His Embarrassing Naked Incident at Ladies Night at the Ballpark

I knew that I wanted to write a short naked story tonight as a way of celebrating the fact that I finished my novella on a similar topic last night, but none of the ones on my list that I could think of off the top of my head was short enough, and I just sort of thought of this one off the top of my head.
I guess this was just sort of a short CFNM embarrassed nude male story, and perhaps not the most original one in the world, but there's something about the old classic stealing the talent pushing the man out of the locker room naked story that never really gets old, and it's always good to see some type of arrogant jerk find his ego diminished and his bravado humbled by women who put him into an embarrassing naked situation.
But yeah as I mentioned above the other good news is that for this holiday season I managed to write a holiday CFNM story, a 30,000 word novella that hopefully I will get around to publishing soon and I will include some of the other Christmas naked stories that I have posted in this blog as a bonus, as I do have quite a few surprisingly! The title of the novella is The Big Naked Christmas Wish: the Story of a CFNM Holiday. It is about a woman wishing on a shooting star on Christmas Eve that for just one week her boyfriend wouldn't be able to wear clothing, and of course to her amazement it ends up coming true resulting in a lot of awkward and embarrassing naked situations for her boyfriend during their vacation in Hawaii. I hope that it will be published soon. My New Year's resolution is to make more of an effort to publish what I have already finished writing as I have quite a few things for everyone to look forward to in the near future in that regard. In the meantime enjoy this short CFNM story!
I would also like to wish everybody a happy and naked new year which will hopefully be better than these last two Covid catastrophe years.

His Embarrassing Naked Incident at Ladies Night at the Ballpark
"I can't believe that they are having an all ladies night at the ballpark, don't they know that most baseball fans are dudes," Arnold said as he laughed. "Then again I can't blame the ladies for wanting to see a bunch of really attractive and physically fit men such as myself out on the field like that."
    "You know you have a mighty fine opinion of yourself ,you realize that," Alicia said as she saw Arnold standing there going on and on about his hitting average and how he was the greatest athlete known to mankind and how all of the ladies should be falling over him.
    "Why shouldn't I have a fine opinion of myself, I am one of the best baseball players out there and I'm sure that any lady would love to see me in action. I have a great body and everything like that."
    "If your body is that great then why don't you just go out there naked for Christ's sake."
    "You are funny Alicia, that's what I like about you, you have an endless sense of humor. Of course I could go out there naked, but I think that all of the women would just die of excitement if that happened."
    "Assuming you didn't die of embarrassment first."
    "What do I have to be embarrassed about, I work out, I'm physically fit, I'm pretty much an Adonis. Anyway it's time for you to leave the locker room as I don't want you to die of excitement as I get ready to go out there and hit a few fastballs."
    Alicia knew that she should leave the locker room, but she felt that somebody had to teach Arnold the meaning of the word humility, as he had no such word in his vocabulary, but he would after tonight if she had anything to say about it. Slowly and carefully as Arnold got undressed and went into his locker Alicia came and snatched his clothing away from him while he wasn't looking as he was too busy admiring his own physique.
    "Where the hell did my clothing go now?" Arnold said as he started walking over to the locker room door.
    As Arnold looked behind the locker room door that was when he felt somebody push him and the door slam shut behind him. "Hey let me back in!" Arnold said as he started pounding on the locker room door as he realized that he was naked and that now he was in the dugout. He continued pounding on the door for a few minutes until he suddenly heard an announcement coming on over the loudspeakers.
    "Well well well, it looks like we are in for a treat tonight ladies, as it seems like Arnold Petrov has decided that he was going to go out on the field completely buck naked! Let's all give him all the attention that he deserves as the ladies night baseball streaker."
    Arnold recognized the voice on the announcement, it was Alicia, she must have done this to him. But he wasn't going to let her have the last laugh.
    He swallowed deeply and walked out there onto the field and waved as all of the women began making whistling and howling noises, but as he walked up and down the field, blushing profusely, he could hear all of the women burst out into laughter, as he could see an entire stadium full of camera phones going off.
    "Well ladies I guess this really is ladies night because we are getting to see a lot of naked man ass tonight!" Alicia said. "But remember Arnold isn't shy and he wants you to take lots and lots of pictures."
    Arnold had to admit that for all of his bravado he had never been more embarrassed in his entire life. Now he was completely naked before thousands of screaming female fans, all of whom had camera phones and were saving his image for posterity. Although it swelled his ego to think that all of those women found him attractive, the fact that the majority of them were laughing meant that they knew that his confidence and bravado were all for show, and they could see clearly how uncomfortable and embarrassed he was at the moment.
    Finally he could take it no longer and started running off of the field and banging on the locker room door once more. After banging on the locker room door for several more minutes somebody finally let him in and he quickly wrapped a towel around himself went up to the announcing stand where he saw Alicia holding up his clothing.
    "So how is your confidence now?" Alicia said smiling.
    "You may think that you have won and that you have publically humiliated me, but I was so far down there they probably couldn't make out any details of my anatomy, so ultimately at the end of the day I think that your plan to humiliate me has utterly and completely failed. What do you have to say to that?"
    Alicia quickly grabbed his towel and pulled it away from him and smiled. "You're on the Jumbotron right now."
    And as Arnold stood there naked looking at his image on the screen in the stadium with his ass and genitals on display to thousands of cheering and laughing women he knew what the score was.
    He grabbed his clothing from Alicia, quickly wrapped it around himself and walked out of the room and off of the Jumbotron.
    "Arnold is an arrogant jerk, but did you really need to humiliate him that much, I think that maybe you took things a little too far in this instance," Sheila said as she shook her head. "Anyway I guess nothing else can humiliate him more than that at this point."
    Alicia smiled. "That's what I was thinking until he just walked out the door and right into the stands where all of the fans are," she said laughing as she heard Arnold pounding on the door and screaming for her to open up.
    "Are you going to let him back in?" Sheila asked.
    "Eventually," Alicia said as the two of them sat there twiddling their thumbs and smiling. "Eventually."
    And that was the moment that Arnold knew that this was going to be the longest night of his life.
    "I think that now you have definitely gone too far," Sheila said.
    Alicia laughed. "You may be right about that, but I feel no shame, Arnold on the other hand…"
    And Arnold kept on screaming louder than ever before and that was when Alicia knew, without having to check the board, just what the score was and that she had won.


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