Naked Man on Campus

Much of this is actually based on some conversations I really had. The first part is about Kirsten who was a classmate of mine in college, and I still remember one day she was wearing this extremely revealing shirt that really made her cleavage and her breasts extremely obvious, and she had really big breasts. It was very hard not to stare because you don't want to seem like a pig, because this is just like a platonic friend and classmate, but it's kind of hard to avert your eyes when something like that is right in front of you like that, so that was actually partially the inspiration for this story, and I figured that if something like this actually happened she probably would be an activist for the cause of the naked men.
The other part about Mackenzie was based on a conversation I had with a woman that I know online, and that was basically the conversation we had, where she gave the cool answer that she was in that situation she would become a serial killer. Much of the rest of the dialogue is actually based on stuff that she actually said, and I thought that that was interesting to make her a character and incorporate this into the story.
Finally Amy is based off of another woman that I know online, who is a dominatrix, and she liked the idea of being incorporated into the story as well and I thought that I made her true to life as well.
So for a novelette that I hope to someday turn into a novel I thought that this was a pretty good start, and I hope that you enjoyed this as well. This story involves only one naked, naked in public, embarrassed nude male and CFNM.

Naked Man on Campus
It was a typical day in African history class where Arthur was trying to focus on the history lesson, but he couldn't help but be distracted by Kirsten, who was wearing a very revealing shirt that day that really made her breasts and her cleavage stand out like crazy. He didn't want to seem like he was a pig and that he was staring, but it was kind of hard not to, it was just making her cleavage so blazingly obvious for all the world to see.
    Arthur tried to focus on something else, but the constant presence of her cleavage right in his line of vision made it impossible to ignore. It was just there, was it a crime to look at something just because it happened to be there? If she was wearing that shirt that made her cleavage stand out like that as though there were a spotlight shining directly on her breasts, she must have realized that naturally people were going to look.
    When class was over they knew that they had a couple of free periods before their next class, so they walked to the library where they spent their time between classes, and Arthur sat down across from Kirsten, who it would figure would have to be sitting with her elbows on the table with her arms on both side of her, sort of pressing her breasts together involuntarily, or perhaps intentionally, and making that cleavage of hers so much more blazingly obvious.
    "Don't you think so," Kirsten said, as Arthur realized that he hadn't been paying attention to what she had been saying for the last few minutes because he had been so fixated on staring at the Grand Canyon that happened to be directly in his line of vision on her chest.
    "Oh yeah, totally," Arthur said pretending that he had heard everything she said.
    Kirsten smirked. "You have no idea what I just said did you?"
    "Of course I did," Arthur said realizing that she had caught him red-handed.
    "Then what did I just say?"
    Arthur mumbled something incoherently as Kirsten just shook her head.
    "You were staring at my breasts weren't you," Kirsten said with sort of an awkward smile but also an accusing stare.
    "No, not at all," Arthur said, trying his hardest to make direct eye contact with her and not stare at her chest. "I just happen to think it's a really nice shirt that you are wearing today."
    "Yeah, sure," she said shaking her head and rolling her eyes.
    "What, okay so maybe I was kind of looking, but you have to admit that that shirt is a little bit, shall we say revealing, I mean that's the most cleavage highlighting shirt that I have ever seen a human being wear in my entire life, except maybe in books where those women wore those corsets that really made their breasts stand up."
    "So what, just because I wore a shirt that I didn't realize was a little bit revealing until after I got to school now everybody figures that that gives them the right to just stare at my cleavage all day? I mean I'm not mad, OK so I am a little bit self-conscious about my breasts sometimes, and it can be kind of awkward when you are having a conversation with somebody and their eyes are practically bugging out of their heads just because I happen to be showing a little bit of cleavage, a little bit of space between two lumps of flesh on my body."
    "Well it's kind of hard not to look a little bit. I mean when you have it all out on display like that, if you were really self-conscious about it, well wouldn't you wear something that covers yourself up a little bit more? I mean does it really make me some type of pig that I check out some cleavage. So you have good cleavage, that's not a bad thing, it's a very attractive quality, and you shouldn't be self-conscious about it."
    Kirsten smiled. "Like I said, I'm used to people staring at my chest, I realize I have big breasts, but I just never saw what the big deal was about them, though sometimes it feels weird when people are staring at parts of your exposed body like that."
