That Strange Awkward Feeling of Meeting an Old Friend Now That I Can No Longer Wear Clothing

I guess this is yet another one of my stories involving the nudity virus premise, but there's just so much you can do with that as it's a good excuse why people can't wear clothing and will be naked involuntarily and embarrassed. But this was a bit inspired by something a lie my friend Frank told me many years ago. He once made up this lie that he saw our friend Carolyn naked at her house one day, and then later admitted that he totally made that up. And I think I was thinking of that when I decided to name my characters after them.
    But I like this story as it sort of a nice story about two friends who are Platonic and of the opposite sex meeting and having to deal with something awkward like the fact of being naked, and all the awkwardness that that brings, but which ultimately brings them together and shows that friendship can overcome awkwardness and embarrassment, even if it is still really embarrassing and awkward regardless!
    This is primarily a CFNM story but it also involves mutual male and female nudity and embarrassed nude female and embarrassed nude male.
    Spoiler alert (read after story): I was originally going to make this story a lot more abbreviated where it was going to be Frank was worrying about meeting Carolyn while naked, only for her to show up at his house naked as they both had the virus and then dealt with the awkwardness of mutual nudity, but then I thought it was funny to give it a CFNM slant, and then ended on sort of the dramatic reveal where Carolyn ends up naked as well, and now they are suddenly equal again, but at the same time Carolyn still can hold it over Frank that she got to see him naked while she was still dressed and that he will never be able to experience similar with her, so although they are now equal friends they are sort of technically not, and I like that angle a lot as I think it gave the story and added zing to it.
    And like in a lot of my stories I like to see the situation that one character has in the beginning reversed on the other character in the end as sort of like poetic justice or payback. So if it's a naked male story in the end it ends up with the woman naked, or if it's a naked woman story it ends with the man stuck in a similar situation and her getting payback, more of the later because I think it is kind of funnier when women get the upper hand on guys like that, but maybe that's just because it's my own personal fantasy as a lover of female domination!

That Strange Awkward Feeling of Meeting an Old Friend Now That I Can No Longer Wear Clothing
Frank was excited because he heard from his high school friend Carolyn that he hadn't seen in probably 10 or 15 years or more. They had always been platonic friends but he had to admit that he always found her somewhat attractive, and although the relationship between them was strictly Platonic there was always sort of an awkward tension between them as often exists in mixed sex friendships. That was why it was especially devastating the just one week before she was to arrive Frank received the worst news of his life.
    "Yeah it seems like you have that virus, the one that renders you allergic to clothing," Dr. Feldspar said as she tried not to smirk at him as he averted his eyes to the floor because it was hard for him to make eye contact with a woman when he was sitting there completely naked.
    "Is there a chance maybe I will recover?" Frank said.
    The doctor shook her head. "I'm afraid not, so far we don't really see any kind of cure, and it seems as though nobody really recovers on their own. Look at the bright side though, you'll probably save a lot of money on clothing!"
    "What if I just wore some clothing for a couple of hours while an old friend is visiting?"
    "Well you could wear clothing for a few hours I suppose, I mean if you want to have a violent allergic reaction that might cause you to have to be hospitalized and put on a ventilator."
    "Okay, so I guess that is out," Frank said as he went to reach for his clothing but the doctor shook her head and gave him a bag to put the clothing in, not that he had any idea what he was going to do with it now, give it to charity. He found himself suddenly annoyed by the fact that although it was a good thing to give to charity that there was some poor person out there who would be better dressed and he was, meaning that they were dressed at all while he was stuck with a lifetime of involuntary nudity.
    As Frank went home from the doctor completely naked and watching all of the people on the streets pointing at him and laughing he was practically ready to die of embarrassment as he slammed the door to his house behind him. This is the worst possible news anyone could possibly get, particularly somebody as shy and awkward and uncomfortable around the opposite sex as he was.
    Not exactly sure how he was going to adapt to this new involuntarily clothing free lifestyle, he decided that he should probably break the news to Carolyn that he would probably have to cancel their meeting. There was no way he was going to meet her completely naked like that.
    He got on the computer where he saw that he has received a message from Carolyn about how excited she was that she was going to be seeing him soon. Those words really stung, yeah she would sure be seeing him, parts of him that he never intended to show to a friend like her.
