The Dirty Little Secret At Our Big Naked Support Group

I have to admit when I started writing this story I didn't know exactly where I was going to go with it other than it was going to be another one of my stories that involve characters allergic to clothing, and I figured that if that was such a real thing there would definitely be a support group for it as weird as that sounds. But then when I started writing it the twist came to me and I thought it was the perfect twist that I added to the title (it was originally just Our Big Naked Support Group) which I cannot say more about as I do not want to spoil the story, but let's just say if you have ever seen the movie/read the book Fight Club, well I don't want to give anything away! This story contains both male and female nudity and embarrassed nude male, embarrassed nude female, CFNM, naked in public and only one naked. And I have to say for a story that I only had a one sentence description of the basic idea to work from the fact that I managed to get it to 6000 words shows that I really took off when I started writing!

The Dirty Little Secret At Our Big Naked Support Group
I remember the first time it was suggested to me that I go to a support group for public nudists. It sounded like the craziest thing in the world, but it really was true, these days that they really do have a support group for everything, and I mean literally everything!
    It was a new disorder and nobody knew how you contracted it. There were some who thought that it spread sexually, with religious fundamentalists of course saying that it was a punishment for sexual immorality, but nobody knew exactly what caused it, and although it was rare it was not all that uncommon. So the fact that there was a support group for it should probably not have been all that surprising.
    Ever since I had contracted Feldman's syndrome, as it was known after the patient zero who was the first to contract it, I tried to minimize the amount I had to leave my house. Luckily I was able to work from home and it's easy enough to order food and have it delivered to you, but as several of my friends and family pointed out you can't spend your entire life locked away from society, at some point you have to brave the world head on, clothing or not.
    As I went down to the community center where there was an endless variety of support groups for various different things, PTSD, alcoholism, anxiety and a whole host of other things that I think probably afflicted most of those who found themselves suddenly rendered naked in public. I know I certainly had been drinking more ever since I had been diagnosed, and every time I left the house it was a source of anxiety and potentially traumatic.
    I was a pretty average guy, certainly not super attractive but also not totally ugly, so that perhaps made it more difficult on several levels. I was not ugly enough that people would look away or shun me but I was still naked enough that it would be embarrassing to be seen like that in public. But I didn't think that really mattered, even if I had the body of a bodybuilder I would still feel embarrassed going naked everywhere I go, I really couldn't picture a more intimidating situation.
    Finally I came to the door which was labeled innocently enough naked support group. I kind of wondered how many people saw that sign on the door and decided to open up the door and take a peek inside and pretend that they had gone into the wrong room. It was a rotten thing to do but I have to admit if I were one of the lucky people to not be so afflicted with nudity myself I would be curious to see all of the naked people as well.
    As I stood there with my hands trembling reaching for the door I heard the sound of a woman whistling behind me as she and her friend walked by fully dressed and smiling and laughing. As soon as they did so I was quick to open the door and close it shut behind me right away.
    "Well looks like we have another member to welcome to our group," a woman said in the center of the room, rather intimidatingly wearing clothing that was far from revealing. In fact she was dressed quite conservatively, although it would probably seem that way to anybody when she was the only one in the room who was dressed.
    "You must be Melissa," I said as I shook her hand.
    "Hey everybody, I would like you to all welcome Fred to our support group," Melissa said as I looked around and I could see that there were two women and two other men in the group.
    The first one to introduce themselves was Mark who was a little bit overweight and seemed to be a bit more self-conscious about being naked than the other man next to him, who looked like he was rather fit and was named Remi.
    The women were likewise similar, there was one fairly average looking woman, named Mandy, and another who was clearly overweight and not the type of person most would want to see naked named Martha, but if you were a chubby chaser, and there were plenty who were, she was a dream come true.
    I shook all of their hands before sitting down in between the group of men and women. There were a few empty chairs between everybody as I guess nobody felt really comfortable about being in close proximity to other naked people.
    I think that we all noticed at the same time as the door opened and that was when a stunning example of human anatomy in every way walked into the door. She was like a vision from heaven, a virtual goddess, perfect figure, large but not unrealistically large breasts, which is to say quite natural, long blonde hair flowing down her back with a big smile on her face.
