Preview of The Big Naked Christmas Wish: The Story of a CFNM Holiday CHapters 1-3

Happy Holidays everyone! I've got a stocking stuffer for you in that I finally got around to reading and editing and publishing my latest CFNM novella. I actually wrote this entire thing last year on Christmas week and just never got around to publishing it until now, but I actually have numerous Christmas related stories under my own name that I wanted to publish as well, so I made it my holiday goal to publish every holiday-related thing that I have that I didn't get around to publishing yet. And I just published this a few hours ago and it seems like I already have one dedicated fan who read the whole book on Kindle according to my royalty counter, so I'm glad about that whoever you are!

But anyway here is a preview of the first few chapters of my novella, and below is a description of the novella and a link where you can buy it on Amazon and hopefully spread the word and give it an excellent review! Most of the five bonus stories I have already posted in my blog however. But I hope you enjoy this latest holiday CFNM novella with a supernatural twist.

The Big Naked Christmas Wish: The Story of a CFNM Holiday Paperback – December 14, 2022
by Mr. Arthur H Pemmington (Author)
Ethan, a shy and uptight guy, is madly in love with the free-spirited Marissa and hopes to ask her to marry him while on their dream Hawaiian Christmas vacation. However Marissa makes a wish on a shooting star that Ethan could be less uptight by wishing that he would be unable to wear clothing from Christmas until New Year's Day, and much to everybody's surprise her wish comes true and Ethan finds himself suddenly allergic to clothing! This will lead them through an exciting and kinky holiday adventure that none of them could have ever imagined in their wildest dreams exploring CFNM (clothed female, nude male).
This and five more stories featuring awkward and embarrassing nudity at the holidays involving naked secret Santas, naked Christmas trees and kinky adventures under the mistletoe!
Print length
117 pages
Publication date
December 14, 2022
6 x 0.27 x 9 inches
Product details
    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BQ4X2WQH
    Publisher ‏ : ‎ Independently published (December 14, 2022)
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    Paperback ‏ : ‎ 117 pages
    ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8369707586
    Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 8.2 ounces
    Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.27 x 9 inches

The Big Naked Christmas Wish: The Story of a CFNM Holiday
"Come on Ethan, we are going to be late if we don't hurry," Marissa shouted as she stood there tapping her foot impatiently. "I swear you are worse than a woman about this. Even I don't spend this much time deciding which clothing I am going to bring on vacation. I have never seen a guy who put so much time and effort into just selecting his clothes."
    "But hey it's not every day we go on a holiday trip to Hawaii, I want to look my absolute best," Ethan said as he finished packing up his suitcase with all of his best outfits.
    Marissa smiled. "Well it will be nice to see you in Hawaiian shirts and short sleeves and shorts rather than those business suits that you are usually wearing all the time. It may be freezing right here in New York and everything, but it's going to be perfect weather for whatever we want to do when we are in Hawaii. It will be nice spending Christmas someplace warm."
    "I have to admit I feel a little bit weird being so underdressed," Ethan said as he put on his coat because it was still very cold out and there was the possibility that it was even going to snow possibly before they got to the airport.
    "But if anything you are an overdressed person if I have ever seen one, and you are somewhat uptight I have to admit. I really love you Ethan, I truly do, but sometimes I think that you need to let loose a little more. You know I heard that they have a lot of nude beaches in Hawaii, in fact I heard that there is a lot of nude friendly places that I am hoping maybe we can check out."
    "You actually want to go to a place where we are going to be naked in public with other people who are also naked in public?"
    "Hey when in Rome, or in this case Hawaii. And what is the idea of going to a tropical vacation in the middle of the winter if you can't show a little skin?"
    "Hey I don't mind showing little bit of skin, but that's a little bit more than a little, that is showing a lot, that is showing basically the whole damn thing! And it's not just showing the skin it's also showing lots of other parts of the body that, practical though they may be, are not meant to be seen by everybody in the general public. Leave somethings to the imagination."
    "But you shouldn't be so shy about that, you have some pretty good parts Ethan," Marissa said as she laughed causing Ethan to blush. "And I have a very vivid imagination! Honestly though, we have been dating for two years now and you still get dressed in the other room, and you always insist that when we make love that we do it with the lights off. Again you're a very attractive man Ethan, so you shouldn't really be so shy about your body like that, Lord knows I'm not."
    "Well that is something I don't mind, but I do think that you are little bit of an exhibitionist."
    "Compared to you the Puritans seemed like they were a bit exhibitionist."
    "Hey that's a low blow, you know I'm no Puritan, it's just I've never been comfortable at the idea of being naked around others. I guess I was just raised in sort of a repressive environment."
    "I'm glad to say that I wasn't, I always loved running around naked as a little girl, although that would cause alarm nowadays, what with all the scares about pedophiles."
    "A fully justifiable fear, I certainly wouldn't want my kids running around naked on the beach or something like that."
    "Are you thinking about having kids Ethan, that seems like a conversation we should have had together don't you think?"
    Ethan swallowed deeply and began blushing again. "Well like you said we had better get going, as we want to get to the airport, as we don't want to miss our flight on such a busy day. The days leading into Christmas are the busiest days at the airport. I just hope they don't do a strip search of us when we get to the airport."
    "Actually I wouldn't mind seeing a strip search, maybe it would loosen you up a bit and put a little bit of thrill into everything," Marissa said as she elbowed him in the side and laughed. "I almost feel like putting a Koran in your suitcase just so that you will get special treatment from the authorities."
    "But that's not funny, not just because it's implying that there is something okay about joking about racism and xenophobia, but I also don't want people thinking I am a terrorist, not that all Muslims are terrorists or anything like that."
    "Actually you would probably fit in really well in one of those really repressive Middle Eastern dictatorships because the people there are covered from head to toe all the time. Personally that would drive me crazy."
    "Well they definitely take it too far, but there is something to be said about modesty and not just showing it all to everybody that you meet. There is a careful balance between being covered in a burqa and being running around naked on a nude beach. Like I always say, all things in moderation."
    Marissa rolled her eyes as this was definitely true about Ethan, as he didn't like to go to any extremes of thought or behavior. When it was time to vote he would always vote for the most overwhelmingly centrist middle of the road candidate. Whenever he wanted a topping on his pizza or other favorite food he would always ask for the mildest form of spices. For Ethan something extreme would be wearing sandals with a suit, and he would probably have a hard time living that down after having done so.
