Preview of Naked Corona Chapters 1-3

I've got a special treat for you all as I have published my longest novel about embarrassing nudity so far to date, so now I am going to share with you a sample of the first three chapters in hopes that you will buy it. It seems that on the paperback edition page there isn't a description of the book but I sent a message hopefully they will correct that for me, but in the meantime here are all the details and a link to where you can buy it on Amazon.

Enjoy, and if you like it please give it a five-star review on Amazon and on good reads and tell as many people as you know about it, because every little bit helps. I also have several other full-length books and story collections that I am gradually getting around to reading and editing and publishing, so hopefully there will be more of this in the future, but until then enjoy my latest offering, Naked Corona!

​Naked Corona Paperback – January 27, 2023
by Mr Arthur Pemmington (Author)
Stephen and Jill were just ordinary every day people but then the Covid pandemic hit and changed their lives forever. As Covid infects millions of people there is a twist that nobody saw coming, the Covid virus has also rendered those who are so afflicted with a permanent allergy to clothing! Stephen and Jill went from having an amusing time laughing at all the people who were forced to become public nudists until they went to a party and through their own irresponsibility became infected with the virus themselves, and now have to live the life of involuntary and reluctant public nudists.

As Stephen and Jill navigate their lives trying to cope with having to do everything that had once been mundane now made into an erotically charged situation every time they have to interact with the clothed members of society, worst of all they are finding that over time as embarrassing as it is they are starting to find it titillating as well. Their journey through public nudity will cause them to meet conspiracy theorists, friends, neighbors, politicians, doctors, exhibitionists, puritans, naked terrorists, nude rights activists and a whole assortment of interesting and eccentric characters who make their lives a lot more complicated and a lot more interesting.

Part erotic comedy, part absurdist satire on the Covid pandemic, this is a novel that has a little something for everyone and makes you ask yourself the question that if you had to do everything you do in your life now but had to do it naked how would you respond?

Print length
297 pages
Publication date
January 27, 2023
6 x 0.67 x 9 inches
Product details
    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BT8BF8HS
    Publisher ‏ : ‎ Independently published (January 27, 2023)
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    Paperback ‏ : ‎ 297 pages
    ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8375204871
    Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.14 pounds
    Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.67 x 9 inches

Naked Corona
Stephen and Jill were watching the coverage of the new virus on television, and they were both shaking their heads in disbelief, as this sounded like one of the most ridiculous things in the history of the world.
    "So apparently this Covid virus has the effect of rendering those who are afflicted with it allergic to clothing, if that's not the most crazy thing I have ever heard in my life," Steve said as he began laughing.
    "I'd be lying if I disagreed with you on that," said Jill as she shook her head and sort of began snickering.
    "This Covid virus is a plot by the Chinese to destroy the moral fabric of America," Donald Trump said on the TV.
    "You know as a woman of Chinese background I don't really appreciate those comments," Jill said.
    "Well I sure as hell hope he never catches the Covid virus, because I don't think anybody in America wants to see him naked, even though I am sure that he wouldn't mind, except for the fact that it would prove that his tiny hands are probably an indication of something else," Steve said.
    Jill nodded. "Honestly I think that if he were to catch the Covid virus and to go on television naked we would see a large portion of the country come down with hysterical blindness. I know seeing that would be enough to turn me lesbian for good."
    "I mean in all fairness though I don't think we want to see any members of the government completely naked, I mean unless they are hot women who are naked."
    "I should remind you of the fact that Congress and the Senate and the entire United States government is overwhelmingly male, and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a lot more women in the government."
    "Neither would I, as long as they are hot and naked!"
    "You're such a sexist pig," Jill said as she shoved him and shook her head rolling her eyes. "I have to say though this is probably the biggest news story of our lifetime; I mean a virus that has the side effect of rendering people allergic to clothes, which has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard."
    "But as much as I hate to agree with the president on anything, what if he's right, what if this is some type of Chinese plot to render everybody in America naked?"
    Jill shook her head. "For what purpose, that's what I ask, for what purpose would the Chinese want to render everyone in America naked? You really think that this was created in some type of Chinese laboratory where a bunch of scientists actually sat down and said, how can we make a virus that is going to render everybody in the world completely naked?"
    Steve started laughing. "Actually that sounds like a pretty great idea, I mean a virus that renders everybody naked, at least if it only affected women that would just be totally awesome."
    "Like I said, you are a sexist pig. What if the virus only affected men?"
    "Well where would be the fun in that? I mean that would be kind of gay, not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but I mean who wants to see a bunch of naked dudes if they are heterosexual?"
    "Well I don't know a virus that only affected men and rendered men naked, maybe women would finally start to get the upper hand. It's not just the president is insecure about his size, I know a lot of you guys would probably never show your face in public again or would never be taken seriously if every woman could see your junk all the time."
    "You know Jill, I think that a lot of guys would probably enjoy all the attention they would be getting, strutting about naked, and showing off the goods all the time. Not all of us are insecure about what God gave us. But I will say again, the idea of a bunch of naked dudes walking around, no thanks, that doesn't really sound all that appealing."
    "According to the stats released by the CDC more men and people of color have been affected by the virus, so if you are hoping to see mostly naked hot women going around you will probably be disappointed. Besides you know how things like this works, it's going to end up being the elderly and the sick that end up being affected in the largest numbers, and do you really want to see a bunch of old wrinkled naked people around? Sure a virus that renders people naked sounds entertaining, but it's never the people you want to see naked who get affected. It's just like all of those nude beaches, guys like you go to them hoping that they will see some hot naked women, but it's all old disgusting men who were there for the same purpose, hoping that they will see lots of naked women, only to see lots of wrinkled old scrotums."
    "Well there's an erection killing image if I have ever heard one."
    "A lot of people want the naked people to be completely segregated by society, I've heard a lot of them are being sent to quarantine zones, and people are talking about opening naked ghettos. It's just that whenever something like this happens people always try to find a scapegoat. As an Asian girl I am kind of nervous that all of the scapegoating of the Chinese will backfire and result in people attacking people like me, people of Chinese heritage."
    "But I wouldn't worry too much, unless you happen to catch the virus and are walking around naked, in which case I don't think people will be attacking you, I think that they will be taking out their camera phones and enjoying the view!"
    Jill began blushing and shoved Steve again. "It's not funny really, that's what a lot of guys don't understand. I remember reading somewhere that a guy's worst fear from women is that women will laugh at him, a woman's worst fear from a man is that he will kill her or rape her or hurt her in some way. If there were a bunch of naked women walking around they would be really vulnerable, a bunch of naked men, probably not so much."
