The Clothing Reaper

I was inspired to write this story when I was watching a TV series called Dead like Me a couple of months ago. Watching that series stimulated my mind and gave me all sorts of great ideas for Grim Reaper stories to the point where I plan to write an entire collection of them, but then I thought of one with sort of a fetish embarrassing nudity slant to it that I will publish as my Arthur pseudonym here. I thought it would be a funny idea to have a Grim Reaper who goes around using his powers to strip people naked. In fact the original idea I was originally going to have clothing reaper be an actual thing and have the character just become a clothing reaper, but then I thought it was actually funnier to make it such that there is such a thing like that but he doesn't get to be one but other people do, but actually still is a real thing. Admittedly it was because I only remembered that aspect when I was writing the story and that I forgot to make clothing reaper the main concept, but I thought it was funny as sort of an after joke where he's going to know that it's mostly women who get to be clothing reapers, and then it ends on poetic justice of him getting his just desserts, another guy who is the victim of his own stupid horniness, just like in so many of these stories, as it's a theme that I never get tired of.

This was sort of a mutual nudity story involving both men and women getting naked in embarrassing public ways, but towards the end and as the story progresses it ultimately turns into a mostly CFNM story I suppose. But this story includes CFNM, ENF, only one naked and naked in public.

The Clothing Reaper
"Please, I will totally do anything if you just let me see you naked, just for once," Jeff said as he was practically begging Lindsay to get naked for him.
    "You really are pathetic Jeff, is this really the best way you think you can get a woman to get naked for you, just begging, like if you asked enough times that I will just suddenly throw away all of my inhibitions and modesty and decide to strip naked for your amusement?" Lindsay said.
    "It's my best idea so far, and I figure it couldn't hurt to ask. So what do you say, think maybe you'll get naked for me, maybe in front of my friends so that I can parade you around naked like a naked trophy?"
    "What do you think Jeff?" Lindsay said as she glared at him.
    "Well that disapproving look on your face says no, but my hopeful heart says that maybe you will think that I have a well reasoned argument, and find it flattering that I would want to parade you around naked and think that I am very deserving of having a naked woman to parade around as a trophy to my friends, almost as sort of a humanitarian act."
    "Somehow parading around naked so that you can impress your friends isn't quite what I would consider flattering or the same as a humanitarian act, as say saving children in a Third World country and bringing them food in a war zone. It sounds more like something a pathetic horny guy would say to a woman desperate to get her clothing off and lacking any other compelling arguments for her to do so."
    "What about if I paid you," Jeff said as he took out five dollars and smiled.
    "Well I would say thank you for the five dollars but you're still not getting my clothing off," Lindsay said as she took the five dollar bill and put it in her purse before shaking her head and turning away from him.
    Jeff had to admit that he knew when he was defeated, it didn't look like he was going to be seeing Lindsay naked today. But as he saw Lindsay leaving and walking across the street, he saw her bending down to tie her shoe lace, and that was when he got a glimpse of her panties, which were white and had little hearts on them just like in all of those movies and cartoons.
    "Well I have to get a closer look at this," Jeff said as he walked out into the street and took out his binoculars to get a real good view of Lindsay's panties. It probably said a lot about the way Jeff's mind worked of the fact that he always had binoculars with him in case of just such a situation should arise, however unlikely that was. "This is the smartest idea I have ever had!"
    As Jeff was contemplating his brilliance of walking out into the middle of the busy street with binoculars just so he could get a good look at Lindsay's panties, that was when a large truck went careening by and smashed into him killing him instantly, so quickly that he didn't even realize what had hit him.
    "Hey am I naked, I feel like I lost a lot of weight all the sudden," Jeff said before he looked down at his body on the floor that looked crushed so badly that he could barely tell that it was his. "Well that's not good. Hey wait a minute, what am I doing outside of my body?"
    "I am afraid that you have died," a man in black robes said as he approached Jeff.
    "How the hell did I die?"
