A Very Naked New Year

I thought that this was just a short story to do for New Year's that I thought was a really good idea. I think something came up on social media about what is the craziest New Year's tradition you could think of, and I was thinking maybe you should get naked at the moment that the ball dropped so that if anybody asked you what you were doing at that moment you could say that you are getting completely naked, and the story pretty much just flowed from there. 

This story contains only one naked, embarrassed nude male and CFNM. Happy New Years!

A Very Naked New Year
"I think it's great that Justin invited us to his New Year's Eve party," Lauren said as she smiled. "I hear that these parties of his often get really crazy and out of hand."
    "Hopefully not too crazy," Harry said as they arrived at Justin's apartment building as he answered the door.
    "Harry, Lauren, so glad that you could make it, this is going to be one fun New Year's," Justin said as he hugged them.
    "Yes I know how your parties can get rather crazy," Harry said. "I hope you don't mind that I dressed rather casually I didn't know if there was sort of a dress code for a New Year's party like this."
    Justin laughed. "It doesn't really matter what you are going to be wearing right now because when the ball drops we will all be dropping our draws anyway."
    "What do you mean?" Harry said.
    Justin laughed. "I guess you haven't been to this New Year's party before, but traditionally at the moment of New Year's we all get naked so this way we can begin a new year as a naked new year!"
    "Seriously, what is the idea behind that?"
    Justin laughed again. "Well this way if anybody says how did you ring in the new year as you can say I was getting completely and utterly naked! Trust me it will be a whole lot of fun."
    As Harry and Lauren began mingling with the guests Harry had to admit that he had never been to a party where he was expected to get naked like that before. As he looked around at all of the people at the party having their drinks and making casual conversation he couldn't believe how casual they were all being about the fact that they were expected to get naked at the moment that the ball drops.
    "This is a pretty nice party isn't it," Lauren said. "And everybody is so well-dressed."
    "I guess they won't be for very long," Harry said. "Is it just me or it does anybody else find it odd the idea that we are expected to get naked at New Year's for a New Year's party? I mean I have heard of a lot of weird New Year's traditions before but I have never heard of anything like this."
    "Gee Harry, I didn't think that you were the uptight type," Lauren said. "I mean when it comes time to have sex you tend to rip out of your clothing like you were using the Jaws of life, just totally shredding them. It's amazing you actually don't tear your clothing when you take them off that fast."
    "Well that's kind of different, it's one thing when we are getting naked to have sex in our private bedroom, it's another thing to strip naked at a party with dozens of people."
    Lauren laughed. "Don't worry Harry, it's just some harmless fun. I am sure if you don't get naked nobody is going to hold it against you. Besides with everybody getting naked like that it's not like you're going to stand out like a sore thumb or anything."
    Harry had to disagree, he figured if he was standing there naked he would be blushing like crazy, and if he saw lots of other people naked, other women naked, he would probably get turned on by that, which would probably make Lauren feel rather jealous.
    As he continued mingling among the party guests he had to admit that he was starting to get major butterflies in his stomach as all he could think about was how he was expected to strip naked at the moment that the new year was about to begin. He found himself constantly checking the clock and looking around and wondering how everybody else could be so casual about it as surely he couldn't be the only one who was feeling increasingly anxious about the impending nudity.
    As he saw it was almost midnight he found that he was drinking more than he normally would at a party. He had been more of a social drinker who would have a glass of wine here and there and not a regular drinker, but now he was starting to feel positively drunk, almost like he was going to puke or something. He knew that he was drinking out of anxiety and the last thing he wanted to do was make a total ass of himself at the moment that the new year happened to be passing over. He was always a little bit superstitious and he thought that what he was doing when the new year changed over would probably somehow influence the year to come.
    As he could see it was only moments before midnight he was thinking that he should bolt out of there, although he had to admit that the alcohol was lightning him up a little bit. He kept eyeing the door and wondering if he should make a break for it or think of some excuse to get out of there, any excuse to get out of there.
    "Hey Harry where are you going," Justin said as he could see Harry was making a beeline towards the door.
    "You know I think that there was someplace I had to be but I can't quite remember what the place was," Harry said feeling too drunk to think of any kind of coherent excuse.
    "Well the ball is about to drop any minute now, just a a few more minutes or you miss all of the fun of New Year's, I mean half of the fun of New Year's is just so you can ring in the new year together with everybody."
    Harry couldn't help but respond with nothing more than a hiccup. Bringing in the new year together with everybody was one thing, bringing in the new year together while you were all completely naked was another thing altogether!
    As he realized that the inevitable event was only a few moments away he knew there was no way he was going to be able to get out of there. But maybe he would be so drunk that he wouldn't even remember what he was doing the next morning, and maybe everybody else was likewise drinking themselves stupid out of anxiety about getting naked, if they were all drunk and naked then at least it would be less embarrassing as they would all be in the same situation.
    "Okay everybody we are down to the last minute before the ball drops, now it starts counting down from 10 that's time for us to all get naked," Justin said as everybody began cheering and waving their noisemakers.
    As the ball began dropping Harry felt like he was a little bit dizzy but he knew that if he didn't get naked he would look like a fool, rather ironically, so he figured he had better just bite the bullet and drop his draws at the moment the new year rang over.
    Despite being dizzy Harry found it was rather easy for him to get quickly out of his clothes and as he threw his clothing down on the floor and everybody began shouting happy new year and auld lang syne began playing on the television Harry smiled and began laughing.
    "Hey this isn't so bad after all," Harry said laughing and hiccuping as he looked around and realized that there was something very peculiar going on. "Hey why is nobody else naked?!"
    Everyone began laughing and he was too drunk or little bit too dizzy and inebriated to fully grasp what was going on.
    "I guess you had never been to this party before as that was always just kind of a joke," Justin said as he laughed. "But hey you decided to streak, three cheers for Harry!"
    At that moment Harry was starting to feel dizzier by the moment and he felt that he was practically ready to pass out but luckily Lauren managed to catch him.
    "Come on jungle man, let's dance," Lauren said as she and Harry began dancing to auld lang syne, and maybe it was the music, maybe it was the fact that Lauren was still completely dressed, or maybe it was the fact that he was completely and utterly wasted, but as he continued dancing he barely even notice the fact that he was naked.
    When he finally sobered up and was about to leave he almost forgot to put on his clothing before walking out the door.
    "Let's hear it for Harry, the life of the party," Justin said as Harry simply blushed and waved and hiccuped a little bit more but glad he got through the night without vomiting.

    Next week back at the office.
    "So what was everybody doing as the new year turned over," Dolores said as Harry began to blush and laugh to himself.
    "Let's just say the ball wasn't the only thing dropping and New Year's," Harry said as he continued laughing as everybody in the office simply shook their heads and shrugged their shoulders.

 Originally I was going to have everyone get naked but I thought it would be funnier if my main character was completely drunk and the whole idea of them getting naked was intended as a joke but because he was drunk he ended up going through with it, and I think that it worked out a lot better, so I'm happy with how the story ended.


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