Why He Didn't Want the Girls to Join Him in the Pool

I guess this is similar to some of my other stories such as Give Me Back My Swimming Trunks. I was inspired to write this one because a lot of people were saying on the CFNM village forum that a lot of people like CFNM stories involving water, and I think it is a natural setting for that. I am glad that the story ultimately turned out to be a little bit more original than I thought, and I like how Matilda really owns the story. I also was inspired a little bit by that Seinfeld episode where George experiences "shrinkage" so to speak. Small penis humiliation is generally not my thing at all, but sometimes it's just too funny not to put in the story, and I think that it works pretty well here. This is a story containing CFNM, embarrassed nude male, and only one naked. Enjoy!

Why He Didn't Want the Girls to Join Him in the Pool
"I am glad that I have the house all to myself so that I can just have a nice refreshing swim all by myself," Nathan said as he looked at the pool. The water did look refreshing, and it was rather warm out, and he figured that since he was alone there was no harm in swimming naked. It's not like anybody was going to disturb him or anything.
    Nathan looked both ways just the same, purely out of instinct, to make sure that nobody was looking, as he slipped out of his swimming trunks and threw them over the side of the pool. He was hoping that they would land on the perimeter of the pool and not fall outside of the pool, but he figured he could get them later as it would be no big deal. He figured he had the pool to himself for the next couple of hours and he was going to enjoy a nice relaxing time all by himself.
    "But it really is rather nice to feel the cool water on my naked skin like that, I should go skinny dipping more often," Nathan said with a laugh as all of the sudden he heard the back door gate open and the sound of women laughing.
    Before anyone could see him he quickly ducked his head underneath the water and swam underneath the ladder where hopefully nobody would see him. Who were these women that he was hearing all of the sudden? He decided that he would listen carefully.
    "This really is a lovely day for us to all go swimming together, and we have the house all to ourselves," Lucy, Nathan's sister, said.
    Nathan couldn't believe that he had actually forgotten that his sister was planning to have all of her friends over for a pool party that day. He was positive that it was tomorrow but he must have misinterpreted the date. How could he be such an idiot? He was about to come out from under the ladder when he remembered that his swimming trunks were outside of the pool. Luckily it was an aboveground pool so nobody could see that he was hiding under the ladder.
    "How am I going to get out of this one," Nathan said to himself.
    "So should we all get in the pool," Natalie said. Natalie was his sister's really hot friend that Nathan had a crush on for the longest time, and he would just die of embarrassment if she ended up seeing him naked before he got to see her naked, even if he only saw her naked in his dreams.
    "Are you sure that your hot brother's not going to be around or something?" said Matilda, Lucy's other friend, who had a major crush on Nathan, but between her braces, her acne and the fact that she was more than a little bit overweight, to put things politely, meant that he didn't really return the feelings. He really wouldn't want to be seen naked by her, even though she would probably love to see him.
    "Well if everybody wants to get into the pool I guess there is no reason why we shouldn't," Lucy said as Nathan heard lots of women cheering, a real lot of women, how many friends did Lucy have anyway? He didn't think his sister was suddenly that popular!
    "Hey I don't think you should come in the pool right now," Nathan said before he covered up his mouth. Now he had revealed the fact that he was in the pool, so now how was he supposed to get out of there discreetly without anybody finding out that he was naked?
    "Nathan is that you, I thought that you weren't going to be home today, you knew that I was going to have a pool party with all of my friends," Lucy said.
    "There's nothing wrong with having a pool party, it's just I thought that I could have the pool to myself for a little while. Besides the pool is really really cold, like really really cold, I'll probably be getting out soon. You probably don't want to go swimming when the water is this cold."
    Now Nathan found himself in a bind. He said he was going to get out of the pool shortly but now he couldn't get out of the pool without exposing himself to all of the girls. But if he didn't get out of the pool soon they would soon be going in the pool with him. He had to think of some good excuse why they couldn't go into the pool but his mind was coming up blank.
    "Hey Nathan, I'll go in the pool with you," Matilda said as he heard the sound of her climbing up the ladder. He was amazed that somebody that large could actually climb up the ladder without it breaking. "Where are you Nathan?"
    Nathan now felt really pathetic, here he was right underneath the ladder while Lucy's big fat friend was right on top of him and he was trembling in fear at the prospect.
    "Cannonball!" Matilda said as she jumped from the ladder into the pool splashing a large amount of water. "Wow you are right it is rather cold in here, but it's not that bad!" Matilda said as she looked around the pool. "Hey Nathan, where are you?"
    Nathan had to admit he was getting rather cold and that was when he ended up sneezing as Matilda looked at him and saw him underneath the ladder.
    "Why are you hiding under the ladder like that Nathan," Matilda said as she very slowly started waddling over.
    Now Nathan knew that there was no escaping it as Matilda suddenly approached the ladder before stopping in her tracks. Nathan instinctively covered himself up, even though the water should obscure any view of his naked body by making it blurry. But he knew that Matilda knew what was going on, she could see clearly that he wasn't wearing any swimming trunks.
    Suddenly a huge smile came across Matilda's face. "Nathan is skinny dipping!"
    "No, I'm not, I am just wearing flesh colored swimming trunks," Nathan said realizing that it was an idiotic excuse, and the fact that he was trying to cover himself up was probably also giving away the fact that he was a boldfaced liar.
    "Skinny dipper!" an unfamiliar girl's voice said as all of the sudden Nathan heard the sound of several people rapidly climbing up onto the deck of the onto the ladder and jumping into the pool.
