His Naked Horror at the Halloween Party

I knew I wanted to do a story like this for Halloween and I was thinking what could be more embarrassing and awkward than being the only one naked at a party, and I thought the only one naked at a costume party where everybody else is dressed in anonymous and where everyone's going to know who you are and what you look like and you won't even know who it is. And when everyone is wearing elaborate costumes that of course makes your nudity stand out even more. I thought that this was one of the more comedic stories for sort of a Halloween story, and I guess it was sort of implied that it was sort of like a special kinky kind of party, even if only two people decided to bring naked slaves to the event. This is mostly a CFNM story but it also contains CMNF, CFNF, mutual male and female nudity and embarrassing nudity of both men and women.

His Naked Horror at the Halloween Party
"It seems that we got invited to a Halloween party, a costume party," Dave said.
    "Well then I will have to think of a really embarrassing costume for you to wear," said Clarissa.
    "Well I guess as long as I get to wear a costume at all I should probably be happy I guess," Dave said as he laughed as Clarissa smiled. "Oh shit what did I just say?"
    "You just gave me the idea for your perfect costume, you shall be wearing your birthday suit."
    "But the whole point of the party is that everybody is going anonymously, that's the whole purpose of wearing costumes."
    "Well then I guess is going to be extra embarrassing when you show up completely naked and are the only one there that everybody knows and recognizes."
    "How about if I wear a clown outfit?"
    Clarissa nodded. "Okay that's fair, you can go as a naked clown."
    "But it hardly seems fair that you get to dress however you want where I don't get to wear anything."
    "Exactly, that's the point. Besides it's not like there are actually any adult Halloween costumes for women that aren't in some way extremely slutty."
    "Dressing extremely slutty is still different than being completely buck naked."
    "Perhaps so, I guess you're going to be the star of the party then."
    "Well I guess Halloween is supposed to be about horror and terror and there is nothing more horrifying than being naked in public when everyone else is dressed."

    Dave had to admit that for the rest of the week he was getting really nervous anticipating the costume party. He knew that there were going to be a lot of people there and they were all going to be in disguise, so any of the weird kinky things that went on at the party nobody would know who was doing it, except for him. Everybody was going to be able to recognize him at the party and picture what he looked like naked for the rest of their lives.
    "I've decided," Clarissa said as she came out dressed as Marie Antoinette, if Marie Antoinette was a leather bound biker woman, but she still had the Marie Antoinette hair to be fair. "I will allow you to dress as a clown but only until we get to the party."
    "How very generous of you mistress."
    Dave got dressed up like a clown and he knew that all of the laughs were going to be on him that evening, not because he was dressed by a clown, but because when he got to the party he would be undressed as a clown. He wasn't allowed to put on any clown makeup though because that would conceal his identity, and she wanted to be the only person at a party with a naked slave.

    When they arrived at the party and walked through the door everyone looked at Clarissa in her Marie Antoinette biker babe costume and everybody looked suitably impressed.
    "And this is my naked clown Dave," Clarissa said. "Take off that ridiculous outfit now!"
    As Dave stood there in front of the entire party full of people who were dressed to the nines and disguised in every way, he realized he could barely recognize anyone there because all of their costumes were so elaborate. Very reluctantly he slipped out of his clown outfit as everybody clapped and cheered and whistled and hollered.
    As soon as he was standing there covering himself up with his hands everybody was laughing at him and pointing, and he found himself feeling especially self-conscious. The last place you really wanted to be naked was at a costume party where nobody else could even be recognized.
    "Well this is funny clown man," a woman said as she came by in a Cat Woman outfit and made purring noises.
    "Yes I figured being a naked clown we would get lots of good laughs," Clarissa said. "As I always say let them see cock!"
    As everybody in the room stared at Dave standing there next to Clarissa dressed in her elaborate getup he had to admit the fact that everybody else was especially dressed up made him feel even more dressed down, even more naked than he normally would feel, and he knew that Clarissa was smiling and yukking it up really good.
    "It should be illegal for the peasants of the world to wear clothing," Clarissa said as she took out a fan and waved it in her face as several of the well-dressed Renaissance looking women around her all started laughing and giggling as they pointed at Dave.
