Naked Bodies All Around

I got this idea as sort of a social experiment idea. I started posting about this on CFNM groups and then I immediately thought that I could probably get this idea better across in a story. It basically plays upon an idea that I often think about how it's kind of weird how you see images of naked women and scantily clad women all over the place to the point where you don't really think about it. And I always thought to myself it must be kind of weird for women seeing this everywhere they go like it was somehow normal, and I figure that most people don't even think about it. Yet if the opposite were the case it would be kind of strange because no one's used to it. I don't know I just feel like if I was surrounded by images of naked men and was talking to a bunch of women I couldn't help but think that they would be thinking of me in a similar light. I don't know maybe it's a weird thought to have, but it's something I thought about and that was pretty much what was the inspiration for this.
I guess it plays upon that idea in my essay that I wrote about who is more uncomfortable being naked, men or women, and this one tries to answer it in the form of a social experiment, maybe kind of a weird one that probably wouldn't prove much one way or another, although I have to admit much of the story was just a lead up to the ending, but I hope it was enjoyable one way or another. This story includes only one naked and CFNM. It also includes lots of naked images of both sexes, but those are just images after all…

Naked Bodies All Around
"I wonder who feels more uncomfortable around nudity, men or women," Lindsay said. "On the one hand women definitely get the lions share of the sexual objectification, and all of the creeps groping us, but on the other hand I feel like we are used to it, we are used to people judging us by our bodies and being scantily clad or naked. I feel like guys if they found themselves surrounded by nudity would probably feel more uncomfortable."
    "What exactly do you mean," Greg asked.
    "Think about it like this, when you go out in a public place what do you see on advertisements all the time, scantily clad or naked women right?"
    "Yes, what is your point?"
    "Well don't you find that kind of weird?"
    "What is exactly weird about it?"
    "What is weird is the fact that you don't find it weird."
    "Well have you ever thought that maybe women would find it a little bit weird going around in public and interacting with men where everywhere we go we are bombarded with exposed female flesh everywhere?"
    "No, I guess it's just that's the way it's always been, and I never really thought about it before."
    "Exactly, that's exactly my point! How would you feel if everywhere you went there was scantily clad or naked men bombarding you everywhere you looked. You don't think that it would be a little bit weird?"
    "You know I guess that's actually a pretty good point, that would be pretty weird wouldn't it?"
    "So you probably wouldn't like it, you probably would find that it's kind of awkward and uncomfortable going around in public everywhere with images of scantily clad or naked men everywhere you look? And how would you feel in a situation surrounded by that where you were talking with women?"
    "I suppose that would be actually rather strange now that you think about it, but it's kind of nice seeing naked women everywhere I go."
    "Yeah but you would probably have a hard time taking it if it was the other way around. Imagine if you were talking with a bunch of women surrounded by all of these images of naked men everywhere, you wouldn't feel a little bit uncomfortable about that?"
    "I mean maybe a little bit uncomfortable."
    "Care to make a wager on that?"
    "What kind of wager?"
    "I propose a little experiment involving men and women in sort of this hyper-sexualized environment and we attach monitors to their wrists that will measure their levels of anxiety, arousal and discomfort and we will see who feels more uncomfortable in general, men chatting with women while surrounded by images of naked men, or women talking to men surrounded by images of naked women."
    "And you think that the men are just not going to be able to take it, is that what you are saying? I think that guys probably have tougher skin than that, we're not going to get bothered by a little bit of nudity."
    "I am thinking that they will feel a little bit more uncomfortable than the women do."
    "What are the terms of this bet?"
    Lindsay started whispering in Greg's ear as a look of astonishment came off of his face.
    "Okay it's a deal," Greg said. "This first experiment will be interesting but I think that the second experiment will be a lot more interesting!"
    The two of them set up the experiment and they decided that they would randomly select 15 men and 15 women to do the survey and see how they reacted, not knowing exactly the nature of the experiment.
    "They shall be interesting to observe," Lindsay said.
    "And they have no idea the reason why we put the monitoring bands on them?" Greg asked.
    Lindsay shook her head. "No if they knew the nature of the experiment then that would bias the results because they would probably try to stay calm."
    They watched as one of the first women started talking to three men in a store where they were huge images of naked women up on all of the windows and in basically every direction she was looking, many in very enticing and submissive poses. She seemed to be talking to the men and not really taking much of a notice of the scenery. Occasionally she stopped and looked around like something felt a little bit off but she continued talking with the men and nothing seemed all that strange. The men meanwhile were frequently looking around them and smiling at the images on the wall.
    They then watched on the other monitor as one of the men started talking to three women in a store where everywhere you looked there were images of naked men in every direction, many of them looking as though they were in subservient and submissive positions.
    The man looked around occasionally at the images on the wall as the women sort of giggled and smiled as they began looking around and smirking every so often as the man continued talking to them, but every so often he looked around as though he were wondering what they were looking at specifically.
    They continued to watch as every man and woman in the experiment continued until they had the necessary number of subjects completed.

