The Goddess of Nudity

I was inspired to write this story by something that somebody posted on the CFNM Village where they posted a trailer for the new Thor movie, in which he is stripped naked in front of a bunch of goddesses, and that gave me the idea for a story about what if there was a goddess who went around maliciously using her powers to strip people naked, and then naturally I thought Aphrodite would make sense, so this is sort of yet another naked story with a speculative twist involving gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman mythology, of which I was always a fan. And it's yet another story involving one of my favorite themes of revenge nudity and supernatural powers being used to teach somebody an embarrassing naked lesson! This story is mostly a CFNM story and contains CFNM, naked in public, only one naked and brief embarrassed nude female.

The Goddess of Nudity
Ryan was going on a trip to the art museum with his girlfriend Andrea when they came across a statue of the goddess Venus, also known as Aphrodite.
    "Well it looks like this museum is more interesting than I thought, we're going to get to see lots of naked statues and paintings," Ryan said as he pointed to Venus and laughed.
    "You know Ryan I was hoping that you would be more mature about taking a trip to the art museum like this," Andrea said. "I guess you really are just a typical horny guy who can't look at any naked image of the female form without thinking of it in terms of sex."
    "It's not that I can't view female nudity without thinking of sex it's just, well okay I mean if it's a hot woman then I kind of find it hard not to. I mean look at these Greek and Roman statues, did anybody wear clothing back then? I have to say though she has a pretty nice body, I wouldn't mind running into her."
    "You really are very immature, I'm embarrassed to be seen with you at a place like this. I just wanted to come here so that we could get some culture and education on art, including tasteful nudes."
    "I am cultured, it's just that you can enjoy something else aside from just the cultural significance, what can I say, Venus is sort of a hot bitch and I wouldn't mind meeting her in the flesh!"
    "So that's how you referred to a hot naked woman, some kind of hot bitch, she was the goddess of love and sexuality and fertility."
    "And being a naked chick. I'm just saying if she doesn't want people gawking at her all the time why is she always naked? Obviously if there were a goddess like this in reality she couldn't be bothered by the fact that people are just standing here looking at her hot naked body."
    "This guy thinks he so funny does he," Aphrodite said as she was looking on from Olympus. "Well I'm going to make him learn the hard way that nobody reduces me to a mere sex object. I'm the goddess of love and sexuality and he is going to find out I am also the goddess who controls nudity."
    "What is it Aphrodite, are you getting annoyed at people joking about your naked body again," Athena said. "You have to stop being so petty about that. I mean if you didn't want everybody looking maybe you should put some God damn clothes on once in a while."
    Aphrodite shook her head. "You're lucky that people will respect you for your mind and your intelligence Athena, but me, I'm just a sex object to people nowadays, just like I was back in ancient Greece and Rome."
    "You know I would think in the last couple of thousand years maybe you would have matured, you would kind of think that an immortal would grow more mature after a couple of millennia. If you were really mature you would just let this go and not let it bother you."
    "Remember back in ancient Greece and Rome what I used to do when somebody disrespected me like that," Aphrodite said with a fiendish smile.
    Athena rolled her eyes as she looked down on earth. "Although I have to admit I wouldn't mind seeing him naked!"
    "Well I'll take that as a ringing endorsement and grant that request," Aphrodite said as she smiled, laughed and snapped her fingers.
    "It's just I really wish you could be mature about –" Andrea continued lecturing Ryan before her jaw began dropping.
    "Mature about what?" Ryan said as he noticed he felt different all of the sudden as he began feeling his body to realize that his clothing had mysteriously vanished.
    "Nudity," Andrea said staring at Ryan standing there naked as he began screaming and covering himself up. "Ryan why are you naked all of the sudden?!"
    "I don't know, I was wearing clothing just a minute ago!" Ryan said covering up his junk as a bunch of women walked into that room with big smiles on their faces.
    "Well well well, it looks like we have something other than just naked statues on display," the first woman said.
    "Hey Natalie," the woman standing next to her said. "Let's take a picture!"
    "No pictures!" Ryan said as he began turning around and running.
    "Well I got a good picture of his ass running away," Natalie said as she began laughing to the point where she was practically in hysterics.
