My Extremely Humiliating and Ultra-Embarrassing Naked Superhero Adventure

This particular story was inspired by two consecutive dreams I had where I thought that I was Wolverine or Spiderman but I was somehow going around the city completely naked and finding and extremely embarrassing. Then I thought I would tweak this a little and make it more humorous, so I decided to give my character x-ray vision so that he could see women naked before he ends up in his own humiliating predicament of one-sided nudity that I feel works as pretty good poetic justice. I also decided to name him Jerry after Jerry Seinfeld, as Jerry Seinfled was a big fan of Superman and I thought that that was sort of a funny in joke. This is mostly just a CFNM story although by x-ray vision there are some naked women sightings as well! This one involves CFNM, nude in public, only one naked and embarrassed nude male.
    These were the dreams that inspired this story;
    Dream#1: But then when I was in the restaurant all of the sudden I realize I am naked and I put my clothing on but then I somehow realized that I dreaming and I go lucid, so I immediately take off my clothing and I think that I lock them up somewhere or put them somewhere where I would be unable to get them. I then start leaving the place and walking out in the streets where I see all of these women who were reacting with shock and I could see a lot of them were looking at me with wide eyes. And I think that there was this one woman who was looking at me who had eyes like a cat and felt really intimidating.
    I remember then eventually I keep walking until I find myself in what looks like an auditorium or something like that there were filled with cheerleaders and I think that I awkwardly start building a pyramid with them where I am naked and they are all dressed in cheerleader outfits and the dream and somewhere there but I was still lucid or I think that I was enjoying the state of lucidity but then it started to make me come out of it.
    But overall just a really interesting dream, a lucid naked dream so this one is definitely worth highlighting for all of those reasons.
    Dream #2: Wow, another naked dream in a row that was really long and drawn out. Maybe it was because after the first dream that I had I gave myself the instructions to immediately go back into the same situation and it seemed like it actually worked.
    Like with the majority of dreams are a lot of them I can't recall precisely where this one began. I just recall that I was almost like Wolverine or some type of X-Men superhero or perhaps even Spiderman and I somehow found myself completely naked in public due to being allergic to clothing. I just remember that I recall being in this large group of women around a very large place that looked like a food court or something where I just kept walking around the place feeling a constant state of embarrassment and sexual tension and frustration over the fact that I was naked.
    I then recall that we were on like a vacation and we returned to the city which I thought was odd that I was naked in public and everything like that or I felt that I was a superhero in retirement because I ended up catching the naked allergy to clothing and I could no longer wear a disguise to disguise my superhero identity.
    I do remember at one point that I think that I was in a room with a few dressed women and everything like that and some of them may have even been lying on top of me wearing their clothing while I was naked. But I just remember being in the room and thinking that some type of sex was going to happen with them but I don't think that it never did but I felt frustrated over the fact that I was still naked and they were dressed.
    Again there was a whole lot more detail but I feel that I am forgetting because this was a really long dream, but I remember it ends where I somehow end up in a pit with some others and I think that I was still naked and the women were dressed and I was trying to get out of the pit and I think that I saw like a giant bug of some kind or possibly even a murderer on it that I was squashing with a piece of tape or a superhero action figure that I had in the pit with me and it just sort of ends like that.

My Extremely Humiliating and Ultra-Embarrassing Naked Superhero Adventure
"I can't believe it, exposure to that radioactive material has seemed to have given me superpowers," Jerry said. "Normally when somebody gets exposed to radioactive material it doesn't actually give them superpowers like in the comics, usually it just gives them leukemia, but this is so much better! I have the powers of Superman, I seem to be indestructible, superstrong and able to fly. And I also have x-ray vision, so I can probably see through women's clothing, which is probably the best power of all! I'm living every American man's dream, getting to be a superhero with superpowers and the ability to see women naked!"
    Jerry thought that he needed to think of a really cool superhero name, but he figured he could always think of that later. For now he would just put on his Superman costume along with a Spiderman mask. He realized that it was really inconsistent, and not just because it was mixing a Marvel character with a character from the DC universe and raising potential copyright infringement issues, but he wanted to make sure that he could maintain his secret identity, and since Superman's outfit didn't really disguise his face it wasn't really a disguise at all, so even though he looked rather absurd dressed as Superman but with a Spiderman mask, he figured he could always think of a better costume later.