    "Well like I said, when you have it all out on display like that can you really blame people for taking a little peek?"
    Kirsten shook her head. "It may come as a shock to you, but women don't always dress just to entice men, and I know that men don't do likewise. And as a matter of fact when you were staring at my cleavage I was talking about the new situation afflicting men these days."
    "What do you mean, the situation afflicting men these days?"
    "What do you think I mean, you know that rare but increasingly common new disease that seems to render men allergic to clothing. It has been spreading rather rapidly, and now it seems like 1% of the male population seems to be afflicted."
    "Yeah, that's kind of a bummer, I mean nobody wants to see naked guy strutting about on the campus," Arthur said laughing. "Maybe if it were a bunch of hot naked women strutting about campus that would be another story."
    "Yes, I am sure that every guy on campus would love that," Kirsten said, once again rolling her eyes. "But the fact is that these men didn't choose to be naked through any choice of their own, it was something that just happened to be imposed on them by circumstance, and that is why I want to do everything in power to help them to stand up to all of those people who flaunt their clothing privilege as a way of diminishing them, which goes doubly for men of color who already had to deal with the minority status of being people of color, before now they have to deal with the fact that everybody can see their naked skin."
    Arthur smirked. "Is that your real interest in all of these naked men around campus?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "Come on don't pretend, I've seen you looking at some of the naked guys on campus, and you were staring at them a lot more than I was staring at your cleavage right now. Why is it that if I were to look at a naked woman on campus that makes me a pig, but when you look at a bunch of naked men like that it is somehow okay."
    "Okay, maybe I peeked a little bit, I mean I'm a normal heterosexual woman, I have desires, and I get that if it were women affected and if I were naked would you just be staring at me all the time?"
    Arthur realized that was a rather awkward question, so he tried to think of the best way to save himself from having to answer it in an equally awkward manner. "Well I guess you are lucky that it is men afflicted and not women."
    "That wasn't what I am asking. I mean we have been friends for a long time and everything, if I were suddenly forced to go naked all the time be honest, would you find it hard to see me as anything other than a jiggling mass of flesh?"
    The fact that her breasts just jiggled a little bit when she said that made it even more difficult for Arthur to disguise his honest answer.
    "Look, men and women can be friends, but it's kind of hard for heterosexual people to see a member of the opposite sex naked, particularly an attractive member of the opposite sex naked, and not think of them as, well not think of them as naked," Arthur said.
    "If you were one of the naked men and I was staring at your naked body all day wouldn't you feel a little bit uncomfortable or self-conscious about it?"
    Arthur swallowed deeply. The thought of Kirsten seeing him completely buck naked in public like that was an intimidating thought.
    "Well I'm lucky because I am not one of those men who is afflicted with the naked virus, and I am quite thankful that we will never have to address that issue."
    "But how do you know that? It seems to be afflicting 1% of men, and nobody knows how this virus functions or why. People think it's genetically engineered, the virus actually knows when you are wearing clothing rather than just when you are touching some form of fabric, it's like it's a smart virus or something. And I am sure that if, God forbid, you became one of these naked men you probably would find it very uncomfortable to see every woman on campus seeing you naked all the time. And don't say it could never happen, it could happen to anybody, people don't know how the virus is transmitted or why it only afflicts certain men, but it's a fairly democratic virus, affecting the good, the bad and the ugly equally."
    "I heard that that radical feminist group is claiming responsibility for creating the virus."
    "Look, they don't speak for everyone, I can assure you that the majority of women, the majority of feminists have nothing but sympathy for the poor men afflicted by this virus, and that they are a slim minority of women. Although to be fair you can understand the reasoning behind the group. I mean I condemn their actions as terrorism of course, as do most true feminists, but after the way men have sexually objectified women all this time, doesn't it seem like it's almost like a fitting revenge?"
    "Well maybe if it only affected the sexist jerks yeah, but it's affecting good people too."
    Kirsten nodded. "Exactly, and that is why I want to make sure that I am an ally to these naked men, I want to make that my new cause of the day."
    Arthur smiled, Kirsten had always been something of an activist, and he admired that about her, but he couldn't help but feel that maybe there was a little tiny bit of an ulterior motive in wanting to be an ally to naked men, wanting to be around these men afflicted with public nudity.
    "And I don't have an ulterior motive," Kirsten said folding her arms across her breasts and finally covering up her cleavage, much to Arthur's disappointment.