    "You walked out into the middle of a busy street to look at a woman's panties using binoculars and a truck came by and killed you."
    "Damn, that sucks. But at least I died doing what I loved, totally worth it, I mean unless now I'm going to hell or something. I'm not going to hell am I?"
    "No no Jeff, we don't actually send people to hell, we just make people have to do some sort of charitable work before they can move on to the next world, consider it like doing a service for other people or atoning for what wrong you have done in your life. I guess you could say it's like jury duty, except you're going to be a Grim Reaper."
    "A Grim Reaper? So you mean I get to kill people?"
    "Something like that Jeff, but you don't get to go killing people willy-nilly, you only get to reap people who are supposed to be dying. Like right now I am reaping you because fate has determined that because of your stupid horny nature that you were going to die in a pathetic truck accident due to your own stupidity caused by thinking with nothing but your Dick."
    "Okay I follow you so far, so what do I get, like a list of people that I have to reap?"
    "Pretty much," the man said as he handed Jeff a scroll with a lot of names on it. "Now you will be able to look at any name on this list and instantly go where the person is and then you will go and reap them. Now this is important, they won't be able to see you, and in order to reap them you have to touch them directly on their flesh and then they will depart this world, and then you will escort them to the next one."
    "Sounds simple enough, I mean kind of morbid that I'm going to go around killing the living like that, but if those are the rules those are the rules. Like what if I don't touch them directly on the skin though?"
    "You have to make direct contact with their skin Jeff, because anything that you touch is determined to be completely destroyed and annihilated. Do you understand?"
    "Yeah I think I got it, sounds pretty simple, even a dimwit like me can't screw this up."
    "Yeah well we'll see, a lot of dimwits have said exact same thing to me and it's always resulted in a real headache for me. Just try not to screw it up. Just remember look at the names on the list, find the people, make contact with their skin and escort them to the next world."
    Jeff did sort of a little military salute as the mysterious reaper left him to his job and he started looking at his list.
    "Hey Stephanie, that's that hot girl that I always wanted to see naked," he said as he touched the list and approached Stephanie in the park talking to her friends. "Well I guess she's going to regret not getting naked for me now, as now ironically I'm going to escort her to the next world!"
    Jeff started to approach Stephanie when all the sudden he had a seemingly brilliant idea. He repeated to himself carefully to what the Grim Reaper had told him that whatever he touched would be annihilated.
    "Well it would certainly be a shame to kill a beautiful woman in the prime of life like that, but I wonder what would happen if I just touched her clothing," Jeff said as he slowly walked over to Stephanie and grabbed her dress, which then dissolved into nothingness, as he then touched her bra and panties which likewise dissolved into nothingness.
    Stephanie began screaming as she tried to cover herself up.
    "What the hell happened, where are my clothes?" Stephanie said as everybody began pointing at her and laughing. Jeff had to admit that she was actually pretty hot, even hotter when naked, and this was the perfect revenge for her not wanting to get naked for him, in fact when he always tried to ask her to get naked for him he said he should stop acting like an entitled jerk who feels that women's bodies are just there for his own gawking and amusement. For a moment he felt maybe she did have a point, and it made him feel like a creepy jerk, but as he looked at her hot naked body that feeling turned from one of I am a hot creepy jerk, to this is the coolest fucking thing on the planet.
    "Screw the people on the list," Jeff said as he put the list into his pocket. "I'm going to have some fun with this!"
    As Jeff looked at Stephanie dancing naked on the street corner trying to cover herself up, she started running across the street where she ended up getting hit by a cab and killed.
    "Hey, and I technically sort of did my job," Jeff said as he looked at Stephanie's mangled naked body in the street. "She doesn't look as hot after getting hit by a car though, so time to find somebody new!"
    Jeff soon started going around the city looking for hot women and then touching their clothing to make their clothing dissolve.
    "Where are my clothes," said Eleanor, one of the women standing on the bus stop said as Jeff reaped her clothing as he continued laughing. He thought it was rather hot that Eleanor was blushing and trying to cover up like that, he always thought that there was something really cute about somebody who is embarrassed being naked like that, possibly because that was his response to when somebody saw him naked.
