Paul and Sue's One Sided Naked Adventure

This story was inspired by something that was posted on the naked experiment forum where somebody said much like in this story they played a game with a woman named Sue where they rolled the dice and took off articles of clothing, and he ended up losing all of his clothing on the first roll, and ended up having to make her coffee while naked. That was the basic idea but everything else I took that basic concept and then I really expanded it and drew it out and brought Veronica into the mix, and I think that the whole thing works pretty well. I like the fact that Sue was managing once again to trick him into a naked situation like that and in the end he ultimately enjoyed that more than getting to possibly see her and Veronica naked. This one contains only one naked, embarrassed nude male and CFNM.

Paul and Sue's One Sided Naked Adventure
Paul and Sue were hanging out one day just by themselves. They had been casual friends for many years but usually they had been in a group of friends, this was the first time they had really been alone together for an extended amount of time and there was a little bit of an awkward tension between them as a result.
    "Hey I found some dice," Paul said as he looked under the table. "Would you like to play a game with dice?"
    Sue began smirking and blushing a little bit.
    "What's so funny?" Paul asked. "And why are you blushing?"
    "It's really silly, you're going to laugh, it's kind of weird to talk about."
    "Look I am sure it's nothing that weird, I have played Dungeons & Dragons and stuff before, so trust me I am not weirded out too easily."
    "I hope that you're not going to think that I'm some kind of pervert or something but once I played this game where we would roll dice and whatever the person rolled that was how many articles of clothing they would take off. And then we would keep rolling the dice and the first person to get completely naked would just, well they would just sort of stay naked. I guess that's where those dice came from, I guess in the excitement of that game we were playing last time I sort of lost the dice."
    The two of them both laughed rather awkwardly as Paul could feel the blood rushing to his nether regions. Paul had always seen Sue as sort of a platonic friend but he definitely did consider her attractive, and the idea of seeing her completely naked was, well it was quite exciting to say the least, and he was trying to get control over his thoughts because he didn't want to get an erection and make this even more awkward than it already was.
    "So who did you play this game with," Paul said eventually trying to interrupt the awkward silence to try and get images of a naked Sue out of his head.
    "Just a group of friends, it was just sort of silly fun and everything like that," she said looking as though she were a little bit embarrassed for bringing it up. "I wonder if there's anything good on TV?"
    "The TV seems to be broken," Paul said as he tried to get some reception on the television but found that it was definitely not working. "Would you like me to make you some coffee or something?"
    Sue grabbed Paul's arm and he couldn't help but notice that she had sort of a little bit of a mischievous smile, sort of half nervous but half excited.
    "Maybe we should roll dice for it," Sue said joking but Paul could see what she was getting at.
    "Roll dice, you mean like in that game that you played with your friends," Paul said swallowing deeply.
    Sue sort of blushed again. "I didn't mean it like that, I mean do you want to, you know play that game?"
    "You mean the strip game," Paul said.
    "I mean I hope that doesn't sound too weird or anything, like if you're uncomfortable with that I totally understand, I hope you don't think that I'm some kind of weird freaky pervert," Sue said sort of looking away awkwardly.
    "Come on now, who isn't?" Paul said as they both laughed nervously.
    "So like do you want to," Sue said as she twirled her hair with her finger and was looking a little bit mischievous. Paul had to admit seeing her standing there playing with her hair was driving him wild, and the thought of her standing there doing that naked was making him feel like he was ready to explode and he was trying his best to control himself.
    "Okay," Paul said as Sue sort of smiled. "I mean again if you really want to if you don't think it's kind of weird or awkward or anything like that. I know we're just friends and all but friends can play a friendly game right?"
    "Absolutely," Sue said. "So the rules are simple, you roll the dice and whatever you roll that's how many articles of clothing you take off. The first one to get naked stays naked for the rest of, let's say the day I guess, and they make the coffee."
    Paul's head immediately filled with all sorts of thoughts of Sue standing there naked twirling her finger in her hair with one hand and holding up a cup of coffee with the other hand and he could barely contain himself.
    "Here you go," Sue said as she opened up his hands and put the dice in them implying that she wanted him to go first. He had to admit he wasn't counting on that. He looked at Sue carefully and realized that she seemed like she was a little bit more well-dressed for the occasion than he was, perhaps giving her an unfair advantage.