    Ryan began running through the galleries as men and women stopped what they were doing to look at him as he ran as fast as he could trying to cover up.
    "Hey it's a streaker!" a woman shouted as several people in the gallery began clapping and laughing.
    Ryan didn't know where he was going except he knew he was looking for someplace to hide where none of these women would be able to see him. That was when he saw the men's room and started running towards it.
    "Oh no you don't," Aphrodite said laughing and snapping her fingers again.
    Ryan pounded on the door to the men's room to find that it appeared to be locked. He was doubly disappointed because it was at that moment he realized he also needed to go to the bathroom, probably cause being nervous or embarrassed had a terrible effect on his bladder.
    As he stood there thinking what to do that was when a group of women came out of the ladies room and burst out laughing and pointing at him.
    By now he was blushing profusely and he knew that if there was any place that he didn't want to be it was right next to the ladies room!
    Andrea started running after the direction that she saw Ryan run off but she didn't see him anywhere.
    "Excuse me, have you seen man go by here?" Andrea said.
    "Yeah we saw a guy streak past here completely buck naked," a woman said holding her stomach as she burst out laughing.
    "Which way did he go," Andrea said as the woman continued laughing and pointing off into the distance as Andrea continued running and wondering what the hell happened that Ryan suddenly was spontaneously naked like that.
    Ryan was crouching down behind a nude statue of a woman, it looked like another naked statue of Aphrodite. He felt that at least if he was hiding behind that statue that maybe nobody would see him.
    "Nice ass," a woman said behind him and he turned around to see that he thought he recognized the woman from somewhere.
    "I would say take a picture it would last longer, except I don't want you to take a picture," Ryan said as he stood there still covering himself up. "You look extremely familiar from someplace."
    "Well you were gawking at my statue a few moments ago," Aphrodite said shaking her head.
    "No way, there's no way you could be Aphrodite, for one thing you're wearing clothing!"
    Aphrodite laughed. "It was all the artists on the earth, all the male artists and sculptors, who portrayed me as a naked goddess always going around buck naked all the time. When I actually do come down to the earth I usually wear clothing. So just so you know you're not going to get to see me naked, but I can certainly get a good look at you!"
    "Are you crazy, you really think that you're some type of goddess? You should probably be going to the loony bin."
    "Well maybe you don't recognize me since I'm wearing clothing, but you can see that I look exactly like the statues, I mean with some creative license, some people captured my likeness better than others. Back in the olden days I would often pose for those who I thought would portray me in a respectful manner, a classy and artistic matter. You know back in ancient Greece and ancient Rome the men used to wrestle naked and we goddesses didn't mind watching from above. You never really see guys get naked in public anymore these days, or anywhere really, it's all female nudity, which can be boring if you are a goddess, as no women look as good naked as we do!"
    "Look lady you must think I'm pretty gullible if I believe that you are really a goddess or that goddesses exist."
    "Typical guy, always assumes a deity will be male, but I would think you would be more open-minded seeing as your clothing just magically disappeared, that was me by the way, and I did it to teach you a lesson."
    "You did this to me!"
    "Pretty funny isn't it?" Aphrodite said as she put her hands on her hips and began laughing in hysterics.
    "It's not funny, and if you did this to teach me a lesson, well then lesson learned," Ryan said rubbing his body which was getting goosebumps from the cold and the embarrassment.
    Aphrodite shook her head. "You know I don't think that you have really learned your lesson well enough though. People come here to gawk at my naked statues all the time and I think I want you to know what it feels like."
    Ryan was going to protest further as Aphrodite snapped her fingers and suddenly disappeared as he rubbed his eyes, before immediately putting his hands back over his junk as he cowered behind the statue of Aphrodite.
    "Ryan what are you doing back here," Andrea said as she came behind the statue.
    "Well I'm trying to hide my naked body and I was just talking to Aphrodite a moment ago," Ryan said feeling like an idiot the moment he said it.
    "Aphrodite, you were talking to the statue?"
    "No, the real Aphrodite came, she just appeared and said that she was the one who made my clothing disappear and, okay you're probably thinking I went insane aren't you?"
    "No, of course not, that's something that happens every day, a goddess comes and spontaneously makes your clothing disappear while you are in the art museum, that happened to me the last two times I've been here."