    "Right," Arthur said as he laughed. "Well anyway I have to get to class, so I wish you luck with your activism for helping all of the naked men, I am sure that they wouldn't mind being seen with you wearing that shirt."

    Arthur had to admit that the rest of the day he had two things on his mind, one was how Kirsten looked in that outfit that really showed her cleavage, the image of which was now burned into his head, and the other was what she said about the naked men. He had to admit that if she were afflicted with nudity they probably wouldn't be able to just be friends. It's kind of hard to have a platonic friend of the opposite sex who is attractive and naked all the time and not think of them as sex objects. Of course he would still remain friends with a woman who is afflicted with the nudity, and he would see her as more than just a naked woman, but he had normal heterosexual desires, and seeing a woman stuck buck naked in public all the time was impossible not to see as a sexual thing.
    Naked men walking around on campus on the other hand he was never really happy to see. He had to admit it must be pretty awful to be one of those guys, and he was quite happy that at least he wasn't one of them.
    In fact Arthur found the whole idea of being naked in public to be terrifying. He was sure that most people would agree with him on that, even people who were budding exhibitionists probably wouldn't want to be naked in public all the time, and it was made worse by the fact that this particular campus was nearly 2/3 female, since this university had a special focus on a nursing program, and nursing was an overwhelmingly female dominated profession, so the women had the men outnumbered 2 to 1.
    Arthur was going to get back to his new friend Mackenzie. He had met Mackenzie on one of the campus websites where you could find people who lived on the campus who shared interests with you, and they found that they had a lot in common. Things were strictly Platonic between them however, much like it was with Kirsten, and they didn't want to make things weird.
    Truth be told they hadn't even met in person yet, as they had known each other online for a while, but hadn't gotten around to arranging a meeting yet. Mackenzie had been pressuring him to do something, but they had both been so busy with schoolwork lately that they just hadn't gotten around to it.
    "I'll get back to her tomorrow, it's been another busy day," Arthur said as he put his head down on his pillow and went to sleep to thoughts of what it would be like to have his head lodged in the crevice of a woman's cleavage, and thought that it was a funny thought to go to bed with.

    Arthur woke up the next morning and found that he wasn't feeling very well. In fact as soon as he woke up he was feeling feverish and itchy all over his body. When he saw that his temperature was really high he figured he had better get immediately to the hospital.
    The doctor shook her head. "Arthur I'm afraid you have –"
    "Please don't say it," Arthur said, but he could see where this was going as he sat there naked on the examining table.
    "I'm afraid that you have that new virus that happens to be going around, and fortunately the symptoms should go away pretty quickly as long as you don't wear any clothing."
    "Kill me now," Arthur said.
    Fortunately by the time he had gotten back on campus he was able to get back to his dormitory with relatively few people seeing him, at least nobody that he knew anyway.
    As he sat there in his dormitory he didn't know exactly what he was going to do. He knew that he couldn't stay in his dormitory forever, but he knew that he certainly was going to be spending as little time outside as possible until he had gotten a handle on this. Truth be told is that he felt uncomfortable even wearing a Speedo, and back in high school somebody had called him thong boy, even though he had never wore a thong, and the name somehow stuck. He didn't think that there could be anything worse than being called thong boy, but he knew that people had plenty of names for naked men that he would rather not think about.
    Then he looked at the computer. "You know since I do more socializing on the Internet than I do in person maybe I can make this work," he said as he started checking all of his messages.
    As he began looking through his social media feed he could see discussion here and there about the situation of the naked men, including some of his female classmates mentioning all of the sightings that they had had of naked men, and how they found it amusing throughout the day. Although some of them seemed to be sympathetic, the majority were treating it as rather funny and amusing, and for that he couldn't blame them, but at the same time knowing that most of the women that he knew on campus were having a screaming good time laughing at the men didn't make him feel any more comfortable about his own sudden naked condition.
    That was when he noticed that he had received a message at that moment.
    Mackenzie: Hey Arthur what are you up to?
    Arthur: I guess not much at the moment.
