused on me. There is nothing that attracts women like some kind of naked dude!"
    "This has to be the weirdest suggestion I have ever been given. You literally want me to go to the bar with you and stand around naked so that all the women will come over to you just because you are in proximity to a naked guy?"
    "I mean more or less."
    "Yeah, I think that with my social awkwardness being someone's naked wing man is probably not the best situation to be in. I mean how do you know that women won't see us together and think that we are like gay lovers or something?"
    "Oh don't be so homophobic, I am sure that women seeing me with some naked guy will just assume that we are friends and that I am being a good friend by trying to get you to go out and socialize, so I win brownie points by being the nice guy helping out a naked friend."
    "I don't necessarily think that that's helping me, and I still don't want to do it."
    "Hey do you want me to get your groceries for you?"
    "Yes, of course I do."
    "Well I'll do that but I think that first we have to stop at the singles bar."
    "Oh come on dude don't do this to me."
    "Just let us go to the bar for a half hour, and if it gets too weird or uncomfortable or anything like that we will totally bail right away, I promise, scouts honor."
    "I'm pretty sure that the Boy Scouts require you to wear clothing. Fine I will go to the singles bar with you, but if anything gets really weird or out of hand I am getting right out of there."
    "Of course, I wouldn't think of doing otherwise."
    Arthur reluctantly agreed to go with Alan to the singles bar, and he could see every time they stopped at a red light everyone was looking at him, and he could see several women in the cars around them staring at him and some were pointing and laughing.
    "You know I think maybe we should go home right now," Arthur said.
    "Well I mean if you don't want to go to the singles bar I guess I could drop you off and you could always just walk home down the streets full of hundreds of people and –" Alan began saying as Arthur shook his head.
    "I knew I should have never agreed to this."
    "Hey don't be a narcissist, I am sure that you're not going to get the amount of attention that you think you are, I mean you're not that hot. With any luck maybe a few women will come over to check you out and then I will put the moves on them and take the pressure off of you. You'll see it's not going to be anywhere near as embarrassing or as excruciating as you seem to think it will be."
    "Which is exactly what you would say in a story to build drama before exactly that happens and probably turns out a whole lot worse than I am even imagining."
    "Come on, don't be a baby, let's get out of the car and get into the bar," Alan said as he parked the car and basically dragged Arthur out of the car as he stood there in the parking lot covering himself up, and he could see that there were several women who were bursting out laughing. "Just don't think about the fact that you are naked. I'm sure if you don't think about it nobody else is going to."
    Alan opened the door for the bar, and as soon as Arthur followed him inside of the bar suddenly everybody in the bar stopped what they were doing and stared directly at him. Arthur was about to bolt for the door but Alan put his arm up to block the way.
    "Hey check out the naked guy," Raylene she said as she elbowed Jill in the side from across the room.
    "I see him but I don't want to be rude and stare," Jill said looking embarrassed to be looking over in his direction and clearly staring right at him, as much as she tried not to. It was kind of hard to avert your eyes when there was a naked member of the opposite sex within viewing distance of you, so close that you could practically reach out and touch them.
    Raylene laughed. "Well come on, don't be such a prude, if he's walking around naked in a singles bar what does he think that people are going to do? It is basically a cry for attention, when a guy walks into a singles bar and completely buck naked he is saying everybody look at me, look at me I'm naked!"
    "You know not everybody who goes around naked in public is an exhibitionist, don't you know that there are some people who have that severe new allergy where they can't wear clothing? Maybe he is one of those involuntary nudists."
    "Well there's only one way to find out," Raylene said as she grabbed Jill by the hand and started pulling her over to where Arthur and Alan were standing as Arthur stood there covering up and blushing. "Well based on how much you are blushing you don't seem like the average exhibitionist."
    "I have a medical condition," Arthur said.
    "Yeah, he has a medical condition, believe me he wouldn't be dressed, or rather undressed like that if it were up to him," Alan said.
    "See I told you," Jill said looking as though she wanted to get out of there and she was blushing almost as much as Arthur.
    "Wow, so you can never wear clothing again, that's really hot," Raylene said not even attempting to disguise the fact that she was getting a good look at every inch of Arthur, which was making him squirm and shake his foot with discomfort.
    "Trust me I feel if you were naked in public right now you probably wouldn't be finding it very hot," Arthur said.
    Raylene smiled. "Actually that would be pretty hot but, no, that would just be way too embarrassing."
    "Tell me about it," Arthur said as they all laughed. "Well I'm Arthur and this is Alan."
    "Raylene and Jill," Raylene said pointing to herself and Jill before they shook hands, and Raylene could tell just from touching Arthur's hand that he was sweating with nervousness, and something about that caused her to lick her lips with excitement. "So Arthur, how long have you been naked for?"
    "Not for very long but a lot longer than I ever wanted to be," Arthur said, which he actually felt was a rather clever remark.
    "How long did you want to be naked for?" Raylene said putting her hands on her hips and clearly enjoying this.
    "I would rather stay dressed in public pretty much all the time," Arthur said.