    "Well if Aphrodite didn't make my clothing disappear then where did my clothing go?"
    "I don't know, but I don't think that a goddess made them disappear. What are you going to do?"
    "Well firstly I think you should go and see if you can find me some type of clothing, and in the meantime I'm going to stay here and hope that I don't draw attention to myself."
    "Oh is that what you were hoping," Aphrodite said watching from above before snapping her fingers again as all of the sudden an announcement came on.
    "Attention all museum goers, there is a special display in the Greek section by the statue of Aphrodite, and if everybody wants to see that special live naked display you should all go there right now," the announcement said.
    "This just really isn't my day," Ryan said as he slowly came out from behind the statue of Aphrodite only to realize that a large crowd of men and women, many of whom were holding up camera phones, had already piled in and were blocking every exit.
    "Hey look at the naked guy from before," Natalie said as she started snapping pictures as did a whole bunch of other women.
    One of the guides from the museum came in with a smile on her face as she pointed to Ryan standing there covering himself up.
    "As you can see we have a very special display today of the male nude featuring a live actor," the tour guide said as Ryan could see all of the women in the audience snickering and pointing at him.
    Ryan was about to shout that he didn't agree to this, and he certainly wasn't an actor, and he couldn't understand why the museum seemed to be going along with this.
    "Aphrodite!" Ryan shouted as everybody in the audience sort of looked around like he was crazy. "There's been a big mistake here, you see I got in a fight with Aphrodite the goddess of love and, oh why even bother," Ryan said as he realized when he was beat as he lowered his hands to his side, cringefully smiled and began waving coyly to the audience as the tour guide started pointing to him and talking all about male nudity, and more specifically the intimate and specific details of his naked male body. He could only hope that this would be over in a short time and he could get out of there before being humiliated further.
    "That's my boyfriend, isn't he great," Andrea said as Natalie just nodded and continued taking pictures and videos of the event.
    "You know I'll hand it to you Aphrodite, this was pretty entertaining, probably the funniest thing that we have done in thousands of years," Athena said as she and Aphrodite stood there in the audience dressed like modern day museum goers with nobody being the wiser.
    "Yes we really should intervene in human affairs more often, maybe people would start believing in us again," Aphrodite said as Ryan continued standing there as large crowds continued gathering around as he was practically ready to die of embarrassment.
    Eventually the tour guide was finished and the women and men finally started clearing out of the room with the exception of Andrea, Athena and Aphrodite.
    "So did you learn your lesson yet," Aphrodite said as she stood there confidently with her hands on her hips as Ryan stood there covering himself up and blushing profusely.
    "Yes goddess," he said, his eyes mostly looking down at the ground because he was too embarrassed to make eye contact with her.
    "What do you think," Aphrodite said as she turned to Athena.
    Athena smirked. "Well you know in my great wisdom I am thinking that there could be one final lesson for him to learn."
    "You know you are right," Aphrodite said looking at Ryan and making some motions with her fingers as he stopped covering himself up and suddenly Ryan turned into a nude statue of himself that was entirely anatomically accurate to the last detail. "I'm just going to leave you on display like that for about a week, you know so that a whole bunch of people can see you as a naked statue so you will know what it's like to be on display unable to move and unable to cover up."
    As Ryan stood there motionless as a statue he realized that these goddesses had gotten the better of him and had really taught him a lesson he'd never forget. The worst thing though was that he still had to go to the bathroom and it looked like that wouldn't be happening anytime soon, and on top of that he never got to see Aphrodite or Athena naked!
    "You know you ladies really know how to teach a guy a lesson, and this was a whole lot of fun," Andrea said as the two goddesses laughed. Andrea then turned to a statue of Zeus that was also naked. "I wonder if he looks as attractive in person naked as he does on display in here, am I right ladies. I mean look at the dick on that dude!"
    "That's our father," Aphrodite said looking angry. "Maybe your boyfriend isn't the only one who has to learn a lesson about sexually objectifying a statue."
    Andrea was about to apologize but Aphrodite had already snapped her fingers as she and Athena vanished along with Andrea's clothing. As Andrea struggled to cover up and began screaming Ryan had to admit that seeing her in that state would probably have made him hard even if he hadn't already been turned into stone.


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