A Naked Day in the Neighborhood

I can say that this one was originally inspired by a dream I had back in June 2021 as follows: As I am walking several blocks to the store up and down the streets I come across what looks like a naked woman with lines over her body, tan lines where her bra and underpants would normally be. I realized that she is completely naked and she is carrying a baby on her back and I am totally shocked to see this because I am wondering why this woman is walking around naked in town like that.
I continued walking up and down the streets and I see lots of men and women naked and just walking around, and I am totally not sure what the hell is going on. But as I continue walking to the store I see people naked on the streets, but not everybody. I am confused by that and I eventually asked what is going on and I am told that it is naked day or something like that, so it is perfectly legal for everybody to be walking around naked in town. This of course is extremely exciting but I am still shy at the idea of getting naked itself.
I see some women chatting on the side of the road over near the place where I got my Covid vaccine last month, but then I go inside of some place where it seems like everybody is lining up to get inside for "the naked thing" as people are calling it. I sort of cut ahead in the line and then I go into a room where I see all of these little alcoves with naked people in the wall like little prison cells almost where the people go to be naked together. A few of them were covered in blankets and that made me think it related to the fact that I was carrying my blanket with me and everything like that.
I see some women and I asked them if they wanted to get naked or if they wanted me to get naked or if we could get naked together or something like that, but I felt like I would end up checking out in the world. It ends with me going in one of a bunch of the alcoves that somebody referred to as a "klute" for some reason where I think that I go inside and I think I might have started getting undressed, and there was a woman who was staying dressed inside of the particular little alcove or whatever but it just sort of ends like that before anything happens.
But it was a very vivid dream where I remember walking up and down the street and I could see all these people naked and spreading their legs and I could see a lot of people's asses and everything like that. But just a really vivid dream, but the first part and the second part, both parts of the dream having nothing to do with each other and having an entirely different focus, but both really interesting in both giving me ideas for stories.
As you can see the dream that inspired the story was rather different from the story itself, where I decided it would focus on a guy who just happens to be running around town on go naked day and then runs into an attractive woman completely naked, and decides to get naked to win her respect, only to instead find her completely dressed, making this primarily a CFNM story that I think works pretty well, even though I mostly took place in a pizza place rather than out on the streets naked. But I think it works pretty well for an only one naked, embarrassed nude male CFNM story primarily, with a little bit of female nudity thrown in there for good measure.

A Naked Day in the Neighborhood
Adam woke up early that morning assuming that it would just be a normal day in the neighborhood, but he hadn't been keeping up with the daily news that had been posted all around the neighborhood lately, so the day was about to catch him by surprise.
    Adam quickly ate his breakfast and spent a long time deciding on what he was going to wear. Normally he didn't fuss so much about what he was going to wear, but for some reason today he just had the urge to dress up in some of his best clothing, just in case he ran into anybody on the street.
    "I think I'll go for a walk," Adam said as he walked out onto his front lawn and began jogging around the block. As he did so he couldn't help but notice that there was something distinctly unusual, something that he didn't see every day.
    "Hey Adam," said his next-door neighbor George as he ran by completely naked.
    "Hello George," Adam said, feeling really awkward at the situation. "I don't know if you have noticed but do you realize that you are not wearing any clothing today?"
    "Oh yeah that, don't you know, it's go naked day?"
    "Go naked day?"
    "Yeah it's been in all the papers and on all the new shows, it is to promote tourism to our town, the local government decided that they would have a get naked day, where for one day anyone could go around running around naked to show our pride in our town."
    "So the basic idea is that they figure if there were lots of naked people running around our town lots of tourists would want to come in for the occasion."
    "More or less, it's quite liberating to be running around completely buck naked, don't you think?"
    "Yeah," Adam said, still feeling awkward about the fact that his neighbor was standing there completely naked, before George began jogging on his way, his junk swinging back and forth as he did so.
    Adam had remembered that in school they had something called pajama day, but they never had a special day where everybody would go naked. As he continued jogging though he couldn't help but notice a large number of people were going around taking advantage of the fact that it was go naked day. It really was a very naked day in the neighborhood!
    Sadly for Adam the majority of people were men that were naked, and he didn't really have any interest in seeing them, but then he saw a beautiful blonde woman running alongside a beautiful Asian woman, both completely totally naked, and he decided that he would try to jog behind them as subtly as possible without making it seem like he was staring at them over the fact that they were naked.
    Every time they turned around to look behind them Adam looked in the other direction, as though he were being nonchalant and not following around these two naked beauties, even though it was pretty obvious that was exactly what he was doing.
