America's Birthday Suit Birthday Bash: A Blushing Red, White and Blue Fourth Of July

I have to admit the inspiration for this story was kind of negative, because I was on social media and they mentioned there was yet another mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade, which was rather depressing. But then my mind just sort of immediately went to an entirely other place and I was wondering if there has ever been a naked Fourth of July parade before as a way of celebrating freedom, celebrating freedom such as the freedom to go naked. That got me thinking that if there was something like that a lot of people would probably think it's obscene, although reminded me of something that I read somewhere where a lot of people pointed out that people were getting angry over people kneeling in front of the flag and thought it was disrespectful, but somebody pointed out that it would technically be disrespectful to have flags on your clothing touching your ass and your paper goods and everything like that, and then the story just sort of developed from there. I thought it was a good story about the forces of repression and censorship versus the forces of free expression that are central to the American conflict all captured in a nice story about embarrassing nudity! This one contains naked in public, only one naked, CFNM, CMNF, and CFNF.

America's Birthday Suit Birthday Bash: A Blushing Red, White and Blue Fourth Of July
"I am looking forward to the Fourth of July parade today," Alana said.
    "Yeah I heard that lots of people are coming out for the parade," Diana said.
    "You've seen one parade you've seen them all," said Sam.
    "This is a very special parade though because it's going to be America's first birthday suit birthday bash," Diana said.
    "What the hell are you talking about?" Sam said.
    "Haven't you heard, in order to celebrate the repeal of those laws banning public nudity the city has declared it a naked Fourth of July parade to celebrate people's bodies and our freedom to show those bodies to everybody," Alana said.
    "Something about that seems almost obscene," Sam said although he couldn't deny that he was already thinking of the possibility of lots of naked women walking up and down the streets. "Is that really the way we want to celebrate the birth of our country?"
    "I don't think there's anything more patriotic than celebrating freedom by baring it all," Diana said as she and Alana smiled.
    Sam had to admit that the possibility of seeing both of them naked at a parade was a rather exciting prospect but there was no way he was going to get naked at the parade himself.
    "Hey I'm patriotic, I am wearing red white and blue underwear with the flag symbol on it," Sam said.
    "Actually wouldn't that be more disrespectful to the country, I mean having your nation's flag pressed up against your ass like that?" Alana said. "When you get right down to it all of this flag paraphernalia is sort of disrespectful when you think about it. The flag isn't even supposed to touch the ground and yet you put the flag on your underwear? To me it would be more patriotic to live celebrate inclusivity by everybody getting naked together and realizing that there are no differences between us, that we are all Americans, and when we are not covered up by our clothing we are all truly equal."
    "Well I think my underwear are patriotic," Sam said.
    "Well there's going to be a parade through town but if you don't want to participate that's up to you, maybe you are too ashamed to celebrate your country's birth by wearing your birthday suit for the occasion," Diana said. "But we are certainly going to be there."
    Sam had to admit the idea of seeing the two of them naked marching in a parade was driving him crazy but he didn't want to feel like he was obligated to get naked along with them, that would be too much for him.
    Sam tried to put the parade out of his mind but for the rest of the day all he could think about was the parade that was going to be going through town later. He could see that there were already a bunch of people getting out their signs of protest that this was somehow obscene and against what the founding fathers intended. He didn't want to seem like an uptight prude.
    That was when he heard a knock at his door and saw that it was his neighbor Betsy.
    "Oh hello Betsy, how are you today," Sam said.
    "I have to say I'm rather annoyed," Betsy said shaking her head. "Normally in the Fourth of July parade I would play Betsy Ross, who I was named after, but now they are expecting everybody who marches in the parade to get naked, can you believe that?"
    "Oh really," Sam said feigning ignorance. He couldn't picture Betsy getting completely naked like that in a parade, in fact he couldn't picture Betsy getting undressed even when she went in the shower, as she was quite prudish about the human body.
    "I know that normally you play Uncle Sam but I am sure that you are not going to play Uncle Sam if you have to get naked right?"
