Watching the Moon Landing Naked

I guess as a dedicated science fiction writer I go back to the moon landing a lot in many of the stories I write under my own name, so it was probably inevitable at some point I would write some type of kinky story under my pseudonym! I figured that the idea of the moon landing was perfect for a naked story seeing as in the 60s everyone was all into alternative lifestyles and experimentation, and I thought it would be interesting to see this uptight conservative couple forced to spend an evening with a bunch of nudists hippies and it ultimately ends up helping them to overcome their own uptight attitudes. And I also thought that something unifying like the moon landing would cause people to come together and forget about all other things, even something like the fact that they were naked in a public situation for the first time. And then the ending I thought was just the most hilarious way to end it! So I thought this made a pretty good opener for volume 3 of these naked stories. This one contains both male and female nudity and embarrassed nude female and embarrassed nude male and naked in public.

Watching the Moon Landing Naked
July 20, 1969.
    "This is going to be a historic moment, we are actually going to see men walking on the moon," George said as he adjusted the picture on the television.
    "This is such a historic moment everybody's going to know exactly where they were when they first saw this happening," Nancy said.
    George looked down the street and could hear lots of noise coming from the house down the block. "Those crazy dirty hippies, here we are about to witness one of the most historically significant event in the history of the world and they are probably just sitting around naked getting high and listening to loud rock 'n roll music. Don't they have any sense of history and propiety?"
    "Well they would be the ones to be missing out, if they want to be so baked out of their brains that they can't even remember what they were doing when man landed on the moon it's their loss. But in just a few moments we are going to see the most historic moment in the history of the world."
    George continued adjusting the rabbit ears on the television to get the reception just perfect as they didn't want to miss a minute of this, but as he did so he could see that the picture was actually getting worse.
    "What's the matter George, the picture doesn't seem to be getting any better?" Nancy said.
    "I know I know, but I will keep adjusting it and you'll tell me when the picture becomes visible," George said as he continued fiddling with the rabbit ears on the television.
    "But it still seems like it's getting worse and worse, maybe if you try plugging it in and unplugging it and plugging it back in."
    George nodded as he took the plug out of the television and then plugged it back in but as he did so all of the sudden the TV began smoking.
    "George the TVs on fire!" Nancy shouted as George quickly ran and got the fire extinguisher and began using it on the television.
    "Are you okay?" George said as Nancy nodded. "Oh great, most historic moment in human history that's going to unite the entire human race together in a spirit of universal brotherhood and all of that other hippie sounding crap, but I mean it in a way that's more historic and less kooky sounding, and we are going to miss it because that's when our TV just happens to burn out."
    "Maybe the neighbors will let us watch the moon landing at their house?"
    "Dammit Nancy the only neighbors that we have within a mile of here is that crazy hippie commune down the street. I'll tell you a few years ago this was such a nice little area in the middle of nowhere. We only had one set of neighbors but then they decided to move away and this hippie commune moved in."
    "Well watching the moon landing with the hippies is not the ideal situation that I was hoping for, but we can just watch the moon landing and then come right home I guess, we don't have to make a whole big thing out of it."
    "Dammit I really don't want to go and spend any time with those dirty filthy hippies, but I also don't want to miss the most important historic event of my lifetime, so I guess we will just have to bite the bullet and hope that our neighbors are more accommodating to us than we probably would be to them in a similar situation."
    George and Nancy walked down the block and knocked on the door and when they opened it there was a guy standing there completely buck naked smiling.
    "Howdy neighbor, what can I do you for?" the man said as Nancy tried her hardest to keep her eyes at the same level as his. "Is something the matter, you seem to be staring?"
    "Nancy," George said as he could realize that she was staring at the man's genitals which caused her immediately to begin blushing. "Well I don't know if you know but tonight is going to be the moon landing, human beings are actually going to be landing on the moon, human beings who are wearing spacesuits."
    "Underneath the spacesuits you can be sure that they're naked," the man said. "In fact my name is actually Moon Child."
    "Is that the name your parents gave you?" George said as Moon Child laughed.