    He didn't know exactly how to respond to somebody. He certainly wasn't going to tell her that he was completely buck naked at the moment. He thought that it was rather absurd, but why did he feel self-conscious even talking to someone on the computer while he was naked, as it wasn't like she could see him either way or even know that he was naked, but he felt that maybe on a psychic level they could somehow sense it, that they knew something was off, that just from the words he used or by the way that he responded that she would somehow ascertain that he was naked. He had no idea exactly how, as it made no sense, but the thought did cross his mind. This was just a platonic friend, not even somebody that he had met in person, and yet he was feeling intimidated by the fact that he was naked on the other side of the screen.
    Mackenzie: I was wondering if you had any plans for this weekend, maybe we can finally meet in person and get like a pizza or something?
    Arthur: I don't think that this weekend is good, I think that I have something that I have to do, it's a real busy time for me and everything.
    As Arthur was talking to Mackenzie he looked at his social media feed and he couldn't help but notice that Kirsten had posted a lot of pictures of herself at one of the rallies for the naked men. While he didn't doubt her genuine concern and compassion for them, he also couldn't help but notice that she had a big smile on her face in every one of those pictures that she had taken with the naked men. That was when she sent him a message.
    Kirsten: Hey Arthur, I noticed you weren't in class today, is everything all right?
    Arthur: I am feeling fine, just a little bit under the weather, will hopefully be back in class soon. How are you doing?
    How on earth was he supposed to respond to a question like that, it's not exactly like he was going to say I'm doing fine, buck naked here! And he knew it was ridiculous, but as he was looking at the pictures of Kirsten with all of the naked men he couldn't help but notice that her cleavage was quite nice even in those pictures. Even as he was sitting there completely buck naked he couldn't avert his eyes from the very obvious cleavage staring him in the face.
    Kirsten: I had a good time at the naked men rally, and before you say anything I meant, well you know what I meant!
    Arthur responded with the laughing face emoji. Again he didn't doubt her genuine concern for these particular naked men, but he still suspected that there was a bit of an ulterior motive when a woman says I want to fight for a cause that will put me around naked men all day.
    That was when he had a rather frightening thought, how was he going to tell her that he happened to be one of those naked men right now? Would he suddenly become her cause of the moment? After everything that they had talked about the other day the last thing he wanted to do was tell her that he was naked at the moment.
    That was when Arthur realized that he had to go to the bathroom really bad. He had been holding it and holding it because he didn't want to leave the protective privacy of his dormitory, but he knew that he would have to go down the hall to the bathroom sooner or later, and he knew that later couldn't wait.
    With a painfully full bladder, Arthur looked out into the dormitory hallway and saw that it looked pretty clear, so he began rapidly running towards the unisex bathroom. He was in luck it didn't seem like anybody was in the bathroom at the moment, thank God for small miracles!
    As Arthur went over to the urinal that was when he heard a snickering noise and he saw a tall imposing woman standing there with her arms folded across her chest and smiling. All of the sudden he found that he couldn't go to the bathroom with this woman watching him.
    "Hey, do you think maybe I could have some privacy," Arthur said realizing how ridiculous his statement must sound standing there naked at the urinal.
    "What's the matter naked boy, a little shy?" she said still with a smirk on her face.
    That was when Arthur recognized her, it was Amy, and he had seen her in a social media profile on an adult website. She was dominatrix, and he didn't want to let her know that he knew that, but standing there naked at the urinal knowing that the woman looking at him was a dominatrix just made him more intimidated, and he found that he couldn't go to the bathroom despite needing to very badly.
    "You know, I think I will come back later," Arthur said as she ran out of the bathroom unrelieved as he heard Amy laughing as she came out of the door behind him.
    "Hey everybody, naked man on campus!" Amy shouted and he saw some women peeking out from the doors of the other rooms and sort of snickering.
    As Arthur went back to his dormitory, his bladder still extremely full, he realized that this was going to be a very long evening.
    Finally when he could take it no more he returned to the bathroom, and fortunately Amy wasn't there, and he was able to relieve himself, but as he finished up at the urinal he saw another woman, a rather attractive blonde woman standing there with a big smile on her face. He simply waved at her while blushing and got the hell out of there as quickly as possible.
    He tried to focus on his schoolwork for the rest of the evening, in that case it would actually be a welcome distraction, because even if he was afraid to leave his dormitory he didn't want to fall behind in that, and eventually he fell asleep reading his textbooks.

