Naked Underneath the Mistletoe

I wanted to write a crazy naked story for Christmas and I think that this story was pretty simple and straightforward, I just thought it would be more interesting that instead of kissing under a mistletoe what if people had to get naked under the mistletoe and spend the night together, waiting another great story of awkward and embarrassing nudity that ends up bringing two people together. This one contains naked in public, embarrassed nude female, embarrassed nude male.
I am also thinking that I might write another holiday novella about CFNM for Christmas about a guy who is stuck with his girlfriend and her  female friends where he is forced to spend the entire week between Christmas and New Year's completely naked. But in the meantime I hope you enjoy this story of naked Christmas cheer!

Naked Underneath the Mistletoe
"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Christmas party, you know just as friends or something like that," Chris said nervously asking Laura if she wanted to go to the Christmas party at Jerome's house.
    "Just as friends then," Laura said, almost as equally as awkward as Chris about the whole idea of going to a Christmas party together. "But isn't that the really crazy Christmas party where things get really out of hand. I heard that the things there can get pretty wild and kind of crazy and everything like that."
    "I've heard that he has a reputation for craziness too, but I mean we don't have to participate in the craziness, I'm sure we could just go and have a fun time at the party and we don't have to play any drinking games or do any drugs or anything that's going to be too off-the-wall."
    "Well I guess we could go to the Christmas party, again just as friends and everything like that, I'm sure it will be fun, and I guess we all have to let loose sometimes right?"
    "Yeah we have to live a little," Chris said laughing as they agreed to meet that Saturday to go to the party together.

    That Saturday Chris arrived to pick up Laura really early so that they could get to the party on time but he had to admit that while they were driving to the party he was finding it awkward to make conversation, he was never very good at small talk. Laura was really attractive and everything like that and he found that intimidating, but he didn't realize that Laura was really attracted to him but was hoping that he would be one to make a move.
    "Well here we are at the party," Chris said as he pulled up in front of the house to realize that there were tons of cars up and down the street, so it was amazing that they were able to get a parking spot up front like that.
    "Well it looks a lot more crowded than I ever thought, I mean I heard that he often had a big blowout and everything like that but there are probably dozens of people at this party. I hope things don't get too wild and out of hand."
    "How crazy could things possibly get at one little party like this? I am sure that we are probably just blowing it out of proportion, you'll see, it's just going to be a normal ordinary party and I'm sure that nothing weird is going to go on."
    Laura nodded. "You are right, we should stop being so uptight and just learn to unwind and live and let live and enjoy the party."
    They rang the doorbell and Jerome opened the door not recognizing them right away. "Chris and Laura right," he said eventually as the two of them nodded. "Well make yourself comfortable and enjoy the party."
    As Chris and Laura got into the main room of the house and saw that everybody looked like they were in a festive mood they began to relax a little. It didn't seem like people were snorting cocaine off of the blade of a knife or doing anything else really ludicrous, it looked like everyone just enjoying a normal party. A couple of people were drinking but there was nothing wrong with that as they were sure that it probably wouldn't get out of hand.
    "Chris and Laura, so nice of you you to make it, I was hoping you guys would show up," Edith said as she came by with her husband Jack. "Are the two of you a couple now?"
    "No!" they both said looking at each other awkwardly before looking down at their feet.
    "We just came as friends and everything like that," Chris said, seemingly blushing at the idea that they were immediately pegged as a couple just because they had arrived together.
    "Well I'm glad to see that you have found a way to unwind and decided to come to the party, you know these parties can get kind of crazy," Jack said as he laughed.
    "So we've heard, but it looks pretty ordinary right now," Laura said.
    Jack laughed. "Well we have some crazy party games later on and there are a whole bunch of rules about the party that if you have never been here before you might not be aware of, so be on the lookout."
    As Jack and Edith went off Chris and Laura looked at each other somewhat nervously.
    "What do you think he meant by that?" Laura said as Chris shrugged his shoulders.
    "I have no idea, but I'm sure that we are not going to break any type of rules," Chris said and the two of them began mingling around and talking with friends.
    "So you really got Laura to come to the party with you, that's pretty cool, she's a real hot lady," Chris's friend Erik said.
    "Yeah I'm impressed that you got her to come with you," Ryan said.
    "We are just here as friends," Chris said as they all sort of looked at each other rolling their eyes.
    "Right you keep telling yourself that buddy," Erik said as he patted Chris on the back and began walking off.