    As Jeff was walking down the street he saw another person that he recognized, Brad, that musclebound jerk who stole his girlfriend from him back in high school.
    "Well I'm not exactly into seeing guys naked, but if I can humiliate him," Jeff said as he walked up to Brad and touched his clothing, which soon dissolved as the attractive woman he was flirting with began laughing.
    Jeff began laughing as he saw Brad surrounded by women and blushing profusely, before Brad started smiling and laughing.
    "Well now that I've seen what you looked like naked I'm definitely going to go out with you," the attractive woman said as all of the other women started making signs that they were jealous.
    "Well son of a bitch, I tried to humiliate him and it only got him laid again!" Jeff said feeling really frustrated that his plan for revenge actually ended up helping his nemesis, who it turned out had a much nicer body than him and was a bit of an exhibitionist.
    That was when Jeff determined that he wasn't going to make any more guys get naked, at least not any of the attractive ones, because then it would just make him feel jealous of all the action that guy was getting instead of him. One of the things that sucked about being dead is that there was no way of having sex with anyone if you couldn't touch them without killing them.
    "But then on the other hand I might not even have to dissolve people's clothing, I'm invisible so I can go in the girls locker rooms!" Jeff said as he went to the nearby gym and went into the girls locker room and watched them in the shower, and then watched as they dried themselves off, but then as they went to go get dressed he touched their clothing which dissolved as they stood there shaking their heads baffled and wondering what they were going to do now. "You know being dead is probably the best part of my life, I never had this much fun mom alive, a guy could get used to this!"
    As Jeff went and up and down the streets touching the clothing of all the women he found attractive, and then watching as they began screaming and trying to cover up, he was having the time of his life, until he suddenly saw a television report.
    "A mysterious wave of disappearing clothing has struck the city and nobody can explain why, women just standing on the street one moment and then completely stark naked the next," the newscaster said with a smirk. "I have never seen anything like this, although I have to say, I'm glad I'm seeing it now!"
    Jeff laughed. "And to think Lindsay said that making people naked was not a humanitarian act, I seem to be making a lot of people's lives happier. Think of all those other guys who don't get to see these hot women naked all the time who are now getting to see them. Wait a minute, Lindsay, of course, why didn't I think of it sooner."
    Jeff soon found Lindsay at one of her rallies where she was talking about sexual objectification and how it could be a bad thing for women.
    "Holy shit, if there was never a more perfect time to render someone completely stark naked in public now is definitely that time," Jeff said as he started walking through the crowd making sure to touch the clothing of every hot woman that he saw, causing them to scream and run around covering themselves up as everybody started coming over to the crowd to gawk at all of the naked women who were suddenly appearing.
    "Well I see some women are getting naked as a way of making my point about objectification," Lindsay said. "Look at the way the guys are looking at these naked women, like they were just hunks of flesh."
    "But we're not getting naked in solidarity with you, we want our clothing back!" a woman said desperately trying to cover up as she was blushing profusely as she tried hiding behind a traffic signal.
    Jeff was having the time of his life, but as he started making his way towards Lindsay on the stage leaving a trail of stripped women in his path, that was when all of the sudden he saw someone in his path blocking his way that looked familiar, it was the other Grim Reaper guy who gave him his task in the first place.
    "Oh Shit," Jeff said realizing that he was probably going to be in trouble for this. "Hey dude what's up?"
    The Grim Reaper shook his head. "Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey, you're not the first person who figured this out, and I'm sure you won't be the last. But this is an outrageous and egregious misuse of the powers which have been bestowed upon you. Did you think that we wouldn't find out about this?"
    "But I was kind of hoping you didn't, I figured that the dead didn't watch television, even though I did, but I didn't think much about it, I've only been at this job for a couple of hours."