    It was hard to control myself but a man can only do so much, as I felt all of the blood rushing to my genitals so fast I felt that I was becoming lightheaded. I could see that Mark and Remi were likewise trying to cover themselves up to make it less obvious that seeing this woman was arousing them. The other women in the group however seemed to look away as though they were intimidated by how attractive this other woman was, and who certainly would have been attractive even with her clothing on.
    "Hi I'm Judita," she said as she extended her hand. She could probably feel that my palms were sweating as I took her hand. How exactly are you supposed to greet a stunningly attractive naked woman as she comes into the room like that and drawing all the attention to herself like she had her own center of gravity.
    As soon as Judita entered the room she was suddenly the focus of everybody's attention. The men in the room could barely contain their excitement and we were all somewhat self-conscious about the fact that all of the women in the room could see that we were clearly getting visibly turned on by Judita.
    "Well now that I think everybody's here we might as well start and introduce ourselves," Melissa said as everyone went around the room and once again and introduced themselves. "So who wants to go first?"
    "Unfortunately I have been unemployed ever since I had come down with this new condition as there is still a lot of discrimination against naked people out there," Mark said, although he certainly didn't seem to be starving.
    "I'm Remi and I worked in construction and it's kind of hard to do a job like that without everybody looking at you as it's very physical work and they can see all of the movements of your body unencumbered by clothing," Remi said. "You really never realize just how much of your body gets shown off until you realize that you are completely uncovered."
    "I'm Mandy and I work as a secretary, and I would quit my job in a moment if I was sure I could get a better job that didn't involve my boss constantly drooling at me all day," Mandy said.
    "I'm Martha and I was a housewife until my husband left me because he was jealous of all the other men looking at me and he kept constantly getting into fights over it," Martha said.
    "I'm Fred and I work in customer service, which fortunately I can do over the Internet where nobody has to see me," I said.
    Judita smiled. "My name is Judita and I had worked in an office but as a result of my new condition a lot of people started taking notice of me physically, and I eventually quit my office job and now I am a nude model."
    I could certainly see how it was a job that suited her well. In fact although this was a support group it didn't seem as though she needed much support, she seemed to be pretty comfortable with herself the way she was.
    After everybody had introduced themselves everyone went around and started discussing all of the problems that afflicted a person when they couldn't wear clothing in public any longer.
    "And it's just like I get sick of all the comments about my fat naked ass and my sagging breasts," Martha said and as she did so she seemed to be looking in glaring at Judita, who most of the other members of the group couldn't take their eyes off of, or at least the guys couldn't anyway. Martha seemed as though she was angry at Judita, perhaps because she was getting a lot more positive attention from being naked than she was.
    "Sure guys were kind of fresh with me and harassed me sometimes as a secretary before I was naked but now it's just like I can't even walk through the room without getting comments," Mandy said.
    "But I know what you mean, it seems like every time I walked down the street it's like I'm worried I'm going to cause a car accident or something," Judita said as the other woman glared at her as she confidently went on about all of the sexual harassment she had received on the street. "It's like just because I am a nude model doesn't mean that I don't miss wearing clothing, I miss it a lot, I had so many sexy outfits and now I had to get rid of all of them."
    "What about the guys now," Melissa said glaring in our general direction as we all sort of slumped down in our seats. The fact that we all had very clear and obvious erections as we all looked at Judita was impossible to hide and just excruciating.
    "I bet you guys probably all feel self-conscious about the fact that we can see your boners," Judita said as the other women sort of smirked and snickered a little bit, but Judita seemed as though she were reveling in it, knowing that she was turning us on like that in a very visible way.
    "Well yeah," I said about to stand up until I remembered and covered my erect genitals with my hands as Judita smirked at me in a way that made me practically ready to blow my load right then and there. "At least you ladies can disguise the way you feel towards other naked people."
    The other men nodded in agreement as Melissa smiled.
    "Now there is nothing to feel embarrassed about, as we are all here to support one another," Melissa said, although the way she said it she almost seemed as though she were sticking it to the guys. The women outnumbered us and Melissa was the only one in the room who was getting to keep her clothing on. For a moment I started wondering what she looked like naked, it's only natural to think about when everybody else is naked and you are the only one dressed that, people are naturally going to wonder. Strangely enough Melissa stood out for that very reason.