    Chris had to admit he still felt rather awkward around Laura and wasn't exactly sure how to make a move, as he wasn't really good at these type of social affairs. He figured that he had better go see Laura so that it didn't seem like they were avoiding one another.
    Laura was talking to a bunch of her friends as Chris came over with a smile on his face.
    "And here's Chris, we're here, well we just came here as friends," Laura said once again sort of awkwardly fiddling with her thumbs.
    "Oh my God!" Laura's girlfriend Rebecca shouted as she pointed to the two of them. "Mistletoe, they're underneath the mistletoe!"
    All of the other women began shouting and pointing at them shouting the word mistletoe over and over again as all of the sudden a light shined on them.
    This is exactly what they didn't want, they didn't want to draw attention to themselves, and now they found a spotlight on them.
    "Well well well, it looks like the first couple to go under the mistletoe tonight, you know what that means," Jerome said as everybody began laughing.
    Chris found his heart racing, did they really expect him to kiss Laura underneath the mistletoe in front of everybody. They were just supposed to be there as friends and he wasn't sure what the protocol was for a situation like this.
    "Yeah we are just kind of friends," Chris said sort of awkwardly smiling at Laura who sort of awkwardly smiled back. "It feels kind of weird to kiss when we aren't even technically on a date."
    Everyone in the audience began laughing and Chris felt like an idiot, here he was underneath the spotlight underneath the mistletoe with everybody expecting him to kiss Laura and he wasn't even going to do it, maybe he was a coward. Then he thought that he was being kind of silly, so he leaned forward and began approaching Laura to kiss her hoping that she wouldn't find the whole affair too awkward.
    "Kiss, you thought that we expected you guys to kiss each other?" Jerome said as everybody burst out laughing.
    "Isn't that what you do under the mistletoe," Chris said.
    "Maybe at one of those high school parties or a normal Christmas party, but this isn't any ordinary Christmas party, this is the craziest Christmas party on the planet!" Jerome shouted as everybody began clapping. "I feel like you two didn't read the rules, so maybe somebody should remind you about what the rules are about the first people to be under the mistletoe tonight together."
    "They have to get naked!" Miranda shouted as she whistled with her fingers and everybody began clapping and cheering.
    "Naked!" Chris and Laura said as they looked at each other before looking at everybody who was looking at them.
    "Well that's a funny joke you guys," Chris said, laughing nervously.
    But Chris realized this time nobody was laughing and he started to get the distinct creepy feeling that they were actually serious.
    "She's right you guys, the rules are that the first couple to get spotted under the mistletoe together have to get completely naked," Jerome said. "Those are rules and I am not about to start seeing my rules broken at my party, and rule breakers cannot stay at the party."
    Chris thought this was ridiculous and was about to say something to that effect when Laura grabbed him by the arm and looked him in the eye with a penetrating glance of seriousness, and that was when he knew that she meant business.
    "I think that we had better do what they say," Laura said and Chris couldn't believe that she was actually saying that.
    "So what do you guys say, are you going to play by the rules," Jerome said as all eyes were on them.
    Chris was standing there nervous feeling like he was about to faint before he said the first stupid ass thing that came into his mouth. "Ladies first," he said as he looked at Laura and everybody began hooting and hollering.
    At first he thought that what he did was really piggish of him, and he could see Laura making eye contact with him, glaring at him in an intimidating manner before she shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.
    "Hey I'm game," Laura said as she began undressing as everybody began clapping and cheering. Chris couldn't believe that Laura was actually doing that, as he always knew her to be especially bashful the way he was, and now here she was completely stripping down until she was standing there completely naked.
    Chris's eyes practically bugged out of their sockets as he stood there seeing Laura looking incredibly uncomfortable being naked in front of a crowd who were looking at him waiting for him to make the next move. He swallowed deeply and slowly started getting undressed as people began clapping again.
    "I'll take this, you'll get it back at the end of the night," Miranda said as she gathered up their clothing and put it in a Christmas bag that they decided to hang over the fireplace.
    "Well I guess we should give our naked couple some space so that they can mingle with everybody," Jerome said as the two of them stood there awkwardly trying to cover themselves up.
    For a long time neither of them said anything, but as everybody started turning away and minding their own business, Chris started walking over towards his friends who were pointing at him and laughing.
    "You didn't read the rules did you," Jack said shaking his head as Chris came over.
    "What kind of rule is it that you have to get naked if you are the first people under the mistletoe!" Chris said.
    "Rule number 12 I believe," Jack said as he looked at the list. "Nope it was number 13, lucky number 13!"
