Three Naked Jack-O'-Lanterns

I guess this is my second Halloween story in a row as this was pretty much the next story that I thought of after the last one but I figured that the focus was different. The other one's focus was on a guy going completely naked to a Halloween party where everyone was dressed, this was about a guy who tries to trick his female friends into getting naked on Halloween but then ends up having to get naked himself along with them, and then of course everything ends up going far from expected! This story contains naked in public, mutual male and female nudity but towards the end really does become more of a CFNM story ultimately I think. Enjoy!

Three Naked Jack-O'-Lanterns
Ted, Becky and Stephanie were all sitting around the day before Halloween thinking of the best way to cause mischief.
    "We can attack people with silly string," Becky said.
    "Or we could go around egging people's houses," Stephanie said.
    "All good ideas but maybe how about this, you girls can get naked and I will walk around trick-or-treating with you and we will play the whole thing completely straight," Ted said.
    "In your dreams," Stephanie and Becky said together as they laughed.
    "Yeah no way am I going to be going around walking around naked on Halloween night, that would be utterly humiliating," Becky said as Stephanie nodded in agreement.
    "How about if you wore masks," Ted said as he reached over into his trunk where he contained some of his Halloween trickery as he pulled up what looked like jack-o'-lantern masks. "Then you could go streaking on Halloween night and nobody would know it was you. You would cause all sorts of chaos and put a thrill into people's lives and it would just be great. I heard that they have legalized public nudity so we wouldn't even get in trouble, and nobody would ever know that it was you."
    "How about this, you have to come naked with us," Stephanie said.
    "Why do I have to go naked as well?" Ted said pointing to himself.
    "Well because it was your idea hotshot, and also we don't want to go around as your arm candy making you look like this big man on campus," Becky said. "So if you want us to go streaking on Halloween with you then you have to join in and show us all of it!"
    "What if I see someone I know," Ted said as he began blushing.
    Becky laughed. "Are you actually getting bashful now? You just said that we would be wearing these masks so that nobody would recognize us unless somebody knows what you look like completely buck naked wearing a jack-o'-lantern mask. Does somebody know what you look like completely naked except for a jack-o'-lantern mask? Actually don't answer that, I'd probably rather not know."
    "I don't know, it would be kind of exciting," Stephanie said, "but only if all three of us do it. That's the deal, either all three of us do it together and put ourselves in the same position or none of us do."
    Ted had to admit he didn't really like the prospect of getting naked in public like that, but for the chance to see Becky and Stephanie completely naked he would be willing to put up with a little bit of embarrassment. And it's not like anybody would know that it was him, as he just explained the mass would preserve their identities and preserve their dignity as well.
    "Okay fine I agree, tomorrow for Halloween we will all get completely naked except for these jack-o'-lantern masks," Ted said as they all began laughing and smirking. "This is going to be great!"

    The next day the three of them went to Ted's house and they looked at the three jack-o'-lantern masks sitting there on his bed.
    "Are we really going to do this," Becky said as she picked up the mask. "This mask doesn't exactly hide all that much or leave that much to the imagination."
    "Well I won't chicken out if you guys don't," Stephanie said challenging them directly. Ted realized that if he didn't go through with it now they would all think that he was a coward or embarrassed, and he would never get the opportunity to see them completely naked, and he wasn't about to turn up that prospect, so reluctantly they all agreed, put their hands together and did a cheer.
    "I guess it's time to get dressed in our costumes," Becky said laughing as she held up the three Halloween masks as they all looked at each other rather awkwardly, took the Halloween masks and looked at them.
    "You know I think we should put the masks on before we take everything else off," Ted said, for some reason feeling that the fact that he was wearing a mask even if they would get to see him completely naked somehow made it feel like it wasn't actually him that they were seeing. It was easier to be naked around other people when you didn't have to make direct eye contact with them or see them face-to-face.
    Becky and Stephanie nodded in agreement as they all put on their jack-o'-lantern masks, and then very slowly and reluctantly started slipping out of their clothing and placing them down on the floor until the three of them were standing there naked wearing nothing but the jack-o'-lantern masks.
    "I feel kind of cold," Becky said as she rubbed her naked body.