    "I guess you are right about that, and it's true that in a couple of those really uptight countries they are already killing all of the naked people, all those religious fanatics who think that this is some type of satanic event trying to make everybody go crazy and have sex and get naked. People like that are just really terrible, and the most I would want to do is maybe go look at the naked people and have a couple of laughs."
    "But that's kind of a jerky thing to do, in all honesty."
    "Hey not everybody who is walking around naked necessarily has the virus. The Supreme Court ruled that public nudity can't be prosecuted as a crime, seeing as it might not be a lifestyle choice that somebody chose freely, but because of the virus might have been imposed on them."
    "Well at least maybe it will stop a lot of body shaming, maybe this will help to enlighten society and make us a more egalitarian society, a society and a country that is not as uptight about the human body and things of that nature."
    "So would you like to go down to the quarantine center where they are releasing all of the naked people into the population?"
    "Honestly, were you even paying attention to anything that I said? Why would you want to go down to the quarantine center to see them finally releasing all of the naked people?"
    "Well for the obvious reason, I want to see a whole bunch of naked people! Come on, it will be fun."
    "Yeah, but I don't want people to think that we are some of those uptight protesters. You know all those religious fundamentalists are going to be down there protesting that the naked people are cursed by God and all that kind of stuff."
    Steve shook his head. "If God had meant us to wear clothing we would have been born wearing them. Adam and Eve didn't wear clothing, and it seemed like it worked just fine for them. The religious just want to use body shaming as a way of controlling people. So come on, let's go down and see some naked people!"
    Jill rolled her eyes once again, but she didn't dare admit to herself that she was kind of interested in seeing naked people as well. Although she tried to pretend that she didn't want to, deep down she knew that the fact that the local quarantine center was nearby their university meant that there would probably be lots of young people in the quarantine zone, people that she might know, people that she might find attractive. But again she didn't want to admit that to Steve, because it might make him jealous, although she had to admit she was jealous of the fact that Steve wanted to see other women naked, but maybe it was just a natural human urge, the natural human urge to see other people naked.
    It didn't take them long to get downtown where the quarantine center at the hospital was, and where the hospital was going to be releasing the naked people into the population after it was deemed that they were no longer infected or contagious. They had been made to socially isolate with a bunch of other naked people for over two weeks, and now they were going to get their first taste of fresh air, albeit fresh air on their naked bodies.
    As expected there were the typical religious protesters holding up signs saying that nakedness was a sin and that the naked were cursed by God, a couple with signs that actually had pornographic images on them with slashes through them, but where you could clearly see most of the pornographic image themselves, which seemed like it was going contrary to their message, but fundamentalists were never the brightest of people.
    "When are we going to see all of the naked people," Steve said growing impatient.
    "Geez, you act like you have never seen a naked person before," Jill said suddenly feeling self-conscious over the fact that they had both seen each other naked. She had to admit that she felt uncomfortable being naked herself in a lot of situations, and always felt better when she was comfortably and stylishly dressed. In fact she was studying fashion at college as her major with hopes of designing clothing, so the way she saw it the possibility of a large group of nudists being created by the virus could be eating into her potential consumer market in the future.
    "But I've never seen a naked person walking around in public, let alone a lot of them all at once, it's almost like a big naked parade," Steve said with a laugh and a smile as he looked through his binoculars trying to get the best view of all the naked people. "Wait, it looks like some people are coming out, no never mind, it's nothing interesting, just a fat old married couple with the guy putting his hands between his legs and the woman doing likewise with her other arm across her sagging breasts. Where are the young hot supermodels that got infected?!"
    Jill shook her head. "Well like the news said, it's mostly men, people of color and the elderly, people who are already vulnerable and marginalized. That's why this makes me feel really guilty to some degree to be enjoying this."
    "The naked human body is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy, I think Benjamin Franklin said that, no wait that was about beer, but this is another thing that makes us happy."
    "Well as one of our founding fathers who loved visiting brothels and had lots of bastard children I am sure that he would not object to enjoying naked people, so you are right about that."
    "You are right; it looks like it is mostly old people and fat people, not the type of people that you really want to see naked. Maybe you are right, maybe this was just setting me up for disappointment and, well wait a minute, I take it back!"
    Jill could see that Steve was pushing the binoculars really hard up against his face, and she could see that a bulge was growing in his pants.
    "Steve, show some dignity for Christ's sake, you do realize that you are, how shall we say, a little happy to see whoever it is you are seeing," Jill said as Stephen tried to cover up his erection. "Who are you looking at anyway?"
    "Remember Pamela, the one they nicknamed Pamela Anderson because of her enormous breasts, I can't believe it, but she is just strutting down the street naked in our direction right now," Stephen said practically drooling.
    "Oh right Pamela, I remember her," Jill said never particularly caring for Pamela, because she was something of an airhead and a ditz and used to always tell her that she looked like a North Korean agent. Jill kind of hated Pamela, as did a lot of girls at school, and she didn't see what was so great about Pamela, sure she had huge breasts and a perfect figure, but there had to be more to a woman than that. Jill never really liked the idea of women being judged solely by their bodies, and she figured that attitude wasn't going to change anytime soon, probably just the opposite, due to the stupid virus.
    "Come on, let's go talk to her," Steve said as he started walking away.
    "But wait a minute, why would you want to talk to her; what would you even have to say to someone like that?" Jill said as she started following after him.
    "Look I don't know what I want to say to her, but I know I want to see this up close, not from a distance!"
    The two of them continued walking until they came right in Pamela's path.
    "Hi Pamela," Steve said, waving at her, as all of the sudden she started covering up her body with her hands. "Don't be shy, I never thought of you as the shy type!"
    "Hi, Stephen right," Pamela said looking really embarrassed and awkward before looking at Jill. "Oh and the North Korean girl."
    "I'm Chinese and my name is Jill and I was born in America," Jill said shaking her head and crossing her arms.
    "So what are the two of you doing here, do you have somebody you know who is being released from the hospital today?" Pamela said, acting like she was eager to get out of there. Jill had to admit there was something satisfying about seeing her actually being self-conscious for once. She thought that Pamela was a bit of a budding exhibitionist, so it was kind of nice to see her uncomfortable about the fact of being naked and exposed in public like that.
    Stephen was mostly just standing there staring at her and wasn't exactly sure what to say.
    "Actually I think that Steve wanted to visit his uncle," Jill said suddenly interrupting.
    "Well I don't want to keep you or anything like that, and I really do need to be going, I guess I will see you around campus," Pamela said sort of walking away awkwardly, her perfect ass going up and down hypnotizing Stephen.
    "I look forward to seeing you again," Steve said snickering and waving at Pamela as she ran off looking terribly embarrassed about the whole situation. "All of you," he said under his breath laughing.