    "What he was really going to ask is can we watch the moon landing at your house, assuming that you have a television," Nancy said, thinking that these hippies were probably poor and maybe they couldn't actually afford a television.
    "State-of-the-art, we've been looking forward to this, we all wanted to have a cosmic moment of togetherness when man landed on the moon," Moon Child said. "Sure you're welcome to watch the moon landing with us but we just kind of have one rule that we want everybody to follow."
    "Hippies have rules, that's a new one," George said shaking his head. "What is your rule?"
    "Well we kind of all wanted to watch the moon landing completely naked, and if we had people here wearing clothing that would totally throw off the balance of energy at this place and we certainly wouldn't want that," Moon Child said.
    "Wait a minute are you actually asking us to get, to get –" George said not able to fully form the words.
    "Get naked?" Nancy finally said finishing the sentence as she started blushing again as George looked uncomfortable.
    As the two of them looked into the house they could see that there were a bunch of naked men and women sitting around a giant television screen, a couple of whom seemed to be smoking what was probably marijuana, they were both having second thoughts and thinking they should get the hell out of there as quickly as their legs would carry them.
    "Yeah, it's sort of like a protest man," Moon Child said. "We feel that for this historic moment we should all be together and not hiding anything from the great spirit in the sky. The moon goddess would want us all to be naked as we see men violating the sanctity of the moon, stomping around like colonial conquerors."
    "This isn't about conquest, this is about expanding mankind's horizons of the universe," George said before realizing that trying to explain that to somebody named Moon Child who was standing there naked and was probably high might be a waste of his breath.
    "Whatever man, but if you want to watch the moon landing with us you had better slip into something more comfortable, by which of course I mean nothing," Moon Child said as he laughed.
    George was beginning to get indignant. Here he was just wanting to witness a moment in human history and his only chance of doing that was being buck naked with a bunch of smelly equally naked hippies that smelled like some type of, he didn't even know what, a concert maybe, but he certainly thought that it smelled weird.
    "Hey who are all the uptight squares who are still wearing their clothing," a rather attractive woman with ample breasts said as she came over, likewise completely naked aside from some flowers painted on her cheeks and nipples.
    "This is Tree Spirit," Moon Child said pointing to the naked woman who smiled and waved at them.
    "George you are staring," Nancy said hitting him with her elbow.
    "Hey there's no problem looking, nothing to be ashamed of," Tree Spirit said as she laughed. "It's totally natural, totally in tune with nature. I was born this way and I think it fits well."
    George wanted to tell her that she should be ashamed but at that moment he looked at his watch and realized that the moon landing was about to commence, and if they didn't get in there right now they would miss it.
    "So do you want to join our naked moon landing bash," Tree Spirit said.
    "If you do you had better get undressed now because we don't want you throwing off the vibe," Moon Child said.
    "We're just going to watch the moon landing and then we are going to go right home," George said as he and Nancy looked at each other awkwardly. As a couple who often made love in the dark they hadn't even really gotten that much of a great look at each other naked in proper light and they thought for a moment that that was weird.
    The two of them looked at each other and reluctantly, practically biting their lips as they did so, they both slowly started sliding out of there numerous layers of clothing until they were both standing there in the door completely naked covering themselves with their hands.
    "Welcome in cosmic voyagers," Moon Child said as he led George and Nancy into the door." Everybody say hi to George and Nancy, they're are neighbors remember?"
    All of the people turned around and looked at them and waved and they suddenly felt all of the eyes upon them. They just wanted to see the moon landing and now about a dozen or so hippies had seen their completely naked bodies. It was by far the most embarrassing moment of their lives.
    "Okay everybody it is time to turn on the TV," Tree Spirit said as she started bending over to turn on the television. Nancy kept elbowing George in the side as she could see that he was staring directly at her rather attractive ass and using every bit of self-control to suppress all of the blood that he felt going to his nether regions.
    Everyone got quiet and turned down the music as the image of a man walking down the ladder of the lunar lander appeared on the screen.