    Jerry decided that he would start off using his powers in the most constructive way possible. As he began flying over the city and looking in the windows of people's houses using his x-ray vision so that he could see women naked, he had to admit this was all turning him on a lot.
    "You know there are some people who might say that I am some type of a peeping Tom or a big pervert, but it's not like anybody knows that I am watching them with my x-ray vision, and what they don't know can possibly hurt them," Jerry said as he continued flying through the air and looking through the walls of buildings to find the most attractive women to look at naked. Occasionally he would find naked women taking a shower, but then they would just look like skeletons, and that would kind of creep him out, and it would sort of kill his hard on.
    After he had spent most of the afternoon flying around the city looking in people's windows, he had to admit that he should probably use his powers in a way that was more actively constructive, using them for something that wasn't self-serving or creepy and perverted, but there was plenty of time for that, when you just learn that you have superpowers you want to check them out first and see what their extent is, and nobody who has x-ray vision could resist using that one. In fact if he could only keep one of his powers he would probably keep the x-ray vision.
    While he was looking through one woman's window he managed to catch a news report about a super villain that had kidnapped a bunch of women, and she was going to kill them if nobody stopped her and paid a million dollars of ransom.
    "With great power comes great responsibility, and believe it or not an even greater responsibility than just using my x-ray vision to see women naked," Jerry said. Although he still hadn't thought of a really cool sounding superhero name yet, he knew that he couldn't waste time, he had to rescue those women from the evil super villain that had captured them.
    Soon he flew to where he heard the super villain was, and there she was, dressed like a dominatrix in black leather with all of the women tied up on a conveyor belt that was leading them towards a bunch of spinning saw blades that would cut them all in half and kill them.
    "Well I haven't gotten the million dollars in ransom, so I guess all of these beautiful women are going to be destroyed," the super villain said. Jerry couldn't help but stare at her, because using his x-ray vision he was able to see her naked, and she had a smoking hot body, in fact the women who were about to be sawed in half also had smoking hot naked bodies, and he certainly couldn't allow such attractive women to be mutilated by the blades of a saw like this type of cartoonish super villain was doing.
    "Stop you dastardly villain," Jerry said, thinking that was how a superhero would probably talk as he started flying in front of the woman.
    "Hey, my eyes are up here," she said pointing to her face which was covered in a leather mask. "I didn't know that there was somebody else out there with superpowers."
    "Did you get exposed to that radioactive material as well?" Jerry looked at her without using the x-ray vision for a moment to realize that she had the name Lady Domina printed on her superhero spandex outfit. "And it seems we both dressed like traditional superheroes and super villains."
    "It seems that we have been exposed to the same radioactive material, and as contrived as that sounds I guess that is why we have same powers of flight, invincibility, superstrength and heat vision. And to be fair I think that my costume is more original, why are you dressed as Superman but wearing a Spiderman mask?"
    "Never mind that you dastardly villainess. Wait did you say you had heat vision, I have x-ray vision, which is a whole lot cooler because it lets me see people naked!"
    "You perverted little peeping Tom!" Lady Domina. "I going to teach you a lesson about not looking at my hot naked body."
    "I am completely invincible just as you are, there is nothing you can do that will hurt me!" Jerry said flying there triumphantly and getting cocky right before her eyes began glowing and she hit him with a burst of her heat vision. "You did not harm me!" Jerry said laughing until he realized that her heat vision had completely incinerated his entire disguise. "Oh no, I'm naked!"
    Jerry quickly dove behind a wall so that she could not see him naked, because luckily she didn't have x-ray vision. Although he was invincible his superhero outfit was not.
    "Help somebody please save us!" one of the women on the conveyor belt began screaming.
    Jerry found himself in a conundrum, he couldn't go flying out there completely buck naked, not only would it reveal his secret identity as a huge number of media cameras were all focusing on the scene, but it would be really really really embarrassing!