    Jill shook her head. "You know as much as it was satisfying to see Pamela in a humbling situation like that, I think it was kind of disgusting that you took advantage of the situation like that. She probably knew that you weren't there to see your uncle."
    Steve shook his head and began shaking. "See my uncle naked, that's a way of giving me nightmares!"
    "What if someone that you did love and care about came down with the virus and was forced to be naked, you probably wouldn't think it was funny then would you? And isn't your uncle one of those crazy right wing extremists who probably thinks that the virus is a hoax or something like that?"
    "I never thought of that, and now that I have thought of it I would rather not think of it again. Please don't mention my relatives naked ever again, as those are images that I would rather not have been in my head, and I am sure that you wouldn't want to be picturing your relatives naked."
    Jill started shaking as well. "Just thinking about my grandmother and all of her liver spots makes me want to gag." Jill started making gagging noises. "But anyway I think that this was kind of immature of us, and I think that we should get out of here and stop making all of these people uncomfortable, it's really immature, and I think that we are above that."
    "Maybe you are right," Steve said as he continued looking through his binoculars before putting them down. "Oh my God, it's that dumb jock asshole Bruce."
    "Did you say Bruce," Jill said as she grabbed the binoculars and started gagging Steve by pulling them too fast as she looked through them.
    "Jill, come on careful, you're choking me!" Steve said as he took the binoculars off and let Jill have them completely.
    Jill couldn't help burst out hysterical laughing.
    "But what's so funny?" Steve asked shaking his head.
    "Let's just say the big man on campus wasn't as big of a man as he seemed to think he was," Jill said as she continued laughing. "It's kind of funny to see his teeny-weeny!"
    "But I thought that we were supposed to be more mature than that," Steve said shaking his head.
    "Screw that, I'm going to make that arrogant jock more uncomfortable than he's ever been before," Jill said as she started running off with the binoculars.
    "Hey come back here with the binoculars!" Steve said as he ran after Jill.
    "Hi Bruce, remember me," Jill said, wondering if he would remember the girl that he groped inappropriately on more than one occasion, and which the college administration never took any action on because he was a star athlete.
    "Hi Jill," Bruce said now visibly blushing. "Funny running into you here, what are you doing here?"
    Jill smiled. "Well I had a little time and I thought that you know it's the little things in life that matter," she said before she began snickering, and couldn't help but burst into hysterics.
    "I have to be getting out of here, my family is probably waiting for me," Bruce said covering up his inadequacy as he started running off in the distance.
    "Nice ass!" Jill shouted after him as she continued laughing hysterically.
    "Look at you, you are laughing like a hyena, control yourself!"
    "I'm sorry, you're right, I was being immature, but I'm laughing so hard I think I'm going to piss myself!"
    Jill started slapping her knees and dancing around in a circle stomping her foot barely able to contain herself.
    Steve shook his head. "And a few minutes ago you were calling me immature."
    "You're right, you're right, I guess maybe we are both immature in our own ways. It's just I didn't realize how irresistible and hilarious this would be. I also didn't think we were actually going to run into anybody that we actually knew."
    "Small world," Steve said shaking his head.
    "Small!" Jill said as she grabbed her stomach and burst out laughing again, cackling like a hyena.
    "Okay everybody move out, this place is not a spectator arena, these are people who are trying to get out of the hospital without being harassed, everybody clear out," a security officer said blowing a whistle.
    "Well I guess that's the end of our fun for today, at least we got to see something," Steve said, and as the two of them got ready to go home, he couldn't help but think that he was going to be seeing a lot more of people in the future, and he thought that they were both probably both looking forward to that equally.

As the coronavirus continued to ravage the nation at large, eventually the university had to be shut down, as all public places throughout the country began shutting down on a large scale out of fear that it would spread the virus. The CDC started promoting the idea that everybody should remain socially distanced from each other to avoid getting a deadly virus, and the potential ostracization of society because of the potential for a lifetime of humiliating involuntary nudity. Stephen and Jill however managed to stay together in spite of the fact that now they had to learn remotely instead of at the University, which gave them fewer opportunities to see naked people.
    "Wow, it really sucks being inside all the time," Stephen said as he and Jill sat around the apartment. "I didn't think staying inside was that bad, but now that it has been several weeks where we haven't been out or gone anywhere I'm getting a little bit pent up."
    Jill shook her head. "You don't want to go out and risk exposing yourself to the virus do you, you certainly don't want to end up condemned to a lifetime of involuntary nudity do you? I know I certainly don't!"
    Stephen smiled. "Are you sure, I think it might be a good look on you!"
    "Ha ha very funny," Jill said shaking her head. "Sure it seems entertaining the idea of somebody being forced to be a nudist for the rest of their life, but I'm sure you wouldn't like it if every single person you interacted with got to see you completely naked. I mean would you want to be interacting with friends and family and neighbors and teachers and shopkeepers and all these other people completely and utterly buck naked all the time?"
    Stephen shook his head. "You really know how to bring a guy down, bringing all the practical realities of things into it."
    Jill smirked. "You talk a big game, but I know personally just how bashful you actually are. Be honest, has anyone other than me ever seen you naked before?"
    "Maybe in locker rooms, no even in locker rooms I never got fully undressed."
    Jill nodded. "I'm the same way, you know that I'm really bashful and that I'm self-conscious about, you know, my breasts and everything."
    "But you shouldn't, they are nice, you should show off the goods!"
    "Well look I am sure that this quarantine has to end eventually, it can't go on forever, at some point they will have to get the virus under control."
    "I know, but we are missing spring break, we live in Florida and we don't even get to go to spring break because of this stupid virus, do you have any idea how disappointing that is?"
    "Would you rather be missing spring break or would you rather get a deadly virus?"
    "I know I know, but it is still really frustrating. The only good thing about this virus is that sometimes when we do have to go out in public we get to see a lot more naked people. Hardly a day goes by where I don't see at least one naked person, although their hotness varies considerably from person to person and day to day."
    "Hey the only people we should be looking at naked are each other."
    "Hey I've been out in public with you, I can see you catching a peek whenever an attractive guy goes by, and you don't see me getting extremely jealous."
    "Okay, so maybe I look as well, I'm only human. I do kind of feel bad for the naked people though, most of them looked so embarrassed and humiliated about it. I guess this virus if anything shows us that most people are not natural exhibitionists."
    "I guess not, but I don't really feel guilty for taking a peek, I mean if you're going to go out in public completely naked like that you shouldn't really penalize people for looking at you, if you went outside naked you kind of have to expect that people are going to stare at you."
    "Yeah, but it's not like those people choose to go out naked, they are forced to go out naked because they are now allergic to clothing. I'm sure you wouldn't like having to go outside naked every day any more than I would."
