Our Big Fat Naked School Reunion

I have to admit this one was a more personal story that was directly inspired by the fact that my 20th class reunion was coming up, and I thought how awkward it would be if you had to go to a class reunion completely naked! I based a lot of these characters off of actual people I knew in high school but with all of the names changed, even though I am publishing this under a pseudonym anyway.
    But it was true that high school I was a shy and socially awkward nerd and I knew a girl in high school and I had sort of an awkward thing where I had to kiss her during truth or dare, and it was just so incredibly embarrassing for me and I thought to myself what could possibly be more embarrassing than that, and I could only imagine being naked with a person like that. But I kind of like this story as I think that it was another one of those stories about a character sort of facing up to their situation, and I thought it ended on rather a nice touching note. But I think that anyone would be intimidated by seeing their high school class while completely naked! So even though this has sort of a crazy premise that requires the suspension of disbelief I feel it's a situation that anyone can relate to in that regard.
    When I originally conceived of this I thought it would actually be funny if everybody at the high school reunion was naked, and that was sort of the theme of the high school reunion, but then I figured probably realistically nobody would show up or something like that, so I made this one sort of similar to that premise in my other story about a person meeting an old friend from high school only to have to confront them while naked, That Strange Awkward Feeling of Meeting an Old Friend Now That I Can No Longer Wear Clothing, but I think that the nudity virus really works well as a concept for facilitating these type of over the top sort of kooky naked stories and I think that this one works pretty well in that regard.
    This is primarily a CFNM story involving embarrassed naked male with a little bit of female nudity and I hope that you all enjoy it.

Our Big Fat Naked School Reunion
Stephen looked at the Facebook invitation that had been sent out alerting him that his 10th high school reunion was coming up. He had been looking forward to seeing his old classmates and everybody for a long time as he had not seen most of them since graduation, and although he followed what they were doing on social media it wasn't exactly the same as seeing them in person.
    Hey Steve remember how in high school you had to kiss me as part of that truth or dare game and like after that you were so shy and awkward around me for like the rest of the school year after that, Rebecca said posting to his wall. Anyway I am looking forward to seeing you at the reunion I hope you are not quite as shy and bashful as you were before, as I can still remember you were a blusher!
    Steve sat back from his computer and swallowed deeply as he felt goosebumps go over his naked body. He could very much remember how awkward and shy he had been in high school, and how after kissing Rebecca like that he was so shy about being around her that he ended up avoiding her for the rest of high school. However looking back he now wished that maybe something more had developed between them if only he hadn't been so damn shy.
    He shook his head. "If I was shy and awkward just kissing her during truth or dare how could I possibly let her see me like this," Stephen said as he stood up and looked at his naked body.
    He couldn't believe that just a few short weeks before his high school reunion he had contracted the worst possible virus in the world, that weird nudity virus that renders you allergic to clothing. Ever since he had been infected he had tried to limit all of his unnecessary contact with the outside world but he knew he couldn't stay inside forever, at some point he would have to get used to being naked in public.
    "Why did it have to be so close to my high school reunion!" Stephen shouted as he paced around naked in front of the computer. Even though nobody could see him in front of the computer he still felt self-conscious as he saw the images of his classmates on the screen right across from his naked body, and he thought that it was ridiculous that even in that situation he was trying to cover himself up.
    He looked at Rebecca's homepage and saw her posing in all sorts of stylish outfits and posting about how she couldn't decide what she was going to wear to the reunion. Truth be told is she looked smoking hot in almost any outfit, and for some reason Steve found himself getting turned on looking at Rebecca in all of these little outfits, and then feeling goosebumps over his body as he thought to the fact that he didn't have to decide what he was going to be wearing to the school reunion, as it was pretty much his birthday suit every day for the rest of his life.
    "Why couldn't I have just gotten this virus a couple of weeks later, at least then I would have had one last social memory that didn't involve complete and utter humiliation," he said as he continued pacing around before turning the computer off in frustration.
    Often when he was frustrated like this he would look at porn on the computer but something about looking up images of naked women on the computer while he could never put clothing on just made him frustrated. At the end of the day even all of those women exhibiting their naked bodies online got to at least keep their clothing on when they were out in public and nobody had to know about their secret dirty life, it was still kept private like it should be.