    Luckily the next day was a weekend, and he could really use a weekend, not that he was going to be going anywhere. He spent most of the day just hanging around his dormitory trying not to drink too much to minimize the number of trips he would have to take to the bathroom where he might run into Amy. He would always peek out into the hallway to make sure that she wasn't around before even attempting to leave.
    Later that evening, he found that he could take solace in the fact that at least being a computer geek he could spend most of his time just chatting with people online. He didn't really want to look at the social media of any of his friends, particularly female classmates, as it seemed as though all everybody was talking about the naked men on campus, and he started to wonder about how long could he possibly hide something like this. He knew that he would have to get used to it eventually and couldn't hide this forever, but he thought it would be an interesting game to see just how long he could put off the inevitable.
    McKenzie: Hey Arthur what's up?
    Arthur wasn't exactly sure how to respond once again, but he decided to just be polite and dodge the question as much as possible.
    Arthur: I guess not much, you know just studying and school work, all that boring stuff. What have you been up to?
    McKenzie responded with a smiley face.
    Arthur: I am wondering why you are smiling?
    McKenzie: I just think it's so cool.
    Arthur: What is so cool?
    McKenzie: I guess is probably not as exciting for you, being a straight guy and all, but I just think it's so awesome to see all of these naked men on campus! I mean what did I do right in a past life to have such good fortune?!
    Arthur had to admit that seeing her write that was more than awkward, I mean how is he supposed to respond to something like that without giving himself away?
    Arthur: So you enjoy naked men then?
    McKenzie responded with the laughing icon.
    McKenzie: I know that this will probably come as a shock to you, but heterosexual women find the idea of seeing naked men walking around in public probably as exciting as you would find it if there were a bunch of naked women walking around in public. Personally I think it's about time!
    Arthur: About time?
    McKenzie: I mean have you ever heard the song it's raining men, this is a really great time to be a woman! And it's a lot cheaper.
    Arthur: A lot cheaper than what?
    McKenzie: A lot cheaper than going to the strip club! My friend and I used to joke that we could save a lot of money if we just found a naked guy and chained him up in the basement, and now I guess we don't have to because it's all out there on display every time we go out on campus. It's like we have all died and gone to heaven.
    Personally Arthur was finding that this new world was his own personal hell, but he had to admit that there was something rather bad ass about the fact that McKenzie went to strip clubs like that. He had never really thought about women going to strip clubs before, but as Kirsten had pointed out to him numerous times, straight women do have desires as well, they were just less piggish and upfront about it compared to men, although now that there were so many naked men around in public he was starting to realize that that was slowly starting to change.
    McKenzie: I mean this is like the perfect revenge too!
    Arthur: Revenge?
    McKenzie: Well I think that I hit the jackpot. There was this asshole guy that I knew for a while, Hatfield.
    Arthur: You actually know a guy named Hatfield?
    McKenzie: I know, right, that's actually his name, well he is a total asshole, but now he is afflicted with the nudity virus and it's humiliating for him, he cringes every time he goes out in public, I mean can you even imagine what that's like, for a jerk like him to have to go out in public naked all the time?
    Arthur: I could only imagine.
    He could see that McKenzie was really having a ball with this whole scenario, and he had to admit it was starting to make him feel uncomfortable at how much she seemed to be enjoying this. Not that he was going to fault women for enjoying naked men, but this just seemed as though it were cruel, even though certainly there were some men out there who more than deserved their fate. He just didn't happen to think that he was one of them. Was looking at a little bit of a cleavage so much of a crime that it deserved a lifetime of public nudity humiliation? He had always been a progressive woke sort of individual and feminist ally, did that mean he couldn't enjoy some cleavage now and again? And that situation wasn't even comparable, taking a quick look at somebody's cleavage wasn't exactly the same as seeing them completely buck naked.
    Arthur: I mean what if it was somebody that you knew who wasn't a jerk. You do realize that it affects lots of decent guys as well, not just the jerks? And what if it was a family member or a friend of yours?
    McKenzie: I mean if it were a family member or a friend that would be just kind of gross. I mean there are some people who can view nudity as nonsexual, but it's kind of hard not to view somebody of the opposite sex completely buck naked and not think of themselves as a sexual being, and I certainly don't want to think that about anyone that I am related to. It would be kind of hard to be friends with somebody like that, I mean how do you keep it Platonic when one of them is completely buck naked all the time? It would just be kind of a weird situation.