    "I wonder how many of them really have the virus though and how many of them are just nudists who came out of the closet as a result of the virus. Look I don't deny that a large number of these naked people are getting naked because they have to, but I'm sure that a significant number are getting naked because they want to."
    Jill shook her head. "I feel pretty confident that the majority of them are not enjoying being naked, in fact I am sure that most of them find it terrifying every time they leave the house like that. Remember that poor girl we saw the other day that everybody was catcalling, she looked like she was about to drop dead of embarrassment, and I could see tears forming in her eyes. Think about it, what if that was me, I mean I know you would like to see me naked in public, and you would feel like a big guy having a hot naked woman around with you, but wouldn't you feel the least bit bad about how humiliating and embarrassing that it would be for me?"
    "Okay, that's a fair point and everything, but again I don't think we should be feeling bad for all the naked people, there are worse things in the world than having to be a nudist. It's not like being naked is a Star of David or something, and that there is some type of naked Gestapo out there who are going to arrest you or to harass you because you are naked."
    "Yeah, but naked people are still being persecuted through no fault of their own. Haven't you been watching the news reports, naked people are frequently attacked and harassed and shunned, and a lot of people want to put all of the naked people into special naked ghettos so that nobody will have to see them?"
    "What a bunch of killjoys, we have hot naked people walking around and all those uptight prudes decide that they want to segregate people, that's racist, racist towards naked people!"
    "Well to be fair naked isn't a race, but it is true that people will look to any excuse to persecute people, and persecuting people for being naked has to be especially terrible, it's like judging a person by the color of their skin, or in this case the fact that their skin is on display everywhere. Prejudice is prejudice no matter what it is, and just because nudity is kind of funny doesn't mean that it makes it okay."
    "Okay you've made your point, you don't have to lecture me and give me a sermon. I will try hard not to laugh at the naked people that we see when we go out to get our groceries. You know that I'm a very woke individual, I will be a naked ally rather than a naked persecutor, although it still hard not to laugh at some people, and good God is it difficult not to look."
    "But I'm not saying don't look at them, looking away from them might make them feel uncomfortable as well, like you can't even look at them as though they aren't human beings simply because they are not wearing clothes. Just look at them and try to be normal about it and don't stare."
    "Okay, but I'm going to make sure you do the same."
    "I guess if nothing else this virus has taught us about how much value we place on appearances and things like clothing. We see a well-dressed person and we automatically know that they are wealthy, we see someone naked and we think that they are some type of exhibitionist or that they are just there for our amusement. In fact I even read an article that said people automatically start dehumanizing people when they see them as naked, taking them less seriously. Imagine how hard it must be for those people who have to go out there bravely bearing their naked bodies to the world for everybody to see all day and trying to be treated normally. Trust me; I'm sure you wouldn't be able to do it."
    "Well anyway, let's get going, as we have groceries to get, and it's starting to get late and everything."
    Luckily the grocery store wasn't that far away, so they thought that they would just walk the few blocks that it took them to get to the supermarket, and along the way they tried their hardest to ignore the naked people that they saw and tried not to be weird about it.
    Although the majority of people were still walking around dressed in a big city like that, it was hard to go more than a couple of blocks without encountering at least a couple of people who were naked. Both of them couldn't help but notice that when a naked person was walking down the street people would go out of their way to avoid them, treating them as though they were still contaminated or carried the plague.
    Maybe it was a reasonable feeling, seeing as it was a contagious virus, and nobody wanted to find themselves among the naked, although most of the people released into the population had already been quarantined for over two weeks until it was determined that they were no longer in a contagious phase of the virus, but people still treated them as though they were less than human.
    Jill had to admit she was feeling less mature about how she had behaved at the beginning of things, when she saw a bunch of children all pointing and laughing at a bunch of naked people crossing the streets. She almost wanted to go over and slap them and tell them not to be so immature, and that was when she realized that she had been almost as bad as them when she had seen Bruce.
    It didn't take them long to arrive at the grocery store, which fortunately wasn't discriminatory like some of them were. A lot of stores began putting no shoes, no shirts, no pants, no service signs up, effectively barring the naked people from participating in public life.
    "Hey these are some really nice melons," Steve said as he picked up some melons.
    "I thought you were probably pointing at some type of poor naked woman when you said that," Jill said.
    "Hey, I'm trying to be mature about this, do you see me staring at anybody," Steve said hoping Jill wouldn't notice that out of the corner of his eye he was staring at a woman who was naked and bending over just down the aisle.
    "Full moon alert!" a guy shouted as he pointed at the woman as some of his friends burst out laughing as the woman turned around, and that's when Stephen and Jill noticed that it was one of their neighbors, a woman named Mrs. Gladstone who lived in the same apartment complex as they did. They hadn't seen her in a while, and now they figured that she probably had been in quarantine.
    They could see that she looked decidedly uncomfortable and started holding her basket up to her genital region as a way of trying to hide her shame, but they could tell that she was blushing profusely and looked like she wanted to run right out of there.
    The two of them waved in her general direction and they were wondering if they should go over and say hello to her.
    "Hi Mrs. Gladstone," Jill said "I haven't seen you lately, it's nice to see you again, I mean it's nice to run into you, I mean –"
    Mrs. Gladstone blushed and nodded. "I know what you mean, you are trying not to make this awkward, and I thank you for it. But hey what can you do, sometimes you just have to face the world and not let things bother you."
    "Hey Mrs. Gladstone," Steve said as he was trying with all of his focused concentration to suppress an erection. He always thought that Mrs. Gladstone was rather attractive for an older woman, as she had a very fit body and worked out regularly, and Steve never thought that he would see her naked ass in public like that.
    "How are you feeling?" Jill said. "Have you gotten over the symptoms of the virus?"
    "Well I was really sick for a while and everything like that, and they put me into quarantine, and I have to admit that this is my first time going out in public, well like this," Mrs. Gladstone said once again sort of shifting around uncomfortably and blushing, probably not expecting that she would run into people that she knew, let alone her neighbors.
    Steve knew that he couldn't suppress an erection forever, and he didn't want to be really rude and make this extremely awkward, but that was when he saw a saving grace, he saw some guys that he knew from the University waving to him in the other direction.
    "Well it was nice seeing you Mrs. Gladstone but I see some guys that I know who seem to be waving over to me," Steve said using the perfect opportunity to go over and see his friends as he knew he couldn't talk down his erection any longer.
    As Steve started to slink away with his tail literally between his legs, Jill decided that she had better try to make small talk with Mrs. Gladstone and try to distract herself from the fact that she was completely buck naked.
    "Well you look really good Mrs. Gladstone," Jill said, once again feeling awkward. "I mean that's not to say that I am glad that you are stuck being naked in public and, sorry."
