My Life As a Naked Sim

I have a new story involving a another speculative fiction scenario and embarrassing nudity that I hope you will enjoy. I'm also pleased to announce that I finished writing my longest novel yet, including stuff I published under my own name, Naked Corona, about a world where the coronavirus has the side effect that those who are infected with it become allergic to clothing! It follows two characters as they navigate the world as involuntary nudists and all of the humiliating and frustrating situations they encounter. Hopefully I will get around to publishing it sometime in the near future, even though I still have other things that I have been meaning to publish for years now, including a gargantuan collection of naked stories, and at least two other books, so I have a lot that I have to get around to. In the meantime I hope that you enjoy the following story.
I really like this story a lot, and as a sci-fi novelist this is a good science fiction type of story going into the speculative realm, and this is one of those stories I am almost tempted to publish under my own name, but then I figured it was mostly an erotic story involving embarrassed nude female, naked in public and only one naked. I figured this works as a good sci-fi story, but it just shows how some type of perverted person would abuse their power if they were God of their own universe. But the main inspiration was I was just thinking of that Sims game, and how you could basically torture your characters in the world, and I am thinking that if you really were a Sim it would be a horrible thing, and I pretty much just translated that into a story about humiliating nudity, and I think that it works pretty well on that level, and I like the fact that my villain gets the perfect just desserts in the end.
Incidentally in my recently completed novel Naked Corona one of the characters is also a fashion designer who ends up finding herself afflicted with embarrassing nudity, so it is sort of a similar situation to my character in this story, and the fact that this was my first naked story that I wrote since finishing that novel was probably influenced by that fact.

My Life As a Naked Sim
Emily had to admit things were going pretty well for her, and it seemed like lately she was on top of the world. She was making so much progress in her career lately, as well as with her romantic relationships, and it seemed like nothing could possibly ruin that.
    "I don't know, I mean I would like to give a presentation, I really would, but I am sort of shy about public speaking and shy about appearing in public in general," Emily said.
    "I know, but you are just such an asset to this company and you have such impeccable fashion taste that designing clothing is just perfect for you, and it would be great if you could show them off in public as how good they look on you," Charlotte, her boss said. "And hey there's a trick, if you are in front of a giant crowd and you feel somewhat apprehensive or a little bit self-conscious just picture everybody in the audience naked or in their underpants."
    "I have to admit I would feel somewhat shy around the audience if I could see all of them naked, and it would be hard to keep my thoughts on the presentation, but I get what you are saying, I just have to try and distract myself and then all of my anxiety about speaking in public will go away."
    Emily ultimately agreed that she would speak at her fashion show, as she felt it would be good for her career. She practiced public speaking in front of some of her friends, and she had to admit that while she was still anxious that she didn't have to say much, that it would just be a brief speech to introduce everything, and then she wouldn't have to make any more public appearances for the rest of the day after that, she could just sit in the audience and enjoy the show like everybody else.
    "Please welcome our main speaker tonight, Emily," Charlotte said as she got off the stage, and Emily started coming over to the podium.
    Emily approached the podium and adjusted the microphone, and was about to begin speaking as she tried to picture everybody in the audience in their underwear. She felt that that was making her feel a little less anxious, until all of the sudden she realized that suddenly and inexplicably she was completely and utterly naked!
    She told herself not to panic, at least she was covered up by the podium, but then she figured the people on the side of the audience could see her from where she stood and see that she wasn't wearing anything.
    "Hey, she's completely naked!" somebody shouted in the front of the audience as everyone began whistling and hollering.
    "Is that the outfit that she came to show off today," another person in the audience shouted.
    Emily started covering herself up with her hands while still standing behind the podium. She had no idea where her clothing had gone, as just a moment ago she had been wearing her clothing, and now they seemed to have vanished into thin air completely and inexplicably.
    "Ladies and gentlemen we seem to be experiencing some sort of extremely strange technical difficulty," Charlotte said as she ran onto the stage, pushing Emily away from the podium and causing her to scream as she was now being exposed to everybody.