    Even though he had only left his house a couple of times since contracting the virus he still had no doubt on those rare outings that probably plenty of people had snapped pictures of his naked body and uploaded them to the Internet. He tried not to think about that, tried not to think about the fact that there were probably thousands of people on the Internet who knew what he looked like naked. But that wasn't so terrible, the odds are he would never run into any of those people, but going to a high school reunion where you saw all of your high school classmates, no way could he deal with that.
    Over the next couple of weeks Steve tried not to think about his high school reunion as he pretty much figured that there was no way he was going to be seen like that. As he looked at all of the social media profiles of his friends and classmates he could see that they all seemed to be living normal and interesting lives, normal lives and relationships, none of them rendered permanently naked.
    "Honestly if only there was one other naked person in my entire graduating class that would make it at least a little bit tolerable," he said as he started scrolling all over his friend social media postings. Page after page of everybody dressed stylishly and there he was sitting at his computer completely naked.
    He saw couple of the smart ass classmates of his posting about how they had had lots of numerous sightings of naked people and how hilarious they found it to be. He wanted to comment that they should be more mature than to be constantly talking about all of the naked people that they were seeing now that this virus was spreading. But once again the frustration was is that while the virus was spreading it was still extremely rare, as far as he could tell he was the only member of his class unfortunate enough to be consigned to a life of permanent nudity.
    He wasn't about to make any comments that would draw attention to himself. He hadn't posted any images of himself on social media, so as far as any of his classmates knew they had no idea that he was completely naked forever and all time. But he didn't post many pictures of himself to social media even before this happened, so it wasn't strange or suspicious behavior on his part.
    "Why why why do I have to be the only one in my entire graduating class stuck like this," he said as he slumped down in his computer chair.
    As the date was close approaching of his high school reunion he couldn't help but notice that Rebecca hadn't been posting as much as she normally did. He figured it was true that sometimes people went for a hiatus from social media but one day he got an unexpected message from her.
    Hey Steve, do you think I will get to see you at the class reunion?
    He swallowed deeply, the prospect of going to his class reunion being seen completely buck naked by Rebecca was terrifying beyond words. Everyone in his class knew how specially bashful he was, he could imagine how they would all react with total shock if he showed up to the class reunion completely buck naked, he would never be able to live it down.
    He kept picturing it in his head over and over again, the idea of walking into the restaurant where everything was being held and having all of his classmates staring at his naked body. There was no way he could handle it.
    I don't know Rebecca, I'm hoping to go but I've been feeling a little bit under the weather lately, I think I might have some kind of bug that is going around, Stephen wrote in response to her leaving off the fact that the bug in question  happened to be the nudity virus and that he would never be able to wear clothing again.
    I hope that you feel better in time for the reunion, get well XoXo, Rebecca.
    "Hugs and kisses Rebecca," he said as he once again swallowed deeply. She had always been a huge flirt back in high school but she hadn't responded to any of his messages on social media like that before. As he pondered the meaning of that he found himself more self-conscious than ever at the idea of Rebecca seeing him naked. If she was trying to flirt with him, well he couldn't even imagine how she would react to find out he was naked. The biggest flirt in the high school class, she even got that distinction in the yearbook, and here she was flirting with him not having the slightest clue that through no fault of his own he was now a nudist with a lifetime membership in that particular club.
    Once again he considered the irony of the fact that he was in this situation, he was probably the last one anyone in the class would ever picture becoming a nudist, certainly if it was voluntary, although in this case it wasn't, that was the thing about the virus, it didn't spare anybody, didn't take into account whether a person was an exhibitionist or a shirking violet, it afflicted anyone and it was entirely random.
    "Chess club, sci-fi club, anime club," Stephen said looking at his yearbook. "I was the biggest nerd in high school and now if I show up completely naked that's all people are going to think of when they think of me. They're not going to think though he was that brainy guy, they're going to think oh you mean the naked one!"
    He decided then and there, no way was he going to his high school reunion dressed like this, or rather not dressed.