    Mrs. Gladstone laughed and put her hand on Jill's shoulder. "Jill you are a wonderful young lady, and I know that you are trying just as hard as I am not to make this awkward, but it's okay, I have a thick skin and I can deal with this like I have dealt with so many other things in life."
    "But I just feel so bad about it, I mean now you are forced to become a nudist like that, I don't think that I would be able to face the world like you are doing right now."
    Mrs. Gladstone smiled. "Well there are worse things in the world than being naked you know, honestly I am just glad that I wasn't one of the people who ended up dying from this virus, or who had to be put on a ventilator. You have to thank God for small miracles, and if there is some higher purpose for this whole naked thing maybe it will all be worth it in the end. Hell, maybe in the end it will end up being really liberating."
    Off in the distance they could see a bunch of men pointing at them and laughing and a couple of them making whistling and hollering noises.
    "But are you really okay Mrs. Gladstone?" Jill said looking disapprovingly at the guys over in the distance.
    Mrs. Gladstone's laughed.
    "But what is so funny?" Jill said. "Doesn't it bother you the way those guys are treating you?"
    "Honey guys were whistling and hollering at me long before I went out in public naked, it's just something every woman has to put up with. Sometimes you just have to laugh and make like it doesn't bother you." Mrs. Gladstone turned at the guys and waved and pressed her breasts together and started jiggling them around. "Get a good look!" she shouted even though she was blushing profusely the entire time. "Believe me; you're not going to get any of this action, so enjoy the long distance view."
    Jill had to admit that she admired Mrs. Gladstone. Mrs. Gladstone had always been sort of a soft-spoken woman, and even though she was clearly humiliated by this whole affair she wasn't letting it get her down or letting people take advantage of her. Jill thought that it must be even more embarrassing because of the fact that she seemed like she was the only one naked in the entire supermarket. She knew that most people who had been afflicted with the nakedness had retreated to their homes, afraid to leave and go out in public if at all possible, even more so than everyone else fearing the virus. Plenty of people who were afflicted with nudity were glad enough to isolate themselves at home, but not everybody had that luxury, and since Mrs. Gladstone lived alone since her separation from her husband she had no choice but to go out in public in the buff.
    As Jill continued chatting with Mrs. Gladstone, Stephen meanwhile was over with his friends from the University, Fred and Alex.
    "Hey guys what's up, I haven't seen you in person I don't think since they closed the University, what have you been up to," Stephen said.
    "Not much, this whole thing is a pretty big letdown," Fred said. "At least you have Jill, so you have some pussy, but nobody's getting laid these days, and that's despite the fact that there's lots of naked people around."
    "Well yeah, but a lot of those naked people could be infected," Stephen said.
    "It looks like Jill is talking up one of those hot women who have been infected," Alex said making a wolf whistle sound as subtly as possible through his face mask.
    "That's our neighbor Mrs. Gladstone," Steve said, suddenly feeling kind of awkward of the fact that his friends from the University were probably fantasizing about having sex with the neighbor lady.
    "That's your neighbor, you are one lucky guy, you have a hot girl like Jill and then you have a hot neighbor who is stuck being naked all the time," Fred said. "Some guys have all the luck. But anyway I'm glad I ran into you because I was going to have a party at the beach house this weekend for spring break and I thought you might be interested."
    "How did you manage that, aren't all of those places closed down?" Steve asked.
    Fred shook his head. "I mean it's going against the rules, but it's just going to be a small little party at the beach house, and I know a guy who will cover for me. So what do you say, would you like to attend? It's not the same as everybody going on the beach during spring break like we normally do, but I can promise you there's going to be lots of naked people there!"
    "Naked people," Steve said both excited but being made nervous by the prospect of that. "But aren't you afraid that you will catch the virus?"
    Alex shook his head. "Don't worry, Fred has vouched for these people, they have been in quarantine for a while, and we are sure that they are no longer contagious. By the way you know that hot girl Pamela, she's going to be there, I know you had a thing for her, didn't you at one point?"
    Stephen nodded. He wouldn't admit that in front of Jill, but Jill knew that he was attracted to her, and if that incident at the hospital didn't prove that then nothing would.
    "So anyway do you think that you can make it, you can bring Jill of course," Fred said.
    "I don't know how Jill would feel about going to a beach house party to gawk at a lot of naked people, I think she feels a little bit sorry for all the naked people, you know," Steve said.
    "Jill is a really kind girl and has a really big heart, big breasts as well," Alex said sort of snickering as Steve just sort of awkwardly smiled, as he always felt weird when his friends talked about his girlfriend like that. "But hey if she doesn't want to come the invitation is still open to you. Let us know soon, okay?"
    "Sure, I'll get back to you, I will email you after I have talked to Jill," Steve said as he waved to them and started going back over to where Jill was, now that Mrs. Gladstone had finally disappeared, and he didn't have to worry about anything arising.
    "What were you and your horny friends over there talking about," Jill said, never really approving of Fred and Alex, because she always thought that they were sort of perverted jerks who were always undressing her with their eyes.
    "You know just catching up about what we have been doing since this stupid quarantine began," Steve said. "They invited us to a party."
    "A party, with a pandemic going on, that doesn't sound like a very smart thing to do; you really can't stay 6 feet apart at a crowded party like that."
    "Well they are going to make sure that nobody there is infected and everything. I told them I would get back to them."
    "I'll think about it, let's just get our groceries and go home, as we can talk about this more later," they said as they got on line, and that was when they noticed something about the cashier, not just the fact that she was standing there completely buck naked, but the fact that it was Felicia, another woman that they knew from the University.
    Steve had to admit that he always thought that she was really hot as well, so he knew that he was going to have to take all of his concentration to not get an erection while he was standing there waiting for her to ring up all of their purchases.
    "Felicia, long time no see," Jill said. Jill and Felicia had been close friends for a while, but they had grown apart over the years, but they always tried to get together once in a while.
    "Hey Felicia," Steve said trying as much as possible to think the most unsexy thoughts that he could. He tried to picture a couple of ugly naked men he had seen walking down the street on the way to the supermarket, but he could still feel all the blood rushing to his genitals as Felicia stood there with her breasts practically up to his face.
    "So what have you guys been up to," Felicia said, blushing and looking a bit uncomfortable.
    "Up to, we haven't been up to anything," Steve said as he thought of the words up to in regards to his genitals.
    "So you are working at the supermarket and," Jill started saying not exactly sure how to finish that sentence.
    "Yes it's incredibly embarrassing, as you might imagine, but I should just be glad that I have a job during this pandemic when so many don't," Felicia said as she leaned down to ring up the purchases giving Steve a perfect glance of her cleavage, as he tried with all of his might to continue thinking unsexy thoughts, and trying his best not to stare.