    Jerry had to admit he had never considered this. He thought that being a superhero and being completely indestructible and all-powerful like that would remove any fear he had, but the thought of being seen naked by all of those women was more intimidating than the fact that his adversary had heat vision.
    "Well it looks like I have won today!" Lady Domina shouted as Jerry suddenly flew out out of nowhere and did a flying punch to her face that sent her flying through the air and through several walls.
    He paused for a moment, and that was when he realized that the women were still on the conveyor belt, and he had to use this momentary window of opportunity while his adversary was distracted to save the women before it was too late.
    Jerry quickly swooped down and picked up the women off of the conveyor belt and untied them.
    "Our hero," one of the women said as she hugged and kissed him before backing away from him and smirking. "Our naked hero!"
    "Oh my God, that's right, I'm still completely naked," Jerry said covering his junk with his hands as he began blushing profusely.
    "Nice ass," said one of the women behind him as they all began having a good laugh over the fact that they had just been rescued by a naked superhero.
    "Hey look, he has another superpower, he's turning bright red, he can change colors really quickly," the third woman said.
    "I can only hope that nobody recognizes me," Jerry muttered to himself.
    "Oh my God, Jerry is that you," the fourth woman said, and it was only at that moment that he realized it was his ex-girlfriend Carlita, who was bursting out laughing.
    "Hey I just saved all of your lives, don't laugh at me!" Jerry said and he wanted to fly right out of there, but for some reason it seemed that his anxiety was causing his powers to malfunction and he couldn't seem to take flight.
    "I'm sorry, it's just that I can't believe that you're a naked superhero," Carlita said. "Honestly this is a side of you I have never seen before, but now that I am seeing it I kind of think that maybe we shouldn't have broken up."
    "This is Lucy Nagel reporting live on an apparently naked superhero who has just rescued a bunch of women from certain death," a reporter said as she ran up over to him. "Actually this is an interesting follow-up to an earlier story about reports of a man flying around looking in people's windows. I think we might have caught our peeping Tom!"
    "A peeping Tom, I guess you really are a pervert Jerry, you know, now that I think of it, that's probably why it was good that I did break up with you," Carlita said. "I hope you appreciate the phrase poetic justice!"
    "Mr. superhero what would you like to be called," Lucy said as she put a microphone up to him as he stood there still trying to cover himself up and still blushing profusely.
    "They should call him the amazing naked man," Carlita said as she continued laughing her ass off and slapping her knees with delight, and he knew now that there was something more embarrassing than wearing a Superman outfit with a Spiderman mask, and that was wearing nothing at all, and that his new superhero name would probably stick, and now that he was naked and exposed he couldn't even hide his secret identity. He didn't know how he could show his face in public ever again after this.
    "You may have won this time and foiled me, but holy crap you're freaking naked, this is just too good to be true, I don't even care that you foiled my evil scheme, this is better than that," Lady Domina said as she hovered above them pointing at him and laughing hysterically.
    At that moment Jerry wished that the super villain he was fighting did not have heat vision and only had x-ray vision like he did, because then at least she would have been the only one who saw him naked! In fact it was at that moment that he realized the worst thing of this whole situation.
    "My x-ray vision is no longer working," Jerry said, realizing that now on top of everything else he was surrounded by six dressed women who were seeing his buck naked body and he couldn't even see theirs in return, to say nothing of the millions of viewers watching live at home. He couldn't even think of any way that this could possibly be worse.
    "And it looks like this superhero is very happy to see all of us and to be seen by all of us," Lucy said as Jerry struggled to cover up his erection and realized that with great power came great responsibility, but it also came with a whole lot of humiliation. "I'm Lucy Nagel and I think that I speak for all of the women of the city when we say that we hope will see a lot more of you in the future naked man!"
    "No birthday suit man, that's even better!" Carlita shouted as she burst into hysterics. "He doesn't even need a costume!"
    All Jerry could think as the women stood there laughing, was that if there was one positive thing that he could take away from that at least they wouldn't be seeing a lot more of him, because they had already seen all of him there was to see.


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