The First Annual Naked Awards

This one is just sort of a kooky idea for a reality show and I think it was actually inspired by something I remember hearing or seeing somewhere on the Internet a long time ago, about how there was this show where I think that they made people confront their fears in order to win cash prizes. I remember on one of them they forced the people to get naked on stage and go on rotating platforms for an audience as well as everybody at home in order to win the prize, and I think that that's what I thought of in regards to this story, I thought it would be funny if they made that the entire premise of the show and the people who got nominated had no idea what they were nominated for, so when they show up its extra embarrassing. The way it ends of course makes it even worse for them and overall I'm just really glad how it turned out, and although I have always felt that RealityTV was trashy and degrading to people and whatnot this would be pretty hilarious I will admit! I'd watch it...
    This story contains mutual male and female nudity, naked in public and embarrassed nude male and embarrassed nude female and a little bit of CFNM.

The First Annual Naked Awards
"I can't believe it I was nominated for an award," Sherman said.
    "Wow you got nominated for an award, so did I," Olivia said. "But the crazy thing is it doesn't say what I was being nominated for, only that I was in the finals and that I am going to compete on national television."
    "That's the exact same thing that my award said, strange that they wouldn't tell us what we were nominated for. But it seems like the whole thing is supposed to be like a big surprise, but we don't know what we have been nominated for, so I guess that means that we can't plan in advance for what the challenge is going to be. The question is what did we win an award for do you think?"
    Olivia smiled. "Well I think it's obvious, at least in my case anyway, I mean I am just so damn attractive, why you would get nominated I don't know."
    "Hey I think I'm pretty attractive as well, but I also like to think that I'm a genius, so I figure it could be an award honoring my academic achievements."
    "Well whatever it is it must be a pretty prestigious award if we are going to compete on the finals on national television. I just wished they gave us some idea exactly what it was all about."
    "Well they probably wanted to be a surprise so that we can't prepare for it, but I am sure whatever it is we have a good chance of winning. But wow it's rather flattering to think that somebody saw us and they wanted to nominate us for this particular award. I wonder what prompted people to want to see us win this prestigious award?"
    "I don't know but apparently there's a pretty nice cash prize of $50,000 a piece, so whatever it is I am very determined to win. It looks like they are going to have both a male and a female champion so I guess we won't be competing against one another."
    "Well then I guess let the best people win and that will be us," Sherman said as he high-fived Olivia.