    As Dave stood there struggling to cover up he noticed that everybody kept looking in his direction. It was just as he feared, when you are the only one naked at a costume party really stand out, even more so than when you are the only one naked under normal circumstances.
    "Nice costume clown," a woman in a Harley Quinn outfit said as she came over putting her baseball bat behind her head. Dave didn't recognize this woman but he felt like maybe he had seen her somewhere before. "I bet you're getting a lot of laughs tonight aren't you clown?"
    "I get that feeling as well," Dave said.
    "So what clown are you, you're not exactly bozo, what are you new Nude-O the clown?"
    "I haven't heard of that particular clown before."
    "Well yeah, that kind of clown doesn't generally do children's parties I would hope, now does he?" Harley Quinn looked him up and down and smiled. "Well looks like part of you is inflating like a balloon doggie."
    Dave was embarrassed to admit to himself that the fact that he had a very obvious and very growing erection was only making the situation even more embarrassing than it already was in the first place.
    "Dirty dirty boy," a woman dressed as a French maid said as she took her feather duster and began dusting Dave's ass and genitals as he started laughing hysterically drawing even more attention to him. "Well it seems someone's ticklish!"
    The fact that Dave was indeed incredibly and insanely ticklish certainly didn't help the situation. The fact that most of the women at the party were indeed dressed extremely slutty didn't make him feel any less naked. Even if they were dressed in really skimpy and revealing outfits it still wasn't as revealing as the outfit that he happened to be wearing at the moment.
    As Clarissa went on gushing about how it was nice that she had so much power over the peasants like that, as she frequently referred to Dave as she looked him over in the corner of her eye and sort of smirked in his general direction, Dave reluctantly began mingling with the other party guests.
    "Having a difficult evening," a woman dressed as Little Bo Peep said as she came over to him. "By the way I can see your peep!"
    The fact that even a woman dressed as Little Bo Peep was getting in lots of diggs at Dave was once again making him feel both embarrassed and also somewhat excited.
    "You might say something like that," Dave said.
    "Yeah I suppose the whole idea of a costume party is that you can dress in sort of an outrageous way and nobody is going to remember that it was you, except for you, I think everybody at this party is probably going to remember you most of all."
    "Is there anything I can do for you mistress," a man said as he came over dressed in a black sheep outfit as he came over to the woman dressed as Little Bo Peep.
    "When I want my sheep I will go looking for them," Little Bo Peep said as she tapped her staff on the floor as the man in the sheep costume simply stood there next to Dave.
    "Do you ever feel stupid sometimes?" the black sheep asked him once Little Bo Peep had gone off to mingle with others.
    "You're dressed as a sheep and you are asking me that?" Dave asked.
    "Hey I'm wearing more than you are," the sheep said. "It looks like somebody has been a baaaaaddd little boy."
    "Okay after that remark I feel slightly less stupid than the guy talking like a sheep, but I still wouldn't mind trading places with you, at least you're covered in wool."
    "Yeah but I'm sweating like a pig in here," the black sheep guy said before wandering off as he could see that Little Bo Peep was hitting her staff on the floor, and once again Dave felt himself alone, alone but also very much not alone because he could feel everybody's eyes on his body, even people who were wearing masks such that he couldn't even see their eyes through the eyeholes, he knew they were still looking at him, everybody in the entire place was getting a really good look at him.
    "Wow you are really hot," a woman said as she came over dressed in a slutty nurses outfit and felt Dave's forehead. "Maybe I should take your temperature!"
    As the nurse took out a very large looking novelty thermometer Dave suddenly felt nervous about what she was planning to do with that, but he saw Clarissa coming over with a smile to his rescue.
    "So how are you enjoying yourself," Clarissa said with her hands on her hips in a really cocky manner.
    "You know I think that people are really taking notice of my costume," Dave said.
    Clarissa laughed. "I know right, it's like the perfect costume, I think that we are probably going to win the costume contest. Nobody else thought to have their slaves come completely and utterly naked. I've never felt more in control of a situation and more flattered to have everybody looking at us."
    "Well you have a pretty unique costume as well, I mean reimagining Mary Antoinette as a biker babe shows that you are very creative."