    "Ladies first," Paul said laughing as he could feel himself getting sweaty palms rolling the dice around in it to see that Sue was standing there smiling kind of impatiently. He made a fist and began shaking the dice around in his hands and figured he had to get in the right roll because if he did that maybe by next turn Sue would end up being completely naked.
    Finally Paul let the dice roll out of his hand onto the floor below and the two of them looked down at the dice carefully.
    "Oh wow you rolled a six, looks like this isn't your lucky day," Sue said as she began laughing.
    Paul had to admit the right then his jaw was practically dropping. He was so eager at the idea of seeing Sue get naked and making him coffee was making him so confident that he didn't even actually contemplate the fact that he could have actually lost.
    "You know I don't even think I am wearing six articles of clothing," Paul said laughing nervously. "All's I'm wearing is a shirt, pants and underpants."
    "I guess guys don't wear as much clothing," Sue said once again smiling as she could see that Paul was trying to delay the inevitable. "But if you only have three articles of clothing I guess that will have to do!" Sue was laughing in a way that was really cocky and was for some reason that was getting Paul really excited. Even though he realized he had just totally lost out on the opportunity to see her naked he still found himself feeling excited.
    "Okay," Paul said trying not to look nervous and trying not to buckle at the knees at the thought of having to get naked in front of Sue. He couldn't believe this was actually happening, he was so blinded by thinking with his lower areas that he didn't even consider the possibility that it would be his lower areas that were going to be exposed!
    "Take your time, no rush," Sue said laughing. "But come on, strip em!"
    Paul swallowed deeply before reluctantly taking off his shirt. He had been seen shirtless by female friends before and that was no big deal for a guy, but even just removing that one article of clothing he already started to feel his heart fluttering.
    "That's one," Sue said as she grabbed his shirt from his hand and threw it to the side in a rather haughty manner. He could see that she was really enjoying this.
    Now things were getting a little bit more personal as all pulled down his pants, let them fall to his ankles and sort of shimmied out of them. He probably could have just pulled it all down at once but he knew that Sue could probably see that it was a delay tactic.
    "That's two," Sue said smiling as she picked up Paul's shorts with the tip of her foot and sort of tossed it to the side along with his shirt.
    Now Paul could really feel his heart pounding and his palms sweating like crazy. He couldn't believe that he was actually reaching for his underwear. For a moment he hesitated but he didn't want to seem like a coward in front of her, looking like he was backing out, that would be almost as emasculating as the fact that a woman was about to get to see them completely buck naked while staying dressed herself! And if he didn't go through with it he would seem like a pervert since they agreed on the terms. But then he thought how come it was him who would be a pervert if he didn't go through with it when Sue was the one getting to see him naked, and she was the one who suggested the game in the first place, how cunning of her!
    Paul had never so much as been seen in his underwear by a female friend before and this was getting a little bit hard to take. He took a deep breath as he was about to reach for his underwear before all the sudden he felt Sue's hands at his side yanking them down.
    "That's three!" she said as she burst out laughing until Paul could feel his underwear at his feet as Sue lifted her head up and her hair just brushed gently against his genitals really sending him over the edge.
    That had caught him completely by surprise and he found himself stepping out of his underpants and covering up his genitals with his hands as he stood there suddenly feeling really chilly and getting goosebumps all over his body.
    "Bashful," Sue said once again laughing. And he could see the look on her face was pure exhilaration and she seemed to be pressing her knees together and rubbing them together as though she were a little bit antsy and squirmy herself.
    Paul was struggling not to tremble at the knees as he suddenly felt Sue's arms come between his and move his arms apart from where he was covering himself up revealing everything as a large smile came over her face. He had to admit he had never seen such a lecherous looking smile on a woman like that before, let alone on a platonic friend like that, but he could see that she was just totally eating it all up.
    The two of them stood there with Paul smiling awkwardly as Sue started snickering and putting her hand over her mouth as Paul felt all of the blood rushing to his genital area. He didn't know why this was so exciting to him as he wasn't even getting to see her naked at all, but something about this felt like it was even more exciting than that for some reason. He had been naked with women before but he had never been standing there naked in front of a dressed friend like that completely exposed, and he could hardly believe this was happening.
