Naked at the Drive-Through

 I can say that the inspiration for this story was pretty straightforward and simple. I saw a picture on twitter ( of a woman who was naked in a car who was laughing and looking really embarrassed, and I was thinking it would be funny if someone like that went up to a drive-through naked, and the story pretty much wrote itself from there. Originally it was just going to be a really short one where she went to the drive-through and then went home, but then I thought I should draw it out more and make her situation a lot more embarrassing, and I think that that worked really well, and I really love the way I decided to end it on that note of irony and poetic justice that I like to end so many of my stories on. This story contains naked in public, only one naked, CMNF and embarrassed nude female.
And I just thought of a new nudity story involving the Fourth of July that maybe I will write really quick but maybe I will save it for another day, but otherwise I guess I will do a double blog update today!

Naked at the Drive-Through
"I will literally give you $100 if you do it," Anthony said.
    "$100 to go up to the drive-through naked," Deena said as she shook her head.
    "I've got it right here," Anthony said as he took the money out of his wallet. "All you have to do is drive up to the drive-through completely naked and order your meal as though nothing were strange and I will give you $100."
    "But what if I see somebody who knows me?"
    "Who is going to see you at the drive-through like that, I assure you that it will work out fine, you will just go to the drive-through completely naked, the cashier there will completely freak out and you'll probably give him the greatest day of his life."
    "But it sounds really embarrassing though."
    "Okay then $200," Anthony said as he took another hundred dollar bill out of his wallet. "That's two Benjamin Franklins, and we know that Benjamin Franklin really liked naked ladies."
    Deena found it hard to turn down such an offer but she was still apprehensive at the idea of going up to the drive-in naked. Even if public nudity was now allowed she figured that no sane person would actually indulge of it unless they were some kind of exhibitionist, which she most certainly was not.
    "Okay for $200 I will do it but right after that we are going to get the hell out of there so that nobody else sees me," Deena said.
    "A deal is a deal," Anthony said as they shook hands on it. "Now start getting naked!"
    Deena had to admit that even just getting undressed in front of Anthony she was already feeling a bit embarrassed but for $200 she was willing to endure a little bit of embarrassment. She probably would end up giving the guy at the drive-in window a heart attack and it would probably be worth it to see that on top of everything else.
    Deena got undressed and walked back into the living room covering herself up, already feeling vulnerable and exposed just to be naked, even within her own house like that.
    "Oh this is going to be rich," Anthony said already barely able to contain his excitement as he felt all of the blood rushing down to his lower regions.
    Deena got in the seat of her car and felt glad that at least it afforded her little bit of privacy, as if people looked quickly on the road they probably wouldn't even notice that she was naked. They may catch a glance of her but it wouldn't be obvious that she was naked unless they pulled up to her and could see her naked.
    "So how does it feel to be driving naked," Anthony said smirking and seeing the Deena looked clearly uncomfortable, and he was enjoying her discomfort at the whole situation, which was making him even more excited.
    "I can't believe I am doing this," Deena said. "I actually feel a little bit chilly."
    "Oh really, because you are bright red right now, so it looks like your body is warming up," Anthony said.
    Deena didn't know what it was but something about being in this vulnerable situation, while it was really embarrassing, was also getting her extremely excited, perhaps not as excited as Anthony was, but she couldn't deny that there was something freeing and exhilarating about this, something taboo.
    Just the same as they got stuck in a bit of traffic she was almost beginning to regret it already. Every delay just meant more opportunities for more people to see her naked. She could see that the truck driver in the truck next to her was staring at her, and he seemed to be rubbing his eyes, so she simply waved at him coyly but had to admit that she was feeling embarrassed that she would probably be haunting that man's dreams for the rest of his life.
    Finally they arrived at the drive-through window but there was of course a long line in front of them, and as people went walking by in the parking lot and looking over in her direction she could see a lot of them were smiling and laughing.
    She just kept telling herself this would all be over soon and then she could get home, put her clothes back on and be $200 richer for it.
    Eventually it was her turn at the ordering box so she quickly just said that she wanted a burger and fries and a large Coke.
    "You want anything like condiments with that, such as ketchup," the guy on the ordering box said.
    "No that's okay," Deena said.
    "Yeah she likes things naked," Anthony shouted as Deena hit him in the arm.
    As they slowly drove up Deena was shaking her head. "You know I knew that you would be immature about this."
    "But you're the one who agreed to do it."
    "I just want this to be over with as soon as possible, I'm still worried that I'm going to end up seeing somebody that I know."
    "We are in the next town over, who are you going to see that you know? You get too paranoid about these things."
    "I guarantee it wouldn't be as easy for you to say that if you were the one naked."
    "Well fortunately I'm not, it's your naked ass in the driver's seat today!"
    Finally they drove up to the drive-through as the guy at the drive-through caught a glance of Deena and his eyes were bugging out of his skull and it looked like his jaw was about to drop right to the floor, just the reaction they were both expecting.
    "That will be $7.58," he said with a huge smile on his face as one of the guys behind him was clearly laughing as one of their female coworkers simply rolled her eyes and looking like she was wondering what the hell was going on.
    "Pay the man Anthony, it's not like I have any pockets," Deena said as she began laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
    "Okay that's fair enough," Anthony said. "I guess since you're providing the entertainment I could spring for the lunch too."