    Emily quickly ran off the stage and soon found herself behind the stage where she saw the stagehand grinning with a big smile on his face and his eyes bulging out of his skull. Emily quickly hid behind one of the curtains and covered herself up, even though she knew she must be blushing profusely in a really obvious manner.
    "Emily what the hell happened out there," Charlotte said coming backstage. "Is this some kind of a publicity stunt?"
    "No, you saw that I was wearing clothing just a second ago, and then all of the sudden it was gone, I have no idea where my clothing went, and I really wish that I could get them back right now," Emily said. "At any rate can you please get me some clothing!"
    "I'll be back in just a second," Charlotte said coming back with one of the evening gowns that one of the models was supposed to be wearing. "You're just lucky you happen to be at a fashion show where there are lots of extra clothes that just happen to be lying around."
    Emily went to grab the dress that Charlotte was going to bring to her but as she did so all of the sudden the dress dissolved into nothingness, right out of Charlotte's hand.
    "What the hell," Charlotte said. "Where did that dress go?"
    "Okay this isn't happening, this is one of those bad dreams like where you are in front of your high school class and you are completely naked, except this is 1000 times worse because I am in front of an audience that was filming this for live television," Emily said as she started panicking.
    "Calm down Emily, we're going to figure out this situation," Charlotte said as Emily continued cowering naked behind the curtain. She also couldn't help but notice that some of the stagehands back there were now coming over there and everyone wanted to crowd around and see what was happening with the naked girl.
    "Can I have some privacy please!" Emily said, still wrapping herself up in the curtain until all of the sudden the curtain disappeared, causing her to scream again as she scrambled to cover herself up with her hands.
    As she looked at the curtain in front of her, now the main curtain disappeared and she was once again exposed to the audience, who were distracted from the fashion show as they saw her cowering naked in the back, before she ran out into the hallways past several gawking men and women who were shocked to see a naked woman running around like that, until she found her way into a small janitor's closet and closed the door.
    "Wow, somebody up there likes me," the janitor said as Emily screamed and ran out of the janitor's closet and kept running until she got into one of the dressing rooms.
    "There is plenty of clothing here for me to put on," Emily said, but as she reached for the clothing around her the entire wardrobe disappeared. "What the hell is going on here?! Why can't I put on any clothing?"
    "Emily, are you okay," Charlotte said as she came around." What happened to all of the outfits that you designed?"
    "I'm not okay, I'm not okay at all, all of the clothing in this room disappeared as soon as I started reaching for it. Every time I look for some clothing or try to put some clothing on it disappears. This is by far the most humiliating day of my life."
    "You know for a moment I thought maybe this all was a publicity stunt, but I can see from how you are freaking out that this is just as inexplicable to you as it is to me."
    "Well yeah, I wish I could just put some clothing on. Honestly right now I just want to crawl into a hole and die, to hide my face from the world, I don't think I can ever face people again after this."
    Emily closed her eyes for a moment and tried to picture her somewhere else, unfortunately when she opened her eyes she actually was somewhere else, she was once again back on the stage as everybody in the audience was whistling and hollering at her again.
    "Don't look at me!" Emily said hugging her body with her hands and trying her best to cover up, but no matter which way she looked at things everybody was getting a pretty good look at her. She could see that all of the video cameras and phones and cameras were all going off and recording her.
    Charlotte came out onto the stage with a towel that she tried to wrap around Emily, only for the towel to dissolve into nothingness as everybody continued hooting and hollering.
    Emily quickly ran to the back of the stage, but she found that there seemed to be like an invisible force field or something that was keeping her from doing so. She began to break down crying as everybody started pointing and laughing at her.
    "Hey leave her alone, I think something's wrong," a man from the audience said as he got up on stage to try and cover up Emily, but as he stood in front of Emily he found that he suddenly became transparent like a ghost and that everybody could see Emily's naked body through his.
    Eventually the auditorium let out, but Emily was still standing there completely naked and exposed.
    "I have to say that this doesn't make any sense whatsoever," Mark, one of the event planners said, looking at Emily. "I mean I was going to accuse you of arranging some type of publicity stunt, but I have no idea how you would pull this off."
    "Believe me, this is the absolute last thing I want to be happening to me," Emily said, still trying to cover herself with her hands and blushing profusely. "I just hope that this blows over soon."