    "Hey I believe in moderation as well, but sometimes you just have to let loose and be a little bit crazy," Marissa said. "But you are right, we had better get going, as we do not want to be late to the airport. The cab should be here any moment."
    As Ethan and Marissa got out in the cold snowy weather they both shivered a bit and thought how nice it would be to be in Hawaii at that time tomorrow, with the bright sun shining down on their hopefully not too covered up flesh.
    Marissa was rather glad that they decided to take a cab to the airport, not just because of the parking, but because Ethan was once again always moderate, even in the way he drove. He would always let other drivers go even when they cut him off. He would always start slowing down well before the light turned yellow, and when it came to parking forget about it, he would circle the block for an hour.
    But she did love him, one of the things she loved about him was the fact that he was always the down to earth one, the reasonable one, and not one to go to extremes or being extravagant. She could realize the value in moderation from him, she just wished that some of her wild side would rub off a little bit on Ethan, and she was hoping that this vacation would be the thing to do the trick.
    Luckily they arrived at the airport in time and there weren't that many delays, of course inevitably they had a long wait going through security, and Ethan always cringed when they had to go through the x-ray machine. Sure they were just seeing his skeleton, but that was more of him than he ever wanted to be exposed to everybody. She remembered when he was in the hospital and he felt bashful about the nurse having to undress him to look at one of his injuries, and he always hated going to his annual physical because the doctor would examine him in all sorts of places that he would rather nobody see.
    And she thought it really was a shame, because Ethan was a rather attractive man, and that was a major reason why she was with him, but it always seemed like it took an effort to get him to let loose and have wild and sexy fun. She was going to try her best on this vacation to make it the most erotic experience of their lives.
    "I always feel really violated going through security, I mean I know it's necessary and I wouldn't want the plane to be hijacked by terrorists or anything like that," Ethan said shaking his head. "But it still seems like a violation of our basic privacy."
    "But don't worry dear, I am sure that if we were hijacked by terrorists you would find some way to make a middle ground between the hijacked and the hijackers and bring about some resolution," Marissa said laughing before she kissed him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to joke at your expense like that, but I actually did mean it as a compliment, in some type of situation like that I think that I would want you to be there, I mean because you would be a comforting and moderating presence. You know how to keep cool in a crisis."
    Ethan shook his head. "Believe me I never had an interest in going into a dangerous job like hostage negotiation. I just find that all of the extremes of the world that seem to be growing worse every day are a little bit too exhausting for me. Maybe I can be a little bit dull and boring sometimes, but I like my office job, I enjoy my spices being mild, and I enjoy the weather being not too hot and not too cold."
    Marissa put her arm around him. "Well Ethan where we are going things are going to be hot hot hot, and I am not just talking about the weather."
    She winked at him causing him to blush again before she shook her head and realized it was going to be a long flight from New York to Hawaii. For a moment she suddenly indulged herself in a fantasy of she and Ethan going into the bathroom and joining the mile high club, but she knew there was no way that someone like him would ever do something like that, especially if people were noticing. In fact knowing Ethan he would try his hardest to avoid going to the bathroom for the entire flight if humanly possible, which it wasn't, but he would try his best to minimize the number of times he had to use a public toilet, especially on an airplane in flight like that. Although she couldn't blame him for being germophobic, as she cringed at some of the toilet seats that she had seen, at least as a guy he didn't always have to sit on it to take a leak.
    After the plane took off Ethan relaxed a little bit. Marissa knew that along with all of his other uptight quirks that the idea of flying was a little bit frightening to him, and it really took a lot to get him to agree to go on a flight to Hawaii, but she knew he knew that it was the thing that she wanted most in all the world, and he never wanted to let her down, another reason why she loved him.
    "Are you okay Ethan," Marissa said as he was looking out the window rather apprehensively. "And please don't tell me that you see some type of gremlin on the wing of the plane disassembling the engine."
    "Don't even joke about that, you know that that Twilight Zone episode terrified the crap out of me as a child, to this day I still can't watch it."
    Going along with the whole idea of moderation Ethan wasn't one for scary movies either, or scary TV shows, or anything that was too weird or bizarre or out of the ordinary. He was definitely the most down to earth man that she knew, and although that was good in some situations she still was disappointed that he always followed the path of least resistance. Sometimes she would like to see him take a chance, take a risk, do something a little bit wild and crazy and out of the ordinary. But that just wasn't the way he was and she accepted him for that.
    "It will be really great just being the two of us on this vacation with total privacy to do whatever we want," Ethan said.
    "Well I was hoping to meet some of my girlfriends that I know who are in Hawaii for Christmas, I hope you don't mind, I know I said that it would just be the two of us on this trip, but I can't really go all the way to Hawaii and not visit my friends there."
    "I've met some of your friends before, you have some pretty wild friends Marissa."
    Marissa laughed. It was definitely true though, her friends were some of the wildest and craziest, and if Ethan knew that she and her friends liked to patronize male strip clubs he would probably totally blow a gasket. She felt a little bit guilty about that, but in every other way she was loyal to Ethan, just taking a little peek here and there at other people was no crime she figured.
    As she suddenly started remembering the last time she went to the strip club with her friends, she thought it was funny that Ethan would probably never be seen dead in a strip club. He was a true gentleman, but sometimes she wished that he was a little bit less of a gentleman, much like some of the characters in her trashy romance novels, one of which she was hiding with a false cover that simply said your guide to Hawaii.
    "Are you enjoying the book that you are reading, looking for places that we can go while we are in Hawaii?" Ethan said, as she suddenly pulled the book away from him so that he wouldn't see what she was really reading.
    "Yeah I think we should hit all of the tourist stuff, and then we should just take it easy and relax on the beach I think for most of the vacation," Marissa said as she briefly remembered the real cover of her book, which had a naked man on the front being surrounded by lots of women ogling him. She always felt that it seemed more like a male fantasy but she wouldn't mind seeing Ethan completely naked and her ogling him like that. She always wanted a guy that she could consider to be arm candy.
    She resumed reading her book, which was about a woman who kept her husband naked while she stayed dressed, and for some reason that idea really captivated Marissa, it really got the blood flowing to all of the correct areas. But she knew that someone uptight like Ethan would probably have a hard time with something like that. Even when they were both mutually naked he preferred for the lights to be off, she couldn't imagine him getting undressed while she kept everything on, as he would probably be blushing, which she had to admit got her turned on, seeing a shy guy all vulnerable and exposed like that.