    "So how did you feel, Deborah, when you were surrounded by all of those men and chatting with all of those men while all around you were pictures of naked women," Lindsay asked.
    "I really didn't understand what they were asking about as they were simply asking about what type of clothing that I prefer to wear on their survey," Deborah said.
    "You didn't find it weird or uncomfortable that all around you were images of naked women?"
    "I mean maybe it was a little weird but I guess I didn't really think much about it, I mean you see images of naked women everywhere, I don't know why they chose to conduct a survey about clothing while we were surrounded being bombarded by images of naked women like that, I suppose now that I think about it that way I is a little bit weird but at the time I guess I didn't really think anything of it. I mean it's just images of naked women, you see that everywhere, what's the big deal about it?"
    "Very interesting, thank you Deborah," Lindsay said as the next subject came into the room.
    "So Harris, when you were talking to all of those women and they were asking about your clothing did you feel a little bit strange or uncomfortable at any point," Greg asked.
    "Strange or uncomfortable in what way?" Harris asked.
    "Well did it feel kind of weird that these women were interviewing you about clothing and sort of laughing and snickering while you were completely surrounded by images of naked men?"
    "Honestly yes I kind of was a little bit, I mean what were all of those pictures of naked men doing up?"
    "What about if it had been images of naked women," Lindsay interjected smiling.
    "I guess I wouldn't have thought anything about it really," Harris said as he scratched his head while he was thinking about it.
    "So what you are saying is that the image of naked women everywhere is so ubiquitous that it is pretty much going unnoticed," Lindsay said.
    "Well I wouldn't say it goes unnoticed as I surely like looking at that but I never actually thought about it," Harris said.
    "And yet you immediately did start noticing something weird about the fact that there were naked men all over the place," Lindsay said smiling. "Why is that?"
    "I don't know," Harris said shaking his head. "It just seems kind of weird and offputting in a way, like it felt just kind of strange in general."
    Lindsay smiled. "Thank you Harris, I think that we have everything that we need to know."

    Greg and Lindsay looked over all of the video monitors of all of the interviews, they looked at the readings on all of the monitoring bands and went over all of the interviews again and again and compiled all of the data.
    "Well what's the good news," Greg said as he smiled a little bit lecherously before he started noticing that Lindsay was smiling wider than he was as he suddenly became anxious.
    "Well looking at the anxiety and the arousal of the bands, and looking over the surveys and video monitoring, there were a varied amount of reactions, but when all was said and done and compiled there wasn't all that much of a significant difference between the men and women."
    "So you are saying that there was no difference at all?"
    Lindsay shook her head as she smiled and started snickering. "Not no difference, there was a slight, ever so slight difference that showed that the men were slightly more, just slightly more, uncomfortable about having a conversation with the opposite sex while surrounded by images of naked members of their own sex."
    "But only slightly?"
    Lindsay smiled. "That's true, but our bet didn't say it had to be slight, whether it was a big difference or a little one, either way it looks like you're going to be doing part two of our little experiment instead of me, which works out great because I have this lovely new outfit that I wanted to wear and I think it looks a lot nicer than my birthday suit. Give me your wrist!"
    Greg turned his head away and reluctantly put out his wrist as Lindsay slapped the monitoring band on it.

    As Greg stood there naked surrounded by images of naked men he wasn't sure if those images were making him feel more naked or less, but when he thought about it in more detail it didn't really make much of a difference, because one way or another he was no less naked in reality in that he was totally naked either way.
    As the three women who had asked the survey of the men came out there fully dressed and smiling, Greg could feel himself trembling at the legs and knees and he wasn't sure if it was just because of the fact that he was nervous, because it was a little bit chilly in there when he was not wearing anything, or the fact that three stylishly dressed women were about to ask him to take a survey.
    "So what would you normally be wearing on a typical day?" Erica, one of the survey women asked smiling and laughing as Greg found it hard to form words. "What was that? I assume it something different than what you are wearing right now, or not wearing right now I should say!"
    Greg tried to form words once again but he could feel all the blood rushing to his genitals, and as the three survey women struggled to remain professional and not burst out laughing he found that the humiliation was even worse.
    "Holy crap his monitoring band is going like off the charts," said Susie, one of Lindsay's close girlfriends that she invited to the event, along with about 10 or 11 others. "But wait a minute, what is this second part of the study supposed to prove? Aren't there any other subjects?"
    Lindsay laugh. "Nope, this is mostly just for entertainment, but it is funny seeing that his monitor is going completely out of control just like my hypothesis suggested, and in that regard I consider this quite the successful experiment!"
    The dozen of them continued watching the monitor and laughing as Greg continued trying desperately to maintain his composure as the three survey ladies struggled to maintain themselves as well until finally it was over.
    As Greg came back into the other room and saw Lindsay sitting there with all of her friends he once again began blushing brightly and trying to cover himself up, although failing miserably, as his erection was plainly visible for all to see.
    "So Greg I have to ask you, at any point during the survey did you feel a little bit weird or uncomfortable," Lindsay laughed along with all of her friends just before Greg fainted.


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