    Three days later.
    "And today the entire world is talking about Emily Gunderson, a woman at a fashion show who was suddenly and inexplicably rendered naked as the stage seemed to dissolve around her," the newscaster said showing imagery of Emily screaming and trying to cover up on stage. "This has led some to believe that this is proof that we are living in a simulated reality, and for whatever reason part of that simulation appears to be that this Emily character is unable to wear clothing."
    "This is the most ridiculous and absurd thing that could have ever happened to anyone, and why is it happening to me," Emily said as she sat on her couch, still completely naked watching the newscaster that was humiliating her in front of the world. "Suddenly now the entire world is seeing me naked and questioning reality as a result of that."
    She wished that she could put on some clothing, but unfortunately when she got home she found that all of her clothing had completely disappeared, and any attempts for anybody to bring her other clothing that she could wear resulted in that clothing disappearing as soon as it came into contact with her. So she figured that the next best thing was to somehow just stay inside all the time until something could be figured out.
    Emily sat back on her couch, but then all of a sudden she found that her couch was now inexplicably in the middle of a baseball field with thousands of cheering fans as she began screaming and trying to cover up again.
    "Hey, it is that naked chick," somebody said as everybody began whistling and hollering.
    "Well ladies and gentlemen, it seems inexplicably that a naked woman on a couch has appeared on the field, and it seems to be that Emily Gunderson woman who appeared naked on stage and has everybody questioning the nature of reality," the announcement said over the loudspeaker.
    "Why is this happening to me?!" Emily shouted. She started to believe that maybe there was some type of an evil deity that she had somehow gotten on the wrong side of, but of all the 7 billion people on earth what was it that she did that seemed to have angered that higher power so much?
    Emily quickly began running off of the baseball field until she was in the dugout where all of the baseball players began smiling and cheering as she ran by, pretty much crying and screaming.
    Once she was safely out of view of everybody and in the locker room, she sat down on one of the benches and started shaking her head. "Okay Emily, this has to be some type of really elaborate nightmare."
    "Well well well, isn't this an embarrassing situation you keep finding yourself in," a man said as she came into the locker room as Emily struggled to cover up, crossing her legs to cover what was between them, and leaning forward with her arms wrapped around her breasts.
    "Please, just leave me alone, haven't I been humiliated enough? Why is this happening to me?"
    The man smiled. "I'll level with you Emily, at first it was just going to be a one time thing, you know humiliating you at the fashion show and everything, but then I had so much fun with it and got so turned on by it that I knew that I had to do it again, and with myself always being a baseball fan the idea of a naked woman appearing in the middle of a baseball game like that, I mean that was just pure genius on my part."
    "Who are you, what you saying, what are you talking about? This doesn't make any sense."
    "Well you see my name is Kyle, but you might as well call me God."
    "What are you talking about?"
    "You see Emily, all of those people questioning reality are right, this is in fact a simulation, this whole world is a simulation created in my own supercomputer for my own amusement. I created this universe solely for my own amusement, and right now my primary amusement is just seeing this really attractive woman constantly publicly humiliated and the focus of everybody's attention in the world."
    "That's impossible, that's the most insane thing I have ever heard."
    "And yet you can't explain why you suddenly have been appearing everywhere naked and are unable to put on any clothing. I guess you are sort of like, well have you ever played the game the Sims, where basically you created the world and you can do whatever you want to the characters in that world. I guess you're something like a naked simulation, pretty much I created the entire world for the sole purpose of seeing a woman publicly exposed naked repeatedly and constantly humiliated. I don't know what it is, but something about seeing a woman naked and embarrassed and everything like that, it just gets me off faster than everything else."
    "I don't believe you, this can't possibly be true."
    Kyle snapped his fingers and suddenly they were in the middle of the baseball field once again and her naked body was appearing on the Jumbotron.
    Emily began screaming and scrambling to cover up, but as she looked at Kyle standing there with a big perverted smile on his face she knew that what he was saying was true. It didn't make any logical or rational sense, and yet it was the only explanation that she had. If Kyle controlled reality there was nothing that she could do to stop him she figured.