    "I didn't know it was a requirement to get naked for the parade," Sam said thinking to himself that he usually did play the role of Uncle Sam in the parade, but he never considered the idea that he would have to do it completely and utterly buck naked.
    "Well that's just the kind of crazy country we live in now, where everybody thinks that freedom means getting completely naked and showing it all off like a bunch of exhibitionists, well I am certainly going to protest this," Betsy said. "I was kind of hoping maybe you would protest along with me. There's nothing more patriotic and more American than protesting things that you don't like."
    "Well I –" Sam said thinking that he didn't really want to protest the naked parade but at the same time the kind of wanted to watch the parade, so he thought that maybe if he went with the other protesters he could have his cake and eat it too. After all it was also kind of an American thing to say one thing and do the other, so the way he figured it even if it made him a little bit of a hypocrite he would be able to maintain respectability among his prudish neighbors as well as get to see lots of naked people.
    "It's a moral imperative that we all show up to protest this obscenity," Betsy said shaking her head. "Anyway I hope you will consider showing up for our protest."
    "I'll think about it," Sam said. "Happy Fourth of July."
    The rest of the day all that Sam could think about was the parade that was coming that afternoon and evening. He was thinking of Alana and Diana completely buck naked walking up and down the street, and how if he was going to protest along with Betsy that they probably wouldn't appreciate it, but he would also like to see their jiggling naked flesh, so maybe he could go without necessarily taking any sides.
    "The parade is about to begin," Betsy said as he opened the door to see her standing there later smiling and wearing all sorts of red white and blue paraphernalia. In fact she was dressed up as Betsy Ross and normally he would be getting dressed up as Uncle Sam.
    Sam reluctantly went out of the house with Betsy as they could see that there were lots of people parading up and down the street. At first he saw a lot of naked men with didn't really appeal to him, but then when he saw some of the more attractive women from the town walking up and down the streets waving and twirling around American flags that just carefully concealed certain parts of their anatomy he had to admit he was already getting hot and bothered.
    "It's perfectly obscene and offensive isn't it," Betsy said shaking her head as she held up a sign that said nudity is not patriotic.
    "Yeah it's totally terrible," Sam said as he tried with all of his concentration not to get an erection seeing all of those women parading around naked.
    "I mean you can see everything," Betsy said shaking her head and looking more annoyed by the moment.
    "I mean I think that it is protected by the First Amendment though isn't it," Sam said. "Freedom of expression and all that, and I think that one of our founding fathers actually went skinny dipping in the lake."
    "Well I don't remember the exact wording of the First Amendment," Betsy said shaking her head. "But I'm sure it did not say that everybody should get naked."
    "Actually if you forgot the words of the First Amendment it's tattooed on the naked backside of that woman marching at the front of the parade," Sam said finding it hard not to snicker. He thought that was rather clever of her. Following behind her was a naked man with this text of the Second Amendment on his back and holding up some kind of gun strategically place that it was hiding his genitals. If that wasn't a metaphor for somebody overcompensating he didn't know what was.
    "It is just obscene that they would do these things to the flag and to the Constitution," Betsy said as she continued waving her finger in disapproval at the parade.
    As Sam stood there looking at Betsy dressed from head to toe in red white and blue, aware of the fact that his nation's flag was imprinted on his underwear and clinging to his ass at the moment, he was suddenly starting to think of what Alana and Diana had said earlier. Was it really anymore obscene to be going around naked than it was to be putting your nation's flag on your underwear?
    "Hey Sam," Alana shouted as she and Diana waved over at Sam.
    "You know those people," Betsy said shaking her head. "What flagrant exhibitionists they are!"
    "They aren't bad people," Sam said as he went over to Alana and Diana to get a closer look and struggling with all that was decent inside of him not to get as hard as a rock the moment he saw them.
    "I'm glad that you could make it to the parade," Diana said as she stood there with her American flag on a stick that was covering up her breasts. "I can see that you are still wearing your clothing though. I guess you didn't want to play Uncle Sam if Uncle Sam had to get buck naked did you?"