    Arthur: I think that saying it would be a weird situation is certainly an understatement. But what about my other question, what about the decent guys who find themselves inadvertently naked?
    McKenzie: I guess that's a good point, certainly not every guy deserves to have a lifetime of constant embarrassment and humiliation every time they go out in public, but on the other hand if they are really the good guys they will realize that this is sort of a positive thing.
    Arthur: How would some guy find it to be a positive thing that he can no longer wear clothing in public?
    McKenzie: I think of it like this, men have been sexually objectifying women since the dawn of human history, and now that the tables are suddenly turning at this moment in time, well it seems like the guys are all freaking out, like it is some big deal to be seen as a sex object. I mean I realize that that can be an uncomfortable thing, but pretty much every woman has had to deal with it to some degree, so the way I see it if the guys are true allies they will suck it up and take one for the team, so to speak.
    Arthur: Okay, so by your logic if I suddenly found myself afflicted, God forbid with this virus, then the progressive feminist ally thing to do would just be to shrug it off, suck it up and deal with it, like it's no big deal that every single woman out in the world can see me naked every time that I leave the house?
    McKenzie: I guess so, kind of. Look, it's not to say that I'm not sympathetic towards the guys who genuinely don't deserve this, but yeah considering that women have had to put up with all of this time I think that a couple of guys can deal with having to be naked and sexually objectified for a while. And the way I see it this will probably be a good thing for women and for men, as with all of these naked men out all of the time it will normalize male nudity and maybe it will take some of the heat off of the ladies for once. Maybe people won't be gawking at us all the time if there is a bunch of naked men for us to gawk at. The way I see it women have put up with men viewing them as sex objects forever, now the tables are finally turned and it's our time to enjoy a little bit of naked flesh on display, is that so wrong?
    Arthur had to admit she had a valid point, and yet at the same time when you were one of the people who was so afflicted you can't exactly treat it as though it is no big deal. As far as he was concerned having to face every woman that he ever meets for the rest of his life while he is completely buck naked, he couldn't imagine a bigger deal than that, he tended to be shy around women even with his clothing on! No way, having to face every single woman that he ever meets sans clothing is hardly comparable to him having a look at Kirsten's cleavage when she was putting it all out on display by willingly wearing that shirt.
    Arthur: I mean I don't think that a guy looking at a fully dressed woman in public, even if she is wearing something really revealing, it isn't the same as women getting to see men naked all the time, it's sort of a false equivalency. If a woman dresses in revealing clothing, say she wears a top that maybe makes her cleavage overwhelmingly obvious, well the way I see it she chose to wear that, so she can't really blame people for looking. But if you are naked through no fault of your own it hardly seems fair that you should have to just grow a thicker skin and handle all of the women gawking at you all the time, being constantly subjected to their stares.
    Even as he was writing that he was thinking about all of the events of the last couple of days, Kirsten wearing that revealing shirt, Amy yelling at him in the hallway, where does it end, where did any of this craziness end?
    McKenzie: I think maybe you're just taking this too seriously, women are just having a little bit of lighthearted fun, and yes some of us are getting revenge, revenge can be a very satisfying thing, you really have no idea how good revenge can feel against somebody who truly deserves it. Again I realize that a lot of guys, maybe even the majority of them, don't deserve to be humiliated, but the guys who do deserve to be humiliated, God is it satisfying to see them fringe under your gaze for the first time, for you to suddenly have the upper hand in a game that had always been rigged against you and your kind from the very beginning of history. The way I see it this is a new age of enlightenment, and that we should all welcome this change to the world, this change to the status quo. Take that patriarchy!
    Arthur: What if it was 1% of women who were rendered naked, what if you were forced to go naked in public, how would you respond, would you say it was no big deal then?
    McKenzie: Jesus Christ, I'm glad that's not the case. Honestly I don't think that I could deal with that, I mean I think I would probably become a serial killer.
    Arthur: A serial killer?
    McKenzie: I think so, I think that if I caught some guys objectifying me naked I would then go around seducing guys who objectify me, and then I would totally murder them, just totally kill all of them. I mean what would you do if you were forced to be naked in public?
    Arthur had to admit that that was the biggest bad ass answer that he could have imagined, which made his own answer feel pathetic by comparison.
    Arthur: I don't think I would become a serial killer, in fact I think that I would probably just try to stay out of the public view as much as possible. I realize that sort of a lame ass answer, but something about the idea of being naked in public doesn't inspire confidence in someone. I guess you enjoy revenge a little bit more than I do.