    "I feel kind of stupid," Stephanie said as she did likewise and looked down at her feet.
    "I feel kind of horny," Ted said as he laughed and the two of them began pointing to him as it was clear that he had an erection from seeing them.
    "I hope you don't plan on going around town looking like that," Becky said pointing directly at Ted's erection. The fact that he couldn't see her face though made it a little bit easier to take, but he could tell that underneath her mask that she was having a good laugh at his expense.
    "This is going to be way more awkward for me than it is for you," Ted said as the two of them laughed at him.
    "You're not getting cold feet are you?" Stephanie asked.
    "Actually it's kind of cold, this probably isn't the ideal time of year to be going around completely buck naked," Becky said. "But I'm still game to go through with it if you guys are."
    Ted had to admit that he was already having lots of second thoughts about this and feeling extremely embarrassed, but he knew that if he back down now that they would never let him hear the end of it. Plus if he backed out now they would end up putting their clothing on and his chances of getting to see them naked all night as they walked around town would end right there.
    The three of them nodded as they reluctantly went to the door and stepped outside and felt the cold October wind blowing against their naked skin and giving them goosebumps.
    For a moment they stood there not wanting to take any further steps until they realized that they didn't want the neighbors to realize it was them, so that they should get as far away from the house as possible. They started walking up and down the streets and they could see everybody staring in their direction, and they could see several parents covering up the eyes of their children who were trick-or-treating.
    "Everybody is staring at us," Becky said.
    "But isn't the idea for people to look at us," Stephanie said.
    "So where exactly should we go?" Ted asked as they hadn't thought about this very much.
    "I guess we should just walk around randomly and see what happens," Becky said as she put her arms around her two friends and laughed.
    As the three of them walked up and down the street seeing everybody staring at them, and a lot of people pointing and laughing, they started to feel increasingly uncomfortable about the whole situation, but none of them wanted to admit it to the others lest they be thought chicken or some kind of uptight prude who was embarrassed being naked, which was a whole lot worse!
    "Hey look at the guy with the naked chicks," a guy said as he picked up his camera phone and snapped a picture as his girlfriend hit him in the arm with her elbow and didn't seem to be very happy. "Hey I saw you looking at the guy too," he said as she dragged him away.
    "I think that they liked your Dick," Becky said as she and Stephanie began laughing and Ted found himself inwardly cringing. He couldn't help but notice they seemed to be a little bit more comfortable with this than he was, probably because they didn't have to feel the added awkwardness of spouting a huge erection.
    As they continued walking and waving they started to lighten up a little bit but all three of them had to admit to themselves, but certainly not to each other, that they were finding this extremely embarrassing, to say nothing of the fact that they were all getting rather chilly.
    "So how long were we actually going to stay out doing this," Ted said as he rubbed his naked body as he could see that Stephanie and Becky were doing likewise.
    "Is your Willy getting chilly," Becky said as she pointed to his crotch as she and Stephanie high-fived each other over his head.
    "I have to admit he has a point, it is rather cold out," Stephanie said as she continued rubbing herself. "It would be nice to get into someplace warm for a little while."
    "Yeah, the end of October is not the best time to be walking around naked around town, but it's probably one of the only times that you would expect to see people walking around in jack-o'-lantern masks," Becky said.
    "But I don't think anybody expects to see people walking around in jack-o'-lantern masks but otherwise buck naked, but then I guess that's the whole point," Ted said as the three of them stood there shivering on the side of the road as they saw people passing by and pointing at them and laughing.
    It was getting more excruciating by the minute. They didn't know how many people had seen them but it certainly was a large number of people. The only saving grace was that nobody was going to recognize them as long as they had their masks on.
    "Well I don't know about you guys but I don't intend to be standing around here and getting frostbite on my nipples and other assorted lady parts," Becky said as she crossed her arms over her chest and sort of walked around in place trying to get warm.
    "Hey naked jack-o'-lantern people, there's a cool Halloween party down the block and I think that everyone would probably get a kick out of you," a guy dressed like a mummy said, and they all envied the fact that his costume covered up every inch of his body, and that he looked nice and comfortably warm.
    "I think that we should accept that invitation," Stephanie said as he started rapidly rubbing her body trying to get the cold to go away.
