The Naked Dragonslayer

I guess this is the second story in a row using some sort of fantasy creature as a pretext for a character having an embarrassing naked situation, but I think that it works pretty well as a short one. It is also somewhat similar to Stripped to the Bark, in that it involves a female warrior in a medieval fantasy setting being stripped naked and embarrassed. Originally I was thinking of making this more of a CFNM story, where one of the guys fought the Dragon only to die of embarrassment, but I thought it was funnier to have the idea that the guy was brave enough to fight the Dragon, but not brave enough or wise enough to do so naked, and then when the woman sees the writing on the wall she does what has to be done and she sort of just has a thicker skin than he does, which goes back to the point I made in my essay in the last collection about how I felt that women have a thicker skin when it came to being seen naked. But overall I think it works well for a short more fantasy-based one. This story involves CMNF, embarrassed nude female, only one naked and naked in public.

The Naked Dragonslayer
"I think that we need to find a champion to fight the Dragon, a man who is brave and bold and has no fear," Frederick said as he looked about all of the men in the tavern, brave Knights and warriors who had faced down every sort of monster and creature that could be imagined.
    Everyone in the bar started raising their voices in agreement.
    "So who among you is brave enough to battle the fierce and deadly Dragon," Frederick said. He looked around and he didn't see very many people coming forward.
    "Surely one of you men must be brave and bold enough to stand up to the Dragon who is going around eating all the village maidens," Angela said. Angela was widely considered the most beautiful woman in the entire village, and with pretty big breasts at that, and every man wanted to be with her. "Who among you is brave enough?"
    "I am not afraid to fight the Dragon," Erik said. "You show me where the Dragon is and I won't run away in fear like the rest of you pansies. Besides what is there to fear from a dragon when I will be clad in battle armor?"
    Frederick shook his head. "Actually, all of the other men who went to fight the Dragon were cooked inside of their own suits of armor, it seems that a suit of armor doesn't really protect all that well against the Dragon. And besides didn't you hear about the dragon's one weakness?"
    "What weakness?" Erik said.
    Angela began laughing.
    "What is so funny?" Erik demanded.
    "It's kind of silly, but this Dragon is known to be extremely prude and completely uncomfortable with human nudity," Angela said. "If you fight the Dragon while naked the Dragon will be completely unable to see you because it will be hysterically blinded by your nudity."
    "Fight the Dragon naked," Erik said laughing. "That's the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard in my life!"
    Angela smiled. "Well it sounds like you are more afraid to get naked than you are of the Dragon, I wonder why that is?!"
    All of the men in the bar began laughing and pointing at Erik.
    "Fine I will fight the Dragon and I will fight the Dragon wearing nothing but my birthday suit to show that I am not afraid," Erik said.

    The next day as the Dragon came into the village square where it would demand its daily sacrifice of a virgin maiden in order to spare the village, everybody in town gathered to see Erik come naked and defy the Dragon.
    They all stood there waiting until a man rode in on a suit of armor holding up a large sword, a large sword that suggested he had insecurities of some kind that he was trying to conceal under that suit of armor.
    "You were supposed to fight the Dragon naked, now he can see you!" Frederick shouted.
    "I am not afraid to fight the Dragon, even if he can see me," Erik said. "In fact by fighting the Dragon fully clad in my armor I will be showing him how unafraid I actually am!"
    "He's totally afraid of being naked," Frederick whispered to Angela who simply nodded in acknowledgment.
    "Begone fierce Dragon, for I shall slay you," Erik said as all of the sudden the Dragon let loose with a burst of flame that began heating Erik up inside of his battle armor until smoke started coming out and he let out a scream before falling down smoking dead.
    "I knew he should have fought the Dragon naked, but now what are we going to do, now we have nobody willing to fight the Dragon," Frederick said as he looked around the village. "Is there no man here bold and unashamed enough to get naked to fight the Dragon and save the village from having to sacrifice another maiden?"
    As Frederick and Angela stood in the center of the village looking at all of the men, they saw that they were twiddling their thumbs and making whistling noises and looking in the opposite direction as they slowly started slinking away from the Dragon.
    "Well, it looks like there's not a single man in the village who is brave enough to fight the Dragon completely naked, we're screwed," Frederick said as people began screaming and running in all directions.
    As Angela saw the Dragon coming to annihilate the village, since they did not have a maiden ready for sacrifice, she figured she had better get out of there before they think of the obvious thing and sacrifice her as the maiden to the Dragon to save their own asses. But as she was about to turn and run away suddenly something overcame her.
    "Oh fuck you men are all a bunch of pussies!" Angela said as she started tearing off her clothing until she was standing there completely buck naked right in front of the Dragon.
    Everybody in the village started gasping and making all sorts of oooing and ahhing noises as a few people started making loud whistling noises. As Angela stood there, realizing that everyone in the village was seeing her completely naked, she began blushing. She had to admit this was perhaps one of the stupider things she had done in her life because now she was going to be humiliated before she was eaten by the Dragon.
    "Actually he can't see me right now," Angela said as she reached down, baring her ass to the entire village as she bent over, picked up the sword, walked over to the Dragon and drove the sword right into it's heart causing it to cry out in pain before falling dead at her feet.
    As Angela stood on top of the dragon's head, kneeling on it while still completely naked and holding up her sword in triumph, everybody in the village began cheering and whistling and hollering, although she had to admit that as she realized everyone was staring at herself she began covering herself up by putting her hands between her legs and her upper arms over her breasts.
    "Three cheers for the heroine who saved our village," Frederick said as everybody shouted. "And three cheers for the fact that she looked awesome doing it!"
    As Angela stood there as Frederick held up her hand, which she immediately put down between her legs again as she continued blushing profusely, she had to admit that this was perhaps simultaneously the most embarrassing, humiliating and proudest moment of her entire existence.
    "Wow you really are the bravest person in the entire village," a man said as he came up to her asking for her autograph, only for him to be disappointed because she didn't exactly have any place she could be hiding a pen on her body as she had no pockets.
    "Because I stood up to the Dragon?"
    "No, because you got naked in front of the entire village like that!
    "I guess it just goes to show you, a man can talk a big game, but when it's time to put everything out on display they turn chicken and run, which is sometimes why you need a woman to boldly go and get the job done because we have thicker skin than any armor can possibly provide," Angela said as people continued to cheer while she continued to blush. "Now where are my clothes?"
    As Angela stood there covering herself up and blushing, as everybody in the village started once again whistling and walking away, with no sign of her clothing in sight, she simply shook her head and looked at Erik's armor on the floor, and just thought to herself that if there weren't a steaming hot corpse in there right now that she wouldn't mind putting that on.
    But Angela simply shrugged her shoulders, turned around, put her hands on her hips and started confidently strutting home home in what was simultaneously a victory march and a walk of shame, and trying to forget about the fact that everybody was getting a perfect view of her tits, ass and lady bits.


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