    "At least they have a fairly good reception and color besides," George said as Nancy nodded. As they were watching the scene on the television it momentarily made them forget the fact that they both sitting there completely buck naked with about a dozen other naked people around them, something they had never experienced in their life and never in a million years thought that they would ever be willing to accept.
    "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for all mankind," Neil Armstrong said on the television.
    "What about women sexist pig!" one woman shouted as some of the other women in the room began clapping.
    "Down with the patriarchy!" another woman shouted.
    "Down with the white male establishment and their puritanical ideas about the human body," a third woman said pressing her breasts together before shaking them loose.
    George wanted to tell them that they shouldn't be ruining the moment, that the moment was sacred and that they should show it proper respect, but all of the sudden as he saw all of those naked women standing there, along with their naked male companions all together and unified by that moment in time when a person first set foot on the moon, somehow everything just felt kind of right.
    Everyone began clapping in spite of their reservations about the white male establishment stomping its foot upon the virgin moon and the goddess they believed inhabited it, and something came over George and Nancy who found themselves getting up and hugging one another. They had never hugged each other completely naked like that, certainly not with an audience around, and that was when they realized that everybody had turned to them and began clapping and cheering.
    "That was transcendent, really groovy wasn't it," Tree Spirit said as George and Nancy simply nodded and smiled.
    "Well thank you for letting us share this moment in history with you but I think that we should probably be getting home," George said already feeling his body itching to put his clothing back on.
    "Well you guys are welcome to stay for a while," Moon Child said smiling.
    "I guess it would be rude to just cut and run like that," Nancy said smiling. George was about to say something but as he saw Nancy looking loose and comfortable for the first time it started to make him feel a little bit more comfortable as well. Although he still felt rather uncomfortable with the whole situation it didn't feel as weird as it did when they first arrived, and he thought that they should be nicer to their hosts and neighbors, without whom they would not have been able to witness and share that moment together.
    They spent about a half-hour an hour mingling with all of the hippies, and as weird as it was to be mingling in a completely naked situation like that they found themselves not as uptight as they had been before. When they decided that it was getting late and they should be going they thanked their hosts for sharing a wonderful evening with them.
    "Hey where did we leave our clothing," Nancy said as they looked at the floor in front of the door to the hippies commune and found that their clothing had gone missing and she began to laugh. "Well I guess being naked for a little while longer isn't the worst thing in the world."
    "So you want to make a run for it as well?" George asked.
    She nodded as they both began bolting for their house down the block and as they were doing so they saw an old man waving his hand angrily at them. "Damn dirty hippies, turning the whole damn world into their own personal nudist commune!" the man shouted.
    George and Nancy ran into their door and slammed it behind them before catching their breath and looking at one another and laughing. The next thing they knew they were running into the bedroom and having the most passionate sex of their life. In fact they enjoyed it so much they even left the lights on and they didn't immediately get dressed afterwards.

    Many years later.
    "So mom and dad, for our school assignment our teacher said that we should ask our parents where they were when man first landed on the moon," Ralph said.
    George and Nancy looked at each other awkwardly as they remembered that night, which in all probability was the night in which Ralph was conceived, and if not for their experience with the hippies that night he probably wouldn't even be born, but they didn't want to tell him that.
    "You know we were just in the living room dressed casually and watching on the television," Nancy said as she tried hard not to smirk as she looked at George who began blushing. "It was pretty exciting but there really aren't any more juicy details I'm afraid. It was a important and historic moment but other than that it was pretty much just a ordinary evening like any other. Does that answer your question?"
    Ralph nodded as he went past his sister Janie.
    "So did you bring up the fact that the neighbor told us that they were naked at his hippie commune the night of the moon landing?" Janie asked.
    "Mom and dad naked at a hippie commune, yeah like that would ever happen, I am sure that the neighbor was just high and hallucinated that they were there," Ralph said as he and Janie had a good laugh as George and Nancy listening down the hall simply looked at each other, smiled and began heading towards their bedroom, barely able to keep their clothes on long enough to shut the door.


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