    "What if somebody at the party recognizes us," Ted said.
    "That's what the masks are for silly," Becky said.
    "I mean what if people recognize our voices," Ted said.
    "Oh well there's an easy solution to that, don't say anything if you see anyone that you know," Stephanie said. "Whatever we're going to do I think we should do it right now, and I for one want to get off the streets and get someplace warm for a little while."
    The three of them agreed, and they decided to go to the house where the Halloween party was being held. They all approached the door with reluctance before ringing the doorbell and Ted practically was ready to bolt out of there the second he saw whose house it was. Even though she was dressed like a witch Ted recognized that it was Samantha, the woman that he had a crush on but who he had always been too shy to approach. He had no idea that this was where she lived because with all of the Halloween decorations he didn't recognize it, and now he pretty much wanted to run out of there.
    "Well I can see that you're happy to see me," Samantha said as she began laughing as Ted started covering himself up and was about to run out of there before Becky and Stephanie put their arms up to stop him from running. "Well you might as well come in, you look like you are rather cold, to say you are underdressed would probably be an understatement."
    As Samantha led them into the house everybody at the party stopped and turned and looked at them, and a couple of people began pointing and laughing. Ted was about to start bolting again but then he felt his legs trembling and he felt himself paralyzed. There was a whole room full of people in various different costumes, none of whom were recognizable to any of them.
    "Well make yourselves at home," Samantha said as she began walking off before turning and looking back at them and slapping her knees as she began laughing. "This party just got a whole lot more interesting," they could hear her saying to one of the other women at the party who was likewise laughing and clapping her hands.
    "I am feeling really uncomfortable right now," Ted whispered under his breath to his two companions.
    "We will just stay for a couple of minutes to get warm, just try to be as nonchalant as possible I guess," Stephanie said as they both laughed. Ted couldn't help but think that they were really taking advantage of the situation to stick it to him. It was ironic as this was his idea and yet it seemed like they were enjoying it a lot more than he was.
    "Hey naked jack-o'-lantern man," Samantha said as she came over to Ted. He didn't know how to respond, as he certainly didn't want to say anything to her in case she recognized his voice. They had talked occasionally but enough that she would probably recognize his voice.
    Ted just sort of nodded and waved at her. Even though she didn't know it was him he was practically ready to die of embarrassment just the same. He could feel his legs trembling and his whole body probably blushing bright red.
    "Can you talk?" Samantha asked as Ted simply shook his head figuring maybe that would suffice and he would be able to get out of there with his dignity still intact. "I guess a jack-o'-lantern doesn't know how to talk right?" Ted continued nodding as she laughed. "Well Mr. jack-o'-lantern man whoever you are you have a really nice ass," Samantha said as she gave him a slap on the ass and walked out of there laughing hysterically.
    As utterly humiliating as this was for Ted, something about the fact that she didn't recognize him was making it really exciting. There he was standing there completely naked and having the woman of his dreams complimenting him on his naked body and there was no way of her knowing that it was him.
    He could see that Stephanie and Becky were likewise deciding to use the silent treatment. They weren't sure if there was anybody there that they would recognize if they happened to run into them on the outside, but none of them were taking any chances.
    But then it happened where some guy came up and began tickling Becky on the her sides and she began screaming and slapped the guy as everybody suddenly turned and looked at all of them.
    "I think maybe we should get out of here," Ted whispered, sort of muffled under his own breath, as the two women nodded as they walked towards the door. However as they walked towards the door they could feel a bunch of people coming up behind them and grabbing their masks and pulling them off.
    The three of them froze in their tracks realizing that they had been unmasked, but they also realized that they had their backs turned to the party so that nobody saw their faces.
    "Floor it!" Stephanie said as the three of them began bolting away from the party, not turning to look back until they were far enough from the party that they were out of the line of vision of anybody who happened to be watching them making their retreat with their tails between their legs and their asses jiggling up and down.
    "Holy shit we are completely naked on the streets and now we don't have any masks," Becky said practically hyperventilating, and they could see their breath in the cold night air as the three of them continued rubbing their bodies.
    "I can't believe that Samantha saw me completely buck naked," Ted said.
    "I can't believe that creepy pervert grabbed me like that," Becky said.