    "Obscenity, obscenity!" Betsy shouted as she went over to them holding up her sign along with a couple of other neighbors who didn't seem to approve of this.
    "Your friends don't seem like they are that big on personal self-expression," Alana said.
    "Well unlike you flagrant exhibitionists Sam here has some modesty, he's a good patriotic American who realizes that some things were not meant to be seen," Betsy said as Diana and Alana frowned.
    As he looked at his two attractive friends standing there naked and celebrating their freedom in the most flagrant way possible, totally unashamed and totally comfortable with that, and then looked at Betsy and the rest of his curmudgeonly neighbors raising a big stink about it, he felt like he was perhaps being a hypocrite, and dare he say even un-American.
    "For a person who opposes this naked parade you all seem to be looking pretty closely," Diana said and she looked directly at Sam when she said that, and it was at that moment he realized that by keeping his pants on he was feeling more ashamed than he felt he would feel taking them off.
    "You know what I mean to play Uncle Sam, I played Uncle Sam every single year, and if playing Uncle Sam means that I have to take it all off then so be it," Sam said as he suddenly got undressed, first down to his American flag underwear, before taking those off as well, as Betsy practically fainted.
    As Sam stood there he knew that he was blushing profusely as this was probably the single most embarrassing moment of his life. Maybe this was the cost of taking a patriotic stand for freedom to dress or not dress however you saw fit.
    "Well Sam I can see that you put the red in red, white and blue," Diana said as he stood their blushing and trying to cover up before she handed him an American flag, which he held strategically in front of his junk so that he was covered up, as he began marching with them.
    As people whistled and hollered at them Sam had to admit it was still quite embarrassing, and he knew that he was blushing the whole time, but he felt that he had picked the right side in this debate, and he finally felt that his conscience was clear, even though he was going to find it hard to look his neighbors in the eye the next day.
    "Three cheers for the red, white and blue," Diana shouted as everybody lifted up their flags and Sam couldn't hide the fact that he had a huge throbbing erection as Diana and Alana began laughing.
    As embarrassing as the whole thing was, as the parade went on and the entire town saw he and his friends completely buck naked, he figured there was no going back now, and then that maybe he had done his part to make the country a freer place.
    "Well looks like the parade is over, time to get dressed," Alana said as she and Diana began putting their clothing back on along with the rest of the parade goers as Sam realized that in his moment of patriotic fervor he had just thrown his clothing on the floor and now everyone else was getting dressed except for him.
    "I guess somebody forgot to bring their clothing to change back into," Diana said as she laughed as Sam continued blushing. "Well Uncle Sam I can see that you have been standing tall and proud the entire night!"
    Sam was really embarrassed about the fact that his erection still had not gone down as Alana and Diana continued giggling and snickering.
    "Come on naked boy, we will walk you home," Alana said, and as he walked home between his two dressed female friends as people in the streets cheered and whistled and hollered and shouted stuff about Uncle Sam standing tall he knew that he would probably never live this down, but he still found the whole experience to be exhilarating. When he finally got home and found his flag underpants and other clothing on the floor he picked them up and brought them in his house, and couldn't help but feel somehow that putting them back on was perhaps more disrespectful than keeping them off, so he went to sleep naked that night to the sound of fireworks going off all around.

    The next morning when he woke up and thought about everything that happened the day before he did not look forward to the prospect of confronting his neighbors but he was hoping that maybe if he was really nonchalant about it that they wouldn't say anything.
    As he walked out of the house to put his garbage out and get his paper, that was when he saw Betsy and some of the other women from his neighborhood standing there looking at him. For a moment he felt like a deer caught in the headlights and froze, and no doubt was likely blushing bright red again, but as they continued looking at him he simply waved to them and they burst out laughing and waved back.
    As he slinked back to his house humiliated he thought that maybe he had gotten through to them after all. Maybe they wouldn't be stripping naked themselves, but he knew that every time that they saw him from now on what they would be picturing, his completely naked body. And the more he thought about it, the more he thought that it wasn't quite so bad after all.
    "God bless America," he said as he laughed and went back into the house.



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