The Naked Zoom Call

 I think that the inspiration for this was quite obvious, basically you figure that if people have been caught masturbating or going to the bathroom with their computers during the middle of a business meeting without even realizing it, you have to also figured that a lot of people have probably gotten naked for Zoom calls while not even realizing that their monitor was on. So I hope you enjoy this short and kinky story about awkward nudity in the times of Covid. This story is a total ENF (embarrassed nude female) story all around.

The Naked Zoom Call
Reva had to admit that one of the things that she liked about Covid was the fact that she didn't have to put much effort into her appearance, seeing as she was now working at home like pretty much everybody else. It was nice that she could just sit around casually doing her job in a bathrobe or something like that without having to worry about anybody commenting on her appearance or seeing her looking less than spectacular. When she was going into work every single day and being seen by people she put a lot more effort into her appearance, but she figured that now that she was at home there was no need to put in any extra effort.
    Of course there would be Zoom calls and meetings through video and WebCam and everything like that, but she often preferred to turn off of the WebCam and put it on audio only so that she can enjoy sitting around in her bathrobe and no one knows what she looks like. The way she figured if she could do her job without having to get dressed up that was just one less thing to worry about.
    One day she decided that she would take it up a notch. She didn't even really feel like getting dressed in a bathrobe and she thought that she might as well go to her Zoom meeting completely naked. There was something about the idea that she was completely naked and that nobody would even know it there was kind of kinky and was giving her sort of an exciting buzz. She wasn't normally the type of person to do things like that, but she thought that it was a fun idea, and she liked the idea of trying it.
    Reva got out of the shower and dried off and she figured that she wasn't even going to bother getting dressed today. That was the luxury of working from home, not only did you have to not worry about what you were going to wear, you didn't have to worry about wearing anything at all!
    As Reva walked naked into the living room to set up her Zoom call she had to admit that it felt kind of naughty, even though that nobody was going to know that she was naked. Somehow she felt like she was being exposed, even though she knew nobody could see her as she turned on the audio for the Zoom call and sat there in her chair smiling at all of her coworkers.
    As she looked at all of her coworkers she had to admit that they looked like they were particularly happy on this particular day. She didn't know how anyone got so happy during the pandemic like that but she figured maybe they were just enjoying the luxury and conveniences of working from home the same way she did. Most of them however got much more dressed up than she did.
    That was one thing that she hated about her job, it was sort of a very formal and professional sort of company, so you were often judged on your appearance and if you didn't look immaculate, your absolute best, there was a judgment call from everybody else in the office. She almost felt like she was shirking her duty due to the fact that she wasn't even bothering to get dressed but she figures no one was going to call her on it, seeing as nobody knew she was naked.
    "Well you all looked really happy and relaxed today for some reason," Reva said and she couldn't help but notice some of the people on video looked like their eyes were bugging out of their heads, and a couple of them seemed to be covering up their mouths as though they had some terrible secret they were keeping from her. "I guess you are just enjoying the casual nature of working from home and not having to get dressed up, even though I have to say that a lot of you do seem like you still got pretty dressed up just for a Zoom call."
    She continued watching the screen as she saw the people looking back and forth at each other and she still couldn't help but feel like they all had some terrible secret that they were keeping from her.
    "But I have to say why are you all smiling like, do you have some inside joke that I am not in on," she said.
    "Nothing, I just don't think you could handle the naked truth," Bertha said as she laughed.
    "Naked truth?" Reva said, wondering at that particular use of that phrase naked truth that she was using. Did they somehow know she was naked? Of course not, how could they possibly even guess that when she didn't even have her video monitor on, now she was just being paranoid.
    "Well I see a lot of us are dressed up today, or at least most of us," said Adam as a lecherous smile went across his face that was starting to get Reva even more suspicious that she was the butt of some type of joke that she wasn't in on.
    "Am I the butt of some type of joke here?" she finally asked as she could see all of her coworkers were behaving extremely strangely.
    "Butt," Carl said laughing as he could very clearly see the side of Reva's ass when she was saying that. "I wouldn't say that you're the butt of a joke, you're more like the full moon."
    "Full moon, what are you talking about?"
    Reva was really starting to wonder what the elephant in the room was that everybody wasn't addressing. She definitely felt that something was going on, and she thought it was rather rude that her coworkers were keeping her out of the loop on this secret that they all seemed to be harboring. She was thinking it was probably a really juicy secret, maybe somebody in the office having an affair or something along those lines, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what exactly it was.
    "Shall we all get started," Adam said, still sort of snickering.
    "Okay I am really starting to get suspicious now, what do you all think is so funny," Reva said standing up and putting her hands on her hips and shaking her breasts back and forth, forgetting that her stance wouldn't make any type of real impact since nobody else could see it.
    "Nothing let's just start talking about the bare necessities," Adam said as everybody on the Zoom call started bursting out laughing.
    "Jesus Christ people what is so God damned funny?!" she shouted as she stomped her foot down impatiently.
    As she was staring at the monitor in the background of one of her coworkers came a little boy whose eyes went wide as he covered up his mouth before shouting, "There's a naked lady on that screen!"
    "A naked lady," Reva said as suddenly it finally dawned on her as she looked at her monitor and could see that the WebCam was actually lit up and she hadn't even realized it. She began screaming as she took her hands and covered the WebCam before quickly turning it off, as she could now see that she had humiliated herself in front of all of her coworkers and one of their young children, who probably got a puberty booster shot just from what he had seen.
    As she turned off the audio as well so that people couldn't hear her screaming she had to admit that in spite of her total humiliation like that she felt as embarrassed as if she had been in the office live and in the flesh.
    She sat down in front of the monitor, which she was now confident and sure was fully and completely off, was that she would probably never be able to show her face at the office again.
    "Just a reminder everybody that starting on Monday we are all going to be working in the office live and in person again," Adam said. "I hope to see you all there, although maybe not too much of you."
    Reva briefly turned her audio back on. "I think I'm going to have to call in sick, I think I've come down with a touch of the Covid and I don't know how long it's going to last."
    But as she turned off the audio she knew that it was going to last for as long as the pandemic did, and then for a long time afterward. As she sat there naked in front of the computer screen she simply shook her head and smiled. At least if that was her last day at work she went out in a way that nobody would ever forget, and for some reason that gave her a warm tingly feeling in the right places that wasn't all that unpleasant.


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