    "Well you were completely buck naked," Ted said.
    "That doesn't give him a right to grab me," Becky said as she could see lots of people were looking and staring in their direction.
    "I am thinking maybe we should make a run for it," Stephanie said as the three of them nodded and began running down the streets as people began cheering and waving and whistling at them.
    By the time they got back home and ran in the door and slammed it behind them they were pretty much out of breath.
    For a moment the three of them just stood there catching their breath before they all began smirking and burst out laughing and slapping their knees until they were practically in hysterics.
    "What are we laughing at," Becky eventually said, once they had calmed down their hysterics a little bit.
    "We were running around completely buck naked, without our masks on, it was a little bit exhilarating, or a lot really," Stephanie said.
    "Yeah," Ted said as Becky nodded in agreement.
    "Are we going to do it again next year?" Stephanie said.
    "No!" Ted and Becky both simultaneously shouted before the three of them began bursting out laughing again. When they had managed to compose themselves a bit they went back into the room and got dressed and decided to call it a night.
    Although it was utterly humiliating, as Ted sat in his bed that evening thinking of the fact that Samantha saw every inch of him naked without even knowing that it was him he couldn't help but smirk to himself as he jerked off to the thought of it.
    "She liked my ass," he said laughing to himself and he continued laughing until he fell asleep.

    A few days later Ted was walking around town feeling kind of awkward and hoping that nobody recognized him after what he had done with Stephanie and Becky. They hadn't talked much since that night but as far as he knew nobody had recognized any of them, and they all felt a sigh of relief at that.
    "Hey Ted," Samantha said as he was walking by her house one day, not even realizing it.
    "Oh hey Samantha," he said practically wanting to bolt out of there that very second as he knew he was probably blushing and Samantha would have no idea why.
    "So Ted how was your Halloween, did you do anything interesting?"
    Ted struggled to keep a straight face. "You know nothing special, I went for a walk but it was kind of cold, I probably should have dressed more warmly for this time of year. Did you do anything special on Halloween?"
    "I did have a party but it was nothing special, I meant to invite you but I hadn't seen you around."
    "Did I miss anything?"
    "No, the party was kind of lame, except at one point in the night there were these three people, this guy and  these two women who were completely buck naked and wearing nothing but jack-o'-lantern masks, can you believe that? They just sort of came in off the street and looked like they were trying to get warm and it was just totally hilarious."
    "Wow, that's pretty crazy."
    "I know right," Samantha said and he was trying his hardest to suppress all of the blood that was flowing to his genitals right then and there, as he could also feel his legs were beginning to shake and he knew that he must be blushing profusely, and he pretty much knew that if he didn't get out of there right away this whole situation was going to get even more awkward than it already was. "You look nervous Ted, is something the matter?" Samantha had a wide smile on her face.
    "No nothing's the matter, I just remember there is something I have to do, someplace I have to be, so I should probably get going," Ted said as he was about to walk away.
    "Wait a second, there is something I meant to give you, I'll be right back," Samantha said as she ran into her house. Ted felt like maybe he should just bolt out of there right then and there but then that would look suspicious, and he didn't want to be rude to Samantha of all people. When she came out a moment later she had her hands behind her back. "I have something for you, close your eyes, it's a surprise."
    Ted didn't know what she was getting at so he simply closed his eyes and he felt her put something in his hands that felt strangely familiar.
    "Open your eyes," Samantha said, and as he did so he could see that she was smiling like a crazy person as Ted looked down and saw that in his hands were the three jack-o'-lantern masks that they had been wearing that night and that they had left behind.
    "What's this," Ted said barely able to form the words as his hands began trembling.
    Samantha came over and whispered in his ear. "You left them at my house this weekend, I just thought I should return them to you and your two friends there, and just so you know, next year I'm definitely going to make sure that you get your invitation to the party, and I hope that you will wear the same costume again Mr. naked jack-o'-lantern man!" Samantha pulled away from his ear and smiled and winked at him before laughing and walking away.
    As Ted stood there in the street holding the jack-o'-lantern masks and feeling himself as hard as a rock watching as Samantha walked laughingto her front door, barely able to contain herself, all he could think of was forget Christmas, he couldn't wait until it was the next Halloween!


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