    She couldn't help but begin snickering to herself as she pictured that whole idea, as it was a really hot idea. She had heard about it on the Internet not long ago, something called CFNM, clothed female, nude male, a fetish that she had never known she had until she had been introduced to it through internet kink communities. It was only then that she realized that she liked the idea of getting to keep her own clothing on while a man was naked and parading around her for her own amusement. But she knew that man would probably never be Ethan, but she could live with that, because in spite of all of his uptightness she really did love him for who he was, even if she did tease him about it constantly.
    Eventually she managed to fall asleep on the plane, even though she could never find it easy to fall asleep on a plane. Then she started having all sorts of perverted dreams and fantasies about what she wanted to do with Ethan when they finally got to Hawaii, fantasies she probably wouldn't have fulfilled, but there was nothing wrong with fantasizing.
    When she woke up she realized that Ethan had gone to the bathroom, probably waiting until she and everybody else had gone to sleep to do so, so that there would be the least likely possibility of people seeing him waiting for the bathroom or running into another person, not as though he was likely to meet anybody that he knew while he was on this vacation.
    She looked out the window and could see that it was the middle of the night. According to her iPhone there was going to be a meteor shower that night. She didn't want to tell Ethan about that because he would probably worry and think that the meteors were going to hit the plane, even though the chances of that happening were basically nothing, less than the possibility of them winning the lottery, or of her winning the lottery, Ethan didn't like to gamble on things with impossible odds like that, being ever the moderate and sensible one.
    She looked out the window and she could see some of the shooting stars going through the sky and thought to herself that she wished that just for one week Ethan could give up all of his inhibitions. Then she had an even more perverted thought, she wished to herself that wouldn't it be cool if Ethan wasn't able to be wearing clothing for the entire week, from Christmas through New Year's Day. She began laughing to herself as she silently made that wish on the shooting star.
    "Hey what's so funny, don't leave me out of the joke loop," Ethan said. "You know how I hate inside jokes that I am not in on."
    Marissa smiled. "No, I was just thinking of something funny, have you ever wished on a shooting star?"
    Ethan laughed. "You know that I am the rational down to earth one, but I have a secret that I have never admitted to anyone, and I hope you won't find it weird or get jealous, but when I was a little young man I had this crush on a girl and I secretly made a wish on a shooting star that I would get to see her naked!"
    "Really, you of all people wished for that?"
    "I told you I wasn't the uptight prude that you think I am, even I have my moments, but of course I realize it's entirely silly, the idea of wishing on a shooting star. I mean if you even did get what you want it would probably just be coincidence don't you think?"
    Marissa tried not to smirk as she thought that it would be a very unlikely coincidence if Ethan was suddenly unable to wear clothing for a week just after she had wished something like that on a shooting star.
    "Well there is such a thing as coincidences, and really really really unlikely coincidences," Marissa said as she laughed to herself. "But you are right it is kind of a silly thing, wishing on a shooting star, but sometimes the silly things are the fun things, know what I mean?"
    "Yeah I do. By the way why did you mention a shooting star?"
    "Well I don't want you to miss the great view, look out the window," she said as he looked at all of the shooting stars.
    Ethan buckled up his seatbelt tightly. "Let's just hope none of them by some type of one in a million coincidence hits the plane."
    Ethan knew the rational odds of being hit by a meteorite were pretty much nothing, but that didn't make him any less stressed, although Marissa gave him credit, this time he didn't take out his inhaler.
    Marissa simply sat back in her seat, rolled her eyes and went back to sleep to fantasize about all the perverted things that she wanted to do when they got to Hawaii, and the great thing was that by the time she woke up they should hopefully be practically there already.

Their plane landed in Hawaii sometime in the late afternoon of December 24, Christmas Eve.
    "Come on let's get off the plane quickly," Ethan said as he started pushing and shoving down the aisles.
    "Why are you so eager to get off the plane so quickly after we have been on the plane for so many hours already?" Marissa asked as she noticed that he seemed to be dancing in place. "Oh I forgot you haven't used the bathroom more than once in the entire flight."
    "Something about being in the air makes it kind of difficult to use the bathroom, I'm worried that the toilet will suck me out into space or something like that," Ethan said shaking his head as Marissa couldn't help but laugh.
    "I'm sorry but sometimes your paranoia and your irrational fears can be rather entertaining," she said thinking how crazy he was sometimes. That was precisely why they could never join the mile high club, not just that he wouldn't ever do something like that on a public airplane like that, but also because he would be afraid if he was sitting on the toilet that his ass would get sucked out into the atmosphere and that his intestines would be trailing behind the plane.
    As they made their way down the aisles of the plane she could see that Ethan was getting rather frantic, and she couldn't help but find it a little bit entertaining to see him having to go to the bathroom so bad. She kind of liked it when he got in these situations that made him more antsy like that. It was one of the few times that he comes close to losing his cool, and it was always funny to watch him attempt to maintain his struggle for dignity and self-control in every single circumstance.
    As they got off of the plane there were lots of scantily clad dancing girls who were wearing Hawaiian leis and putting them around the necks of the people as they were coming out of the plane. She couldn't help but notice that Ethan was staring at them, probably wondering why they were showing so much flesh, while he was still wearing his winter coat.
    "Honestly Ethan we are in a tropical paradise and you still haven't taken off your winter coat yet," Marissa said as she touched his coat and ran the fabric between her fiingers.
    "Well when we left New York it was still rather cold out, and I wasn't going to get undressed and get redressed and everything on the plane. When we get to our cabin then we can get undressed."
    "Well I'll be looking forward to that," she said as she elbowed him in the side and winked, causing him to blush again. She thought it was rather cute that he seemed to blush at every single thing like that, it was one of those things that she found attractive about him.
    "Welcome to Hawaii," one of the Hawaiian women said as they placed the Hawaiian leis around their necks.
    "None for me, I might be allergic to something like that," Ethan said as he took it off and put it around Marissa's neck.
    Marissa again rolled her eyes as she accepted the second Hawaiian lei around her neck so that Ethan wouldn't break out in hives over whatever happened to be in the flowers. She thought that he was probably also worried that the Hawaiian leis would somehow attract lots of deadly snakes after they had seen that movie Snakes on a Plane. After they had watched that movie together he vowed he would never get on a plane again, so it took a lot of convincing to get him to go on a trip like this, and she thought it was really sweet of him to take her on a trip like this, seeing as he had such a terrible fear of snakes on an airplane.
    "Don't worry Ethan, if there were any snakes on the plane I am sure that Samuel L Jackson would get the motherfucking snakes off the motherfucking plane for us," Marissa said as she laughed.