    The day of the television presentation of the awards they made sure to get there nice and early and they wanted to check out all of the competition. Most of the competition looked pretty ordinary and nobody was exactly sure why they were there.
    "I just heard that a lot of people nominated me and I can't imagine what it's for, I mean I don't have anything particularly impressive about me," Ralph said.
    "Yeah me neither, I just got this award saying that I was nominated for this award to compete on television for the award and I have no idea what it is for, but it is still pretty flattering," Shania said.
    "Well whatever this award is I hope that you're not too attached to it because I am definitely going to win it," Sherman said.
    "Likewise," Olivia said as they shook hands with Ralph and Shania but they both felt pretty confident that whatever this was they were going to win and that they were going to leave everyone else in the dust.
    "Hey everybody get ready it's almost time to go on stage, and remember you are going to be broadcast live to millions of people," a man said as he came back from the stage and told them all to get ready.
    "I just hope that everybody enjoys this outfit that I'm wearing," Olivia said as she twirled around in her new blue evening dress. "I wanted to look my absolute best but I have to admit I feel a little bit self-conscious, as I don't really know if this is my nicest outfit, and I feel that with the naked shoulders that it's a little bit too revealing. I don't want people to think that I'm trampy or something."
    "I don't think that they are judging us based on fashion, I mean it would be pretty shallow and superficial if they were going to give us an award based solely on how we were dressed," Sherman said.
    "Okay all of you finalists come out onto the stage," the man said ushering them forward.
    They all walked confidently on stage lined up in order going from man to woman to man to woman so that everybody was standing next to a member of the opposite sex. They could see that there were five men and five women, so whatever this contest was it was pretty impressive that they managed to make it down to the final 10 when they didn't even know what they were competing for.
    "Well everybody today is the night of the big show," Electra said as she came onto the stage dressed in a fabulous sparkling gown and holding up a microphone. "Now our contestants here have no idea what they are nominated for but I am sure that they all want to win the $50,000 prize don't you?"
    Everybody on the stage began clapping as well as the audience.
    "So contestants are you ready to hear what you are going to be judged on and what you are here to compete for today?" Electra said as they shouted yes. "Well then everybody get ready to take it off because this is the first annual naked awards!"
    Everyone in the audience began cheering and going wild.
    Sherman and Olivia looked at each other and they looked at Ralph and Shania who looked equally shocked.
    Electra laughed. "You can just see the looks on their faces that this is probably the last thing that you were expecting wasn't it? I guess I should explain the premise, you were all selected at random, well not entirely random, we selected you randomly from the population along with many hundreds of others based on anonymous entries that were sent in perhaps by friends and relatives, and then lots of people voted in an anonymous online poll as to which people they would like to see get naked the most and you are all finalists!"
    "Did she say naked," Sherman said swallowing deeply.
    "I think she did," Olivia said looking at him nervously.
    "So are all of you ready to get naked now?!" Electra said as everybody in the audience began cheering, hollering and whistling. "Of course you could chicken out but then you have no chance of winning the $50,000 prize. So come on audience let's hear it for our final contestants. So what do you say, are you already to get naked?"
    All of the contestants sort of looked nervously at each other and looked at the large audience and thought to themselves that there were millions of people watching at home who had no idea what this award show actually was when they tuned in.
    "Oh no audience, it looks like our contestants are getting cold feet, I guess they really don't want to win the $50,000 do they," Electra said as everybody started shouting and cheering. "Anyone who doesn't want to get naked can leave the stage right now and forfeit their chances at fame and fortune."
    Sherman and Olivia looked at each other and they both were shaking at the knees but trying to maintain their composure.
    "Maybe they need some help," Electra said. "Come on let's give them some encouragement!"
    Everybody in the audience began whistling and cheering as a couple of people walked off the stage clearly too embarrassed at the idea of getting naked in front of thousands of audience members as well as millions watching at home and on the Internet.
    "Well it looks like some of our contestants were a little bit bashful, it's too bad that they are going to lose out on the $50,000 prize," Electra said as several people in the audience began booing.
    Olivia raised her hand as Electra looked at her and nodded. "I have a question, are you saying that if we get naked on the stage that we automatically get $50,000?"
    Electra laughed. "Not exactly, everyone is going to get naked and then the audience is going to vote on who they think should be the winners. There will be one man naked and one woman naked and you will be the winners of the first annual naked awards!"
    Olivia raised her hand again as Electra continued nodding. "So you're saying that we have to get naked and if we don't get voted to be the winner we will have gotten naked for nothing?"
    Electra laughed. "It looks like not all of our contestants want to put everything on the line and don't think that they are up to winning the first annual naked awards!"
    As Sherman and and Olivia were looking nervously at each other that was when Ralph and Shania quickly started stripping down and the audience began going wild as they started striking poses.
    "Well it doesn't seem that everybody here is so bashful, does anybody else want to join in the contest, last chance," Electra said.
    Olivia and Sherman looked at each other and they looked at the other contestants getting undressed.
    "It's $50,000," Sherman said.
    "$50,000," Olivia said as the two of them started cringing as they slowly slipped out of their clothing as everybody in the audience started screaming and shouting even louder than before.