    As the day before the reunion came around Steve had to admit that he was feeling sullen and depressed. Was he really going to live his entire life as a hermit just because of his crippling shyness? To be fair he thought that anybody in his circumstances probably would be a lot shyer than they otherwise would be if they were able to wear clothing. He had enough of a difficult time socially even before when he was able to keep his clothing on, now everyone would probably think he was some kind of party guy simply because he was naked.
    Do you think you're going to be able to make the reunion, Rebecca messaged him. I am really looking forward to seeing you.
    He would be looking forward to seeing her as well if not for the fact that she would be seeing him, every inch of him, and he had no doubt that it would be like her dream come true. She had a big crush on him after that game of truth or dare but just the fact that she was attracted to him made it more intimidating, and he shirked away from her, but he always wondered what could have been if he hadn't been such a coward.
    I don't know, I will have to see in the morning, Steve messaged back.
    I have a really great new outfit, I haven't been showing it off on social media because I am saving it for a special occasion, although I'm a little bit self-conscious about it, Rebecca messaged him back. In fact I've not been feeling well myself lately so I hope that I will still be able to show up so I can show it off.
    I know the feeling, he said not wanting to give anything away. Rebecca had absolutely no idea what being self-conscious really meant, in fact he didn't think that anybody who had not gone out naked in public really had any idea what the hell they were talking about when it came to that matter!

    Steve had a hard time sleeping that night, which had been the case ever since he had found himself naked, the problem is that he always had that dream where he was naked in public but then he would wake up to remember that dream was now his living nightmare.
    As Steve looked at himself in the mirror, really looking at his naked body for the first time, he certainly was no Adonis, but was it really that terrible to be naked? Yes it certainly was, there was no denying that, but was he going to let it stop him from living his life?
    As he looked at all of the social media comments about everybody looking forward to the reunion, and Rebecca boasting about her new outfit, he began cringing.
    "I really must be a masochist," he said shaking his head, deeply swallowing his pride. "I'm going to go to the reunion!"

    When Steve arrived at the restaurant that evening he decided that he would go a little bit later so that he wouldn't run into anyone on the way, as he felt that at the last moment there was a very distinct possibility that he would chicken out and be running home with his tail between his legs, quite literally!
    "Okay don't chicken out, just take a few deep breaths," Steve said as he very slowly opened the door and walked into the restaurant as all of his classmates looked up and the room got quiet as everybody realized he was naked. As soon as he realized that all eyes were on him he suddenly wanted to bolt out of there but he found himself paralyzed.
    "Oh my God Steve's naked!" Giovanni shouted. He always was kind of a jerk to Stephen when he was in high school and now he basically had the last laugh on him. There's no real response to that, when you were the naked guy the last laugh and joke were always on you.
    As Steve stood there covering up his genitals, as much as he wanted to run out of there, he found that he couldn't move. No matter how much he wanted to run his legs simply would not cooperate and he found his body trembling.
    He could see that most of the guys seem to be looking away and a couple were covering their eyes but he couldn't help but notice the most of his female classmates were sort of smirking, and a couple couldn't help laughing, and one of them went running to the bathroom barely able to contain herself.
    Steve wasn't exactly sure what his next move should be, and he was trying to think how he should respond before he heard a voice behind him.
    "Holy Shit it's a naked guy!" Danielle said as Steve very slowly and reluctantly turned around as her eyes started bugging out of her head. She immediately burst out laughing. "Oh my God this is the funniest thing ever, is this like on candid camera or something?"
    Steve found himself completely tongue-tied. Danielle had had kind of a crush on him in high school but he didn't really feel mutually towards her. She was sort of known as the class ditz, he was the nerd and she was sort of an airhead and she had the female entry for class clown in their yearbook.
    Danielle sort of stood there looking him over really not being shy or polite about it, she was taking in every single inch of him and she was smiling hugely. She was absolutely loving every single second of this and he thought that she looked as though she were practically drooling, she also wasn't the classiest girl in their graduating class either.
    "Hey Steve, wow," Adriana said as she approached him covering up her mouth and trying not to laugh. "So wow, I mean I think that you are probably the last person that we ever expected to decide to streak the class reunion."
    "It's not by choice," Steve said finally choking out the words, and he knew that now he was blushing intensely and still found that he couldn't move from that spot as he still felt his body to be almost completely paralyzed.