    "Well Jeff we do watch television, and considering you have only been in this job a few hours and you have already created an incident that will probably lead people to wondering about the paranormal aspects of reality vis a vie the disappearing clothing, it really says a lot that it only took you a few hours to do something like that. Most people don't cause this much chaos in their first couple of hours on the job, it's almost impressive you fucked up this badly this quickly, but not like in a good way."
    "Hey to be fair I caused at least one woman to get hit by a car, at least give me credit for that! Don't look at me as a bad person just because I didn't kill everyone on my list. Wow, when I say it like that that sounds pretty fucked up, suddenly I'm a bad guy for not killing people and instead just stripping them naked. I mean when you ask the average person if they would rather be stripped naked in public or dead most people would probably think that being stripped naked was the lesser evil, unless they were the type of person who would literally die of embarrassment."
    "Well Jeff I am afraid that you are not a clothing reaper."
    "Wait, that's totally a thing?"
    "Indeed it is, there is a special department of grim reapers that go around putting people into embarrassing naked situations because some people have that as their fate, it's just their time, it's part of their destiny to be stripped naked in public or stripped naked in an embarrassing situation. Stuff like that doesn't just happen Jeff, there has to be something causing that to happen, didn't you ever question that?"
    "No I honestly never did, I always figured if people get spontaneously naked like that, well I never thought that supernatural forces were behind that, I just figured I was lucky, why would I suspect a divine supernatural agency was behind that? Hey, can I be a clothing reaper?!"
    "No Jeff, being a clothing reaper is a very special job that is reserved for the most mature individuals, which you are most decidedly not. In fact the majority of clothing reapers are actually women, because women don't get to have as much fun stripping people naked or spying on them in life, women have been objectified so much sexually while on earth we figure that they should get to be on the opposite side in the afterlife."
    "Jeff everybody has to die, it's part of the natural order of life, but not every woman has to be stripped naked in public and humiliated like that. I am afraid for doing your job badly and misusing your power you will have to be punished in a creative way that will hopefully make you learn a lesson about what you have done."
    "You're not going to send me to hell are you?"
    The Grim Reaper laughed. "No no no, we don't do anything like that, like I said you're not going to hell, but given how shy and embarrassed I know you to be you're probably going to find your punishment is going to be quite hellish."
    "What's that," Jeff said suddenly nervous for the first time.
    The Grim Reaper simply smiled. "Remember what I said earlier about women getting to be on the opposite side in the afterlife?"
    As Jeff approached Nina, the girl who he mercilessly teased all the time throughout her entire school career, he paused and stopped for a moment.
    "But do I really have to do this?" Jeff said as he looked to the Grim Reaper who was standing there nodding his head.
    Jeff went over and touched Nina on the shoulder causing her to be reaped. Suddenly she became a spirit and he became fully visible to her as she turned around.
    "Jeff, what are you doing here," she said as she burst out laughing. "And why on earth are you naked?!"
    Jeff began blushing and shook his head. "Nina I have bad news for you, I am the Grim Reaper and I am here to escort you to your rewards in the great beyond."
    Nina couldn't stop giggling. "But why are you naked?"
    "Let's just say it's a punishment, I am going to be forced to do my job naked until I have reaped 100,000 women, as the reaper who assigned me this task felt it would be very humbling and comforting to the women that I need to reap to see the Grim Reaper naked, I don't even get one of those flimsy black robes that most of them get. It's kind of hard to be afraid of death when he's standing there naked and blushing!"
    As Jeff took Nina by the arm to escort her to the afterlife, Nina simply shook her head and continued giggling, who would have known that the last day of her life and her first day of her afterlife would be the best day of all, and Jeff could only imagine how thrilled she would be when she realized that her designated role in the afterlife would be to be a clothing reaper like he wished he were.
    "And the worst part about this is that after all of that I never even got to see Lindsay naked!" Jeff said as Nina continued laughing all the way to the end of the white light at the end of the tunnel, which only helped to illuminate the fact that he was naked even more. But at least he would always have that memory of that brief fleeting glance of her panties to get him through the rest of eternity.


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