Pop You Are Naked

I have to admit that the inspiration for this story was actually from the episode of The Simpsons where Mrs. Krabappel is standing on stage wearing nothing but a suit full of balloons and slowly popping them as sort of like a really weird striptease at a school show, which I thought was a funny idea and I thought that would actually be a good idea to do as a naked story where somebody is wearing this outfit of balloons that she doesn't want to pop and they suddenly begin popping. Then I started googling pictures of naked women covered in balloons and I saw these images of women dressed in red, white and blue balloons and nothing else, like sort of a patriotic thing, and then I got the idea of her doing this at a USO show or at a veterans center, and then of course it just escalates from there into one humiliating situation after another.
This story contains embarrassed nude female, nude in public, only one naked and CFNM.
Spoiler (read after story): I have to admit the idea of dissolving balloons was something I have never heard of before. I simply knew that sometimes when balloons get wet in the rain that causes the balloons to pop, but then I figured if the balloons pop they would still be simply deflated and hanging down on her body and covering her body, so I figured to make the story work I would make the balloons dissolving so that they would basically wash right off of her body leaving her nothing to cover herself with.
And the ending I have to admit I thought of just as I was sort of finishing it and I thought it was sort of a nice story, because I always kind of like the character who didn't get naked to get their comeuppance in the end like that, and I thought that finale just worked really well! It was almost like sort of a Full Monty kind of ending.

Pop You Are Naked
"Come on Victoria, show your patriotism," Kyle said. "All you have to do is be on stage with a bunch of balloons in red white and blue and I guarantee that nobody will even see any part of you that they wouldn't see normally, the whole idea is just to entice."
    "You want me to appear on stage completely naked covered with nothing but balloons?" Victoria said shaking her head.
    Kyle nodded. "Come on it will be fun, it's not like this is some kind of strip show thing, basically it's just a thing where you will be up there wearing the suit made of nothing but balloons and people will know that you are naked under that, but you will just be sort of putting on a show, you know dancing around with these balloons, teasing with the possibility of nudity without having to deliver on it. Essentially your whole body is going to be covered up with balloons so nobody's going to see anything, but the excitement is that they know you are naked under there."
    "It's just you know I'm very self-conscious about these things, are you sure that I won't be seen naked at all?"
    "Victoria I can promise you that this is not going to be some kind of embarrassing naked strip show, it's all very tasteful and patriotic and everything. It's just some harmless fun and it's to raise money for the veterans hospital."
    "Fine I'll do it, you make me think if I don't put on balloons and go around naked covered in nothing but balloons that I'm somehow a traitor to the country."
    "I am sure that you will look back on this and laugh years from now."
    Victoria shook her head. "I don't know about this, I get this bad feeling that this is something I'm going to deeply regret."
    "How about this, if situation is ever reversed I mean I would do it for the female troops and everything."
    "You know I might hold you to that. Fine it's a deal, I'll do it."
    Victoria and Kyle shook on it and it was pretty much a done deal.