    "Yeah real lucky," Chris said feeling like you wanted to go grab that bag and get out of there right now, except he didn't feel that would be fair to Laura who was bold enough to get naked first.
    "What the hell dude, did you see the way that she was looking at you, you should be over there with Laura and her friends," Erik said shaking his head.
    "Yeah we don't want to see your naked ass," Ryan said as Chris turned and looked across the room at Laura who was over there with her girlfriends who were all smirking and laughing and pointing at him and making him feel really self-conscious as he once again covered himself up.
    "Dude don't be a pussy, go over there were all the women are, I think they really want to see you," Erik said as he laughed.
    All of Laura's friends began laughing hysterically and trying to cover up their mouths because they were snickering as they saw Chris come over looking like an idiot with his hands over his crotch trying to cover himself up.
    Laura's friends pushed her forward as she stood there in front of Chris, not exactly sure what to say as they were both blushing profusely and they realized that everyone was looking at them.
    "So would you like to dance," Laura said as she swallowed deeply, struggling to make eye contact with Chris. "You know just as friends and everything."
    Since when do friends dance together naked, Chris thouht, but as he saw Laura looking at him and smiling that was when he realized that whatever they were when they went to that party in the evening now they had certainly progressed past the friends stage, and right to the we are naked together in public phase, wherever that usually comes in the relationship.
    As the two of them danced they couldn't help but burst out laughing.
    "This really is the most ridiculous thing in the world," Chris said as Laura began laughing.
    "The way I see it it's just two friends dancing together," Laura said, but she could see from looking between Chris's legs that he was a lot more happy to see her than he would someone who was just be a friend.
    As the two of them continued dancing a crazy thing happened where it suddenly felt like everyone else in the room had gone away, like they were completely ignoring everybody else around them and just enjoying the moment. Of course when they realized that the spotlight was right on them again that was when they realized that they were most certainly not alone.
    "Let's hear it for the naked mistletoe couple!" Jerome said as several people began clapping and Miranda began whistling and laughing her ass off.
    As everybody was clapping and cheering for them, Chris simply took Laura by the hand and together they took a bow as the crowd went wild.
    Then the craziest thing happened where for the rest of the night they barely even thought about the fact that they were naked as they went around mingling and chatting with their friends. They couldn't go more than a few seconds without constantly looking at each other, stealing a glance before looking away before the other person realized what they were doing, but both of them realized obviously what they were doing.
    The party lasted well into the night but finally the night was winding down.
    "Well I'm really tempted to play keep away with this, but it is getting late," Miranda said as she handed them the bag containing their clothing and they got dressed.
    "Thanks for coming you guys, you really were the life of the party," Jerome said as everybody said their goodbyes and Chris and Laura went back out to the car.
    "So that was some party wasn't it," Laura said as the two of them sat down.
    "Yeah you're telling me, next time I think that we will have to read the rulebook when we go to a party like that," Chris said as they both laughed. "I just can't believe that we went along with all of that, and here we were saying we weren't going to go along with any of the craziness and let things get out of hand."
    "Well I didn't think they really got out of hand, did you?" Laura said as Chris shrugged his shoulders.
    The two of them sat there in awkward silence for a couple of moments before Chris figured that they had better be leaving. While they were at the party strangely enough it wasn't as awkward as it was now that they were together alone, both knowing that they had seen each other naked all night long and now they were just going home as though nothing had happened. Maybe they really were just still friends.
    "Well here we are," Chris said as he pulled up in front of Laura's house. He knew he should say something more but he was finding himself tongue-tied on this particular occasion.
    "Would you like to come in a minute," Laura said smiling in what he felt was a semi-devious way.
    "Sure, I think I can at least walk you to the door," Chris said as the two of them got out of the car and got into Laura's doorway as they stood there smiling at each other. "Well it was a great night and everything."
    "Chris aren't you forgetting something," Laura said as she pointed above them and that was when he noticed a mistletoe hanging over the doorway.
    Chris leaned forward and kissed Laura as she smiled before laughing.
    "What's so funny?" Chris asked feeling that he had done something stupid and made an idiot of himself.
    "You are thinking of traditional mistletoe rules, I think that after tonight we know that there is a new rule about mistletoe," Laura said as she licked her lips and began pulling Chris inside the house.
    And as Laura reached for the buttons of his shirt and began unbuttoning them he knew that this was definitely going to be the most Merry Christmas that he had ever had.


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