    She didn't mean to tease him so relentlessly like that, but it did seem like he had a lot of fears and phobias, and he was one of those guys who happened to be allergic to everything, although that didn't stop him from over dressing all the time. For a man who seemed to be allergic to everything he didn't seem to be allergic to his clothing.
    That was when Marissa suddenly thought back to the wish that she had made on the shooting star the other night, and how funny it would be if it actually came true, if Ethan did suddenly find himself completely allergic to clothing. She had to admit that the thought of that was a very entertaining prospect, even though she was sure that Ethan probably wouldn't see it as enjoyable the way she would.
    On the other hand if something like that happened to him he would have to deal with it eventually, and she would be greatly enjoying watching him do so. Maybe something like that would get him over his inhibitions finally, she could only hope. But of course it was silly to believe that a wish on a shooting star would make something ridiculous like that happen, and she couldn't help laughing to herself.
    "What's so funny now, you're thinking of me terrified of snakes on the plane aren't you?" Ethan said shaking his head. "I am sure that if there were snakes on the plane trying to kill us you wouldn't find it very funny."
    "It's nothing Ethan, I was just thinking of something funny, I know you don't like it but it's an inside joke, let's just say you had to be there to get the joke. And you are right if we were being attacked by deadly snakes on a plane I probably wouldn't find that whole prospect amusing, but once again that was a pretty far-fetched movie to begin with, so I think that we can probably go on a plane and be confident that we are not going to see any deadly snakes attacking us, we are not going to see any pterodactyls attacking the plane, and you're not going to see a gremlin disassembling the engine."
    "You see this is why I don't like science fiction and horror that much, too many things to be afraid of, aren't there already enough things from the real world and in this reality for us to be afraid of?"
    "For a man who doesn't seem to think that those scenarios are realistic you seem to have an unrealistic fear of them. Sometimes you actually do let your imagination run wild, and I feel like if you let yourself run wild a little bit more maybe your imagination wouldn't scare you so much. There is much to be said about a good rich and healthy imagination, an imagination that indulges in all sorts of fantasies, the type of fantasies that some type of people would hope to be living out while they are in a tropical paradise."
    She winked at him as once again he blushed and she began laughing. She never got tired of teasing him about these things, and the fact that he was so awkward and insecure actually made him more attractive in her eyes, although she didn't want to admit that to him, although she thought that maybe he had some inkling.
    But even on vacation Marissa knew that she could only push Ethan so far. She didn't doubt that he had fantasies of his own, but he was less likely to try and live them out, and his fantasies she was sure probably weren't as crazy and out there as hers were. She didn't know exactly what Ethan would actually think if she had been reading novels about men being stripped naked so that their women could parade them around as sex trophies.
    Once they got off of the plane and got their luggage, and after Ethan had ran to the bathroom like a bat out of hell, probably on the verge of pissing himself, they gathered up their things and they called a cab from the airport. When the cab arrived they were able to enjoy a nice scenic view of the coastal region.
    "Dear God Ethan, when are you going to take off your jacket," Marissa said shaking her head. "I am sweating just looking at you wearing that thing."
    "Oh don't worry, when we get to the hotel the first thing I'm going to do is take this off and get undressed."
    "But how much are you going to get undressed," she said laughing and elbowing him again as he once again blushed as he could see that the cabdriver was overhearing and smiling and smirking to himself.
    She always liked to tease him a little bit in public like that, but he wasn't all one for showing much affection in public in general. She knew that he loved her but he was definitely a bit uncomfortable when it came to public displays of intimacy, or even private displays of intimacy. She thought that deep down he was probably even kinkier than she was, because people who are uptight about that are always the people with the weirdest kinks. She couldn't help but look at Ethan and start undressing him with her eyes and smiling to herself.
    "What are you smiling about?" Ethan said "I know that look in your eye, you are having devious thoughts again aren't you?"
    "What would be the purpose of being in a tropical paradise if we weren't going to give into our most devious thoughts and fantasies?"
    "Don't worry we are going to have a great time here in Hawaii, this is going to be one trip to remember, I'm sure that we will never forget it."
    Marissa took out her phone and snapped a picture of him. "We will call this the before picture, and then we will take one on the way home and call that the after picture."
    "Are you expecting the two of them to be different?"
    Marissa shrugged her shoulders. "I guess we will see on the way back now won't we?"
    The rest of the cab ride to the hotel was relatively quiet and uneventful, however as they were driving past the beach Marissa saw a sign that said clothing optional and she couldn't help but smile to herself.
    "Don't you think that looks like a rather nice beach down there," Marissa said pointing out the window as Ethan looked out the window with her.
    "Yeah they don't have beaches like that in New York, that's for sure. I mean we can go down to beaches in New York but we don't have a tropical environment like this, with palm trees and beautiful sun and sand and, wow."
    "Yeah I noticed the naked people on the beach too, I didn't think we would be able to see them from here!" Marissa shouted. "I guess they don't have to worry about any tan lines. Maybe we should check that beach out, it's not that far from where our cabin is situated."
    As she made the suggestion she couldn't help but look at Ethan blushing again and smile. She knew that she would never get him to go to a nude beach, and she certainly wouldn't get him undressed at a nude beach, but she figured a girl can dream can't she? At least they would have a nice cabin to themselves, and hopefully he would open up and be a little less uptight when they were in private. She was hoping that the tropical environment would hopefully inspire them.
    As they arrived at their cabin and got their bags out of the cab they could see that there was a nice board walk along the beach and they saw people drawing caricatures.
    "Hey it's all those portrait drawers, why don't we go and get some crazy portraits made of ourselves," Marissa said. "It would make a nice souvenir of our first activity here in Hawaii."
    "But isn't that kind of silly though, those characters always make people look crazy, I mean who goes around with a giant head rolling around on rollerblades?"
    "But that's the point Ethan, the whole point of caricatures is that they're supposed to be overblown and over-the-top, they're supposed to be silly and entertaining like that, showing you what you would look like in an unrealistic situation."
    "Well if that's really what you would like to do, okay then let's go get some crazy caricatures made."
    They quickly got into their cabin and saw that it was small but was rather nice, nice and cozy and intimate. They quickly got dressed into clothing that was more appropriate to the climate, Ethan of course getting dressed in the bathroom, where as Marissa didn't bother hiding herself as she just got undressed there in the bedroom. When Ethan came out and saw her getting undressed he put his hand over his eyes and apologized, but she said that she didn't mind him looking, in fact she would wish that he would look even more.