    "Easy for you to say, you get to keep your clothing on," Martha said voicing what I feel everyone else in the room was probably thinking.
    Melissa smiled. "I think that we are all self-conscious about our bodies sometimes, but yes suddenly being naked after an entire lifetime of being used to wearing clothing is a lot to take. I honestly think that you are all brave, heroic even for being able to go out and face the world while all vulnerable like that."
    Judita crossed one leg over the other in a way that suggested maybe for the first time all evening she actually felt a little self-conscious herself, at least about her genitals anyway.
    "You know it's difficult at first but I think I am starting to get used to it a little bit," Judita said as she leaned back in her chair looking really relaxed. Her lack of discomfort with the fact that she was naked made it felt like she was waging some kind of psychological warfare against us.
    "Honestly I have hardly left my house since being diagnosed," I said. "I've always been kind of a very private, shy and bashful individual, and it's really taking a lot to get used to it. Like just now while I was getting ready to enter this room, I heard some women whistling while I was approaching the door of this place."
    "Guys do that to women all the time, even when we are dressed," Mandy said looking in my direction as though she were somewhat unsympathetic to this new situation I found myself experiencing regularly.
    All of the other women seemed to be nodding, including Melissa who seemed like she was firmly on the side of the women. The fact that the only dressed person in the room was a woman somehow made me feel that we were somehow doubly outnumbered. What is it about somebody wearing clothing when you are naked that makes them seem so intimidating to you?
    "I don't deny that, and I am not minimizing it, I'm just saying I'm not used to it," I said. "It is a really really weird feeling to leave your house without clothing. Like the first thing you do before you leave your house usually is get dressed and think of what you're going to wear."
    "On the positive side it saves time having to worry about what to wear," Judita said as she smiled and laughed, and the rest of the people in the group laughed along with her, but once again it seemed as though she wasn't as uncomfortable as the rest of us.
    As the rest of the group went around describing all of the anxious feelings that we felt every time we had to interact with somebody, particularly somebody of the opposite sex, it seemed as though we were all in a form of solidarity, that we really all were experiencing similar feelings, but again I couldn't help notice that as everybody else was talking about their discomfort with being naked in public Judita seemed as though she were subtly smirking, almost as though she were mocking us and our discomfort.
    Every time she looked over in my direction and smiled at me I couldn't help but wonder what exactly she was thinking, what was going through her head? Was she looking at me in the same way that I was looking at her? She certainly didn't seem shy about looking, in fact she was even less shy about looking than she was at being seen it seemed. It's not something that I noticed often in a woman, in fact maybe I hadn't noticed it ever before until then, but she definitely had something of a roving eye, a voyeuristic glance.
    As the session went on and as everybody discussed how they felt about being naked in public and related all of their awkward experiences, such as Mandy spilling coffee over her naked body, or all of the women
coming up to watch Remi at his construction job and flashing pictures, to all of the people fat shaming Martha, I couldn't stop looking over in the direction of Judita. She seemed to be talking the least but watching the most, almost like she was there as an observer rather than a participant, and somehow that made her feel even more intimidating, the fact that it didn't seem to bother her that she was naked, but the fact that she seemed to be making everybody else uncomfortable about the fact that we were naked.
    And then of course there was the fact that I couldn't hide the fact that Judita was making me very happy in another way, and I couldn't help but notice that she kept looking over in my direction and smiling. In fact sometimes she leaned back in her chair in a way that got all the blood flowing to certain areas of my anatomy in a way that I couldn't help if I wanted to.
    "Well everybody I think for our first session this went pretty well, I think that we got a lot of things out in the open, and I hope that this was therapeutic for everybody, and that I look forward to seeing you all again next week, remember to stay strong together," Melissa said as she once again shook everybody's hand.
    I was about to get out of there but that was when Judita walked over to me with a real confident stride, one that was bordering on arrogant.
    "Hey Fred," she said, coming over to me, which caused me to practically choke as I knew that she had been watching between my legs the whole time and knowing that she was driving me wild. Melissa kept saying that there was nothing inappropriate about it in the situation, but the fact that Judita knew that she was making me excited was perhaps the most embarrassing part of this entire situation.
    "Oh hey Judita," I said feeling cornered like a deer in the headlights.