    Anthony handed Deena the money that she handed to the cashier as he handed her the food, almost dropping it and spilling it all over her, as he could hardly contain his excitement over the fact that a hot naked woman drove up to the drive-through.
    "Let's pull over in the parking lot," Anthony said.
    "Why?" Deena said. "I would just like to get home as quickly as possible."
    "I'll give you another $50 if you eat your lunch right here in the parking lot while I watch."
    "Okay this is getting a little bit weird now."
    "I have just never seen a woman eat a meal completely naked in a parking lot before."
    "You know I think that the majority of people in the world can say that, was that like on your bucket list or something?"
    "Not until just right now!"
    Deena pulled into the parking lot and she started eating her food really fast. Anthony told her that she should slow down but she wanted to get all of this over with as quickly as possible, so she pretty much just scarfed everything down.
    Just as they were about to leave a police car pulled into the parking lot and a police officer knocked on her window.
    "Is something the matter officer," she said as she slumped down in her seat wondering if maybe she was wrong about public nudity being legal, or maybe the police didn't realize that law had taken effect yet. "I don't think it's a crime in this town to be naked is it?"
    The police officer smiled. "No it's not, but we have an emergency situation here, there is a crazed gunman a few blocks away, so we want everyone to get inside of a building as quickly as possible just until we have resolved the situation safely."
    "But we were just about to get on our way home, so we weren't going to be staying here," Deena said.
    "I know but it's not safe, so I will have to ask you to get out of the vehicle and to please go into the restaurant where you will be safe until this is over," the police officer said.
    At that moment Deena had wished that the police officer was there to arrest her because at least that would be better than getting out of the car completely naked like that, and it figured that she didn't bring any clothing to change into with her, why didn't she think of that?
    However reluctantly she got out of the car trying her best to cover herself up as she walked into the restaurant as the cashier looked at her with a big smile on his face to see her again.
    "Okay people we have an active shooter in the area, so I want everybody to stay inside of the building until the situation is resolved," the police officer said as he whistled with his fingers.
    As Deena stood there in the middle of the restaurant as all eyes seemed to be upon her she almost wished that somebody would come and shoot her as at least that would be better and quicker than dying of embarrassment. The only thing she could take solace in is at least that nobody was there who knew her.
    "Deena is that you," said Clark, her secret crush, with a huge smile on his face.
    "Clark what are you doing here," Deena shouted as she began blushing profusely and trying her best to cover herself up.
    "I came here to get something to eat, I never expected to see you here, I mean I never expected to see this much of you here, why are you naked," Clark said trying not to laugh. "Not that I have a problem with it, it's a good look on you."
    Despite the fact that she was ready to die of embarrassment the fact that her crush was giving her a compliment on how good her naked body looked was making her almost want to swoon.
    "I guess I just forgot to get dressed this morning," Deena said as Anthony burst out laughing.
    "I guess we all forget these things sometimes," Clark said and Deena couldn't believe that they were joking about this, and she would have given anything to get out of there, and at the same time she could all feel the blood rushing to a certain area of her anatomy, because as embarrassing as the experience was it was also quite exhilarating, as this was the first time Clark it ever paid any attention to her. You do get a lot of attention when you are the only naked person, especially if you are the only naked woman. "So how does it feel being naked in public?"
    "I'm a little bit chilly," she said as she rubbed her naked body, which was now covered with goosebumps that weren't as obvious because she was blushing so brightly.
    "Well if you want you can borrow my jacket," Clark said as he took off his jacket and offered it to her and she gratefully accepted.
    "Thank you," Deena said as she put the jacket on and used it to cover herself up as best as she could. She was still mostly naked but at least now her breasts and other regions were covered up and she suddenly felt warm and secure again.
    For the next couple of minutes they stood there not saying very much. Once Deena had covered herself up people started to lose interest and started talking among themselves.
    "Okay everybody it is all clear, we have the shooter in our custody now," a police officer said as they came in to relieve the other officer of his duty. "It's safe for you all to go home now."
    "I guess I should give you back your jacket now," Deena said admittedly not wanting to take off the jacket.
    "Well you can always give it back to me later," Clark said. "Actually I'm not doing anything today, so I was wondering you think maybe you would like to come back to my place?"
    "But I really don't have anything to wear," Deena said as she laughed.
    "Is that a problem," Clark said smiling at her in a really lecherous way that was making her weak at the knees.
    Deena smiled coyly and although she was still blushing she simply shook her head. "Not a problem at all. Anthony I think that Clark is going to give me a ride back to his place so why don't you take the car," she said as she threw him the keys.
    As Deena walked out of there on Clark's arm another woman came over to Anthony and shook her head. "Was that your girlfriend or something? I mean I think it was pretty wild for her to get naked like that in public, kind of crazy, kind of disappointing it wasn't a guy though, as that would really be something to see!"
    "No she's just a friend, and it's gonna sound silly but I offered her $250 to go to the drive-through completely naked and then eat her lunch in the parking lot completely naked, so I guess I'm out $250 now."
    "Bummer," the woman said before a fiendish smile started appearing across her face.
    "What are you smiling about?" Anthony asked.
    "Hey would you like to earn that money back and then some, say  $300?"
    "Doing what," Anthony said before realizing what she was implying as she just stood there laughing and laughing, and he had a feeling that it was probably going to be a very long and interesting ride home.


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