    "Well it is nice to know that somebody is happy to see me even though I was the one who got to keep my clothing on," Sue said as she slapped her knees and laughed as Paul realized that he was as hard as a rock and pointing directly at her.
    At that moment Paul was about to die of embarrassment. He had considered the possibility that once Sue got naked he would have such an embarrassing reaction but he thought that it would still be within the confines of his pants and not bulging out for everybody to see.
    "Wow," Sue said as she once again began twirling her finger through her hair and blushing mildly herself.
    "Yeah, wow," Paul said amazed that he was even able to find the words to express himself under the circumstances.
    "It's weird but I guess I never knew what you were packing down there, and apparently it was quite a lot," she said laughing which only made him feel even more aroused. "Like I have seen a guy erect before of course but never really took the time to have a really good look at it like that up close and everything."
    Now Paul was getting so excited he could feel that little bits of pre-cum were beginning to leak from him and he was hoping that she wouldn't notice that.
    Although Paul had been in a mutual naked situation with a woman before, it usually resulted in them having sex pretty much right away shortly after. This extended foreplay that was entirely one-sided was such a charged situation and he had never experienced it before. He never recalled a time when he stood naked in front of a girlfriend for a prolonged amount of time, certainly not while she was getting to stay completely dressed. They would both strip off and they would get down to business, but now here he was with Sue examining him like he was some type of museum piece.
    "Turn around," she said with that same mischievous smile on her face.
    "Turn around?" Paul asked.
    "Yeah so that I can see your butt!" she said as she burst out laughing.
    Paul did what she said without questioning and he had to admit that he felt a little bit more comfortable now that his bulging erection wasn't pointed directly at her like some kind of meat missile or a cannon about to blow. While he was contemplating that all of the sudden he felt a little bit of a pinch on his ass right before getting a firm smack that caused him to jump up and turn around.
    "I'm sorry maybe that was going out of bounds and too far, I just couldn't resist," Sue said as she burst out laughing because now Paul's erection was once again pointed directly at her and clearly leaking all over the place. "Oh wow, you are really springing some leaks there!"
    Paul couldn't believe that this experience was so tense that he was actually about to blow his load all over her floor. As she slowly approached him with her hand she nodded her head and he simply smiled as she grabbed him and the second he did that he blew his load all over her hand as she burst out laughing.
    "It looks like you're a little bit sensitive there," Sue said smiling. "I'll be right back."
    Sue momentarily went into the kitchen and he could hear her turning on the sink presumably to wash her hands as Paul started to relax a little bit now that some of the tension had been relieved by that.
    "Hey I'm sorry if this is a little bit weird," Sue said.
    "No it's okay, it's interesting," Paul said not exactly sure what a better word would be to describe a situation like this, as he certainly hadn't been in a situation like this before. He continued standing there as he could see that Sue's eyes were still focused directly on him and that they were quite wide.
    "So," Sue said running her shoe into the ground a little bit like she wasn't exactly sure where to go from here. "This is a little bit embarrassing I guess, I've never actually had this before."
    "Had what before?"
    "You know had a guy just casually naked in my house making me coffee."
    "Oh right, the coffee, I almost completely forgot," Paul said suddenly glad for an interruption to break the renewed tension in the room. "Why don't I go to the kitchen and make you some."
    "Sounds pretty good champ," Sue said as she once again patted him on the ass and burst out laughing as he started walking rapidly towards the kitchen practically out of breath.
    While Paul was in the kitchen getting the coffee Sue quickly went down to the floor and gathered up Paul's clothing and stuffed it under the cushion of the couch. She knew that he would probably come looking for it eventually but she always believed in the principle of out of sight, out of mind!
    As Sue was sitting relaxing on the couch that was when her roommate Veronica walked into the living room unexpectedly.
    "Hey Sue I knew I said that I would be out all day but that store that I was going to go to was closed and," Veronica said before all of the sudden she stopped in her tracks just as Paul walked into the living room holding a cup of coffee before he dropped the coffee on the floor and quickly covered up his genitals with his hands.
    For a moment the three of them didn't move or say a single word.
    "So who's the naked guy," Veronica finally said with a big smirk on her face trying her best not to laugh.
    "Veronica, you remember my friend Paul," Sue said pointing to Paul as he sort of sheepishly waved with one hand while keeping his other hand firmly on his genitals.