    She smiled. "You know I couldn't help but notice that it seemed like you were very happy to see me."
    "Well I –" I started saying, not exactly sure how to finish that sentence, as I was finding myself extremely tongue-tied.
    "Hey don't be embarrassed, like I said it's just a natural reaction when you see an attractive naked person, I take it as a compliment, and for what it's worth I am quite happy to see you as well, I hope that's not a rude thing to say," she said still smiling very wide in a way that was driving me even more wild, perhaps wilder than I have ever felt before. In fact I couldn't remember the last time I felt this way around a woman.
    "No, not at all," I said and I knew by then I must be blushing, as I probably was the entire evening.
    "While this may seem a little bit strange but I feel like I really connected with you tonight."
    "Really, you did?"
    She nodded. "Yeah, when I first got naked in public for the first time it was really intimidating and I was feeling just like you are now, but I feel I'm getting a little bit more used to it with time, so maybe we can be like special naked buddies or something, you know there to support one another."
    "Sure, that sounds rather nice actually, in fact it sounds great."
    "Well anyway I was wondering do you think maybe you would like to come back to my house, maybe get something to drink or have some coffee?"
    I could see that she was clearly asking me out, a beautiful attractive stunningly gorgeous naked woman was asking me out. It would be insane of me to say no, although I had to admit that ever since I had found myself with this condition my confidence had been in the toilet, and the idea of even approaching a woman to ask for a date was far too intimidating to even contemplate, but now here Judita was making the moves on me, making the first move, and that was when it occurred to me that this would be ideal, I wouldn't have to feel like I was the lesser person in the relationship if I was dating someone like her, someone like her who is equally stuck in the same naked situation.
    "You know Judita I think I would like that," I said suddenly feeling nervous that I was on my first date since losing the ability to wear clothing. In fact after my condition I didn't think I would never date again, or if I did it would be with somebody who gets off on the power rush of having a naked boyfriend, but now here I was with a beautiful gorgeous stunningly attractive naked woman, and she was just as incapable of putting on clothing as I am. It was pretty much a match made in heaven.
    As I followed Judita into the hallway where all of the other support group sessions were getting out I heard a bunch of people from the alcoholic group saying that they wouldn't mind drinking up someone like her, and a couple of people from the anxiety group saying that they couldn't even imagine being so free from anxiety that they could walk naked through the hallways with such a confident stride as Judita.
    At the same time I felt almost like a coward because as I was following behind her I was sort of slinking behind her as though I had my tail between my legs, although it was partially because I liked seeing her ass go up and down while she was walking I must admit!
    "Doesn't it bother you that people are making all these comments all the time?" I finally said, as we couldn't seem to walk that far without anybody making comments.
    "Hey you have to blow it off, don't let it intimidate you," she said as she started striding more confidently down the street and waving at the people whistling at her and blowing them kisses as they went wild. "You can't let them know that it bothers you."
    "That's just the thing, even though you came to a support group for it I don't think it actually bothers you, you seem pretty comfortable, in fact you seem like you are practically an exhibitionist!"
    "Aren't we all now though?"
    "No, absolutely not, believe me if I could put clothing on I would be wearing clothing right now!"
    "Well like it or not you are naked for the long haul, so you might as well start trying to get used to it. Maybe you're never going to decide to become a naked model like I am but you are going to have to face the world naked sooner or later."
    I couldn't deny that everything she was saying was true. We ended up catching a bus together and we couldn't help but notice that everybody was staring at us as the only two naked people on the bus. They probably thought that we were exhibitionists who had gotten together based on our mutual love of public nudity, but anyone looking at us could probably see that she was definitely the more confident one, or rather the only confident one.
    It didn't take us long until the bus had stopped at her apartment. As she led me down the hallway and into the elevator and then down the hallway again plenty of people began whistling at us, and I didn't know if they were whistling more at her or more at me, although I suspected it was more at her for obvious reasons.
    I felt relieved when we entered her apartment now that we could be alone together, just the two of us naked with nobody else to be staring or gawking at us. Except when she turned the light on I could see that there were three other dressed women sitting on the couch in her room.
    "Hey Fred these are my girlfriends Stacy, Ina and Carla, don't mind them," Judita.