    Now he knew that his fate was sealed, and in just a moment or two he was completely surrounded by at least six girls in the pool. He recognized some of them, but not all of them, but he could see that they were all staring at him and swimming around the ladder pretty much trapping him, almost like he was a small fish in a tiny pond and they were a bunch of hungry piranhas moving in for the kill.
    He could see that they were all smiling and laughing, although he wasn't sure if they were laughing over the fact that he was naked or laughing at him for being naked. It's one thing if they thought that this was an attractive thing, it was another thing if they just thought it was a source of amusement, but he couldn't quite tell, except for Matilda whose eyes were lighting up like she had just seen the holy Grail or a mountain of gold spelling out her name.
    "Oh my God," Lucy said as she covered up her eyes. "I don't want to see my own brother naked!"
    "Well then get me my swimming trunks right outside of the pool!" Nathan shouted as he tried his best to cover himself up and hide behind the the ladder, but he could see that all of the girls were getting a good look at him, and a couple of them were putting on their goggles and going under the water to get a better clearer look.
    He couldn't believe it, with the exception of Matilda, who he didn't find attractive at all, and his sister who was, well his sister, all of the girls looking at him right now were women that he would have loved to see naked himself but who were getting a feast for their eyes while he wasn't getting Jack squat in return!
    "Maybe we could all go skinny dipping," Matilda said as all of the other girls laughed and shook their heads. She was the only one who seemed to think that she was being serious. Matilda was probably the only one that he didn't want to see naked at that moment.
    "Okay Nathan, I've got your swimming trunks," Lucy said as she stood on the deck of the pool holding up his swimming trunks.
    "Go ahead Nathan, get out of the pool and go get them," Natalie said looking at him with an intimidating glare. He would just die of embarrassment if Natalie got to see him climbing naked up the ladder.
    "Here you go," Lucy said as she threw the swimming trunks into the pool in Nathan's direction but they landed right in front of Natalie instead, who grabbed them and held them up.
    "Well well well, these are some mighty big pants, I wonder if there is a lot to fill them with," Natalie said cackling evilly as she held up his swimming trunks.
    "Can I please have my swimming trunks," Nathan said, and he knew by now that he wasn't just having goosebumps because the water was so cold, but because he was more embarrassed and probably blushing profusely more so than he ever had in his life before that moment.
    Natalie nodded as she swam right past Nathan and got out of the pool and held up his pants like a war trophy. "You can have your pants when you come out of the pool to get them!"
    Nathan wasn't exactly sure what to do, would he seem like a coward for not getting his pants, but if he didn't get his pants this thing would go on forever? He knew that the girls were already looking under the water using their swimming goggles, so he figured that the best way to end the humiliation was, however reluctantly, to get out of the pool.
    Nathan swam over to the ladder and slowly began climbing up as he heard all of the girls cackling like banshees and whistling and hollering and hooting, and a couple of them were splashing the water at his naked ass.
    "Nice ass!" one of the girls in the pool shouted, but he didn't recognize her by the sound of her voice.
    As he climbed out of the ladder onto the deck of the pool that was when he looked down and noticed that he had experienced the phenomenon known as shrinkage, as Natalie stared him right in the genitals and began laughing.
    "The water was really cold!" Nathan shouted, remembering George Costanza's line from that episode of Seinfeld where a similar situation was being experienced.
    "The water might have been cold but wherever you were it must have been positively freezing," Natalie said as she walked past him laughing the whole way.
    "Nice ass!" the same girl from before shouted as Nathan turned around.
    "Oh shut up!" he shouted as he realized that he just turned around and now all of the girls could see his very shrunken genitals. He could see that they were all laughing, at least except for Matilda, whose eyes were lighting up and it looked as though she was licking her lips and her braces with her tongue.
    Not knowing what else to do, he quickly covered his genitals up with his swimming trunks, climbed down from the deck of the pool and quickly started getting into his swimming trunks, which were hard to get on because they were so wet, as Lucy turned and covered her eyes and started shouting "oh my God over" and over again looking almost as embarrassed as he did at the whole situation, because now all of her friends had seen her brother naked and experiencing shrinkage. Neither of them would be able to live that down for as long as they lived, and he was hoping that they would never talk about this event ever again.
    He ran back into the house and knew he could never show himself in public again.
    Of course later in the day he had to go to the bathroom, and that was when he saw all of the girls looking at him and laughing, once again except for Matilda who looked like she was just smiling and once again licking her lips and braces before winking at him and making him feel really awkward.
    At the end of the day, when he was sure all of his sister's friends had left, Nathan came back downstairs but that was when Matilda walked back into the door, fully dressed in a long dress, and froze in her tracks as she saw him.
    "I left my swimsuit drying in your backyard," Matilda said and Nathan couldn't help but blush at the fact that she was probably picturing his naked body at that very moment, and once again looked like she was licking her lips.
    "Oh of course, go ahead and get it then," Nathan said as Matilda started walking past him before stopping and looking at him. "What are you staring at?"
    "You know I know about shrinkage, and you shouldn't feel embarrassed, I am sure that when it's not really cold out it is probably really big, and I would have really like to see it when it's full size and everything."
    The two of them stood there for a moment, not saying anything, before they both burst out laughing before Matilda went to the backyard, got her swimming trunks and walked towards the front door. Before she did though she took one look back at Nathan, smiled, laughed and winked and closed the door behind him.
    "What just happened here," Nathan said as he scratched and shook his head. "Nope, I am certainly never leaving my house again!"


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