    "Go ahead Emily, wave to your adoring fans," Kyle said as Emily reluctantly began waving as everybody began cheering. She was trying to fight back tears, because she didn't want to seem like this was bothering her as much as it did, but she was dying of embarrassment more with every moment that this went on.
    "Please, please just let me put on my clothing, and if possible erase all of this from everybody's memory," Emily said shaking her head and trying her best to cover up her naked body as she could with just her hands.
    Kyle shook his head. "Sorry, but I'm enjoying this too much. I felt that my sex life was wavering a little bit and that I wasn't going to find any way to inject excitement into it, but this whole naked public nudity female thing that I have you in, this embarrassed nude female thing, it's totally my thing, and I am not going to be stopping anytime soon. I mean maybe I will get bored with you and move on to another woman, but as far as I am concerned this is just perfect right now, so I'll be seeing you, as will everybody else, all of you, all the time. I wouldn't bother trying to put on any clothing you will find that it is an exercise in futility."
    Kyle started walking off of the baseball field as everybody cheered as he looked like a big man standing there next to Emily cringing with naked embarrassment.

    "Emily you know that I still want to be with you, even if this is sort of a weird situation," her boyfriend Frank said later that day.
    "Oh sure what guy wouldn't like having his woman naked in public all the time, I mean how am I supposed to live my life like this," Emily said.
    "Well just be happy that you have a really nice body," Frank said as he began laughing before she frowned at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make light of the situation, but it is kind of a funny situation, I mean this being a simulated reality for the sole purpose of you being humiliated. I have to admit I'm skeptical, even though I have speculated myself that maybe reality was a simulation, and this is probably the best proof we have that maybe that is true after all."
    "Dammit Frank, I don't want to be anyone's proof that this is a simulation or that we exist in some type of false reality, the only reality I care about is the fact that I am naked right now in a very public manner everywhere I go and I really really don't like it."
    "Look, I am sure that whoever this Kyle is, I am sure that he is not actually a God, he only thinks he is, and he's probably just some type of horny nerd who is just spending all of his time on the computer. Somebody ought to kick his ass."
    "Funny you should say that Frank," Kyle said suddenly appearing out of nowhere. "Who's going to do that, you? I mean I don't think I would want my ass to be kicked by a naked girl, I simply wouldn't allow it."
    "Emily won't have to fight you because I will fight you," Frank said as all the sudden he realized that he was standing there completely naked with a voluptuous female body with gargantuan sized breasts. He immediately began screaming and covering up.
    "Just for the record at least Emily doesn't have to feel alone, as her boyfriend is also now a woman who can't wear clothing, enjoy your new life Francine," Kyle said. "And remember don't mess with God, and remember God is watching you, from a distance."
    "Not so funny now is it?" Emily said as she looked at Frank, or should she say Francine?
    Francine began screaming very loudly running back and forth until she more or less passed out.
    "Are you okay," Emily said as Francine woke up later.
    "I'm a voluptuous naked woman who can't put on any clothing, what do you think?" Francine said. "But I'm not going to give up quite so easily, I'm certainly not going to spend the rest of my life as a naked woman with breasts so big that it's already giving me back pain. We will just have to find some way to be Kyle at his own game."
    "How are we supposed to do that, the pervert is probably watching us right now," Emily said once again feeling self-conscious and trying to cover up.
    "You know what Emily, you are right, I think that we just have to accept when we are beaten, I mean Kyle does have basically the powers of a God, we can't stand up to a person with that much power and influence, he's far too smart for us."
    "So you're just going to give up just like that?"
    "You know sometimes you have to pick your battles, and when you decide to pick a fight with God there is not much that can be done. I guess what I am saying is being a voluptuous naked woman is not the life that I was hoping for, but if he controls reality maybe I got off easy."
    "Remember that's what he said, that's exactly why he created us, to make it easier for him to get off on our humiliation. If we allow him to humiliate us like that he wins."
    "Like I said, I don't think that there is much that we can do, if he controls reality the situation is completely hopeless, so I say we cut our losses and grow a thicker skin and learn to love being naked."