    "Hey," I said waving sheepishly at them, totally not expecting there to be other women in her apartment like that, let alone women who got to keep their clothing on.
    "Hi Fred," they all said simultaneously as they waved at me and began giggling and smirking.
    "Don't mind Fred, he's like me, totally naked," Judita said extremely casually as though it were no big deal. Here I was thinking that we would be going back to her bedroom and having some mutually naked fun, and now here I was with my naked date with three dressed women in the room. "Anyway Fred go and make yourself comfortable on the couch."
    I started to feel my anxiety going up again, in fact I almost felt a little bit faint almost as I sat down on the couch next to Judita's girlfriends as she sat down next to them as well.
    I don't know what it was about this whole situation but once again I found all of the blood rushing to a certain area of my anatomy. This was mortifying, more humiliating than anything I could imagine, but something about the situation was giving me a little bit of a rush that I couldn't explain.
    "Well looks like even though we're the ones wearing the clothing that you seem to be pretty happy to see us," Carla said as she and the other women burst out laughing.
    "Hey it's a totally natural and flattering thing, I mean you know he's getting it because of yours truly," Judita said as she shook her breasts in my direction.
    All of her dressed friends burst out laughing, and for a moment I wanted to run out of there, but I didn't want to seem like a coward. So I just sort of sucked it up and we started watching TV, but I could see that all of her friends were not watching the television, they were all clearly looking at me, particularly certain areas of my anatomy, as they couldn't stop snickering and smirking the whole time.
    "Well I can see it's getting kind of late," I said a little bit later as it didn't seem like Judita's dressed friends were going to be leaving and I wasn't going to be getting any kind of action from her.
    "Well don't be a stranger, I guess I will see you at the support group," Judita said. "Bye-bye Fred."
    "Bye-bye Fred," all of the other women said as they began bursting out laughing once more.
    I practically fainted as I fell into the hallway where another woman sort of looked at me and smirked before walking on her way.
    I got back on the bus and I was soon home and I ran to my room and the moment I did so I pretty much blew my load all over the place and finally managed to relax. I don't know what exactly happened to me, but I couldn't help but feel that Judita had played me for a fool.

    The next week when I saw her waiting for me at the support group she simply smiled politely, as though nothing strange had happened, as though she hadn't dragged me back to her apartment where all of her dressed friends got a good look at me for several hours straight.
    While everybody else was going on about how they had managed to get through the week while being naked in public, all I could think about the entire time was Judita and her friends. I tried to look like I wasn't staring at her, but during the entire session I probably couldn't take my eyes off of her for more than a few seconds.
    Once again she sat there confidently and comfortably listening to everybody else going on about how hard it was for them to be naked in public, and occasionally she would offer some kind of anecdote about how somebody had whistled at her or tried to grope her, but for the most part she was the quietest member of the group and she seemed to enjoy hearing everybody else talk.
    "I'm still mostly working from home," I said when it was finally my turn to talk. I felt like I didn't have that much to say, certainly wasn't going to mention about what had happened with Judita. Was it even consider professional to meet other members of the group recreationally outside of the group?
    When things were over at the end of the session Judita stopped me before I went home.
    "Are you doing anything this evening," Judita said as she leaned her elbow on the door and crossed her leg over the other leg, looking really comfortable and very very attractive. "I was kind of wondering if maybe you wanted to come back to my place again."
    I had to admit just the very thought of going back to her apartment with her and all of her girlfriends, all of her dressed girlfriends, I don't know why but it was making me uncontrollably excited, but also uncontrollably intimidated.
    "You mean just like the two of us," I finally said.
    "Why, do you have something against my girlfriends being there," she said, once again giving me the stare down in a really intimidating way that made me want to slink out of there.
    "No, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just I think I have a lot to do tonight," I said, which was a lie, I pretty much was going to go home, probably look at porn on the Internet, that was nowhere near as exciting as being with an actual naked woman, and then go to sleep.
    What I had done that other evening with Judita and her friends was perhaps the most exciting situation of my life but also the most humiliating moment of my life, and I wasn't quite ready to confront that situation again.

    I tried to put it out of my head but later in the week when I was going to the deli to get something to eat that was when I saw something that would shatter my worldview forever.
    "Hey aren't you Fred, Judita's friend," Stacy said as she approached me in the deli, totally recognizing me completely without my clothing.