    McKenzie: I guess so. But there is actually this one woman on campus, Amy, she's like this dominatrix or something, and she is posting all of these pictures of naked guys she sees on campus, she's really enjoying seeing them all humiliated like that. I have to admit there is something really satisfying about seeing guys cringing like that just because we are looking at them, it's a real powerful feeling. I feel like I should check out her website.
    Arthur: I mean I heard that her website wasn't that good, but maybe I am biased because I don't like looking at naked men. But I think that we should in these times respect the privacy of the good guys out there, who through no fault of their own find themselves in this new and extremely humiliating situation.
    McKenzie: I guess you are right, besides I will see plenty of men every time I go out on the campus anyway, and that alone makes me feel pretty satisfied. It actually makes me feel a little bit safer on campus, suddenly you don't have all of the men lusting after the women everywhere, now it's the women who get to look at the men, it's like a total reversal of the norm, it's like we now live in bizarro world.
    Arthur: Amen to that!
    And as Arthur finished talking to McKenzie, he had to admit that he didn't think things could get any more bizarre than they already had.

    Arthur tried to relax and not think about his situation, but by the evening time he realized he had to pee again, and he wished that he hadn't drank so much earlier. But he figured it was getting late now, so maybe he could secretly slink off to the bathroom without any possibility of running into Amy.
    Fortunately Arthur was able to get to the bathroom and relieve himself without running into any women. He saw one man in the bathroom who took sort of a look at him before looking the other way like he was disgusted, and as Arthur looked at his own body, he didn't think he was that terribly unattractive, but he also knew that guy was probably straight, and he didn't want to see a naked man anymore than Arthur did when he went to go use the bathroom.
    As Arthur emerged from the bathroom, that was when all of the sudden he saw Amy standing there with a camera, and he immediately covered up his genitals and began blushing.
    "Hey look, it's a naked man on campus," Amy said as she laughed.
    "Hey don't film me," Arthur said as he put his hand over the lens of the camera.
    Amy shook her head. "You know it's a free country, we have the right to film a hallway, and if a naked guy just decides that he's going to streak across the hallway it's not my fault if he just happens to be in the range of my camera, which is live streaming to all of my many fans on the campus."
    "But you can't –" Arthur began saying before realizing that he seemed like he looked like an idiot. He was standing there covering up his junk with his hands blushing profusely arguing with a fully dressed woman holding a camera and pointing it directly at him.
    "But I can't what," Amy said standing there confidently and smiling.
    Arthur wanted to argue with her, he wanted to say that she didn't have a right to film him naked just because he happened to be strutting about campus naked. That he didn't choose to be naked through any fault of his own, and that she should respect his privacy as another fellow human being.
    He wanted to say that, but however as he stood there in the middle of the hallway, as women started coming out of their dorms smiling and smirking, as they started gathering around him, that was when he knew that he had already lost. The longer he stayed standing there the more women who were coming out in the hall to see what the commotion was about and getting a good look at every area of his anatomy.
    "Well I –" Arthur said, barely able to form the words. Right now he was so embarrassed he could barely even speak, and he just wanted to run the hell out of there. He didn't know how this could possibly be any more embarrassing.
    "Holy crap Arthur, you're naked!" McKenzie said as she came out in the hallway as Arthur covered himself up as she turned around.
    "Well well well, do you to know each other," Amy said as she began laughing.
    "Well now I can see why you didn't want to meet in person," McKenzie said, still with her back turned to him but still trying not to snicker. She felt bad for him in that situation, but at the same time she couldn't help but find the whole situation rather amusing.
    Then McKenzie started to think about everything that Arthur was saying earlier, and suddenly it became all clear why he felt the way he did. Suddenly her vengeance on the world didn't seem as sweet, and she didn't know exactly what to say to Arthur in the situation.
    At that moment Arthur would have done anything to defuse the situation, do anything for somebody to interrupt this and make his awkward situation go away.
    "Holy shit Arthur, you're naked!" Kirsten said as she came at him from the other direction, trying to hide the fact that she had a huge smile on her face, and she was still wearing that shirt that really highlighted her cleavage. He couldn't believe that while he was standing there naked in front of her that he was still taking notice of her shirt and couldn't look away.