    "Honestly Ethan sometimes you are too much of a gentleman, but it's nice to see that you are finally out of that winter coat now that we are in Hawaii!" She said. "When you are in a tropical paradise it's not inappropriate to show a little bit of skin now and again."
    They went outside and they went down to the Boardwalk where the guy who drew caricatures started going to work on them. He drew a picture of Marissa with a giant head on rollerblades wearing a Hawaiian lei with her eyes bugging out of her skull.
    "I think you look a lot prettier than you do in this picture," Ethan said as he paid for the portrait.
    "What, are you saying that you wouldn't find me attractive if I had a giant head and was going around on rollerblades with my eyes bugging out of my skull?" Marissa said.
    Ethan kissed her on the forehead. "No I would love you no matter what you look like, although I like the way you look in reality more than you do in some type of crazy caricature."
    "Now it's your turn," she said as she sat him down in front of the painter. As Ethan sat down for his portrait she had sort of a wicked thought, she thought it would be cool if they painted a portrait of what he would look like naked, but she thought he would never go for that, and that would be kind of a weird thing to request for a Boardwalk painter.
    At the end of the day the Boardwalk artist proved himself to be less than original when he drew a picture of Ethan with a giant head with his eyes bugging out of his skull on rollerblades.
    "I guess getting a big head while you are rollerblading must be a popular pastime here in Hawaii," he said as he paid for the portrait and the two of them went back to the hotel to hang them up on the wall.
    "I guess we can call ourselves the big headed rollerblading couple," Marissa said as they looked at the portraits on the wall.
    "I've only been rollerblading once in my life, and let's just say it didn't go exactly spectacularly," Ethan said as he remembered that time he went rollerblading with his friends and almost suffered a concussion. It was the first time he went rollerblading and it was also the last time he would ever use rollerblades.
    "I haven't been rollerblading that much myself, but again the whole idea is it's just supposed to be silly, the idea of everyone rollerblading with a big head is supposed to be funny," Marissa said.
    "Well they are rather funny pictures, I will admit that, although even as big headed rollerbladers as we make a cute couple don't you think? So where do you want to go for dinner tonight? It will be nice to be eating something that wasn't an in-flight meal."
    Marissa looked at her watch. "Well it's getting late, so we probably don't have time to do much else today, but I think that we can at least start off today with a good Hawaiian meal. Maybe we can even go to the luau afterwards."
    The two of them went to a nice little restaurant that had all sorts of tropical dishes for them to try. They had a combination of seafood and all sorts of tropical fruit at a candlelit dinner.
    "This is so romantic Ethan, I can't believe that I am actually going to be able to spend my Christmas vacation in a tropical paradise like this," Marissa said smiling. "I mean I like snow and everything, and always appreciated a white Christmas, but nothing can beat having a tropical holiday season."
    As the two of them finished eating their dinner, Marissa had to admit that she was feeling rather amorous. Something about the warm atmosphere that she was unaccustomed to around this time of year was getting her all hot and bothered, and she was wondering if Ethan was feeling similar. Ethan may not have been running around naked on the beaches but she liked seeing him in short sleeves, shorts and sandals, even though he repeatedly mentioned how he felt rather silly about it.
    "Want to go for a walk on the beach," Ethan said, as she was glad to see him showing some initiative. She actually thought that it was rather touching that he would ask that because they always joked about the fact that they met on an online dating service where both of them put that they liked long walks on the beach. They both put that because they had no idea what to put on a survey like that, and they joked that it was a sign that they were meant to be soulmates.
    Marissa took him by the hand and the two of them started walking along the beach. The moon was bright in the sky, and it seemed like there was hardly any pollution, probably because Hawaii was so far from the mainland. They could see off in the distance was what looked like a volcano that they figured had been long dormant.
    "I heard that they used to sacrifice virgins to volcanoes," Ethan said. "I wonder if that was really true or whether it was just a myth."
    "Well I know that I am certainly in the clear on that one," Marissa said with a laugh. "But just to be sure we had better start doing it like animals just because we don't want to take a chance now do we?"
    Ethan pulled her close to her and kissed her, and she suddenly started having fantasies of them stripping naked and having sex right there on the beach. They actually joked about that in their profile as well, they both seemed to think it was funny to say that their favorite drink was a sex on the beach, and she thought that it was funny that Ethan of all people put that in his proflile when he was probably the last person in the world she could picture doing something like having sex on the beach, although she could still fantasize she figured.
    As they continued walking along the beach at night Marissa had to admit that she had never done this with a guy before, and it was like her dream was actually coming true. So far they had only been in Hawaii for a couple of hours but everything was going exactly as she wanted it to. Ethan even seemed to be opening up a little bit and wasn't seeming as uptight, so she figured that maybe she had better take advantage of the situation while she could and get them back to their cabin on the beach.
    When they walked into the cabin Marissa was about to start tearing her clothing off but then she had sort of a wickedly kinky idea that she had never tried before.
    "That was a lovely evening wasn't it," Ethan said as he took off his sandals and looked out the window. "And we have a perfect view of the ocean and everything right here. I just hope that the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore doesn't keep us awake tonight."
    "Well I didn't plan on doing that much sleeping tonight, if you catch my drift," Marissa said once again eager to tear off her clothing, but hoping that maybe Ethan would take a hint.
    "I think I do," Ethan said as he started unbuttoning his shirt and very slowly taking it off. Marissa found that her heart was pounding just from that little bit, as Ethan really did take good care of himself. She figured that when you were paranoid and phobic about everything it paid to take good care of your health and to stay physically fit, another thing that she liked about him. He may have had lots of quirks but his quirks at least resulted in him having an attractive body.
    As Ethan continued getting undressed Marissa simply stood there licking her lips and smiling. Although the lights were off, as they always were when they were about to be intimate, the moonlight was so bright that she could see Ethan rather clearly.
    As Ethan stood there completely naked in front of her she could see that he was looking rather awkward and staring at her.
    "So what exactly are you waiting for," Ethan said wondering why she hadn't taken off her clothing yet.
    "Ethan this is going to sound strange, but I have kind of a weird little fantasy if you will indulge me."
    "A weird little fantasy?" he raised his eyebrows, as now he was rather intrigued.
    "Well normally I am the first one to get undressed and to just rip it off like some type of crazy person ripping off a straitjacket, but do you mind if I stay dressed for a little while and just admire the fact that you are naked?"