    "Indeed I am peasant. I don't think that there's any possibility that we are going to lose the contest now. Everyone's going to remember my awesome costume contrasted with your lovely naked ass and hanging cock and balls!"
    As Dave laughed nervously that was when everybody turned to the door where standing there was a man dressed in a toga wearing laurels on his head with a woman on the end of a chain completely and utterly stark naked, aside from the golden slave armbands on her wrists.
    "What the actual fuck," Clarissa said as she began staring daggers at the Roman Emperor.
    "The Emperor Caligula has arrived, let the depravity begin," the man said. "Except this Emperor is the one keeping his clothes on, but for the slaves, off with their clothes!"
    "That son of a bitch," Clarissa said as she grabbed Dave by the hand and walked up to the Emperor.
    "What are you supposed to be," Caligula said as he saw Clarissa approaching him.
    "I'm Marie Antoinette, you know a more modern updated Marie Antoinette," Clarissa said.
    Caligula laughed "Marie Antoinette, you are merely the Queen of France, I am Emperor of all Rome, I think that we can see who wears the pants around here."
    Dave and the naked woman looked at each other and couldn't help but smirk a little bit at that remark.
    "You're wearing a toga, that's pretty much a dress," Clarissa said getting right up in his face.
    "Nothing wrong with the man in a dress," a guy dressed as Frank N Footer said as he walked by in his fishnet stockings and smirked. "I'm just a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania."
    As Clarissa and Caligula sort of stared at each other glaring daggers Dave and the naked woman just sort of looked at each other, sort of looking at each other but then sort of looking away to make it look like they weren't staring, even though they both were, and Dave once again felt self-conscious as he could see the naked woman staring at his very obvious erection.
    "I'm Dave, the naked clown," Dave said as he held out his hand and shook hers and could feel the cold of her gold slave armbands.
    "Let's just call me Livia the slave girl for this evening," the naked woman said as they both stood there feeling awkward and uncomfortable.
    "Something about being naked in front of the upper classes," Dave said laughing nervously.
    "Yeah," the woman said clearly blushing. "Why do we allow ourselves to be subjected to this?"
    "I guess we just are people pleasers in general, you can't be a good slave if you're always going to be rebelling against the king or the Queen or the Emperor."
    As Dave and Livia stood there in the center of the room as Caligula and Marie Antoinette seem to be sizing each other up for some kind of pissing contest, they weren't exactly sure what they were supposed to be doing, but they could see that all eyes were on them.
    "Friends, Romans, countrymen, naked people," Caligula said. "Lend me your ears. It seems that the Queen and I have had a little bit of a conflagration. She seems to think that because she's the queen that she somehow outranks the Emperor."
    "To be fair the people you are portraying were both autocratic rulers who both ended up being executed by their own people as a result of their wild excesses," a man dressed as a court jester said.
    "Shut up fool," Caligula and Clarissa said simultaneously as the man shut up.
    "I guess there is only one way to decide this, with the games!" Caligula said as everybody began cheering.
    "Who's for bobbing for apples," a woman with ridiculously long hair said.
    "Okay Rapunzel I'm game," Clarissa said looking at Caligula as he nodded.
    Dave and Livia both got ready to see who could bob for the most apples. As the timer began they both kneeled down into the wooden basins full of apples and began going at it as everybody started whistling and cheering and making comments about their asses and genitals.
    "It seems the slave girl has got nine apples, that would even put Eve to shame," Rapunzel said before looking at Dave. "It looks like the naked clown won't have the last laugh this time though because he only got seven apples."
    Caligula smiled as Dave and Livia simply looked at each other awkwardly squirming and blushing.
    "Next round will be the staring contest," Rapunzel said. "The first one to blink loses, and since they are both completely buck naked they will have a lot to stare at!"
    Dave and Livia stood across from one another as the contest began. Livia looked like she had a lot of good self-control but as Dave stood there staring at her naked body, seeing every inch of it uncovered, he suddenly felt all of the blood flowing to a certain area of his body as everybody started laughing and clapping. He tried to maintain his concentration but as he stood there staring over every inch of Livia's naked body he felt he was about ready to explode, when all of the sudden he could see Livia's eyes staring directly down at him and that was when she suddenly blinked.