    The day of the show.
    Victoria went back to her dressing room and that was where she saw it, it was literally an outfit made of red white and blue balloons.
    "You know you said that they wouldn't have anything out on display but those balloons don't seem like they leave a lot to the imagination. What if they start popping or something like that?"
    Kyle shook his head. "Vicki you are overthinking this way too much. You just strip out of your clothing and get inside of the balloon outfit and then you just sort of dance around up there in your balloon outfit and everyone will get all excited and everything, and then you will come back here and get dressed again, no big deal. It's really not as bad as you think, you are just overthinking things as usual."
    "Okay fine but give me some privacy to slip into my outfit," Victoria said as she closed the dressing room door and reluctantly slipped out of her clothing. As she stood there naked in the dressing room she was already feeling self-conscious, even though nobody could see her. On the other hand she had to admit that there was something kind of kinky about the fact that she was going to be wearing nothing but balloons. "You know what, I'm sure this probably will be fun, I probably am overthinking it."
    Victoria got changed into the balloon outfit and she had to admit as she looked at herself in the mirror it did cover up her body pretty decently. And luckily the balloons weren't translucent so nobody could see her naked body through the balloons. She really did feel kind of secure, even though she still felt naked as all she could feel against her flesh was the rubber of the balloons.
    "Well I just hope that there isn't a draft as I don't want to get goosebumps," Victoria said as she took a deep breath.
    As the show began Victoria stood there nervously backstage. She was hoping the fact that she was beginning to sweat wasn't going to do anything to the balloons. But she was assured that these balloons were secure. Even if by some remote chance one of them did pop it would still cover up most of her body and she figured she could run off of the stage at the absolute worst.
    "Okay Vicki go out there and strut your stuff," Kyle said.
    As Victoria went out on the stage striking a bunch of poses in her balloon outfit all of the guys in the audience started shouting and going wild.
    "I'd like to pop your balloon," one guy said as she strutted across the stage really confidently with her hands on her hips but making sure not to put too much pressure on the balloons, making her look like a really tough disciplined boss lady. She had to admit the attention was actually kind of nice and having a whole bunch of really physically fit military men going wild over her certainly was flattering.
    Amazingly she found that she was actually starting to have fun as she felt pretty confident that the balloons looked as though they were secure. Even if you could see a small little bit of flesh between the balloons it was certainly nothing more revealing than a bikini or anything like that.
    At the same time though it did feel weird the fact that her body was naked aside from balloons. It was a weird feeling to be up there naked with the rubber of balloons rubbing against your skin like that.
    Just when it seemed she was really hitting her stride all of the sudden alarm started going off.
    "Everybody that's the fire alarm, quickly everybody exit the building as quickly as possible," someone said as they came on stage.
    Victoria started walking back towards the dressing room before Kyle stopped her. "We have to get out of here, there's a fire."
    "My clothing is back there," Victoria said as a bunch of people came and started pushing them out. As they were pushing her she couldn't help but notice that one of the balloons popped momentarily startling her.
    "Come on Victoria, we have to keep going, there's a fire," Kyle said as people were pushing her forward.
    However as she was trying to squeeze out of the room with many people rubbing up against her she heard the distinct sound and felt the distinct sensation of balloons popping as she began grabbing herself.
    "I thought you said these balloons weren't going to pop," Victoria said as another balloon popped.
    "Well nobody was supposed to be touching them to be fair," Kyle said. "There was very strict rules about looking but not touching."
    Soon they were all outside of the building and Victoria had to admit that right now as she was out there in the elements like that she suddenly felt very vulnerable.
    "Hey balloon girl, how's it hanging," one of the soldiers said as he patted her on the back as she felt a bunch of balloons bursting.
    "Don't touch, you're popping my balloons," Victoria said as she started feeling her body for where the balloons were popping and keeping her hands there.
    "Sorry I didn't realize they popped so easily," the man said as he laughed.
    "Yeah neither did I," Victoria said as somebody rubbed up against her and she heard a couple more balloons popping but luckily they were just balloons on her arm this time.
    "Shouldn't the balloons at least be covering my body while they are popped," Victoria said.
    Kyle shook his head. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention these are environmentally friendly balloons as they are meant to dissolve when they pop. But they aren't supposed to pop unless somebody sort of touches them or hits them really hard."
    "Well it certainly seems like there popping fairly easily," Victoria said now starting to feel self-conscious. She didn't think that anything too explicit was showing but she could definitely feel the draft of the fact that not every inch of her body was covered up right now.
    "Well as long as they don't pop your booby balloons I guess you'll be okay," Kyle said as he laughed.
    "It's not funny," Victoria said trying not to move around too much but she didn't want any more of her balloons to begin popping. "Why does everything always have to go wrong like this?"
    "Okay so one of your balloons popped, it's not like you're standing out here completely buck naked or anything," Kyle said as somebody poked one of her breast balloons as she jumped up startled.
    "Hey stop that," Victoria said as he tried to use her hands to cover up where the balloon had popped but as she did so she felt another balloon pop.
    "Vicki don't touch your body, you just going to make more of the balloons start popping," Kyle said.
    "But I can't help it, my balloons are popping and I am not wearing anything underneath them," Victoria said as she squirmed around trying to limit her motions so that no more of her balloons would start popping.
    "I know that's what makes it so hot," Kyle said as she shot him an angry glance. "Sorry this is a serious thing but don't worry I am sure that they'll take care of the fire and we will be able to get back inside and you will be able to get dressed soon."
    "Everybody we've called the fire department, so please everybody stay out of the building and remain calm," one of the men coordinating the event said.
    "Oh great, how could this get any worse," Victoria said as all of the sudden she felt a drop of rain hit her head.
    "Well good that should help to put the fire out," Kyle said as Victoria felt and heard a couple more balloons start popping.
    "I hope that these balloons are supposed to be waterproof," Victoria said as it began pouring and she heard the balloons began rapidly popping as she sort of jumped in place as she could feel them popping all over her body and tickling her.
    "Actually as these are environmentally friendly balloons that are meant to dissolve in water," a guy said as he came over.
    "I have to get out of the rain," Victoria said but the only building around was the veterans center and it was currently on fire.
    Victoria began screaming as the rain began pouring and she could rapidly feel all of the balloons dissolving off of her body as she struggled to cover up.
    "Hey was this how the balloon show was supposed to end," a guy said as he began clapping. "Because this is a great ending!"
    "No it wasn't!" Victoria said as she stood there with her hands between her legs trying to use her other arm to cover up her breasts as much as possible.
    "Nice ass balloon girl," somebody said going by as Victoria started to turn bright red with embarrassment.
    "Hey everybody look at balloon girl, she used to red, white and blue but now she's just red," one guy said as everyone began laughing.
    Victoria had to admit to herself that this was perhaps the most brutally embarrassing moment of her life, and it was very obvious because she was very fair skinned and when she was blushing everybody could see it. She was also soaking wet on top of that, and nothing draws attention to a person like being a naked wet woman out in public.
    As everybody began cheering Victoria simply stood there trying her best to cover herself up by keeping her hand over her crotch and her other arm over her breasts, and she used her hand to waved coyly to everybody as she stood there feeling all of the cold water pelting her naked body and perhaps giving her goosebumps on top of everything else.
    "I guess there are things better than a wet T-shirt contest, like when there isn't even a T-shirt," another guy said as Victoria gritted her teeth. How long was this going to go on for?
    Eventually the fire department arrived and when they saw Victoria they all stopped in their tracks and smiled and tipped their helmets as she simply waved to them.
    "Well it looks like the fire is not the only thing that's hot," one of the firefighters said.
    "Hey here's an umbrella," a woman said as she handed Victoria an umbrella with an American flag design on it. "Now you can be red, white and blue all over again."
    As Victoria stood there holding up her nation's flag in the form of a patriotic umbrella while completely naked in the rain she had to admit there was something patriotic about it in an excruciatingly humiliating way.
    "No that's what lady liberty should look like," another guy said as everyone was clapping for Victoria, so reluctantly she simply smiled and took a bow as she lowered the umbrella and started twirling it in front of her, happy that it was giving her naked body some cover, but totally oblivious to the fact that there was just as big a crowd behind her who was getting a perfect view of her ass!
    Finally the firefighters came out of the building.
    "It's all clear folks," the Fire Chief said.
    "Finally I can go get dressed again," Victoria said as she started walking towards the building.
    "Fortunately the only room that burned down was the dressing room," the Fire Chief said as Victoria frowned.
    "Somebody up there doesn't like me," Victoria said looking up towards the sky and pouting.
    "Come on Vicki, you've done your patriotic duty and gone above and beyond the call I think, you literally bared all for your country and bared your patriotism by baring your naked body, so let's find you something that you can wear home," Kyle said as all of the guys cheered and began hooting and hollering as Victoria took a bow and blew them all kisses.