    "Admire the fact that I am naked?"
    "Yeah, just admire your body and everything like that, you have a nice one and you should show it off sometimes."
    Ethan blushed and shrugged his shoulders. "I guess that would be okay."
    So as he stood there completely naked she started walking and circling around him like a vulture circling their prey. Ethan had to admit that this whole situation was feeling really weird to him, and he was wondering what type of angle that Marissa was getting at with this whole ordeal, but as she continued circling around him and smiling he had to admit that it felt kind of nice to be on display and to have somebody admiring him like that, even though he knew he was blushing profusely the entire time.
    "Are you enjoying this?" Ethan said, looking awkwardly at Marissa and continuing to blush.
    "You know Ethan I really am, it's sort of a weird thing but I just realized that I have never been fully dressed while you are completely naked."
    "But you're going to get naked as well aren't you?" Ethan said, suddenly wondering what was taking her so long to take her clothes off, as this was a very unusual situation.
    "Yeah I guess so," she said as she slowly started undressing and saw that Ethan was getting excited at the prospect. "Well I can see that you're certainly happy to see me like this, now you understand why I wanted to see you like this."
    "But you have seen me like this plenty of times."
    "Not while you were the only one naked."
    "So have I satisfied your curiosity about that?"
    She shrugged her shoulders "I guess so," she said, but she had to admit her curiosity was only growing and she felt weird about the whole thing. Now that they were both fully naked together somehow the buzz of the situation wasn't as intense.
    Just the same they started going at it like animals, and by the time they were done Marissa had to admit that there was something about that brief little stretch of time where he was naked and she was not that made her feel exhilarated and got her in the mood like never before.
    As she sat there lying naked in bed with Ethan and looking out the window at the moonlight shining upon their naked bodies, she had to admit this was one of the most romantic moments of her life, but at the same time she looked at Ethan there in bed and once again thought of her wish, her wish that when the morning came that he wouldn't get dressed again.
    She shrugged her shoulders, shook her head and rolled over in bed with Ethan. It was unlikely, but the way she kept telling herself, a girl can dream can't she?
    It was her first experience of being completely dressed while a man was completely naked and at her disposal, however briefly, but she was hoping with all her heart that it certainly would not be the last, and she looked forward to exploring this more in the future.
    As she closed her eyes and went to sleep that night she couldn't help but dream of this being the new normal, however unlikely, but once again there was nothing wrong with dreaming.

December 25, Christmas Day.
    Marissa slept rather restlessly that night because she was so hot and bothered by her night with Ethan that it was hard for her to concentrate on anything. The way she saw it she pretty much already got her Christmas gift by getting to keep her clothing on while Ethan was shy and naked in front of her. Something about seeing him all vulnerable like that and within her field of vision made her feel powerful like she had never felt before.
    Marissa was always a very successful woman in real estate, and knew what it was like to feel powerful and successful, but she never knew what it was like to feel powerful and successful in the bedroom like that. She was always a little bit more dominant than Ethan, but the whole thing that had happened last night just put her over the top and made her feel powerfully in charge.
    She couldn't help but fantasize about recapturing that feeling and was hoping that Ethan would indulge her further in the future, it was her Christmas wish after all. Christmas morning always made her feel like a kid again, at least until she realized that everything that she would ask Santa for would in no way be appropriate for children!
    Marissa often felt like a pervert for all of the fantasies that she had, but she was a woman who owned her own sexuality and didn't let anybody make her feel guilty about it. In this relationship Ethan was the one who was a little bit more uptight, but he was never judgmental of her, and that was another thing that she liked about him.
    As she yawned and thought to herself that she could probably use a little bit more sleep, she woke up smiling as she saw that Ethan was still naked in bed. Usually Ethan would get dressed right away after they had made love like that, but the fact that he was still in bed naked was just making her feel even more amorous, and she almost wanted to wake him up right then and there, but she was enjoying the fact that they were naked in bed together and that she could look under the covers and look at him as long as she wanted.
    Once again she didn't really understand why Ethan was so shy, seeing as he had a really nice body, so it was a shame that he was always covering it up at the first opportunity. She was taking this opportunity to really revel in the fact that she was naked in bed with him.
    Eventually however she got up and decided that she would take her shower but when she dried off she was eager to put her bathrobe on. Something about being covered up in her bathrobe suddenly made her feel like she had some little bit of power.
    Slowly and carefully she walked back into the bedroom and removed the sheets from Ethan's body, so that she could watch him sitting there naked in bed while she was all nice and covered up. The fact that she was watching him naked in his sleep made her feel like a voyeur, and something about that got her heart racing at the thrill of it. The fact that she was looking at him naked and he didn't even know it was making her positively giddy, and she could barely contain her excitement.
    As she walked around looking at Ethan's naked body she felt like tickling him, because she knew that he was excruciatingly ticklish, but then that would wake him up and end her fun. She couldn't help but point at his butt and laugh. Sometimes things like this made her feel really immature, especially for a grown woman, as this was more like something a teenage boy would do to a teenage girl that she wasn't suspecting, but she was just reveling in the fact that she was standing there fully dressed while her boyfriend was naked and out on display on the bed.
    After a few minutes of watching Ethan she noticed that he seemed to be squirming around and looked like he was getting cold, goosebumps appearing on his body. He started tossing and turning as though he were trying to cover himself with the blanket, and she found it cute that even in his sleep he seemed like he was a little bit uncomfortable with his naked body being exposed like that.
    Finally Ethan woke up and he saw Marissa standing there staring at him with a big smile on her face as he went to go cover himself up only to realize that she had pulled the sheets off of him.
    "Merry Christmas my love," she said as Ethan smiled and blushed.
    "Merry Christmas!" he said as he rubbed his eyes. "Hey, where did my clothing go?"
    "I don't know, where did you leave it," Marissa said as she subtly pushed his clothing under the bed with her foot, not wanting this situation to be over anytime soon.
    "I thought that I left it right at the side of the bed but I don't see it anywhere," Ethan said as he looked over the side of the bed.
    Marissa shook her head. "Don't worry I'm sure it will show up eventually, weren't you going to take your shower anyway?"
    "Well yes, I was, but I would like to know where my clothing is so that when I come out of the shower I can get dressed."
    Marissa shook her head. "Why are you always so eager to get dressed in the morning, personally I think that your birthday suit is a good look on you!" She began laughing as she could see that once again he was blushing profusely and looking extremely uncomfortable. "Don't worry, you just take your shower and I will find your clothing for you, I mean where could it possibly have gone?"
