Stripped Naked by a Twister

I thought of this story a couple of months before I wrote it and then one night during a really windy night I got kind of paranoid that there would be a tornado, even though the area I live in doesn't really get tornadoes. But I ended up having a dream about women getting sucked up by tornadoes and surviving, which reminded me of this story and I figured that now is a good time to do it as any. I actually have fairly frequent dreams where I end up getting sucked up or killed by a tornado so I suppose it was inevitable that I would someday write a story about it at some point.

    The chances of surviving a tornado really are one in 60,000 as I repeated numerous times through the story. Before I wrote this story actually googled can you survive being sucked up by a tornado and the odds are pretty slim as one would suspect, but it is possible that if you don't get annihilated by being clobbered by debris being flung around at 300 mph inside the tornado you could survive with nonfatal injuries even though the odds against it are extremely extremely unlikely, so this story requires I guess some suspension of disbelief even more than a lot of them do, but I think that it works pretty well as unique situation where most people won't find themselves naked by these means.     

When you write a lot of the stories thinking of situations in which people inadvertently find themselves naked you need to constantly be finding new varieties of ways for people to get naked. So far as I know I have never heard of a true story of somebody getting sucked up naked by a tornado and surviving in a situation like this, but I suppose there's a first time for everything!

    Originally I was going to have the tornado itself actually suck her clothing off but then I thought it was probably more realistic, again suspension of disbelief, for her to get sucked up by the tornado while she was in the shower, thus leaving her completely naked in the middle of public which to her is more terrifying than the fact that she got sucked up by a tornado! But ultimately I think this turned out to be a pretty good story involving embarrassed nude female, naked in public, only one naked, CMNF and CFNF.

Stripped Naked by a Twister
"So tell me about how it happened," Dr. Marvin said. "There are not many people who have survived being sucked up by a tornado, the odds are literally one in 60,000 that you would survive and without being horribly injured besides, so it's quite a miracle that you ended up surviving."
    Barbara took a deep breath as she began remembering and describing what had happened.