    "You know this get naked day is a pretty good idea," Adam muttered to himself as he continued following behind the two naked women. He also noticed that there were a lot more people on the streets than usual, most of whom were still wearing clothing, and he couldn't help but think that they were the tourists, tourists coming here to see people naked.
    In a lot of ways he thought it was flattering that tourists would want to come to their town simply to see naked people, as the majority of people in his town were not the people you would be thinking of traveling large distances just because you wanted to see them naked. No, most of the people in town were overweight and certainly not supermodels, but those two women that he was trailing behind he felt made everything worthwhile.
    "Hey Adam," a woman said, as Adam turned around to see that it was his coworker Amber, who was standing there completely buck naked. Adam and had a crush on her for the longest time and now here she was standing in front of him completely out on display, her large breasts practically hypnotizing him.
    "Amber, hi, nice outfit," he said before slapping himself in the forehead, realizing that he said something extremely stupid and awkward.
    "Yeah it didn't take me much time to get dressed this morning, I can see that you put a lot more thought into what you are wearing," she said as she laughed.
    "Amber this is a side of you that I have never seen before."
    "I hope it's an attractive side, I gained a little bit of weight recently, so I was originally kind of awkward at the idea of jogging around naked, but if it gets us some tourism in the city I feel it will be good for the economy."
    "Yes, for the economy," Adam said trying not to snicker. He didn't really think that Amber was getting naked to help the economy, but he wasn't about to question her motivation, as he was enjoying everything on view, except as he felt all the blood rushing to his genitals he wanted to avoid an awkward erection if at all possible.
    "You don't think that I look fat do you?"
    "No, you look absolutely spectacular, that outfit you're wearing is a good fit on you," Adam said laughing nervously.
    "Yeah I got this outfit on my first birthday, it stretched out quite a bit since then, but I still think it's still pretty wearable don't you?"
    "Oh absolutely, I wouldn't change a thing."
    "Not planning to get naked yourself?"
    "Actually I hadn't heard about go naked day and it sort of caught me by surprise."
    "You really do need to follow the news more, it's been big news in all of the papers and on all of the TV networks. People are coming from all around the area just to participate in go naked day. I really do think that this is going to provide our humble town with an economic boon don't you?"
    "Well you know Amber, I would help the economy and everything like that, but it's just, well I don't think I washed my birthday suit quite as well as you did this morning, I don't think I got all of the wrinkles out, but I also don't want to show off and make anybody jealous."
    Adam felt like an idiot, because now he felt he was just mumbling and trying with all of his strength not to get a huge stiffy at the fact that Amber was standing there just a few inches away completely and utterly naked.
    "Yeah I take pretty good care of my birthday suit, as you only get one of them and you are stuck with it pretty much forever," Amber said as she laughed. "Well if you change your mind I would love to walk around town with you naked and everything."
    "Well you know Amber I will certainly think about that, in fact you've given me a lot to think about, things that I'm not going to ever get out of my head anytime soon," he said once again realizing what he was saying sounded idiotic, as he was babbling like an idiot, clearly as nervous as hell over the fact that he was trying to talk to an attractive naked coworker.
    "Well I guess I'll see you around, and maybe you'll see me around," Amber said as she winked before jogging off on her way.
    "See you later," Adam said as he waved to Amber, before smacking himself again in the forehead and shaking his head in frustration. "Stupid stupid stupid, she must have thought that you looked like an idiot."
    Then on the other hand he figured that the person who is naked always seemed like they were the one who looked like the foolish one. He had the good sense to keep his clothing on, but now he felt he had made a fool of himself in front of Amber, and he didn't know how he was ever going to face her at work again after this. Now that he had that image of her completely naked burned into his mind he didn't know if he could actually talk to her without having to fight the urge to get an erection at thoughts of her all naked and all out on display like that.
    There was only one way that Adam felt that he could save face, only one chance that he would have to perhaps connect with Amber, he would have to meet her on equal playing ground, meaning that he would have to get undressed.
    Adam looked up and down the streets, and he had to admit he was apprehensive at the idea of getting naked in public. Even if his friends and neighbors were getting naked the idea of him getting naked and being seen by them still made him feel really uncomfortable. But he figured that maybe if he got naked now and caught up with Amber she would say that he was an open-minded individual, and maybe something would develop between them.
    "Are you really going to do this," he said as he took off his shirt and held it in front of him. It was one thing to go around without his shirt on, that wasn't very revealing, but trying to take off his pants he was going to be fighting his natural instinct to remain covered up, which would be fighting an uphill battle for sure.
    Adam took a few deep breaths before he slowly pulled down his pants until he was standing there in his underwear. Already he felt like an idiot, that what he was doing was completely absurd, and yet if Amber was willing to do that and he wasn't the only way he could probably get Amber to respect him was if he got naked as well.