    "Wow, I have to say you have a real thick skin to be able to work, well you know dressed like that, or rather undressed like that," Jill said laughing nervously.
    Felicia laughed. "Yeah, my boss is a real sexist though, he was complaining about the fact that I was distracting to my male coworkers. All I could tell him was that if I could put on clothes I would much prefer it, but unfortunately that is out of my control. In fact I think the only reason why he didn't fire me on the spot is that he likes seeing me standing here naked all day. Every time he comes over here he just sits there staring at me like some type of leering pervert."
    "Oh, people like that are just terrible," Steve said as he could feel his erection beginning to take form and trying his best to make eye contact with Felicia without looking like he was about to start drooling.
    "Yeah, but hey what can you do, that's just the type of world we live in now," Felicia said as she continued ringing up the purchases. "That will be $75.93."
    Steve reached into his wallet and gave her the money as she just smiled and handed them their bags, which Steve immediately put in front of his crotch to hide the fact that he now had a very obvious erection.
    "Well it was nice seeing you, and I'm hoping we can catch up some time," Jill said. "Sorry about you catching the virus and everything."
    As the two of them started walking out of the supermarket Jill could tell that Steve was walking kind of funny.
    "What, it's not like it's my fault, women honestly, you don't know how these things work, it's strictly involuntary," Steve said. "You can't expect me to be standing there looking at a naked woman and not to get an erection, I tried my hardest to hide it, and you don't think that I'm finding this embarrassing and awkward as well."
    Jill simply shook her head. "Once a sexist pig, always a sexist pig."
    The two of them walked home with Steve carrying the groceries in front of his crotch the entire way. As interesting as he found this new world, he knew it was still going to take a real lot of getting used to, and that he would have to learn a lot better concentration if he wanted to avoid this happening again in the future.

"Come on Jill, aren't you tired of staying home all the time and being bored out of our skulls," Steve said as he paced back and forth in the limited space of their tiny apartment.
    "It's better to be bored out of our skulls than dying of Covid," Jill said.
    "Look, Fred and Alex told me that they have vetted the people who are going to the party, so they shouldn't be contagious or infectious or anything like that. Come on, it's just one little party, I am sure that it is perfectly safe to just have a small get together at a beach house without it being some type of super spreader event. The chances of us contracting the virus I think are pretty small."
    Jill was about to say something, when all of the sudden she got a text message from one of her friends saying that there is a huge party going on, and that if they miss it they will regret it for the rest of their lives.
    "Who was that?" Steve asked looking at Jill responding to something on her phone.
    "Okay we can go to the party, it is the social event of the season, and I suppose if we don't go we won't have anything to talk about with people when we are talking to them on Zoom later," Jill said as she closed up her phone. "But I think we have to be super careful, try not to make too much direct contact with anybody, and if anybody looks like they are sick or they are coughing we are going to immediately get out of there."
    "Well of course Jill, we're going to be as careful as possible, none of us wants to catch Covid. Now come on, we are already missing some of the action."
    Jill shook her head. "First I have to pick out what I am going to wear, I have to wear just the total perfect thing, something that says I am stylish, but also something that's not going to make anybody who might be naked at the party feel like I am mocking them somehow."
    "God dammit Jill, it's just a party, just pick something and put it on, you don't have to make a social statement with every single thing that you wear. I know that you're a fashion major and everything like that, and I know that you don't want to flaunt your clothing privilege to all of the naked people, but I don't think that anyone is going to be offended no matter what you happened to wear."
    "Okay, just give me a couple of minutes to get ready."
    Steve rolled his eyes as a couple of minutes turned into a half hour, when finally Jill was done getting dressed.
    "Finally, what is it about women that you take so long to get dressed all the time," Steve said. "You don't have to look like a movie star just to leave the house. This isn't a formal fancy soirĂ©e, it's a bunch of college kids at a beach house."
    Jill shook her head. "Guys just don't understand, women are judged very much more by their appearance than guys are, so we have to make the right impression, and we do that by choosing our clothing carefully. You just throw on whatever the hell you happen to see first. I wish you could be a little bit more stylish and fashionable."
    Steve shook his head. "I almost wish that you would come down with a naked virus, because then at least it would save you about two or three hours a day deciding what to wear and then putting it on."
    "Ha ha very funny, now do you want to go to this party or not?"
    "Of course I do, come on let's get going, the party is starting without us."
    "But I'm sure that you won't miss anything important."
    "And I am sure that you won't be the center of attention if there are naked people there, now if you really wanted to make an impression you would show up naked, completely and utterly buck naked, as a show of solidarity with the people experiencing involuntary nudity, to show what a true social justice warrior you are and how woke you are."
    "I may be a social justice warrior, but I am a social justice warrior who prefers to keep her clothing on when I am out in public."
    The two of them got in a cab and started driving down to the beach where the party was being held. Although Jill had her reservations about going at first, she had to admit that it would be nice to get out of the house for a while, as they hadn't been to any major social events ever since this terrible pandemic had begun.
    "Steve, Jill, you made it," Fred said. "Welcome to the party of the century, or at least the only party in town after this stupid quarantine was imposed on us by the fascists!"
    "If by fascists you mean people who don't want us to die of a deadly disease because of our own stupidity, recklessness and negligence," Jill said.
    Fred shook his head and whispered to Steve. "Does she ever turn it down a notch?"
    Steve shook his head and the two of them started to mingle among all the people at the party.
    "But I just hope the cops don't come and shut this down," Jill said as she started drinking a beer. But she thought that maybe Steve was right, maybe she was being too uptight, worrying all the time. She knew that sometimes that she worried so much that it has actually given her hives, and she certainly didn't want that to happen again.
    "Hey Jill, I'm glad you could make it," said Tisha, her close friend that she hadn't seen in a while and immediately started screaming and hugging as they jumped up and down.
    "But wow Tisha I don't think we have seen each other through this entire quarantine, at least not since they shut down the University anyway, what have you been up to?" Jill said.
    Tisha sort of smirked with that evil delighted look that Jill knew all too well.
    "I know that look, you are up to something, spill it, what have you been up to? It's not anything illegal is it?"
    "Geez Jill, don't be such a killjoy all the time, so I have gotten in trouble with the law a couple of times, you just know they are totally racially profiling me for being Asian."
    "Well being Asian and doing lots of underage drinking and whatnot."
    Tisha rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I always love you Jill, but you are little bit too much on the straight and narrow sometimes, sometimes you have to let loose, live a little."
    Jill shook her head. "These days living a little could mean you end up living a very little. You know I was a little bit of a germophobic person when I was younger, so this whole pandemic has me a little bit antsy, if you know what I mean."