    Ethan reluctantly got up from the bed, and Marissa couldn't help but take a good look at his ass as he walked to the bathroom and started whistling at him as he turned around, looking extremely embarrassed, as she began laughing. She never got tired of teasing him like that.
    As Ethan went into the bathroom to take a shower, Marissa knew that she should get looking for his clothing, but then she remembered she knew exactly where it was and she decided that she would indulge her voyeuristic inclinations a little bit more by very slowly going over to the bathroom door and peeking through the crack that was opening the door so that she could see Ethan taking a hot steamy shower.
    Once again, although she was usually the first one to tear her clothing off, something about the fact that she was dressed and that she knew he was naked and didn't know where his clothing was was making her feel especially frisky. Wasn't she entitled to some holiday fun after all?
    As Ethan came out of the shower and began drying himself off with a towel, Marissa couldn't help but resist the urge to open the door.
    "Surprise!" she shouted, opening the door as Ethan covered himself up with the towel as she began laughing. "Sorry I couldn't resist!"
    "Did you find my clothing?" Ethan said once again blushing and trying his best to hide it.
    Marissa nodded. "But you're going to have to come out and get it." While Ethan was distracted Marissa leaned forward and grabbed the towel and pulled it away from him. "Yoink!"
    "Hey come back here!" Ethan shouted as he ran out into the cabin as he saw Marissa standing there holding his towel wrapping it around her finger and laughing, and once again he was looking positively flush with embarrassment.
    Marissa realized that she was being extremely immature but something about keeping his clothing from him and even just keeping the towel from him was making her feel a powerful rush of excitement that she didn't want to end. She didn't know why she was getting such an adrenaline rush from all of this, but something about it was making her feel powerfully in control in a way that she had never felt before.
    "Keep away!" Marissa said as she held the towel in her hand before he came and took it away from her, disappointingly ending her fun.
    "What has gotten into you?" he asked as he covered himself up with his towel before moving away from his body.
    "What's wrong Ethan?"
    "Well first off, you are acting like some type of horny teenage girl."
    "Guilty as charged, you know that hole that somebody drilled in the girls locker room back in high school, that thing works both ways and I was very glad and thankful for that!" she said laughing and slapping her knees.
    "The other thing though is that I seem to have gotten some type of a rash," Ethan said. "I feel like there is something wrong with this towel, like it's giving me some type of allergic reaction or something like that."
    "So now you're allergic to a bathroom towel?" Marissa said shaking her head, wondering what he was going to be an allergic to next.
    "Well anyway I guess I am dry enough, do you have my clothing," Ethan said as Marissa remembered it was under the bed. She figured that she had had her fun with him long enough and it was time for her to be nice and finally get his clothing.
    Marissa reached under the bed and got his clothing and handed it to him as he slowly started getting dressed. However as soon as he was dressed he started looking extremely uncomfortable.
    "What's the matter?" she asked, wondering what was the problem now.
    She was shocked when all of the sudden Ethan suddenly started tearing off his clothing and throwing it to the floor and patting his naked skin as though he were on fire or something like that.
    "Ethan I am glad that you decided to put on your more attractive suit," Marissa said with a smirk.
    "But it's not funny, it felt like that clothing was burning my flesh," Ethan said as he continued patting his naked skin. Something about the way he was smacking his naked flesh like that was getting her excited again, but she felt that she should be serious for a moment, as something could actually be wrong.
    "Burning your flesh? But you wear that stuff all the time, certainly you couldn't be allergic to whatever fabric is in your clothing just all of the sudden like that, could you?"
    "I don't know, but I could feel that my skin was burning, and I feel that it's producing some type of allergic reaction."
    Marissa couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement as he stood there naked and rubbing himself in front of her, it was once again giving her that great feeling of power that she had felt last night, but she realized that maybe she was being mean and ignoring what could be a really serious problem.
    "Here, let me take a look at it," Marissa said as she began feeling his skin. She was genuinely concerned but that didn't mean she was going to turn down an opportunity to feel his naked body like that! She also smiled a bit when she could see him squirming around a bit because her touching him like that was clearly tickling him.
    "Maybe if I put on a different outfit," Ethan said as he reached into his suitcase and began getting dressed. He stood there for a moment before he began tearing off his clothing and throwing it onto the floor just like the first time.
    "No good?" Marissa asked now suddenly genuinely baffled at what was going on.
    "I don't know what it is, but every time I put on an article of clothing it seems like it is burning my flesh."
    "But I have never heard of an allergy that makes it feel like your flesh is burning just when clothing is touching it."
    "Neither have I, and I have worn these outfits numerous times before and I never had any reaction in the past, it's just like I woke up suddenly this morning and it's like I can't even get dressed or something!"
    That was when all of the sudden Marissa remembered her wish on the shooting star the night before, but that was a crazy idea, no way could something like that ever happen for real. She was open-minded about these type of things but that was just too absurd for her taste, and she knew that if she suggested the possibility that Ethan would say that she was being crazy, as he certainly did not believe in things like that.
    "Well if you don't want to get dressed I certainly won't be disappointed," Marissa said laughing nervously but seeing that Ethan looked like he was genuinely concerned.
    "But this is serious Marissa, let me try something else," Ethan said as he went through every outfit that he had but as soon as he put each one on he immediately started tearing it off and smacking his naked flesh, and it was kind of hard for Marissa to resist the urge to laugh, as she knew this was a serious situation, but she couldn't help but enjoy seeing him like that.
    "It's not funny Marissa, this is a serious problem!" he shouted as he sat there naked on the bed covering himself up.
    "I'm sorry, I realize this is serious, but it's kind of hard not to get a little bit turned on when you see a naked guy slapping himself like that. What do you think we should do? Do you think maybe I should bring you to the doctor?"
    "I can't exactly go to the doctor like this!" he shouted, and she could see that now he was beginning to panic.
    "Actually I heard that this particular resort and the whole area is clothing optional, public nudity actually isn't illegal in the place where we happen to be, so you could actually leave the house like that and it wouldn't be a crime."
    "Marissa I'm not going to the doctor completely naked like this, I'm not leaving this cabin like this, do you get me?"
    Marissa nodded. "Yeah I suppose that would be kind of weird, and I know how you feel about going naked in public. Maybe we could get a doctor who makes a house call, I will just explain that you seem to be having a allergic reaction to your clothes and maybe they can come and see you here."