    "You know Francine I really thought a lot better of you, I thought you weren't one to give up so easy, but I guess I was wrong."
    "I guess you were," Francine said as she opened up the door and walked out into the hallway to the sound of people whistling and hollering as she shouted at them. "Take a picture, it will last longer!"

    Emily felt a sense of profound despair and had admitted resignation after Francine had given up so easy on fighting back against Kyle. As she woke up every single day to find herself in a new naked public situation she was starting to learn to accept the fact that her life was just going to be one naked humiliation after another.
    One day while she was naked on television Kyle suddenly appeared right next to her. "You know Emily you are disappointing me," Kyle said.
    "Well I'm so sorry I have disappointed God," Emily said as everybody in the audience sat there with their mouths hanging open.
    "I'm just saying that if you are used to being naked and it is no longer as humiliating as it was in the beginning, well then it's just not fun for me," Kyle said.
    "Well I guess you'll have to move on to another woman then," Emily said.
    "You know maybe I will have to try something different," Kyle said as he started typing something into a touchpad. "Maybe I will have to crank up your shyness 20 fold to spice things up again."
    Emily began screaming, as she was once again newly embarrassed by the fact that she was naked in front of a large audience, and there was no way for her to get out of their line of vision. She started to break down, curling up in a ball and crying, as she realized that her life was going to be a never-ending state of humiliation, even her own feelings subject to the whim of some type of perverted deity who supposedly created the simulation solely for the purpose of humiliating her.
    "How do you feel now Emily," Kyle said before all of the sudden he noticed something was different. For one thing he had the high-pitched voice of a woman, and for the other thing he also had the naked voluptuous body of a woman to match, as he suddenly covered up and began screaming.
    "What is happening," Emily said as she stood up, realizing that she was now dressed from head to toe as Kyle was standing there completely buck naked covering up his voluptuous female body and whimpering.
    "Never give up, every God has their weakness," Frank said as he appeared on the stage once again in a full masculine form dressed from head to toe. "What this God didn't realize is that in his simulated universe he created people who were actually more intelligent than him, who knew how to hack the system that he created. I guess what I am saying is that I'm the God now bitch, and I say dance!"
    As Kyle began doing a bunch of naked jumping jacks, causing his breasts to bounce and jiggle, everybody in the audience began going wild.
    "And now I think that I will fix things so that you won't have to live with your shame any longer," Frank said as he typed something into his device and all of the sudden he and Emily were no longer on television and they were back in what looked like a mansion.
    "Where are we, what happened?" Emily said.
    "Well seeing as I have now figured out that we live in a simulation and that I was successfully able to hack it, I decided that from now on we're going to be living the good life. I erased everybody's memory of us ever having been naked in a public way, and also where erased their memory of the fact that they live in a simulation. So basically all of the humiliation that we both experienced over the last couple of days pretty much never happened, and now we are rich and can do whatever we want."
    "You know as enticing as that sounds I feel that nobody has the right to play God."
    "You're probably right about that, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So the way I see it let's just say we're going to be living the good life from now on, but we will leave everybody else okay, let them live their lives without realizing that they live in a simulation, it's just easier that way."
    "That sounds pretty reasonable, I think I can be satisfied with just being really wealthy, I don't need to be in total control of reality. But it still brings up one final question, what happened to Kyle?"
    Frank smiled. "Let's just say he will be getting a taste of his own medicine from now until the end of time. He liked being a God, we'll see how he likes being immortal, naked and female for the rest of eternity among people just like himself."
    Kyle opened his eyes and closed them again, but he still found himself in the same neverending nightmare. He was standing there naked, his voluptuous naked female body on display for all the world to see. He couldn't end his life, he couldn't find any way out of his situation, he no longer had free will. What he did have however was hundreds of male admirers all named Kyle looking exactly like he used to with that same perverted glance that Emily saw in his eyes the first time he saw her naked.
    "You know they say that justice is blind, but I think that it's better to say that justice is best served naked," Frank said as he laughed to himself as he and Emily clinked their glasses of champagne together and toasted to their new life, for the first time ever truly the masters of their own destinies and that of everyone else for that matter as well.


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