    Tisha smiled and nodded. "If anything Jill this should be your time to shine, everybody is wearing masks and practicing social distancing and washing their hands constantly, I mean if you are germophobic and obsessive compulsive the way you are; well now everybody is joining in. Now you actually seem almost trendy."
    "Anyway what is this big secret that you have to tell me that you have been up to?"
    Tisha smiled again. "I've been dating a naked guy!"
    "You've been dating a naked guy?! Like as in one of the guys who is infected with nudity, or just a nudist who took advantage of the new lax laws against public nudity?"
    "Oh no, he's totally infected, and I have to say it's a great feeling going around stylishly dressed the way I am with a naked guy on my arm."
    "You don't feel that that's a little bit exploitative? I mean you're just carrying a naked guy around on your arm as piece of arm candy, that's like sexual objectification."
    Tisha laughed. "Don't be so uptight Jill, guys have been sexually objectifying us since the dawn of time, and at least now things are evening out a little bit. It's a whole new world when you are dating a naked guy. All the other women look at you, and you can see that look of envy that you have a hot naked mass of flesh following you around all the time."
    "Well I certainly hope that you see him as something more than just a bunch of quivering flesh there for your amusement."
    "Jill we get along perfectly, it's not like our relationship is entirely based on some type of weird power dynamic over the fact that he is buck naked and I am not, but it is pretty sweet, not going to lie about that. Here let me get him over here so that you can meet him."
    Jill had to admit she felt awkward at the idea of meeting a naked guy, but then she didn't want to be rude and make it seem like she was prejudice against the naked. If this guy was dating her close friend and everything like that, then she should give him a chance and show her support for his naked condition.
    Tisha waved over to a tall darker skinned bald man who came running over, his massive genitals swinging back and forth and making Jill feel really uncomfortable.
    "Jill, I would like you to meet Andy," Tisha said as the man extended his hand.
    "It's very nice to meet you," Jill said, shaking his hand and trying her best to make eye contact and not to look between his legs.
    Andy laughed. "Look you don't have to be awkward about this, if you want to look down below go right ahead; I'm used to it by now."
    "Well I didn't want to be rude and stare, and I didn't want to be rude by not looking at you or making eye contact and," Jill said as Andy began laughing again.
    "Don't worry about it, I am really not shy," Andy said as he laughed again.
    "He really isn't," Tisha said with a big smile as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder.
    "I can see that," Jill said admittedly blushing at the fact that she was standing there next to a really ripped naked guy with massive genitals.
    Andy shook his head. "Look the way I see it this is probably a sign from above that people have to be less uptight about their bodies. If people give me shit for being naked it is just because they are jealous that I am so damn attractive." Andy began flexing and posing.
    "But it doesn't bother you, being completely and utterly naked in public all the time like that," Jill said.
    "It did, for about five seconds," Andy said as he began bursting out in laughter again. Jill had to admit he seemed to see finding the whole thing like it was some type of big joke, but she was glad to see that he was comfortable with his body, she just couldn't relate, because in his situation she would be dying of embarrassment.
    "Well anyway I have a lot of people that I need to show off my new Adonis to, but I will catch you again later Jill," Tisha said as Andy lifted her up on to his shoulders and started charging around as everybody started whistling and hollering at him.
    Jill couldn't help but stare at the fact that Andy also had a really perfect ass, a really rippling ass, she had never seen an ass like that before, and she had to admit she felt embarrassed over the fact that she was staring, but she hoped that nobody would see.
    "That's an amazing fucking ass isn't it," a voice behind her said and she turned around to see it was Felicia standing there completely naked with her hands on her hips.
    "Felicia, I didn't know that you were going to be here!" Jill said going to hug Felicia but hesitating. "It's okay to hug you right, I mean you wouldn't feel weird about it, and it wouldn't make you like have an allergic reaction would it?"
    Felicia laughed. "Calm down Jill, I know that you want to be as understanding as possible, but you don't have to be freaking out about it. I know this is really awkward for everybody, but I have to get used to it. I have been so utterly embarrassed ever since this has happened, but having to go to my job every day I realized that you just have to suck it up and say fuck you to all of those who are going to make you feel uncomfortable."
    "I'm just so sorry about the other day at the supermarket and everything, you know with Steve and, well," Jill said not wanting to say the word.
    "Oh you mean the fact that I gave him a boner, that was actually pretty fucking hilarious," Felicia said with a laugh. "I'm glad I wasn't the one who was the most uncomfortable that day. It's actually kind of funny, you are standing there naked, and the guy is trying not to get sexually aroused, and trying to look away as though he doesn't want to see you naked to save face. In fact a lot of people are more embarrassed looking at the naked people than actually being naked. When I realized that I could make these guys feel uncomfortable by just standing there naked, I don't know something about it kind of felt empowering in a way. It's weird, but in some ways being naked can be a powerful thing, know what I mean? Oh, and by the way, you can give me a quick hug, as it's not going to give me an allergic reaction. It's only if I wear clothing regularly on my body that it's going to produce the allergic reaction. Simply hugging you and having quick contact like that isn't going to do anything."
    Jill hugged Felicia and patted her on the back before moving away and shaking her head. "I have to say, I admire your bravery and your courage."
    Felicia shook her head. "So many people have said that these days, although so many people have said a lot of things that were less nice, a lot less nice. But the fact is sometimes it takes courage just to go out there and face the world every day, but when you have no other choice is it really courage or is it just a lack of options? At any rate I'm not going to let myself be defined by my nudity."
    "Well I'm glad to see that you are comfortable with your body, I know that I would not be so brave if I were in your situation."
    Felicia laughed. "Yes Jill, I know that you actually love clothes and that you love being dressed, but we all have to be naked sometimes, and maybe who knows, this whole thing will probably lead to a lot more public acceptance of nudity. It will probably take a while, but once this has become normalized it will be no big deal that people are going around naked all the time, you'll see, everything will blow over eventually. Now do you want to get something to drink?"
    Jill nodded as she went to get something to drink with Felicia, and she had to admit seeing Felicia so comfortable being naked like that was making her feel a lot better about the whole situation. In fact she thought that maybe if she just had a couple of beers she would unwind a little bit and she wouldn't be that uptight. If Felicia could go out there without feeling uptight about it, and Andy could do the same, then she, who was fully dressed, shouldn't feel the least bit self-conscious or uptight about all the naked people around.
    Steve meanwhile was mingling with Fred and Alex and all of the others.
    "So what did we tell you, tons of lots of hot naked people here," Alex said. "I mean we kind of had to invite some guys as well to attract the women you know, even though it's kind of gay."