    "Well looks like this round goes to the naked clown who seemed like he sprouted something that managed to make her blink," Rapunzel said holding up his arm as Livia couldn't help but laugh.
    Dave managed to win that contest but the fact that he only managed to win it because everybody was staring at his erect genitals made it kind of a Pyrrhic victory.
    "What should the last contest to be to break the tie," Rapunzel said as she saw the French maid twirling her feather dusters around as she smiled. "I think that I just had an idea. Who here is ticklish?!"
    Dave practically felt his heart go into his throat as Rapunzel said that with a fit of laughter. He looked at Livia and the two of them looked at each other nervously, and he couldn't help but see that Livia looked as though she were smiling in a way that made him suddenly nervous.
    The two of them were made to stand side-by-side.
    "First one to flinch or laugh loses," Rapunzel said and Dave felt practically ready to faint. There was no way he was going to be able to win this contest unless Livia was extremely ticklish, and he got the bad sense that she might not be.
    The French maid took out her to feather dusters and began dusting them both simultaneously. Immediately Dave felt himself going out of his mind and it was taking every once of his concentration to avoid moving but he found every sensation to be pure torture.
    As he looked to the side he could see that Livia was sort of smiling but looking a lot more relaxed than he was as the French maid continued dusting their bodies both with her feather dusters, first at the top of their bodies, and then moving downward and then finally she started going to their back sides.
    As Dave felt the feather duster dusting his butt crack he knew that it was the end for him but the thing that he didn't expect is as soon as he felt that tickle between his butt crack all of the sudden he blew his load and it went across the room hitting Caligula right in the face as everybody began gasping.
    "Well, I think that the slave girl won the tickling endurance contest but I think that the naked clown definitely won for distance," Rapunzel said as everybody burst out laughing and clapping. "And let's have a round of applause for the two stars of this Halloween evening, the clear joint winners of the costume contest, the two naked people! Take a bow you two."
    Dave and Livia reluctantly looked at each other, held hands and together took a bow as everybody began cheering and Clarissa began going wild as she felt that the money shot that Caligula took to the face was a sure sign of victory for her.
    "Well naked clown, you sure put on a show tonight," Clarissa said as she smacked him hard on the ass as everybody continued going wild.
    Dave had to admit he could see that Caligula was scowling at Livia, and he felt like he should say something but given that he was completely buck naked and that everybody was gathered around for Clarissa's victory lap he simply stood there and held his tongue.
    "I know this is considered a tie but I think that we definitely won, I mean you're a lot more naked than her with those tacky armbands," Clarissa said.

    A few weeks later Dave was in the store where he ran into somebody that he strangely recognized.
    "Hey you're Caligula's slave girl," Dave said.
    "And you are the naked clown who won the distance," Livia said as the two of them sort of laughed awkwardly.
    "I hope that I didn't get you in trouble with your master, I know that those Roman Emperor types can be really thumbs up thumbs down, happy one day feed them to the lions the next."
    "You know I don't think that Caligula was pleased when you blew your load and it hit him right in the face, but I think that he was a bit of an arrogant jerk, and I think that maybe you put him in his place. Anyway we're not together any longer, but it's probably for the best."
    "I hope it wasn't because of me."
    "No it was a lot of reasons, I just realized that maybe I didn't want to be his naked slave everywhere I went. Sometimes it can be a little degrading!"
    "Well you know that's true but I'm pretty happy with my mistress, she's a good queen and she actually does let me eat cake! I could never stand to see anybody go off with her head. But hey you weren't even completely naked, you were wearing those slave armbands after all."
    The two of them laughed.
    "Well maybe I'll see you around," Livia said as she sort of smiled at him and looked down at him.
    "Yeah maybe," Dave said as they both sort of awkwardly looked away from each other and started going their separate ways. Dave paused for a moment however and turned and looked at Livia to find that she was looking back at him, and that was when she reached over to what looked like a feather duster, smiled and waved it at him as he suddenly felt himself blow his load in his pants.
    As Dave awkwardly went home with his pants feeling rather wet he did only take solace in one thing, at least this time he was able to keep his pants on, but Livia may not have even realized that the last laugh was still on him, but hey what can you expect, as it's all in a days work for a naked clown.


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