The Swarm That Devoured Our Clothing

I guess there isn't really much to be said about this story as it's a pretty simple, short and to the point one. I think that the inspiration came just at the idea of thinking about how nanotechnology could create swarms of insects that could be used to reek chaos, but I also thought that people would probably use it for a lot more immature purposes, and I just thought that the idea of swarms of insects going around devouring everyone's clothing and rendering them naked in public was a funny idea, so I pretty much just went with it. The story involves embarrassed nude male and nude female, naked in public and only ones naked. 

The Swarm That Devoured Our Clothing
"I hate that bitch, she is always so smug and arrogant about the fact that she has the nicest clothes," Melinda said as she looked at McKenna dressed in her fine designer clothing that probably cost her more than Melinda makes in a year. She was standing there with her attractive and all equally well-dressed husband Leonardo.
    "But you just can't let them bother you like that, sure they are rich bitches and everything like that, but you can't just let your mind be obsessed by the assholes of the world," her friend Georgia said.
    "I'm sorry, but I just hate really stuck up snobs like that, I wish that something would come along and humble them, if anyone needs to learn some humility it is them."
    "Attention all citizens we have an alert, a swarm of clothing devouring nano insects is on the way to the city and everybody should take cover immediately to protect themselves in whatever way they see fit," a man said over the loudspeaker.
    Melinda had gotten used to this. Ever since terrorists found a way to genetically engineer their own armies of insects to go swarming around and attacking people they had been using it for things like these. The military had used similar technology to kill people and to wipe out entire cities while leaving the infrastructure intact, but more prankster minded individuals had use these creatures to go around devouring people's clothing and leaving them naked in public on a large scale, leading to chaos and mass embarrassment throughout the world.
    "Come on Melinda, we have to seek shelter," Georgia said as the two of them started running inside.
    Melinda watched as McKenna and Leonardo started leisurely looking for a place to hide themselves and that was when she got a really wickedly evil idea.
    "McKenna, Leonardo over here," Melinda said waving them over.
    "What are you doing, I thought that you hated those two," Georgia said.
    As McKenna and Leonardo made their way over towards the door as they could hear the sound of the swarm approaching it looked like they were just about to make it at the last second.
    "Quick let us in," McKenna said as she pounded at the door, this being the only building where they could seek safe refuge at the moment.
    "What's the magic word?" Melinda asked.
    "Let us in right now you bitch!" McKenna said as she continued pounding on the glass of the door.
    "I'm sorry that's not the magic word," Melinda said. "And it's not open sesame either."
    "Look we are very rich and powerful people, just open the door and I am sure we can work this out," Leonardo said as he began pounding on the door as well. "You don't want us to die out here do you?"
    "Maybe die of embarrassment," Melinda said as she smirked. "But if you want me to open the door you're going to have to be a lot nicer to me than that."
    "But maybe you should just let them in," Georgia said as the two of them started looking more frantic on the other side of the glass door. "It's not like there's anywhere else they can seek shelter around here."
    "Well let's put it to a vote, how many people here would like to see these two uptight snobs join us in our shelter," Melinda said as everybody stood there with nobody raising their hands. "Well it looks like the nays have it."
    Leonardo and McKenna continued pounding on the glass of the door as the swarm began coming down to their level as everybody watched as the tiny little insects started devouring their clothing. Leonardo and McKenna did everything that they could to try and swat the insects away but in a couple of seconds flat the insects had eaten away every last shred of their designer clothing, leaving them standing there completely naked and blushing with humiliation.
    "Okay who wants to let them in now?" Melinda asked as more people began smirking and raising their hands.
    As they opened the door to let the two of them in they simply stood there naked and covering themselves with their hands finally learning the true meaning of the word humility.
    "You know now that I think about it those outfits that they are wearing right now look a lot better on them than anything else they had ever worn previously," Georgia said.
    "But we don't have to take this, we are going to leave with our dignity intact," Leonardo said as he and McKenna turned around and began walking away as everybody else tried not to smirk too much as they pointed at their naked asses and laughed, and kept on laughing until they heard the sound of a buzzing swarm and remembered that they forgot to close the damn door!


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