    "Here goes nothing," Adam said as he finally pulled off his underwear and stepped out of his shoes and socks. As he stood there completely naked holding his clothing he had to admit his immediate instinct was to put it right back on before anybody saw him.
    "No Adam, if you are going to get Amber to respect you you have to do this," he said as he began walking back to his house and throwing his clothing in the door before closing the door behind him. He pressed up his naked behind up against the door, once again trying to hide himself. He felt like he was a deer caught in the headlights, what the hell was he thinking getting completely naked in public like that, however socially approved it may have been at the moment?
    He took a couple of deep breaths before he took his first steps out onto his lawn. If his neighbors and friends were all getting naked maybe it wasn't such a big deal after all. However the person he wanted to see was Amber, he wanted to prove that he wasn't a coward by getting naked in public like that.
    He started running off in the direction that he saw Amber going in, but as he looked up and down the streets he didn't see any sign of her. Worse still he didn't see any signs of anybody else who was participating in go naked day, he suddenly felt himself extremely vulnerable by the fact that he seemed like he was the only one naked on the block.
    "I wonder where Amber might be going," he said as he started walking up and down the streets feeling like he wanted to dive behind every bush every time a car went by, where people were honking and beeping at him. Every time a car did that he would waved coyly, but he had to admit he felt like this was the most absurd, embarrassing and idiotic thing that he had ever done. He felt by the end of this day he would have been thoroughly and completely humiliated by all of this, even if only a few people saw him.
    For a moment he thought about running back and going into his house and getting dressed and staying inside for the rest of the day, but he knew that if he didn't catch up with Amber and show her that he wasn't afraid to be naked that there was probably never any possibility of them getting together.
    It didn't take him long to get to the center of town, where all the festivities were being held, and he was glad to see that at least a couple of other people were naked, but it was only a small minority of people who were naked. Didn't all of these people care about the economy?! He could see lots of people gathering around and taking pictures, no doubt that they were the tourists who were attracted to the town just so that they could gawk at all of the naked people.
    As Adam walked up and down the streets as people looked at him and snickered, he had to admit that he felt this was perhaps the stupidest thing he had ever done. What on earth was he thinking going around naked in public like that?
    He saw couple of signs in some store windows that said no shoes, no shirt, no pants, yes service, with little cartoon images of a naked man and woman on them, and he decided to duck inside of one of the stores where nobody would hopefully see him. He slowly walked backward into the store before putting up his back against the wall and sighing in relief, thinking that he was now out of the view of people.
    "Oh hey Adam," Amber said as he opened his eyes to see that Amber was standing in front of him in this pizza place, but there was something very distinctly different about when he had seen her a couple of moments before.
    "Amber, you're wearing clothing," Adam said feeling increasingly embarrassed by the fact that he had caught up to her only to find that she was now comfortably dressed.
    Amber laughed. "And it looks like you aren't!"
    Adam wanted to run out of there right then and there, but if he ran away he would look like a coward in front of Amber, so he figured he had better just swallow his pride and deal with the situation.
    "Well, you know, I thought I should do my part to help the economy," he said once again feeling like a complete idiot, standing there in front of Amber and all of her friends who were all well-dressed at the moment.
    "Well I'm glad you decided to finally come around."
    "Why are you dressed all the sudden?" Adam said, feeling increasingly vulnerable. He was fully expecting that they would both be naked when he finally found her, and that they would be on equal footing, and now here he was completely naked while everybody else in the pizza place seemed to be wearing clothing, giving them all the upper hand. He couldn't help but notice that everybody was looking over in his direction and a couple of people were laughing. He realized then and there he was certainly not on equal footing, in fact everybody had a leg up on him, a pants leg specifically, including Amber.
    "Well I thought I would get dressed to come and have some pizza and everything like that, and it just seemed like it made sense to put my clothes back on, know what I mean?"
    "Yes, you certainly wouldn't want to eat pizza naked," Adam said wanting to smack himself in the forehead again for sounding like an idiot.
    "Well since you don't have your wallet on you I wouldn't mind treating you to some pizza," she said as she smiled.
    For a moment he wanted to bolt and get back home and get to his clothing, but if he ever had a chance with Amber he couldn't turn down such a generous offer.
    "Thank you, that would be very nice," he said as he sat down at the table across from Amber, glad that now the table was covering up the most vulnerable areas of his anatomy, as he felt the blood rushing to said areas of his anatomy. But something about the awkward and vulnerable position he was in was getting the adrenaline running, and he felt like he was exhilarated, and by exhilarated he meant incredibly aroused.
    "What would you like on your pizza, would you like it naked," Amber said as she burst out laughing. For a moment it sounded almost like she was mocking him, or poking fun at him at the any rate, for the fact that he was naked, but he knew that he had to suck it up and play along if he wanted to win her favor.