    Sherman and Olivia were standing there covering themselves up with their hands and blushing profusely as everybody in the audience began laughing.
    "Hands at your sides everyone," Electra said. "You can't have the audience vote on who they want to keep naked for the rest of the show if they can't see everything!"
    Reluctantly they put their hands at their sides as everybody in the audience once again began clapping and cheering.
    "Well it looks like one of our contestants is getting rather excited from all the attention he's receiving," Electra said as Sherman looked down to see that he was spouting a very obvious erection and was practically ready to die of embarrassment as everybody in the audience began laughing hysterically. "Don't worry I think they're happy to see you as well! Now come on everybody strike a pose and let everybody see everything that you have to offer!"
    Sherman and Olivia started making all sorts of poses but they were both very awkward in their motions as this was the most humiliating moment of their lives, but the audience was just going completely out of control with it.
    As they started striking poses they ended up having to go up on pedestals rotating around so that the audience  could see every last inch of them as they were blushing profusely for the eyes of millions of home viewers.
    "After this we had better win the $50,000," Sherman said.
    "I don't think I'll ever be able to show my face in public again after this," Olivia said.
    "Okay now it's time for everybody to cast their votes, everybody can vote for one man and one woman to be the winner of the first annual naked awards," Electra said. "Cast your votes now!"
    They stood on stage for a a minute under the spotlight illuminating every single inch of their naked bodies as Sherman and Olivia felt that their legs were beginning to tremble again and felt like they were practically going to faint.
    "Well it looks like the final votes are in, but let's try to get some words from our contestants before we reveal the winners of the first annual naked awards," Electra said as she started interviewing each of them.
    As Sherman and Olivia stood up there wanting this moment to be over they didn't even hear what the other contestants were saying nor did they particularly care.
    "So do you have anything to say Sherman," Electra said putting the microphone up to him as she smiled as he could see that she was enjoying every minute of it, this new form of reality TV show that seemed to delight in humiliating people.
    "Well I," Sherman said as he began mumbling.
    "Well it looks like somebody's gotten tongue-tied," Electra said as she put the microphone up to Olivia. "And now we come to our final contestant Olivia. It may not be Miss America but I think that everybody is probably going to remember you. Do you have any words for the listeners at home?"
    Olivia stood there not exactly sure what to say as she and Sherman looked at each other and looked at the audience as they could feel beads of sweat running down their naked bodies.
    "Well everybody wave to the audience at least," Electra said as they reluctantly did so and they could see that everybody else on the stage was just as uncomfortable and awkward as they were with the situation. "Now is everybody ready to hear the winners of the first annual naked awards?"
    Everybody in the audience once again began hooting and hollering and cheering and whistling.
    Electra looked over all of the contestants and looked at the audience as a man came on to the stage and handed her an envelope that she opened and began looking at with a smile as she looked over all of the contestants.
    "And the winners of the first annual naked awards are Ralph and Shania, congratulations you two, take a bow!" Electra shouted as they came up on the stage and started taking a bow as Sherman and Olivia looked at each other with astonishment with their jaws dropping. "So how does it feel to be the winner of the first annual naked awards?"
    "I feel kind of chilly," Ralph said as Shania laughed.
    "Well we are underdressed," Shania said as the audience went wild.
    "Well there you have it America, the winners of the first annual naked awards are Ralph and Shania," Electra said. "But don't worry nobody here is going to walk away empty-handed as all of you runners-up get a very special second-place prize. You got to be naked on TV in front of millions of Americans, give yourselves a round of applause!"
    Everybody in the audience once again went wild hooting and hollering and whistling and shouting as Sherman and Olivia clapped very quietly looking at each other as though they were in a trance and not able to believe what had happened.
    As they were led backstage with the other runners-up and some of the others who had chickened out at the last moment they weren't sure how to react.
    "Did we just get naked in front of millions of people for absolutely nothing," Olivia said.
    "With a boner," Sherman said.
    "Yes let's not forget about that," Olivia said looking down at him as he suddenly started covering himself up.
    The two of them looked at each other and began screaming and were both relieved when they were finally able to get dressed.

    "Well hey runner-up is not so bad you guys," their friend Alyssa said later that week as they watched the finals of the naked awards together. "I mean you didn't get anything but at least you got seen by millions of people and it seems like you are pretty popular, and to think I was thinking that this might make you more humble!"
    "Yes several people have asked me for my autograph as that boner guy," Sherman said. "I don't know how I can possibly thank you for entering us into this contest."
    "This is the last time I ever tell you that I would do anything to try and win an award," Olivia said shaking her head.
    Alyssa began bursting out laughing and holding her stomach as she went into the next room to get some drinks.
    Olivia smiled at Sherman.
    "What are you smiling about?" Sherman said.
    "You know I think I know exactly how to thank Alyssa," Olivia said as she took out an application form for the second annual naked awards with Alyssa's picture on it as the two of them began laughing.
    "Well it's good to see you guys can laugh at yourself," Alyssa said as she brought the drinks out and smiled as they continued laughing and Alyssa had no idea how much Sherman and Olivia couldn't wait until next year.






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