    Frank: Hey Carolyn, how are you? I'm afraid that I have come down with something, and I am a little bit under the weather, so I am not sure if we will be able to have our meeting.
    Carolyn: I am sorry to hear that, I hope it is nothing serious. I know that there are a lot of viruses going around this season, seeing as I am a nurse. In fact I have a funny story, I mean I guess it's not totally funny, it's kind of devastating, but there was this guy who came to the hospital today and he had come down with that weird new virus, I don't know if you've heard of it, but there is actually a virus out there that makes a person allergic to clothing! I mean can you even believe that? That has to be the most embarrassing thing in the world, honestly I think I would just absolutely die if that happened to me!
    Frank: I have heard something about it, it must be really terrible, I can't even imagine how embarrassing it would be.
    Carolyn: I know, I mean imagine seeing all your friends and family while completely naked, I don't know how anyone could possibly deal with something that embarrassing and awkward. Not to sound like a perv but I have to admit it was a little bit awkward treating him because it was hard to avert my eyes because I found him rather attractive!
    Frank: Yeah.
    Carolyn: hug emoji. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bore you with all of this, as you are probably feeling under the weather and I don't want to keep you if you are not feeling well. I am hoping that maybe you will start feeling better before we can meet next week. Maybe it's just one of those 24 hour bug that is going around?
    Frank: I will let you know, right now I think that I had just better get a lot of bed rest and hopefully I will be feeling better soon.
    Carolyn: Okay, get well soon.

    Frank felt terrible about lying to Carolyn, as they always were able to tell each other everything. They were best friends but they were never intimate with one another, but there was always sort of that tension between them as they knew each other better than anyone else did. In fact he was starting to worry that maybe she sensed that he was lying. He hated keeping anything from her, and he hadn't seen her in so long, but the thought of her seeing him completely naked, that was just too much to take.
    The next couple of days Frank mostly didn't leave his house as he found himself pacing around nervously. Whenever Carolyn would send him a message he wasn't exactly sure how to respond. Occasionally she would ask if he wanted to have a video chat, but he would always just say that he looked terrible at the moment and thought that maybe she would buy that as an excuse, as she knew he was always rather self-conscious about his appearance.
    Frank tried to tell himself that it was no big deal, as he knew that Carolyn was very good-humored and they were able to laugh about anything together, but this, this was too much, this was too devastating. He would try standing in front of the mirror and picturing that she was in the room and talking to her like old times without any of the tension of the fact that he was obviously naked, but every time he pictured it he just found himself breaking down and trembling with embarrassment, and strangely enough, and awkwardly enough, somehow though the idea of it was in its own way strangely arousing, which just made it even more awkward!
    Finally on the day that Carolyn was going to be in town for just 24 hours he felt terrible to have to tell her that he was still feeling under the weather and would probably not be able to meet with her. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so disappointed, and he thought that he was being stupid, she would obviously understand, but it was just too embarrassing, when you were best buds with a person of the opposite sex for them to see you naked was practically a sacrilege.
    On the day of Carolyn's visit to town Frank was sitting around in his living room feeling bad about himself when all of the sudden he heard his doorbell ringing. He looked through the peephole in the door and he could see it was Carolyn with a smile on her face.
    Frank found that his pulse and his heartbeat were now racing, what was she doing here? Maybe if he just was quiet and said nothing she would just go away and assume that he wasn't home. However as she kept ringing the doorbell, the fact that she was just a few inches away for the first time in over a decade, he eventually swallowed his pride and realized he couldn't turn her away like that.
    Frank slowly cracked open the door and just popped his head out. "Carolyn, what are you doing here?"
    "I knew you weren't feeling well, and I didn't want to bother you, but I feel like I couldn't come all this way and not see you. I still have to go to that big nursing conference tomorrow, but I just thought that I would stop by briefly to see how you were doing, and I brought you some soup as I know that that always makes you feel better when you are feeling under the weather. Do you think I could come in a moment?"
    Frank could feel the beads of sweat already forming on his naked body, as the last thing that he was intending on doing was letting Carolyn see him like that. And yet there she was right at the door still dressed in that same Gothic black look that she always cultivated when he had last seen her.
    "Carolyn I have something to tell you, and I don't know how to break it to you," Frank said. "This is going to sound really weird, but can you close your eyes for a moment?"