    "Nothing wrong with naked, whether it's on pizza or people," Adam said as the waitress came with a big smile on her face looking at Adam and causing him to want to slink down into the seat, but he made sure he didn't want to look like a coward in front of Amber, so he sat up straight and did his best, even though he knew he was blushing.
    They ordered their pizza and within a few minutes the waitress came back with a big smile as she put the pizza down in front of them.
    Strangely enough as the two of them began eating their pizza it was making the situation a lot easier. He couldn't believe that he was going on a date, or what looked like a date anyway, with the woman that he had a crush on while she was a few feet away fully dressed and he was completely naked. He knew that right now he definitely had a stiffy, and he had no way of how he would get it to go down anytime soon.
    Even stranger was that as they finished up with their pizza they started making some small talk, neither of them mentioning the fact that Adam was naked, although he knew he was clearly blushing, and he could see from the smile on Amber's face that she was enjoying every minute of it. He tried to picture her naked like she was just not long ago, figuring that that would help the situation, but it just made him even more excited, and he knew that there was no way he was getting up from that table anytime soon and letting Amber see how happy he was to be sitting there across from her.
    While he was chatting there casually with Amber, that was when he saw the blonde woman and the Asian woman from before. He didn't recognize them at first because now they were wearing clothing, and he couldn't help but notice that they were looking at him and smirking. Did they know that he was following them before and gawking at them?
    They sat at the table behind Amber, and they were both staring directly at him with big smirks on their faces. Why were they wearing clothing though?
    "You know I had a lot of fun today Adam, we should do this again sometime," Amber said. "I mean maybe where we are both wearing clothing."
    As Amber laughed at him he simply laughed nervously along. He had to admit to himself that this was the strangest date that he had ever been on, as he had never been on a date in public completely naked with a fully dressed woman before, and yet here he was enjoying himself.
    "Considering it's go naked day you would think a lot more people would be going naked right now," Adam said.
    "Well I think that everybody just wanted to be naked in the beginning of the day, but you know it's getting chilly out now and everything, and I just thought it made sense to get dressed, as I can see you are getting goosebumps," Amber said. "But it's nice to see that you are really in the spirit of go naked day, you're pretty much the only naked person in this entire pizza place!"
    "Yeah I've noticed," Adam said, once again feeling self-conscious. He actually didn't notice until she mentioned it, but now he could see that he really was the only person in the entire pizza place who was naked, and he could see that everyone was looking over at him, and probably not realizing the fact that underneath the table he was sprouting a huge erection.
    They continued to make small talk for a while longer as they sipped their drinks slowly. Once again Adam couldn't believe that he was just casually sitting there naked talking to an attractive woman, who he was expecting to be naked as well, but who was now fully dressed.
    "Well anyway Adam it was really nice running into you but I had better get going," Amber said as she paid for the pizza.
    "Thanks for the pizza, I had a lovely time today and I guess I will see you at work," Adam said.
    "Yeah, I guess I will see you as well, see you later," Amber said as she skipped out of the restaurant leaving Adam sitting there naked at the table still sprouting an erection and knowing that it probably wouldn't go down anytime soon.
    Eventually he had to get up and he couldn't help but notice that the blonde woman and the Asian woman from before were laughing hysterically as he got the hell out of there and ran all the way home, up and down the streets, the only person who didn't seem to bring his clothing with him while he was running around naked.
    As soon as he got home he masturbated like crazy, as he didn't know exactly what it was about the whole situation, but it was probably the single most intense experience of his life. He didn't know if he really did anything to help the economy, but to be honest he could care less about the economy under the circumstances. What he wondered was what he was going to do when he saw Amber at work on Monday?

    When Monday morning came he first felt apprehensive at the idea of going into work and running into Amber, but he knew he couldn't quit his job or stay home forever, so eventually he got dressed in his best work outfit and went to work where he saw Amber, who waved and said hi to him.
    "So Adam at lunch do you think you might want to go get pizza?" Amber said with a big smile on her face.
    "Sure I would love that, although this time maybe put some toppings on the pizza and I will treat you," Adam said.
    Amber simply smiled. "You know Adam I think that I do like things naked, whether it is pizza or people."
    Adam knew that there was a lot of double meaning to this conversation, so he simply smiled as he once again felt all the blood rushing to his nether regions. "You know Amber I think so do I," he said as she got up, winked at him and went to do her work.
    As Adam thought about what he was going to do at lunch, feeling the bulging erection in his pants, all he could think of was that he wasn't getting up from his seat anytime soon, and he would probably never see Amber, or pizza for that matter, in the same way ever again.


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