    "Hey there's nothing wrong with being gay," Steve said. "And I'm sure there are probably gay people at the party who are enjoying it. But I have to admit you do have lots of hot naked ladies here, seriously where did you all find all of these hot women?"
    Fred smiled. "We're the only party in town, so that's part of the appeal. But if you look around you can find lots of naked people these days, and not just people who are afflicted with the virus, some people here actually choose to get naked, not just in solidarity like Jill would probably do."
    Steve shook his head. "I wish Jill would get naked in solidarity, but as much as she is a social justice warrior I think getting undressed in public is where she draws the line."
    Alex shook his head. "Too bad, I mean if Jill were a public nudist she would end up getting a lot of likes on social media, and she would draw a lot of people here. You are just so lucky to get Asian pussy like that!"
    Steve had to admit he sometimes felt weird about his friends talking about women like that, and some of the homophobic remarks that they tended to make, but he sort of blew that off, as they were still his friends, and they really did know how to find lots of attractive women, despite the fact that they were kind of jerks a lot of the time. But he could understand why Jill didn't really like them as much as he did.
    "Hey you guys," a woman said as she came in, and Steve's jaw practically dropped as the woman was absolutely gorgeous and completely and utterly buck naked. She had perfectly symmetrical and very large breasts, was completely shaven, had long flowing red hair and the perfectly proportioned body all around, it was like a goddess had just descended from the heavens.
    "Oh Roxanne, this is our friend Steve that we were telling you about, and it looks like he is very happy to see you," Fred said as he began laughing.
    "Boner patrol!" Alex yelled as he pointed at Steve's crotch as he tried to cover up and began blushing. This was the lack of maturity that Jill didn't really like in his friends, and he had to admit that she kind of had a point.
    Roxanne laughed. "If I had a dollar for every man who got an erection seeing me now I wouldn't have to worry about a job for the rest of my life. In fact once they open the strip clubs again I think that I have pretty much permanent employment. Trust me, I take it as a compliment, it's nice to meet you."
    Roxanne put out her hand, which Steve shook really carefully while staring directly into her breasts, which were swaying back and forth and practically hypnotizing him. He was trying his best not to drool, but the fact that he was standing there next to the most gorgeous naked woman that he had ever seen was causing all of the blood to rush to his penis and making him feel almost lightheaded.
    "Well hey, it's nice meeting you, but I have a lot of other people who want to see me," Roxanne said as she gave Steve a kiss right on the lips, causing him to practically faint as he watched her walk off, her perfect ass jiggling up and down and back and forth.
    "Did that just really happen?" Steve asked rubbing his eyes as though in total disbelief.
    "It totally did, and she is totally right, there are lots of people out there who really want to see her," Alex said. "And I am sure that everyone is enjoying seeing her all the time. It's a shame that everybody gets to see her for free and that we couldn't charge money for it."
    "Guys I don't think that you are her pimp, she just happens to be a beautiful naked woman who is naked through no choice of her own," Steve said.
    "And thank God for that," Fred said as he made the sign of the cross before laughing. "But I think that we have saved the best for last."
    "What are you talking about?" Steve asked wondering what exactly his friends had in store. He could tell that Fred had that evil look in his eyes, and that was making Steve's think that whatever he was planning might be of questionable taste or legality, going by other times that Steve remembered seeing that look in his eye.
    Fred smiled. "You'll see in just a minute."
    "But this really is gonna be great," Alex said as he put his arm around Steve and patted him on the back.
    Fred got up on a platform in the front of the room and grabbed a microphone. "Attention everybody, I would just like to say thanks for making this a spectacular party, but this wouldn't have been as spectacular a party if not for the stars of the show, all of our very hot very naked guests. Please all of you naked people come up here and take a bow, don't be shy, come up here and let everybody see you, it's not like you're about to go home and get dressed or anything."
    About a dozen or so naked people got up on the stage, including Roxanne, Felicia and Andy, among others. Most of them were female, with just a couple of token males up there so that they could probably draw lots of hot women to their party, Steve knew exactly how Fred's mind tended to work about these things.
    Fred continued smiling as all of the naked people got up on stage, some of them looking a little bit uncomfortable at being the center of attention like that. It was probably a lot easier to blend in being naked at a party with a lot of other people, but being up there on stage where everybody can see you is another thing altogether. He could see that a lot of people up on the stage who had seemingly been a little bit exhibitionist before were looking decidedly uncomfortable as they looked at all the eyes that were now upon them.
    "Go ahead and wave to all the people," Fred said as all of the naked people started waving, a couple more enthusiastically than others, but a couple of them looking really uncomfortable, including Felicia, who was clearly blushing.
    "But here it comes, the big finale," Alex said as he started ringing his hands together.
    "And before we conclude our party for the evening I would just like to say something very special about all of our naked people up here today," Fred said as he pulled a string and all of the sudden a banner came down with the words naked forever written on it. "You are all naked forever!"
    A lot of the people in the audience began hooting and hollering and making a lot of noise and whistling, and a lot of the people on the stage looked extremely uncomfortable, a couple of them looked almost like they were close to tears.
    "Hey don't look so sad, you get to be naked in public all the time now everywhere you go, never needing to wear another stitch of clothing ever again, you'll be the center of attention everywhere, never have to worry about what to wear, and think of all the money you're going to save on clothing, we should all be so lucky," Fred said. "So let's give it up for our naked friends here, because remember –"
    "You're naked forever!" everybody in the audience started shouting as they clapped and cheered.
    As Felicia and a lot of the others stormed off the stage looking really uncomfortable, Jill wanted to go comfort her friend like that, while looking angrily in the direction of Steve and his friends, who seemed like they were laughing it up and everything like that.
    Steve was going to go over and say something to Jill, when all of the sudden they heard police sirens outside.
    "This is an unauthorized gathering that goes in defiance of social distancing rules, and we are here to shut it down, as we have gotten numerous complaints," a police officer said as he came into the room. "Now all of you get out of here, we don't care if you are naked or dressed or what not, just get your dressed or naked asses out of here before we have to close this place down and arrest all of you."
    The naked people looked especially intimidated by the police as everybody cleared out, including Stephen and Jill, who didn't say anything about what had happened, in fact they didn't say anything at all on the entire cab ride home.
    Steve had to admit he felt guilty about everything that had happened, and he felt a little bit more guilty still over the fact that they managed to get a cab when a fat naked person was trying to wave down a cab for a while and nobody was stopping for him, and who continued chasing after the cab as they pulled away, with him running out of breath and looking extremely comical and idiotic while doing so.
    "I'm really in the doghouse now," Steve said as he sat down on his bed once they got home, and thought that at least Jill didn't know that he kissed Roxanne, and he didn't intend to let her know, because then he would really be in the doghouse, and he wouldn't be getting any action anytime soon.


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