    "Hey Stacy what," Judita said as she froze in her tracks as she recognized me. It took me a moment for me to recognize her because there was something very distinctly different about her.
    "Judita, what are you doing here, and what are you doing dressed to the nines," I said as I looked her up and down but her body was quite well concealed with a stylish blue dress.
    "Look Fred I can explain," she began saying but I had a feeling that she didn't have an explanation for this.
    "You were faking it, all this time you were faking that you had Feldman's syndrome," I said barely able to believe it. I never in a million years would I have suspected it but now suddenly all of her behavior at the support group made perfect sense.
    "Okay, so you caught me," Judita said shaking her head and folding her arms. "So what, is it a federal crime?"
    "But why, why did you do it?"
    Judita smiled. "Because I get off on it, I get off on the fact that my naked body intimidates people, the fact that being seen naked by me intimidates people like you. I like showing up at places like that and watching you naked people squirm. It's not the same as looking at porn on the Internet, or looking at somebody who genuinely wants to be naked, there is something that appeals to the voyeuristic instinct in me, to be naked around other naked people and knowing at the end of the day that I get to put my clothing on again."
    "What if I tell the group?"
    "Will they believe you? And even if you did I could always find another group, it's easy enough to do."
    As I stood there with this well-dressed woman telling me about her insidious plan about how she got to see lots of naked people and make them feel uncomfortable, I had never felt more uncomfortable myself, and for some reason I had no response to her, could barely form words. I didn't know if I should admire her as an evil genius or brand her some type of pervert.
    I didn't know what to say, so I simply said nothing, got my sandwich and walked away.

    The next week when I went to group and sat there knowing Judita's dirty little secret it was hard to concentrate, knowing exactly how she felt about being there. She didn't mind being seen and she loved seeing others, loved the uncomfortable aspects of a naked situation like that. I didn't say anything, I didn't speak up, and that was the last time I went to the support group.
    After leaving the support group I learned to deal with things in my own way. I still spent most of my time working from home, ordering takeout, and in general being too intimidated to confront the opposite sex without being able to wear clothing. It just felt like I would never be in any kind of real equal relationship and I felt that I had made peace with that.
    Then one day of all places I saw Judita at the laundromat getting her clothing. I thought it was ironic that I would see her in a situation like that, me completely naked and her with a bag full of clothing. As I was walking by she made eye contact with me, and I still found something intimidating about that because she seemed completely unashamed about what she had done. I don't know why, don't know what compelled me to go in and see her but I walked into the laundromat.
    "Hey Fred, how's it going," she said smiling as she got a good look over of my body again. "I haven't seen you at the support group lately."
    "Still going then?"
    She nodded. "You never turned me in, why?"
    I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, maybe I didn't think anyone would believe me, maybe it would make me seem like some kind of jerk. I really don't have an answer to that question in all honesty. Truth be told, I mean yeah it was kind of an underhanded thing to do, but it was really kind of clever in all honesty. And maybe that's why I couldn't turn you in, because I remember the first day as I approached the door of the support group, I was thinking the exact same thing that you were, that if I weren't one of the naked people too it would be so tempting to open up the door and sneak a peek, there is something rather exhilarating about it, exhilarating seeing a person naked while you are dressed. I wouldn't have the guts to do what you did and fake being naked and go to a support group naked, but perhaps if I had your level of comfort and confidence I actually would."
    "Well thanks for not outing me, I'm sorry if I ruined the support group for you."
    "Hey, it is what it is. I'm not going to judge. Well anyway I should probably get going, I have a lot of work that I have to do, you know from home and everything."
    I was about to turn and walk out of there but she put her hand on my shoulder. "Hey do you ever want to do something sometime, maybe we can be each other's own support group, just the two of us."
    "But you're not uncomfortable being naked, you don't have to be naked, you get to put your clothing on."
    "Well maybe I can make you feel a little bit more comfortable about your own situation."
    As I stood there, once again completely naked as she stood there with her arms folded confidently over her clothed body, I realized that I was never probably going to find myself in an equal relationship with a woman who was likewise stark naked, but as I thought about that night with Judita and her friends something came over me.
    I smiled at her and nodded. "You know what, I think I'd like that."


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