    "Aww," Adriana said as she patted him on the back. "Hey everybody this isn't sort of a streaker event, don't give him a hard time about this or you'll have to answer to me."
    Steve sort of nodded and waved at the rest of his classmates, some of whom still had their jaws dropping. But it seemed as though Adriana had restored some type of order to the situation, and she started chatting him up and trying to make it as least awkward as possible.
    Strangely enough as he began talking with some of his old classmates and trying to focus on that and trying to ignore the fact that he was naked he almost forgot briefly that he was. Most of the guys sort of avoided him, they probably didn't want to think that people would think they were gay by going to congregate around the naked guy. For his part he found it just as awkward to be around them. He didn't even like getting undressed in the gym locker room!
    He could see Kenny, another person that he remembered from high school who had become sort of a religious fundamentalist who was looking over in his direction and shaking his head in disapproval. He almost wanted to go over there and slap his self-righteous face as though this were a choice.
    "Hi Steve," Elizabeth said, sort of smiling and waving at him before looking down before then looking up and making eye contact with him and blushing profusely.
    "Hey Liz," Steve said. He and Liz had worked on numerous projects together in school but they were always very platonic, but he always thought that maybe there was something more between him, or would have been if he hadn't be so hesitant to ever make a move. The way she was trying her best to not make the situation awkward he could tell that the whole thing was almost as difficult for her as it was for him.
    "Well it was nice seeing you, I mean you know what I mean," Elizabeth said once again looking down and looking up and not exactly sure where she should be looking as she could see her husband looking over in their direction and probably not appreciating the fact that she was talking up the naked guy.
    As he began mingling. as awkward and uncomfortable as the situation was, it was kind of nice to see his high school classmates again, but there was one thing that he didn't notice.
    "I guess Rebecca is not going to show up," he said rather disappointed as he was looking forward to seeing her, but perhaps it was for the best, she would be the one that would be most difficult for him to look straight in the eye without totally losing it and blubbering like an idiot.
    "Wow Steve," Melissa said coming over to him and trying not to stare but he could see that she was adjusting her glasses and pushing them up on her face a lot, and he could see that her eyes were clearly looking down even if she was trying to be subtle about it.
    "Hey Melissa, how have you been," Steve said. Melissa had been his science partner in high school and she was about as nerdy as he was and was always very prim and proper, so it was actually kind of a little bit funny and making him feel a little bit better over the fact that she seemed to be stumbling around the situation. But after some initial awkwardness they actually started having a normal conversation, even though he could see that Melissa's eyes were wandering down often.
    "Hey eyes up here," Steve eventually joked as he could see Melissa blushing and covering up her eyes and looking really embarrassed.
    After they broke the ice it seemed like they were actually laughing and talking rather casually like they did back in high school.
    "You know it's really great being a scientist but being a woman in a stem field it's kind of hard to be taken seriously sometimes, still lots of sexism in those fields," Melissa said once again looking down and finding it hard to be subtle about it.
    "But you know I think there might be some in situations where it's difficult to be taken seriously as a man as well," as Steve sort of waved his hands over his naked body as Melissa burst out laughing and slapping her knees.
    "Well Steve since I am working in medical science maybe I'll be the one to find the cure for your condition," Melissa said fighting a huge smirk. "Although it would be a shame, that's a good look on you!"
    As strange as the whole situation was he had to admit he had a very easy going conversation with Melissa. Even though she couldn't hide the fact that she was constantly looking him over every inch, she was kind of one of those socially awkward nerds the way he was, so they were at least on an equal awkward playing field, well almost, as she still got to keep her clothing on, although he had to admit if the situation were reversed he would probably have a hard time keeping his eyes at level with hers as well. The one thing he liked about her is that they were both very honest and very clinical and scientific about all of this, even though he could tell just from her reactions that she was having a real grand old time with his situation as she never would have dreamed she'd ever see him of all people like that. To be the nerdy girl in high school wasn't the best social situation, but to be the nerdy girl chatting up the naked dude sort of elevated her social status. Something about getting to keep your clothing on while you are with somebody naked just automatically put you one rung above them on the social ladder.
    Steve actually spent much of the night just hanging out with Melissa similarly because even though she was finding it hard to be mature about it there was something honest about her.