    "Well it looks like you made the news Vicki," Kyle said as all sorts of pictures of her were circling around on the Internet about the patriotic woman who stood bravely naked bearing all for the veterans of America.
    "You know Kyle I kind of wanted to strangle you after everything you put me through, but I'm willing to forgive you for one reason," Victoria said.
    "Oh really, what's that?"
    "Well you know you'd be surprised how many dates you get from really ripped military guys and firefighters when you are that hot naked balloon girl," Victoria said laughing and blushing. "Honestly I think that my phone hasn't stopped ringing as I think almost every single guy in that particular unit or platoon or whatever asked me for my number at the end."
    "So everything turned out really well in the end I guess," Kyle said as he smiled.
    That was when Victoria started smiling wickedly evil. "Yes I think that things turned out very well for the both of us."
    "Yeah, as I got to see you completely buck naked and soaking wet in public," Kyle said laughing loudly.
    "No, what I meant was that you're going to be so happy to hear this but you can do your patriotic duty as well, that woman who offered me the umbrella was actually the coordinator for the female veterans and we got to talking and everything, and I told her that you would absolutely love to do your duty and be the balloon guy for the dozens of female veterans down at the VA," Victoria said as she patted him on the back. "Here's hoping that there's not a fire on a rainy day balloon boy."

    Later on at the charity event to raise money to repair the VA from the fire Kyle went back to the improvised dressing room.
    "Well let's get this over with, where is my outfit of balloons," Kyle said as Victoria came holding up what looked like only four balloons. "You know that doesn't look like it's going to cover me up all that well."
    "Well it doesn't have to cover up your whole body, just the interesting bits," Victoria said as Kyle began blushing as she patted him on the back. "Well go out there and do your patriotic duty!"
    As Kyle walked onto the stage completely naked except for a couple of balloons covering up his lower regions all of the women in the audience began going wild and cheering. He didn't know what it was about all of those women seeing him exposed like that but he found himself getting strangely excited by all of the attention, and he felt all of the blood rushing to a certain area of his anatomy, and as it did so that was when he heard a very loud pop as all of the women in the audience began screaming and going wild stomping their feet loudly on the floor as they all pointed at Kyle.
    Victoria sat in the audience laughing hysterically as she elbowed Pamela, the one who had given her the umbrella that day, as the two of them began shrieking with laughter.
    "And to think, we didn't even need a fire to make things really hot," Victoria said.



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