    Raylene smiled again. "Yeah, but where would be the fun in that?"
    "Fun for whom?" Arthur said.
    "Well I can certainly say I'm having a lot of fun, it's not every day you walk into the singles bar and see a naked guy just standing there with everything out on display," Raylene said and Arthur could feel that his legs were beginning to start shaking again.
    "I think that maybe you're making him a little bit uncomfortable Raylene," Jill said, trying her best not to stare at Arthur herself but clearly trying to do so out of the corner of her eye as subtly as possible, as she couldn't deny that this was a pretty exciting situation and was starting to get her all hot and bothered.
    "Nonsense, he has to get used to being naked in public at some point, what better day than today," Raylene said still licking her lips and clearly barely able to contain her excitement.
    "Why don't we talk about my friend Alan here," Arthur said pointing to Alan as Alan smiled and gave a thumbs-up at Raylene.
    "Yeah let's talk more about me, the guy who gets to keep his pants on," Alan said.
    Raylene laughed. "You know it's kind of funny, it seems like the naked guy doesn't like it when people are talking about how naked he is. Just totally naked naked naked!"
    By now Arthur knew that he was blushing profusely, and he could barely keep his legs from trembling, and felt like he needed to sit down.
    "You shouldn't tease the naked like that," Jill said still trying her hardest not to stare directly at Arthur but finding it very difficult to be discreet about the fact that she was.
    "Oh don't worry, he's a big boy," Raylene said as she looked down at his genitals while she said that and snickered. "He'll have to develop a thicker skin if he's going to be showing his skin everywhere he goes."
    As Alan could see that Raylene was pretty much just sort of openly drooling over the fact that Arthur was naked, he was realizing the downfalls of having a naked wing man like that. The entire purpose of having a naked friend at a bar like that was to get the women to come over, but that was just supposed to be a prelude to him taking the lead.
    "Do you think that maybe we could talk about something other than, well you know," Arthur said sort of sheepishly looking down at his feet.
    "What the fact that you have a boner right now," Raylene said and Arthur practically fell backwards into his seat at that as Raylene laughed crazily.
    This was beyond mortifying, not only was this whole situation humiliating, but something about it was strangely titillating enough to make him visibly aroused. He had never been standing around naked being confronted by a really cocky dressed woman like that before. In every instance in the past when he had been naked around a woman she was also been naked, and it was in the privacy of a house, and it was a weird experience to have a dressed woman having a ball at your naked embarrassment in a public situation, as he could see that several other women in the bar were looking over in the direction with big smiles on their faces, which was making his social anxiety go through the roof, to say nothing about the fact that it was making him as hard as a rock.
    Alan knew it was wrong, and that it was a jerky thing to do, but he realized that the only thing that Raylene seemed interested in at the moment was the fact that Arthur was completely buck naked, and that she was having a grand old time making him really really uncomfortable about it.
    "You know it's actually pretty cool having a naked friend," Alan said as he put his arm around Arthur and pulled him close. "I just want everyone to know that I am a frontline supporter of all of these people who have to go naked through no choice of their own and don't get to be nicely dressed the way I am."
    Arthur tried to keep a straight face, but the fact that Alan was accentuating the fact that he was wearing clothing at the moment was beginning to make him feel even more naked and exposed. He had never realized how weird it feels to be the only naked guy, somehow everybody else seems like they are more serious when they are wearing clothing. Something about being dressed sort of gives you the upper hand in any kind of situation, and right now Alan was flaunting the fact that he was comfortably dressed while Arthur was sitting there in a bar stool shaking and blushing profusely with an obvious stiffy.
    "Hey I'm Veronica, I just thought I'd come over and say hi to the naked guy, this is my friend Samantha," Veronica said as she and Samantha stood there smiling and waving and clearly enjoying the fact that Arthur was extremely uncomfortable being seen by them.
    "Yeah this is my naked buddy Arthur, I told him that he had to get out more, that just because he can never wear clothing again doesn't mean that he can live a normal life and have normal interactions with the female sex," Alan said patting Arthur on the back.
    He wanted to bolt right out of there but then he remembered that Alan was his ride, so he found himself stuck in an increasingly awkward situation by the moment.
    "You mean you can never wear clothing again, wow, that's gotta be embarrassing," Veronica said as she covered up her mouth. "Sorry I didn't mean to laugh, but it is pretty hysterical when you really think about it."
    "Careful I think you are making his friend here jealous," Samantha said pointing to Alan. "Everybody is paying attention to the naked guy rather than him."
    "Well of course, I mean it's not every day you walk into the bar and you see an attractive naked guy clearly embarrassed beyond words but unable to hide the fact that this whole situation is exciting him as well," Raylene said as Arthur sat there on his stool with his legs crossed and his arms between his legs trying to cover up the fact that he was clearly aroused by this.