    As Arthur stood there in the hallway, with McKenzie's back turned towards him, trying his hardest not to make this awkward, and Kirsten staring straightforward at his naked body, while Amy was still standing there holding the camera as a bunch of women gathered around in the hallway watching this scene, he had no idea how to get out of this situation, as though fate had basically been playing a joke on him and was finally having the last laugh at him.
    "Oh Arthur, I'm so proud of you!" Kirsten said as she ran forward and hugged him. Feeling her clothing against his naked body like that was making him feel even more awkward and uncomfortable with the whole situation, but the fact that her breasts were pressing against his body was also making him excited.
    "P-proud of me," Arthur finally choked out.
    Kirsten nodded. "Of course I am, and to think that yesterday I thought you were just being a pig staring at my cleavage, but you really were paying attention, our conversation really did get to you. You've decided to go naked in solidarity with all of those other naked men out there and I couldn't be more proud of you."
    Arthur sort of put his tongue in his cheek and started cringing. "Not exactly," he said as he could feel himself shirking into a small ball, at least inside of his own mind.
    "What do you mean, not exactly," Kirsten said but the look on her face said everything, that was when she finally saw that it was sinking in. "Oh, I see."
    Amy stood there laughing as she was still filming things.
    "You know I think that I should send this into America's most awkward funniest videos, I would totally win $10,000," Amy said as she continued laughing.
    "Hey I'll have you know that my friend is not embarrassed to be naked, he's proud to be naked," Kirsten said as she put her arm around Arthur and pointed to him with her other hand.
    "Kirsten please, you don't need to do this right now," Arthur said as he could feel the goosebumps traveling all along his skin and probably making him blush more than he already was.
    "Quiet, I'm on a roll here," Kirsten said. "I think that this should be a teaching moment, look at my friend here, he is naked, but is he not still human, does he not bleed?"
    "I think that all of the blood's rushing to certain areas of his anatomy," a woman in the audience said as several people began laughing, as Arthur was not only blushing, but something about the rush of this was making him even more excited, which was making his situation even more embarrassing, which he hadn't even thought was possible, but then the universe always finds a way to one up him like that.
    "He's here, he's naked, get used to it!" Kirsten said pumping her fist in the air as several other women in the audience began chanting along with her.
    As Arthur stood there with Kirsten's arm around him, surrounded by an army of women who were all chanting he's here, he's naked, get used to it, as Amy was filming all of this and live streaming it all to her hundreds if not thousands of followers at that very moment, Arthur realized that after this moment he really couldn't get any more public exposure, so he figured he would just wave and go along with it.
    At that moment he remembered something that somebody had said once, that a woman's greatest fear was that a man would kill her, where as a man's greatest fear was that a woman would laugh at him, and as he was surrounded by a cackling of loud female laughter he finally understood just how true it was.

    "Well it looks like somebody has gotten famous," Kirsten said as she took out the campus paper with the article headline Naked Man on Campus, protest goes viral.
    "I think that we somehow have you to thank for that," Arthur said as he stood there with his hands between his legs, still blushing, and still not used to the fact that Kirsten was staring at him.
    Kirsten began smiling with that I told you so kind of look on her face that she was famous for. He also couldn't help but notice that her eyes were wandering as a wide smile appeared across her face.
    "Hey my eyes are up here," Arthur said as he pointed to his face with one hand while covering himself up with his other hand.
    Kirsten simply laughed and smiled as she looked down at her own shirt, which was still highlighting her cleavage. "So who is wearing the most revealing outfit now?"
    As Arthur stood there, cringing nakedly in front of his long-term friend, now being the central focus of her cause of the moment, he had to admit in spite of everything he still couldn't stop staring at her cleavage right at that moment, but when it came to who was wearing the most revealing outfit he realized that she had him on that one.
    "Now smile, this is probably going to get a lot of likes," Kirsten said as she took a a photo of herself with her arm around him while holding up a sign saying nude rights now. And as Arthur looked at the number of likes and shares that immediately started going off, with all of his female classmates liking and sharing it, he had to admit, it almost felt good to be famous, to be the naked man on campus, and to look at the bright side, he would probably be the life of the party wherever he went.
    And as he once again looked at the picture of him standing there naked, with Kirsten's arm around him, he thought that she did good camerawork, because you could really see her cleavage quite clearly in that photo!


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