    "I guess I didn't recognize him dressed like that, or undressed like that rather," Veronica said smirking.
    "I guess this is really awkward, I totally didn't expect you to be home so soon Veronica," Sue said. "I hope that I didn't do anything that would offend you or –"
    Veronica smiled wide. "Hey this house doesn't have a dress code, your outfit looks nice on you Paul," she said before both she and Sue began laughing hysterically barely able to contain themselves as Sue stomped her feet on the floor and threw back her head in ridiculous laughter. As she did so Paul got a nice glance of her cleavage and once again felt all of the blood rushing to his nether regions as the two women continued laughing.
    Sue looked at Paul and could see that he was absolutely ready to die of embarrassment. She had to admit at that moment she felt a little bit guilty and bad about this whole situation that she was putting Paul through. She wasn't exactly sure how he was feeling at the moment.
    "Sorry I spilled the coffee, I guess I should clean that up," Paul said as he ran back to the kitchen giving them both a nice glance of his ass as they shrieked with laughter.
    "That's not the only thing that he spilled today!" Sue said as she and Veronica kept laughing and high-fiving each other.
    Paul soon came out with some paper towels and began bending over to soak up the coffee from the carpet as Veronica and Sue pointed at his ass before they couldn't help but burst out laughing once again.
    "Oh my God I can even see his balls hanging down," Veronica shouted practically hyperventilating from laughing.
    Paul then slinked off into the kitchen to throw away the paper towels before coming back out.
    "So should I prepare two coffees or just one?" Paul asked.
    The two of them smiled and looked at him. "Make mine decaf," Veronica said as she and Sue continued smiling and laughing as Paul went into the kitchen and came back shortly afterwards holding 2 cups of coffee that he handed to the two women.
    "Well you been a good sport about this Paul why don't you have a seat," Sue said as she patted the couch cushion between the two of them and Paul had a seat right between Sue and Veronica.
    As he could feel Sue and Veronica's skirts and the fabric of them rubbing up against his naked thighs and ass he was once again finding it hard to suppress an erection but he figured why should he bother suppressing it, what was there to hide at this point?
    The two women continued smiling and drinking their coffee holding a conversation with Paul sitting there naked between the two of them. They continued talking for quite a long time, and for the life of him Paul couldn't remember a single word of what they were talking about, but he remembered every single minute of it and it felt like it was hours or days, like time had suddenly stood still and he was in the center of it, the big naked center of time between these two women chatting and having coffee together with him just happening to be between them. He felt almost like he was their coffee table if not for the fact that the actual coffee table was in front of them.
    "Well you know this has been an absolutely fabulous time and totally unexpected thanks to our buddy Paul here," Veronica said as she patted him on the back and laughed. "But I have a couple of errands to run, if I don't see you again when I get back Paul I can just say it was nice seeing you, I mean really seeing you, seeing all of you. You know it's kind of funny I can never remember being in a situation where some guy was just casually naked around two women like this."
    "I know, it's strange isn't it," Sue said. "I think that a lot of guys really need to try this sometime, it's a real lot of fun isn't it Paul?"
    "Yeah," he said not exactly sure what more to say after having been sitting there between two women who were fully dressed all that time.
    After Veronica left Paul and Sue looked at each other sitting on the couch, not exactly sure what to say to one another. They had always just been platonic friends but it would be kind of weird when they happen to be hanging out together and any time that she wished she could picture this situation and remember what every inch of him naked, and he didn't even get to see her, but for some reason that didn't really bother him. That was his end goal all along but he feels like perhaps this was a lot more fun than if he had actually won the game.
    "Well it's getting kind of late," Paul eventually said as the two of them got up standing there with Sue just inches away, trying not to stare at her cleavage and thinking how ridiculous it was that he was feeling like he was kind of a pig for staring at her cleavage when he was standing there completely naked and was her own personal naked servant all day, and he couldn't help but smirk about that.
    "Well it has been a lot of fun Paul, I hope you had as much fun as I did and that Veronica did, I know that this is a day I think we are all going to remember for a really long time," Sue said.
    Paul nodded and laughed as all of the sudden something occurred to him.
    "Is something the matter?" Sue said.
    "Hey where did my clothing go, in all of the fuss and everything I honestly can't remember where I put them," Paul said as the two of them laughed.