    As more and more women started coming over, crowding around Arthur on his stool, laughing and talking casually about the fact that there was a naked guy there, Arthur tried to pretend that he was somewhere else. Alan was cracking a whole bunch of jokes, and all of the women seemed to be laughing along with him. Clearly he didn't really need Arthur's help after all as he was always a good joker and had a great sense of humor, especially in these really weird and awkward situations that nobody ever wanted to be in. At least he seemed to be getting the attention that he had wanted, the attention that he had wanted by dragging his naked friend to the bar like that.
    At that moment Arthur would have done anything for Alan to have a wardrobe malfunction and know what it was like to be naked and surrounding by a bunch of cackling women, whose attitudes were loosened by the fact that most of them were drinking and were not shy about enjoying the situation of having embarrassed naked aroused man in the bar for all of them to gawk at.
    As Jill stood there watching as Arthur cringed in front of all of the women, clearly embarrassed, she couldn't help but find something incredibly incredibly attractive about a guy who is so shy and uncomfortable like that, so vulnerable and exposed, and she could feel that her heart was racing. She needed to make a move and she needed to make a move right now.
    "Arthur, would you may be like to dance," Jill said as she extended her hand and tried her best not to stare but clearly was still staring in a real obvious way that she couldn't disguise.
    Jill wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but then all of the sudden she felt Arthur take her hand and she started pulling him away from the group of women, feeling as though she had somehow rescued him, the total opposite of a damsel in distress situation, it was a naked guy in distress situation and she was his heroine rescuing him from all of the laughter and staring of all of those perverted women in the bar, of which she was only one! It was strangely empowering in a really weird and awkward way.
    "Sorry I didn't mean to be abrupt like that," Jill said once again looking down at her feet and blushing a lot because this whole situation was making her rather hot and bothered herself.
    "No, I'm actually kind of grateful for you getting me out of that situation as it was –" Arthur said
    "Awkward," they both said simultaneously, briefly making eye contact before once again looking down at their feet so that it wouldn't seem like they were staring.
    "Yeah, my friend Alan convinced me that I should come down here and be his naked wing man, but then I think he got a little bit annoyed of the fact that rather than drawing the attention over to him that I was sort of hogging all the attention, and believe me I didn't want that attention," Arthur said. "But I guess I am stuck here because he's my ride home."
    Jill was trying to contain her excitement, but she felt all warm and tingly throughout her body as she looked at Arthur and smiled and tried her hardest to keep a straight face about it, although maybe hardest wasn't the best way of thinking about things as she stared at Arthur's erect penis. "Well if you want we could maybe go back to my place, you know away from all of the stares of all of those rude people out there." She practically had to strain her neck in order not to be staring at him at the moment and making herself sound like a hypocrite.
    Arthur had to admit that Jill was rather attractive, and the fact that she was making him feel uncomfortable while somehow trying to be nice to her was just making him even more turned on.
    As Arthur looked over in the corner at Alan and all of the women laughing and having a grand old time, he looked at Jill and smiled. "You know what, I think I will take you up on that offer."
    Arthur couldn't help but notice that Jill grabbed his hand and practically began sprinting with him out the door of the bar as all of the women around Alan turned and did a double take, laughing like hyenas and whistling and cheering as they saw Jill drag Arthur out of the door and into the streets, where Arthur couldn't help but notice Jill had a huge smile on her face as she dragged him along through the streets. He knew that look, Jill was enjoying the feeling of being the big woman on campus with the naked guy dragging behind her.
    They quickly got into Jill's car and started driving home, saying only a little bit of idle conversation until they got back to Jill's house as she dragged him through the door before shutting the door behind him and standing in front of the door with a big smile on her face.
    "Why are you smiling?" Arthur said as he could constantly feel his arousal growing by the moment, and in a moment he was once again as hard as a rock as Jill put her hands over her mouth to muffle the fact that she was practically cooing with excitement. "So what would you like to do right –"
    Before he could finish his sentence Jill practically dove into his arms and they began making out furiously as she dragged him towards the bedroom for which he put up very little resistance.

    Later that week at the bar.
    "Dude I'm so sorry about that situation last week," Alan said. "I realize what I did was rather jerky, but I was just sort of was overcome by the situation, you understand right?"
    "Well that's okay, I think that things worked out rather well for me in the end," Arthur said as Jill came over and kissed him, not being shy about looking over every inch of him.
    "Well it looks like indeed things worked out well for you, see I told you being my wing man would have good results for you," Alan said. "Still I'm rather disappointed that nothing happened between Raylene and I. Do you think maybe she will come back to the bar?"
    Jill smiled as she whistled. "Come on Raylene, you might as well come out."
    "I don't want to," came the sound of Raylene's voice from the ladies room.
    "What's the matter with her?" Alan said as Jill opened the door to the ladies room and dragged Raylene out as she stood there in the middle of the room with her hands between her legs and her arms over her breasts, trying the best she could to conceal her naked body which was blushing even brighter than Arthur's was last week as she moaned and cried with embarrassment.
    Jill simply smiled. "Don't mind her, she just recently got diagnosed with a medical condition!"
    They all raised their glasses and continued laughing as Raylene just stood there in the middle of all of them naked, blushing and crying as she stomped her feet in frustration.
    "Well cheers to that," Alan said.


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