    "But if it ever comes up I don't think that we should mention this to my husband," Melissa said. "I don't think that he appreciates me hanging around with naked guys."
    "Hey I'm just as eager to keep my nakedness secret as you are," he said as they winked at one another but as she winked he could see that once again her eyes were roving downward.
    Strangely enough the rest of the evening was more casual. After a while everybody stopped talking about the fact that he was naked although he could see people like Danielle snapping pictures like a maniac in a very rude manner showing that she hadn't changed much or matured all that much since high school, and she pinched his ass at least twice. Turns out she been divorced three times, go figure.
    But plenty of people had told him throughout the evening that he was so brave to go naked in public like that as though it were a choice or something like that.
    But there was something almost normal about being around your high school classmates like that even when you are completely naked. Still he was disappointed that Rebecca never showed up.
    "And now let's give out the awards," Marissa said, as she was the one who arranged the whole event and she smirked over in his general direction. She was another one that was a little bit crazy about him in high school but now that she was there with her husband she tried not to be perving out, although he frequently caught sight of her looking over in his direction, even though it didn't seem to be very pleasing to her husband.
    "I wonder if I'll get traveled the shortest distance to be here," Steve said to Melissa.
    A bunch of classmates won.a bunch of awards most of them are rather humorous but then towards the end of the night Marissa looked directly at Steve.
    "I think a special award has to go to the star of the evening," Marissa said as all of the sudden the spotlight went to Stephen's table. "In high school we gave him the joke award least likely to be seen naked in public, so Steve get your naked ass up here for the irony awards!"
    He really didn't want to go up in front of his entire class, and he would have done anything to get out of this moment, anything to take the focus of attention away from him. He had just gotten use to the fact that everybody was finally stopping staring at him and now here he was directly in the spotlight.
    However at that moment he noticed that everyone was turning and looking behind him.
    "Steve," Rebecca said tapping him on the shoulder.
    At that moment he felt butterflies going through his stomach, how could he turn and face Rebecca like that, why did she only show up now?
    "Holy shit Rebecca is naked!" Giovanni shouted as Steve practically fell out of his chair as he turned around to see standing there in all of her naked glory and blushing bright red was Rebecca with her hands between her legs with her elbows and upper arm covering up her breasts and not doing a very good job of it.
    "Hey do you think we can talk," Rebecca said as she and Steve slowly got up and walked off to the side.
    "Rebecca you're," Steve began muttering and now he couldn't control himself as he knew that he had a very obvious erection.
    "Well yeah so are you and I can see that you are very happy to see me it seems," Rebecca said.
    "Eyes up here!" they both said simultaneously as they began laughing.
    "So how did this –" Steve began saying before she shook her head.
    "Yeah, it looks like we got the same virus, small world huh?" She began looking downward again. "Well I see at least something's not small where it counts!"
    The two of them began laughing and looking down at their feet finding it very hard to make eye contact.
    "Well I can see that some things don't change," Rebecca said. "I thought you were blushing a whole lot after that time you had to kiss me but wow, now you are just lighting up like a Christmas tree!"
    "You know I'm kind of glad that I came tonight in spite of everything, I would have missed out on a lot of fun and a whole lot of interesting comments."
    "Yeah there's something about being naked in public."
    The two of them continued standing there smiling awkwardly.
    "Hey would you like to dance," Rebecca said finally as they could see that everybody else was already dancing.
    "You mean in front of everyone, completely buck naked?"
    Rebecca laughed and nodded. "Yep, completely buck naked!"
    "You don't think that it would be embarrassing?"
    "Oh it absolutely will be, but that's okay, because half of the class are going to be mostly looking at you. If being naked for the short time has taught me anything it's that you can't let embarrassment keep you from living your life, sometimes you just have to go out there and let the whole world see you, including in all of your naked glory!"
    And as crazy as it seemed, just when the evening couldn't get any crazier, Steve found himself taking Rebecca's hand as they began slowly dancing together in the center of the room as the spotlights shined down upon them, and the craziest thing of all was that as they slowly danced their under the lights in front of all of their classmates for the first time all evening they didn't even notice that there was anybody there other than themselves.


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