    "Why, do you have a surprise for me or something?" Carolyn said as she laughed.
    "Just please humor me for a moment, I will let you in but you really have to keep your eyes closed, do you promise that you will keep your eyes closed?"
    "Sure I guess, I don't know what you are getting at, and this is a little bit weird, but okay," she said as she closed her eyes and Frank pulled her inside while closing the door quickly so that nobody else would see.
    As Frank stood there completely naked with Carolyn right in front of him with her eyes closed he couldn't believe that he was having this experience. He had never been naked around her, let alone when she was fully dressed like that, but she obviously couldn't keep her eyes closed forever, and he wasn't sure what to do now that she was standing there in the house with him.
    "Here let me take that," Frank said as he took the soup and put it down on the kitchen table before going back to the living room where Carolyn was still standing with her eyes closed.
    "Can I open my eyes yet?" Carolyn said.
    "I thought you were into all of that Gothic darkness stuff, so closing your eyes and seeing nothing but darkness shouldn't bother you," Frank said laughing nervously. "Truth be told is I have had something of a dark night of the soul myself lately."
    Carolyn laughed. "Yeah you can see that I still have a similar style of dress. You know I was kind of thinking that I should get all dressed up and everything, but you know how I like dressing casual."
    "Well there's nothing wrong with dressing casual, in fact lately I have found myself dressing very very very casual, in fact much more casually than I ever thought humanly possible, or ever really wanted to," Frank said as his voice was somewhat trembling now.
    "Is there something wrong Frank, you sound as though you are really nervous, I know what you sound like when you are nervous?"
    "Carolyn we have been best friends for like 20 years now and we tell each other everything right?"
    "Of course, we have no secrets from one another. Together we have been able to get through everything."
    "Well Carolyn there is something I need to tell you, and I don't know exactly how to tell you," Frank said and he could now feel his entire body trembling. He couldn't believe that she was inches away, and the only thing keeping her from realizing that he was completely buck naked was the fact that her eyes were closed.
    "Well you don't have to feel embarrassed around me Frank."
    "Carolyn, I have to admit I have been keeping a secret from you because I didn't know how you were going to react, Carolyn the fact is I –"
    Before Frank could finish his sentence all of the sudden Carolyn sneezed really loudly causing him to jump back as she shook her head but unfortunately now had her eyes open. They both realized at about the same moment as Carolyn's eyes grew extremely wide and Frank quickly covered up his junk and began running behind the couch.
    "Oh my God Frank, you are naked, why are you naked?" Carolyn said trying to be sympathetic but Frank could see that even though she was trying to avert her eyes she couldn't help but look and be smiling.
    "Remember the other day when you were telling me about that patient at the hospital and I was feeling a little bit awkward and uncomfortable with the conversation?"
    "Yeah, why? No, don't tell me!"
    "Yeah, when I said that I was a little bit under the weather and I had come down with a virus."
    "Wow," Carolyn said as Frank continued crouching behind the couch and blushing profusely.
    "I didn't want to tell you because, well dear Lord it's embarrassing! And that's why I was going to cancel our meeting and everything."
    Carolyn smiled. "Well Frank you know that you don't have to be embarrassed around me, you know I'm a very sex positive and open-minded person and there is nothing wrong with a naked woman or man's body."
    "Yeah I know but it is still God damned embarrassing when it is your naked body out there on display! I mean we have always just been platonic friends, best friends, and I didn't want to ruin things by, well you know –"
    Carolyn took a deep breath. "Okay this is a lot to process, but I'm your friend Frank, and you know what we have helped each other get through things in the past, and I think I can help you get through this."
    "Really," Frank said barely able to form the words and clearly still blushing profusely and looking really really uncomfortable.
    "If I'm making you feel uncomfortable I can leave," Carolyn said frowning. "I fully understand how this must be really awkward for you, it's certainly quite awkward for me too. When you told me to close my eyes I thought that you probably had a big surprise for me but I certainly wasn't expecting this!"
    Frank wanted to tell her to leave, but as he was crouching behind the couch like a coward, hiding from his best friend in the world, who only wanted to help him, and could see that he was making her feel bad, he knew that he couldn't do that to her.
    "You know you are right, this is really really weird and really really awkward, but are best buds, we can get through this, and we haven't seen each other in like what 10 or 15 years?"