    "Oh my God, this is just mortifying," Ethan said shaking his head and putting his face in his palms.
    "Don't worry everything's going to be okay, here I'll call the doctor," Marissa said as she used her phone to look up the nearest doctor to see if they made house calls. She quickly made an appointment for the doctor to come see him right away and gave them the address. "Don't worry she'll be here really soon."
    "She?" Ethan said already blushing, crossing his legs and rubbing his naked body with his arms.
    "Oh God Ethan, don't be a baby, she's a doctor, she's really professional about these things, you know how many guys that she must have seen naked over the years? Hundreds, probably thousands! Hey maybe I should consider getting my PhD!" She could see that Ethan wasn't laughing, so she figured she had better stop teasing him. "I'm sorry Ethan, I didn't mean to tease you like that, this is a serious matter, but don't worry I am sure that the doctor will get it resolved."
    Marissa sat down on the bed next to Ethan and there were several moments of awkward silence. Marissa figured that she had better get dressed before the doctor arrived, and that made her feel like she was really rubbing it in to Ethan, but she didn't really want the doctor to see her in her bathrobe.
    Once Marissa was dressed she sat down next to Ethan and she could see that he was clearly uncomfortable, and once again she felt even more guilty now because she was getting sort of a power rush over the fact that she was fully dressed while he was sitting there naked next to her with no way to cover himself up.
    Finally there was a knock at the door, and Marissa opened it only to find that it looked like it was Christmas carolers.
    "We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year," the carolers said until they caught an eyeful of Ethan sitting naked on the couch as he covered himself up and began screaming.
    "Thank you for the lovely caroling, but we are actually waiting for a doctor right now, you see my boyfriend Ethan there is kind of allergic to clothing all of the sudden and –" Marissa started saying as Ethan kept making motions with his hand to close the door as well as putting his fingers over his lips, like don't broadcast it to the entire world. "Anyway thank you for the thought, but we really do have to be going."
    "You could have given me a heads up before you opened the door like that!" Ethan said as he stood up looking defiant, but Marissa was finding it hard to take him seriously seeing as he was still completely naked and blushing profusely.
    "Sorry I thought that it was the doctor!" Marissa said giggling. "But it was kind of funny to see the looks on their faces when they got a glance of you, and you should have seen your face!" But she could see that Ethan wasn't laughing. "Sorry, but it was kind of funny, you have to admit."
    They waited a few more minutes and then they heard another knock at the door. Marissa made sure to look to see that it was the doctor before opening the door.
    "I'm Dr. Spinelli," she said as she walked in. She was a tall and attractive woman, and for a moment Marissa almost felt jealous that she was going to get to see Ethan naked like that, but then she figured that she shouldn't be jealous of the doctor like that.
    "Here's the patient," Marissa said, leading Dr. Spinelli over to Ethan who sat there on the bed cringing.
    "Hi Doc," Ethan said, and they could both tell from his voice that this was excruciating for him.
    "Well I guess I don't need to tell you to get undressed," Dr. Spinelli said as she laughed. "Sorry just a little bit of doctor humor."
    Dr. Spinelli ordered Ethan to stand up and she started examining his skin and didn't see any signs of an allergic reaction. She then took blood, which almost made Ethan pass out, as he had a phobia of needles. Dr. Spinelli conducted a thorough examination of every inch of Ethan's body, with him sort of squirming around as Marissa could see that what she was doing was tickling him.
    "My my, we really are sensitive to touch aren't we," Dr. Spinelli said with a smirk.
    "Tell me about it," Marissa said with a big smile before giving a more serious look. "So what's wrong with him Doc?"
    "Well I will have to see what the blood tests reveal when I get back to the laboratory and everything, but as far as I can tell from his examination there doesn't seem to be anything physically wrong with him."
    "What are you saying Doc?" Ethan said. "It felt like my flesh was on fire when my clothing touched it."
    Dr. Spinelli nodded. "You see here's the thing Ethan, don't you find it rather strange that the only thing that burned your flesh was your clothing? It seems like sitting on the couch or sitting on the bed doesn't seem to be producing any type of allergic reaction. And you say that you have not had any type of allergic reaction to these fabrics before?"
    "Doc I am allergic to a very wide variety of things, but I have never had an allergic reaction to wearing these clothes before," Ethan said pointing to his clothing. "It's inexplicable, it really is just like I woke up this morning and suddenly I was allergic to clothing!"
    Dr. Spinelli looked at his clothing carefully and shook her head. "But I have never heard of somebody inexplicably just suddenly becoming allergic to clothing, particularly all different forms of clothing that they had never been allergic to before. May I suggest the possibility that this is a psychosomatic reaction?"
    "What, you're saying that I'm faking it," Ethan said. "Why would I do something like that?"
    Dr. Spinelli shook her head. "Psychosomatic doesn't mean that you are faking it, it means that it's sort of in your head, that there is a psychological reason for why you are having this type of reaction. There is nothing that I can see that is physiologically wrong with you, but clearly this reaction is very real to you. I will have to wait until I hear the results of the blood test, but in the meantime I am thinking that maybe there is some type of psychological reason why you are having this reaction all of the sudden."
    "Well we did take an airplane here, and as a result of watching that movie Snakes on a Plane Ethan was kind of afraid. And this is a new environment for us, as we have never been to a tropical place before. Do you think that maybe Ethan's fears of flying have made him break out in hives or something?"
    "Like I said, there is nothing physiologically wrong with him, so he isn't breaking out in hives or anything like that, but I do think that the root cause of this problem could be psychological. I will get back to you with the blood test results, but in the meantime I would just try to relax and enjoy yourself. You said that you were here on vacation on the phone, and just be glad that you happen to be someplace warm and tropical, and also clothing optional."
    "Thank you doctor, we eagerly await hearing from you, but don't worry I will take good care of Ethan in the meantime," Marissa said as Dr. Spinelli smiled and went towards the door. Marissa couldn't help but notice that she took one last look at Ethan and seemed like she was getting a good eye full of him.
    "Well now what do we do now?" Ethan said as he sat there naked on the couch still blushing away hundred miles a second.
    Marissa couldn't help but smile. "I say that we do what we came here to do, and have a very Merry Christmas!"
    Although she had to admit that Ethan didn't look like he was as enthusiastic as she was, the prospect that he would be spending the entire Christmas day completely naked made her feel like she just got her Christmas gift already, and she knew that it was going to be a long and interesting day ahead of them, a Christmas that neither of them would ever forget.


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