    Sue put her arm around him. "Then I guess we had better get looking!"
    Sue knew very well where his clothing was but the prospect of seeing him bending over and crouching down and looking all over for it and getting more chances to playfully pinch his ass was too much for her to resist. Just as Paul was about to approach the couch cushion Sue found that now she was thinking with the little brain between her legs, as she realized she had been pretty much all day.
    "Still didn't find it," Sue said as she plopped down on the couch cushion where she knew his clothing was and once again began twirling her fingers through her hair. Eventually she couldn't help but burst out laughing and slapping the couch with her hands before finally picking up the couch cushion and handing him his clothing at last.
    "You the whole time that's where they were!" Paul shouted as the two of them laughed.
    "Out of sight, out of mind," she said as she winked at him and kept smiling.
    As Paul slowly got dressed in front of her he had to admit there was something intimate about the act of getting dressed again, almost as much as there was getting undressed. When finally all was said and done they didn't know what exactly to say once they were suddenly wearing clothing again. As crazy as it sounded something about being dressed again felt somehow unnatural to Paul in a way that he couldn't understand or explain.
    "Well don't be a stranger, hope to see you soon, wearing whatever you prefer or whatever you prefer not to," Sue said as she shook his hand. "Good game."
    "A very good game," Paul said before walking out the door into the street as his head was swimming with everything that had just happened.
    As he walked onto the sidewalk he saw another guy that he recognized named Fred.
    "Hey Fred, how are you," Paul said.
    "Pretty good, how are you?" Fred asked.
    "I kind of had a bit of a weird day," Paul said as he sort of looked back at Sue's house behind him.
    Fred looked at Paul and could see that he was blushing and he smiled. "Did you play that dice game with her?"
    "You played the dice game with her before?"
    "Yeah, it was really embarrassing for her, but she looked pretty great naked, I mean you see her naked and you absolutely never forget that, it's an image that will be burned into my head for the rest of my life." Fred was smiling and Paul could see that he was boasting.
    "Yeah, it's something you never forget," Paul said trying to hide the fact that he was lying.
    "I doubt that will ever happen again though," Fred said. "She said next time she was going to dress in layers and use that six sided dice that she had where every side of the dice is six!"
    "You don't say," Paul said. "Well that's why it's a good thing that it's always ladies first."
    "I know right man," Fred said as he high-fived Paul before going on his way as Paul stood there shaking his head contemplating the fact that Fred must have gotten to seen Sue completely naked, and yet for some reason, as crazy as it sounded, he felt that he was the lucky one to have lost. In losing he had won.
    "Well how about that, the cunning bitch," Paul said laughing to himself admiring her ingenuity and not feeling in the least bit slighted over the fact that she totally tricked him.

    One week later.
    "Hey Paul," Veronica said as he came into the house and began immediately blushing as Veronica couldn't help but snicker.
    "Hey Veronica," Paul said finding it a little bit hard to make eye contact with her as she continued snickering.
    "Hey Paul, I hope things didn't get weird last time," Sue said.
    "No, of course not," Paul said once again feeling all the blood rushing to his lower regions and finding his heart fluttering and his palms sweating.
    "Hey maybe next time I can play too," Veronica said. "Why should you guys have all of the fun?"
    Sue smiled. "Paul I have to confess something to you –"
    "I want to play again," Paul said as Sue suddenly started blushing thinking that this time it would be her naked ass on display for the whole world to see, that or Veronica's.
    "One guy versus two women, it seems like that means that you probably have a better chance of seeing us naked than the other way around," Veronica said. "Although I suppose fair is fair."
    As Paul stood there trying to contain himself looking at these two extremely attractive women and thinking that with two of them the odds were certainly in his favor that he was going to get to see at least one of them naked.
    All of the sudden Paul smiled as he remembered what Fred had told him about the dice, about how Sue was about to confess the secret of the dice before him, probably feeling bad about what she had done to trick him.
    "Well since it's two against one I suppose the only fair thing is that I should probably roll first," Paul said as he picked up the dice and threw it on the floor. Of course he knew that it was going to be a six, and once again he was only wearing three articles of clothing, but when he thought about that he realized that that was just fine by him, really fine, and he knew it was going to be another really exciting day that they wouldn't soon forget.


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