    "I don't think that we have ever seen each other like this!"
    The two of them had an awkward laugh about that as Frank continued crouching behind the couch.
    "Look we haven't gotten to see each other in person in 10 or 15 years, and I know this opportunity doesn't come by very often, so you know it let's try to make this work, let's just try to ignore, well you know –"
    "The fact that you are completely stark naked," Carolyn said as she covered her mouth as it was kind of hard not to giggle.
    "Look you have to be mature about this if this is going to work," Frank said.
    "I'm sorry, it's just, well it is kind of funny isn't it," Carolyn said as she couldn't help but snicker.
    "Yeah, I don't really find it very funny," Frank said as they both began laughing.
    "Why are we laughing?"
    "I literally can't wear clothing, I'm not happy about that, but I'm not made of stone, I can see how that would be kind of funny."
    "Would it make you feel better if I was naked," Carolyn said sort of looking down at her feet and blushing.
    "W-what?" Frank said swallowing deeply as he once again found his heart racing.
    "Well would it make you feel better if I was naked as well, then you wouldn't have to feel uncomfortable, we would you know be on equal playing field again."
    Frank took a deep breath. "No, you know what I am a gentleman, and you being naked would just kind of make it a little bit weirder. I'm not one of those macho assholes who can't take the idea of a woman being a little bit at an advantage, and I'm going to have to deal with this eventually, so who better to learn to deal with it than with my closest friend?"
    Carolyn smiled as she started walking over towards the couch.
    "Whoa whoa whoa," Frank said still crouching behind the couch and blushing. "Let's take this easy and slowly."
    "Okay we will take it slow," Carolyn said.
    "Here, close your eyes and I will lead you to the kitchen," Frank said.
    "Okay," Carolyn said as she closed her eyes and Frank grabbed her by the hand and started guiding her towards the kitchen, and she felt really guilty over the fact that she sort of snuck a peek and thought that she never noticed what a nice ass that Frank had before.
    As Frank pulled out a chair and seated Carolyn at the kitchen table he went across from her and smiled.
    "Okay you can open your eyes now," Frank said. "This is a little bit better because at least underneath the table."
    "Yeah I can't see all of the interesting bits," Carolyn said laughing as Frank sort of blushed as then they both started laughing nervously trying to desperately break the extraordinary sexual tension in the room.
    The two of them took a deep breath and then strangely enough they started chatting like it was old times. They started catching up on everything that had happened in the last couple of years. They had kept in communication online, but it wasn't the same as having a face-to-face meeting. And strangely enough as they continued talking Frank even forgot about the fact that he was naked, except when Carolyn would start smiling and smirking in his direction in a way that she wasn't doing very well at hiding.
    "Do you think maybe you could get me something to drink," Carolyn said after they had been talking for a while.
    "Okay but close your eyes," Frank said as he got up and turned to the refrigerator, and Carolyn once again felt guilty about the fact that she snuck a peek, but before Frank could turn around again she closed her eyes as Frank put a drink down in front of her before sitting back down.
    The two of them continued chatting and continued drinking, and as strange as the situation was it was starting to feel more normal by the end of the day.
    "Wow, this has been really great catching up and everything, but I didn't realize how late it was and I really do need to get going as I have to get up early for my conference tomorrow," Carolyn said looking at her watch. "It was really good seeing you again Frank, well you know by seeing you I meant, well you know what I mean!"
    The two of them laughed somewhat nervously as Carolyn stood up across from Frank at the table and started waving as Frank waved back. Carolyn was about to leave when something suddenly came over Frank.
    "Carolyn wait," Frank said as he got up, and as she turned around and saw him the two of them both froze for a moment as they both sort of looked down at the floor and began blushing.
    "I guess this is really awkward again," Carolyn said sort of shuffling her feet.
    "Yeah, but the thing is, after spending the day with you I realized I was being silly, you're going to see me the way I am eventually, so you might as well see me now. Come here and give me a hug!"
    The two of them hugged and Frank had to admit it felt really weird feeling Carolyn up against him like that up against his exposed flesh like that.
    "Besides I saw you sneaking a peek those couple of times," Frank said as Carolyn sort of looked awkwardly away and ran her fingers through her hair like she did when she was feeling nervous or embarrassed, as he could see that she was clearly blushing as much as he was now.