    Barbara was in the shower when she could hear the wind howling loudly outside.
    "Dear the news is saying that tornadoes have been spotted in the area and that we should go down to the storm cellar right away," her husband Earl said.
    "I'll be out in a minute," Barbara said as she turned off the shower water and began drying off. As she was drying off she couldn't help but notice that the sound of the winds outside were getting louder and louder and it seemed as though the house were shaking. Just as she was going to reach for her clothing that was when all of the sudden she felt the house exploding around her and that was when she lost consciousness.
    When Barbara finally came to she found herself in the middle of a field in a state of shock.
    "Oh my God, I can't believe it, it's a miracle I actually got sucked up by a tornado and survived!" Barbara said as she slowly stood up and started wiping off all of the dirt and grass and blood on her body. "This truly is a miracle, I survived getting sucked up by a tornado and I only suffered superficial injuries. Although I am pretty damn dirty, I guess I would have to take another shower."
    Barbara was laughing to herself at the absurdity that she actually survived being sucked up by a tornado but that was when she noticed something more terrifying as she felt her naked body.
    "Holy shit, I'm naked, I'm naked in public!" Barbara said as she started looking around for anything that she could use to cover herself up but she saw nothing in sight. She was in the middle of nowhere but she could see the town was not that far off. "I should try to get into the town and get help in case I had been more badly injured than I thought, and I should let my husband know that I'm okay, but I don't want to go into town completely buck naked!"
    Barbara could see that the only place nearby was the town and if she wanted to get any kind of help she would have to make her way towards the town and just hope that maybe she could make it back to her home without anybody seeing her.
    As she started walking towards the town she remembered that based on what happened she probably didn't have a home left to go to, and yet at the moment the thought of being seen naked was more terrifying to her than the fact that her home got sucked up by a tornado and that she narrowly avoided being killed. The way she saw it she survived so the tornado was no longer a threat, now the imminent threat was being seen naked in public!
    As she got closer to the town she started becoming more apprehensive as she tried to use her arm to cover up her breasts and her other arm to cover up her genitals, but she could see that there wasn't much that was covering her up. Why couldn't she have gotten dressed before she got sucked up by a tornado?! She realized that that was an absurd thought to be having, and yet at the moment it seemed like all she could think about.
    As she walked through the town which was now just a bunch of debris she was hoping that maybe all of the people focused on the extreme destruction that the tornado left in its path would distract anyone from noticing that a naked woman was walking through the town.
    No such luck, as she could see that everybody stopped turning to look at the debris that had once been their homes and started looking at the naked woman walking through the town.
    "Barbara, are you okay, what are you doing strolling around naked," said James, one of her coworkers and fellow teachers down at the school.
    Barbara was ready to die of embarrassment so she decided that she would just tell the truth.
    "Well I was in the shower and I got sucked up by a tornado and I woke up and found myself naked in the field right outside of town," Barbara said desperately wanting this conversation to be over as soon as possible.
    "You survived getting sucked up by a tornado, that's a miracle, the odds are like one in 60,000," James said.
    "So I have heard," Barbara said knowing that she was now blushing profusely.
    "Hey everybody Barbara's okay," James said as people started coming out from behind the debris and coming out from their storm cellars, and soon a crowd was gathering around all muttering as to why is that woman naked in the middle of a disaster zone like that.
    Barbara wished that she had been killed by the tornado because at least then it would spare her the humiliation of dying more slowly of embarrassment over the fact that everybody in town was coming out of what had once been their homes completely transfixed over the fact that there was a naked woman standing there in the middle of town.
    "But I don't know how this could possibly get worse," Barbara said as she saw a woman with a video camera coming over.
    "And in the middle of a disaster zone it seems that all of the attention is focused on this one woman who seems to be standing around naked for some reason," the reporter with the camera said as she came over to Barbara. "I have to ask you, why are you going around naked in the middle of a disaster zone, are you some kind of exhibitionist who wants all the attention focused on you?"
    "The tornado stole my clothes!" Barbara shouted realizing how idiotic it sounded. "I was in the shower and the tornado picked me up and left me stripped naked in the middle of the field."
    "Astonishing, one brave woman managed to survive a tornado, something that you only have a one in 60,000 chance of surviving, what do you have to say to the people out there who might be watching from home, any words of wisdom or advice on what to do in a horrible and traumatic disaster like this?"
    "Can you maybe not broadcast this, or at least wait until I am dressed before you interview me and maybe not show this part when you broadcast it?"
    "We're actually live right now to an audience of millions of people. Normally this would be a local news station but this is a national disaster, so I think you're probably going to be a celebrity now! How does it feel to be that naked woman who survived being sucked up by a tornado?"
    "My advice to anyone out there is never take a shower in the middle of a tornado, because if you do live you will probably live to regret it. Now can somebody please get me some clothes?!"
    "Brave words from a brave woman, a brave naked woman who survived being sucked up by a tornado and lived to tell the tale while completely naked, here on news Channel 6 exclusive."

    "I understand that the whole experience must have been traumatic," Dr. Marvin said shaking his head. "But after that they managed to get you some towels to cover yourself with, get you to the hospital and reunite you with your husband. It must be hard dealing with the trauma of having survived a tornado like that."
    "Oh I'm not here because I was traumatized by being sucked up by the tornado, I'm traumatized by the fact that everybody in the country saw me naked! Now every time I hear the wind howling I find myself blushing. Do you have any idea what it's like to be seen naked by millions of people on live television, how terrifying that is? Compared to that being sucked up by a tornado is nothing!"
    "Probably kind of like that," Dr. Marvin said as he pointed to a newspaper that he had framed on the wall showing a picture of Barbara struggling to cover herself up in front of a disaster zone.
    Barbara shook her head. "Doctor you have been of absolutely no help."
    "So I guess you won't autograph my newspaper?"
    As Barbara stormed out of the doctor's office the last thing she could think of was that she was going to move to California, living in tornado alley was dangerous enough, but at least on the San Andreas Fault in a major earthquake she would probably still be able to keep her clothes on!


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