    As the two of them stood there looking at each other that was when Carolyn's eyes started to grow wide and she covered up her mouth as Frank covered up the fact that he had an erection.
    "I guess you really were happy to see me," Carolyn said as she began laughing and Frank practically fell down. "Well anyway, it was nice seeing you, really nice seeing you."
    As Carolyn sort of walked towards the door practically in hysterics Frank closed the door behind her, turned his back to the door and slowly slumped down to the floor and looked down at his erect genitals.
    "Wow, what a day," he said and practically passed out.

    Carolyn attended her conference and everything went well and Frank and her kept in contact on the Internet, and Frank was even willing to talk to her on video chat occasionally, seeing as she could only see him from the waist up anyway.
    Then one day Frank found out that he had to go to a business meeting. He didn't relish the idea of going to a business meeting completely naked, but the business meeting was right by where Carolyn lived.
    Frank: I really hope that we can get together and everything while I am in town. You know I am getting a little bit used to the fact that every woman that I am going to encounter for the rest of my life is going to know exactly what I look like naked without me getting the same knowledge, and if I can't be around you that would just be silly.
    Carolyn: I mean there is nothing wrong with being a little bit shy, being naked is certainly a very awkward feeling, especially being naked in public, I mean I used to always have those nightmares back in high school where I was in class taking a test and then I realized I wasn't wearing any clothing!
    Frank: I can honestly say my whole life is like that nightmare now, but strangely enough you can get used to anything, it's not really that bad.
    Carolyn: I have something I need to tell you, but maybe it's better that I tell you in person. I look forward to seeing you again soon, and I hope that you will be equally looking forward to seeing me.
    Frank: You bet.

    The day before Frank's business meeting he stopped by Carolyn's house and swallowed deeply and rang the doorbell as Carolyn poked her head around from the corner.
    "Frank, it's so nice to see you again," she said snickering as Frank began blushing. "Sorry I didn't mean to –"
    "I know I know, it's funny, your friend is stuck being naked, I've developed more of a thicker skin about that, you kind of have to if you are going to survive like this," Frank said. "So can I come in?"
    "Okay but close your eyes, I have kind of a surprise for you."
    As Carolyn led Frank into the house and closed the door behind her he could hear her sound as though she were running.
    "Okay you can open your eyes now," Carolyn said as Frank opened his eyes to see her standing behind her chair and blushing.
    "What's going on here," Frank said as he suddenly found himself growing excited.
    "Remember when I said I had something I needed to tell you and hoped that you would look forward to seeing me," Carolyn said still blushing profusely.
    "Holy crap," Frank said trying not to laugh.
    "Well it's when you're a nurse and your around lots of sick people, I guess even though with all the precautions that we took," Carolyn said as she looked as though she was cringing.
    "Well I guess now we are on equal playing ground again," Frank said as he was kind of smirking in a way that was kind of arrogant that he was trying to suppress.
    "Any advice with how to deal with it?" Carolyn said still hiding behind her chair.
    "Well when I told people that I was going to have to give a speech at a business meeting while completely naked they told me to just picture everyone in their underwear, but I realized that that was pretty useless advice because they would still be more dressed than I was!"
    The two of them sort of laughed awkwardly as Carolyn looked directly at Frank smiling from behind the chair, as once again she could see that Frank was very happy to see her, his anatomy had betrayed him.
    "Would you prefer we go to the kitchen table," Frank said.
    Carolyn, still blushing, shook her head. "No you know what, the kitchen table can't hide my boobs well enough anyway, let's just go to the couch."
    Carolyn walked out from behind the chair and the two of them stood there looking at each other, for the first time seeing each other as they truly were, completely uncensored, and strangely enough for the first time ever they felt really and truly equal, best friends forever.
    The two of them hugged, their naked flesh touching, and then slowly and carefully they sat down next to each other on the couch, smiled and began talking about old times, and strangely enough, neither of them felt the least bit uncomfortable about it.
    "You know there is one thing that is kind of funny about all of this," Frank said. "I never got to see you naked while I got to stay dressed."
    Carolyn laughed. "You know that is really rather funny, and you know what's the funniest thing?"
    "What's that?"
    Carolyn smiled very wide. "I guess you never will!"
    And strangely enough, as they sat there naked on the couch together, that didn't bother him in the least.


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